Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 19, 1924, p. 2

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etfly 1 i 1 g attmt 3ffreg jprhg thuilrlday jtjnu id 193 1 v hlfl first oration r iiohoo an 1 ii wu lug to milko on lha platform uic ti 11 u in ilicr hud iairully taught him rui i w rl an i it fit in r twenty rehearsal had hi unl i jfcuhiiilnic runr maoher mo kind and it i hi hor u i rsrnf mcholnril had bought iho hruuef wero ions but thooplillus know them and hnfkwprd lie boasted won sun oouht go through them jit i tritoil wbun to bow mil tin i inlf irm to luavo ii riunu ufltt suylng this t kuti ru oolvo then jiumllng the box ho would graco wily g i tu rnumo lilt own scttl in the lod uhlura row ijama day 1 ahull wtunu ln u ulpit nn 1 prone h tli thought to himself j roud tho phllua iluoch 7 hut whenlt wiu tlmo for tho slogan po4ch ho loud uli um pod tho 1 oarl if thoo phllua lloech bo mhort was his breath and bo si uky hla knees ly cheeks burning up and fol randy lo freeze hu thought with auch forrlblo lymp tumu united ho d certainly die ii ho stood and jra cited l and what seemed to him most myi tarlou of all tho vary first sentenco ha cquldn t recall and mot with a scowl hi teacher sweet smile ho matched up the box be if he would break t and nhoutod a thoagh in tho school yard hera take itl thou throw nr it down far out of her roach hu ran lo his seat poor theophllus ltoch adele barney wilson mr peaslees two promises i always used to pose i woe u decent kind of olttaen caleb peaalco observed to ieacoa hyne that la to eoy i tried to liv swuaro and pay my bula and lend a hand to rds the welfare of the town and the polks in it a sundry as the aayln goes hut my wife claim dlffrent aha says i have to be thorned jnto good work j ouch fow aa i do and even then 1 thaw a grudgln spirit i dldn t realise it at all not a mite ha added uo comfortably and ive got to bwn it come on me with a little jar to hear she thought as she says she does whale alls peaale been pealerlo oo about nowf the deacon asked ln u voice of sympathy not to aax pesterln caleb replied but shea had it in her mind for a week or so back to send old mia sbedd a passel of things out of our attlo a couple of skirts and a roll of flan nel and soma other odds and ends that my wife knew abed rierver make any use of apd she flggered mis bhedd could and glad of the chance she madu a bundle of m weak or ten ten days ago and left it out on the grain chest in the bam where td be sure to see it and take it along when i was comln into the viuace some day it wan t the heft ot the bundle caleb ewutned i could lug it bandy enough with one band it was jeat the habit a man rots into- s pattln off lhng- that a out of the everyday run especially whop it ftint goltut to gain him unythln x wanted the old- lady to have the truck fast enough but i a pose deep down in tny mlod x had the lectin that if she was guun for nothing she might at least come alter u this morula when i was making rt ir tttn it m mm tpimmmnfimmiimnmiiiiiiaiimmimiiiimimiimmraii 3lp 3ftrer prb0 tyart jtnru the fifteenminute way annii llamton donnii1 i li rt vra tiny ltw lrt1 lud dohi holy h ulttlliw r m m tl n u ir mn inu li nn awful aquauln from the hens and we both run out thinkln a hawk was after em mebbe but if there he d got away before we got out there however there seemed to be most noise in the barn and round the door so we both went in apd give a look and right there on the grain cheat was that bundle the a made up moren a week agol when she saw that aha biased right out i tried to put it off idnd of and mebbe z hinted it was the old ladys port to come after the things any way she jet out so about grudsin to do ai neighborly turo it kind of jarred rno so i took the bundle with no more words and put off with it i dldn t realise how bad off the old lady was till i got to her phuje and saw tho shape ahea hi caleb said it must hae been two years or more alnoo id sot eyes on bar before and vales yduve seen her lately you wouldn t credit how bad abee crippled in her 1 ints it almost made me groan to see her tryln to glt round helptn herself with a chair or the table or wwtover come nigh for bar to put u hand on to stlddy herself for a step but continued caleb turning a hamod eye upon the deacoa do you cal late that old lady was whlnln and omplalnln over her sits and aches t because she wan tl not a single whimper did i hear out of her she vjas as cheerful as a bluejay she hobbled round with ma and showed ma her woodplla and told me how she hud ffothorod the hoft of it herself him showed me how she banwevl het house lastfnl luggln the sawdust lit two wutor pails and bar yards pick ed up clean good jush yours or mtne hyne and we re hearty men with good hands and anna and then she told me somethln that made me real ashamed heetns there s a family down below her plaoe a quarter of a mile acme shiftless folks from the city that could not make a llvln there and come to the country nkgerln that even fools knew enough to make a uvln fannln j u man and his wife and a oouple of young- ones seven or eight years pld and in eome way the mans took slok and been that way for three weeks so and what does old mis flhedd do hut hobble down there every day to do the housework and chore round lo glvo the woman a chalice to git u little sleep when khe tule roe that lyaander calob usserted soberly ldldnt only redden up in my face 1 reckon t must have blltshed ir my sou if so belve got one thinkln how 1 d held ha till hud to be futrty jawed by my wife into doln a depen ordinary errand for a woman that was doln what mis hhijil vrus dolp shamed me so j had nut a word us say hut n the way home hyne caleb concluded i made a couple of prom isus tn myself that im goln fo keep one was not to pui off doln srrands my wife wants done and the other wan to manage to have a cheerful spirit in doln for others the fust promise my wife ii help me keep but the second one 1 ve gut to rely ou myself fori word but it 1 ud lwti brewing in nil four mlndn we must ga to h unokooj in mre ti rray sal t ouc ri wo vvjllt mury yiui u jew i nhuko bunds wus mr tfwy ri ly ii had boon wultlna for ihlx u wsry while across the table two uuiily books were numm 1 d iwi mamma honest t ob unit it gxmdl from muurlcu o goody 1 from nine yom oil alun tho entire family then liu i been wnlttngr- vca we vii boardud 1 ntf tinouili x think we ve ihjoii pretty i utlent now we 11 renl u houav und 1 ii makv you three boys soma popovoret an i you can bring home your tr units uoorgo and the boys can entertain theirs sometimes why ltm nearly four yearu since we came iau and here we are in a boarding house still well it ihunt be o any longer safd mr torrey we l go lo housu keeping to morrow 1 mrs torrsy smiled leniently that is like a roan she said if wo fin i house in three weeks we shall do well she was a small woman an ulr of fragility sat gpon her becomingly her big husband adoring her without dls guise resolved to shouldor tho re ipopslblllty of moving it was six o dock the next night when the four toneys eat down at their end of the long boardinghouse lea table there was subdued jubilation in george torrey a face but he- ute his supper without dlacloelnv- tho causa of it it was not until he got into the sitting- room up stairs that he broke forth well he sold rubbing hla hands together genially ive engaged n use dldn t take me long either george1 but his wlfes tone cm caped him in bis self gratulatory mood he beamed at hie wife and the boys impartially sea i bad it all down fine inside of fifteen minute takes ma to go house hunting i hadn t been oh the car two minutes before i ran plump on it in the advertising column ln the times to be let pleasant house nine rooms sunny convenient good i fatherhood everything- there in black and white you see here s lack z said to myself but better was to fojlow i gianced out of the car window and there i was on the very street yes pretty nearly apposite the very number took me about three winks and a half to stop the car and hunt up that house it suited all right and before another ten minutes 1 d engaged it and to morrow well now impressively aotlceoble it was now impressively noticeably it was distinctly calm and clear but notice afila there was patient tolerance in that one word there wem pity kind neas affection ln tt mr torrey atop ped rubbing his hands together tjeorge you are exactly like a roan but there i suppose x knew it whon i married you but i never looked ahead to your engaging- a home for your family in fifteen minutest that proves your sex conclusively enough 1 tou never thought of closets and back yards and exposures and pantry sbel getting ones el do wo on the table wiiiti i mary aunt helen quired l oklnc ai rpfii 1 loro i pi i alio hhn slloour owij nt inwin t i nu pi or lth forty three tlmnsl im but here hpnko tht l bogln ugnln a i duy nioi on tho folluwlng 1 hi torruy s tlrod fam wus im ono i show jubilation ut the hourllnghotiu tea table the llnou uf wourlnosh trolled on unl wore lost in thn ovldepi ulutlon it i hh ukn nurtoiih th j thieo ttoyu ruetitud i opovurn in it it was imrd wirk witlt fur thn family assembly up stairs kound a auulli well w ii i in t keen us waiting mottrl mr t rry begun as soon ah i hi door qlosn 1 be hind them you vo nomu thing tij your eleeve nutdn t toll mol yes i have uha ullghud and it h u hoijsel o ucfnie nyn i vo found the ilea nut t little lined not uvorythlng exposure mid eta and drawers und ovi i ytiltit torrey depuilidud unbolu vlnsly kxposuresdruwers clol bark yards pantry shelves rfvuryil ing recited the housenndor at lust ufloi all my work well i think 1 deserve 111 of course thorn the coalbln but never mind tliitl its n darling lllllo house oood cried mr torroi heartily i ongrutulnle you mury of tourae you bound tho trtulot did what i ngaged it of course i dl 1 nothing of tho kind i dldn t decide all in a minute like that- of course i m going to aleap on it may never get a djhanoe began her husband but relented the shud own under the small womajui eyes undid him i guess it 11 still be there in thi morning u right he reassured her but she did not need reassurance i think i shall take to morrow t rest and think it over she said calm ly ljon t want to decide loo reck lessly and then day after to morrow 111 go and look it all over again ti make aure it pays to bo prudent- m m yesl muttered the imprud ent roan who required but ft floor ntlnutcs perhais sot rerhaps sol but ho rainalned privately unconvlno under a new title the washington post credits a white haired matron of that city with a- clover musical joke bbe was listen ing in company with a young roan frptir the state department to tho muslo of a pianist the soieotons were all new to the yduiur man till the wedding maroh of mendelssohn began thats familiar sold he im not strong on muslo but i know l ye heard that before what la i it the matrons syea twtnklsd with mischief that she said la he maldene prayer ing gentle sarcasm now or whether the windows faced to the south or anything my dear engaging houses is a woman a work it never occurred to me that it was necessary to say mo have cut out some advertisements in all the papers i can find and to morrow i shall make a little beginning of course it wilt take considerable time more than fifteen minutes she con cluded in a fine climax of irony but mary mr torrey was recov ering slowly jubilation had given place in hla honest countenance to surprise chagrin disappointment meek acceptance but mary i ve- engaged the bouse only a rare presence of mind tripped him up there on the verge of adding- that be had paid down a months rental to bind the trade i think i shall try the one on us comb street first and work gradually down town remarked aire torrey musingly she waa sorting over some little newspaper cuttlqga es she mused there was in her faoe and attitude the air of a general on the eve of a great campaign there waa heroism too aa of one who foresaw personal sacrifice and discomfort he sighed a little fareseelngly well 1 11 well go ahead go ahead my dearf george torrey laughed out tn the sudden relief or tenderness ha had realised suddenly whui a little thing alary was und how determined her chin was and how she tovod cum palgns women were queer but one of them waa dear go uhead und find a place wllh all tlm windows to the south and all the clasuts right thanr what i am planning dear the small woman smiled gently there is the right plaoe for u somewhere and i shall not spare time or pains tu find it u will very likely take a lot of hunting and training up und down stairs bui i shall do mywucat thus quite as suddenly as the k teen minute house had been engaged it was snuffed out of exlspunce so far the consideration of tt as u torroy- resldenoe wvnt pound a southern oxpouro yelf mr torrey asked wllh unfailing pel iteness each day when jhe little family assembled for the evening and it was becoming noticeable that tho answers lacked variety unit urlgh sllty much mm the questions nat yet was the invariable reply it had not ooourred to the deiertnln ed llttla house hunter to look at the house whhjh mr torrsy hud engaged hhe had hot given thut un instant m serious thought the very ridiculousness if the in cident rubbed it of linhirtance and made it a thing only tt be laughed ut men were such funny critutrt here ltau uhe been syatutnutliully eearohing- for a house for almost n week and a man took fifteen minute it was presently full week urn torrey was vry tired uhe nodded in her chair evenings an i her husband repented of his teasing ho made frequent resolutions to teas no more but the bantering tilths query slipped between his ihjs before hu knew it with persistent regularity haven t found uny southern exposure or northern exposure or eastern or weal em she flashed bck ibe eighth night with considerable spirit and i ve been to fortythree places its th work of a lifetime i do believe l of course there ure plaoe epuugh but just when you re trying to think one will do you open a closet door und it s too small the oloaol i mean or else you can t find any closet door where there ought to be one there was a place on cabpt hi rest that i came near deciding un till i saw the ohlruacioset and a plaoe on oh i don t know what street but it would have dona very well except for the drawers where x should keep my table elqtha i wasnt solng to fold ed the next morning but one nn excited little woman appeared at oeorge tor reys place of business why mary why my dear that gentleman exclaimed distressed ut once by the paipabla signs of trouble ive lost it george my lovely little house look out of tho window don t look at mo or 1 shall cry its all to do over again all all there there ho soothed her tell me a11 about it and mary grown suddenly weak totd all some one bad engaged tt already it wosn t to be let at all 1 ut the chu 1 dldn t know i supposa i gat ray slips mixed and there woron t any dutes anyway the cblldt hilpst dateat had househunting gone to her brain t o dear yes how stupid you urut can t you understand t the news paper slips i cut out tliatnmo must have been a weak or two old thn woman said some one engaged tho house a while ago and she forgot to tell the child she was awuy and shu o dear the woman was away und the child showed me over the plana and never knew it was engaged al ready and o oeorge well board tl i never can begin again unnuln hrhilow mary m i wore i it wuu a upeclal iroat our d i y arc l fuiihfulrnjiui in luuti ibv j irli r all thn week what does make lha ctiild like lo go thnm no mucht aunl holm aukn 1 imntttlontly of fourse hie irstown ure nice em ugt but uvey nro urn po ir us they tan de i an t imaglnn vrlm the fascination is mury s mother amllnd i ran tell you she nnnwcrt bin suys that she always has the lovellns tlm i bocauao mrs urlsu w lulu hi holp ltesslo wash the dishes x course she could wash them at hoin any duy 1 imagine maggie woul 1 havo no objections but as she says thai f different it is ihu charm of beli tuk i uil hie home life und not being rnu i mpuny or that eho foe in an 1 f my pun i am gla i o have my llltln girl i am so early tla wxro i f tl fl licit hospitality thai which ofttru th hom itself to the friend it would lienor muking the hospitality a mat trr ntmosphoro ratllir that of cert mony hurh hospitality always noomi to me the highest compliment that on cjin tluy a guest when iho fumouw mrs jrant f lug gun forvso many years nnu of tt o most noted ngures in edinburgh tiuty wus u girl shu uld a visit l noma rutlns ut ierth in a lotti r to u friend uflcrwarda she leclurtt 1 thfl hor houtcases worn t civil ui let us alone too doair ous of entertaining to hold th ir tongues a minute too observant to let us look serious without nek lng why wo wem so dull ur out of the window without taxing us with t elng weuvli 1 of thorn in short wo did not get our elbows on tho tea table while wo stayed there ure mopy ways of honoring the friend whom ono has welcomed to ones home and no guest can fall to appreciate the kindness of thought which makes plans for his constant entertainment but it must not o forgotten that the flnoet hospitality is never insistent nover officious offer ing the guest the freedom of tho homo if is careful not to restrict his liberty a visit la which one never gat m ones elbow on the tuble is sure lo bo a weariness to both host and gurst an honest man war t pjii w g bouse like that never thero yrs the loveliest set of drawers for table linen and the back plaxxa and tto perfectly splendid great closet bbr enough to sleep in und hooks every where r mary you take the next car horne and go to bed don t get up till come then wo 11 go round lo that that little place i sr hunted up you know it belongs lo me for a good fortnight yet 1 dldn t let on to you but i paid a month s rent down may be yeull think its better than board ins anyhow cheer up well mass ure for carpets and things und have a fine time buying them you ve got to let mo run things now you re all done up yes yea she murmured meekly you can do anything you please george anything the right has all gone out of me i m ready to board or keep house anywhere its a pretty good little place now i tell you he bustled cheerfully got ting hor under way for her car don you do any more worrying xcav thfags to ma i they went together that afternoon she was still too worn und dlscour oged even after her hours of raal to tako much notice of directions or streets but allowed herself to be led iamb like by the cheerful oeorge she kept remembering on the way raoi and more charms of the lovely house ho bad found and lost- wo cpuld almost huvo kept house n that closet sho lumented and o gojurgu ilorrey tho parlor muntelt never mind nuver mliidl said- oeorge with splendid courage just wait till you son my house here we ure and lamenting still she suffer- 1 relf tu be led in the rooms were bare but full of cosy possibilities in iho one thoy ahtered first lay bars of red gold sun light from the illuminated west mrs torrey gaxed about hor llsuoasly q sorgo tho ibhiftbsness suddenly took ewlfi wings ueorgot oh wait a minute wult right here 1 ii be buck in a moment fills hurried from ro m to room came hurrying back bh was laugh ing radiantly sheepishly qeorgot oeorge i she cried its my housu my lovely little house do you sup posu 1 don t know the jiarlor man til and the ooul bin und the ulosot recognise owrythlug now its durllng little house no such tiling he rotor tod discovered this house tnysvlf it ti me less than fifteen mlputes and me two waiksl oeorgo i give up houee hunting is u ruin s work i might have been making popovcm here this vary minute an incident which exhibits do sterling integrity man who caul 1 wlthstandoie temptations of wealth rather tharrdo the smallest act of in justice is told in mr h m chitten den e history of steamboat nuvlgu tton on tho missouri luver thu principal actor waa one of the ear settlers of st- louis a mr labargr- who bad purchased a small tract r land for which he paid twenty five dollars land was then of very llttla vsluu and transfers were often made with out deed and with no more formality than in exchanging cattle or horses in this way mr lakarge traded his land on what is now cedar street st louts to chaurin lebeau for u horse ing years afterward whan these transactions were- almost forgotten and the property had become very valuablo a lawyer presented himself to the old gentleman und asked him if he had ever owned any land on cedar street- mr lallarga replied in the affirmative and described its lo cailty the lawyer then asked him when and how ho disposed of it h could not at first recall but mrs 1 barge remembered tho circumstances id re luted them to the lawyer at the same time remarking to her tiusbaji i thut thut was the way they gut their horse to wet themselves up on the farm with the lawyer then assured mr lu- lluryp that ho title to this property he did hi6 best wt ut iun i i j n w n li g uutt til ml is tin f thin i fr li j ll is t i ii 1 u rj ton t uo i 41 po m jm lnt it was clear wuu fn in the i uli ho stootl j u i ui ui i t th lop i 1 o f a inu trust i ii i in li i hj n r i 1 1 tl i i in i nl un i mil k i hi hi wu tl i u iiiutlurx i it muy i v ull rlifht i u pox hut i nlkhta will tnl liu ir mhoi ttio utrtxit 1 u nhed his way ir to tho trust mil ui y nlt1ies an 1 ill 1 onrhoil tin no irtnl win 1 t uss plulo nvor it wus in uf iii iw the n i now an unln well aaktxl the inun to hind th window wllliuut 1 ok it if up s m his lu igor wu al dmwlvd lb llnr h may he ull right und n rroct f ru urnu bnt whllo i wus looklntr ov r tho 1 u kkeopor ii fix tl it fl 1 iu third window to tho i tl afti r nllitl l lieu it itlon ihu i i u from the touiitry m in libl vuy ov i to tho 1 ikkiuiwm win 1 iw woll ulr what can wo lift yout l m mi i i th i oikk i r n itlilng i li know w 1 y thy nj t mu ovor 1 yoi 1 uln t inft y tic mint ho ir i wus just w nl ring if you imiienoil to knowy inft nnution ditpurtmunt said tho 1 nkkei per i run piely mxt window t i the right thn coitntrym m murli 1 t say si mottling but tho hookk oi i but ru uumixi liis writing so the ruinixr walk el over to lm nf rmutlmi window say iw opunnd up without valt ing fen- unlnvltut n vou folkit nao n t ihii ii sity i just wunl i 1 lull y ur old company that their complaint dopartment lost win dow nar grotvlel iho clerk aiu t nonol kinnpi ed the country mun i ju i w mited to say to your ol i company thut it hi poars lo me an luw llilr i ull hug is hit im g t nu further i irol flrol 11 ml tiitni tho cry fixm all purls of tho building instantly everything he- cam i uatlu updf c nfuslon humpht grunted the dlagustod countryman us he followed the crowd 6ut theyd u known it half an hour ago if thoy d only listened to me still vested in him and that could hold it against all comers for there was absolutely no record of the conveyance ln existence the oldeimtlemifn with a look of indignation asked the lawyer tr ho took him for u thief i traded that land said he to chaurin lebeau for a horse which was worth mora to me than the und wus i shall stand by the bargain now ir chaurin lebeau s heirs have no title tell them to come to me an will make them a deed before i die britains ablest kino sir co nan doylt ono of tho fore most lltarury men of britain enter tains a very high opinion of tho mmitai superiority of king uoorgo following are sir conanu words of heurty ap preciation of his ability oeorgb v in my oplnon is the biggest nnd strongest man mentally who uvor ascended the throne of hng- lund 1 1ml love he has a greater famhlai lty with tho mcd und resources of th british cnplre thunurry man in eng land ho has ull thu gracious quail ties that nndnarod his father tp th people und on the human aide he quite as much intereeted in iho things thut intenst tho uvuruge man as his fauini ex cup t that thoy an of dlrferent chuructor he is not um rond of the turf ixm tho lute king but lu the manly uto uf sport hu is one of the most sportsman i mon ln the kingdom ho is one wo or throo best shots in england for ono thing a month before the death of king edward lord i tnjebarry gave a dinner ut which ubout forty men represent a tlve of the highest deportments of poll ileal anil urtlstio life were invited it meat oeorge v lhn prince of wuloa his itoyal hlkhness rose at tho t n elusion of his dinner und spoke from ton to fifteen mlnutew in which brief tlmo ho ahownd a duop and dotal led knowledge of uch guest a partlcufnr line of work it wuu u murvolous ex hlhltlon of artistic und i radical know ledge qettinq even with martin martin hi bhs win u niun f un cr tuln temper i ut of nqoli lint r inr in his i ntlvo i wit ihul tin im h if his t ngun wnii horm with i nth ner by those to win tn h gru iglngly ml inlnmit in his rn uf lilos i f otn m plumber and junit r f tin- i wn lyill in the dourso nr tiln diillci uji juni tor lie reduced almi nl l the v rgi f tours a young wornun who asked for the key of s room in the t wu hall where cerfuln reoonls worn kept martin know that sho wus writing the history of the itrwn tut h dll not proikiso to strevr her ulb with roses lockln and untokln tin giumhlo1 as ho begun fumbling in his i ckntu poller in and puttorln fuanln un i fidget in and what does it amount k when nils said nn donot anyboly unl ye to wrlto a hlstry whoa uttolhg to read it t hero a your key an i mind you retch it bark urtll luy ll on thut table if im not hor th town usbnsor wus nt wi rk vthfirn he heartl tills ungrutl ius u 1 irons and whnn tho young woman r tumnt the key hi said tn ifgnuntly martin outdid hlmseu in i u lem su this morning i about 1 way o wult said the young historian ho- folt a llttla cr mid hud grumble thutw ull never you mind said the uummnor cheerfully i m going tu muka out his tax hill to day nnd i uhall uaseah him for seven rnnre toons j hlicceas leads to satisfaction j w kennedy son 1lumhing heating rinsmithing tho success of work jn stores of homes and rusincss places n acton is a cuarnntco thai we arc in a position lo assure you satis faction we will appreclatr your order l will execute it with iromptitubp main street acton internal and external pains are promptly relieved by ob thomas eclectric ol i thatrr mas bun bold son nejuv rtrrv vtas hf tov a ohratcr bcllch tmafrwb at pains by m a iuxorious car at a moderate price i an effective qao a doorstop where a door in likely to upon against u wall much damage is often cause by the handle all uttraallva little doorstop cuti bo made from su umpty spool choose ruthur a large one and then around li wind u strip of felt or coth colored to ntatih the carpet allow enough of the material to muka u soft iuid und finally wind iltubiy colonkl cord tu keep the cloth in plats fj in poslllon with a long thin screw which will pans down the uvntra uf the uttool into the door an obedient boy did you deliver tny message tu mf ucnlthf asked th merchant who hud sunt his office boy an an errund nu sir he was out und the office s looked up well why dldn t you wait for him as i told yuur thd practical boy had hla reason ready there was a notice up the door say them again and the boys roots in ing lleturn ut once so i mime back oouee wasitoo wnuul nd q enlw aulok am i could overtaken by calamity during u period of agricultural de presslon in the west almost all the farms in a northern county of mlohl gan were under mortgage at one farm soys the chicago journal a man who was in the neighborhood on bust ness found the owner looking partlcu lurly troubled what a tho mattert he asked sym pathetically cant you rulsu sour mortgage interest 7 its worse than that mister re plied the other wearily crops u failure t mope sickness or douth in the family t worse than that then it must be tt calamity in deed you dldn l lose family und home by a forest rirer nope but you are right about li being a calamity i ve been trying to think of the word for two hours past yes sir you uin put it down as awfully calamity well but what is itr cant you telir yes there was u mortgage on furm and i was feeling as big as any uf my friends und taking things easy whon my wife got u legacy of hundrel dollars ut ranger oan you guess what she did with that money t she dldn t lose itr no sir uhe jeat paid that mort gage bought twohosses and plow utid this morning i wus bounced out of my own cabin because 1 wouldn t peel off my coat and gu to workr yos air you are right it s a calamity a calamity that landed me on the out side and between my pride nnt het spunk somebody u be eat ins gross be fore haturduy night auesq again thbprnpur gruayor niuhbtind is man but no one who roads the fot lowing story would care to dany that there is something la be so id on tho sidti of the elective system the suyy wus a f vorlle reminiscence of u form er merchant of nowjfjrk now dead was once bn a guvnijig trip with some of my friend he used to say nnd in a field close to the house where wo slej i u donkey was postured the animal kept us awake with his bray ing my friends o what thy would could nol put a mop to his noise i hapi oned to know u great denl about donkeys thoy abound in my uatlve provtucn of i oson uo i aa i tp my friends i can stop tho unlmajs nobio wo thut lo night ho won t bray they did nut believe mo but that evening t routed iho donkey for bin complaint he wus w i ion i ull night the next morning my ftlends said they wuntod to hoo tlia donkey then they would b convinced they exiectei to find him d4ad thoy found him alive a sloiui wus tied lo his lull thut all thoy could nut understand how he had bean kept from braying and they utfked tne to explain it lu perfectly sinii lo said i to uny onu who bus studied ula donkey an animal novur brays without raising his full to ihe luval of fhls body bo long- as it hangu dawn he will not make ft sound my heavy stone them fore served the purpose of a gag low in cost and upkeep yet elegant and comfortable new in every particular yet strictly mclanghlin- buick in character the 1924 mclaughlinbnick master four five passenger sedan fully exemplifies mclaughlinbuicks policy of building greater satisfac tion into its cars with each succeeding year sioderately priced everything that could be asked for is present fine appearance comfort power it3 new fisherbuilt body new frame fenders and radiator radiator fiher- cap- aluminum runningboards bumper its powerful aflfe da aboot um gmac plan of de ferred pmy- mclaughjinbnick vatv motor its sturdy proved fourwheel brakes all contribute to that greater measure of utility that the world has come to expect in canadas standard car fisher king representatives for this district georgetown ont mslaughlinbuick results all ull lawyer tells in the lirooklyi ugle this story of one uf his exju rl ences years ugo in cross examination the witness seemed to ho disposed to dudge his rjuestlon pir said the lawyer sternly you need hot stute your impressions w want the fuots we ure corn detent tu form our own lmpraon now sir umawer mo uutegorcully lroin thut time on he ooulrt grt little mors llisn yn and no out of the witness iresontly the luwyor suldi yut eay you live next door to thu defendants yes j to tltt north of him no v to the- south t no well to tho wot thenr no t ah suld the lawyer usrcusticatly we are likely st isst lo get down to the one real fact you tlve tu he east f him do you no how is that slrt the astonuhod attorney usked you hay you live tt door to him yet he my neither tho uurth south east our west f you whut do yog mean by that sirr- t thought perhaps ynu were com petent tu form the impression that we live in a ftay sard the witness calmly but i see i must inform you that tie lives next door above m- lbook passage nowi magnetic europe ia at tracting touriita from the whole world in record breaking vol ume this yer to be able to go when you bad planned at th time best suited to your convenience is half tfag pleasure of tn trip make your travelling arrangement now th emfortsbis way th canacuanpaclflc way asss be aasuxed of voyage of supreme pleasure either xrpprcsa or s4aap- clase cabin service far full parhaukir osjv looajagmnt m x tl with little effort the fact is that a newspaper goes into muny homes without a particle of effort- of the man who advertises in it the merchant must pay for the bpace he uses and write the advertisement that fills the space hut having done thiu all the rent of the matter of getting thin message of the town dealer distrihuteel is the hminesx of the newspaper publisher the loeal news paper renders locul iiierehants a wonder ful service and this at an absurdly small cost are you using this easy method of selling your goodbv i sssrir 1 1 k your name before the public n stiit8tils i rs

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