Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 17, 1924, p. 4

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rrw cr eft v0w fw itu itie nous or lparton3frwprp0a ilcmbtr suc led town wktj ol ontario press ia publlhedjamr i ka uvlulnti aubatription the acton pree thtifsiay morning at ilia rn mill sli aciun ontario tha price i moo pr tear lo dvnc postage charged ddltlop 1 trtec if jtfia unitad stataa the to which ubcritiooa are paid ia indicated oa tha addcaaa ubal advertising ratestranalent advertlm bienta o cent per una agate neiur lor nfit inacrtaoa and j cent par line kr each aabae quest inter tlcxi contract dlaplar edvertlae penta for a inches or por per annum j lie pr inch oitl apedfic tllractioai and ckagad accordingly telepuones- baitoriei ud baalaeaa luafalsat of freajdeat government control in british columbia when the situation under socalled government control really government sole in british colufh claris so striking that it warrants the giving of two or three pages in tho ladies homo journal of phila delphia to its discussion there must be something doing cither way a sentence or two from the report of the investigator an unbiased american shows how really striking it is one saturday night in the bootlegging clubs and joints of vancouver 1 saw more njen drunk than i had seen in all the united states in four years since national prohibition began and i was in fewer than twenty of the two hundred and fiftylive bootlegging dives of that city and in the face of that sdrt of thing advocates of govern ment control continue to tell us that sale by the govcrimcnt will stop bootlegging if has been well established by no less an authority than government statistics that in the old days in ontario when we had local option in some towns and bars still remain ing in others there was more lawbreaking in tho license towns whero liquor could be secured with comparitivo ease than in the local option municipali ties v iidiborho neighborhood news town and country littler rockwood mr itussell imvm of owen bound v wh n1 mm j a ijttle mm it iloblnson toronto is holi daying with her perents rev j and mm ljttle hev oelger mrs oelgar mn wn t thursday for thetr new home at chealey thry wl b muoh missed in hi vicinity mr alex mophedran miss elisa beth and mulr harry motored to bt thomas and clinton last wmk there were fi pupil who wrou on their entrance examinations in nock- wood school lul week this being- the largest number that has ever written at this centre tlie ooprinqb some towns have two memorials a curious but regrettable situation has developed at lynden a small village a few miles east of brant- ford two of three years ago at an old boys re union a considerable sum was raised for a commun ity park and athletic grounds tho money was placed in the hands of a committee of commissioners who as time went by failed to act more active citizens getting impatient initiated a park of their own at tho south end of tho town and then the commissioners and another section of the community choso a site at the north end various parties have tried their hands at effecting a gettingtogether but without avail tho matter was brought to a head on saturday june 28 when on the occasion of another old boys reunion the two parks and two memorials werq opened simultaneously n6t only istbe tjjpen- the newspaper courts qthers opinions ingan unfortunate economic waste but it has also from week to week the local newspaper has its p ho most intense local enmity in business annual summer boys camp of the klwanls club ouelph 1 belnr held in ute exhibition park aamtn this year the ccmb will conilno for three week there are 8 j boys en rolled and under the able leadership provided the boya are having an stmctlvea well aa a very enjoyable tho anniversary services held in the presbyterian church on jfunday wero wll attended by a large congregation at doth morning end evening scxvlooa ana were in charge of hav mr llnd- ay of krln t uarjoiealtktna of toronto a holidaying at her home on the second line for a p weesa- mr and lira d modongall ani family or toronto are vuitltur at thu home ot mr h k uccutcbeon f preaent mr harry hortnp of oaelph epent the weekend in thl vicinity vleltlng frlenda mr and mra w mclean bf ouelpii spent a few daya visiting in this vicin ity v ttieee warm sunny days are sorely appreciated by our farmers who have commenced hy operations which will be in full awlnc 1 this locality this week qakville holiday everton klccann thursday morning july 17 editorial aay about matters local and general sometimes the reader agrees witfi the opinion expressed by the edi tor sometimes he does not but the reader does not need to let the editor have all the say letters to thaeditor on questions of community interest are always welcome no matter whether the views ex pressed are shared by him or not if you have an idea you think they should know or a suggestion that will benefit the community in any way sit down and write a letter to the local newspaper contribu tions particularly those on subjects of local interest arc always welcome carletan place canadian church athletic and family circles this sort of apirjyis the kind of thing which leads to war and isnot to be tolerated in this generation there should have been enpugh giveinness on tho part of one or both parties in lynden to avoid a situation which bids fair to keep enmity alive for generations and to prevent the development in any way of what is now a small enough village mr and mrs geo mccannell spjfct bunday wtth friends et pusllnch the misses hasel and hclonorln- dell ouelph were weekend guests at the home ot the tleod ramlly and also yislted mr and mra wm everts mr and mrs archie mclaughlin and beby of kitchen or spent thursday with mr and mm b m awrey mrs nixon cole and infant son xtougla of georgetown wer week end guests at the home of mr and mrs ojjestln mr and mrs herman tovell of ouelph spent sunday with mrs h tovell mr nd mrs wallace oerrle krln spent sunday wtlh mr and mr geo weatherston on thursday afternoon the womens institute met at the home of mrs nell molean the presldant mrs ij parkhouse occupied the chair the meeting opened by singing the inst i tuie ode after which the minutes the drevlous meeting were read and adopted an interesting programme vfum enjoyed by nl the mooting closed by singing the national ari- them erin chief kerr left on wednesday to attend the chief constables conven tion at ottawa mr j h bluott has taken out a building- permit for a six roomed bun- gatttw on douglas avenue work has commenced on a wooden sidewalk along the ede of the ap proach fill at boui eqds of the newly opened bridge haw brothers hsye beer issued a building permit for a garage on allen b4w it la expected that the foundation of the add it un to st judes sunday school will be completed by the end of this week walter devlne has taken a position with the standard in st catharines he left yesterday for that city mas nina aldrlck of town left on tuesday for san leandro california where she will spend about three month with hsr brother oeorrrey bentley of the town line has jut completed a large barn and cow stable a well as a garage to replace those that wure burnt a year ago j mac kinder anjtloin were the- oof msalslrate douglas davidson in the highway court tuesday ordered one of the white star busses running be tween toronto and hamilton confls- catrd for seven days when the driver was oqnvlded on a speeding chargn tho magistral remarked tt was the fourth offence of ijjla nature in which buaees of this line had figured ilecard ac canned jetables fbr schocil children start preservlnfl now and you will have m luntlanc delicious healthtil n vegetable or tho wlnttr months as wholesome for your children they arc particularly desirable aa fresh vegetables they provdo u hlood- purifyinfl element obtainable in no oth r forn and apart from the tijtunl methods of rvlnil them thoy may iw made up into monj dclj- dous dishes our booklet will tell you how send in tho coupon dominion glasd co liwitj i monlstbax ii pvwrtt all wimttr itumli 1 to lo mlo itn in balllna water 1uur id cold wt- kirruvr akioa and ik wbolr ar alknlt in ikrtvct snu im add boiling warrrand i levrl tra- miniul of salt for nnh pint put on tubtrra and tnoi airtllliefor ik kotira etui ml sotordlni te dlirctlods l bookjrt n 23 i o itoz iis harold nash farmer m a barriatar solloltor notary pub lie conveyancer g pennvman block acton ont mon1jv mint on mohtoaolza hur 0 30 am to c pm haturilays ir 00 ivlock improved v jak in recipe sssm h g meir berrlater bolloltor notary pub lie qeoroetowrwont dental dr j m bell d d s l d a dantlat honor graduate of toronto kjitlvasw ity the luttet aneethetle d tf tin i red ortloe at roljoiice corner mill ead prederlok btreat nambv storms editorial notes b wasting time on the telephone editor a w marsh of tho amheratburg echo remarks that there is a lot eft time wasted in unneces sary trivolous conversation over the telephone for instance how many of us when we calf our friends do not often start off with how are you today can you gufcss whos speaking no it isnt try again etc often people who ordinarily consider themselves pretty industrious indulge in much talk l that they would never dream of uttering when in conversation face to face the great trouble is that v f0t are such people wasting their own time but frequently the time of other people who want to get r jjipii3e of the line for business or other importance yt uts applies to you and it likely does ft nearly all rprho read this make a calculation of how much j better your time and that of the party at the other yod of the line could be employed when you suffer from lame back after weeding the garden these days take the consolation of know ing that you have been enjoying some of the exer cise in tho open air the doctors tell us we need so much of it was good to see the orangemen in acton again last saturday but one thing many of the older on of us missed was mr john kennoy sr with his wellworn tile which used to grace every twelfth procession in this vicinity feij i what makes a town what makes a town is it the wealth evidenced a f v 6y the homes and splendid store buildings these y i my attest to the stability and thrift of certain jfieople but they offer no great inducements to com- vradreial and moral progress is it the spirit of good eatrder and law observance that is a factor only tbe sleepiest old hamlets that dot the country may have this spirit in rank abundance is it the schools and churches may their number ever increase but they dont make a town they only culture it- is it he t geographical location the character of the country surrounding tho natural advantages no0e i of these are essential well what is it that makes a town anyway just one thing tho unity of the people the existence of a common bond which causes business and social enemies to put aside all differ- rence when it comes to boosting the town no town ever made real progress in the way of substantial success without the gettogether spirit unanimously ttppted it has infused new blood into the heart of cofflnjercjal life and made thriving cities out of dor- amant towns natural advantages count for much and prosperity cannot be built upon shifting sand but thy town with half a chance can be made to grow jind expand and thrive when its citizens join with 004 accord in the boosting programme what with balloon tires streamline bodies and aeroplane motors the modern automobile begins to resemble in nomenclature at least the flying machine our grandfathers used to talk about but never dreamed of seeing another week or so and tho apple sauce season will be here nothing tastier than fresh apple sauce at that particularly if mother isnt stingy with the sugar bowl and with applo sauce comes apple pies and apple bumplings and for many a small boy chollywobbles oh the joys of yodth truly woman suffrage seems to be on us with a vengeance the adamson bill which has been given a good deal of consideration recently in the british house fixes the voting age for women at twentyone yars which authorities note will place the women in england in considerable rnajdrity over the men in general elections as yet no one can foresee the outcome but it suggests interesting possibilities a letter from the editor from brussels tells of running across onemocning in one of the streets of the belgian capital a young man now a university professor in montreal who twentyrye years ago spent several years in acton but who presumably has not been in town since in all probability the editor wilt have similar experiences several times be fore ho gets away from england the world is e small place after all m obligations to tbe community wfthin recent years the attitude of some of the fcigreat corporations of the country toward the public sihm changed- the men in charge who in con- yfrct with the people used to give the impression that thoy did not care what any one thought of the way their business was done in effect they said the money js ours the property is ours and we can do wbat we wish with it rt is needless to remind ourselves that this is a mistaken view not only for managers ot corporations but for men who have orijythoir wages and families to manage every man jvapd every corporation which is but un aggregation jsm men have obligations to the community tho man must respect tho rights of his neighbors if h does not he is punished insome way many of tho t corporations have acted as if those with whom they dealt bad no rights which they were bound t re- pect events are making it clcur to them that they wo part of the complex social organization and amenable to the laws th demand fair play this wholesome change it is needless to speculate how much of it is due to tho decisions of the courts that an officer of a corporation may not refuse to dis- clcso corporations methods on the witnessstand and i nwc m ol public respon t mlity it is also useless to wonder whether the old insolence of corporations ww merely the insolence fr subordinates clothed with little brief authority vwho felt themselves responsibly to their employer d lot to the public tht lvttlpor rtftfrowth of a proper ndwb for ri inatftutlpn in thcciaflttlwik saturdays celebration with a crowd larger than has been in acton for years if ever before was n one sense a mighty flno exposition of tho success of ho ontario temperance act think 6f what that crowd would have been in thq old days of tho open bar some of us older ones remember orange cele brations in acton and elsewhere when a consider able percentage of the visitors did not live up to the high principles of the order in the matter of temper ance and when conditions were anything but pleasant the good behavior of the crowd last week was notable mra w uatthsws of ilarrlston h visiting- with mr and mra h mat thews mr harry o austin is at mactler where he is employed as a relieving agent mr john itoot of pittsburg p a is visiting with relatives in the neigh borhood mrs w a island of sootsguaro basic visited with mr and mrs l fines this week miss marie strong and mr v book were guests of miss ida frank on monday mrs 1l sohram or detroit mich is visiting- with ber brother mr 8am nurse and other frlsnds mrs goldstein and two children detroit are visiting with her parents mr and mrs bugannan mr and mra berkley and robert and miss ella berkley of toronto motored and spent the weekend with mr and mrs jas austin mr and mrs john irwin and daugh ter of hlusburc and mr and mrs 8 nurse and daughter motored and spent a couple of days with mount icoreet and owen bound friends and mrs r a mckschern or waskatenau alberta are visiting the formers sisters mrs john tarswell and mrs john wilson of the third krtn and also other relatives and friends in the vicinity the members of l- ot i no ju with vlsltlngmernbers from acton and the members of l o b a no 47 paraded to tbe methodist church on sunday morning- last when rev bro j a evans conducted the service now that the new road throuirn the village is jln splendid condition it hal become a speed way for reckless motor drivers it la a common oo- curanoe to see a motor go tnrough the village hlttlnr between 10 and 40 mile would be good business for the council and corporation to appoint a speed cop and enforce the motor jhlcles act on pylday evening- lost a motor si cldeat was narrowly escaped when party of young people from a neigh boring towo driving a dodge car at xcesslve rate lost control of tho machine and landed in tbe deep ditch ust of the railway track next to the tatlun assistance from the local gursge helihhl them out of the predica ment and they were soon on their way advocate the inevitable joke governed by the ruling passion for giving sweet poetical names to country placea m man who lives in tho central part of pennsylvania soys a writer in the philadelphia ppbllo ledger built ahandaome little villa and called it the nutshell thus was the home introduced toj hie friends and it be came widely known but to the eur- prlse of ill it was one day suddenly changed to sylvan nook and natur ally a flood of inquiries soon began to pour in say old man remarked one or his neighbors on noting the change why have you given your home a new name 7 what was the matter with the nutshell whyt responded the man wltn some warmth because i was tired of being joked there isnt a boy for a mile around who hasnt stopped and ruhm the doorbell every time he pass ed to ask if the colonel was in what we hear you just got swelled heads you did got beyond yourselves thought you could run the country well ypu are going to find out you cant look the way prohibition has multlpllod drug addicts at this point the wrathful llquortte paused long enough for the temper ance woman to interject but the figures are against you our two wettest provinces british columbia and quebec top the lists for drug convictions jor every 100000 population british columbia and quebec the con vlctlons were 40 and on the same scale for the other seven arovlnces only 12 dr f g colloi dd s lda oentsl surgeon orrioe over rank of nova boot hourih pj0 to 6 30 evenings by appointment miscellaneous hhancls nunan baoublntimf alcoutit books ot all kliuls made to liior terlkdicals of every description carefully bound ituiing neatly ao4 promptly dona wynilhan street ouelph on over williams store the arerasesljced canadian family potato bth ia s2s00year tliatwarrsjitsthousaofanjedajpot hera it le tho 8mp potato iol the ideal tnfjur fill with water thfoaah the spout withoot removing cover note how tbehandjolocksthcavwoa you can drain off water leayliur potatoes tsmauy sad dry without spllunafpotateea or sraluitthasda sehlxv t low prices in nsrdwaro and general stent not the trade mark on the pot be aareyoa get clean ltaaiaur sm p baastekd wara ba a vwy hard arsooth sofiace ufcs vow best china and ia aacsaytocksa ko qotrc do steel awl ot apedal dcenacra alwaya ckap awcet bm rota taint awl odors ttmcaaswlcd wars da lose smpware teres snbasst paarl wera rare- esrcli ef ms str xaasml foside and oaf olaaaead warettk m uh ifcnl bio telm j sheer metal products casst mowt41 ycrhto w dmmiom v9lw caumt an excellent reason ourlinqton the frbb pdbss editor writing from paris notes particularly tho lack ot water stating that reliance had to be made on apollinarla of course with the editors teetotal principles so well known no one would bo surprised at his reluctance to test the national french boverages thoioto brings to mind again however tho fact of how blessed we are in this country and rigjt hero in acton particularly with an abundant supply of the purest most refresh ing water always conveniently available many a soldier in his days id flanders longed over nd over again for a drink of good canadian water rink iteolnblo bqnda t every othetfj whooverintroduccd that old favorite shrub bridal wreath or as tho botanlats dub it splrea von huttel into this couritry deserved a thought of thanks from us these days it is pretty enough as a shrub alone but when to this green beauty is added the glory of thoso hanging clusters of gorgeous white delicate as they are dainty it is surely a thing of beauty frequently one hears the wish that the bloom might last longer than tho short week or two it delights us did it over occur to you with this thoorht that if it did show its glories longer it wouldnt be half so much appreciated the old wawmlusrily breeds contempt applies in thia i 5u as fn good many others m miss dorothy plok of buffalo is vulstlonlng with her friend miss zella elliott 1ort nelson mr russell bmale of detroit la spending a couple ot weeks holldsys it his home here master wm clifton is spending months holidays with his brother robert in detroit the firemen are making arrange- ments lo run a sjmwlal train to 8e- furth for the flremene demonstration t august 8 under the town bylaw all dogs ust be tied up during the months of jjy and auxust mlas mabel hurd of the womens hospital cleveland ohio la holiday ing ft her home here mr and mra h heritage and son mr and mrs ruaael snyder and uttl daughter of philadelphia are spanov ing a few days with mrs w k rae utlsabeth street mr and mrs fred w taylor and three daughters jean mildred and francis left on monday evening for vancouver r tc on a months visit to her brother mr walter alton of that city i miss delia dlngls has just returned from ithlca n y where she has been attending her class re- union at cornell university during her two trip miss julngle also vlalted friends in new york city and the catakllls the case of the baptist church vs l sykes was heard before hla honor judge elliott at milton on tuesday the action arose over a piece of land adjoining the church wbiih is claimed by mr sykes judgment was reserv ed iit viator gilbert had the misfor tune to badly cut hie thumb on hi left huud shortly before noon en monday morning while engaged in running a machine at the lumber mill w rhynaa von he was taken to dr bodkjnwhere hu injured finger received medical treatment a chief smith hoe received no word from montreal regarding the man found dead on the lake shore inside eimeni wail on thursday morn ing lust the remains were interred in oreenwood cemetery ths morning the unknown man was identified by a pal us a montreal man but the chief tin not locuted hlefrlsods aa yet a meeting of the town council waar h il it lit the council chambetfoa monday evonlng when mayor vvrut lteevo ohahl and council oray were ap pointed dsujfates to attend the meet- i rig of the hlghwsy advisory commit tee which is being held a oraaarevlus on friday to discuss highway work qasstle not every maid combines the apti tude for blundering and the talent far ingenious explanation that character ise the young woman about whom the united preabytarlan tails this divert ing etoryi what do you suppose has come over my husband this morning sophia t exclaimed a conscientious ii tie bride to the new servant i never saw him start downtown so happy lies whlst tllng like a bird i im afraid im to blame mum i got the packages mgced this morning and gave him birdseed instead of his regular breakfast food mum a complete line ot s m- p products handled by jas symon hardware acton photivs ofhi ai ilea j7w dr a l price chiropractic efjictrotherapy 130 upper wyndham street guclph ovr 1 yijrt tsperienre conhurvlatlon rilke r j kerr auctioneer and real estate agent 17 years teximrlence acton ontario hulut eulruatod to it j kerr re- calva bttuntion from data of liatt lo datu of anle i jet your sales with uiu kealdoiice i lower avenue acton iliunu 36 acton call at my bxpmiaie the mi58ino lettbfi 8 after considerable trouble the ln- habltanta of a certain email villas- were given a iost ornce at rtrat their pride in the acquisition was unbounded then complaints began to oorne in that letters ware not being aent off proper ly the poat olfloe department 10 cordlngly ordered en inapeotnr to look into the matter what becomes of the letters posted here he aaked the postmaster who was also the grocer the people say that they are not asnl on course they aint i snorted the old nan angrily as he pointed to a large and nearly empty moll bag hanging in a oornsr i havent sent it oftr be- eause it aint anywhe tr full yst and a dirricult feat too a drill serveant was hard at work on a squad of rookies company i he called out atten tion everyone lift your left leg and hold it straight out in front of you one of the aquad bald up his right lag by mistake that brought his right- band companions left leg and hu own right leg olose ogether the offloer as hs glanoed down the line observed this fact and exclaimed angrily which one of you blooming galoots over there is holding up both of his iar the kaeierr wav young kdgsr was spending the sum met on the tarnac says the america medical journal and sought to assist mr qreenbury one afternoon thty had been making hay while the sun hone and after finishing a high haystack tfidger shout ed from the top flay mr fjreenbury ho atn i golnjr to get downt the old farmer studied the problem a minute and finally solved it to his own satisfaction oh jest shat yer eyes and wsjk round a bit jlsk about our big ulono class cabin snips to europe comfort and service plus- at moderate rates monoclass cabin ships means that on these ships there ia neither firstclass nor second cluss but one class monoclass v in other words when you travel can adian pacific monotclaas cabin you enjoy all the pleasures and conveniences of the entire ship and at moderate ratet lahyianentofthb agents wanted the cum fill httiuklim to our cus- lo in t orduru iltid ilia splendid utnek uuiillod tot yvurt past war- raiitu un in im vl mf a ropreaontntlve or tun in llilu county liberal cohimluiltiili ii eo outfit write it onro fir ixliimivii territory tltoa w dowtian a son company hidonvliu ont star nurrje august 21th 1 aii tlllm at guulpli business college rtlrii ont individual inbtiiuction in 0lenoubiliy dulnem sacrdtbrial duliee jalatianahip iii jlhtull now a l douck principal and proprietor aonawotmi akiciumrrvbr ttoronro canah tha old and houabl granlli and marbla work w r iiinuraturani aa alsmt itaiorirt ot atonashatal tnd n-dali- work wt mil dlrum ia our ouiinor at whotaaaja prtaaa uma u our ouatoamn 40 par aaa w imv i appllanoaa an ik imlr molic to uw doalnmn ian oi mnan tlr- iv u i nraoaa tnta kanaraaa our oaloo in tonmto u4 lukm wi outtnmv to aan law ssuiu otor u oollaat wa hat la knot and bat ataat t ormolu la dominion or bmrt ita a tbra i ih wiwt wa lawlu- daaior an aaiplw ao ajanu- pdo not nnoy ot past txualaaaara dins out isnanut acapv aollalt- lara aotalar au saaahajtlas if aompouuan ton sons ouslfh ont uj wv

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