Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 17, 1924, p. 8

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1 hrwt uses mmd desthi are as chirjrrd for at um in low la a retsai birth mafjugt joe pcatbt act memorial mri lor poems a married htom v c i alljtitxje at ht johns 1 un li klumilun koad ti ronto tin irl i july 11 1s21 by iuiv cap tilt j i tuikir myrtlo w clar ri 1k mi at clsuahler of mr ant mrs a clarrlrign of art an to ltobrt a hti my of robert hloray a 1 ii macahtn if at kilbride on bun day july a ibz4 un john ua t urtnoy iikcil 4 year alcintyili at th home lot f con cosslon c fcrln township on satur tiny july 12 1u4 emm jane jumblt beloved wife of john mc intyro in her 67th year- cup aetna jfcgg ffceflg t1hjiihday july it yl brief local items la yqur fteai lxsaa subscription wld up to datet acton a community service crown in lnteroat ouch year now that july 12th is over mill bttoot can be repaired saturday and sunday saw two rroat truthnrlnara in acton u waa hot and duaty marchln for th ornniremen on saturday the rain kept off on the twelfth until the orangeman ajot home the nights thla week have been glorious co6l lummtr jvwnins no more holiday until civic iloll daysjiiroa weeks from monday acton still continues to operate on two time standard and daylight sav ins some thin doing every week s to be the record of the park this summer those who counted the number in the parade have numbers from 1 jj to 1 700 oakvllle is planning tor a bux time at their old boys sle union on aiurust 3 a and a number of acton bowlers at tended the bowline tournament at milton yesterday tiu fsast pajon ofllee front was was treated to a treat coat of paint before the celebration tho community service held the iart the past two years 1 a fine example of community enterprise rev h o i baugh b d wul exchonae pulptta with rev canon scovh of st georges church puelnfa next sunday ereninc a general meeting of tho executive and players of the senior bas club la called for this thursday evening in the club rooms over rom- leys store russell b hawthorns and com pany at knox garden party july sx chonon and xaouls oelaoa violinist and plants t late of moscow russia will provide musical numbers visiting the h battle fields of the great war in belgium ind france where german cawed ruin ant v desolation and death the cemeteries where our soldier heroeb sleep are beautiful with flowerb and 8hruq while our v ium to ltolglum and jtanon wra tuk ti i rlmurlly with the thought of vicwli a he o it n tries where our soldiers ti unlit ut i whore so many of them nut in ttti aupramo sacrlnca and to visit urn cemutnriea to ft honor to llislr idiimuit and ascertain- the conditions- and surroundings of theso sacred pjactus tho actual ojfnarlencs j brought much of gratincatlon infor j xnatlon and ipierssl at tho outlet lot mo assure imrents and frlun in of tho brave soldier lads who sloan in tho aoll of llelglum an 1 i lundnrs that they rest in beautifully kopt sol liars cameterles where the groenaward u carefully and regularly trimmed an i where flowers are profuse unit beautiful on overy grave tho roses ure magnificent and abundant m d mate grow to perfection in both jlulgluny und franco other flowers len i u loosing- contrast- no cemetorles in amy of our canadian town are 1 oticr kept than ure the soldiers cemoterloa and few approach them in tho jmrfchon and complete tholr cart they have real perpetual care workmen ore busily engaged in every one of these ceme teries anil tho results are highly gratifying in the yftres salient the canadian oovernmsnt i ore hosed o large tract of land and has laid it out as a sol dlers memorial park a granite fence surrounds a largs area of it with granite steps leading up to the centre i plateaus flowers arranged in land scape designs are growing in profu sion a splendid roadway lined with canadian maples leads for half a mile from the yprea road to the memorial plot a fine monument is to surmount pedestal already constructed toff- celve il at vlmy ridge another plot has been secured and will be similarly beauti fied here another canadian moou ment will be erected upon an elevation overlooking the battle fields where our brave canadian boys held the aermana in check lor many weary months and where so many of them gave their lives in defence of tho weak and to save democracy arid freedom on the their name uveth for ever hall one of the finest pieces of archl ciur in fynncff re still in rulnu yprea anil vlmwnmgn give tho ben flbu or tronchtrt ho slimi hnleauml cm torn wo found on tho battlo fields at vlmy ludseboth first find second lino trenches nr intact and thin famous i ldgo whuil cost cnnnila no dearly in her hero rohh la still a vivid battle field the dugouts are inert grown over with grans und tho shell h ilna half full of water all tho way ii thn slnpe no one could walu ovor this battle field without feelings of ur cereal sorrow at thought of its cost in suf forlngs privations wounds nntt deuth to our noldlor sone and inxlaty and bereavement to the dour im ut hoi in faraway canada tlm lor all comlnk courage and bravery und sui c of canada a loldlers will bo merabered dn tablets of stone and in the hearts of tho people of liolgluni and france for the terrible and heroic struggle thoy made nn i far tbo iij len did successes they nchlovnd in holding and driving back the german army agalust whose advance thuy bn tiled hofertinces were made of our boys heroism at overy mceptton from ant wrp to paris and tho peoplo ovtiy wherd approclato the work of canaju soldiers to mo this tour of thri battle fields will be an over remembered experlonco and wlth a constant admiration foi the bravo men frohvpur own canadian homes for the magnitude of their undertaking and the success of their achievements in my next article i will give h resume or the cordial wnlcomo tl this capital city nf pa la in which 1 ifn writing the wonderful wolcomo uc corded by president prefect an i aarshall pooh and the mugnllude and beauty of its historic places its con turles of history and its numerous in tarestlng features h p moorb paris france juno 38 10 4 clcaftlnq auction sale tho undorslgnnd lion t ecolved in strurtlonstn sell by public auatldit tint following farm stock and imple tnonta and other pronarty of francis whitheld si iot 14 nn the 3rd line of ks in pit lug township on friday iuly the 18th 1624 nt one n aloak- rhan iloitfleb 1 lmr or buy mares goad workers 1 bay gelding 1 chestnut gelding n good driver cattle jersey cow milking well jersey cow mftklrur troll jersey cow milking well jersey toow milking well 1 holsteln cow 1 grade short horn cow 1 grade heifer 3 years old i yearling calves imptkmbnts deerlng mower f foot cut spring trnilh eultlvntor disc land roller hny mko set of harrows 1 walking plows fanning mill rooi pulper wheelbarrow wogon box hay rack rool scuftler circular saw double furrow gang plow cutter buggies 2 sets heavy team harness 1 sots single harness a number of horse collar nelrftvnl cream separator poultry 80 good laylnc jiens a quantity of looso straw everything will positively bs sold wlthgut reservs tehmh 3 months credit on p proved joint notes 7 per cent ler annum discount for cash benjamin petch auotlonmr prfiu houinson clerk o mmonic pictdc at hoe springs guelph and qe royal aroh masons hsld blfl affair last wednesday between three and four hundred of tho members of fjuelph chapter vic torla preoeptory and alton chanter and their wives and farollee held a monster pic nio at blue spring park last wednesday afternoon and even lng the affair was planned primarily aa an outing especially for the women and children kvery child on the grounds whetber they won a race or not received m prtxe a booth waa oiled with tee cream cool drinks ate- and all were privileged to eat and drink until ailed the pic nio tablea were prepared by the men and the women and children only were seated- tn the ladlea aoftbau game the oaelpb ladlea defeated tbe oeorgetown ladies team by a acore of uio tbe tugofwar bet weep oeorge town and quejph waa won by ouelpb two out of three polls the mens aoftbajl game bard fought aod well played jsvent- the georgetown men appeared the better team at the first of the gi but in the later stage weakened the end of the seventh innings it waa a tie of it all two more extra tttf resulted in a win for ooelph wltb a score of 1511 the fooowing la the jlst of prise winners in tbe tartous events boys s and under m held e rfor- rington a aaxtdall ohls s and under m ylalay q mcnaoghton f uuaaon boya 7 and ttnden a flnnle m prone o jtfckenale curla 7 wider t jlowdsn o tcwglfrton p jtbore boya and under h bowden r howdeo j moore atria and under a sagjeton j nuaeon u boutjller boya 1 and under 17 wilkinson q cooper jt bowden girls 1 and under l plnnle d dorland h montgomery boya 16 and under ft bowden w wilkinson o cooper qlrls ik and under m uowdsn q cotton zolae married ladles mrs hall mra pitcher mrs eagleton single ladles o cotton a wilson m wallaoe paper cutting a wilson t nor- rlngton w btepnsnaon kgg and spoon mra ritchie o cooper mra flrtlay button on cloth mrs klnlay mrs kaghrton miss wallace wheelbarrow mrs hall miss wll eon o cooper mayvied men w xodge g arnold single men el cooper c kelso j j mal p auelph bxeellent prises were given to eaah of tbe winners of these events a number of acton masons who are members of helton chapter also par tlclpated in the evnt with their families it was certainly a real pic nlc and at tbe close whan tbe kiddles bad all tbe ice cream and good things they could hold inside bags of popcorn suckers and all sorts of treats were distributed for them to take home our first trip to the battle fields waa from brussels to liege where the german army essayed to paas and where the poble belgian soldiers held them in check long enough to permit the armlee of prance and great britain to organise and hasten to take steps to drive back the selflshr horde liege la about forty miles from the north westerly boundary of germany when i the german army reached liege em i mieaarlee were sent to the forts at llegw demanding their surrender the brave general lemon refused to com ply and sent the officer back to german headquarters with the mes sage tbatllege would never surrender as a result this fine city and its forts received the first shock of the un provoked german onslaught and re slated it with such glorious heroism that it has since been decorated with the cross ofc tho legion ochonor its forts ud not surrender until they weie pulverised it was the good fortune of myself end mrs moore to be ot the party led through the destroyed fort of ljonein at liege jay general eman personally his description of the attack and eelg waa moat vivid he told how his men bald the fort with heroic efforts until after ten days shell from one of germanys big guns succeeded tn finding the maga zine of the fort this caaaed the ex plosion of the arsenal and demounting of two of the forts principal guns the upheaval of concrete and debris burled m belgian soldiers and thero before you said the gallant general stlh sleep 560 of ray brave man who loved their country but they lovol mo even better tons of concrete masonry were dlsphteed and the ton was silenced on an eminence near by there now stands a floe monument 10 feet high erected by the belgian gov eminent in honor of tbe brave soldiers who defended their country so faith fully at the beginning of the war in august 114 on this monument in bronxe is a ltfealse bust in has relief of general leman the commander of the fort of liege ase city liege waa a surprise to the visitors it is situated at the junction of the mouse and the ourtao rivers and is one of the most remarkable centres in belgium it has a popula- tlon of 400 ooo ndlts university has an enrollment of i o0r student dur lng the war it underwent devastation and martyrdom to a pitiful extent its manutaeturles and mines were dam aged o the extent of millions o dollars over f 4000 ooo worth or put onlnery was taken from the iron manufactories by the german and never returned what they could not remove they destroyed liege is the district for iron steel cloth manufaoj turlng glass and crystal sine cool mines etc prom liege we went to lille and for two days drove in various dire tlon through the war area and battle ftetds in motor coaches covering such well known war territory aa yprav boubalx tourcolng menn dicks buscb mounuenunel locxe baljiaul and armentieres the drat day the next day we visited the battlefields at l loos lens vlmy bidge neuville bt vaxst la targe ue and intervening points all of these places are familiar to our soldier uwys tk- of tb warm bylaw night at council session four bylaws passed at the regular meeting of the counell on monday evening tho regular session of the council was held on monday evening council lore bell and nlool were present and reeve barber in the chair tbe finance- committee- presantod their fourteenth report and recom mended payment of the following ac counts i general account j b mackenale supplies for park 48 to bell telephone co 8 ofi jas symon supplier 10 jas k russell atone 27 2b robl shaw labor fc 95 geo barber charity and good roods 10 00 hydro klectric commission street lighting hydro electric commission town hall c n r freight on atone a el crlpps express waterworks account cv cleave labor bell telephone co hydro electric commlsslan power at pump bouse hydro electric commission power at springs neptune metre co metres 400 fis the report was adapted a by law providing for thn collec tion of poll tax by the employers of acton was given tho necessary nutn ber of reading and passed by tbe council according to this law it js now necessary for- nil eraployore to deduct poll tax from the wages of all employees liable to the tax and tui the amount over to the town the bylaw setting tax rate for 1b24 at 44 mills was also read and passed by the council the first instalment of taxes was axed to come duo on september 16 and the second instalment will be due and payable on nevcmbcr 18 and yet a third by law waa required to be passed at thla meeting this by law was one providing for the con structlon of cement sidewalks for thlsl year under the local improvement act it received the required readings and its passing was sanctioned by the council a fourth by law was also roqulred appointing miss m v clurrldge do puty clerk and treasurer during the absence of clerk it n purmor on his vacation it was also passed by the council at thla aiding mr charles packer requested that the hydro pole be removed from in front of his premises on young street the council agreed to accoed to tho request council adjourned si 10 p m a 33 16 07 c6 30b 63 1 4 80 si 18 76 41 830 02 75 plan to attend knox garden party next wednesday the twins doroihv and thejma tho child entertainers will delight you with their numbers georgetown chautauqua 4 l attractions j lo including itj sparkling comedy si cylinder love original musical production an evening in hawaii dunbar male quartette and bell ringers betty booth concert company werno ladies quartette sidney landon character impersonator vd1ginia slade dramatic interpreter spedal- childrens programme notable lectures on timely subjects 5 big days5 at- georgetown starting july 29th season ticket 0 ciuldiu2n half price admit yon to 676 of en tertainments amusement tax extra tickets at a t brown s drug store tenpcr8 wanted for the laying of camant sidewalks tenders for tlio laylnk of four foot cement sidewalks undi r thn im cti 1m 1 rqvemont act will bo received by the tiudcfslgnfiil until noon on haturday july 2a on the following streets on north west side of uower btreel from wilbur btreet to mrs marks gate op north east si le nf wilbur hired from uowar htreet to a point dq foot i south easterly on south east side of church rttreet from victoria avenue to thn toronto suburban ilnllwoy on tho south cuivt silo of church htreet from willow flireet to john btreet on the north east side of prndorlck street adjacent to lllork s3 for fjo foot tho lowest of a sarlly a or up ted pull partjculunf und information may be obtained ut tbe i mae- of ii n jfaltmkit clerk dated at acton july it 1034 any tender not nocew 5c to 1 store now open i imvo junt opened u novelty sjore in the atari i morion s harbor shop stock includes all sorts ni noveltios braces hair clothes hangars- brushes itoware of all kinds shoe p h buttons writing poper o i veoms i ens inks fancy r napkins and a host at tint l nrtlclrs july specials at mclean co i flu tho prices range from g i ii 00 and iris truly sun rlni how many articles of g quality can be secured at the low prices call and i bellotrwour et our stoek wo patrons a e w masters mill stlteet actqj this s one liu wear there laurr i a pnspecial fuc farmers supplies tho farmer buay aaoaon and our acock at hard rrfl ly to hwlit in tho tlarvcat of the crop liny fork bobt quality with ntrapjmmt bandlo liny liorka of a choapor bratte plain handln turnip iloea d inch alxe at r bprayera all styloa and prlca wularlna cana at different prjcea bccorllnk lo lue seasonable goods at reasonable prices i klve btrlnif corn broama while they laat 7 i rrm noora complete ready to bana 2j 1110 l60 10 this weeks specials- oihhoor hose proud of they nlwuys fivc good icknik mudc than holeproof try 1 00 125 1 v tll ani icons ginghams a- rc r ncount of the cold backward have decided to u and ccnr hmi l w fast color 4sc rcduali y a 32e mill lnis cum tjfc nrxw cottons these ends of illlaw cotton come good length one d two c 2s per cent cheaper than he regular priced low for m at per end 48c 95c planni lettfc blankets a jtlnlt d hod blankets in white and gray at per pair 295 boys 1ulbriggan sh1bts hogular 75c ior boyb jekslyf ani everyday shibt boys jerseys at boys everyday shirts at w pair towels in fancy stnpci good mzc worth 2c each 2 for shirts have short ice 60e 50e 75e sfeoal mclean co w d talbot mill street actojloxr we oeliver saturday treat summer meats just arrived a fresh supply packages of chocolates in y pound i pound pound and 2 ppund boxes let us show you them you wilf like them we also have a nice fresh assortment of martha jane homemade candies take a package with you a gift that will be appreciated by all butternut roll 29c everyono knows the quality of our butternut roll a rich i cream fondant centre dipped in chocolate and rolled in fresh j broken peanuts a wonderful combination for the sweet tooth regularly 40c tb saturday treat 29c lb weekend chocolates 32c jb the old standby a real good assortment of real good worth 50c and 60c tb saturday spedal 32fmb chocolates chocolate bars 6 for 25c a good assortment of fresh fruit and nut bars 5c each saturday 6 for 25c regularly if there is one particular time of year that meats require extra goocl attention it is the summer time we have the facilities in our shop for caring for all maats properly and every piece of meat we serve you is right our large refriger ator at the abbattoir and our excellent cold storage plant at the shop area guarantee of meats served right all rummer cold meats during the summer months many people do not want to cook meats and havo hot dinners we always carry an excel lent stock of the finest of cold cooked meats ready to serve cooked ham jellied meats cold roast pork i bolqgna jellied tonque meat loaf icecream dessert for the afternoon tea than what is nicer for neilson s ice cream in brick or bulk just phone us your order and wo will gladly deliver to all parts of tho town watch our windows friday and saturday for specialb phone 65 v rumley acton ontario 33umn ai rait till twelfth of julv jottings tba waachar waa itlral hot the parade look 3 mliml a alvaa polo the oranve nuarfare the way from s to 15 yenra h m haa ira j- h tha ctissna wlo m psradsr- at varioua places witi jrlnas ot watsr tor thslr tlou itptr uwfaat but it la ntyr tjra4frtnarkabl how fully rocon strustlon hss taksn plsoo tba daalr appears to bs to ramoye ajltraoa- of wmr m complstoly axid as rapidly aa kwaalbl th jp of both ijalatum and ktanea aro rebuild nr tb ftomos and outbulldlnia of tho peoplo wnose pror ssolor sroup wwr layvd lli itarnlc pw and mr il t itourdrooro playsd ajpilnst miss lauretta oray and mr ralph hendsraon in which tho latter waa dofeated miss vera harvey and mi frucik mcintosh played mrs anm mason art 4 mr w c uanry ut whloji tho lattr won tho hnals worj thou playsd by mrs mason and mr w c ilanry ot and drv land i w i aulust mlsa bsrnloo hold and mr o if i m jij ma0rn t btaorfl thlalpa- a sood exh t v roadswa shot off by sballo blt of taniaa thrftsst torn and substantial charao trenches and craters and shell jolos mvo fcen mied muou of nm rroiind on tho battlo fields la aavln ndar owltwjon tboro aro still videnooa howsvor and will be for a i aenemuon or tbo bavoo wrouht by war thoihsanda tens of thous local tennis tournament cloaad an mondsy even i no with finsl junior and ssnlor qamss very great enthusiasm baa boen manifest in th tennis tournament at the acton athletic association around the past two weefcs through tho efforts of mr charles moore thu function has been indued a success ajthousfh the weatlmr prevented the tournament be in played us per sohod ule tho interest of tho fans never waned the players numbering- sixty were divided int two groups of juniors and snlonf friday nlht the junii r chumi ions played in the ml llnals mla m flyman and mr v itumlny played muu n lleeoor ond mr karl cooper ut whlnh the latter w n in the final round mlas alice johnstone und mr wllrose raid i idy d the winners 1 the eeuil finals mim n uoeaor and jhr ear coo two sets and won tho junior chumpiartoulp on monday evtnlns- u plo nlc to was served on the clubhouse verandl at she o clock to the tennis pjsyerm and a very jolly social time was spent at seven o clock the semi finals of were welcomed acton cltlaena iiftnd k a busy the onlarllneaa arid eoberneee celebration oa rteturday uf the of much favorable cotnotenl jl one itoztj the concert alven by the wei ooy bai h p 2 br ryon the u4 h olstt tf horo u not 17 year hay wnl a y fine bd 000 tona and umbo 00 w 4uom 1 h uona plito w boy cub ploy w rainoawt a cnallt to theirf ba tll to their u l and deatroyed by baeaba now ahow ualy dead trunk than are on jnany luw d roadaldaa con ae can emptacemant platlonne oon- crete coverrt duaouta ml lea or fanoea an 1 roota mad r tho aalaanlaed iran aed in coveriror buta and ihooaatida portable frame housaa occupied dur b omoar and men theae cw in ecmtnlaalon for out- and qeld uborera cotuwea ihtrbod w everywhere and colla or rualy barbed wire and empty sheila adorn t tho roadaldea r nil th travelled roada amona tho tawna which atlu have j ned buudltura ar yprw fl mmtlwa labaaau na vlmy n hl vaaal pitiful to aee the havoo made by oarou ahall bomba thaae haarlea detroyra appear to hev had a apecial trenchant for th daa- tcllo of catadrmhv church and a ftwtoriamy thla la jliuty mrluid at vlmy sara the caumdral tbe aplaodld towu were play ed andv mtae raid und mr beardmoro won with a acore of a 1 prlaea were praaented to the wlnnara of the tour namen by mr cliarlea ti moore 3c thfcahefs muleni farmera burnley oil pull tractors prices are down over ib 000 hum ley oil pull tractors aro in use und not ope wore out yet uumloy rrsolqr 10 years old still runnlrur ki 1 lto ans of lot t ids up write for price cululoajue to day also free meosxlnse mailed monthly t ydu if tntsrestsd hanna broa dlatrlbutoni phone 11w ouelph now ready the dunlop trail summer retorts of ontecrio in a nutshell for the motorist the dunlop trail ia the newidea touring book which rep- reaenta the nrat attempt to lay ontario before the hohdayeeeker in such a way that he can motor over the province systematically the whole story of ontario is told in sequence ontario from winnipeg to cochrane to windsor to montreal yet the book only comprises forty pages and is pocket size not a reference page from cover to cover in other words you get the whole story of a district when you are at the two pages covering that particular district no advertising of arry kind in the dunlop trail all maps and illustrations specially drawn all material specially compiled think of this feature all your mileage figured out for you over the entire province the first time this tas been at- mptj in thf hiarniy rtftrioltnfing w j patterson cobner mux and main sthects acton ont internal and external pains are promptly relieved by ob thomas eclectric ol l t jwtrrwmmdimuifowhi mras ji a orcaten biucr t i h tjnnwonial that apcaka f finaryftrty t thau even a foam curative oualmcft al rainsasl ju auction sale in the dunlop trail you find every rfver and lake trip in ontario that has a schedule also apecial train trips combination auto boat and train trips the first complete list ever published of places in ontario where summer hotels are located every golf club and camp site in the province and real information where you want it about steamer and ferry services for taking autos aboard in order to keep the circulation of the dunlop trail in the proper channel a nominal pnee of fifty cents has been put on it any garage or tisp dealer in ontario will take your order for th dunlop trail or you can procure it direct from this com pany at any of the ontario offices mentioned below i dunlop tire rubber goods co limited head officeand factories oueen st east toronto hamilton branch t 18m park street south- london branch 871 richmond street ottawa branch dunlop bulldlns 306313 sparks st danlop tirm makers to caaada for thirty yman dunlop balloon 1tres 1 less air more comfort x or- jewellerychinaware graniteware on saturday lext this is the last chancu tht ptoplc nf acton and vicinity will have to buy jowclkry clriuawurt und cnutnelvuro at auction ii this stock will i sold absolutely jlegartlle- of cost private salts mil be conducted all day friday and saturday neit tlie auction sale w ill be tteld on saturday july 19 p m to i0w p in acttwtit bargain store to bnrikato mill mrl actun jt 7 ting at the free press

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