i i railway fiftme tablea at- acton v qoj no ompanled llore uni forty babies more they are only a day old i photograph are representative janad via iomlnloit icxpress uuie discomfort far the dtlfer- ptj forojpiers r- there did you an wntbd in but for it y he was wandt rough bay held taking- ii liliitul unto of the work efnrt there thto on john who hud not booji ifcil oft w throe weeks ll me we john hs1 mullen ire wm something ljiiii h i you bot for the life tne i nt retnnrober what it wu i can fell ye ald1- lit rro- prtsslble nxttlttratlonj l w uolnir t ask me how liaflu o the county fair on thf ea 1 aint et the worms that intel children from their birth are of tj hinds those that find lodgement ft hie stomach nd those that ore fclii ln lha in testine the latter m pmoet do- truotlve they clfpk if th walls of th lnteaiinea and tt a inurfsrod with wiork havoc there- millar worm powders dislodge both pintle and while expelling them from th aystem aerve to repair the rtms tliry lwvr ed d tb american ait itt it wm soldiers fought ubv boat it b o- fhat you jchaw hero dont be a mlfefjlng heir a subscriber writ recently bcgtiilid qusttlvehcsa or c hap bothi sent n j helm- directory rj i and wo had on k r w we put hi uk b1 and yount looltt hu f and nv and anally wljjrcaigxandmolb y more- limed jove lift pfttn -hi- utue old lore lud go want to uftai eli ownflkhtlns d if aoldlcravhad l make them do just put down the guverrononu inf their atatcmoiil chair and dosed aires und- their j after ho furolsfj received word tn- wnfi otn nd stablethere uorliy physlcaliy tmon oeutsa ami both are object ring from inftara- mner of outi end bclectrlc oh la remedy fr uch in both human order f anln- kjtbat he pr an a fnsrulous und and asklu towards ex pco tu needy he w of the famolpj have been nj hopea for tbr elded that f 2 and oth instead of 1 cupidity swindler unlem system mother oj toting umt he plrtt of ln- anoee or ier- for a mlaelnc ly tltortoftcr a uwyer in jho name of nd crorulfiithsr d ftniii-srand- vro hortly info mutton ho hla ttinthem mualn liojrp o to forward izs00 irovln up ifor- lulnted willi noroe estate liolru who it money in vain f60 yeom und de- hanar un to the uyflvm to follow blf be bled the what thcae fat living out of expallotl from the can be healthy frortn exorntnoftr w deetroy dcdlcno pcomfort a olevermwkihe at dlt of iord uacaulay very early daya and wn entirely tontaneou in trltilty collece lie nbrldke election whro i tho frihnlom cular to wero huatllna the auo- udate all aorta ware flying meaulaye unlor for public omewhst cooled be reoelved ful eid thrown i and aaured mutakun hla ipor mradeano the policemans poor joke practical jokers like fool in one ipect at leajtl they are not all ad yet a policeman had been on uty at the ball srounda h wife id loni along toaeo the kama the ir youna and aa was evident not mg married were in excellent aplrlu the woman- wore ahannsome little id watoh evidently a present from hunband vlule half the peopli jxr were jookjnr od while hut wife wuv peakfn- to an acquaintance outaldo the car tho policeman deftly tmk the wutch from bar and trana- 1 furred it to hl liiutol pocket when the er rmcled 18tt street the polleiman remarked that it was a few mlnutch luiai nix nd everybody i in the cur limkoil at the pollcemana i wife- of roursn nhe did what every one in the car vximkttoit hor to do she fell tor hnr wutch it swrmed as if aud- drn violent twin had attacked the womans heart her raoe became very pale and her eyes dilated her hue band aeflmed sreatly alarmed and bka4 her what tho muttor wm she iookhl tvnr the crowd in the car like a frightened awn it- waa arull minute mtfore ahe could apeak then ahe whiapered her huabanda ear loud enough fortho lnlnely interested apeciatom to hear i have been robbed some one ham totenmy watch her eya beran to grow dim and before the policeman could answer a bte- tear rolled down her cheek and u4mo-her- l hero la the watch i was only jk idv with you and the policeman felt back for hla pock at then a look of dismay overspread his face the watch had disappeared hfffelt first in one racket and then onnther and finally turned all hla pockets wroruc aide out ho worked rapidly toward the tost and perspired u hood dul hla wlfn looked on in openmouthed uatonlshmnnt flo dd the other people in the cur all hod amlled and looked out of the wind own of the car when wnrth j ihnl hsi empire ssr barns utfrtnl wetkrtjt 100 i valuo watch was gone but wlum ner husband failed to produce it utter haylnb told her that he had taken it the people eatt uprlnht and wntched the hunt for the mlselnk tlmoplece i finally a uuletappeartnic young man who sat in the rear of the car arose and handed the watch to the pollcemana wife i just wanted tp teach your husband a lesson no said the passensers jnvo vent to a pro- lonsed hearty laugh and the police man and his wife finally joined in the merriment thetnth thoy wm little iqw to appreciate the joke for rheumatic pains the pains and aches of sciatica and hlieumatlam should le treated with dr thbmu kclectrla qll the soothing and heal- ng- irortiee of this famous remedy have been demonstrated tor fifty years uao it also for in palna cuts scratches bnitaes and sprains either in human beings or the lower animals jr well meant once upon a time there- was a lops ipell of dry weather what made it all the more wonderful is the fact that this astonishing vent took place tn hrltajn utrangv but none the laas true after several weeks of incessant sunshine there wus a refrwshlns ahow- or of ruin this full will do a lot of good patrick remurkud mr blank to his irish gardent-r- r it will that if returned pat ahure an- hour of jt now will do more gopd in five mlnutvat than a month of it would do in u week- ut any other lime pwilufsmlt ff u co 1 emplra m is rians cwttruetietv trurm m vtmgmmt brmchimlhn oanpatta structure wud ma a wnjaatamf hsvlt stenm at outjard pr hesattitaailt aw w vmm eov wrapana tsnaaaur m hmaadtln t by mtimjnn thm u tyaik t tyw f lomfn csmittnictaafi ho lmtncunt era bmmmbrmcmmc- mll tatmimr h clax fuoon spaccldaaj to jrat in get our prices fqr your barn v just toll us lettsth nd wiihi and sjae drlvs you srant ndy vrtasta fam wni pnesmmy nasd mm this wu not bind yaa lit mtyejayw wa aim fubrnlsb mppratoly our temous empire corrugated iron eastlake shingles uamf at qumlttrhi 4 ymn ii t my bulldtao ea at- oar a umabirrli at yaur inaaln4 can fxyau ral lmt the metallic roofing co limited tobomto fmrai no 28 ji ddonm lojuam p 3j 600 pm n 3b aaa pm ti zs fitiorlfiy lnobn going caat no o 706 am nr a ll pm 3 nm 21 hifldsy ion pm toronto suburban electric railway weetbpund no 3 b 40 am no 67 240 pm no s 1j40 pan nbt 64 743 am no 6s lft4n m no ci h 143 pm no 3 442 pm no 748 pjn sunday timetable westbound 340 pjn ho sa j t 4a pm eaat bound no kb l042aun no housewife can tkc bread bs cconomrcally u we cn in our uptodate bakery witji the quantities wc balde rt f a 1 impossible to equal our bread in value at nine cents per loaf r and for taste and freshness well wo invite comparison wth the best that is ttirned out baked fresh evcrylday and always solduveorcevyopoft mosfwiolesome sweetest ot bread have our wagon call daily ant deliver j your supply vv fairbanks bakery phone 116 miu street actori i n american life assurance co fteltd as the contlnant 500000 whole life contract aoe 20 anjiual premium s km age 40 anmjaj premium 1203s afle 25 annus premium 7378 aaa 45 annual premium 14760 age so annual premium bjm aqvo annual pfemlum 16410- i ad s5v annual premium 100x6 aq 65 annual premium 2330 ii this contract carries with it liberal codn surrender values and paidup guarantees also exlonjcdjfnsuranco und non forfeitable privileges tbgethej with oiymorfthly guaranteed income for life 504505 ummuu rmanager riudinir hamiltpn m jmiku ijdrlcularsuhout your hpecul t jjprldfo contract i f fcst wanted a uve ucal agent sob acton ano district byetght deuvered by apeclal express freight freight picked up at any ari se in toronto el t- thktforo agenl aoton 7 out of 10 headaches are caused from eye strain if you ouffer from headaches you v to queatlon the condition of tout eye j often with vision -apparenily- bormal eyes greatlr nixd tto vbelp of a d savage 6ptemevtsvev mfg optloin savage optica building 1ftighta4tbe poet office v- fluelph optometrist to the canadian v v aelfft railway co t ee gibbons expert 6hqe repaihlwg hh0mp a 1 orders left t e gibbons main flrebt acto the iatwiu lowed mid afi is lo fiearpk dpe itdclilht- itmof dust causes aathi speck too small to see will ugotdes which tin words cai the walls of the breatblnk ry ht ivljlllaur edvbrliui4 perf si itjellove jlhe passage e jifrvuthlng la nrmly ostafc 0 tsr undreda of teatfrnoniala jsedjnikuslly prove jtand jiiliuai u ktntill piking tuglli too beat tit lute 1 lb jd harry p said julum nitunulutf his jue liossun ulttle llvrry did nol undw tlit fnossm vu uu unlninl lu th iboutharn s blutk ami whll llk- i to at aaskttd what- ifumr its de bt thing in df world ivswerttd irvpuod yij 111 uksarlivf h be bu i oh mui lst thing tn i 1 jyou tire plm u kus ijitu the klvlng eradicate iflver wll my i hull ourns ure lut llouowaya ct idraw them out pub be6lnnlno ifl i home people un a very small wfutl3bbbbsl a little hutt oreen c llruwna door i mr thrown wmils tb kiqw if tthe tsjul under a hen lt bv youve gl ben thilv setttsnt lutveyot saul mrs i dtdnjvuow you aapt henaj nom we dont but mrs hi going to lend us a hen that want sat and ma haught that it youd v us womn ejtce wed pnd a naat t motherl ptetcheps castoria is a hannkja spbilitute ut castor oil papegoric teething drops und sootjiing synjrls preporedto relieve ibfanta in anus and children al ages of constipatiop wlkd cjojlc fbtfcacjr t sweeten stomach diarrhea vfegulate bowels i lln tbe asiimilalion of foou protjioting cheerf ulneaa reat and i natural seepyjlt0uropiatea liluh alij look forttlw itopatum osasi laahlrrwlan m 1 rtim i phykiooi rbcommend it acton elevator near a j r- station poltowiflg brands on hand flour manitoba fuoon pastbv rolled oatd oat chop oata oilcake hay and qrain- graln bought and betailed albxl noble henbv awhey manager tiltotihf lsbfi litre recoa this stores policy to represent goods ex actly as to tholr quality to sell to those who knov and to those who dont know at a uniform fair price to fulfill all guaantees and cheer fully correct nil in iv takes to doscrvo your confidence by always giving- you satisfaction savage co jeweltera v quelph ontarldy i h i