Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 24, 1924, p. 2

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jteuzvi tfjf m g jkrtan jffrgglrgbb 1 ijry- rimjumday julv24 ij4 in the meadow today a hill hi ii jj i f nunahliin i il ihicii i ml ihui skyl aldii mum the inoiriowse a lit 1 11 whip tvmn i the wuvts nf itnuia untl daisies armiiiil my assign pressed thu mmdow ruo lnr silvery foam toes il up uffulnst my hmast tlo tmlhrlllis wim nttflng riia liolhillitki in tuna i nlaorrd for ul land roein that bore llfiv h rilii rloo with juno mi blii was nil my rtu my iinilnir heart win all my crtiw my ulmlin nu watt i in gula along lh in ni horlxop rtlti uruium illlipml in sky jldforo mi mi i voyaged up tim uummor clouds vrnnt by a ml oh lhnito broattm of gladness my vory holng stirred i fi uil liftvu loupt into that blue ljkh any wlokod bird all nn i oiuxr yjsurp to voyage my nmiry crirw and i ji hiiln ship a weatber-beat- with nummor and blue iky to voyune oar tho moaddwdu an in tho years gone by a lltoo sung of sunshine of daisies and blue ekyl i re notu t n am i marqarets slumming it well wbals my for lo day euoan- or usked mr oreenleaf at tho break f itit tabic at the pretty niece who was attending her pring vacation tn hb jioxne i m trying to coax margoret to take mo to ho slums she replied and at thai word jkfoxgarets brow puckered uq a frown wo va boon studying sociology at rotege continued eleanor and ilk- to see tho slums of a city well margaret can do slumming to thu quean tax to she ii ihow you huw said mr green loaf and smiled proudly at bis daughter bho could not help looking up bright ly and um it his words bad riven her i ij1c m- i at t y gooq day for the cjtyl lilts ret started early what are you wrapping up thoia flawan for eleanor bad asked t before they left homo but when lbw stepped from tho car and were greeted all along the nasrawa- streets by chil dren who bent easer eyea on their blossoms eleanor understood one more for my by by sister begged a roughlooking girl and ahe guarded tho flower tenderly aa they stopped in another croup of children farther on they beard a weak voice above them cry wistfully o joel and a pale boy answered yea all right annie ill aave you mine flhee alck be axplalned oh take her aome tuilpaf aied eleanor and they heard mm aprlng up tho atairry two atepe at a time presently margaret atopped at i rickety tenement and tlje gh clunb od to the third story back where i lame girl greeted them joyfully elean or was aurprlaed to see how quickly tttey were all three vtaltlng merrily together they left a book and aome carnations with her and a they pick ed their way downstairs margaret bald she a the happiest girl now and really earns almost enough to gupport herself lnce i taught ber to make paper flowers and to knit fine rant those carnations i tfatt gtrta who ara rolng to parties she has a wonder ful influence ovar them and oyer the other families m the tenement oh heres my old maggie i aba ejcolalmed as a woman with a shawl over her head camejtoward them beamlnj- welc u aint mlas margareu ahe cried oh thank yon i ill pot it in water itll remind me of your own sweety fane and she stopped and hatted a 4aomaat she scrubs the doors at the aettle- tnent margaretspalqedt s she and eleanor burrled ajong to their next call in a schoolroom full ox dark- eyed russian tots they were welcomed by s gfty little teacher i thought rche children would enjoy thesd tulips said margarst oh yes and theyll paint them too and teacher and children smiled r visitors jbey aang aome of thejr songs and almost before she knew it eleanor was at tbe piano sjhglng tor them as tbe girls left they arranged for the teacher to spend saturday picking wild flowers with them wsvo just time for one call n xlttls russia announced margaret before wp tako lunch at the setus- itwaa call on the funniest most yjcacloua little woman wbo sold them i brass t and told margaret all bar troubles in the uyeue manner 1 whits kaanor sat iaadnated by tne v ohestnutt false front which decorated tbe ptherwlse blsck head weil bow did you and the alumsf asked mr oreenleaf t dloneftlme yfhy weu1 jkasltaed bbaanor dont think we saw much of them put wo bad a lovely time and saw ever so many interesting people and aome of tho dearest children and the sweetest jama girl tes aojd mr qreebleaf smiling fthafm what you 11 always find the slums to be like if you go with mar garet iin5ii trapped i ihhkil amll jit hmbimmwjiinglimiljiwitfliwwffl si funnt iii l k utrululit i lonimiiiiilntl ii wi i vli v of hi tut roumllnjt mmilry it ivmi u llilul mutluil heavily wi l 1 hkioii 1 roi my wlmlow i itul i un but mu liliti noyft ruiiiy ruil inhnnpltiiljli i m hi um which that tn dun it bud r th ubovv til rlwr lh riinnd il mpli1 mill r purt hud i1hhj 1 ton n burned luim li f blnrkunixl waiwr wliool ik oiy 1 1 m born u 1 tliu u nknlo u mo mi chlmmy remained the the cl nnated rnor llltllo mock nl m nay lt km loiter fotlowu wuli u fuvorlti uwlfu morn lynif thr at ovc in tlm full ul t l tliu nultxi n inhort of of hnm iry sum- hn routy iiatiivd to gathor hern in t ropumitoit for tho on them mlhrutlon au brnckleu brvgnta tn tin pluo iirfivn in tho fall during the duytlinn thoy wuro uoutlenod abroad clmilng tho limoctn that bv ered ovar river jut ul j1uu they returned to hip alack in hworraw flock after flock nottllnir into it 1ik the genllsmoku lnt tho nnhwnnnn m bottle like moat tountry bnyn i wnu ioma- hlng of tin tutloginl und i longed to add tq my tol loci ion tlm ng ut un ai the tittle inhuliltanu it tho chimney the rulnod riuuertod condition of iht- old mill it lonely nltuutlon and fin ally the ailariil imirajtnulilllty of the great iluik luolf mndn the undni taking auumo a romnnta and danger ous cast that rot id not full to recom mend it to atiy udvonturouu boy v jsl vf v ab a little child mbre things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of tennyson a very small girl stood on the top step and a very large dog stood be low aid barked up at her she was desperately afraid of doge yet retreat ifrod on the nrst floor was not at home to open the door behind he and the big dog sat exactly in the middle of the path suddenly the 4og tar ted up the steps but with a nourish of ber um- breltathofttttle gl made him retreat to tils former position it would never have ocourted to her to strike the anlmsl and o there ahe etuod a little trombllnv figure facing the louajy barking bog please go away i sbe cried her ml quivering jlease please go away i llowwow wowwowwuwl waa the throneolng rvsponae u her en treaty teare began to full from the little maids eyes and the big drops slowly rolled down the front of ber reefer o dog dear dear dog won t you please go awayt she mobbed o plas4 please dot her sentinel showed signs of um- aslnfos and began to jump about and rush ownrd her barking furiously the littler glr bald hhn off with her 1 umbrella her heart beat wildly o wd alia prayed aloud very earnestly nd reverently o ood please send the dog awayl ifoiever and ever amen a moment aer n woman oniwheri up tle attet calltkl shrilly her- jetel here leto and the dor with two loud barks and a last back wtfril loos at the child started on tbt- i rust 1rt he direction of the voice tb little girl took u 4ung deep braatb her prayer bad win snswer- d 0 dod she prayed with closed yes apd bowed bead tkonk you evrt so rauobl amen then with hasten- i aatep and deveui heart she surted j l jiqma a glorluus hauinlay aftornoon in lute may my chore worn finished and i won free and bentfon tho con quest of tho stuck about my waist i carried nearly ti hundred fotit uf alan der but very strong cord a pocketful of large vplkea and a thammec com pleted my armament as 1 crossed the fool bridge above tbe mill i saw jake watheiill and the two mason boys at tho bathingpool downstream after watching them for a few momenta i decided not to hall them 1 wanted the glory of the affair to myself i paid dearly for my aalflshnesa at the base of the chimney ln the inner side was a hole large enough to admit a mans body at the bottom of this lay a matted mass of rubbish that gave out a very unpleasant odd and obliged ma to hbld my breath as i crawlod over it into the black chamber of the flue once upright i found there wa plenty of room in which to movo my arms freely pqerlng upward in search of nests i could see nothing except small square of light high above me it was like looking through a telescope the patch at sky was not blue aa 1 seen it reflected in the river but polo and colorless knd presently i roidtj out a star or two swimming lustlessly la the thin ether i it was hard work to drive in the spokes but by searching carefully for loose spots in the mortar and bracing my back against the opposite wall aa i hammered i was able to mount slowly upward by my spike ladder the first blow of my hammer sent a boat of brooding birds whirr ng up and out of tbe chimney in the confined spacethelr little wings made mctm thunderous roaring that i thought my alarm the whole structure was crashing down on my head bits of twigs and flakes of dried soot spattered mo like rain tho uproar was over in a minute and i fell to work again it was hot and musty in tbe flue and before long i was sweat ing profusely as i ascended laboriously foot by foot i swept tbe walls gently wltli my bands in search of nests present ry my angers came into contact with a large iron spike ready set in thu bricks it was atrongtly embedded and i steeped upon it thankfully gtod of a chance to save one of my precious nails there was another juat above it and auother just above that- evident ly ths builders had put them there to form a rude sort of ladder by which n workman might ascend the flue t repair any interior break tho lower most spikes had either fallen from be twoen tho loosened bricks or had boon disintegrated by the intense heat to whlfh tholr proximity to tho furnace had exposed hera my progress was now more rapid and after a fow momenta of climbing i come to my first nest it was a crude little cradle like pocket of interlaced twigs gummed together by the small builders oallva and fastened to the brick by s nim or the same adhesive substance dried as hard and almost u smooth as uhellac thero were four eggs in it fragile globules while ivory as i subsequently uscortalnod i leaned back ugalnst ths wail one 1foot on the iron splku the other rest ing on a projecting brick und got out my tin collecting box an i carefully dropped one of tho eggs into it new nest of cotton i board a rattling sound below ms in my narrow quarters it was not easy to look directly down after con siderable twisting i managed to do ma but could distinguish nothing in tlm polo light that sifted in through the opening at the bottom 1 concluded that tbe nolao had been caused b falling mortar or soot four eggs were the limit i had 1m juued upon myself in order to spam the birds reelings us much as possible 1 deckled to tak but u stle fro any one nest i might huvogathrj hundreds and jtlll adhered to this rule for th next upward step found me surrounded by perfect colony of iivsu tram that point on up to with in eight or ui r of toy thy plastered tho tuur wulls ylosejiyiii i put my spblls uwy one by ono and with u a gh uf toll storied to descend the darkimss und the wunn musky amlllng mr vre beginning tq mok- me fuiil u llttlo giddy 1 lutd tukeil but u oouple of down ward steps wlieit th ul quiet of the great tube wus broken by a per fect riot of sound it wag like titanic unca ny laughter- the wave of 1 rolled by ro u bjnflk mvfl uut and die murmuringly away st the lo i esmamt udluejiy t f tt die turbance of the sir um it ped wi ftl cum n uxlnt oy hold and falling whn roy bratm owne back t me i k tlmi gunce downward the j at the bottom hod slmoot vanished while i looked cuinpulely as if w great uthlng had been throat through tho oponltuj a point o ltmht i out of tnjj blapkness with etartllng suddenness j u mo ow hj then hurst into inckllng lrmllancy in an ishai ry ny ss en had str u nrw m chlmuy a1 t wlt x slbllnv wlth l- slbtllty of bl noire hnuf b back to a certain ml i isiyur win- i had liarmlens llttlo i tit i romof hi n nnind l hit my lllli 1 1 my volet mulll- lerlng if the tin duljod thu sound flwi us wiui more probumti tin bfiyn hud gone off to gntlmr uum fit i bllas fully uiiconnclouh of tin hiiniun boltiir in the cliimmy i berated my tmpldlty in ullowlng faiyunlf to imj might hi muui a trap while i hud h busy ovir my n sts thu boyo hud crowdi i a nrn mugu of inhummubln mutnrlul into the op nlng the grout height t dm chimney und th fuct that my body acted us u sort of damper to hn flue proventod if from druwlng imniedlatoly but uh i unoleasly shouted for help i tould see tho tiro fttdlng under thu billows of smoku thut gatlmrihl above it it maniit auffocutuin to dseiiil into thai thick vapor it wun equally perllnuu to stay whom i wan obviously the only course luy upward with stumbling husto begun to mount f had to feel in tho darkness for each step and the swallows nosts ellghtaa they were in themselves lm pednd mo by their cruut numbers a every move i brunhed samu uf the fragllo things from the walls tho ulr grew arid my nostrils and yon began to sting tlmn with a hot rush tbe grouuy yellowish vnloptk me it closed iivi and blotted out the friendly square of light ahavt llofure i could help it i took a deep breuth ii see mod to run tjniung through my veins tlko an opiate npd i ntopiwd and swuyod dlxsl- ly on the iron ladilur than like u frantto lnimct in a lufti- blerprlswn i ciswd und worked mi way up fiwt by foot at tlmcri tho impulse to tako u breath of ulr become overpowerlngj and i glued my parched lips to tho bricks un 1 sucked stealthily tho ulr obtained in this wy was com paratively pure but that there wan some smoke in it i could toll from the rusty wheeling of my lungs th- unevon pounding of my heart seemed vn force all my blood to my head my face was hot und swollen with it und my ears drummed n they used to do after a deep dive in the rlvor the flue had grown much narrower and every projecting brick and knob of mortar caught nt me maliciously sinallyaomo thing hookotj itself abovo my rope belt and held md fust i aald to myself instantly be coo take it easy and you will be all right i felt for the obstruction but it way behind me and my hands could nol reach it effectively i triad to wyanch myself loose but without gulnlng an inch a storm of fear swopt over mi and i twisted and tugged at the rope and beat the walls with my blooding hands then with inexplicable sujdonnaas 1 was free borne vigorous movement had loosened the felt llut my release had come almost too lute i drnv myself up another step und foe lint myself going flung up a wild hand it met nothing hut the coo unrc slstlng air the next moment i was hanging over the up or the chlmnaj blind smarting and half suffocated the wind blew refreshingly in my faee and gradually 1 came to nod opened my swollen eyelids i was looking down into what had once been the interior of the mlli juko wether iii and bis two companions were thrusting aqujlntlly of old timber into the opening and immediately after ward they glanced up to boo the effect of their stoking fnsr a few incon they stored with open mouths at the blsckeand on couth apparition that lolled over the edge of tho chimney with arm pro joe ting stiffly forward us if prepared to launch itself down upon thom then moved by a common impulse they turned with a yell and run for tho foot bridge x tried to call after them but my throat was so parched and stiff that i gave only a feeble croak the smoke was growing unbearably hot about my legs and fat sparks wero beginning to sail by me my perch seemed fear fully high and precarious to my dlagy senses it aeemed as if the ground swam below me or aa if the stack itself oscillated like aome huge in verted pendulum the fear hat my clothes would catch fire or hut i should faint away and fall ovor the- wi ner mo to do a bold tblng i felt that it was beyond my enduruiico to stay on the narrow rotten rim of tho chimney u moment longer somehow i managed to remove tho rope from my wulst and ttooee one end of it firmly about the top of tho stack nd whon i saw i t mosbvs namesake cjiifioruf john h mushy thu f on fed oriiti tjtvilrynmii uim d in till of u tiinlo inrliltf width hnp i nod in um bhci iindimth valley lit irtw near mid wnl a roglputit of cavalry halted one nluht bint wnl lul rump onn if tho nitii who wu i hungry m11 ptxl uwwy and went off in lh neighborhood t j gat something lo mt ha rndn up to u t nliin on a fiirm in ilm dark and rulli d for the i ertn limldt to come out a negro woman known ul that time us nn intelligent cnntniband opanut the ili or unit uaknd him wlmt ho want ed tin uuldler wished to be asaurod of hln nufoty i nfora dismounting and while nutliu his ntiiiiiur so ho in qiilrtd it tht womiui if any on put hrii if wi hit- mlm r iilinl vua mi sby is hero wlmtl nn id hi lo a whisper is munly liiro r yes she said he is i ml limited wh reserved as a ylotim k sienied with enough for her the rest i dropped swing snakily against tho side its lower end close to the ground 1 wound my handkerchief about it to protect my palms and let myself over aa i did so 1 saw the boys ruturnlng cau tiously jrojn the river evldintly bu half relieved to find it was u humiu being and not a wild boast that they had evoked from the chimney i reached the ground safe hut had j be helped home by the apologetlc jake and his friends tor three days lay in bod during my illness in i collecting box was mislaid when i found it the vggx wtm too far gone t bu blown but i huvo thmn yet thoas four tiny discolored eggs were tho ism 1 ever collected thev wef1e both there if a man is going to pluy the bully he ought to havtt good inuaulos or a clever wit a little buvwnturu into which one such braggart stumbled u thus narrated by un vkchuiige he waa smallish man with a large voice le had u companion who be it said to his credit bieim uuluimod uf tho company he was in stood in he hotul rotunda one saturday night the lit i fellow was talking ubout irwlaud ud ha aald many hard things concern ing the country and the pooplo a big man stood by listening to the little follow s vaporing u tnr1y smiled until the little fellow said in u vory luud vuloa rihow me uo irish- tntrnnnd i ll show you u toward then i lie big rultovv slliud up an 1 touuhlng the little fallow on the should r said li u heavy buns voku whats that you saldr i aald show mu un irishman and show you u coward suhl the little fellow whose knees were shaking under him well lm an irl big- f allow you aie an irishman r well and smile of joy fllttod uvm- tlm llttlv fellows uuuteimlni o us hu saw k tiula through whluh fw tmuld uwl lm a coward should het iurug a discussion tho tltiiesk of things in general m onu unkd if a ypung man takes his hunt girl ths grand pporu spends k on a supper after the jarf nuance and then takes her home in a tauwb shuuld be kiss her goodnlghir ai old bachelor who was pruseitt growled i don t think she ougiil to exiieot it seems to me he has thvii said ths house spurs to his liomp its coiitpiiny lo carry i hn got there he ln fiirmiil tlfa iiilonel rhut musby was in a house not fur uwoy the nglment wun soon nuiuntnd unit went ut n faxl trot llilnklrfg th y hud mooby in u trup i when thoy arrived ul the nugro woman s house the colonel ordered his m n to jturround it to prevent mosby m estupr while ho went in with a fow to take him douil uc alive tho womun uguln mme to the door of the cabin thp colonel inquired in mosby hr7 hho innocently replied yoo so ho walked in after i lift colonel got inside he look od around llut ths woman seemed to be all alone and utterly uaconsclous of buying so iinortant u person for a guest in u loud voire bus- colonel dctrnnrul ad wheru is mosby r kre ho answered tlm terrified nogress at the oumo lrr pointing to a cradle nn thu door the colonel looked into the cradle und saw a little jtrlrnn plccanlnnv sucking its paw two examples the tenrhm- wits egplntiiig the rtiisn tho derivation und slgnlflranno of the word umtildi xtrous it romiui from two ijitln words uho said um bo moaning both unit dexter moan ing right or right handed oterally speaking an umbldez torous person has two right liands that is to say he can use his loft hand just us well as ha can use his right do uny of you know of an ambldex- trous person 7 two little iwys raised their handy i my slater is said tommy jonos she plays tho typewriter with both hands i bo n ray mamma aald boh by kmlth she spanks just as hard with th left hand as hho doe with thai right i some old time zoology uh lltalw in tho luiaigh rltaiw ubrury is nn interesting old vdiurnn pr i ntnd by irei idtoit mnduon in 1831 this quaint liook in the drut hlutury of north cart- ii nn written in 1741 ty john ijiwwoii fient u kurviyor giuirul of tin lairds propriotom 1 hn hlntory is wt ii worth reading but prhlu um monl enter tnlnlng imrtlnu of un ninny page is that in which mr liiwuun daarrlbes tho flora and fauns of tlm new country lie is evidently tho am estor if tho rail way conductor who derldid that an tordlng to the rule or tint rosd logs in dogs and cats is dogu 4but dirtied is insects wo will next treal of mounts says tho historian tlm hlej ar the jjiif felo or wild tit i r ui tyuer the ilever and thfl ilnurukiune the lluf felo is u wild it nst of ami rhut which has a hunch n his imii k these mun niers nrt found u weigh as i um in formed by u truvoller of lrrtlit from 110 to 3400 weight the iiat or uoarnunimo im uiu sumo us m itiglimid 1 huvu put thin ninonic llm t uh pnrtuklng of both hi nw tore of tho ulrd und umi mouh now i nhsll proceed to th known in socts or the luce insoots of north carolina allegatoru itattle snnkon i rugs vipers tortoli torohln hotenwood worms etc the al legator la the same oji the cro nadllo after tho tail of the allogato is removed from thn luidy it wllljitovn froly for eovoral days i have named ibeno umong tlm insects t menu no thry lay kggs und i did not know well whore oloo to put them this way clever women resist the years the simplest beauty secret known but the most effective all in self defence the rightoous proverb about aauco from the gander has lately recolvad a now illustration in u ca recently rc ueorgn suld mrs wilson to her husband you uro becoming u con firmed nmoker nut my dear answer d m wu surf whose horau is tn the suburbs while iuh buslntiss la in town i have to ride trutfin smoking car aorpuch that i am confpelled to light ilclgar in self- defence that very evening mr wilson after frowning und hitching about said to his w excuse me amanaa i7ut you small frightfully of raw onions hut my deur answered mrs wu son bridget eats raw onions and 1 have to eat one now and then in self defence albertas timber resources giving evidence before tho pulp- wood commission in edmonton tho past week c h ma me chief ranger for the province s la tod that there was the province a total area of 80 000 square miles of marketable timber pnd some 12 million acres of forest reserve the saw mill material at present available ho estimated at 16 000 000 000 board feet and pulpwood material at 270 000 000 cords every day you see women well alopff m years who still ituin the charm of youthful imrjy kin they are not unusually fur tunatc juit clever enough o resist the year i they kpoor and follow a slui if method which you may eiin i y as successfully as they tlc 1 lua tells you hrw authorthms advisa this clcanae the skin resularly au thonlici ay tokeepin nlcxioii lovely radiant u hut i ware of harsh t iiirtlutli tiicy injure kit wuith t borough t y jaluiolivc soap each ni forr rftinnk rub th r foamy ijiher well into ll porr km and rrju il i wasluuk then rime ayim then if sltln is dry aj j j little cold cream i nil skin so cared for i n u injured by cosnirhc by wind and sun or by dirt kith- if 1 1tia simple correct way von l iiiiiot imh a more rftec- ii i l troaltnrnl uccauao i ilm luc so i blended of ir luim umi nlir oils famous 1 r nib htil tlurui cleansing mili 11m e ihr l of cleo- i nrj and it it tiicxpeiisive he urryniylalmohvesoap u inch u never sold unwrapped n r try this uo watch the improve- imlt iii yoilr bkj iahni so lrt laimnlivc do for your whole luy wl it does for the face i a molivr company 6r lamauatlmllrd 1 moetreu had tried them all one useful element of a literary styl i is suggestion the author does not t ll a laborious story ho prespnts in im fow words un possible allowing tlm reader to nil in the ilo tails for him self this was the unconscious riiotho i of llttlo margaret who hud had a pru- sant of so mn sugured almonds and who was laboring under an impulse of generosity aunty said she don t you want no of my almonds tliank you dear was the prompt reply i will take one or two riugur ed almonds aro favorites of mlnr well which la the moat favorltcu tho pink ones or the white anas i will take the whlto ones plaasa that is if you don i mind that 1 be just right aunty you take tho whlto ones and i will keep thn pink ones they were all pink at first farmers supplies i his lbyio farmer hu i m n uti t ljr rouily to help in the harvi t or itu criq u huy 1orksbest quality with itriu iumhii lluy 1orks of a cheaper imk lulu huu ll turiiuf hoes 0 inch six it spray ni all hty i e watering cansat nirfr tit 1 rh utconllng to 1 i f hardware is 11d 1j this wuilcs specials- seasonable goods at reasonable prices flvo string corn llroi m i whll thi y i ixt 70g screen doors comph u r to hum 223j w d talbot phone 76 we del1veb tliis is your chance to win a 450 piano or a 1 so phonograph free first prize 450 second prize 150 phonograph third prize 150 purcka8in0 vouchb addluooal purchasing vouchers 125 the abqve prizes wiw bb oivsn absolutely free firtt prize one 450 piano second prize one 150 phonograph third prize one 150 credit voucher for the best neatest and most origihal correct answers to this puzzle afso additional credit voucher these pnzes will be awarded absolutely free tf you do not own a piano you should send a solution to this puzzle we have already awarded six 450 pianos and six 150 phonographs to lucky winners as well as many other prizes absolutely f reej this is purely a piano phonograph and radii advertising campaign for a manufacturer and th instruments will be displayed and sold by one o the local dealers the contest closes july 31st and all answers postf marked later than that date will not be accepted j do not wait until the last day simply get busjj today and solve the puzzle then send your and remember that the prizes go to the best neat- est most original correct answers can you solve this puzzle ft can be done directions r the dots in th illustration in tbii adver tisement when properly connected form on outline of the bead and shoulders of a very prominent person the puzzle is to properly connect these dots so that you can recognize and name the person thus represented the name should be written arc the bottom of the finished drawing instructions write your name carefully and plainly to the best naatait moat prlginal correct answer will bo glvftn onott0 funo absolutely free to tbe next best noateotj molt original correct enrfwer will be given 1150 phonograph absolutely picee to the next best will be given a 150 pux- chaajng vouchor acceptable on any piand or playerphujo shown additional purchasing vouchers worth 125 will be given to the next best fifty answers 4v answer may be siibi material there is no itf each family should send announcement should no should not enter tltlj will go to some family which are supplied with hall remain the proper est ant entering a reply from which there shall fc ttpngs to remember j on thj or on otiurair heel of tp or oilwr i ll folimon only on nxoibcr of i sr owuotcc ol ihr nrwipjir crrwbl 1iv mertlln tijmn jnd ll fli prli ilion l not on p nr llia rea immluoo r not oir undl ovlli aiicnii i jtli nd very coo- sjww to blifr by ihr ilccllol ppel h entered jreand 1 knd eyerw coo- ion ol tb uom gather the fkmily around and let them au tafcjs a fi lhs solution f this puzzle bomeonts will eat a the lucky day for you o send your solution car postage to the csnaill 400 address au answer to canadian selling agents v 409 barton street east hamilton ontario for o tew siij o wrtrk thl my b wurk llle probleta proprr amount of n 1 certify tlut addnta cur 1 coupon

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