Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 24, 1924, p. 3

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1 tr ffiljc artnn 3hrw tyxea rvluuual july 1024 pluc t in- mothers smile xy jit art in jiu i liiu fiom 111 ikirtin loars tho i on m thrr n fac my vision ton nvrr fir i r im v r imllliiii mucril fni nunhrnm 1 f dip liuun it 1 anl whm ummniln prow itri civil to bficullv 11 u ro my vary ovfi 1 m thai nut hi or lovlr ic mll tlmt tnmli r itmllt oh hbw ho swtl yet full f rur thn iroiihlth 1 my if iwvn am ilou ly 111 1 lui thcr my itrtut r lift i i l t ami liiw ill ii ll i hhill llnmuin my hi u ti lurk l 1 l lt nol i ii f illow in l ith where mi tl r h i with u arry tlmt i i of mb a little error of judqment him tailed yiutoruuy ami l wai r va ly n rfoi tly lovely said mrs wiilllntf i would have told you ull tiliut it last niait but you were flf- fou mlnuloa lata and j wsis suro thvro hud bon hume horrible accident nv l was mi rollnvod whan you camo that nnturiilly i wouhln t speak to you t mh mr walling interrupted with ihn question who callodt mm hwndrorth mm david sand- foith you don t know hot of course nllher ilk i hhe said she knew we hail jumi moved horc and aho ran in to ime mo because she lived right round thn corner and hurry door i hud vision of u rear flat iorwhsr ho wan mo unassuming you know why nil talwod as if ahe kot up ftvpry morning nnd prepared the breakfast unci her aklrt nagged dreadfully and and you can t always tell can vr i loaded mm walling plteoualy did you patronise her tremendous lyt lnoulrod walling it vram t that but you know i love to ahow people my woddlnr presents she wui so interested you would huvi thought aho had never seen an oriental rug before i explained care- fully just how to uao the chafing dish and ihnwed the herostich on my don bent napkins and got out my tour limn sheets and pillow cases then i ahowed her my weddlns sown and pointed out that there were four inchee of real lace on it and explained to her how one can tell real lane when one aeea it to finish up i made coffee in the percolator i thought it would b such a treat for her and ahe aeemed ao pleaaed that i told her aho might borrow ll whenever alio wanted to mm walling pauaed for a momen then with a little algh continued 1 thqught t would go over there ulla afternoon just run in youlnowhe way aho did welt harry she uvea in that perfectly magnificent houae on balding square i waa let in by one lackey and waa announced by another i atutnbled over a ellk velvet rug the kind you eee in furniture ahop win down and wonder if any one dare atep on and you never aaw auch a tea- service aa the butler brought in a little later i just eat there ahrlnklng into my clothes with thoughts of my chafing dlah and my four linen eheet flooding nay mind and z couldnt sea the humor of the situation at all but ahe waa lovely to me slu talked in exactly the same cosy com fortable way that ahe did when ahe called here and x kept wondering if i ought to tell her that it all happen ed becatiao she dldn t look a bit stylish edisonra adventures tho authors of the ufa and in ventlons of xzalman tell a good story of the manner in which their hero once saved the life of a child at the risk of hl own me waa then the newsboy or a train running between stratford and detroit the station affent at mt clemens had a boy- year and a half old with whom edison a1 ojt fle was colled waa fond of ploying dar ing the halfhoar or more that the train stopped at that station one summer forenoon while the train was bejng taken opart ond mode up anew a car was uncoupled and ent down the track with no brakeman to control it edison who had been looking at the fowls in the poultry yard turned just in time to see uttle jlmmle on the main track throwing pebble over bis head utterly uncon chma of danga aj dropped his papers upon the platform seised the child tn hla arms and threw himself off the track face downward in sharp fresh gravel bnt- loal without a second to pare as it was the wheel of the car struck the heel of hla boat i wu in the ticket ofnoo says the child a father and hearing a sbrlelc ran out in time to see the train honda- brlnglng tlte two boya to the platform having np other way of showing hla grutltudn the agent said at if you will stop off he four tluya ti tlte week and keep jlmmle out of hurma way until the mixed trail return trom detroit i will leuch you telegraphing will yoiit said edison i win he extended hla hand and sold its a i urgaln and so edison became u taleitrai or love lu belter than fame they tuinu thn ui1 chllcllu ud i u and ofton tin j tu hut wiilt l li and one mw ovi crowi tl o l t in that atra- i un that n muti ul up to th litlulitn me by iiik 1 will m mn tini with kliuln i mi and beruu lilu the hlhli in the bouuty that bllml to it ull i nil in iii r tl jn fuiu 1 that i un tln1 ouiitry l inly inreit my intrude im hut the otlr uw ull 11 n wei grev by tbo i ill tbuy lnl m road on ihn lilll- tn i j tho woniuhif j uii f he aaw tin hiii uml tl y waa roun 1 mm vrjwl ru he spok kin i wrlrf lu i and llglitoixl hi iwl ftc hare la w rk for nil lnh brother 1 nnd it n iy it may n it i grai i uj- but i shall bn aalulte if into ihn llvee of otli ra 1 i ring hope and cheer and feel hiut the wurl i u boll cause of my being tho ways tlulr frt lull ii w i ad in manhood a imu i t l h ilio peakb and he wlia oya far on ond gran 1 strove steadily on tnwu1 thuiii ant paused not once t y i wv to help und comfort i oonroilo ni earnetlrjle the wolat may tfa climbed up the hlln u u ovor tholi summit luiasod from sight and tn day ho dwell- in tl glory that crowns tho mystic i ight but no maim huurl ihrilla warmly wtion unother aiwaku hla hume ah that aoul bus iej f pity which feeda on the husk if buiiiul but he who aaw all about hitn work for hi willing hnnli has done it falthfulh omy ua by a kings command he has heliied the wtak mid tho weary be has mforto 1 thoao who mourn and no man knowhi ihe number of burdens he has tmie iu song when hla hourt wux heavy songs full of qoh and cheer and his songs brought comfort and courage nnd all ro gluil to hear j and man and woif n ami children speak lovingly hli name ah happy la he who hi loth that love is better than hmul -1- bun 1 luxford at thfi tellers window tl d stwrles at the expense of worn in tholr relations to bankaccounts am hgliiw i erhaps there will always re tnuln u sort of fascinating perplexity for u woman about the operations by wliitii a hunk takes her money gnd returns it to her again the excellent but inexperienced widow who put flva hundred dollars into hut- safe deposit vault competed with hoi bank and then could not un lirnlttiul why she did not drav in tnrst mi tho money is but n ex u til l of the feuilnlne acceptance of myat ry ua a natural feature in the nnuiiuul wrll iliu iiiatton who resents tlte notice from hui bunk of un overdrawn ao count un l iiiuaat that her check imhu ih not marly mpty reappeam to tin imlhiit rtlolala year after year tho 1 itfat nxumplo of feminine bank lug la rutublimt by a young new york girl win hi ultuwuiiue was deposited w th i oitulii trust oompuny whom solvency waa uoublful during the re oviit iiwiiii hbe stood valiantly in llnu foi fouru en houra and reached the ti hut window thoroughly ex huusti l tr luani thjvt her account was twunly four dollam overdrawn a compromise 1cggy got bvr 11- 1aiteiicii hu vnrre yelt irtrloo nyt yat why ahe i xpted to get u lat week iluaii t tho use got in court yett oh yia ultu uakid ttr 36 quo jldn t shu yiim 1 bullivo so hut the amount nlt i- 1 wua t laiintlho case w o pn mlsid conipriimlaedt hhed navet take i bttiny lujta tliuu lift 000 1 hope well hti i- husband said he could n t pay that much how much dtdhe pay nothing it seem they just kl i fend mod up pikty yeaits mum tiibn till now never a summer onrou but some peraona who spent lielr thildhood in actfn at the vicinity roiurn to vlglt the old home and tommuulty they visit the haunts u thlldhood early days the bis pond u 1 1 tin old awlm- mln hole the big u ring from whence the town s water u l ly la now obtain ed and where they uaod to dare one another to climb m the alii tery face or the rock to lh summit thirty or forty feet ubove tr the ofliar spring on the staurfor pu which old resi dents said was bo ih mlostf and which abe btauffer tried tu bottom with a thirtyfoot polo or they towta trip down to olei lahaon to the site ol the- old mill or u tho iouy varden rooks where the toronto llipe torn jjany is now mating lime by the thousands of bushuls or up to- tbo hall and luaby ugar bushes wnere they begged or pulolned maple sugar in the aarly sprite botnutiraes they take a trip up to tlio top of monument hill in kalrvlew cemotury rhlcn used to be wlllum htpi a fora and where the beat hamlnulu krr or they tokfe a trip to lbver 1olnt which jutted out into tho mill pond from jtansom adams carrot patch or they go up the ut tin creek which ran through hll hniithfs und ruther ford a farms eul u fjshln pole and angled for trout iim t used to dp alxty years ago i yegr artur yar former residents come homu upj fill out juat auch a program ax this un 1 try fo feel young nuiu at j th y all have a good titni iven 11 ihe oil scones have gone t read rnthtr un interesting story the othur day w n suiting for mary to put in ui umi of one of her famous lioofcnd ru mats und get supper ready n wttm the author of pays 1 clover who recalls a oena or hla ynuih whii li when placed in on treat iu a alutllar experience of lalur life uluiral t the different if ii v two polods i ic illi to the welsh r 1 wuihi u revisit hi had 1 rilled his life coat now 1 wan drugged to tho bottom 1 j the tall of one i attll think i rnuhl have rtbnc it i l vniur tlui ull un visitors wo mu llnrk to u tl ikmdii iit thel llldhool or yi utl invurluhly rind hi hill not i hlilt i h tbny tuied to look i them fr tin t l nii ruggud r th iitr ndiip ir tin u in uu douat swum i h no tnli y ir ihi furma ua lursjn a they thuught of them in the rly duyn an 1 surh la life u ex 1 rl nces mind and business uli ii ilirfnrenco imiwiti n kre lug youi full of iiihiik11 and y ur hual nn full or mil i la iv rlh noticing what woull it in n ti uu if vc monlm ihut un ijui i hi u i vr uhoul i builg pn mliiomly 1 1 din yi u every day hi tho wulla of tint oit wlior w rk would you 1m olio to ull juat what tho wordu invtin un i ijmo apply thorn to your own work ur would you aurrt hder to the hi nun of confun n nnd contradiction ttjut may arum t lie in tin iihruaen mind full of 1 jul nosa und bunlneim fultof mind t the manager of u buainesa eatuh liahmont that emiiloya rnnny persona aaw tho aphorism in question a few months ago and hud it printed largn typo on cards that ho poatod tho walls of the aniens and workroomx it stirred so much dlscunnlnn that lh manager offered rlxee for the beat definition of the difference bctw keeping the mind full of business and keeping tho buainesa full of mind the vice president of thn qnmpany aondu ua an interesting- letter uboitf the contest and incloses oxtrnct from tho articles that wore written by the thirty cm ploy cos who tomiwted for the prises tho young woman who won the flrm prise began her article thus keap lug your mind full uf buulniiui during huttlnesa hours la ouhuntlal to your own progress kt oping your hualniss full of mind a rcyulullu to the progreua of the business though y u huve your mind full bf huslnnsa your bus nusa does not profit thereby unless it reflects the result of your beat thoughts that was tho ki ynoto of thu boat articles the worker who keeps hla mind full of il work dttbtlras thinks that he is doing hla best but in reality ho is liable noon to become a nern drudge too wearied and worried to b effective at hla deak ho travels in a circle the really callable worker thinks out hi tank and projects it into the future he first runs his business stead of allowing it tn run htm he applies bis intelllgljnoe to the problem of improved metheda and of accomp lishing better renihta in nhort h keeps his business fullof mind that the business eublishmeni found in our little aphorism the tbemo of an inspiring and suggestfye con test is highly gratifying to the com panlon the manner of using it re veals the spirit of enterprise and co operation that hue mnxle that ea tabllshment one of tho most auccesaful of its kind in the country oems of thought the sweetest of ull sounds is that of the voice of the woman we love bruyere wisdom is often times nearer when we stoop than when we sour words worth ho that will kop a monkey should day for the glass ho breaks sclden conscience warns us as a friend before it punishes us a judge slants laua tho wisdom of one generation will be the folly uf the next priestley those who would make us feel uiut feel themselves churchill let hot our babbling dreams affright our souls tihakospvare lie thou familiar but by no means vulgar shakos pea re was u good war or a there ne bad peace i do pity unlearned gentlemen on rainy day kalkland a light wife doth make husband shakespeare a largo pari of virtue consists good habits ialey 111 blows tho wind that profits no body uhakeniiearo no man can be wise on an empty stomach george elliot a grout fortune la a great servitude sonoca neighborhood news- town rfnd country mism nnbi y is visiting with friend in humlu v mm j 1 hunter in visiting wjtlt ml in plovnlund ohio v mr l onurd km 1th of toronto in dm guiat of mr h j dllmon mlsn annie mrmnn of mllverton in vlnltlnit with mlua lluth hull air und mm j hn lenlie art visit lug with rrin n ils in toronto hamilton und culntor mm anton munon and son george f arlou have boon guests of mrs 1 m ilodn alt n for tho punt weak ltev nnil mrs i lilts and their non io nr toruui urn visiting with mr iikj mm fit org ilumadnn mm it hanvcly of llrumpton visit ml with mr und mrs james hamilton for a tew dnyn thin week mr ami mm win graham and son of day city mich aro v lulling with mr und urn h hidler 7lh line mr und mm oeorgo arnold and two children of oconto town were sunday vlhllors with mr and mrs wm graham mr v c mcloon who is represent ing tho hudnut co ut st johns n n epent sunday with mm j i dunli and family mr and mrs w hull loft on tuoe day evening tar iluffulo n y where the former n alster mm mllloy in quite seriously iii dr and aim piart of sanborn n y and mm o w mccullough of urumptnn wero guests ofmla mcgiu for a day lust week jifrs lvmon of camilla and mm littlejohn of orangoville who have ixon visiting with mr and mm jan long have returned to jhelr respec tive homes mr dun 1- iii hau taken over tho conirnrt for the delivery of his ma joutj u mall op it h no 1 mr jus leltch underwent an opera inn t r uppendtcltls ul the general hoapltul guolph oh monday night und is report od to b doing aa well aa ran be expected a very large crowd attended the celebration at acton on july 13 the local lodges l o l no 11 z and l o ii aj 474 took part in the celebru lion and a largo number from erin und vicinity followed tho lodges and enjoyod tho celebration as well as the programme of sports itev john lindsay la conducting a service in the iiavillon at stanley park each sunday evening at eight o clock quite a large congregation assembled oq sunday evening and enjoyed the gospel measago and sang service aa well us enjoying the fresh air of tho open pavilion as compared with tho cluittb- on a hot evening on saturday morning or last week a bad fire was narrowly averted when iv tire broke out in the wall of a small loan to at the rear of the residence of mus conboy mr wm xonboy ha 1 boon killing potato bugs with some sort of flre process and 1ett the- place aa he supposed in perfectly safe condition after an hour- hod eapaol neighbors were attracted by smoke and the alarm quickly spread tho nearhy immediately formed a bucket brigade and in short order the new chemical fire fighting apparatus was en tho job and in a few minutes the flames were extinguished the loss was small and covered by insurance advocate burlington kchiovut went on a momiialna scene wiieii mor thin nrty u ifore his des tlnatlui was u ritw with almost per pemluular ul i w jultlntf rocks afforded a m alljii mll u tt and and tin l f olll to bottom irolably tl u u undrl feet at lh uu f ui1ll lad utul i vetttur i n t half way u w i ly scatily voiiturft shaly uu i to go ny un tin llttl twigri lv utul f itl 1 hi lll go l ulld went foot hmun until i ihe ruu we 1 i k 1 wh whlvh wo ullllll 1 fright urn t uiiml 1 u ling u p for the utitly giving 1 thu tougli in id became iacendid it wo must ther up wi two qr throe iould by no i3inimftilons in 1 itvy uu much tfholvi h run round and ul uu li lilnu tutu i un easy path 1 jhra ij fuui u- uiingtnr f r llvs a kltotltt jmkit was lot wn by a l ut full i ngth on 1r t li hy moans uf thin h w u it ulu clncidtiioe my lutil wl nill rarely wltll i l kltf nture whs again u 1 1 tll vlkiiroua oh man 1 1 vi ii w wi 1 lh- nomiie of our te ulil- f the ravine llt 1 ii imi wi however 1 will u i y 1 i rit iiik r i it did i rior iiii n fif i or if the was u awl mh t t iu hu mi tn igjv k hi mglir hut the nut lh y ihe hill of in high ii uuir luiiiimi it my of ihum ntuut yuywr if would veniuro any uld they allow iae to nlury ago 1 lop by th the rabbi and the crucifix there are so many war stories it u hard to select the most touching here is one however that cannot fall tn move any reader a ilrltuh soldier lay dying in no mans lanjl natween the british and german trenches to approaoh hurt leant almost certain death to him ho attempted it a jewish rabbi happened to be hi ia nml uno trenches he had come to look after his boya bom on told htm that the lad who lay dying in no mans land was a jew iar to nil protests regardless of almost certain doath the rubbl crawlod on his atom- aoh out over tho top and among the wire german bullets sipped round him und apat up little angry hoods of dual but wit rubbl ald no heed to them and crawled on at last ho reached the bty kneel ing by his aide with infinite tender ness he raised the tired head and whispered consolation then the tut lid tlpa begun to apeak the imud was nhuken wonrily for the lud was not a jejy but u cathelli 1 umbling hur rlmlly in hla pocket for tho imtl was short the rnbiil produt d uomothlni that ho held aloft ber ro the fast closing eyes a smllo hroku over the soldier a fale tin it his head an and he lay still everyone on thu front line iould distinctly for it was only a few yards to where the boy lay and the rabbi knelt what the rubbl held up up high wua u littlu sliver true i fix she was a good peeder as th dumer took hu fair purtnv down u supper ahe aeemed la hypno tfakjh waller told oft to serve thept for he seemed incapable of taking his eyes off her at last thu dancer could stand it no longer i may my man he observed what kee you htaru so rudely at thin lady it uln t rudeness sir believe me it in t returned the walter its gen ins admiration ltd is thu fifth tin lies been duwn to supper to night 1 hu arms ihtwmwirtoowpwuiaw ll lom ms esv- le i gab r tse councillor and mm busby and family motored to alliston monday to visit friends mrs wallace 9 smithy and two daughters of montreal are visitors at the home of mr j c smith mr und mm h j hruy are leaving to night on a trip to seattle wash to visit their son harry mr and mrs prank virtue and family are enjoying a motor trip to i- ores t and points on lake huron mr h llrlarley of caledonia is vial ting at the home of his daughter mrs e t musaon water street mrs waller oaken and two children arrived from england last week join her husband who came back early in april mr and mm h j potty of london england are visiting their cousins ur and mm geo plalr brant street rtv a w tebbs and mr w b somerset leave for the royal wah- wah keen parry sound district on u fishing trip on monday next july ii tho local orangemen celebrated the twelfth of july at acton soma making the journey by special train and other hy motor those who attended the celebration report a splendid day e h cleaver k c and two daughter misses- hoxel and a libra left for a trip to the old country last week mr cleaver will attend the bar association convention in england mr wilbur hon lop of loth bridge alia- la renewing acquaintances ct appleby and vicinity ho is accom pan led by hla daughter and they spent a couple of weeks at muskoka on the way hose mr ed panona of the virtue motor sales stun was knocked down ut the corner of brant and ontario streets on monday afternoon by a kord aodan drten by mr allan mil chell fortunately mr mitchell wai proceeding slowly at the time und mr parsons escaped with a severe shaking up mr hobt johnston burlington s veteran orangemen spent the olortous twelfth quietly at his home oji the lake shore road it is the first twelfth of july demonstration has missed m years he forwarded a letter to the local lodge wishing them a happy time on this memorable day which waa so dear to hla heart mrs tuttlll of new york mrs van hahovor of buffalo mrs youngster and son ami mr and mrs elliott ialmemton miss aileen forest uundas and mr wheeler of detroit were visitors ut the home of councillor und aim busby nit sunday on ilday last chief smith received word from miss keating of qriflln town montreal slater of mr thos keating who was found dead on the laku shore here on the morning of july 3 thu sister asked the chief to gtv full purttmilam regarding her broihaf death as it was impossible for her to come to burlington owing to illjtealth and financial circumstances tbo chief immediately forwarded all particular und thoverdlot of the jury aaelte oakyille mru 1 w orlnliutn haven to day fnt i tbrro in intlih vliil i to pnglund minn murlil m ilhltih infl on flund t to nnciifl hur u ifinn with men la toronto ju lg flliolt ri milton with hi family has in hla i inn tin tit iln nl nnd lather itrndy iin spending a row irlng ur owned i y flu mb atinmoim duys tho lermotl a ford ti hummsloy id rr htntt wun stolen from m front ofhn 11 ro hull n sutur day night tietweun 0 30 n i 10 zc orlorlt on trlduy night thn oinrem of iti htur oh com puny und ulllnurn 1 uul uji i ice c nut any worn ontnred by tliluyen a rfvnlvar uliout tlq4t cunh und j7 in r v mi i i tumi won ntplun an prcl tent x urroil ut tho iorner of dunduu iliid kiitnnor hit im ts on saturday noon ivlmn two una owned- by mervln armstrong und tiion hiiulrwi cqllldt 1 hmnll damage done to both ara lsunust r v toto hnn obtained a cancellation ntump for post marking letters bearing the wordn come to dukvllle old lloyn bo union august 2 i 4 c thin is just another as ample of enterprising effort in boost ing tho bo union utul advertising thu town and shown how tho spirit of tho coming cnlnbroilon has taken hold ho cord the ladlwi hint it ivo charge of lh banquet for the oil boya ho union met on wodnoaduy uftrrnooi ported that everything in progressing and a grand limn in expected at tho event tho omployoon of tho unliable rpr nlture htoro hold their annual pic nlc at victoria i ark mi wednesday aflor noon tho uul in which osgood o s billings preiildi nt of tho company toronto wuu riding xkldded n the greasy nurfme i f tin toronto hamll ton highway murctarknon und ovor turned in the dldli und bo wua in slunlly killed thin nod fatality rob bed tho pic ii lo of un pleasure now milton a 1 1 i whoso i tho now matho a nausagaweya llov h w hann i wife is a mlltonlun li dut minister on tl circuit w j llrockon has resigned the oeputy beevoahlp of nolnon township and ii t poster who la a candidate for tho position baa realgnod aa cnun ell lor miss margaret gowllng daughter of mr goorgo oowllng who has boon taking a course at an ottawa busi ness college has returned to her home rero i at thn recent junior high school entrance fcxumlnatlons held in milton principal bhomy oent up 34 pupils ull of whom were successful and 14 of them look honors workmen ore busily ongaged in erecting the now addition to the spin nlng mills which has become noces sory on account of tho increasing do mind for the product of tbe mills talk about your big strawberries we grow them right here in town mr c w martin has a patch where they pick them measuring 7 inches in circumference tbe local orangepen and other lodges in this vicinity accompanied by he milton band went to acton hy train last saturday morning to celo brate the olortoua twelfth returning home in the evening in the same manner they report a good day in the leather town with a number of speeches by prominent members uf the order and music by different bands present bafocmor halton pall aas lion will open here on november before mr justice kelly chief constable chapman attended the chief constables convention which was hold in ottawa last week mr and mrs bobert thompson lowvllle announce tho engagement of their daughter mabel tresna to mr james a vanrteet campbellvllle tho marriage to take place the latter part of july on saturday afternoon about three miles this sido of acton there motor car accident one of two cam waa driven by cheater cardlnell un the other by a toronto man accord ing to mr cardlnell the other car won ahead of him he sounded his horn and tried to pass but tbe other car kept ihe middle of the road one of its rear wjieehi was struck and broken ns were the windshield and radiator of that of mr curdlnell whose compan ion miss devitt of milton had her head cut by glass the cam blocked the roadway and others had to movo out tb pass them until u w rocking crew arrived from acton and lowed them to that village fur repairs cjhampton h georgetown chautauqua o attractions f q lo including 10 sparkling comedy six cylinder love original musical production an evening in hawaii dunbab male quartette and bell ringers betty booth concert company 1 werno ladies quartette sidney landon character imporeonator virginia slade dramatic latorproter special childrens programme notable lectures on timely subjects 5big daye5 -atr- jeorgetown surllnp july 29th season ticm 260 oiih ukkk iialv- ih1c10 admit you to 675 of en tartakuaetiui xjniiemraasiix kxtr tickert af a t browns drflgsloro hxm canadian teachers federation convention at victoria bc aug 1216 here is u wonderful opportunity to view and study tho scenery of our gtortoug dominion ac first band to see the beauties of ontario the rolling prairies tho majestic mountain and the sparkling waters of the great paciac all la this very cosnpletsi journey to the convention centre special low fares from all ontario points a special train dcteuie of the canadian national i railways carrying tltr moat modem typo of alt teclcqujprpt wilhrodij the ntora trip fojl inrorirwtiui alutall ami lca pins car ticket may be obtaiaiid fraea soy of tbo rauaarla olbcera at tba publle bchnol wtotimtian toronto mr a k dryson 44 tvrrthorn ave- hamilton mt u t colung 08 barnsdole ave hamilton misa haxd o roberts loysaiijbrdavv south or artr caned lap national tlckxtotsce rwi mcy compaie all water falls itk niagara aszuney compare ab antomohlcs itn mclaunlin tuictv fisher king representatives for this district georgetown ont eijicri new things are news ejvery member of every family in this i cotiuuuuity ib intere5tel in the newb of the day and no itemb are read with keener relish than announcements of jew things to eal to wear orto enjoy in the home you have the goods and ihedesire to sell thrill the reader of the free press have the money and the desire to buy the connecting link is advertising i give the people the goodtiews of new things at advantageous prices they look v to you for this store news inyl will re- rjpond to your messages that h us bhow you s an advertisement is an invitation rt ly iui idluit nwm mw x mc

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