Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 24, 1924, p. 4

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v the 1ioue of 2hjp- arfcm 3frr t ireb0 pa par tliur4r- nu mill siren i ac ion ontario tha aubacripuoo price la oo per ur in atlvanc ot u charcot additional to office in tha united state tha date to wwth aubicrlptloaa era paid la iodic tad cm tha addreaa labal advertising uatestraaaleol adwtlaa ucnta 10 crnta pf tin affala maaiura for flrat lner i loo and j cnta par una tor aach aubaa- queni iaaertioa contract diiplar adsnrtu ptenta or jo lac he or mora par annua il ccnta per inch each insertion advcrtlactncnta with out apvclac directions will b inacrtad till forbid and charred according telephones- c- about that motor camp actons name comes in the place of honor as one of tho ontario towns offering a camp tor tourists in at lcum three of the current touring guides so far so good tho place for the camp is there without doubt a location quite as convenient and with more surrounding attractions than is offered in most muni cipalities but nothing has yet been done cither to provide any facilities for visiting tourists or to direct them to tho site numbers o canadian towns no larger than acton have found a wellequipped local motor camp to bo spjendid investment not only ffom the income brought to local business men- grocers and garage men but olio from the adver tising value it promoted some one ma say of course thattoronto turned downa plan toareate a similar camp the other day that may be partly true tho scheme as suggested by one alderman was for a camp on the sunnysidc embankment whore for several reasons it would have been objectionable with the site already provided and comparatively speaking away from the used streets the situation here is entirely different thorc is a good deal of idle talk too about socalled tincan tourists and while this is also partly applicable it is truo again that nowadays a great many responsible and well-to- do people are touring in motors and using local motor camps tho council would do well to mako some small expenditure jn adding to tho equipment of the park site and failing any official action the local goragemen us suggested a few weeks ago in these same columns might take the matter up from a merely selfish business standpoint if from no other a present mom noruey thursday morning july 24 1024 editorial truth in history a writer in liberty the new american weekly his been making some little study of the histories in use in the public and high schools in that country and comes out with some startling statements of x what ho found for instance george washington did not enter the revolution because he was a patriot jffcbut because ho was disgruntled over the refusal of tho british to give him an army commission it wunt slavery which caused the civil war- but the tariff which favored northern grafters america didnt win at bunker hill where british pluck finally triumphed over handicaps the boston tea party r was the work of a bunch of drunken rowdies and as a last example our fancied security in the world war was due only to the protecting shield of englands fleet these things aro remarkable enough put in this way in a popular journal with a million or more circulation all over the united states but think of what it must mean to have them studied tyid taken as fact by hundreds of thousands of school children the writer not only quotes the books and utfaorsbut in some cases gives page and paragraph that there is absolutely no possibility of his state ments being overdrawn taken by and large it is decidedly refreshing to think that at last united school children are being fed some historical vfactswhich will bear tho stress of investigation liour canadian histories also have been vastly im proved during the last generation and no longer mt quite the some exaggeration and absolute ilsrepresentation especially in regard to military iaflers which used to characterize them it is very rubious patriotism which has to be instilled and ilstered up by lies to put the most charitable explanation on the matter is to presumo that the earlier historianswere neither so well informed nor felt the call to be so careful as later writers to whom jtbe actual movements of the people are of greater interest than mere battles and national victories by fttbe sword t summer travelling wc saw a mother and father travelling the other day with two children who both father and mother and children were having anythingbut a happy time the children wcro tired they had nothing to do tho novelty of the journey and passing scenery had worn off and fretfulness was apparent they were commanded to sit still and behave a mandate which was about as wise as if it had been offered to a spirited monkeyi a few days later a little mother was seen travelling along with five and all of the five appeared tobtf under twelve in this case there was a favorite toy or two a picture book some crayons and blank paper and in consequence the demeanor of the children was very different this leads naturally to a suggestion when you take the children travelling take something to help them pass the time for a while they can be interested in the horses and cows in the passing fields and in counting the red barns or tho telegraph poles but it must be remembered that their interests are shifting many a child has put in a day of purgatory in a motor car sitting while the grownups were luxuriating in views of field and forest and town uncomfortably with legs too short to reach tho floor of the car and inexpressibly bored a scribbler and a box of cheap colored crayons are a blessing in such cases since most children love to express themselves in drawing and they can make a fairly respectable attempt at it even in a moving motor car editorial notes am a imukuio i alitor dingy and hut to rod ut tha oornsr and bjovotui tlnios roai1drood was nut into hor hands aunt clarlqu laughed iloilnht oilly its my birthday prase nt frui kldollu ilriiuiay hh always und ono lio hasnt mlmod slnca w ware aulmolajlrls and i wan juit mm unaasy as itiuld be whan ll didnt uani i wtitf ufrnld tliut nlm muil bo slok or that undo hi hart- tino of hi dyliii poll ufiulu why dorii y opn it auntur rtatmtndart imr namssujta who prafor- rol to tin milled clurlco liars aro thy tiuuuim v aunt clarissa hook har head in boodnnturod disapproval at har niton you ro a hustling daughtar of tho groat molropolls clarice aha aald goodnaiumdly but im nor ley born and brod and 1 can taste my pleaaursa without bolting- them whole jim look ut that address ploaae right in tha first placu than crossed out and put wrung- and crossed out twice mora re ad dressed and then back in thti right ono again kldeila knew whore id be 1 d told har apodal but joe iulo ut tho puat oulce thought do ton wna a allp for bolton and chang ed it to bo obliging im gonorolly in iiolion with coualn ann at this tlmo t jo knowa vary well uut auraly a poat offloa ornolal wouldnt jon uko wouldl uaa joe lake drat which meana everybody a friend in general and slater sallys old beau in particular anil hoa art orflolal af- lerwurda ha wouldnt meddlo with a strangers addreaa but im ctarry to him allll juat as i wu whan he used to brlbo mo with peppermlnta to yo and play in tho far end of the garden while ho culled on sally that th norloy way bo tho box went to bol ton and coualn anna wnint aura whore i waa no he tried coualn huth and couela jtuth tried coualn mary and coualn mary aont to back ridulln and kldellu aont it on to now ill open it o aunt clarlaaal cundled i und roao leuvval why thab doaani hom u bit like awell a village of fering i never aaw them anywhere except in iho chrlatmaa parlor of the womana kjiobungo and at the very uncut grocera and confectlonera they couldnt poaalbly kei comiany with a tripod peppermint atloka and chew- njr gum and gluey candy lump on atlcka tho kjnd of ihlnga you hnd in a country atore aaaented aunt clariaaa dell- cutelja nibbling a roao leaf they could not and they did not but theyre a vulugo offoring all the uma tharaa boon mint along kldellaa brook ajnee before tho indian flooded over the farm and cinnamon roaea up agalnat house wall aince it waa built and the big pink hundredleaf growing by tho gate canfqottanera and exonangea are well enough but when i get u preaent from norley cbtld vn tho kind that never aold and never bought and nover can be not at any price but that wm verging very noor aontlmaot for mlaa clariaaa changed her tone briskly try a mint leaf clarice mint alwaya auch a good clean taste finish with evervoay dlcsbinqa thoarrualunitl thlnua aro imually accepted an a mitttirof rourim one shldom atnpk in ihlnk of ilio lien ting of hla bear whlrh annua lln liloitd to flow through hlu body or or tho pro- coas of broatlilng by which ihut blood la filled with llfoklvliiir oxymn im- muni ay from dlsoaaa itooa not liijprrtns ono until lt ceuaom ability und op portunity to work nr not always re garded a blessings krlumlm with whom nna hui gonui lmtcriirso wife or husband child run or pnrenla how little after all wn upprelutn thorn until we loan them i ilahlt la esponalblo nltm tor much rfrgloct to cnnaldar whoncn coma tho gfaoloua ralna and how it la that harvest eucoeoda aaedtlma in tho n- eurrlng yaara tho spoctarlo of the unset and tho moro glorloun panor ama of tho rtttwn nro noglocloj for cheap representation of them the nightly pageant of tho stura i thought of thun n ilrrua parade the- mute appeal in tho eyes of tho dumb boasts is too often denied and caradas lumber cut hla t la tic 0 tho lumber industry in canada during 1023 have brou rorcnth complatetl bythn lomlnlnn ilitrruii of utatuuca- anil vhuw that a total if 313lt98 tbuuhiiml feat ikiuril miiiiur of lumber valued at k4 sc4172 wjci reported tin nnmlwr or mills re porting in 1923 wua ib us mmiuinwl to i13i in 121 a rcdunllon or six uml a half er t vt hut llm uvprnfo pro duction pr mill incrwiaod from silt thousand fot in 1321 to i0j4 in lts2 tho total numlmr of amployna 01 aalarlaa anil waafs was 311192 aa com pared u 30 387 iiwobi an inrroasn flvo ir rent the total payroll wua t37a218dl us compared to s3707kt 1921 an incrouaa of three er emit wo are thus deprived comradeship of our fellow mortoli ejvan when w do tiocept that com radeship wa fal to prlso it as u divine btesefng the old earth itself awlnglng through the inflnlto spaces of tha universe might ny from its orbit into tahaos for any aerlous thought that we give to the matter if ono pauses a moment to consider these things he will be filled with wonder at the orderly plan of nature and will be moved by royoront awi n he presence of a powar and a mystnry peyond his comprehension thankful ness the before la the proper mood for human kind and it is fitting that ono day in the year should bo set apart for considering all tho benoflpi uut wo enjoy it la nttlng for youth that it may face ufa with some appreciation of it significance and for uge that it may approach its end knowing that tho lowor vblch has gituu it tho unlvorae through tho ornu und it single human soul through its brief spun un earth will nut muse its cure ut that traiiulllon whit h wa coll death good day lira ilrown how is your husband this morning t asked gm country woman x another whoso hui- band waa 11l well i think hoa a bit better was the reply ho nut up for an hour klndrtymterday nil ha1 a little appetite ii ate a couplo of chops a vwai and am pie two helpings or apple pudding and a anaok o hoeao t think by to morrow hell ba abla to awallow aojno- tfalng aubatantlut ip he survives bsi hms directory 50c per hour for limited number i tractorn i i wridtnr ir truih dn it jou w ful future in l j a aun1ven pby mnti 0urn l j r iio i lulu mi i j nllbon i ul l ulilv i ill ijt acton ontario i o ikji 2xs akoln nash farmer m a tlt 8ol notary publlo cum etc 1 ol acton ont mm l im ow moltrtlaoka horses and horses of the price of his happiness the city of newark new jersey has been trying experiments for a year or two with allyearround public schools bnt has recently given up the idea the opinion being that the advantage was not suf ficient to balance the extra expense we warrant there will bo some joyful small boys in newark this summer true sportsmanship jaeres something to be learned about real sports- anship in watching the young people paying on to local tennis courts these fine evenings pid- ryer hear or know of a serious dispute over a differ- ice of opinion rising out of the game ever hear ofk referee in a tournament having to order t player pff tho courts ever know of any bad lan ugo being used regarding another player because alleged injustice there seems to be something ftlhcreht in the game of tennis itself which preserves gentlemanly and sportsmanlike spirit for in- stance weve seen a chap who on the baseball field prould wrarigle for ten minutes over a disputed phtput smile and call your point on a tennis court wben a similar difference of opinion arose it isnt yt the game isnt quite as strenuous and exacting isiiny of tho others those who play il wihaay ifostgree of seriousness know it is but there seems ie something in the character of tlctgame itself hjch preserves this socalled gentlemanly spirit tho iwriter who has been more or less disgusted almost iiry time ho has attended a professional baseball ame by the utter disregard for tho time of the spec- ibftbrs when a disputed point arises sat through three rents of the canadian tennis championships a week if 90 ago in two of those points of difference arose pi to the referees and a linemans decision in ono bp a youthful star from chicago in an ex- evpfted moment voiced an objection to one feature oftils opponents play it required only a glance from j tho referee to quiet him it was noticeable however tihaf ihe incident put both the young man and his opponent who by the way was a staid cool eng- jjlisbinan off their game for scleral minutes till jfav young man apologized a little lator the same young man when ho wac gvcn a declsloji which ho pthought unduly favored him on the next play dcjib- vitnipty and purposely slammed the ball into the net ivjnjg the point to his opponent there was not nor jfciavthere in tennis any of this bickering which fro- rfruontly np to and sonfotimes does develop to flataghting such as attendsbaseball and coc or other games perhaps because tennis came from btigund where tho game is the thing and where game itself counts more than tho winning and auso baseball is an importation from the united stijes where the sporting motto seems to be win jtaatter how but win explains a good deal of the dtppcftpce- in any event it is worth while watching players to jearn real sportsmanship aw -t- j gods outdoor time somebody appropriately termed these early summer days whoever he was he wasnt far out at thar these july days with the comfortably warm midday hours and the cool even ings are surely ideal there is no fear of the sun being overpowering at any time and the drop in tho temperature at night assures comfortable sleep whoever wanted a better climate do you ever stop these warm days when you are enjoying 0 draught of that pure cold water which comes all year long from the taps of acton house holds toxonsidcr how fortunate we are hundreds of towns which draw their water from less pure sources have to go to material expence cither in filtra tion or other purification process and even then present only an incipid unsatisfactory drink truly the hydro which made the pumping plant at the source of our water supply possible is a blessing in more ways than wc always appreciate a striking feature of the waterpower resources of canada over and beyond that of the amount avail able being so great that its exhaustion is indefinitely far in the future is the fact that there are advan tageous sites located near all tho centres of popula tion from coast to coast with tho exception of certain small areas in alberta and saskatchewan where ample coal resources are available r particularly is this availability in evidence in the easjecn coitresof industry v there is still available some 13000- 000 horsepower of undeveloped waterpower j tho standard oil company has been the means of causing considerable furore when the news leaked out the other day that they were having some steel oil tankers ow- carrying ocean tramp steamers built in germany and that the contract prices were very materially lower than similar contracts could have been taken for in the united states goodness what with german toys german razor r blades german clocks german cutlery german booze and gcrmonbuilt steamers the united states is surely helping the war nation to get back on its feet in dustrially so much is written and circulated regarding the unfavorable side of the prohibition question in the united states that it is rather refreshiifg to find something of the other type from a sourco which is not likely to be cavilled at the christian science monitor of boston recently made an inquiry of the heads of organizations representing some 13000000 citkons replies indicated says the monitor in strong editorial- that instead of the threatened collapse of the dry sentiment that made tho eigh teenth amendment possible id the face of tremen dous opposition tho prohibition forces are stronger than ever the monitor has published a booklet covering the results of ita investigation under the title prohibition baa come to stay which it is distributing gratis to in terea ted people proiwjrty troubles are not wholly mflned to tho socalled clyllld world tho young man who has to put off his wedding until he can com mand an income su helen t i to satisfy the exigencies of the age will sympa thize with the papuan hero of mr s f dentons experience told tn inci dents of a collectors bamblaa the young fellowe name waa koboor he often accompanied me my ehooilng trips ue was pleoaant- taced and hla hair was a perfect bash of kinky fuxx a landing oat on hla head aa largo as a half- bushel measure wn body was like that of a roman statuo and his oar was quick and his eye keen i had observed him often talking to a young girl and i asked him if he loved her he bashfully replied that ho did and then drew a heavy sigh and added that he was too poor lu marry you are young and a irons x aald why do you not gtio workt you do not undoratand i have a good garden which would supply food besides i can lb row the spear farther iuidtruer than any man in narlnuma could get plenty of kangaroos and pigs but her mother wants an ux in exchange for her and that x can not grow in a garden or hit with a apear hero tho poor fallow groaned and sold if ho did not love bar so would go uway und never coma back he want ed to know if i had ever beard of auoh a cuao in my country and seemed te forget half his trouble when i tou him it wua u common occurrence hut my good fellow i went on u need not deapalr i have- bi extra ax and if tho possession of ono la tho only obstacle to your happiness shall havo it i want many pora- uuo birds whon you get me as many us you havo ring a on your hands you shall have tha ax koboor wua delighted as every new bird was added to the number hi brought mu ho would bold up bia hands calculating how many ware still wanting ho waa fearful lest some thing would spoil the bright prospect at inst ten were secured and the ax dollvorod ho married hla lady and said to nie itoboorwlll never forget pleus mtidu by tho du- fanders of tho race- truck is thut jt stimulates the urt of honto- brooding and so helps to improve the noble servant of mankind tho ownur of th winning horsvln u recent rac pat- tod his wonderful boast und addressed to tha reporters tiotebook ft senti mental protest against tha narrow mnded enemies of the cheat nut beauty whose hearts wero not touch ed whose eyes wore not dellghlod by the magnificent products or the broed- skill anyone who uvea in the horaa untry that this is llttlo loss than non sense tho racing horao is bijilt rattier for apeod than for atrongth and la usually shortlived and in any event worthless after u fow races thou- sanda of horsea arc racked to plocaa to try out a fw and tho ho run that dboa not make good is of no more usa to the horse racer and breeder than the counterfeit bill the really flno horses the aaddlors drivers and work homos are hrnd all ror merits beauty spoed alumina and disposition and oven tho com monly good ones arc worth taking care of tho brooding and develop- mont of these normal horses wilt al waya go on and the real virtues of tha rso would not suffer if ovary ruro- horso in the world wcro klllod tho horse bred for biieod only is a freak especially freakish lu ithe amerlcum racsr designed fur tho short sprint about as tar from ullround horau ex- oouonco aa a man would be from hu man excellence who could do nothing but run hundred yard tuuihoa for two or three years and spend tho rat of his ufo in ahoapltul for incurables or an idiot asylum why a physic he was silent doairlbtia it routarkublo patients confidence in hlu case of physician when i was u student in philadel phia i hud a patient nn irishman with a broken leg when the plaster hand- agfe was romovoil and a lighter onu put in its dimco i noticed that one of the plna wont in wth great diffi culty und i could not understand it a week afterward in rernpvlng this pin i found it had stuck hard and fast and i wua forced to remove h with the forceps what waa my as tonishment on making an examlna tlon to and that tho pin hud boen run through the skin twice instead of through the cloth why pat said i didnt you know that pin wa sticking in your to b shuro i did replied pat hut i thought you knowed your business i hilt mo tongus j ho lov ntod in a qioantic joke of animals la deeply loa the magyar character and most of the peasant tanners of hun gory own valuable horsea and high bred stock they ara welltodo al though the h a primitive manner have a keen sense of humor and are ready to take trouble to put tha laugh on some one else in the whirlpool of kuropo thla a lory la told of om of the magyar farmers a typical peasant farmer a man of considerable wualth waa welllnowii for hls adherence to old clothes and customs on una occasion a young farmer now to the district who had taken a small holding- not far from that of the old man peroelved a shab by riguru leunlng against the gate dn tho edge of hla property and aald hi old muni do you wont pome workt the woarar of a shabby sheepskin took his long pipe uut of hla mouth und nodded gravely wall you can come along tomor row and 4bok after soma of my aheap bring any of your bits i of things or unimuls with you tharaa plenty room on my farm thoyiuxt day as tha young farmer walked across hla held ho saw a cloud of dust coming up tha road presently there emerged from it a hard of oows horsea and eheop-i-hun- dreds of animals with their driver the cavalcade swept past the aeton- lahed man behind it coma a huga wagon creaking and groaning ladan with heavy furniture in tho front of hjoh aut hla shabby acquaintance of tho day before you told me to bring my animals ml bits of things sutd the old man und liuiu wo are w sun est ertes jamies opinion xjttla jumto nut on his grutut mothers lup onu day pauliif hor with ered cheek with hlm hand grandma ho said your fat w getting wrinkly and then ho uddid thoughtfully und lovingly but i thlnl wrinkles la pretty on aomn pooplos during alterations our usual good service to customer was eeatly hampered but now that we aro getting straightened around again we will be in better condition than ever to servo you more room better light and improved store will help us to serve you better have the wagon call daily fairbanks bakery phone 116 mill street acton mi f g colloi dds lds dntl buromn omrn lunk of nora hoou uoullh9 30 to b so tevon by appointment miscellaneous eighth of the series dealing with the cslhiskracrrt ofth rakk or montreal at representative ppjnu in canada and elsewhere francis nunan bookbinder atcouiu books of all kinds made to rlnr ptirtodlcals of avry description carefully bound uullng nastty andj rrompll7 done wymiham btraet ouolph ont ovor williams btoro miorns orik ih1 lln3y4w dr a l price chiropractic electrotherapy 130 upper wyndhom street guclph x own- 11 yinr liiurlmico conhultatton uki to ocean f pleasure empress or mono- class cabin service the exhllartln- ea air the faadna- tion of tho reatleu ocean the entertain ment aboard the ahlp and what ihip large apeedy and huurtouilyfurmituxl they represent the very highest in khlp- bulldlng art while the eulalne and service leave nothing to be desired truly a voyage of enchant- inent year 1867 when tlie foundations of mi ada writ uid by confrxicratiort was die the bank of montreal celebrated the od of its toundauon by due tune the bank a strong and stable tmatution with brandic cnbured throughout upper and lower ca established in montreal in 1s17 the bank opened an in the umc year in york now toronto in 1818 in in halifax in 1868 in winnipeg m 1878 in rcguu m in 1891 in fredericton in 1899 in edmonton in i tottecown in 1907 today the bank has more than 530 branches idjcuuda and offices in ncw york qucago san fraiiciifio spo kane london paris and mexico bank of montreal established over ioo years ibtal assets irv excess of i650oooooo ire in quebec iwa in 1842 in victoria 1 ami in qur- the georgetown lumber co phone 120 acton now on hund lull lino of hluti quulit uitnihcr la shingles hyuruted iimc hurdwall iiumci o frames dofirs sntl interior trim we now have truck ror delivery and tire pu prompt sorylt0 quality and sfrvici- our mofto sash 8vc got our prices bctoro buying eucwhtie i nlshed on all glasses of buildlngb free tif cli uc fur- georgetown lumber a mecann acton jtepreaenutuve mill r ace r j kerr auctioneer and iteal liute v agent 17 yearn icxperlujica acton ontario luilwi iintrustad to if j kerr ro- citltt iittontlon from duiu ofllstlnar to tiutu of ttitlo ilst your sale with too ltvullt no uowor avonua acton ihone 3d aoton call at my axpciiiid 1 agents wanted hit rjtiful iitt ntlim to our cua- tiinier irhr 1 nul tho wplondld nun niiiiliid for juiiy pant war rant u in linlni iv rpr hunlutivo or two in lltli toimty uboraj coiiimlii inm i111 olltllt wrlta nt on 1 fur ixfluulo tonltory thai w powiun bon company itllkivilii ont gtar nuraarias august 25th l 1 i ijumal gtupli buyincss college 11 1 1 rn on r individual ingtnuction in stonourjpliy dug non secretarial duties salogioanalnp klelsn it mv a l oouck principal and propritor jqglaving lliu iranil ulm 1 juiu p mat slid or lu snd ham u r luiiiuoftpwor q ifouowto canana old und udlable and mnrblts work 1 iiiufucturarai anj dtraot r l uliilt of muiiuinantal woil wo mil dlraoc unra ut wbolwsau prloaaw r 1 uuloiuwa 40 pr o-ut- 1 t utiiilltuues uild l ha 1 in th dominion wbo t nuuioatlo tools pjvporty tfliriu- fruui huadrods fu im hi toronto aud soosw- iliru bavv tn liavw law to ollul wa hava um t ailiulf of aanit- ba r iiidiu tliuh any tltraa ul w- kr ualu- i i fiuploy uo aaaatax 1 u or wit cuatomacai i iiaimit ihsttitta sollck- idlloy only lu4ctiaoloai i sons gullih ont

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