w m 2mm3k 1 the mome ot qjlje artnn stop irh0 member feltfled town weakliaa ol onuito ilar moiilog at ba free prcaa liuiulag mci street acton ontario the aubacriptioa price is oo pr tr la advance ptmtaga it cliargrd additional to owcta in th united stale tha daia to which aubacrlptioaa era paid la indicated am h adrlrtas label uvula ig nn tr una mala ncaiuitj hh om insertion and e par una lor each sobs- quen in art ion contract display advertise ments far to inches or mora per- annum centa per inch each insertion advartiaemaata with out specific direction will be insetted till torud nharfad accordingly and t c a 1 telephones- editorial and dutlnci utreiir ef president why hu the fann loat it altrwtltem7 are we to understand thiit the present uneasy feeling is owing to the less productivity of the soil or have somejdvorse clrcumsunccs arisertto crowd or drivotariiiera off the land we are told by one writer jr tho united states that only about a third of the active farmers in that country aro independent in the sense of owing free and clear the land they till from the number of auction sales held tho last two autumns wo fear tficreis restlessness on many farms in old ontario that have been considered ex cellent farmsteads we fear tlj situation is being made serious for some reason real or imaginary and wc wonder what is really the matter with farm ing today why has its attractiveness lost its old inherent charm and stability of chnrocter why is the farmers life no longer tho life fox me bow manvillo statesman thursday morning july 3 1024- t editorial t 7 support your local newspaper the local newspaper is an insthutlop of prime importance in tho development of our great dor minion the local paper serves as the magnavox of that fortunate majority which lives outside of the big cities helps largely to develop and encourage the community spirit without which coordinated progress is impossible its strength as a newspaper lies in its intimate knowledge ot local conditions local aspirations local personalities and local inci dents it has established a conractwith its con stituency whiqh has no parallel amongst the great daily itewspapers or the journals of national circula tion the local weekly newspaper is in a class by itself in order that the local newspapers of canada may function as virilrj influence in the progress and wellbeing of their respective communities they need and deserve the active support of all good citizens neighborhood news- town and country oakville mr krodorlok jlarrla ofdtlie harris mualc co ha taken out a build na pormlt for offices and warehouse room orj duntlnfl utroet on friday evening- imi wtneono inj advertently dropped s olgnret butt or lighted mat oh through tho grating- n front of j n macqregors storo mr macoregor no hood qui to a blase and wui able to get it out before it had a chance to spread mr bert 8wan sixth line oakvllle hna boon engaged to judae all breed 3f dogs at tho regtna kennel club log a how held in connection with the saskatchewan exhibition at regfna thla la a throe day show chief kerr had in hla oltlce on wed- neaday evening by way of evidence a wholo case of native wlnea borne- one had evidently been caught wlh the aooda it waa reported on tuesday that three boxes of strawberries had- been picked from a local jjatch but the owner withholds hhr for fear tltat the announcement might be tak- rcn for on invitation record qeoroetown tho good roads as an advertisement the cost of building andjnsintaining roads seems so great says the owen sound suntimes that many taxpayers are inclined to lie down and say tbey simply csnnot be afforded yet before talcing that attitude it is well to reflect on the returns that a good road brings tho news that a certain city or district has good roads spreads for many miles around i motor tats drive tht way when out for pleasure or will- go in that direction when seeking a trado centre they j wyio many miles out of their way if they can find a road into some business centre the con ence and comfort of a good road is a magnet itradc andbuajqesa thamtfavl6vph6jru4pfuryy rthrj sffrrounding country it makes a city seem pve one the streets in its business centre are ffltted with visiters while a city with poor ouriy- editorial- notes p roads find visitor going elsewhere it costs omo thing to solve tho good roads problem but it r i coats mow not to tennis club held a auccevafui dance in the aaaembly room at the arena last friday- erenlnf mr roof barber of toronto waa a vial tor in town last week mr john bingham of ottawa la vlaltlnjr at mr wm blnsbsnvs mrs w r wataon a pent the week end with relatives in wellond miss chariots speuammn of pres ton 1 visltin mrs j m buck 5 r and mrs allan feller and farouy left lost week for pittsburg where they will make their home mr robert sinclair of rainy river on old acton boy made the herald a pleasant call one day last week mr and mrs ernest a- cummins and son douglas of temisltjunlng- quew ore visiting relatives in town mr t h b mccullougn publisher and proprietor of the weyburn sosk review accompanied by mrs mocul- i spent the weekend with mr and mrs tv a willapn misa thetms henry of toronto is pending her holidays at the home of her parents mr and mrs q a henry mr grant and mr james d qrant moxvlue aienanxry were- auesu of mr and mrs w v grant durlns 1 j i one cgw to every raniily agflb cto mis in the united talc who havfc been studying census figures announce that the dbuntryhas one cow to every averagedsized ily elen at that dairy cows have been increasing in number since the middlo of last century only one das rapidly as the population it is presumed wmesynt of the same ratio of increase would pre- vail in canadji taking this tendency these scientists go on to show how in another hundred years the nation will have to- cut its meat consumption and apjproach european stantfardsvof hying is anyone iprbuttd here afraid of the outlook by that time it the spread of modern physical culture s and the increase in the coniumptionof green l is being brought about by plain com- wjll doubtless provide tho requisite willing to venture awager that the meat per capita in canada today is hto e- ml pounds of what it was in the days at andfathers when fat pork was the tie country boy gets there there sometimes seenls to be too many distrac tions for the children these dayjar- one man said the other day there is so much going on thaf the pupils aro leaving school to see it the pupils attending school in the town evidently do not advance in their studies as rapidly as school children in the rural schools and this is probably the reason there are ao many things to keep the child- excited overr soh week r mrs robert hlckey and miss hickey many places to go so many activities to take part in so many m6vies and so forth the country boy may go to school half the time or a third of the time and when he becomes a man he goes to the city and takes the place of the boy who had to go to school from the timo he was six till he is grown hence the country boys are running the big industries tho big institutions and holding the big positions in eight but of everyten cases the cases of hon e c are concrete examples of this thh valub of patoioree in seed pedigree j aoed uraln hcara es sentially the aamo relatlonahlp to crop profluotlon as pedigree in iho enso of live stock bears in relailnn to tho produble produntlon of milk or moat the value of pedigree in mvn jtook has been reoognlxod for 0011111 but it la only within comporatlvoy roconl limes that tho principles of hroodlnk have been found to apply in tho cium of plant life even today compare tlvely few people realise that repro duction in plants followa oiuiontlally tho same laws of nature unit lakff place in much the sume wnymt it in tho case of anlmnla in thn cune nf our ordinary arincropa tlio nialo and female organs ore nit not o in ih t individual flower new vaxlnili u produced by removing tho male maul auunena from tho power and lntro duclna the fertilising elemeni known aa potion from iho mole orguna of in- other variety the seed raaultlng from this fertilisation caanbfnea tho poton- tlmltlea of the two parents u therefore of the uimoat importntno that the varieties chosen as paroii posaess qualjtjes of outstondlnif nmrlr tho vorjetlea of aroln whloli ur brown today in canada have boon produced chleny by- artmclsl or na tural crossln of dlfferont yarlotih followed by rigid aelectlon an mjjrht naturally be enpected varlotlea dlffor greatly not only in vialble charactcru hut in their ability to yisld somo moreover are auited to certain condi tions of soil and climate while others thrive oatlafactorily under conditions which aro quite different in view of these facts it is obvious that the in dividual farmer ahould do a cortuln amount of variety testing on hla own farm from time to timo while hu neareat experimental station will ho able to advise him as to what varieties are likely to thrive undor his condi tions it is almost noceasary that ho try these varieties q his own farm for a year or two in order to be sure which is most ui table for his particu lar conditions here the porforman reeord as in the dairy cow will be the deciding factor but the founda tions tor thla record will have been laid through generations of cartul breeding t ir newman dominion cerealiet it came later judging by the display of hosiery advertising in the journals and newspapers of canada and tho united states recently this must be one of tho mopey-making- businesses of tho day fifty years from now when the west becomes n good deal more thickly populated it will be time enough to think of developing the harbor facilities of hudsons bay and of completing the railway to the projected ports too much money has already been sjient on the scheme concerning which there is only the slightest likelihood of practicability 1 bed tape needed jtetbrv of municipal councils 1 yflt hr i0r 0dr money 1tijoffappointnient of officials ondhbhntrd renlogr says the cheslcy in these days the economysof time is actiyjd and it seems to ui that the municipal got well be changed to make a resolution by irity of tho council just as binding it would eat time and labor saver it always looks to us ttllc of feudal days bylaws for debentures gbt very well be retained but for the appointment ef assessors collectors clerks school attendance lqfflcera weed inspector pathmasters fencevlewers ujipodkeepers arid other minor municipal positions it uvilva appears to us as quite unnecessary inaa- fe much as nearly everybylaw hi passed at the same jzl sitting of the council parliamentary rule of order requiring the different readings at successive meet- t7ings being susponded there is no object in taking time for tho three readings the canadian ford factory turned okt its five hundred thousandth car the other day- and this is estimated to be just about onetwentieth of the pro duct of the united states factories isnt it only a- few years since some of us were talking about the impossibility of a million cars being marketed and according to the authorities there- doesnt seem any signs that tho saturation stage has been anywhere nearly reached yet j this seems to be fated to be the generation in which disease as weknow it is to disapper what with dr bantings control tf diabetes the new serums to guard against whoopingcough scarlet foyer and other similar and familiar maladies and the new light recently thrown on the cancer problem the medical profession is surely making progress lets hope these wonderful new discoveries do not bring some other misery in their train georgetown and miss uacnamara of detroit left last thursday on a trip to sngland and france mr and mrs james thompson and on norman motored from three rivers que and visited at the home of mr and mrs n bell during the post week the board of arbitrators cleave vs the town of georgetown held session in the council chamber on monday tuesday and wednesday some blankets stolen from m pull- m oa at q s a ctfuple of weeks op were recovered by chief jockoon the some afternoon 4n uie old evaporator mr w h brennan of hamilton a pupil of mr ernest martin sans galo morning and evening in ifaox church last sunday which were much appre ciated he was a guest at the home of mr and mrs l el fleck over tho weekend a card received by tiroharold from r moandraw dated at psjermo sicily a tales that he is well enjoying life and returning to paris in a tew daya hil twill be id bosdoe tkls- month and expects to see a lot of cmnadunsthebla exhibition at s wellattended meeuna of bands men held in the arena on tuesday evening the following officers ware elected for the oddfellows bond president w marshall vicepresi dent a tost secretary treasurr t kason ubrorlan j carter property ifn it hale and c brandford en- aaaemenu and ntertainments b thompson and c cole assistant bandmaster r el thompson crest uiterest is manifest by the large num ber that turn out for rehearsals and there is every proapect pf having a urs t class band in the near future herald henry ouy carls ton the draraatlu author has an impediment in hu apeech hestammers but thla circum stance does not interfere with hla gift at conversation the chicago even ing poat declares that st repartee ho has few auperlors and given tho fol lowing story one dmy lady eld to him mr carleton were you born with that stammer if i may ask the question without impertinence 7 no madam waa the repjy 1 did not begin it until i began to talk when he first mat william r trnv- ers also an inveterate stammerer am a great wit travers sold to him mr caca carleton x saoe that you and b soacocnt t5 fnyy goodbye to care andworries toojfi forgetting all the rest of the wori the glorious fascinatiou of sea to revel in the luxury of beau surroundings to join in the joyou goodfellowship of the ocean tbl be entertained ot to remain quief atl your pledsure to develop a ravenonaj appetite and find mealbof the most satisfying excellence to receive i thoughtful court- j eous attention and i i have your desires i anticipated auj gratified si a voyage by dign pacific press or mo cabin ships jj ehiroge any jlqent eft a dunlop tire to suit you and your a swrty flmt uw dily wo rej o grude crowing accidents with u invitatllc doth list warning dovicei gutea ipemco nd ovon pproching trins which ro ia g 0 dcior nfknydrlvcraln their md igvnn to croa trcka withoilt hesitating t lew pjfi jr dtorminutlon to eliminate rail- ilng accidents the cltiea of north chicago vaukisganiwia and several states including and vfrglni hive piwj nrrlinnr arhjch provide thar all y chicles automobiles tother convevancea propelled ly anioul or ndpaed in and upon tht streets and within th city limits and states ipproaching railroad crossing be full stop tin feet jherefroni and tho iih if thoiwy is clear before proceeding ialry frfr violating the ordinance is a fine ma5or more than 200 for each of- plty own or provincial laws thronh- jbtry would rediijatjimlnlraum the ng death joll which runs if to many hun- rspna apnoallysucla law which savi 1 jlbiwl ot n epenje to- the wxpayr hroagh ftnemhectedfprl wbiacaj6mi- isn it about time something definite was done regarding that motor tourists para for aoton a little trouble taken and a smsil amount expended will bring back five hundred per cent interest in a year or two in the amount left with our local merchants by these camping tourists it would almost be worth while indeed for the garag men in town as they have done in other municipalities to get togother and outfit a convenient location in the park eo as to provide comfortablo accommodation how rumors spread to the disadvantage of vil lages towns and districts is pretty well illustrated intho case of the recent epidemic or foot and mouth disease in california certain features of the cam paign against the disease which made good news were wely broadcasted and led to the belief thdt a very serious condition was prevalent now it oc cursaccording to the los angeles times that leas than one per cent of the live stock in california were affected and that tho epidemic has been manifest in less thsn flvofone hundredths of one per cent of the states area somehow brother bad jiows always spreads moro wfdely and much more rapidly than newaof a helpful nature it was rather reassuring to note how the head of foo iv d vention of the association condemned in no un certain terns the members of the profession who see at to disregard the law as to supplying liquor president rorabcck referred to such as our tyoot- legging members and expressed the thought that it wplild ortly a f sdgrt timeuntii such men ere drivenout of the profession there has been atendency pit the part of many who wished to discredit thetahoemperance act to sneak easily of hd drug atorjtjf the provinco as a source p uppy those wis flopped to thlyic mast have aware that thodnl trudeasa whdlo isa aolfire inkat well as a lawsapjjinbodyand tbamji there have uhdcbtesbaasamakaaaaaaw7 v erin lion jduncan marshall was the guest of dr and mrs abbott over the weekend mr hartley jdlckson visited with toronto friends for a few days lost week miss uanrsret momluan cx north bay is visiting with her mother hare mr and mrs albert stewart and mr and mrs john retd of maple valley were weekend visitors with mr and mrs b crosby mr h j gibson attended the meet- ins of the deanery of wellington con ference at colbeok on wednesday last mr and mra jdalt and twp ch44drfl7 of toronto spent the weekend with mr and mrsthoa wilson ith line the bridge over mundella dam which has been in dangerous condition for some time has been rebuilt and la now quite safe and la a rood substantial etructure mr b b kckee or benalto alto- u vialtlpa with friends in this vicin ity mr mckse intends spending a couple of months with friends in on tario and in the united states before returning home hr and mrs geo ratnatabottom and mrs p maotaggart motored and spent a few days with mr and mrs john jtamesfaottom of walkertoq miss e fjingrick entertained a number of her frlemla to s trouseau tea at her home last wednesday mr j miller miss ribwneon mr and mrs p teeter and mr elmer miller all of erin attended the recep- tlop held at orton in honor of mr and mrs roy hammlnaway itev d q atkinson attended the funeral of iftettale j lstteh here on monday of last week mr a t scott returned with him aa for as orill la where he visited with his son mr walter sootl utile miss hemic armstrong daughter of mr and mrs wm arm strong- was suddenly aelsed with ur attack of appendloitla and underwent an operuuon on saturday last friends hers are distressed to team the news that mr alfred humph reya ot urltlsb columbia formerly uf erin was the victim of a palnruj accident in hlch th thumb and three tlugors were severed from hla right hanx leavloa the index nnger- particulars as to the naturs of the accident are not available dr william stubbs ofbaldon lebes i4 anno ttre- etigagbnibnr ot hu youngest daughter anna via tosla to mr joaami itoaa wallane druggut son of mr and mrs joaeuh waltaoe of chloau th marrlaa io lake place in colsdon the tatter part of june mrs johv pstersqn of alton and her stands richard slnnfan ot torv ohio left a saturday june linr wlanlpea e they will spend u month with m tortner dauahter tb dutrlunual meeting of the womens institute pavilion of stanley irnoon june 0 lus and was allen of pocket book the dunlop rubber company niakes a wide variety of automobile tires no matter what type of car you drive or what your tire allotment is the dunlop dealer can attend to your needs ijb v dunlop tires are standard- every one of them is backed up by the dunlop reputation of thirty gears standing dunlop tire rubber goods co limited haad offio and fadsriea toronto aa am laweea ohea 11 a cwitr walul waa bm in 1 park ftuul y or hamil varoato atf h inmttimr mclaughlin m six 21 sit behind the wheel of this master six at first glance you will certainly gpprectate tthj the srnart lictes the attractive finish nd 5i beautiful appoiiitments of this mclaugwmlv jl buick you cant really know this fine car howeve until you have sat behind the wheejf whe v itthesuperabunrjnnt power i unusual riding comfort control on all roads in rdepy by the tested then will you iiivhis fine car r cw al j have been on raahy