Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 19, 1924, p. 3

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is it i i 3br artntt 3xtt jlrraa n mid umml llllt jwhlt 1 iiulll it l w n j rui it iho in f iiitu uniui mid far i imiim ilultitlvol ii- nay ittlt in iliu tin l ikw lying bur tli eiitiw wuils tor its prey in iiliulliiwii decked with light and uhudo rim miiikii1im its wins an i in immi hufy forrt fringed glade 1 ik hwkiviiiimi llunot slug fcvhei al mjullllu fon tho wood bt no ug iho tortuous woy in tjiit lichen clad fonoe row tliu tanking chipmunk plays in timid yet ulort despatch ihwu to tlu rivers brink i ioiii out u tangled brier patch a rabbit steal to drink and muny a ijrcflmor n green bull iilow in the faint broeso awyii above clear pools whose depths recall a joy f boyhood day tho smell of mint blows frnjsb and wmt a down tho rwcfa way and sweeter yet tho sense to greet tho uracil of nowmown hoy fa till onward a llfos checkered day- in hludow and in mn twin held and fallow devious ways tho road and rlwr run 0 fair and peaceful river roodl o culm slowmoving htrcaml 1 lore burdened hearts may cast i heir load and wcurlod soula may dream 1ur i could wish no greater boon than ilka ibis restful scene to have my life morn eve and noon as tranquil and serene henry cleveland wood mysteries revealed to a rcportlr upfj jlir tlml i ii r evolve it nmciu it lookotuuinttii tin fourth story wl wus nlltlim it wus viilik it introducing a lecturer on lluuu lugllih iiitli m will ill i h linn mil in tin lui i li in ml in in i i hat of li lllln m tlm h iiitlhlpu 11 h i hi ohllh kllnll vlulkf it l riches of contentment ullido lug fr m i opposite nilikht hln i wui provided wllh it blind hut lh hrtthr to i loio tl ii iii i iii unlit hi hi lodo the ohaei nnn plain hi ii the early settlers humble home who with uir u spark of pride while the hush la wild and wltlr would be but u hangee oh lfnncinf favprji from u throne while beneath yon smiling sun farms by lalor mn lw won upl lo stirring bo ullvc get upon a farm and thrive ilea a king upon u thrum who haa acres of his own walls tue qirl and the prince in 1bgq louis napoleon who had re oeiilly bojt elected president of the kvncb hep u bile paid a visit to nor mandy and wan announced to paoi through 8alntor qrai preparation warn mado to receive him and tbe mayor of the city uonolaur dubois wan of necessity at the head of af fair hi wife meanwhile regarded napoleon a a usurper and looked upon tho triumphal arches the crown and tho garland with little uttcmift to conceal hor displeasure still she ww in on uncomfortable a trait she full a pride in bar native city li gratified her to e bar huband rid- in v in fuu uniform in advance of itlnco napoleon be could not be in different to the fact that her daughter had attracted the notice or tho prince but a far a possible she closed her ear and aftdctod lodiaerenco her duushtr who afterward became mmlamo octave iteulllet ba lven an entertaiulns description of her own experltmces in connection with the ktand fate my mother and 1 went to tho prefec- turu lu now from the terrace the ar rival of thvlrlnc the earden were rull of ladle all in their moat elecant costumes about threat oclock the boom of a cannon made u aware that tho irldco was approachlns then came the soundor distant music and shoutings the procession was on it way our eyes were fastened on the street and by apd by the prince en horse back came into lht- about him wore my father the prefect and start officers cubli what of that if i wliat ulthnush iuur buck is there are nnna to llounil fpf what tho you must chop and p nena dare ask what doaa iho what tho homeaputi tut your ct klnss may nvy you your lot up ba mtlrrlnir liv ullvn jet upon u farm llirlvel has a klnc uimu u tlirono whuhiui am n vt ills own i uld t pi iilow i irk the prince id military dress ad vanced majestically he looked younc thoush he wa slbxhtly bowed ill countenance was pale and expression less like a mask but when be passed under the wall on which we wen grouped 1m lifted his eyes smiled and received most sradously the bouquet which we rained on hi head everybody leaned forward shouted and waved hands it wo as wild a the rest and all at once i heard my own voice above all the others cry in vive napoleon at the same in stant i felt a sharp pain in my cheek an invisible hand had struck me i understood it all when i turned round there stood my mother i had left her in an obscure corner of the garden where she had vowed t remain durin tho princes triumphal entry and now there she stood pale and rlyld like a statue of vensjeanoe too much enthusiasm she said to roe bitterly and seisin me by the arm she dranred me homeward the house was deserted every one was at the fete i shut myself in my chamber and bumlns tears ran from my eyes when i looked in the sjlass and saw the red mark still on my cheek i wept tilt evening- force tdns the ball my pretty costume and the lovely bouquet which was ready for me at nlirhtfull my father came home and nilsnlnb tno oimt and knocked at my door i told him i had a headache and should not coroo down to dinner i wan tod to hide my rod eye from hlni for i knew ho would scold my mot per i had to dress with their welaht on my heart when my mother put the flowers in my hair her hands trembled her heart was us heavy a my own i wish you to be happy this vn- i lift she said us she kissed me but flv not your heart to a stranxer 1 promised and arm in arm wo set out for the ball who n thu ivinoa entered i advanced toward him and ulvlnif him my bou huot mudv the little speech with which 1 hud been charred he look tlowtira lliunked m cojlud them charm i nit and that was all a took his place for the dance there were reimtatud cries of vivo napoleon but tbfs lime it was no credit to me thut i remained silent my mi thus loam was a ultl- chilled hint after all 1 had suffered for htm durlnjf the day be should have rictved mo so coolly 1 daimed the uudrtha uf honor with my hand in that of the itlnce and this mihuutod m not wltbs land lii hls yruy yu hud looked so indiffer ently ujmiii my elifhldon yvarm thu mxt nioriiltitf he wus ready to litve the jtly he said to my father f ahould ilka in shake liuml with your da u liter bofur i sjo- pleaae send for hor boiun ui came fur me in ttusle when i arrived ths prince was ul- rsady a tt i lln into his iarrlab i was blushing uml irerobllnif with every one looking- nl ma mudemulsulle said the lattice as he took my hand you gave me yes terday a charming bouquet i return omtuy oitu of it flowers as he spoke ho bunded me a spray of dliimund llllus with leaves of green enuliiol lying in a rum of white satin my jny wus so great that i cainu nun lompromlulng anew th iolitlis of my inollief aht tho twautiful diamonds l 1 cried itiuiik you monslgnour thank you i v the rrtnea looked at me and smiled the utrrlago siurtod he turned his ttead minln und made me a sign with hi hand your hupplnosm gives me plsaaure ho said ah this surrtced to make me forget my mothers hand on my cheejt honest lulmr th thou urt fur too khl hucb gentility u fuilgu truo men all mum toll uud drudge natures true nubility scorns ouch mwk gentility pool but talk ut blood und birth kv ry man muat prove his vrorttu upl b utlriflng lu ullvu get uton a uarm and thrlvot lies u king ttwn a throne who ha 4cra of his own aloxandur mclichlaii i nnd that my frlvtid und fornn r rollowcltlxon hnro in this communlty- ity major larhlan urunt of georgu- town enjoys roculliiig vvenbi und conditions of thu iurly days just us welt us i do it ia a puusure from time to tlmo to ropuut to thu readers of those columns iho unnulu of uurly history which liu u pluusod to write for thw ueurgetuwn lltruld a little while uld hu loutrllutd tlm following unit us it ri fi rs to niiittitfs uf thu rur buck tlliiih in tliiu limolld nd in various ml nut of hi towimlill i deem it of auiuclunt intcniut lo wur rant reproducing here the uujor says in bis urt wit with settlers such as tliui iufrrhl to in alexander mcluchlun s poem t work this ery community thu country grew very tost- the mulu outlet fur this section was by tho seventh lln to oakvlllo to gut tho bouts a com pany got tt ouvornmtint churtlr to piit this road in good order und put up toll gates for the upkeep und whllo that system lasted the sovinth hue was a good road to acoommodutu tho trultlc it re quired in lauuslng tlu following taverns ilaluiiafud 3 allvor crvek i on the no 17 cniusroud i oppoidto col brown s 1 stowurttown j ashgrove 1 or 2 hornby j or 3 titid so to oak- vllle 27 in 3 milts of thu unventli line the other outlet was lulled thu toronto and uuelph road that through acton jnorgoiuwn norvul and btrootsville u dumlus titrwet und toronto in ts5o cl oils roud i made of plank from georgetown streetaville and wus good for u very short tlmo in ihg6 our fumlly moved from qlenwllllam to streets v i llo und although we were on top of the load of household effects in mu tho mud and water would splosh on us lumber wa very cheap but iho plunk road was- abandoned and tho people hud to to tho good uld cluy and they stuck to one another until tho udvent of the present good roads system in 1h50s1 the most itniortunt event tbe history or tht country took place the commencement of lha build ing of the uruud trunk itullway it was completed und open for traftlo la the spring uf 1866 i will now glvo you some tdou of what u tjutngo it made in some pluies at tltut time there was no post ottlcr in thu oleii or georgetown wn hud to go from the clluu culoit mllum to hte war town fur our u it rs from the old country wlildniunl n hhllling a tor ling no stumps in iltouo llimu ijongr before thut ittero wsttpost oltlco und considerable trudu in norvul hen culled mnubtvill in 18c in cunveraulloii with thu tlist settler in dublin just kelow ait the into thomas aibbons he told m he compluted his outllt in norvul slating of u bug- uf bread an uu and a jug mude the journey on v acton und ut to work to uutubllah colony and u tml old li lah aetl men it was retulultiu uuiliy of thu customs rolluloun sotlul eti i t sieuk from xitriuiiu wliat it was tc attend tho iwiurlnlt bee uttd thu luttlim winding up with iwfroshineiks uml dancing all this wllv tho urt uuus lees the dultllim tlifi llbbon utt i th cullig an inltiut ion wus in ihtkreu iulkly luriul out lils own llcht lost it should tillrut th uttintlin of some uuboiuiih tmmlur of tlm lotlm und watched the nt ndingu ho law a i unllilulu bllndf 1iim wth i uml vi hi i n unit in hlu stocking fot inuriltlng tlm room in iwnnn two uthli i ui roniluiitorh ui h holding him by u firn tin the arm two man wnlkid it short distune uhoud of hint drugging flp of cur tint over the floor tin v utuppi d now und 1 1 in n iiul ulliwid thu mull date to stup on ihu utflti whou tljey luutuntly jnrked it out from und c hlu feet neurly throwing him down his conductors promptly jnrked him up again and the nroofhslun continued la move tho oirileu being vurlod by occasionally hanging the blind folded man with what upland to bu bladders mini with uir u bo lit thu houd this portion of the icremony over tho victim wuu led up to u utml about throe fi it high in tho ootitru of the room aauiatnd to mount it und at a signal wau pushed over into u large blanket hold at tho rornors by uli or eight stout mim who instantly tossed him up in th air jtnd ropeutod tho litrformancu till thuy wore tirod at ouch uplift the ciuididuto appear ed ii hit th culling and his gyrutlo antt diiapcruto efforts to uuvo hlmsolf couvulsod the unsuspected watcher with laughter hh it probably thren in the lodge room at tbe lomluxlon of the blanket tossing tho uuforlunulii v in tlm wu allowed to urray himself in his cust omury garb und was conducted to tin chair of the presiding ojllci r when presumably ho was hintruulod orally in thd aecret work ot the order ant the ceremony lost its inter at fur tin outside olissrvflr those dotal in with upproprialu 111 uatratlons were published in thu hun day paper u few duys lutu und tli sluts in thut hkdgi room wo left pon akslu ii h hid bui ii ullottid tn i lwnirtlwvi r wus r iiuon uu upoke n hi ut ti vll i uk yotn irt to nuuw n oiutiiruiuo which ird ii i mul aiorfi flm ustkutii tho n jiiga din d toltliu iiddlni wus plncol o to htull lull l to tl titrunui r do yuu no tlh i uti h tuy truln hi iiruilhslon bofuru i for your lonnldorut uiid i i iil i f ilk lll oh ridd of inn don t lu tlm do uud thi li two giving prlutlng it y i m nd my tnul ut th jiblin point und luniitlly o loul purtlc piuln c v in to tlm mtti plutidi an lngllshniiiii it temper tunr wus lnvllu 1 to upruk ubatliiuiiue doing iluhody in lur hu wiiii pluied lust on the list of spuiiknru iho chairman ulso in tin vim ed o vm ul hpiukirh whose uumon wire not on th hut und tlm uudlence were llrud out whin ho said mr iluiloy will now glvo us hlu address my ud irons said mr hal ley ris ing is 4t iviughborough iurk drlx- tim houd utid i wish yuu ull uuoil night did his debt the spirit of hospitality in the hill c glnla a tourist trip on horseback hulled before a log houn with h hi i first tukeu to bu it htuble a man was sou tod on u log iivur thi an emaciated tnulu stoud with lt half wuy inside thi window n of smoke ihmuihi from th tut down chimne tbi toyrlst mud inquiry rthern vjr king a long vrnlii the mountitlfi roudi point of asking if hu louhl got u inruj for himsalf and tho horso when lhi r thu spunty huld strungir mighty well to invito yu tu dinner but 1 rwckon ye woulln i rel- ish cold hou cuke und grouns tho stranger was about to say thut iy thing would be uccupluble when ie old man continued m uk fep hurau o yq but my old mule tin mighty flno to koup fall tho stranger axpluluod thut be would bo glad tn pay for unythlng that oould be obtained tuln t thut returned lliu other reproachfully vo dun t think 1 d tuke anything from u guest out well tho fuel is we uln t gutting on us well as we tnlthl lutuly the old wu- numi down with rhoumutis und hal she s- wr thu hldgo for u spoil und things uln t just reudy for lompanv as ye might say it wus easy to soe thut prldo was putting the best face pouslblo upon u pinching poverty tho rldor gathered up bjs rem and making light of his need tendered u cigar that touched tho old mu turned the gift over and over up and down the road from thu rider to the house then bark to the rider again then ha uolxed thu mans bootlog and exclaimed stranger im poor and a wuy down ill own upl i can t feed yo nor warm ys nor gin ye so much us a whiff o smoke but if ye don t git down urtuit that horse and uum over to thu spring and have soma water with me 1 ii ever forgive yu on thu ulrthl tho it bu unco of tho regular society reporter the drumutto tritlo was di ullid to write up ii wedding 111 k tho best 1 run ho mild but i feel uije i ahull make u ixitth of it thin h whut ho lurnou in omitting tho priilhulnnry tumurku iiboul tho himji of ihtiupduycorhd uiotlctliiy in bu ginning the jiofornuinco lluriniido in lh rolo ot th i brldigroom uedd the purl in it tlff lluuuus mini n cr ho hus u good stugo pnsunco hut inuid thu i lt i by u to tut luck of uiilniutlon und un at mol inuudllilu voice miss jones us th brldn wus mm 1 mum effective hor routumu wus lw wlldi ring yet true to life if one mu venture to critlclso her wfturt to uvir- luron her obvious ulugn fright wus u trlllo loo evident bho was in good voice howuvor und hut onuuclutlon wus luur and distinct confeitseil that both miss jones nnd mr hu llclunt lit thitir hues promptod ulmoat cm llov julie himpson oinchtllug clurgymun the utur of the purfur sidu und hi isluiitly d ti bo iho ih olly marriage magic though ittirbuiik tm with vikeluhhis u u mumt admit tin i is to i him bout iv hi n h uud moil itoforo ou ure ii w la iiun by nn rely i turmd them into i tlklng peul llfty dollars for tho thing foi herself uud it tuhurin an fliih will bit i the rout did not look right tho inklllgattt rompomltor onimf llw ilud th a llgureti in muny mi uiiocdote vorknd on un vrkunsus iupi r ut u orlih wlu n u well known novelist vim i dltnr on day the printer in li rtook to sot up iho word dough ut hu sin lb 1 it donut koo hire huld tho novelist dun i ou know how to mpell doughnut 7 foil ve uolld it hero thu lnt ihgont compositor cumo vor uud guaud ut tho proof und rrulrti hlu tit nd in pirploxlty will ho udiiilttd thut doesii t ok hght but it hud a w in it once ud uomohow thut dl lit t look right wo liars an irlxh uoldl i in an atimiuutt tgl- ii nt wi nt to ids i olnnnl uud usked iuvo to go hul uttd hlp his wife ith hi r mining i uunliig i don t like to iifusji you murphy uld thu otiiinuiidlug oincor but as inuttki of fit i vo just hud a letter mm iotir wife wuy log thut you ore o hulp tu hut with thu spring clean ng njid asking iiiu not to give you thi hlnn ualutrd and turnod to go it thu door ho stoppml turned und mnitrkod ciifnnu tin r ur two whooping lurs in this r gimunt und i m one f tin m i in not murrlod ibal liniment get far more wear from dainty garments ntr rrepo nckly ordinal y ire wear from the sheerest iwn liy laundrritig thrm this it isnt hrrauae tlicy re so rajtilc that y garincnis fmc ailks and laces wrjr out p ii a the injunoui things contained m laundry soapi r von can ct far n clsinllrat things you way ue mowy white crinkly iaimoi ivl prim qss soap i i akls nilliuik but purest aoap a krcjt mim of mid that icctitly dn ulvcs all dirt and rnil mil never tujiurt llic filmiest jhric and i anything ll really brightens sod renews delicate colors ilrinp pure soap nothing cljr- aud clean more thoroughly actually economical for uk in the clnue for all laundering jpd for all liuuarhoh purposes in fact your dealer has thrut in handy ope pound pack- arca io get bomewtf only to try today the palm olive company of canada umltsj cthey jo farther 1 hut nukri them ncess s mads t canada twftnt silks or coarst uooxsmr i stops bleeding at once prevents blcod poisoning removes all inflammation tho douluys the the lambs huns the mulhollui kaleys the o lhinugli trucys and us kind huuitvd u pmpld id he j ust get iiuok homo ubuii that was ulwuys u fulling of tiilnu u in u i gut in ugrccubln rouitutliy 1 would forget lhfs the yur iho i it w ui aiund lha impuluhon of hopil uf tho placus utound luro was us fullnv4 tjeoigotown 1 0 norvul su llati 350 acton luu itullliiufud 100 htowurttuwii 3uj hllvut truck i ll straetsvllle 500 itiuinploii j oou ashgnvu ttl irhi jou you will hup with tun thut mujor thuiit will giv ho 11 10 uioio of his uldlimuulurus whllo 1 huva over tho sumo ground wih my rnmiiiisoeucvw ho tells thuiu lu u dlffm wuy uml hut llttlo liitldviils add he luluresl vmii fnt to th t green tea imports larger that ka 1 on tea thuu htutlatks from lltuhn 1913 q3 917 lmiunds iihi ro brought into lull und dou tin uui 1133 the rouson given ik thut thu quality tlieun luus of indian und ceyluu have displaced the inferior japan and china qreons wlili h duo to their low price were imported huavujl some year ago baladu tea company i the largest imjiortar of india and ceylon ureen tea a quail and her chicks i wo out huntltu one duy lu tlio uurly summer wrilos u corrvspondout hen nilddutily a quull tluw out troui inder my fot uud tluitend ulotjg uhuuu of iue wnthtgly with a- broksu wing t wan not to ho led into any n belief however und began look- fur tho nust whlnh was soon found nlleil to the brftn with thlrteun eggs another stop und it would have been wreckod as i stooped to uxamlno it t thought i heard u slight nolso utid placing my our ciohv to tho iiuatj iwiis curtain thut 1 could doluct u rulnt 1 hlrp i thought if i wutched i might suddenly seo something inloresting i hud hot long to wult huddmly it ttinull bill wns thrust through one of th ggs then the slioll cruckud utid with u vigorous kirk and a duuhlo womirnuult out roll rd whut soainnd to bu u small hunch of unimulod foatbors ubout tilt inch hi diui olo it looked imi u if got ling us uy ut onra it uwuku to th okpo tod tu tin thur wus hhutit this 1 ii hurutipoil sot up il for a ihui t tlnio opin than ill fuut thut it hud hoillltllllg thut iluuu yuungstui iplrltid chlip lug lty this tlmo three or four uf ifs hud omstged froi thilr shells un chirping llku th tho i1l bl thuy hud ull begu mtouu rull tlmo but whiin little ones whli h in their hbolls si itlid took liossussh reuvb of luy uim d hor hut 1 hud goltlruf coming all th rd the crles of she hud hjff sotluru o wul kid boldly up 11 of tho neat within i muvod my huiid did hot risu only sproudliig hor wings and lowering h hurtd miu h bruvory diiorvis respoot und i loft hei undisturbed 10 iacton meat market have you tried our sausage if you have you vill bo back for more our home made headcheese jellied veal homo rendered lurd uro always pure and wholesome our fresh and curet meats arc tjlwys highest quality order vour canned goods libby8 pickles etc from us we have just what you want acton meat market 0rr1e lamb proprietor phone 45 dr j cadesky of toronto eyesight specialist will be at a t browns drug store acton monday june 30th anyone nuitoiliig from ky strain inflictive vision or jlouditchu ahuuld poll miss tho oppoitunlty of consul tlinr thi oyt sight sjioolnlul conhultatiom jtkw offics hours 9 am till opm the only way there is one surb route to economical tire mileage and that m via presentday donlop cord tires which are available in every nook and hamlet throuitiout canada note the tremendous number of big cars equipped all around with dunlop trao tion cord tires tt these are the only tires you need dunlop tire rubber goods co limited head office and factories toronto branches in the leading citiea a fateful ride clyde younghurse a young indian suddenly oil rich bought himself it 000 automobile and drove uwu next day the salesman was confronted by younrffurse again the indian wu afoot walked with a limp and bore various contusions and bruises thin s his explanation drlv out big car buy gallon moon shine take big drink step on a trees and fences go by houp fast irotiy quick see big bridge comint roud turn out let bridge puss ilang car gone olmme another one wool wanted highest market prices paid upon delivery georgetown creamery igetown qotj georgetown abio the effect of h ds on the jl ford truck is just as remark able as it is on the passenger models they ensure less chance of damage to valuable loaovwidcled life to tho truck and a saving in maintenance ccc5 tnttauja h a coxe ford dealer acton ont results with little effort the fact is that a newspaper goes into many homes without a particle of effort of the- man who advertises in it the merchant must pay for the space he uses and write the advertisement that fills the spare but having done this all tbe rest of the matter of getting this message of the town dealers distributed ia the business of the newspaper publisher the local news paper reriders local merchants a wonder ful service and this at an absurdly small coat 1 1 are you using tliis easy method of selling yourgoode keep ybur name before the public s i vv

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