Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 17, 1924, p. 2

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5 glg artmt jffrrr frrbfl tllinthhay jul 17 1 rodert burns scottish national poet die i jllli tin rf ti irihi ar be 1 i t i i time t at wrk 11 ar twig uk 17t nr i am 1r heal i ike vintage rr beloved by men or genius prlxlng rlcli thy snu or wisdom tar boyi nd their ken tljo otarlng of thy gifted peu a claimed you for her own and vail ipnod t y yuur sorrow i re 1 th eciinly i rla on ih bt wn ho gladly laid yoq jown lo rt hut on the wti ga of tljn a oun 1 tha brilliant toe ho of thy voleo b irne ort tha wind tho world irounl caused men of learning to rejoice unborrowed worn he songs ye aung n r copied were y pir match lay hut in tha boms a pat i to glory i the tilled rich ya viewed wl sot rn an i envied not the colleen brori tho crown wa 1 laced whan you wen imud uf knowledge brant upon yiur head ohl brilliant atar un llmmad ly llrm i shu shining bright oar all tho world most honored thou in every dime where the flag of freedom la unfurled ify hit i mum har wlnf rnuat cover unlit my pan would fain betide itemtlng night beyond my power to honor itobln scotland a pride had i the power i d write a song a volume matte of tuneful lays the swelling note forever to prolong the ceaseless echo of thy prahu c h williamson toronto hr jtrrr jfreea 9lfart siotvf the tide in stephen websters affairs j luajtn newton i int o v til h y- ir til tim was teased too much that it la only a- atop from the sub lime to the ridiculous la v matter of familiar know ledge that vt may be only a jump from farce to trajrdy wa recently exemplified by tu tim a almplo and unsophisticated south sea islander whoae periloua and peculiar adventuree were recently related boetcn and new york papers til tim juat arrived in newport from an atlaotlo voyage desired to reach new york and bought a ticket on a fall river boat on board he made friends wltb some negro em ployepa of the line wtto in a splrltof miactdef began teaaiojr htm afthotigtr of ebopy hue themjselvee they teaaed to such affect that they really con vlnced the poor fellow that uncle burn prejudice against hia own bronxe akin was invincible and that aa aoon aa the vessel arrived in new tork tha dnlted states government would arrest him and subject blm to some mysterious and terfuylog ordeal of investigation reprehension and pan iabroenl than they want laughing to their ber and tu tim wltb km scire- in his heart that they never sue peeled want op on deck and at about naif past two in the morning leaped overboard he was ilka all south sea islanders a strong swimmer bat the ley cold of the waters would soon have ended bis efforta bad ha not chanced upon an loaoaka about fifteen feet square upon which he managed scramble for leaporryafety night be wiaeiy kept himself ha motion end ayoidad freeciag although cold to tha marrow of bis tropic boftasj and at dawn hex had tsrtftad to witalfl a fewundrad feet of baoe bock light but he waa being awptby tha- current s through lh treecherom waters of the raca into long- uland sound it was- then that th soldier at fort ktahla on qull island alghed him bat they were balpleas to aid him as they anxiously watched the castaway thoy saw a small rowboat puttlnr out from itua an1 y capl william murray who waa in char of uttle ooil lightbouae had alghted tbesoutb sea buoder and vwlth two able asstacutt keapers bad eat out to make bla way throuab 4h heavx loe at times tba small boat aaecuad aboot to be orusbad by the a enmahms ooea but two houra of battling flaally brought the llf hthottae keepers no tha lce cake oc hipted by tlm and o vims taken into tha boat entirely exhausted it was another two hour atmaggie for tha lighthouse keepers to work passage tutquath tha grindlns sam but they luckily stuck to their heroic labor and wara hemselvw in atau of oollapee wbai they vdnajly raaohed a landing jsppt at fort lflcule oldlara walked out ontha ice tomcat i tha quartettatn tha boat and willing bands assisted thhe trien ia croaalhg the loe to the isund and theooo toohe jkoapual t1j llgbthouee keepers wara aoon rested and thawed out but the is- lander was dallriooa and for several j hott mi jaapaired of a ia however a man of jon pfayalque w adi rawv to respond t w f raapond grata- v rpjlyto tha klndneaa of bla nurses and ixp- t torr ft it waa a terrible trip but til tjiny haa learned something he is at kmcar afraid of a stem and stony hearfad uncle sam hut ltja to pe rarad bat he wlit be pennantly dla- trustful ofa jovial sambo a- prince n london s writine aa vand jr b v xucas describee many per rvanderer 14 london i apoajof note whom be tuet in the m t oanttal r amonr the peraonages of dla tlneilpn a as one whose claims upon x w attention of the oian of leisure were ellgfct indeed ue was a boot black in one of the poorer quarter of thauy the employment would nrpw an ettecuve disguise for a prfnee almost anywhere and in- lon don it was complete tba oddest alien i ever aaw n v blbomsbury was in the area of thju vhouae of medical friend in woburn k bquare white waiting on the ateps for the belt to be aaowered i heard tba sound of- drushlng- and jooklng owo i saw a small negro boy buauy brushlnar a boot he glaooed up with -a- friendly mile bla eyes and teeth jowglaamlaa and i noticed that on hi right wrist waa a broad ivory ring so you are no longer an abolition hrtlt i said to the doctor when st last gained his room t nlia answered at least my tar is not that la a 4wy whom my brother inlaw baa just hruusht from wpat africa he did not ewiiy wvit htm but the boy iwaa wild to aee bdgland and at the lut hilnute he jamped on board and what doe the ring on hla xm meant i asked oh be- is a kings ton out iwe that la a symbol of authority at i jma he has tha powar of lire and death oyarlftjr auyft a awaytbe boy was jtlu ftsi pth mr any v li htiul iihn weu8tmi tlitl with i ia wlfnand younjr mlci lu n i lie vexbi dah f th ir fnrml uo ci uld aae nearly ave i ut lrl nrra of his atrunff intibo wheut atrnlchlns i vr the man t ha i lain in the july twilight hut tin tnol 111 nil hxir ho fonno 1 uaclurv i tcrumblod lm the moat unfortunato man ilvlngf mow we ro iroli k to 1 urvoat tl at brolnt don t know tho ia nl will rovldo aoma wy hlepheil brill ml hla hutfaurd wife i hia leuf cr tttat s what you auld loot aurlns hi 1 i hom wed ovary lent i could rnlto and acre do an i give security for al t xt hut crop into tha ground aeo hur tl a last chance after ijio bad year was to rlak all fa- a big crop and the ijrd haan t provided i was reckon tng to put a second morogo on the crop itaalf xt r the coal of saving it but labor a golt g to be scarce and tha weathers uncorfaln and the long and abort of it la that not one uf tho money lending bloodsuckers in bau ford i saw era all to day will let me have any more cash and so were ruined that a all there is to it the lord will provide i rt ahu re peafed l her husband s mood hud been a little mellowed by his lira do fdr he replied more amiably well matilda i gueaa you muat think the lord expect ma and stevey to got out and cradle ave hundred acres in the harvest fortnight he smiled at his wife and eon young ttsphen had been awaiting the improvement in hla fathers mood and now he spoke aa if uttering mare fancy i father if i can get- that wheat cut and bunched ready to shock as soon aa any wheat in the county will you give me and alice enough to go back to school with this winter the father had ralaed hla hand to his beat ear in the manner of chronic deafness now that hand was thrust out angrily the reference to his daughter galled him for he had always meant to give her the beat of every thing and now his 6wn little alice helping blm during the school vacation she had gone to work in welds dairy knoagfa to go to school with the farmer cried 1 d give you a clean thousand dollars oot that its wortn that but td be safe lo saylog ten thousand what do you want to talk such nonsense for i declare the way youve been dreaming and moo nine round lately is discouraging and now you talk about getting tkat grain cut you re getting worse and worse c and with a most sour and hopeless expres sion mr webster looked out over the aeld just naked in case anything should turn up said stephen auletl turn upl things don t turn up unless people turn em upl lm going to bed rather than waste time talking atlch foolishness stephen waited till his mother went too and then hurrying- to the barn he mounted one of the two horses and galloped down to welds is that you steve 7 a ventla yet tired voice asked the question as he dismounted tee alice ive come lo bring you rood news and stephen led his horse up under jhe tcees by the gate where his sister stood splendid tall me quick t received a letter toyday from the prairie queen people they make bind are you knowand they are going to let me mans- their binders 4n a field trtsx is that alt i don t see how that is going to do much good walt till i tell you you see there are eight different kinds of binders for sale in sanford each by a different 2rm the prairie queen maker nine i x succeed in getting up tha field trial no one will dare to stay out the contest will have to be on our farm because we are only uro miles out of sanford r and besides we have the argest and bast and moat forward new of wheat all in one place for miles round walt each acettoy always ends two machines so that in case one breaks down the other can still nght fancy eighteen binder going round that field of ours axqncel there isqt a machine that oanvcul twenty acres day in aucb even wheat and by night there wjll be at least three hundred and alxty acres harvested- the other hundred apd forty you and i and father can harvest tn three days nth the prairie queen and our old binder well get another team some day now for the milk in the coooa- nuu father oaye that if i save che whe h will give me a thousand dollars alices eye grew luminous stephen unfolded his plans ohyom dear wonderful brother ahe cried ahd now you can- go to college and i to normal school and 1 bail not have tot work out any more during vocations and beat of all father will be saved hut then a audqen change came over bar aui frank sella the vibrator binders ahe aajd tremuloualy a frown gathered on stephens sun browned face well what or itt be asked why he if he should iv4 win he would feef dreadfully and then of course her oouldnt sell so many ma chines aiqier said alice auca aald stephen t ao not like frank crowbeach i have nothing particular- against him btit ybu arc very young and i think he ought to wait until you have hud chance to sea men in other circumstance life but steve he la going to walt an bo saya juat what youdoi well anyway our family interests must come nret if omwbeachs ma claim u to be he d that aucb ncenlmont would i trencher ua i and an he ik idly bon by a cttnlleugq thai th tliar leuh should rt mi eto airnlnal tl n pro i r j queen nth lugh w felt juetlfled ctnoaaling the fnct thut he hlmaelf ha i been i romtae 1 tho ngoj cy the challenge rked i a oharm f r the other dealer aaw tl ut nothing 1 ut tho 1rnlrle queen wo il i l aold about sanftrd that full if thoy dl i nt t meet if m troovor tho d lorn boh g older- nr m re oxi fronced that y ung htephen were n t mu h arm od ly their now rivals a iverilaementu huh it lot k two woeka to aoouro tho i romlecaf or the drat tl rve dealer after thnt it wws oaay i got tha n xt four all agreeing oi y on condition that nono of iho leulora amy out only hvank crt whearh hl luck day by day htej i en u wnsst increno 1 eal mil frank crowbeach why ah ul i not promise to enter or i itorly mfuae inn toad of raying thnt ho nouh not tell whether he wo lid nott stephen waa too i r u i to go to frank and beg uhhaugh hi had tl roe tfmea politely rtxrucstod him to take part if frank should not outer tho contest other dealers might hack out at the last moment so htejthen fared and then the flvo hundro i acres of wheat would bo lost and tor that loin tho triumph of the prnlrle queen would bo little compensation tho longer frank held out the tnore stephen dlallked him to think thiol this yqung man who was so dfear to his sister ahould be tha one who was likely to ruin all his plana during this time allco waa uieo miserable and it waa not her brother who relieved her sho wua awioglag hteplmn himself j the very thin ho had lightly feared seemed to have coma to pun nnd alice wa in denpu amli tha pnyrln qufteni ban boon ahli p i but dny after day ioased tljcy did n t arrive in han ford t legrums beuan to fly puck and firth between hlei i en and the mak rn at laat lie rncoived wnrd th it tlm machine had bean nont off on i l anrh linn by mlatakc and rili tru kd for ti wi ki jl wflm doubtful rnnalgnment coul i roarb nim in time hla nvm addmhat tl y wet klvh g the frolght dejnirtment ho met t ut htephan was not getting any rnjtt ulther there were npw only two luya remaining before the date of the ilel i trui on the evening of the laat day but ni bafura the con teat hlei hen aat on tin verui lah with hla father und mother well klve up w abater why f rend r cal late w mt lately mr in the hammock saturday evening atcr a hard day a work si parent ly burled in thought it waa duak and ahe started up at the sound of buggy wheels whpa boyl alice recognised tho deep stonily voice and ran with tha apeed of a flushed partridge to where frank crowbeach waa already tying hla horse wifhput other greeting the impulsive girl plunged at once into the subject i must tell you frank i can t keep it to myself any longer 31 ess me ajtlo what la it you are mit excited said frank as thtfj walked toward the hammock something that steve would forbid me to tell if i aaked his leave and yet i fee that you ought to know it may do good and as things aro now you won t enter the contest anyway oh i don t know what to do an i as she finished she sank back in the hammock with a tittle catch in her voice there there alice aald frank swinging the hammock gently you are air wrought up try and calm yourself you know how ready i am to listen and to sympathise weli it is juat thla went on alice stephen wants to go to coiiaom and send me to normal school father has promised him a thousand dollars if he can ret the wheat cut that tn why be la working to get up tho con test why bleas you llttlo one every body knows how crowded your fatha is and why stephen is getting up this contest as for the thouaand dollar arrangement thkt la between steve and your father but that jen t all o frank you wont be angry will your said alice beaeechilhj him w eyes and voice pm sure you woutdn t be if you un derstood how much it means o all of or uaked stephen wj one hnarfulneaa c ntraatel pajii fully with his thin tired face tho nxltfly wan tiiofully tailing on him why aol fretted the deaf farmer lluvon t all my ffi its falledt i ve gut no credit cunt lay handa pn a thing that ian i mortgaged and even if i coul i i couldn t get any horse there a nut u horse in this irt of the atule tlmt ynu 4in buy borrow rant hire i help wants two dollars a day ai d ixtiir i and wanta it cash and 1 vo got ii oy that might have figured ut a me wiy 1 j gttlng through trouble if wnu un wile awake as 1 wua who i i waa i young man and not deaf htopl en fluahod havt y u forgotten the offer you made mo of a thouaand dollar if i d get the wheat rutr he asked quietly no t havan forgotten your fool lehncss it docs seem as if you were worse than ever btevo here every thing goh g to ruck upd ruin you more than half the time off gallivant ing and now you ra harping on that string again still bona to gat thal thousand dollars fiither hope hope hitting round the place bopingl and with tit indig- stlort tho old man stamped into the house stephen alghed with even a woree fear than that hl binder con teat might vot come off it seemedf if his fathers mind might be un the same twbnty years ago at now ho rn out of rortir when io got home at hlghl nnd found it ay ti nrof rt- to grumble at the flcpof hla wife a now uit oownrljrt l ex truvnitni re ho milttrred ecurcely looking nl it voti mm nrr always cl urging ua tvomrti with extrnvngahe roturne i his wlle iiuiiliialap i t an i drni 1 tng it lightly c it tho ileal of a har cury on tl p top of tho bookcoao you never seem to think of your wn fail jrfgn in thai una 1 tlmt know what you moan ald he coldly well- iii tall you his wife sut down facjng him vou men run this glorious country and you always hi you are therefore respunalblo for its weaknesaea now what sal ry soc upon bd0w wo you pay the vice 1 aldent of th us bine im wimt he aeed have no fr of lettimr it take its chanoes as for aelltnff maohlnea that is jut tho pojni i ihm prrvio j mt i yaelf i lihff maohlnes that he prairlo queen lot of machine and i will have s ualde from upy thing whit i shall sell myself ami then you and i will have a anug little aura m father gives ua yes i aupihae sol alghed allo wh wouj i nut 1k happy nuw uutu ahe could v krnnk and havo him allay the fears her fancy hd conjured up to be divided in her alleaianoe was misery tu alice why of course it la so sissy saitf stephen cheerily and frkhk u too tonslbu not lo see it jn the rl wh out anytutw of course said stephen and that is hln tnr 1 uethtl the weeks before harvest weco full of activity for stephen e had o je inauantlal larmars fljifl induce m to put off buying binders until war the contest and thila forca re dealers into t he had lo rmr wtih the dealers themaervee and vrf raiiford daalrrs the promise qttaen peonle- to sen 1 ru tba oouteat for the v4hej prairif queen rrm it advartiae- ltr4 pew oouu msftephad reflect- why rm not a man to get angry illy what is itt aald frank gently he is solng to enter the jrnirlo queen binder tn the conteat hlmaetf so that a tho solution of the roys tery fank cried in surpriac why what about ut asked alice kow here is a secret you must keep little one i haven t entered the con test because my firm wouldn t ngru to it they wrote me thnt they wore unable to find out whp waa to repre aent thcfralrie queen here they say it stands a good chance to win in any field trial and they are trying tu get it into tha hanu of wf ts that handle their vibrators so as to woll compllr cauons so they directed m a com pete only ltt tnae there wds u llkell hood of my being ahle to sacuro th agency for the prairie queen now stephen wontwant to handle it after this fal i solna to coli i ghiaes he will use his influence tn turn he agency over to me so of course now i will compele- o frank thnt la lovely crlcl alice tro ao glud i tald you i lm ure stephen will only be too glad tu gva you the ajfoncy ob i gueaa btevo won t bo giving things away for nothing but now that t know he la my man t can manage to grind my own little axe we shall do btpajneas in u buatuaas way steve my goodness alice i m glad you told nel hut you ruuun t steve that i know i jtle you j word that 1 11 help him all i can when frank at lust drove uwsy he left alice as bnppy aa only one can bo who is capable of bain mirerauly mla rabjea karly the following mprnlng alio went home for her uaui sunday visit ive got such news to tell you s level whispered ahoo as her brqther helped her from tho woaou but it was some time before brother and elated had un opportunity to be alone together undar the ahudo of th bla box elder now what is the ncwat asked stophen frank is gohik i t ntor he isr an id ht t hvu unurttclously tfo might havt ani i v bef n bee thu troubja he has l ut uw tu o bteve i m suro ha has sgpie good reason ami that ho will explain it all to you you don t understand frank well there ovor jnln 1 aald bteihsii it int too ll y bui i must hustle to nl rr w i will havtf to u i huufrtt tm i ut thbtu know thut cnwbuth hail ugif w letr so thoy vnll ut reiy h to write my rirni und telegraph an order fur the machines wo shall omi waiv out all right yot and now yyu mn tell father will cheerhipi u so no it wouhl not be eafo tbsre a too jnany a sill iwtweeii tl cup ahd the up alice ruther would ba dread t- ll lh rtstv hfht the up auoe rather would oa areau ytlt sighed aucw fathetwrit toirybmken up if he snouid w jiiiart ix- rkimt animn vjm with hope and then coat down wa must just keep quiet till the last day ve been afraid ha would rind nut hut hes so doaf that ha cant hear chance talk and nob ly thinks of is 1 ins- him what everybody qutalde tho family supposes he knows und sides ha httsn t been into sf since lh day ho fajle 1 to burrow on the orot t t- oh but wont lie be pletaeql l take cora alice its dangerous ttfrourit unbatched chtckmis buu pose the tralrle queens ahould not m hare on time then the whol thlnar woold be off and father uisae liolntmept wquld be terrible a weak tefprw the oonteat all the competitor were ready aaoelit hlngd only one day more now intervened before the trial and stephen the dnpot it was lata in the afternoon and the last freight of the day was pulling in if the prairie queens were aboard there would still be time to get them set up all depended on thts train hut it carried no prnlrle queens stephen stood as if dased he watch od the train pull out und was left alone on the platform in despair ting down on a box of freight he burst into tears for he was still little moro than a boy his shoulders shook with his sobs steve what is itr the words were in a kindly tone steve looked up and than atari ed to his foot with a scow crowbeach was standing by his side nothing only i was expecting some freight aaid stephen ahortiy 1 can guess what freight you ex pected how so well never mind but you won t hove time to get them out home and put them pp to morrow alt alone no i know that how did you fin 1 out th any one else knowt wilt u slop the trial if they nnd out queen cant compete r stephen spoke nervously steve yorl are like aule you let things worry you too much the con test will come off all right now xucky ypure here webster thts from the depot agent who came down tha platform toward them hares n wire for you apd he handed stephen on envelope hb tore it open and read the few words too late ha said with a groan and he handed the paper lo frank never so die cried frank after reading the message those machines will be here at two o clock to night 1 11 be hare with teams and men and pack them right over to my ware hduso and you and i can set right taj work putting them together in the rnomlng i ii have a couple of men to help us and there la all day to morrow to work atohem if we can t act thoae prairie queens up by afternoon wo arc no good frank you don t mean it don f it wait and aee prank a eyes twinkled the great day at last arrived mr webster aat brooding by the upper chamber window in settled melancholy save for the cackling of a hen down by the barn silence prevailed the kitchen clock atruck eight and mr webster started from a reverie at tho sound he et hla eyes wander wear ly and thoh hla guse suddenly became fixed on the fried matljda he called straining his eyes yes father what is itt came mr quavering shrill voice from the kitchen where ahe was washing the breakfast dishes coma here hurry up what earth is that coming down the sanford roudt he asked as his wife stood at his side breathing hard from her hasty ascent of the stairs thatr said mrs webster adjust ing her glsasss why i declare it looks like a circus parade see thi flags there no circus in town is there t besides they wouldn t come out har anyhow why use binder see the reel that a what it lat it a a whole strlruf of binders with a procession a mile long behind them why there cora steve ahead on horseback r and the old man jumped up and rushed down stairs 1 i o lit i wee it all my boyl said he clinging to stephens hand at tho gate a little later and there was u new light in his glance i 4 woud have told you before dad raid stephen but i was so afraid you might be too much disappointed if the thing fell through there ar vlghteeu binders going into that grain that will out a wide swath and futher thare are plenty of kind men in this world utter all tuu dealers have comblnod and say they are going to stay at it till thy uul the whulo flvo hundred acrtt frunk crowbvuqn inuaugeil that wo ra saved my boy and tlink uf all fhw mean tluuga lye aaid tt you ant ubuut frunk cn wbeu h lo lm uahaiited if myself hut i luivon t forgo tteu the ihiruwiiid 1 tars untl t are stood in thv old mm eye it was plain tu sro fr m whom alloa mid stephen got their emotional united tha tear ho recojvca olght fh uiunl lollare a year who la the vice prnaldent novt well there ian t any very good there haan t bean any since tho death of free lent mcklnley line there r wall nr ho a lml tied this rj luctanlly ft r ha began to sea that his wife ha been uttendlng polrueul science 1 cturea for w purpose nnd that that purpoa was to get tho belter of him there haan t been a vcu i roaident f t r n year or tw i thent ho admitted tha fact and jin c mntfy aoerno lo got along all right without one hut the prdfildoiu might die to be aurtf but the law places ifhera in the line of succoaalon so that thro wouldn l be any real vacancy yea of eourae but there are no buta about it you pay a man eight thousand dollars year to hang around nnd do nothing but wait for some one else to die which happens once perhaps in a geo ration now is that business sense or needless extravagance t he tried to say something but bis wife in a very unsportsmanlike way itlnued to hit him while he was down yes you men pay a man eight thousand dollars a year for doing nothing and then make a big fuss when a woman pays a few poitrydol lorryora new hat you men pay eight thouaand dollars for nothing end complain if a woman pave twentylive dollars for something now will you tell mo but her husband slipped away be fore she finished the sentence oping down the steps she heard him say something about the folly of trying to argue with a woman that was twenty years ago but a good sharp woman could mrfke a re tort equally cauatla and quite aa ra tional to day to have beautiful hair shampoo this way women who common ittenl ii nnd rmrtion have prctt hur ness and silken lit n hair with so such hair is witliu ihc power i 1 every girl apd woman to poxse we are offering y n i if it of tlir shampoo which specialists on hair treatment recom mend it will bring t iiw bcity y hair 1 without perfect ch inli ies l and scalp- no hair cm be rcilly loielv no uio shirpoo which h ivch the inir dry inrt brittle dull or hfclei shampoo containn i olive oil i thonties say it cleanses each inir ctrar down to hie tiny scalp pores yet mildly so thnt yourimr is left soft ui1 p ml i jtli the rich jlcam of natural i 1 1 in rilnmiiir c you have i ni it pircit form for the hair l i 1 imui not oily ami economical hlli ii f w nifti have found new hair- 1 mt through n a ii tin test it at home at our expense fiul the l mjjon for a isfi tnaldixe free mortifyina the man that boosts is on the high road to humiliation sampling like that seems to be the leaaon of an amusing little tale u concerns the boyish son of a presbyterian minister of clnalnnau he hod been suffering- front tooth acna and at lost his father aald well john we ii go to the dentist to morrow and hove tha tooth ex traded john was hot much elated over such a prospect but he made the best pf it and straightway began bragging t some of hie playmates about the fear ful ordeal that he was to go through it was an awfully big tooth he told them the dentist would have to use both hands to pull it and most likely would be obliged to call in hla aaal ant well the next day came and due course the boy found himself in the big operating chah- on each arm of which he took a good grip the dentist looked into the open mouth smiled took up a smalt steel instrument thrust it under tin of fending tooth and literally pried it out the bpy looked at the tooth and then at the dentist then he walked acmes the room aoylng not a word and beggn putting on his overcoat hla fathered followed him add asked did it hri you my aonr that was too much for he hero two big tears started down his cheeks hurt he said hurt why h dldn t pull my tooth out he just took it uut with a tack lifter palmolive shampoo mail in caf tub palmolive comi any of canada umitm tor lo ont ui isc trial bottce free mllmmdpoutothe pilmnlue co of can a la un led toronto oot they compare all catkearals with cologne asflhey cdiiipare all automobiles i tk aklaiihlitv buick a nckel stanoaro irve cents was the value which texas fanner once placed upon ministers prayer the story is told i the kpworth era of the ftov h s thrall one of the pioneer of method tsm in texas in company with a- number of ttlnor ants who were on their way to con ference doctor thrall slopped to spend the night with an old farmer it was the custom then to settle th bill at night so that fhey might rise about three o clock in the morning and ridev good way before hnsakfaat and he by in the heat of the day doctor thrall uctlng as spokesman of the party sold to the old farmer after supper w are a company of vet hod uf preacher go i tut to confer ence if you will akt the family to gather we will have prayers with you aftr prayers one by one settled 11 bill dpotor thrall s turn niame and he asked for hla mji the old farmer replied i wnlu pa son 1 charged the rest twonty five cents but bain as you prayed for us so- good i won t charge you but twenty cents tha brethren had the laugh on doctor thrall fisher king representatives for this district georgetown ont hjr bteaainoa tun the afternoon of the day follow the groat ttsld trial lu which the honors war divided among the prairie queen and three other machine hr and jjr wbatr stephen alice aui prank crowbeach ware lun on ritwwbj16wtrhtrout4ero fisld it was bar of wheuf except in shocks ready for stacking stephen j ra so proud of vou thai i un hardly find words t expreas my self said alloa yes i think hes just the sort of a t rot her to hay eh1 rrank where mlmi alice blushed and turned away with a srnll krom poverty to plesty eld mr webeier the worht ts so bright that i fi hymns of thanksgiving on nly lip pretty nar all the tjm rr beijjt blessed with snob a son mra webatei said ndthlng but aha softly patted bar boy hand and there look of pride and satisfaction in saoept in tho in hr ye nvr sea vt a happy mother when a man begins to count blessings he can generally and plenty to be thankful for although sometimes ha may include things which might not be regarded by other j eople u altogether joyous lm thluklng about tbe wonderful progress the world has made and now much we ve got totje thankful for said mrs matthews rockingr in her old stuffed ahafr with a pair of knitting headlss in her fiai ds und a placid smile on her futm it is wonderful admitted her nleoe scum as if everything turned lo good there 9 lightning now if it hudni bean for that i nover should have had those fine rod on the house and tho barn that make me feel ao safe in a thunder storm an i there tnalkx if it hndn t bcn for thut wg never sh tuhi hav known the bless ing of vuocipnthin and if there hadn t bon near efghlml folka nolxxiy would have th night to invent magnifying glaasca and spec 1 decjuro there a sight uf things u h thankful fori curtis cannot exist when holhj ways oorn hvrnowr is ap hoft tu thorn b- caua it goes to thtf tuot and kills the growth a djad watqh bompttrnes the chlnsmin notna a phrase which might wall be adopywl by his uagltahspeaklng neigh bora wing lung th pro urts lor uf a rhxiwshlug laundry tied a watch which habitually lost uhns to watch q band hn hied blm to th nearest watchmaker watohe no good to wing lung pew he said briefly showng hnf projterty ocroas th epuntar you a htm wht the matter with ut asked tha watchmaker 0hi watch too much by n by said wing lung aa hslouk hi leay without further wast of words acton ont this ib out imprint it is our assur ance that oui standard oi imlil ih being tnaintained on every piece oi punting we supply you with the syr of the job inales no differ ence good bci vice and good pi ml mg bar- acterize them all attnn win fxtzs kqooil irinting printers antl liesijjjbw actqn tlo m i ia v is l vs

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