Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 24, 1924, p. 6

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lllrili manuna char ltd or at tie yc mr iiffci 50c deaths ape cartli sue in per line extra lor nd dm i hi uowjg rt extra lor poama n i mm j h corn nitlimmonrjin acloi july 14 iz4 in mr drummon 1 a nan mnl htwhon at vlifnrla memorial hi apllul t rontn nn hunday july 13 1924 to mr and mm john mo 1 i nrnon nn ldilh smith nun married 8uti it i ack at koreat home jt rkwi 1 on wednesday july 1 101 i y ltv itoochor hark house 1- vortoi mym i lltten daughter of the bto jumoa ttlark and mm mar kuril iii it k to mr h ii suter 01 oieo 1mavih- in 1 rln township on sunday july 13 ltiz4 illrhard davu in hla 71at year mcfmiulhonat toronto on wed npiukiy july 18 1914 william car roll tnfonl won of mr and urn john mclmionuin hincialit at ilalllnafad on monday jut 1 1024 clara elizabeth mo lnery beloved wife of john sinclair in hor coth yoar dououa at tho home of mr jni dougura 2nd line on saturday july 19 1d34 adu marguerite irffant daughter of mr und mm william 1 doiyfln of mount dennis aged 14 month nixon at ht michaels hospital toronto on saturday midnight july id 1024 an roault of accident almi ii nixon of iuluth minn won ut the into mr and mn jntnca nix n of aclon ontario in memoriam oltlt- in loving memory of our dear hon and brother john orr who do pur t ml thla ufa july i 122 thy purpose lord we cannot see hut all la well that oono by thee sunshine pusses shadows roll hut nwoot romrmlmtranco outlive all moth kit brother sisters in artmt 3ttte prefib thuilfldar july 24 lt4 brief local items spnnd civic holiday in acton acton 1owr show august 12 hud your home frown new pota toes yet t why lummora u the corn la climbing its hllla on high these days acton a qlvlc holiday will be wall observed again thia year the ladles softball team played a game in brookville lost evening the tennis courts and bowling greens axe being kept busy these even ings 143 aplplcations were received for a vacancy on tbe public school staff at shelburne haying operations are in full awing in the canning community in acton district the bept baseball of tbe year is expected in the ball tournament here on civic holiday get your best blooms of flowers ready for the flower show on wed nesday august 12 clvlo holiday in acton boa a bell f tournament band festival and danco on thn days programme news of local import fifth vardnl fined for ksaplng uquor n railing guilty to keoi ing liquor for salakthomum vrronl 124 alice fltreot ouclph thnfib member of his family in be fined for hreui lies of the o t a during tin hint year w iimioed tloo with costs by mniflalrtito watt tuesday im rnh r the charge wo lakl as tho rtult of raid by irqvln clil officers win n 27 gnlliuia uf alcohol was found 111 vt nvt promised ed in a mvliy imii oath the bathroom floor tim 11 iuur was ordered tu b confiscate 1 milton burlington oams prdtsbud milton july 31 milton bueohull fun and mnribnn of thif t rase bait loom here got a big nurprf-m- ti luy whonlt be came kmwn thut ittrlluglon lull pro trated the milton liurllngton gum psyod at hurllngton on hat unlay afternoon hist on lit- ground that clarke milhnu third tnttman not a resldont uf milton tils has bean sent down to the o u a officials who will make u ruling or and it will then bt taken up by local exrxtrtve tuesday u ulobe atlemptad robbery at quslph a middle ugod man glvinsmus notno as andrew turnbull of nurtlngtnn who it la charged walked into the confectionery store of derm id mcdor mid ernmobu ho ad ouolph nt u into hour lust night und demanded tlia contents of tho cash drawer was in custody f tho cauolph police as thn proprietor t f ilio atore atarted for tho door to raise nn uturm turnbull it is said ultomt ted tu seize him but ho was able to lumm in u police uflloer who apprehcnilod turnbull within a few blocks of the store amho trial on tuesday morning turnbull who is op porontly a bright and intelligent man denied that ho hud any intention of assaulting mr modcrrald stating that he was under the influence of liquor at the time but meant no harm crown attorney k earns did not press for a conviction und majjulruto watt dls missed he charge drowning aoelderrt in sixtsen mile i creek itobert coulson aged 29 years who arrived in canada from england about four mo n thn ago wua drowned in 8u teen mile creek oakville sunday morning despite the heroic efforts of a companion prank stan bury who al mosl lost his life in trying to effect a rescue tho fatality occurred about 11 46 a m at a point known as ash bury s dora where the creek tm deep coulson who hod learned to swim only recently was in bathing wlfb number of others and when he was seen to be in distress btanbury went to his aid the drowning man clung to him so tightly however that stanbury hod to give up his struggle lo rescue him and freed himself with dlfllculty tho body was recovered an hour and a half biter by the use of grappling hooks it is thought that coulson may have been eelset with cramps as there are very cold currents in the creek he was unmarried and lived in oak vlile neighborhood news- town and country churchill miss mubol atktnidii if npint u weeks hnlldnys ut tli of mr albert hmlth mr und mrs n rnmn hmlth 1 fumlly r ht thomas vlaltoil frlei in this vicinity otvi the wouk end arkoll hum crewb0n8 c0hner8 a qulm weiultnw wnn h mnlso on wednesday icth inat ut thn home or mrs margarut llluuk urost homo when her daughter myra lujinn wim iolnhl in jhe holy londs of matrimony to mr a h hutnr of chutliam ilov lleeher lutkhfuae if kverton con ducted the ceremony 1 ullowlng tl lionoymoon i 1 otnts eust of toront mr und mrs hutrr will reside in chat hum eden mills anything further uf reeve about adding a little more attraction to that jnotor jcamu site in the po misses frances hurst and martha orr have been successful in obtaining their normal school certificates gasoline sold at 39 cents m gallon in kitchener last week thar li pricer war on amour the dealer the frame work on councillor holmes remodelled bungalow on bower avenue la now complete one philosopher in town says hj idea of a soft job to be an aauruut to a florist picking the flowers off the century plants last winters aero weather ruined the paint on a lot of abrns around town the girls stood it bolter georgetown herald last saturday afternoons events the enthusiasts aoemed to enjoy the programme put on by acton driving club on saturday afternoon last the presence of visiting horses adding in lexest there appeared however ti be insufficient supervision of the speed events and in tbe 220 vliutm there was considerable dissatisfaction among the drivers tho following summary shows the detailed results of both events ud pace willow bars hewer mickey todd undsay daisy bell hewer f so pace lletoeo n 1 1 11 jlmmle randall prentiss betty x lett s t 3 qanot wallace 4 the score acton 40 brampton just about tells the story of the girls softball game the brampton girls though willing and eager were lacking in experience it was very early evi dent that tho aoton girls would not have to exert themselves and tbe game in consequence lacked spirit a fair crowd attended the sports and seemed to enjoy tbe day a raclpg events and bell game tim m burs miffitl of toronto huvn boon the guests f mrs culvit for a couplo of weeks miss barker of hamilton is tho guest of her nleca mrs a k lludd for n few daa mr chas ajjlnk of cal east visited with mr undalrs w itwtison during the week mrs wilfred v llson und huby atao miss molrose wllaon uro vbiltlng with frlenda at oalodon lutsl miss ilarkor tf illinois u a trtnt at the home of her cousin mrs a i itddd mrs j wilson mra ilyblnson and mrs carter und families all of uuolph pic nicked one day inst week at th home of thotr slater mrs mlno miss porothy and marvin webster of toronto ulrio mrs itoblnson of toronto am visitors ut the home ol mrs d macdougall mm swim who was taken to st joseph s hospital uuolph two week ugor la improving in healfh rock wood tho rev canon srovll m a hoc lor uf st qeorgos church uuvlph dedl catod the new organ in st john u church j lock wood op sunday last ho prcaciiod cry ibvprcmlvc nnrnutl to a large congregation a very pleasant lawn social wan hold on uie beautiful lawn and ground of m5 8 r peart friday evening the event was in tho hands of mrs peart a sunday school class of girls who served dainty refreshments and j- short programme was rendered by tho class master gordon scott and others mr and mrs b w rhlnchart re turned to barrio last week aftar spending over two weeks with their daughter mrs w j peach mr and mrs angus carter and chll dren of brandon ore yultlng with ur and mrs pasmore mr and mrs t hope and miss doris hope motored some vlftht hun- i dred miles from their home in rhode i island to vlsty their old home here and i renew old acquaintances last week mrs rev j gordon and family of peterboro are visiting the formers parents mr and mrs j ingle mr g il martlrt is spending his holidays in southampton with his family the relieving- manager is mr blanchfleld of guelph miss bessie gardiner accompanied by her friend miss cora hepburn is holidaying at buffalo and other vonls mr and mrs adam shultis and misses venna and alda uf brentford visited with mrs c cameron last week mrs margaret webb of toronto spent a few days lust weak with mr and mrs w j peach the two actons the editor visits the original ien town end addresses its chureh people actnn chamber of commerce af fairs of an aden company nutter up day in acton acton horse iaruda successful kug day in anion aoton umbrella stores did those newspaper headings arouse uny curiosity no they are not imaginative hut actual heads soleeted at random from the july 4 issue of the gazette and i luepress af aoton england incidentally one of the leading ar i tides reporting a funotlon in connea i tlon with st mary s parish church acton end conducted apparently in about the same manner as we do such lhlugs in ontario bears the subhead message from acton ontario it appears that tits fmbs passs edl lor had in rather an interesting way mot sir harry urlttaln the sitting member for aoton borougt a few days bafure and that the editor and mrs moore were being entertained by sir hurry and iedy drlttain for the day in u visit to the municipality which gavo our town its name and which is by the way a suburb of london quite naturally when addresses were a lnrt of ha parish function the editor found hlplsoe on the plat form and on the program ijie thai fqngetr tei hi y address as follows mr moore who was invited to speak and was cordially received said ho felt very much at home in the municipal progenltpr of the qanadun town of the same nemo which had given him birth and in which he had llvod for he years applause ho brought greetings from the losser to tho greater acton our imperialism he said is just as strong our loyalty to the throne as great and our love to the union jack na fervid as yours loud applause they had just such family gatherings am this in their dominions thank god the people in young acton like those of eld acton aacmed desirous to do right befom gatf and to extend his kingdom to hud been a sunday school teacher for 22 years end he was a justice of the peace in the acton community which had been named by mr robert swann postmaster after his native town o anton middlesex loud applause in alt probability there will bo oon nlderahly more regarding the original acton in one of the editors letters from abroad why is a hungry boy like a bakert because he needs kneads some thing to eat boat is like a far nnot very well fly what part of tho roert the tiller why does a robin fly over a brie wallt pecause through it what coat has never a coat of paint what is invisible yet sever ouf of sight t the letter 8 my first falls my second drops and my whole drops a snowdrop what word of seven letters reaii backwards and forwards tho same reviver qeorqetown p ti t is flue to get back to nature by taking n walk through the woods etc if you can have one hand free the next day to scratch bltee rev j l small m a of rgfrle- ton will be the minister at knox church next sunday in the absence of rev mr stewart why not hav6 a real garden party with some at those weeds around the edge of the potato patch it costs less and produces quite as good an appe tlta would i t a concrete swimming pool in that proposed uptown park be a boqil tor tho boys and girbi these days and for the grown upsloo after the boys and girls got to bed tbe ratepayers of mitohell ratified the by law to guarantee the bonds of tab mitchell woollen mills o the ex tent of 1116 000 last week there being 291 votes polled for andet against taurlng motorists pass through town every day and evening a sign i or two directing them to tbe motor camp alts would mean the stop of many a party and consequently good business for our merchants a large delegation of oakville orangemen went by special train to acton on saturday last where they joined in celebrating the aiorlous twelfth the demonstration there was largely attended star colllnatwood board of eduhahon got a surprise package in the form of a bill from architect wilson for 1 111 5 for plans prepared in 1920 for a new collegia t institute it seems another architect was engaged for the job clvln holiday monday august 4 will be the next bigt day for visit big horn o comers how these week enl und woekbertnulng aalidaya do make the city folk flock away from the roar and dirt arid grind i hut can you wonder in tho recent college of education results published the name of miss jessie mopherson daughter of th late rev h a mopherson a former pastor here appeared as being suoceataful in ecurtng her high school asaustnte certificate more suiia seized ferm near speyside aoain raided by provincial officers with resulting seizure the suggestion that there is a syn dlcae or ring of bootleggers and moon shiners producing their goods in helton county is made by provincial offlcena who made another raid on the cox farm near speyside on saturday and seised six stills and six barrels of mash it wlil be remembered that a similar seizure wss made about six weeks ago this time preventive officer floody with constable beltcb of the it- n w p motored from toronto to milton and approached the farm by a roundabout route making the find ss noted above the stills which gave evidence of recent use were of the same type as those found in the form er raid the prosecution resulting from tho former raid is set down for trial this week at milton und may throw some light on the ownership 1 f the outfit and the ring behind the illicit opera j tlons aannbil- jn wad w the fire brigade was called out yesterday to pat out s gnus are la the brentwood surtrey thl isee the neoilty for tnittliic burning grass under soptirelal oakville bur this jw might apply in aoton 4a certain district one of our nit aiip irtrft itimqlf drunken man umrsugu dj taapanwos 1v had ajiytbjjuto wlumtf looks like it vftaswrtl the arnietiiari fund further amounts reoelvetj brlnd the total up to 10f w the subatcrlp tlons for tho fund for the armenian boys home at george town continue to come in a consid erable sum was pledged after the ser vice in knox church on sunday even ing the following lg a list of these additional amounts promised previously acknowledged 1 442 os miss vera harvey 26 00 miss annie mcdonald l- 36 00 miss margaret mcdonald misses alice ntl lottie moore l mann uro mr and mns jdonuld waldle miss isabel mcdonald mr robert mopherson jean james and klorenoo bayers v cd mrs crawaon molaughun 5 00 george smith 8 00 john mcgregor b 00 friend 2 00 friend 1 00 00 20 00 15 00 10 00 10 00 6 00 1 101 l ooinq thavthing r1qht her churl w suffering with tonsllltls adt ay letter dr burke bjws x stickler for the army officers wife says the atnarioan journal of medlcli- wrote to an army medical officer eayinif ituit bar phil w 1 4im w nl rank returned it ngnark that bo should be vrlwe svtfaon ltauun- t aaiii m k bao mtena hamttt my the new log cabin on the bowtlna green is wearing completion mvand mrs a v castell are vlsitintr friends in kent county mr norman henderson ot wlnni peg is visiting at his home here misses eleanor virginia and kath- erlna mccoil f of detroit have been holidaying with mrs blake leslie our local orangemen and true blue attended the big celebration at acton on july 12th they report a aplondld day mr c w mccoil and mrs mccoll and family are vial hog relatives in town and vicinity mrs d mcouire and miss alloe mcgulre spent the week end with relatives in town and vicinity miss jessie livingstone of toronto is holidaying with her parents mr and mrs a llylruratone mr and mrs w ii watson have returned after spending a week with friends at wo 1 land mr robert burnett reeve and mr ben kerwln councillor of clifford visited mr joseph watsop and other georgetown friends lust week mr and mrs h it mlmms and family motorcj to sl mary s last week and attended tbe anderson family re union on wednesday and thursday on monday evening july 7 tbe members of tho b y p u of ho baptist church tendered a mlscellan sous shower to mr and mrs bert coleman and last monday evening they tendered a shower to mf and mrs fred brown at their residence at llmohouse a pleasant fumlly ra union was held at the homo of mr and mrs hugh black of the scotch block last week members of the family present were mr and mm nicholson mich mrs storey guelph mr george il black ellensburg wash mr and mrs geo- henderson georgetown mr and mrs james mccartney en tertained the members of the glan fife and drum band on friday even in last refreshments were served and the remainder of the evening spent in music games etc during the evening a hearty vote of thanks was tendered mr and mrs mccartney for their kind hospitality horn id joys to come a popular new england preach iir says that if his sermon ever stretches beyond the twenty minutes to which he means always to limit it the words of his little daughter rang in his ears and he reflects thst some of his con gregatlon are doubtless feeling as she did oh amemorao7e occasion j the occasion was the little girl t i slxthrblruidstwhlch chanced to come oh thanksgiving day she went to church with her mother and eat quietly tnrough the service the sermon was unususjijt good tho minister could not help thinking hsd plenty to say and he sold fluently how did you like my sermon he asked hla young critic as they walked home together her small hand jn his biff one you preached awfifl long- father said the little girl but f beared it be cause i love you and i knew i d have nice dinner when i got home an i forget what id been through i knox sunday school picnic held la at wednesday afternoon at blue springs park last wednesday was chosen for knos sunday hchol annual pie nlc and although a nurnoor of showers fell during the dny it did nit affect tin happy time npent thone who utlqnd ed at one o clock thn iiuplla parents end friends mot ut the church wore conveyed in cnt to llluo springe park a contingent from acton citizens ltund areompunled thorn and i rovided musical numbers during the afternoon games of aoft ball were entered into most heartily tho girls and thn mar rled men played and thn former won by a score of ii 9 tho little fotk also enjoyed themselves whan the n were scheduled the following is tho result of the races girls under 6 years muy nlcol agnes chlahnlm thfllma itossel boys under c yearn leonard com hay dutch burn jim jones girls six to eight yearw alleen clarrldge vera vlekers may uriirn hoys six to eight years william withers thomas nlcol john nlcol girls eight listen yearn kdlth uracknn elalgbtue la up hal ileys fllsbjpib ten years allan mur sjialltw3ld munn john harbor girls ton to twelve years aanle smith meryl grlndelt lais atkinson boyd ton to fourteen yars gordon cooper arthur llendenu n nleljl alj rick olrls twelve to f urtonn ytars margaret grlndoll 11 ilmrkin 1- yi whoeler teachers race mrs a it whit ney miss andersen mlas icsl woodhall ladles open hare for hum donut 1 by mr w j i nttrrs nmri h l davidson each race was flllml unci tho chll tn entered into each nnlhualnstlcally bounteous pic nlo lunch was pro pared and scrvi- 1 by thn tu has u which everyone dl i juattce and a vo y happy time wu sint by all who attended fs learned to stay at mafiy men are not very wisaunuilca who prure force and illustrate the rerni account of a all black jot he was so touch am the writer that he might made nf whalebone and indh at work he was a treasurt ptay ha was often a tornv ho would open gates ami as if ils feut were hands was no fence on thej plurel could nutjfeap if tho hurni r for which reason hur lulsun largely spent in his stall nut tu grass he would croji ousty but all lh while would injr toward tho fence nearest neighboring plantation for i hsd an inexplicable and liwlj fondtieas lie would seldom be out of till for half 1 over the favorite hour before flail woai lie and on his way fo his visiting place ighbors knew jot of t rse and unuully put him into thn im home outright h made no difference he ran t again ut the next opportunity du jot s owner asked ufef sh- bor tn li y u new treatment h he mul at hard work thli ono and the very next time ji way he found himself harnosse ho nelgtiixtrif fallowing plow wo other animals of his own kl full half day be helped to plow through matted grass a was unhitched and hied loose to kraia but ho did not graze inat that in ion 1 rod the fence and wj head on 01m side and his tall t whinnying homeward at 11 from thut time ha wandered n all questions answer making over her face a different road guide a copy of a reuil guide of a new typo came n to this office tho ether day through tho kindness uf the duuldp tin und rubbr goods company of toronto the publication which is the reeul of more than two years work an th part of a a urlggs tho well known dunlop ffubllclty director is aimed to supply touring information in more convenient form limit in the standard motor guide it splits the- province into some sixteen districts presents a map of euoh district on ths left page und lists particulars pertalnlpa to the district mlteaaee etc on the opposite page map no 1 for instance cov erlng the niagara district and central ontario as far west as st thomas and london shows acton on the now provlqolu highway und also lists our motor oarnn mup no covers tho district west from this to the detroit border tn tho same way the maps are particularly freo from confusing features in that only the main roads such as tin tourist will be likely to use ere shown the maps und lllus t rations ware till made specially fur this book and huva been kept psrtlcu larly clear with the dunlop trail osube new guide is titled there is no need for folding and unfolding large j maps tho sectional idea presented in the sixteen full page maps does away entirely with this and gives the information most convenient form inyone who lias ever struggled with a large map in a wind wll appreciate this feature d the guide vnay be secured for 50o mot any dunlop agent or from the company in toronto 1 gold coast treasure hunting is always a fas cinating game und ono we are moit of us engaged upon in one form or another and the present prominence of the lauren tic with its untold mil lions lying on the ocean bed of lough swluy has again swayed public itn agination nearly four millions was brought up previous tp this years operations and after having- been sunk by a german submarine about sev 11 years ago are there any other ships with much treasure lying submerged around britain s coast seeker puts this question and i am able to inform him that there are plenty of spots ln which i to seek the czarina lies off flam i borough head with three million pounds in void in her hull there is a spapinsh kalleon off cornwall with 217 000 000 and half u million pounds are in the dutch sloop vrouwe polder off the essex ooast there it use but it requires some getting a young woman with u fnro li which sleepy looking eyes u largo mouth and a thick nose played a prom inant part applied last winter to on of those facet doctors who profess to produce a beautiful countenance out of the most unpromising materials the treatment which would lie re quired in her case was thus outlined to her dally compression of the nose live hours maasage four separata half hours at regular intervals application of 1oons plasters and so forth two hours dally surgical operation on eyelids re quiring the eyes tn remain closed for two weeks mouth drill to product a pleasing expression of tho lips one hour in the morning und one in tho evening the patient rea i this schedule through carefully this treatment occupies all tho waking hours uf tho day i supposot she said yes was tho choarfuly reply how long a time would tho cure lakot wo could not promisti untlrn uhera tlon under six months slx months ubsorptlon of my trim i in the appearance of my face why it would give me a self conscious smirk for the rest of my life thut no massage could curat i will leave it as owl made it and attend room important things symmetrical and wejl proportioned features with a clear complexion are certainly attractive and desirable pos sessions but cleanliness careful diet and exercise will do much toward se curing them but more attractive than all these may be the expression of the face which as tho years go by will more and more mold itself info conformity with the character so- that the man or woman who has kept the heart pure and sweet and with worthy and noble concern will assuredly attain to u beauty of coun tenance which if hum obvious than that o4f linn ami tint la no less real and pleasing 1 u i x kstoro in georgia nlim ktaas limit tilled with water in icli there is u nlpgle goldfish hang outulln of the tank is a with thn following answers to ions whl h the proprietor of thi hud got tlmd of reply ins to bybrd of mouth this is u gotdflsh it is ullvi them im only one of it we tc t ii from a boy xv v do tn t know whore tbe 1 it h has hnvor died w fhl whenever wo want to it eutw what we give it that is water it is in we sot tin water out of a well wo do i it know how old it u we 1 uvn hod it ever since w it we hav had more but have r if it sloop we do not know if vt rhungn the water as often want i wo nlo not know how long it llvi july specials at mclean co tbls is inn li wear there is l a pair spec ml 11 ili hoi 1 1itoor iiomi i an roud ut lluy ilwiiys rive good iiui moiknift tnadi- llian holeproof try l j10o j12t 150 175 vndi hsonn jingiiams i iki 1 on ulcuuilt of hie colt backward k ovulondcd with thce ginghams and puce and clear hem out w inches lcgunrly 45c yard reduced o per 32c mux nils i uj phxow cottons tbese end nf iiiidw cotton come in good length one and two yards mid nn nt tenst 2 per cent cheaper than ihc regular priced lnu ut quick selling nt per end 48c 95c 11annmktte blankets 25 pair lrjc hic double lied flannelette blankets in white at reduced spring we and havo decided m i wide fait col yard and gray at per now iiaumimjan amiits shirts have l hegul for boys jhlwfcys and everyday siiirt3 boys jerseys nt boys everyday srn at j295 50c 7sc in fancy sirlpc for r pair towels good size worth 2jc each special 35c mclean co millstheet acton ont jl we dt we i grow wo r want to not miss the water it d not know how large it tatch it but do wht n wo got too much water lrj ank w takn art or it out thin is ull w know about it it is not for sale saturday treat have you tried a boy of martha jane chocolates they are making friends with everybody we also have a large as sortment of neilson s packanes to choose fmm sit fnat try them tackages to choose from all strictly august rod and oun ii canada in the august issue of rod and cu nuila uvery sportsman will something to his liking besides regulur interesting story hunting ire hlatnrlr game through the lands uf tho red deer river lillian banders the flaherraan read eagerly with the angler august by robert paae lincoln hie monthly fishing notes fl morris has written a fascinating- count of un oxplorlng trip througj famous vacation ground entitled heart of tlmogaml mlgral route hawks and owls by ben castle dale und tho full web swlfnraers by j w winson will h the attention of alt those interested a u feathorel friuiids the other re lar departments and several intel intr k l or ins rami loto the vsrious tures of this issue tho mind employed- kod and gun in onudo is puhjlnssi monthly by w j tuylor ltd wooff stock ontario undoubtedly every mother ljrood to suy f lnr n tin i home thin ji wii m in 1 ut aomu fllmes aho is hard ut to it yes i know nuld oil mrs hi mo ipun john la sort n lazy about soma things so are we ull for that mutter but ho uln t downright luay hell work hard enough when h k tx the work that suits him it is clever of you to suy s sail uncle ooorge but what kin 1 o wotk does suit hlmr well answer t mrs homespun there e there w wtll j lin is uwful ly industrious ut ttmoklni for x ample cocoanut mabshmatlow 25c lb something new and we can assure you a real treat at such a low price a rich marshnjaliow strawberry and vanilla flavor with just enough ribbon cocoanut tn it to make it real tasty regularly 40c lb saturday treat 25c lb weekend chocolates 32e lb a real good assortment of real good chocolates in assorted flavors and hard and soft centres take a pound or two with you regularly 50c and 00c lb saturday special 32c tb licorice allsorts 49c lb everyone loves licorice all sorts we have a limited supply to go at this special price fresh and tasty regularly 60c tb special 49c lb bars 6 for 25c we arc selling more of these bars every saturday try a quarters worth regularly sc each saturday 6 for- 23c netlsons ice cream in brick or bulk phone 65 fct- v rumley acton ontario ttirtsbers millers farmera kumley ou pull tnctore prices are down over i6000 uumlpy ou iuu tractors urn in m und not one w ra out i hum ley tr tit tor lo years still running ttootl an 1 iiu algns f lotting up wrltn fir irlii cutulogues to duy also fro maqsiues mailed monthly to you if intaruud 11annta e1k0 dmtribfjtors phon 1120 quslph fahp of twe type writer an uehaiure prints a letter alleged to have been written by a newspaper reporter who used a type writer from which the letters f and k were mtssfni the editor it appears had complained about the condition of the reporters copy here follows the re porters apology mr uditor muuques are liable to happen in the best ov regulated pham llles and to type writers as well it la indeed a very unphortunate apnalr but the eph and cay phell out and are lost this morning i called at the orphlce ov the gentleman pbrom whom i rent this outphlt but phalled to phlnd him in in pliact the orphlce eld says he will not return phor phour or phlve days 1 do not llque tho loox ov this variety ov spelling myselph but will get the specials uphter a pruudan 1 myself oonsld er this no joque but a serious uphalr rhaithfully yours j logan hows this the teaaber was giving a drill in the meaning of words end their op posites n 4 now tell fne she begaq what is the opposite ofmisery t llapplnessl shouted fhe class bt unison and sadneasr she asked and the qpposlte of woet i tllddspl shouted the enthusiastic a woman ame into a oar whji live children she busied herself sealing them a benevolent old gentleman arose and gave hsr his seat are those all your children ma dam he asked or la it a pic- nlo t theyre all ml da snapped the woman and its na ploaio announcing- for week of july 21 to july 26 special sale of i reconditioned used cars or ford and other nudum including models ottouringii coupes sedans roadsters and light dellveryf rucks seasonal reduction of used car stock wonderful values individual guarantee with eaoh used cah oakville old boys reunion auist2345f924 saturday i trlst i il si7nuay hfiul si re union svrvl schools ets 1ml 1 monday oukvlllo m od cars rioutu l meld spqrtn u tuesday surprise banquet tti oi 1 midnight fruit il ii u h hjl ill in 11 oo u m und 7 00 p m ml if hlaiwrnsl socleuea sunday r mi le ran i to klr groundta 5 ii of decorat clowns etc water and n tv ir i vut polnta of interest tntvat and dance come and scc your old friends oiltvill dtihttht tinm kennel club day hhw tjt dou fn i y end tutbday over 300 entered a h itrah president prices from 100 to 400 prices and values to suit every puksk the care will he on display at both the acton ami georgetown premises of h a coxe authorized xrd oeallr summer meats tr i l or v ht meats require lira good attention it is the uiunier tunc we have the titles 01 for car 0 11 mnu proporiy and p- the abbatfoir and our cxcellcnt cold storage plan ut wop are a guarantee of meat crvod right all summer cold meats during the summer month many people do not want to t n have lint ilinncri wo always carry an excel stock of tho hues of cold cooked meats ready to serve cookri ham jl i hid ml at c01 d roast 1ork bologna jell111 tongue mhat loaf dont forget while they last week of july 21 to july 26 comb iahly and oct the best choice and value i 4 acton h a coxe authorized ford dialu- h rindows friday and saturday for swialb atrersoj i strkkt a

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