r i by reward of cake and biscuits j needed no suchspur but 1a throe fcturtlme would glance at the aheap jortably start off at a ohasrful and without hesitation th doom- nrtnals would surround him ana illy ascend tho winding runway to abattoir nearby then at a oom- lid tib would jo back and ooaae any refers till bo had all at hand ready i slaughtered hfdwto look at billy it mgbt seem at he did this work in all innocence 1 that 1m waa quite una war that he l led his charges to any harm but t would j doing an lnjuauca f 4lba mighty intellect hj leads tha rook tight to the edge of the platform re they are killed but then ho efully edges tor the wall keeping- as poaalhlo from th danger point le reachas the only spot of safety itban hojlldea back from the helpless beep wriggles u and goes back for ftother lot hla treachery doea not weigh on bis f gplrfta be la utterly complacent and j tfaauafed impatient to be on urn i lob 1 an extravagance no emotion is more exhausting for a woman than fear let a careers wife be thoroughly frightened by an jsvucaccd tramp alther back door and fiawgi be good for nothiruttb rest of the may fit minutes struggle with a bmaina cbtmnay leaves tha woman of the house mvtft uwl than tjmu falls and screamii the mother is llkaly to bo the chief sufferer her baoy may b unhurt but if be baa ha3 a fright hef nerve will bear the markafi of it for a weak a wise doctor hav recently oailed attention to tha fact 4hat worry nothing but a diluted drbblas fear long drawn out and that its effects on the person are of tbaaame kind as thoae or fear thla is what makes worry uch an expensive habit it fa extravagant with tho possessions sebich monev cannotbuy vigor on durance etflolency all these juttla r oall- faniy by that no tatiare tntfln- un enw harjty ispect of that ales of i to their haglectw uy e l then ha itie ariolent th and her praise any- aver gunod ofc however this since jiat exemp- burdensocbe to old maid id to assist lypsnulty 10 mulutud- twadays axi aat or slat sle is often odds and rnunlty and ind even the the modern society to gely founded on from tha hub fly workt hen a drawn upon by tneapprehensive epiu moreover if worry- once gets tha upper band it grows apace the woman who worries on monday be- cmitse bar boy has a cold wju wprry v a0b8potv wllft it lsoti1y a fear years since many kngllah sailors were drowned becausi in admiral gave a wrong order- and qnoitler officer who knew the order to le wrong ubeyod it admit n iirula pf the vrertch navy was once in the kngllati olllccr s ptilton and took a contrary oourae slthounhr tils orrtera came fium no loss a personage than neppteon 1 both cases it should be noted occurred not in battle but on parnua at much a lime surol nub ordlnate moat tic justified jn ftvinj lives of liut men even nt tho coat of technical disobedience willi nai tun wh nt lajutugnc in 1141 he went oji to rfda unj morn ing leuvlne wool thut m his return lis would review the find during his absence therefore n roeuuige was wont to admiral riruljt thu he order the ship lo weigh anchor and put out to ass to the astonlxhment of the messenger the sdmlral rmtul thut lie wii very sorry but the ntute of the tther would not pvrmlt the revlsw la taka plaoe in du time the rmiieror returned nd imiulrcd if everything was ready 7he autmlrale mponso w oommun icatfml to him at first he seemed not to understand but on its being rt postrri he stamied his foot and nrdor- td tho admiral summonod inttr hl presence the admiral came nt once but even o he wrtu not julck enough or tbq emprnr who m6f hm halfway the omimrors staft followed apd lood rongeil in nllenco nbout him tflr admiral said nsibleon in uti angry voice why have you not obeyed my orders t fllrp answered the ndmlrnl with specifpl firmness a fearful torn pest la preparing tour majesty can see it as well as i you cannot wish to expose uselessly the uvea of so manv brave men constant the first valet de chambre of the emperor and one of his firmest apologists is constrained to admit 1 1 reuunk tbs story that the aspect of the sky at that motnanf fully justified tho fears of the admiral but napoleon was too much irritated to listen to reason u slr he said 1 have given orders onoe iqpre why have you not execut ed them obey sire i shall not obey at that word the emperor advanced riding whip in band as lf to strtka the admiral recoiled a stsp and laid his hand upon his sword 8lrjie said turning pale take care the two raen faced each other then the emperor- dropped his whip and the admiral withdrew hla grasp from the handle of hi sword rearadmiral kagon said na poleon too win execute instantly the order i have issued aa for you sir turning to admiral bruix you will leave boulogne within twentytour hours and retire into houand ool th rearadmiral die as the emperor had bidden the tempest broke aa the admiral had predicted and more than two hundred frenchmen were drowned before the emperors eyes 33 rrtzda itud 7flei jbceellent far croupy chllursn whangs child la suffsrinar with croup it la a good plan to use dr thomas kclectrle oil it reduces the mflam- matigp and loosens the phlegm giv ing speedy relief to tho little sufferer t la equally reliable for sbro throat cbwt earachfe rheuma pains ata btuiaestand sprains tjr7phomas 1c oil is regarded by many nds aa an indispensable ot tho illy m cheat x twins the harmon twins iooked ao much alike babies that their parsala odpjd scarcely tell them apart aa they grew olqer it became evident that td drandmouier txarmotu at f the twins were a unit toia were asking me how much the twin- wly fuff pfprttyipflftrr hay- mon to a neighbor 4 went out that aftsrooon 2 pat one of them on the scales at ihe grocery and found be weigh 4oat twentysix pounds dq they always weigh exactly the tburay bte he ha ww r mj ift and and on saturday because hq may bav nmhir one h due time the mother gets sick f the boy does not and thus justifies her own dutorted view the world bffull pf triaja and losses and temptations which we believe to hay put her by a divln plan for the working out of a divine pur pose beyond oun ken but it je not avroyerent o amy that worry is a humap importation into tho sobeme of thlngm wtththa nablt ot yieldlnfd tf qnoe establiahed a woman can be wrajohed inthe most fortunate oir- cunlsunoea with the ptdlogrjphy wbfch stands ibove worry and dis dains it one may be happy in of late grandmother harmon looked quite lm- teatlent tjui twins t sh said of course why notr thft palgbbor bad no reason to give but aba rebelled a few days later when in answer to her inquiry grandmother bainop said vflier are the twins t oh they got a clndar in one of their eyes and helrptber hju taken them down to the ocuuses tq have u removed they were fosalns so over if 1 fc imi nl stips hi i dim- al icntilinvi ii ccr policnisortmols ail ln lamm w cfs yottvrin eeethls shialdahape trade amarit tb hardware storeebterrwltere ymi wont ewe jt oa cheap inferior goods ii goes oaly on household ntesunh of the highest quality yet selling af moderate priees beraase of the fxemettdooa quaatiuee ou each year v choose coofcina and bakut utensils that carry thla trade mark choose bmp eaamried ware with its very hard gm ennrfaos heats faster deana coaler 1m- partg bo metallic flavor cause tto dang-er- axkfor three finishes pearl ware two coats of pc3rhreycnameiinideantiout alamoad ware three coats light blue and white out- r sme white linlnjf crystal ware three coatsjjure white inside and out with royal blue edging shcct mrx v products cq icouygjt caioawv a compleu une of s m p products jas symon handled by hardware acton the georgetown lumber co phone 120 acton now on hand a full jtno of high quality lumber lath shingles hydrated lime hardwall plaster cement sash frames doors and interior trnn we now have a truck for delivery and are prepared to give prompt aervico quality and service our motto get our prices before buying elsewhere estimates fur nished on all classes of buildings free of charge georgetown lumber co a mccann acton representative mill sl acton r drb artkm llk mwdthwi m- jsmuu wp ram dpj kitlpsr asthnis imeudv mw maalo hntfiblmm it u olr natural tnndy ua in natural wayj tl amea or aor rehlnc ft aftw r- nwt nuaaaa orjtha waot amaltea aalcibo trtfdbuaaa vpa qvfntowsluru ant it ja m lartfahatibhtmt tha iuuia the- differeoe is apparent early boy has as much fun in stoning a eat as a girl has in hunting for violets a boys curiosity is dfrecter to the loo box a- girl would like to see what la latba top bureau drawer a girl can give hb impression when way from homo that her parents are a boy cannot boy is old enough to be wel td alt in the neighbor glrpn par years defore his jester thmki taough tnmuffn the parlor r so yautuf that she yeels at a party that rtqwed boy child i thats foils to jflllar and he wiu 9 and she wil rjhav hair boys la uburn kover the quar- by4elem the landa okafjhoi the dute of wetlityrton vm m itnima rcvfalr destng in tlin al peso aseho was for fklr hlttjng in ume of wr a termer at btrjkthneldsay owneova piece of ground enterlpg liv a wedge into thedukafs estate which he refused to sell put his affalrf be- ossse involved and bis property waa put up by the sheriff hue tttbrnln the dukes steward came to him it high lee t t bava done a good piece of busl nes for your graoo this morning tv said i have got thaf wedge ot land for m nlere song what is it really worth t askvl thi duke at least nineteen hundrsd pounds andljrhat is the mere songt only eleven hundred tbept said the duke you will give the man a check for eight hundred pounds with my regrec k u 4roubla norh american life assurance co solid as the continent 500000 whole tie contract age 20 annus premium a qajoo age 26 annus premium 73j8 age 30 annual premium 800 age 3s annual pramlum 100js ads 40 annual premium 12035 age 4ov annual premium 14 7 go age 60 annual premium 1410 ape be annual premium 2330 thiy contract camea with it liberal ch surrender values nd paidup guarantees also extended insurance and non forfeitable privileges together with our monthly guaranteed income lor life v y- f a vaixs district manner 504505 bank of hamilton buttling hamilton i would like fullf particulars about your special whole x4re contract name r addrcsb a rt occupation wanted a uvb local agent for acton and district whether the oqrn be ot old or new growth u tauat yield to baiiffways corn remover wrtf repeating to lighten your work go wt it buuy- aotly kifdak balmnan accept the chatlepp of hardahlpa soft jobs nutks ott man door wao put a pin in your rulth in ctw rutur and n nail in thp lid at youi past vivlfyer tttw man who in urvut mun hut nalghhont m n v rmt tnall indeed the treuaure cheat ph newl in this country 10 day yt ao much for a real job for evy as for a rent mun for every jab optimist xwl sales jnlk should wf like u ireaslowg enough to cqver ivlnelttal lwrto yet abort en- je interestihg 1 j m say it aeemed an of- lesssuuws no deviation bourse or fair dealing and lit manufacture is par columbian drew qljjciren- cry for mom naiiqnalrallwys golr cat h o j m 10 36 am f a pm 7 ot u m 11 lum n 3tpm b 7trn i lip ni 7 0s prrf toronto suburban elcctrlq no 67 railway wotbound cnbtbound r 40om ii 40 if ni 2 40 pm c 40 p m 00 p m 11 40pm 7 43 olu 10 43aan 42 4 43 pm 7 42 pm 10 42 p m sunday timetable weetbaund no co no 83 no 87 11 40 am ifopjn mopm 9 40 pjn eastbound no 68 10ojtl no 60 z 2 49 pjp no 84 6 43pju no 88 8 43 pjn freight delivered by speoial axptess freight freight picked up at any ad dress in toronto xl t tbettfokx ageut anton patrons of this establishment please notice examinations for oloaooa on thursday friday and saturday only of each week iens grinding and 4ulck re pair department operating aa ususl write in or dhono 109 lw for appointment a d savage optomrtrjtt a mffl opttelan 8vao optical bulldlno cright tha port owo- ouelph i f e gibbons expert shoe repairing prompt attention to orders left t e gibbons main street acton acton elevator near o t ft stajion fpuoving brands oa hao4 flour manitoba flpur pa8trv rolled oats oat chop oats oilcake hav and qrain grain boosht and relayed alex l nqblfr henbv awbey mamgrer pmrdttf aat 1011111 tu um cblld nd 1jht or uielr dutolr iay kava boop idna pfam anrt laaymiw prapara l bjlvtt pfpv i ihlwran tusnta of thl uaiiikr nk castoria jjothert etetcherjijcaatonu is a iwtmlc substitute for cuter bilaregoric teethini 1io uiu soothing syrups prepared to relieye jnfantu in trim mil children all ages of constirjition wtiul colic flalulcncy 1 o swit ilii stomach ditrrhea r rtil ite liowclb aids in the assimilation of food iroinutiiikulrtuliiesii kest and i naturlj sleep without opiitcj to arold imiuctaiu alwjn1kfor llie ii win brovrn illrklloin iff rc nadygv lliyi lum everywhere recommend il this stores pokcy to reppeseni gooda ex actly as- to 0leir quality to sell to thoae wlw know and to those fhf dont kjiov at a unltorm lair price to lulail all gua anteca and chec fully correct all tnl takea to dcterve your conrdcnoe by always giving you aatiatactlon savage co jcwdkrs g0elph ontario h j i r awjj