Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 19, 1924, p. 5

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jf vjwijjmtvvtwi i i j v i ffln artarffim grgga thuiisday juni3 id 1024 encouragers t i uie editor i nrouraged i iii many sided tank i your warm upprwjatlmi mukn him tn tho wunsliin bunk i ways keep hid heart ennmruged fnr on him un much depends i hi great work will ofu n bring you qnttocul love frum valued friends kovjp tin minister onruumiotl vy your loyalty uml love and hl ufa i fruitful service will a prlcelces lruitlm prove aswayi ep liln hnarlcntourugnd that the church mnymlve and iruw careless one will mi attracted whmi you ruuae his heurt to slow lt flu wrlloni bt rn urud in whoso words ruro treasures blend iel umm know tlmt ru boat blonslngs f i on hi ir wnrlr doaoend iit th m know that they uro helping rtionn whom they may never see jly your truo approtletlah cjrnnoy helped they oft my be let iho teuohers 1 encouraged ah they brnvely upward lead tihiko t vrhbni they art imparting r wlm t ull youthful learners tteod i at puiti ilnwn f day fonrnt but in y ur morning prayer to nay lot mo bo to those about nia an encourage eaolt day twenty years ago from tfc luut of th free press of thursday june 23 1904 crewaons corners wju hold a yla nlc fin dfcmiolon pay howfgrqwri sirawberrlo are now on th market plentifully a 4 ton and waterloo nro in for an exerting basehsll match in the park hare on saturday acton la evfdently on u favorlle routa with the ouiomoblllste- tvory day or ao one or two pas through town e jpfenrraclor n korbes has just com petet the foundation or mount jwordtn broa bank barn on the second trie junior league of the methodist cfiurcb will held a pin nlc on satur dav afternoon r r xnow la justly proud of splendid garden at his realdenco cp park avenue he alreajy has po tatoes and tomatoes in blodfn the park gates and otnoeatoak well in their- new coat of paint tp brand atarsl and band stand would lojt better tt slinfiflrty treated i t a cltuen put bund hore t pax tare in a field adjacant to pajryllako b i ilia other day and the animal wand u a j atiftd in and waa drowned tna carcaa v jwajl allowed to remain in tb lake for aeveral day v t tlxaeeve wllllama took a header tj ml the apron at the corporation dam r laat friday afternoon into the pond be floatd out berenely to terra flrnta xionehh worae azoept for aomo aotled t i laundry and a slixbuy very albihtly r j rufflad tamiwr ks ten tennla club oleotadt th follow iv l 4 offloara for the aeaaoa honorary irjzi j walbbta h devitt praawent f kcrv vuurfj vloefrealdent muaadab rli trta p muafctan koora court committee kev d bjok i k j wtwre leaue l snutbv 4 mutrje uemberahlp commhteei- mlaaea ilrd d nlcklln m jvelaon meaara h pmto ed j moore oatt whltawaabed jlcton at oalt on saturday by a acor o 70 and are bar tw fc 0d u arrorleaa bahajt el r opportune hlttlnc he oalt team made a combete ahutout for aoton in fj u hird inqlnaa mclntoab reaohed fc- 4 ttlr4 whlob waa the neareat to the i kilau any of th vultors cot until the l nlnlb when rfcbardaon waa allowed c tpjtdrenee uuit far 01 suvm pitched for acton and al w yt v jowed ht hlt and atrnctk out au ifl7f- jnari be ahowed himself a- dever 1- n lul waafc at tbd- bat i atrllunv out three urne jf3i tb a puyera were v seattle iivrr k wallace i b- ryder 1 u me iwa ov wow trpp c- blcbardaon o f nis sterena p mclntoab l f twaon r f at a very important meeting of tho school board beld laat thursday i evenlna the eatlmatee of receipts and expendlturee for the present year were iw i4- wbtnltted aa followa fvv3 tlajcelpts it w bastelatlve omni public fwji sobeot r l b7 oo h lectelatlre grant lllh i school department 200 00 ky x dunty grant hujch school u department loo o i y feea from high school depart 1 men municipal aaeeaament r paymspftg salaries b l aej irltereat and ducounta third payment oh loan repairs on oultdlnss supplies and incidentals opntlnaenotes 140 00 3850 00 s3is7 00 mrt 00 1b7 oo 76 00 200 00 3m 00 66 00 75 00 ik i s 167 oo born v wharrham in actpn on friday june 27 1904 to mr and mra j a whet ham a daughter graham at crewsona corners on monday june 13 904 to mr apil mrs john oreham a daughter died stork in acton on friday june 17 104 qeorge storey in his 71st year mbnzies at camnltellvule on wed dosday juue 15 1904 james men alee county treasurer of helton aged yeara j corns ore caused by the preseure of tight boots but no one need be troubf v with thjem long when ao elraple a remedy as hduoways com heraorer u avaueble i thg- sunday school lesson for sunday june 22 102 rt explained i ultmlie i topi rut ir canadian flap qn globe encircling tour luarouai ion ani mob xii d12 jol ln txt itnlurn ti i will rnturn unto y u t ht mot 3 7 plainad verso 1 ml thenllvem tokthr the c i j which follow la uhlquo in liuitory the qreat scribe with uio prfrloua roll id hla hand standlnji on a tvmtorury wuodnn platform i thul ho muy imx ion by vcrylkkiy tn the vuhl crowd eeveii ixtvltoh mui iiurtlng hlln oil wither eltle other oli ct lvltte go inn about utnong tl t imxjmio nflor hc1i ectlon of tho liiw liiwl i tmu rud in order to expluln it to a purut ttroupn of the aeaembly tlye motley gnthntint comprlnlwg thtt bulk of the cltlsau not men only but woman ulno for the brutal liohupimndiin oxtililvanohh tlmt conflnoe religious knowlodge one mo w not unilolluitid by the onclont jnws not udlhte only but ohjl irmi uimo ihotte tlm l could under atitnd for the law u for the aimploat mlnda thp relliclc it of lemel la to be impulnr on 1 ttomoaflo tile whole of thla multitude anaembllng in the freah morning when the flrt raya of the nun emlle thu olty walln rrom over the mount of olivia and landing rmvorontly hour uftor huk till the hot autumn noon puts un enj- to the lonthy meeting adoncy water gate the gate leading from the temple to the brook voree 3 the hrst day t the seventh month the nmt tlay of the civil year which was ushered in by tho nound trumpets the fount of trumpets wan hold un oils day voree 0 nohemlah and fxrn our knowledge of nehoraluh and his times with etru the bcrlbo whoeo name hi inseparably joined with that or nehemleh comes from two books of the old testament which lar the honored names of these two men the books of ezra and nehnmlah were originally one and formed a part uf the books of chronicles the histori cal narratives which they contain will be found bolh interesting and profit able either for private study or for reading in the homrf circle tho events deacrlbed in theae books occurred about the middle of the fifth century c during the reign of artojcentes l era was the drat of tho two men to return to jerusalem he brought with him a company of nearlyauc hundred people he brought also a copy of the precious book bf the law comprising the books of the bible now known to ua as oene- sla ebtodus levltlcuo numbers and deuteronomy on tbe basis of this dock of tto law eara attempted to reform the habits and ouatomv of the returned colonlats who had lapaod sadly from strict jewish atandarda he had not made mach progreas m hla reform efforts however up to the time when jehemiah arrived on the scene with letters from artoxerxes appointing htm governor of the pro vince of judea including the city of jerusalem finding tho walla of jeru salem aadly n disrepair and tho city in consequent danger of attack from neighboring tribes tlehemlab first and moat outstanding service waa tho prompt rebuilding of the wall in doing thts tt was necessary to oyer com the discouragement and neas of his own countrymen as wall a the secret and open hospitality of the people round about verse 10 the joy or jehovah is your strength confidence in jehovnh should be a source- of joy and strength and a day holy unto hm is a time for gladneaa not sorrow see verav verse 12 the warde that were de dared refers probably both to tbe literal words of tbe law which lied been read to them and the interpreta tion the people may have wept be cause they bad disobeyed the law but now rejoice becnueo they understand it they immediately went forth to du as had been shown to them to rejoice themselves and to help send portions to the less fortunate lesson themes t keeping it n circulation i a man who waa hurrying from hln oinee in new xork to hla boms frooklyii found his entrance to tho carry ell i barred by another map wh tgrotorwttn tne itcketietier days the now york proas lie wall l little while tn the hope that the dlsputevrould be settled and hn mlgllf v catch hui boot but neither of the two parties to the argument would yield tell vou the dime u chadlai pd youveno right to paaa it off on tne i nust take a cur an the other i fllds and they won t take canadian money on the cars pan t lp that replied the ticket gallor thd money is gout we take it here every day uud don t ubject to i iu and the banks will take li too wny don t you go up etreet and uhunu kt ha ftddod sarcastically i on youraelf aald the other mun the dispute yas setting tiresome mi tte ma who bad been wnlilng his turn aud listening accosted t is pro i testing traveller iet pie see the daie he aald jle tooh the pin and promptly gave tn man ten itiun in untied vdum money in place uf it the orgumnntu uv passenger vawaed on ntd you offer this dime tu that i j fellow r neked the aeeond man at the ticket aeller t nres i did what of ut was the bydaque reply n pnly i wont two mor x ferrvmiokets wws the qulei nimwer tvand the canadlnn dfme sllft buck u vtt discomfited omciaj one of the ootnrnunest complaints h oflpfimts la worms und the anoat of fwctlve auplloauontor them is mother r i oravw worm sxterminalar the code of laws when the walls were flnlebod and the city s safety as sured nehemlah gave the sanction of his high office aw governor to the reform effort of era tho code of laws was publicly proclaimed and promulgated it wrought u great transformation among the people hventualiy it turned the jewlah nation into a religious fellowship or church and gave tbe book of tbe law u per mancn t place in the later history of the jewlah people coupled with these meaaurns of religious reform and nn tional safety were just measures of social legislation designed to reduce the abuses of wealth und pf privilege und to lighten the burdens of the poor the walls of good citizenship we ao not to da build city walla to pro tect our homes and civic institution we make laws we write constitutions nd amend them as the safety of our civilisation may require jach person who respects the la of tbe land aids in its ooptlhual enforcement and up holds the constitution in its every ar tlcle atod amendment by nu doing builds a wall of defense about every home school industry and civic in etltutlon of every community in the land but any governor law maker labor leader or other clttxenwho helps tear down theee safeguards of clvtllxa tion is a traitor a the cause of taw am order und a disgrace to uny common wealth fteforms of social justice social juatlce fe on essential port of religloui i met ice it is one of the j rlmnry do mands of the religion of jou th teachings of jesus applied to modern society leave no place for u twelve hour dy in iqdustry for chfld labor and a preventable high rate of infant mortality there is to place jn christian community for hupun ex ploltatlon uf any sort in a chrlatlu aoclety illiteracy and poverty ore social crime jesus came that all might have life in greater futlneae hal lg ion nndueforms itellgli is venttiirfothr noblesfllvjng wbothor individual or oollectlve when rell alun oozes out the consolations un social insi lrurtons of tellglm likewise rull so does fiitth in ti better f when theee ale gope it imc m und natural to live wholly fur self if mntartnl gain and fir i imiun kir individuals una fui society buch seinsli living is the beginning of hel on eurth hut the 0ploslte llkewlsv ie tiue in the worsts of the old tr turnout the four of jehovah is the begbintng wlnloni trrwy 0 lo in tho w r u of the new testament taie irllgloi and undcfllml befur oir clod uml katiier is this to visit the fatherless utid the wllowe in tl ujr amiulun and to keep oneself uiimhhled fnm ttte world jame- ll 7 and ths la life eternal that they should know thee the only true jod and him whom thou ill let en 1 even jesus christ john 17 3 kellgious faith is an asset lo any nation or individual our children havlt instinctively until some one taken it away ftyim them often rullgltiua faith in the meaaure of a mans gmatiiuau und the fulti he lnaplres lu other u the nieusurw of bis owp reword for tttuey and dleeusslen whet two great lea lem are usso cuited in b1 lessnnt where uml to what purpoee did they ussemhle the peupler what was ha book of the iaw 7 uow was iis meaning uxptaip tid to the peojilet jlxw did the people reoeue ls ntessugst show that good clusenehlp is the best protection tu our modern sltios niuuo sumfl tood- upper left taj mahsl atjra india one of the meat beautiful tlflhta on the empress erulee rlow canada patsanaers on one of the ajephanta thai took them from jaipur jjo the old city of am bar india lower left lams priests in the market square at derive ling india right the canadian pseifte b 8 cmprees a canada recently re turned from world orulae it wouid be hard to find n huj plor healthier and more- lurtlsnnq lot of people than tho passenbors abroad the palatial cann han pailflc liner em press of cuiiuda whi n alio docked tn vancouver harbour an may 34 at tho close of her epochsmarking crulxo around the world since leaving jjow york in janu ary 3q theee fortunate fojk had eelle i for four months in the wake of prake mognollan and jarco polo aeelpg all and more than all that those alvon turers saw with none if their dls comforts they hud viewed tho frown ink gun flocked rock of qlbrftturhe lull wol iort of qreeco and home on the blue mediterranean had ridden camels in the shadow of the sphinx tin in let tho sues canal crossed tho uj urkllng indian ocean walked the ifmfuiriff etreetm or indian cltlee the kanlenw of the glorious taj mahal and the rutni urts uf the grim fort of agra l ylun th ravlshlngjy lcuutlul palm crowned manila tho hoary an liquifies of china the dasxung laye llneea 1 f the kloffery hlpajdorn 01 jupup the immensities of tho poolrfl at these had ivssswd before their uyes tn u gorgeous pageant of eighteen countrtea and flfly races they saw idolp monkeys paluhqutns palaces mosnqmi temples geishas mandarins fellaha shleks troubadours raklrs pyramldm they hud adventures with elepbunts in kandy und a volcano in the hawaiian islands they brought isek with them ftjjast of sou yen i pi and impreaslons lo e treasured ftjl thulr lives and they ay q ibo wrw ut large tlo hou nnd op likewise fvory port called a vfss thrpw i open ii the cruispr snd tho reooptioit afforded them at victoria b c on tholr return wus no less oordlal thousands lined the whurf on the ar rival of tho cruise ahlp and union jacks mingled with old olory in tho enthualaellc w ming of flagh which vlctorin extended to the returning travellers national aim and marches puyed by the nnvul hrlgnde ban t were ehoed un ehlpbonnl in the strains f the philippine orchestra intorvlowtd in vne0uvr ah to the sucpsas of iba arutao president ip w llefthv kflld i a poke to several- past sorifeni while crossing frum victoria and without exception they all ex pressed their complete satisfaction with the ship its ofllcera and the or rangementa made and carried out alaco the day eh left vancouver almost ave months ago that is good qnoaufn for me it la ompl d0mfthsmtlon that the canadian ip on muooees fully fqndqct frhteea in competition tflth any orgaplsatloh in the wortd anrtmalrtuin that company a tanuna aa ft credit to canada the ftttnitreaa of france will carry the canadian flag on a similar globe encircling tour tvoni new york on em reform base i m aoelal juhiicc what is thfi rnlutlon f rnllirlun to persona an i national reform note the altrulatlo interpretation of the bcrlpturou given by these rellwiout leuders of centuries ago haii i ni r tlons unto them for whim nothing x iirepared has it not a rut er crip ping stjinlncance dally raadlnoa for next week mo ruin y jono 23 anic is 4 tuealuy june 24 lea 1 10 so wednesday junesi jnr 31 7 ji thursluy june 26 bxek 111 j 3 friday june 37 mai 4 i fl saturdny june 28 joel 3 1j sun lay june 29mlcah 4 1 j naturauky a younu man went on unu oocanlon to call ut country firm houne to make in julries utor hln swuethaart who hud 1 linrgc t f the dairy her master opened th d tor on i i or lvvi asked tllm timidly howm 41h mllkmaldt but tlio farmir angrily n 1 lloil u he elamniei iho ilmr in tin ntrmmur s face our milk in t male un vol from the cow time has tested jt or 1 homue edtcirlc ollhim been t n the market upwards f fifty yrare und in tlmt time it hue piuvcl a bluaajng to thnusunda it is in hbh fuvur thn u about co nad and its ixioluiite bus curried its fam 1 beyond the urua jf it ware d ulile th price would be u qlicau llnlmi nt home young mai dun t spent your money fcoluhty tivi yinr money for u homo of your own if you have no money except what you earn yourself then scrupuloueiy save und lay aside part of your inconm nlu you have enough tq pav fur u piece of land da the owner of u homestead will huvr a henetlclul effuct uium your clmruc tr it will increase your self respect your confidence hi yuureelf ou will feel that you huve u subetuiitiul puml hon and aumethh g ut sfuko in tho community the ownership uf a home will add greatly to your hul plness thd feeling of uassesslun which it ongen ders u e source uf constant aatisfau tlun there is one spot on earth which you timpruye ajtd beuutlfy with that spot your thoughts your ambl tlons uhd your u flue t ion become idsn tlfietl yqq iurn to love it it la llku un unchuhgthv frien i it beoomes uu nnfuiling aource uf enjoyment it is the one investment thut pays una mouh livldeii is in satisfaction affinities bill und lib mother were walking home from kindergarten bill is five i a loep thinker evidently mother he ssld i bullovo mat i 11 ret 1a my glrj why margaret inatead of some of e other little girls what makes u like marguret better than tho hers tuia ilkcw tn better than tbe other i oyn welt why do yuu like ach other t oh i don t know juut nature i fukhn wje and experienced mothers know when then rhlldren are troubled with 4 an loee-sx- apft millers worm powders a most effdc live vermifuge it is absolute in clear ing the system f worms und restoring thoee hpulthy conditions without which there run bo no comfort for the child hope of robust growth it is n must trustworthy worm exterminator getting even 1 y hume retuliatlnns uve too clever to i n reaonted they mtern to be almost a 1 icical purt of the olrcumstances thut evoketl them dr wines snys tho chrlatlan itegis tnf was formerly tito prlndal uf a bojs school one duy ha had occasion to jruun a lud who naturally re st nted iho t utilshment oil tho d kitors frtnt door was a i iuo learltiu the una word wines that night u liol i und clowr hand tuld ei three words to tho inscription st thut in the morning the door plate reaii this wny other llokers evcy 10 packer of wilsons fly pads v 111 k 11 1 mrur flim ihjn ss acith cr ifiy bllcr 1 v ctciro clean to hiuude sold by all druggists grocers and general torea needed a slope among the stories treasured by tho older inhabitants of u measaahueeu town 1b one that relates to a none too scrupulous shopkeeper who nourished over thirty yearn ago and a variety of potatoes for which he uctnd as sponsor they were known as dovers seed lings and were favorites with the people wno succeeded in making them grow unfortunately ebon rhodes wus not one of the few and he la mented his failure in t otjuc upon which the shopkeeper remonstrated see hero ebn ih said irmly you ve got no right to go spelling ltll sales- whore did you planl those seed tinge fooob01lhh unoigto wire said mr uhodes with asked the shop could dignity on level gi keeper level and fine said klien for a moment the shopkeeper was a lien 1 then he- clapped his hand to his forehead come to think of it ho cried believe those you bought wro aide kill dovers febenl for qaiarrh it is one of tho chief recommends tlons of dr thomas ec lectrlc oil that it can be used inter nally with as much success as it can outwardly sufferers from catarrh will nnl thut th oil when used ao oording in directions will give prompt roller many sufferers from this ull nient have found relief in the oil and have sent testimonials jbu can oar sjflp pearl ware wash board la so strong tough and durable that a fallgrown man or woman can stand on it without doing the robbing surf ace or any part of it the least harm the enameled sur face woqt chip flake or peel off think of the wear there la tn such a wash boaril there 1s the same wearing qualities in all articles in sup pearl wart try ont tho warfh boardl and be convinced jfsk for smp pearl ware 3ntet mntrieeuctlca45 countercharge a retaliatory thmst at mankind ues in the remark ot a woman who is quoted by the new york tribune she wus putting the finishing touches to her toltot and hor husband was wall ing with ostentatious pullenco huv lng adjusted her hut she took a hat pin from tho cushion und auddenlv cried out 1 thihk it s a shame i yes my deutj nervoualy ussonted the waiting husbund i tnethc jay these writers say wometr sharpen load pencils uml upon un cane with their husbunds razors yes wy dear yes i never do such things with your resor and 1 don t believe any woman does i looked ut your rasor once when i had a box of sardines tu open but it wus so sharp and so wabbly in the hsn lie i wus utruld tu use it 1 yes my dear if the writers wunt to put some thing true in the papers why dim t they talk about- men who umu tholr wtvea hatpins for pipe uleanerst ifkn this time the husband rurgut to say yes my dear wretched from asthma ht re nglh body and vigor of mind are inevitably impaired by the visttatlous 1 f asthma who can live undi t the dou uf ru curilng ut lucks uud see body anl mini ut their lull umuuuuyy dr j d kellogg s amthmu hi urn ty diss t pules the ol u i 1 v rmtuvliiu th i lauue it il tu htoi tile hgrfoirji ti nrnutl i illy tilm an i im nr t ham 1 a complete line of s m- f products hmndled by jaa 5ymon hardvyftre acton te ti com t rhoose beab sound fruit pkk ovwhull and waaqln eoundcr rwk lnjt and pour la boll us hat lytupuj lui jara nwpjf teljr make sup la proportion o one itauiaitolitoplnlawsr 1m oji 11 imptwhlct ue oaly wbca clrar iniu huo mats and mttuitt idr u wiauiej seal berries in february and at 50es cosr nothina uk bobocapjipl ttrqwberrtea in winter they mean delicious wholesome food at a eavlnit bf from 39 to m fitrnwbcrrlee raspberries tho entire range of delicious fruits and vofte tables is yours foe uatercooaum prion if you buy now when cheap two preserve for the lonft winter jnontha out recipe oookv will jell you tho most advanced niethods sent in the coupon dominion glass co limited montreal rt d 1 for staurj of satisfaction we cemak impr jarl i ai recipb book false economy no hbusewifo can bake bread as economically as w can- in qui- uptodate bakery with the quantities we bake it is impojsiblo to equal our bread in vaftie at nine cents ber idbr and for taste and freshness well we invite comparison with the beat that is turned out baked fresh every day and always sold out assures you of the most whojgsomc and sweetest of bread j have our wagon call daily and deliver your supply fairbanks bakery phone 116 mill street acton north american life assurance co solid aa xhw continent 500000- whole life contract age 20 annual premium s flfl00 aflszs annual premium 7370 ado 30 annual premium 8800 age 36 annual premium 10005 aoe 40 anousl premium 120j8 aoe 46 annual premium 147 60 aoe 60 annual prtrplum 184 10 age 06 annual premium 23330 this contract carries with it liberal cash surrender values and paid up guarantees also extended insurance and non forfeitable privileges together with out monthly guaranteed income for life f c waixstjifltrictwnager 504505 bank of hamilton gliding hamilton i would ilke full particulars about whole ufo coutmut vour special name address j age occupation wanted a live localgent for acton and district railway tithe tables nadian natignaisrailways no 30 no 2c hunflny k doing aat no 36 ko 30 no j no 3b a no 3b no u sunday h oti u m 10 3sa m 2 jo o in c 00 p m a as p m to aoajrt 7 oti um 11 i8uni 3 ib pro a 17 pm r 13 pjn 7 08 pm 3k v toronto suburdan railway ko si ito 05 no fld no qh no m nd b3 h 10 u ill 1 1 to u m o p m r 40 1 m h 00 p m ii 4o 1 m 7 43am 10 43 am 142pm 4 43pm 7 42 p m 10 42 p m ill sunday timetable no 81 no 67 noe no 60 no ko ol 11 40 am 3 4o 1 m 0 in n 0 40 p m 1d 42n m 2 43pm 6 42pm b 42 o m lre1ght delivered by special freight freight picked up at any ad as in toronto b t thbtforxi agent aotoo 7 out of 10 headaches are caused from oyo a train if ydu suffer from headaches you ought to question tho condition your eyes fum with vision apparently eyes greatly nei d tl o help of glasses a d savage optometrist ov mfo optlelen gavsae optlcsl bjjlldlng right at the poab office quelph op tome th at to the canadian- pselfle railway co t gibbons jjxpert h06 repairinq prompt attention to orders left t e gibbons main street the cour b little joke a juth of onu if the uourts owlllejl w th u n until iti t unllre mucrawul erf it to hulitoi the t hum f u trial a aglt f 1 1aniuva fur imtiull wai rtieutly lilt 1 mt 10 him i he plain tirf hud i oil kn hiked down ly the rtefunduiit util nevijely bundle 1 while he was iratrutu uiiu of the wltuf wus reluetjiiit to minwer the tiuwsqoiis lint t him uitd tho eoipt uphold hhn vouf hunor tlois not seui t the underlying irlnrli le in tbia ase esumtuluted the attornry tnf th plalntirr it seems to m replied the jualton that tile undnrlyliig in hit latse ts your client tfe- sawaktsfcttrms castoria mother flctchcrs castona is a harmless substitute for castor oil paregoril tcctlllne drops and soothing byrups prepared to relilvc infunti in arms and children ell ages of gonstipatiou wind colic flatulency to swectxn stomach diarthca rkulitc bowels aids ifitlicabmnutationof i uod promoting cheerfulness ret und natural sleep without opiates to wolchmlutufl flway qov or lie ftyjnttturc ut lyr-uu- hjtvrii ihrrclionb nu frh ttirlt mr iliysictunti tjvcrywbwfl tl acton elevator mearo t b station following brands on hand flour manitoba flour pastry rolled oats oat chop oats i oiloake hay and orain grain bought and retailed alex l noble uenby awrev manager get your job printing at three press this stored policy fo rtprctnt i ood oit actty as 10 tlitlr tjuolny to kvll u iho yln know aiij i ihdbc wlm don t know ut u uiiifot ut fair pi lie to fulfill ull gua antces and clicc fully correct all mis takes to deserve your confidence hy alwuys giving you satisfaction savage co jewellera guhlph ontario y satsito mffistt 1 1 1 n- r 1 j v 1 1

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