lbg i v rrr a r charged or ioc s mafiugai olkrwuig dthi to pcrllov tr died dill vi it jr nuruimn n n hun lity luii 20 1024 hosier a it iloj t 11 vi i wlfo of mr thos on vor it 1 or fifllh year quir artrin 3fog jprpgfl thuiihday july 40 1114 brief local items tuesday ruin wu a welcome one tho olorliu twelfth next batur uy only six weak until toronto kx hlbltlon civic holiday will be jlho next ubllc holiday ioe your fans pass ubacrlptlon hpcrt renewing wend in your lut of visitor next week and tfverweelc if you re an orangeman acton is your town next saturday uosung county ha chopped two mill off it tax rate for 134 brink out your jubilee decoration next saturday for the orangemen the hay crop la being harvested and in thla section la a rood one the orillla packet aaya this certainly iwsap year for peaestrlana the buildings at the entrance to the park are receiving a coat of paint actons community service in the park next sunday evening at 7 o dock the boy crop on several of the street about town la now ready to harvest decorate your horn r p plafe for u orange oelebrouon next aturdar the baseball club wll hold a dance in the town han on the evening of july 12 take your cboot either an auto or a safety rasor will give a man a clean shave tb local orange order 1 planning to moke um rwl next saturday glorious one saturday is the day of the his oraacfcbrmtton in acton and acton 1 ready for it- acton beben gob 1 plonntnc for a big haawbah tanrnaxmni on civic holiday axuast 4 therell be band with from two to forty member in them at the or- snr celebration bjor on saxnrday tbe strawberry crop mom to be a bousarul en thjry sold in acton the pest week as low as throe boxes tor 23c thej new tug laid by ooo tr or forbes on the east aldo of church street tram jobs to willow streets ujthtnlnc tru the fartn of rkrworl bsuect about throe mhav northwest of bolton ksoias asveral milch cows there will bo a ug crowd bora cor the 12th of jttly eetehrsuon rjooorate king albert receives the canadian editors each member fa presented at the royal palace in bncwela belgium flowers laid on the tablet marking the spot where edith cavell was shot down by germans im my last letter gnvo it cldenta re a pectins experiences of ll o canadlan editors party crossing thn atlantic on their trip to or cut llrltaln and the continent in thla lottor i urn alile to stve in review a numter t moat interesting feature u collt g tie prevtoua record of ocean truvej the nral sight of lai 1 ui t it wu moat welcome i oaaum y uwaiijlhe shores if urlttany th veil cuttlvnt ed flrlds garden ana on liurdn of prance presented a grnlpful chongs indeetl after bavin- ha 1 only the vhat reachea of the ocean in vliw for alx or seven long do the uahu irregular little tie ida surrounded in all case by hedge the funny little farm houses and homestead buildings the profuio fertility reveal led by the field gloaaer which so many of the member of the party hdt provided themselves with formed pictures for un artist ad ded to thla the historical aspect with a thousand ear and more of agrlcul jirists and fruit growers cultivating thou- neldaostd garden vital jritoresl wax naturally centred in thla first view of the land on the easterly aide of the broad atlantic the first port at which our good ship the mellta called was cher bourc prance this is one of the leading seaport of paris it has a magnificent harbor and i rn monad breakwater it wo to this port that many of the united btates soldier were disembarked during the war cherbourg was in those days the chief submarine port for prance while in the harbor we bad the satisfaction of a submarine emerge from the its periscope sjd mounted gun showed abova the waterllne and iq us who kxd never before seen one of these destructive undersea in operation the sight wai course very interesting while were sailing out of the harbor several hydroplane new bo ve a ml circled about as in skjtfbl fashion an hour or so after leaving this french port the beautiful isle of wight came into view it lighthouse chalky cliff the needles and the thrifty farms and popular water places suuee tided each other a we progress toward sou thorn p tan our jlmc british port ot call the city of cower with its world wide reputation popular watering place and the seen of re and water sport for gen eratlons was seen to fine advantage in the westering sunshine next came the try mantled tower of corrla brook cutis of historical renown charles x was imprisoned there nrior to bis being beheaded osborne house the palace in the isle of wight where good queen vic torts loved so well jo spend her sum mar m is on the snore east of t1 oemile maw jl cowes a splendid view of this wax foxotssjftor sl whm w we niun vexust ixoxtcta fatlsasg fi s to antwerp bel of htefcwysv p y on the wtening of this day th icr harry msinprts l us -mut- sailed into the great british barber shop from the xcdohman block port of southampton the pilot to thai aajrlaka block this woek on at khlphesd and three tugs assisted he to ww t fwf sruad la the om- vessel in warping into her berth at tho southampton docks we threaded tnroagb lines of score frelgh and passenger tied up at the large docks of t c pacific hallway the a of the d p r signs where p a very homo- like aspect and banished the homesick fseuxtg which were naturally experi by canadians so far from the of their every day activities mce in approaching southampton two in teresting places were pointed out by of our party on tho starboard xdde was the extensive aero plane ha grounds and workshops of the british simy where the aero pteaea which entered the round- th world flbjdat bopped off a few weeks ago on the other side is the nutjey soldiers hospital for the men of the navy who require hospital care tho l are over a mile in length of pocullar interest to acra jsoore and myself occurred short ly after the mellta docked mr harryn afoore journalist of london nad come down to southampton on the owanlna train he said to meet and powar for reoct in the oommxmity in greet his uncle henry and aunt bton ttext hattle because of his exciting x- during the three years while editor of the freeman a at dublin mr moore waa qui to a tloii- among members of the editors party he returned to london in the r with hints as to the big time in london whan the canadian odators party reach that great british harry halneav of boiled on waa painful aocideaif baxvday white c nowmitoxatlowxa his cwndwas issrcnants of braaapton aro petl- uonlng the tcwncdoxacq to which this i uvotrmait its aarvtes- baa bva linalnlj i txdmaykdma fttxokdard begins the ofueth yaar oftts pnhllen- uoo atm haie and heaurty wfttti no it hi a usataading advertawawant for acton avcradjt to its pxoawjara and a which it clnnlatasuaouim 1 jntrn bwkw i that ba and thirty vaara on um job as the s which is ornt ejbtermr its nttlatli yi editor jot forty- apvartatly thoa who arat tan yaara bavo a rh of livi avtea wnilepergos kewsmaeorfl asavoxm party at uavaxexeavai a grdna party will b bald wndar bo of tjmmboo vreahytar- wailnoanay aatmcevat of kx w oowdy the i trjp of london arffl have charge of the proaxaauao- koep bronte hsjos oranao cbyreh parssle bronta l o jt no 27 with oak- vtl surtmstton and rantaosaitiut of other sister odtao in halton ooanty paraded xo the bapoat canrch in bronte on btmdsr evening where an appropriate awranon was pranabed by the pastor bev jalr parade waa for jtjjfcjarw f lu attmr having- m4ad tba pauea an tborlu for mai moatlia it tv pattonan of waoaeaeatk wba broke custody trpm um oaurlo baforma t aloac anttt teak oumt luja iml nonolmr waa apprabradad la dctiolt asd oraosbt back fa cjualpb hamtdar fattaraao who w awrlaa a unn tnm alna to twal moeibl fur than flxurml lb oae at th nua dartaf i rar mada from tb vana- mid ww tb laat of nv to b oapcnred bb fsor ooa panlooa r now klnaatoo iniotlarr pi abto mtwnd to a twojrwur tarm by maautxat wtt oo ttlday wbaa appeared bton bbn mcrtor aocldut maar sraata wk tb car wnuirbe waa drlwaa waat oear bronl un taaasar artttdfl ott tba panouot wbicb bad rwidarod mur by a n eraabml into tb guard rail at aouth aid uid ll i ilmufl vmaa laa road flnauy orturoloar in a atxavac dltcb daabd otrtaa of tareaaa had one lar fraoturedaboea tba irmaaall was badly cut aad bntfawf oaaaf four other oooupebta offka oaf out aboat the eyaa aad tba r ir w- badly ahakaa up tt ibaaiilei of xalanao dr speara of ttaillaltai aad aiabway cooatabla cbartta heio ter arrived la a abort urea esjelaaewa sk baav aad la aaa to the d of tba ear whloa tn ooorawtaly riaeeer waroota la tba we apoit the nljbt in oun itati roosia box dabuitml oexly next morn hv on a motor drive through- thla aadottt dty or southampton thla waa areafly enjoyed for two reaaooa the respite from ocean v travel and cbe opportunity afforded for eeelns the old try oo bright juno rooming if may not be generally known in fast it wee a eurprum to meny other member of ih poiuv- to learn tbe impren ofviliurar the coo- 1 very manlfeet in fho older f clly a atone arflh aver the main thoroughfare often bn padea the name or the now more modem city und embattled walla of bla cooatrocllon run for many bloolui aoroae thl moioi ilaooe of intenxt or rmaw remote date are pointed out the nor koreet la aald tb conalderabl antedate the conqueror ume the newer parte of southamp- too aad it reldnoe ertlon lie parka anachurcnee are worthy of note oar motor drive look ue out eaveral muea to the new fot- alonk the beeeed many quaint homes of them thatched nearly has a rower garden in vegetable garden in the ei predominating route number froot and a r flowi ere everywhere two lllng epecally impreaa the va1 number of able- out of work tramping the vlaltor thi bodies the numpitadunvberof drtnalna- ilec vrjwhre while driving from n wot s lj tuok opportunity of eouotln the timber of wp room and uuoor ore tb luml drlv between u r1 tlu wa paaaad t blnlft k drinking babll and the out of work problem aro evidently very closely related lrio ooto vrhtay morfilng w bft houclmptou tap f our outwrd oc journey it took atgbio hour t run antwerp etn rout p o hanand watering place a aaw num bar or dyke wlndmllu and ths oltand caltlo ilaylng waa ui te a moat abundant rfe f an about aeven as wnliu lmmll zz aakaa the -mllta- was aoarcbki by omolal ranreaeutatlves gv oovemtaw and of u w of antwerp to velaaraa tba can- nr 1 jrcerth our out examination and even waived tlm nacsity for exfilhltlng our paeaports wo said gfrort liyo j flu slnllla then ntidi rocftedrd up tht anlwei u tcki to the tiiwji unit wliciu tho hurg imaslor rxtoiilol a niou i wrlti rn nn 1 icrootcd the inomli tho tarty person illy thi t wn hall t- a mogiiinront irtill llhn tint lulntinkh nut tn ulrlr nml wan 1 ullt in 1037 a ibur of th wondorful a nt wcri docks was mado n tho mlsaloners boat un i the extent of the nhlpplng was a rovelatl m uhlps were there from ovory known acapnrt there were miles and mlloa f them in the innumerable dock any jyllpa of this great port tho third in exltmr in th world the poj ulatlon is nearly 600 000 the day before our urtival a ship heavy tonnage i ad arrived from the ualglitn congo iter cargo or african products was varied unique ai 1 inter eating a largo conlgnmont which greatly interested our party wail of tusks of ivory there wu ituia of it homo of tho tusk njrn seven eight feet in lengt ivory centre of the world ond to the market here all ivory maniaacturoi for their raw materlali store here and in- lirutlm lixl iblt many beau ti fully nrltahed nrjl ivory during ouriuy in antw vlsltod the great antwerp cnlhedroll one of the apeclnl features of antwerp in ract one of the sacred places tu which pilgrimages are made fiont throughout the christian world tin cathedral itself is an impoulnjr atruo luro of rruclfornvtype and is 340 too in length it is claimed it is the only cathedral having seven aisle it wa erected in the seventeenth conturj it wall ore adorned with three of tho finest original painting by itubona the most famous of these is the descent from tho cross painted 1816 it was stated by the lecturer to our party that several years ago the british oavsmmon offered c 200 000 for this painting but dr joset th speaker said it could not be pur chased for a million pounds it will never leave tho walls of our great cathedral our next visit was to the ancient town of mallnes mentioned frequently ll wilt be remembered during the war ilece the cathedral of uallnes was visited its chime aro very fine eg taxi it is said to those of co id no cathedral in germany prof denjin uio noted musician who operate it favored us with a chime concert which was greatly enjoyed tho clly corporation tendered h re ceptlon at the town hall but tho event of the visit to mallnes was the reception at the cardinal s palace by hi eminence cardinal mercler thn welcome extended by this holy was most sincere and cardial as he ohook hands with each member of the party presented a gracious word oc two fell from his lips to each the cardinal earned the special hatred of the qermans during the war through hi sympathy with and aaslstanco to fugitive pf belgium when fleeing from the rapacity and brutal attacks of the invading soldiers he wo imprisoned for months and at one time threatened with execution an evidence of his benevolence and goodness of heart was manifested dur ing our visit to the palace of our party mr prank oalbralth of the advocate bod deer alberta formerly of tho ouelph mercury waa seised with an attack of heart trouble while on the lawn he was at once sent to the hospital at the cardinals direction and given every attention in a couplo of days when ha had ufaclently re covered to join the party at nrussels he requested his bill and wus inform ed that ba had boon in tho hospital as the guest of the cardinal and there were no charges dyom saturday until tuesday party were in iho beautiful city of brussels the capital of belgium ou programme there was a most strenu dux one litany favors wore extended by the government of the kingdom and the city council receptions were tendered by his excellency mr hy mans minister of foreign affair a the house of parliament by the pre eldest of the central industrial as odtallon of belgium at the chamber of commerce and by the burgomosti of the city at the town hnjl three incidents of impresslvo and reverent character marked our visit to brussels early on sunday mornlnu the editors party placed a wreath on the tomb of the unknown belgian soldier they visited the senato chamber whero edith cuvel thu british nurse was tried by ho ger man and condemned to death when they were investing brussels and the party visited the place at the city barracks where she was subsequently brutally shot and every member of tho party placed a jlower on the marble lab marking the spot where she fell after twelve gorman bullet had pierced hej and an officer hud wolknd up and ahot her in the ear to complete the brutality the body of nurse cavel was removed to ei gland being conveyed from antwerp in a british warship and burled with military honors the seat occupied by mis cavol in the parliament building during the unjust trial 1 held snero by the belgiun parliament and will never be occupied by u member- of tho house being left vacant as a tribute to her sainted memory burihg our stay in brussels we visited the colonial museum the bols d la chamber h4 forest of the soigne and the beautiful city gardens but the crowning eyent of our stay in this wonderful city of wealth beau tlful building famous painting and historical oenlres was the invitutl to the royal i ulaoe where wo were graciously received hy lit majesty king albert the king 1 belovc 1 and honored by his people ii t u inuit uf plendld physlqux affablu un i frlon lly as each member or the editor wirty was presented by sir george graham british ambassador to belgium hu chutted pleasantly with number of thu visiting journalists und in terra gated them as to their home in canada and their impressions of belgium it wa my great privilege to have his majesty detain mo for several minutes ha first asked about acton location in canada and when i subsequently remarked that about half a hundred acton boy fell in the oreat war on the fields of plan lers he feelingly votaed his appreciation of their xecrl flee thi gracious reception of th canadian visitors by hi majest kins albert will ever he i raudly remembered by the fortunate partial pant have already written at too great length in my ut article i will given incident of our vult to the fort of lies where the war commimcml and of out visit to the battlefield and the cemeteries of our canadian soldier heroes who rail h v moonh neighborhood newi- town and country everton ltev und aim parkhouse spen n tirsdny li t ronto mr john wright an 1 son bert 1 luii mills also mr george wright kltchenor spent hun lay with jlr and mr oscar locker on friday afternoon the ladles ot tl o women institute were favored with it eplendhl address by mr laura ltusa stephens of guelph mn hie hens spoke on a number of dlf- f rent subjects and imparted a great loot of useful knowledge she also lemonstrated useful cooking utensils tnd wearing apparel during the af ternoon a duett was sung by mr liinlol parker and mrs w ii i tor top a dainty supper wus served at tho i so of the lirogrnmme tho meet ing cl sod by singing tho natlonil anthem eden mills j m we mr and mrs j ib webb of calsti vllle wnrn guests of mr nnd mr t if wnhl nn i xlr nn i mrs 3 p ituahsn i for a f w day ovef tioyweekend mr w gllbertsnit and little daugh tor are s ending a few weeks in colt mr john h woe ting of potcrhoro an i mr llowker or toronto were mr and mrs w taylors gueataaa hun da mr grant of mimosa gave a splen dll addre at the hunday school con voutlon in tho church hare last week in his usual pleasing manner news ot local import inaftoaqaweya brin mr jus kee of detroit i spending hi vacation with friend here a r peter matthews of toronto spent the holiday ylth air and mr h matthews mr at d mrs j trimble and tw sons and mr t fclmlth pent monday in toronto mis nun lm returned from a vult with friends in wollund and hamilton hv k oliver of qudph conducted the services at the cluirch of christ on hunday mr illnckadder f toronto is visit ing with her parents mr and mrs ii l q rant mr a t hcott and son wilfred wniorud and uru visiting with mr and mrs waller scott ut orillla mr j harris and ohlldren of tor otito are vlsltln her uncles messrs john und ltobm iilnnle 7th line mr and mrs john t son has ro turned to their hum at j3verham ufter visiting with mr and mrs il tyson and other friends miss bslrd has accepted a position with the erin municipal telephone byatem wt v4ry moon lak9 hfjr torm on tho switch board mr an i mr mack holllnger of acton und thrvo children spent a few days thi week with mr and mrs jas irwin and other friend and mrs hutchinson and babv daushter of j tramp ton spent sunday 1th mr an 1 mrs w hull mrs hutchinson ad baby remained for a time mr anl mrs h c morris mr corbet t and mr and mr r h carson of toronto ent sunday with alton friends and culled on erin friend on their return trip the teachers nanf1 pupils of the an gucsn church sunday school held their annual pic nlo at mr h b austins on friday last needless to ay v all spent a very pleuaant time the member of l o x no 112 and erin shamrock l o b a no 474 and vlaltor belonging to the order paraded to the methodist churco erin on sunday july a at 11 a m when rev bra evans conducted the service and took for his text the church jack canuck owned by il overland orange vl he won a straight heat vie tory in the 2 10 class at port elgin on july 1 the conlngaby methodist sunday school held their annual pic nlo and games at the home of mr chester bur on july all enjoyed the game und lunch on wednesday evening of last week the rev waterwortd of hlluburg conducted a short service in the church of chrl after which mioses prlscllla and annie cook were bap used and received into the church mr j p liush left on saturday for st john n b where he will ipcml a week with his sop in law and daughter mr and mrs p c mclean after which he will meet dr skinner and mr meol jeffry of guelph and 3 gentleman from windsor at moncton when the party will sail for new foundland where they will spend tamo time fishing etc the mass meeting held at stanley park on sunday afternoon under the auspice of the local women inxtl tute for the purpose of raising funds for the support of the armenian boys homo at georgetown was largely at tended dr ylning travelling aecrev acy for the home addressed the meet ing and quite a sum of money waa taken in the collection advocate the nassagoweya township sunday school win hold a ic nc on tho athletic oround cumpbellvllle onl wednesday of this wk a gpod n gramme of aitorts ha een rovltled for the ccuslr n an l un enjoyable tlni 1 expected ltev h w ifann ii a 11 d pastor of nassagaweya circuit arrived on friday evening and preached his firs sermon in pltenexer church sunday morning to n large congregation haying has commenced in this dls trie and is a very good crop although the sirnig wo late mr and 4rs robert black of guelph vlsltod relatives and friend fn kassugawoya on sunday quslph child hit by auto luue iihlon eight year old daugh lor of mr and mrs thomas hilton r- tlffany street was struck hy an auto mobile on saturday evening and was painfully although not eorlously in jured the little girl had left home to go to a store and stood for a moment on tho curb on woolwich street near tiffany street until a street car paai palling crsiotica an approaching automobile he etept ed out directly in front of it and wa knocked down at first it was thought tier injuries were of a more serious nature jiui on medl col examination it wa found that ui though her injuries were painful no bones wore broken it was purely an accident and no blimo la attached u jho driver of tha automobile who could not have uvoldod striking tho clilldj mercury punihing father whei ufter u father what mother til name my boy aftor i ana- and my how iii spank him j ilma man begun hobby stormy interview with hi uskod his unknown man drotoned at burl aton i ylng partly in nt water the od of an unidentified man was fou l i the shore of tho inko at ilurll ntni friday morning it i believe i tha the man fell over a 30 foot em ntf ment near the spat where the l ody was found a ma n known on i y o jim had been seen in ilurll k during the last three day hi las eriptlnn answered that of the dead i tan it was also thought it might h th body of thomas keating or dm ely said to be a twulor who lived at hf flntown near montreal it i th ght the man was sleeping un the cllft n i rolled over in hi sleep and drowned while unconscious g b ryan a co sell owen sound business a business deal in which it im delstood that about j160 000 was ived and one of the most import mi at has ever taken place in fj boqnd has just been completed owen sound dry goods bualnts tie largo store and property there of tit ii lly an a co ot owen soun 1 ti guelph has been llsposod of t mr kuy iroa of owen sound the tr x action mean the withdrawal of tho firm of ityun a co from owen s ll after a successful business reoor 1 over 40 years while it in underst that negotiations have been under v for some time the news it the merit r has created quit a sensation in tl o district as both firm have a wl in connection in that art of ontario halton cattle men get prizes two ontario herd nf shorth r h have made a good start nn tho w m tern show circuit with practically u cloan sweep at brandon exhibition tl i week t a russell of downsvlt- v and cam bell and amos of molyut wore the two livestock br coders vl mado the clean up campbell i i amos captured the following pris n aged cows 1st and grand champion l roan lady 28th two year old hell 2nd on bessie 6th senior yearhiifi 2nd junior yearling 1st seplor cilf 2nd junior calf 1st aged bull lut and grand champion on meadow lawn favorite senior yearling 1st on kini i- guardtan junior yearling 2nd on king challenge senior calf 1t junior calf let aged herd 1st bra d era herd get of aire and progeny f cow 2nd al the cattle axhlblte i ty campbell and amoi were bred 1 y them and sired by rothos king 40 with the exception of the grand chain plon bull and grand champion cow dyl ph mvlng n st 01 dlvil ins question vrton tannin 6 co mason llalton olov r- time t machine l j ve co n 1 i wn are obs i nines places in the t lifme but tl fusion nui u two sets mi members i uffcreni um be the lai ot wldom t for these t the confuslo llgl i c ll n m d tl lnr i m wftt of ll deal equeslni ql court ef flavuloft iti 1 meeting of th court f r the township of e loll n juno 20 resv ll i i went llamn i iih- h xl a iwny xbo f it n ta xxero decided as ii h utith dog lost al- nt- log tllowed i a t lot w ii itrowne u n afiiifr assessment m irv a ntur exempt i llnnjklilu1 k assessment j i hianillsh added i htt tlal rt lde1 mary 1 1 1 it ciuy wilson i mm 1u wi wiled mary ittlu i hi nlty uarmonl 31 j it ms sales 4 led t mm wi t 1 too v 12th of july specials at mcleanvco saturday treat watch our windows you for tho holiday we hafle some big specials to offer laadx i caramels 25c lb this is one of our leading caramels a rich smooth caramel in chocolato and vanilla flavor with lots of nice fresh nuts to make it tasty regularly 30c and 40c lb saturday treat 25c weekend chocolates 32c tb just a real good assortment of high class chocolates in assorted flavors and hard and soft centres regularly 50c and 60c a pound saturday special 32c lb chocolate bars 6 for 25c just received a shipment of these bard a large assort incut of real good bars ask forbt quarters worth and be convinced regularly 5c each special 6 for 25c icecream ncilson s ice cream in brick or bulk always in stock try a fresh strawberry sundae rith whipped cream or perhaps you prefer an ice cold soda we invite you to look over our menu something to suit every taste v rumley phone 65 acton ontario all widths 12c and 15c size 26 uily uiimons irani urplo and blue indies vests special at 25c at per yard 10c 25 dozen towels at uedutei price this towel coimj in taney slnpcs trco from dressing csy to wash sue ibxif good value at 25c special 18c each 2 for 35c mens baumiggan shirts and drawers for hot weather sires 30 to 40 this is our regular 85c line july 12th special 60c mens fibre mlk andlisle socks with docks in black ruys brown juidsam shade regular 75c sock for 50c our bedroom mats washable in browtvjmu blue 54 yard wide ijj long good vaue t 4 50 july 12th special 3 00 yards ends of table damask at half price these mill ends we rci once in 6 months now is your time to get what yon want come in length of 1y 2 and 2j4 yards mclean co mill street acton ont farmers housewives gardeners and these three tillpgh indikdinjj most everyone fit this vicinity will find some- thlruj of interest in this weeks hardware news at talbots each week we endeavor to point ouh the swswnable lines that yon will flnd profitable to procure at our store yovmo buifilars chastised qualph two of the three hoys who recently oonfeasod to being implicated in th robbery at the dominion htore and o have been guilty in connection with several casus of petty th levin uu ogr ed before magistrate watt in hi prl vate odloe ithuraday mornltig after giving th youngster some twod ad- woe hi wurahlu gave insruotion that thu two young tars b tftvsn a good strapping lusjrder were car ried out an older boy who was also implicated in the dominion 6 tore rubbery was allowed off un suspended sentence bn tha understanding return to hi father farm and stay there all the buy roust b in their home lpruture by iihi oloa every night and if any of them appear be tot tb jsaglrtruto again will ba dealt with severely mercury hay fork rope a farmers necessity at this season is pure manilla rope wo have it in tho required weights and sires at 25c lb don t run the risk of accidents from using qld rope or rope of in inferior quality when gbod grades are so reasonable in price motor oils why buy poor qualities of motor oil wh you can buy polarine in any grade at 1 00 per gallon surely your motor is worthy of the best lubricant procurable just bring your can and have it filled with polarine a trial will convince you climax bug killer with the bugs thriving go well on the potato tops theso days what is more nccc sary than a sure exterminator to end the nuisance like climax bug killer also t perfect treatment for currant gooseberry- and cabbage worms and cucumber and rose bugs in fact an allroijnd bug and worm killer suitable for any kind of garden work vo have tho sole agency in acton priced 25 tba for 125 or in small lots at 7c a 1t housewives needs preserving kettles and oil cans the kitchen may need replenishing at grand orangecelebration acton- july 12 yorts baseball football ladles softball all kinds of sports speakers rev i m mayer g c dr anderson m p capt thompson m p p rev ii g l lis ugh rev w h howard opt anderson chairman grand orange parade at 130 p m ltand competition best marching lodge oldest member best marchine true blues the first orange celebration in acton in twenty years and planned to bo pitting good accommodatkm special trains on railways frank kennedy wokshipful master ay i various times and with thereaorvlng season on in full swing preserving kettles aro a necessity no ware is moro suitable or easier to keep clean than mcclarya gramteware and no preserving kettles are easier to handle than tho mcclary models we have a full line in imperial ware scotch gray and canada ware and the prices rsngo from j100 to 200 a leaky oil oan or one from which your oil stove can not be properly filled is poor oconomy when new galvanized cmis may be secured at 76c for the onegallon size 115 for the two gallon can and 1 s for tha targe fivegallon cans with taps or course they are mcclary a products jut to protect us both weskend meat market fuu lines of the viry chouist o meats wo always havo tllo cuts you want and can supply yjur every need in tho line o meats cooked mrars beef pork lamb homemadc sausage veal phone 76 summeb time is hardware time hardware is talbots w d talbot main street acton we deliver cannh ooiw we carry a line of the flntst cunncd goods and tho prices arc the lowest consistent witli tin- quality just phono your order for these lines and bavc thun djivered along with your meat order phone 18 watch our window fiiclay and saturday for st hila w j patterson ciwlsnitx acton ont i ilranefflhbw ah i b printing atly done m