it- ht acton ontario canadx thursday morning august 14 1024 single copies fivo cents the methodist church acton rev josephus gulp pastor parsonage willow st 10 00 a m sunday school 1100 u m tin minister hubjnct watchmen 7 00 i m thn minister hubjnct naamun n in hlnms a special invitation to young men co mo l presbyterian knox church acton mini tor ruv a c buwrt m a mm swwlllow street jo 00 n in bible nana 10 00 a snrsunilny school 11 00 a in rev william 1 indlay 11 a mi dins n y 7 00 p m hn william flndlay n a i strangers loavlng address with the ushers will bo called uponby tho pub tor all arf cordiaily invited special notices nriok houn for sale brick house eight room nil modern conveniences for partlculge apply to steihvn cordiner mill street acton rooms wanted furnished room wanted with light housekeeping privilege by teacher and two studonui desire use of piano apply to box 10 free press office house for sale in toronto- seven- roomed house electric light cms water lot 26x100 in weat toronto bargain for quick sale apply h w htntok acton lost 1 on the corner of mill and young streets on monday evening- a- ladys amall sold watch encased with en graved tnltlats c e b reward finder will please return ji free press offtcf accommodation for roomers roam for man and srtfe single fcontleroan or lady in modern horn mil conveniences comfortable in win ter central no children in horns apt- ply today box 42 free press j wanted general office assistant atonograph er typist with knowledge or book keeping- careful and attentive woman apply in own hand writing- elating experience when available and salary expected harris co ltd hockwood ont par mb for sale 45 jfanna in the counties of halton and walungtdn yarylog from 40 to 300 acre let us send you oar list a number of boons and bnalneea places in artoa for sal fire and life insurance money to lawn j a smith tual estate agent fhone lot aoton oat warning any pereon or persona damaging or harmlnat the drinking fountain or the watering trough on mill and main street respectively will be prosecuted hjiy the council boys with wagons are also warned that after thta notice u found coasting on the sidewalks they wu be prosecut ed aa provided by law oeo barber reeve acton august 12 1934 voters lists 1924 municipality of the township of nassagaweya notice is hereby given that i havo transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned la sec 13 of the ontario voters list act the copies reuulred byaald section to bo so transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said act pf a persons appearing by ihf lt revised assessment roll of the said municipality to be entitled to volo in the said municipality at elections for members of the legislative aaaein bjjr and at municipal elections and that the said list was nrsi postud up in my offlce in isassaguwoya on the ith oay of august 1934 and remains there for inspection and i hereby call upop all voter t ke immediate proceeding to havi any errors or omissions oorreoled oc- cordlnc to low dated thj 9th day of august mm john marshall 71 clerk of auid municipality j j i i yes indeed august qearances bring a lot of- good neivs busy folks planning vocations for august thrifty folks who think of another seasons saving as well as this sum mers wearing all will welcome august clearance rcduc tions on alt tho i cool pretty frocks- onethird off and theres quite an intorsting nurriber with larger pieces than that taken off tme regular prices too for instance 398 for dresses up to 600 498 for 695 and 795 dresses dark and light colored voiles also ratines black and white navy and white hoi land blue and orchid shades gingham ratine and beach cloth in this group holland blue sand tangerine and green shades wonderful savings throughout all the smart pleated skirts involved in this drastic clearance movement crepes and flannels sand grey navy blue black ariij white 4 25 skirts for 298 6 25 skirts for 4 50 7 25 skirts for 550 12 50 skirts for 50 blouses marked low cool and airy styles in voiles peach color holland blue orchid and white over- blouse and tuck in styles regular 225 values clear ance priced at 159 voiles and broadcloths in another clearance tangerine orchid and peach color voiles the broadcloth in ou white black and white and tanger ine and white stripes regular 5 50 and iff 00 for 3 as lor wash goods all the shortened quanti ties clearing at small prices wallpaper real savings in papers for all kinds of rooms involved by august clearances every mans straw hat clearing at 100 2475 for mens and young mens suits up to 3z0 d e macdonald bros ltd guelprts leading and largest store weekend specials smiles n chuckles why not try a box of smiles n chuckles on your pcmc or motor trip we have them in bulk or boxes tho boxed arfc hard centres all creams or assorted in 1 and 2 pound boxen oldfashioned cocoanut rocks these old fashioned cocoanut rocks tho candy that has been on the market for years and always the same try thent for your weekend treat reg 40c tb weekend special 32c assorted chocolates we are still selling those wonderful assorted chocolates reg 40c and 50c lb weekend special 32c lb our ice cream menu is there anyone who doesnt enjoy an ice cream or an ice cold drink we have them to suit every taste we carry a full line of ice cream bricks try a fresh fruit brick they aro delicious mill street acton h wiles hi wonderland i in nuw friday august 19 the darling of new york htairlnk uaby i any in bar flrt fcs murn ltiniwly rre atton mniiium jr hetlga podso mvl im11111 saturday auqubt 10 hells hole a ffl kliavui hliirrlntf chwhna im comedy rcall111 jjrw hol n i i tuesday auaost the shooting of dan mcgrew starring dprbr u man mid yvrvv murmnnt chuptvr 7 ir thn wry mun comudy grmtlun in lw ijqmino mofd emily stsrrlno unity ukkuui r l gregory son w will ov you mony if you will lt ui summer sale specials this week footwear bargains see windows msssf mens oxfords pvery pair goodyear wela in patent colt calf kid nd fin0 a leatners brown and black worth up to 6 00 your choice h9 womens white canvas shoes several otylee l the lot au alien 100 worth up to 3 25 far 165 misses canvas footwear uathcr aolca in soern different styles to qlcar at m50 childs at 100 harry harrison the shoe man nw tini of trbvtlltnp bag and quit cam more cathedrajb and historic ruins in old england a dcaightfiil visit to edinburgh scotlands capital city and historical centre the castle tme palace st giles church jennie qeddes and other features news of local import school trutt elmtlon owlnc to tho resignation of moaartt k uooro and it r oaimblo from m6mberhil in tho hoard of hohool truata an loatlon vflll h haldlo nil the vacancy which will bo announced mr gambia wo aprolntod janitor of tho school at a muatlnr nnt thjimdav to till th vacancy occurrlnic upon iho roalinatlon of john i wordon mr gamble will b paid tha aunia aalar 1 000 per year an efflount and faithful sun it wu vary sratlfylna indeed to tho editor laat wools to have mo many aub mcrlbera voluntarily aaauro him that kwvtu wan just nn inloreatlna veil conducted and carefully printed durfna lft twomontha abonc over urn when he la at home and elvlns personal overaltlht to tta publication emitorlully and mechanically ita etap dard wu in all reapoota maintained thla aaya much for tho etlcloncy ai1 falthfulneaa or the ataff and la hlhly oratlfylnjr to the writer tha uaalat once rlvcn liy mr k j moore nx toronto wna much appreciated by ajl concerned ri iff in acplmtned the old city walla ihcrauncura of roman antique and the notd york minister were vial ted much information of interval wu thue kliunthl york mlnlater la ope or the undent places of worship atul in uao it la a ajreut cathedral rich tn historic rudltluna and a place of tnvch vener utjon our visit tu york was of special interest to mrt moore and myself in- mnch as her fathers birthplace was yorkshire near thla old lime city ills boyhoods home was between tho vlllucea of shipley and blnleya few miles from york two items of interest made uur visit mecnorablo in tqe uulldhall one of the finest ufa else imlnilntts there was a portrait of the nmt aron of dlnsley and in tho second plaoe aljtna were to be seen throubhou1 te city of york bearing the family name spelsbt on varlou bualnoaq ilacea a luncheon waa ten tiered our party during our stay at york by the lord mayor one of the longest railway trips m look in the british isles was from york tu edinburgh tn scotland u 300 iniesi but we made the trip about four hours by special train tht train run much faster in tbla country thun at home and they invariably ar rive tit their destination on schedule time ttn route we passed jhrough numbers of widely tknown manufac turing centres such as uuddarafleld noted for its weaving mllla and in lwoeda llerwlck on tweed on th border between england and soot la ml and other uqtod plui as wo appruaohed the border lino ami tw eon tentland and scotland u mem bar of uur party asked the guard how we would know when wo were crossing the line the guard who was somewhat of u wug replied that we would ee a ruse on ono side of the line and thistle on th other as a matter ot fact the tweed luver u the dividing hue at this point of the country and there la a boundary cross al the etaot point kd in burgh proved t6 be ono of the finest cities we visited overseas to the ac ion members of the party the fine scottish city has llyed with much vividness and ken interest si no their school days when tho revered itobort idttle the old teacher portrayed so vlldly such noted plaoes in the city which he lovsd because in his young days he was a resident thereas lodln burgh castle holy rood talace st ollea church and sir walter fckuu d my last article gave particulars of thn very intetesllng visit of our cana dlan kdltcrs party ih wales and to the thriving manufacturing and ahlpr g cities of ljverpool and man- r heater from manchester we went to rotate for the weekend ilarro- gufe is u ihipular holiday resort in the th of england ten or twelve miles from leeds and is one of tho cleanest pretmoat towjis in that patt of the country it has tidy streets pretty parks excellent hotel accommodation ttplondldatorea and numerous churches ilke bath ieamlngton and other in land holiday towns wo visited jlarro- gate haa ita lloyal baths wlh treat- b nt for all the ills of humankind these attract thousands of visitors mrs monro and i attended wesley iurh at harrogate where we found good congregations many warm hearted friends vnd listened to very helpful sermons by rev mr hobeon this being communion sunday wo were invited to participate in tho aac rament with the members and greatly enjoyed the fellowship of our british fellow members a number of other members of our party were also pros ent at woeloy church at this oom- unlon service trinity wealeyan is larger and more modern structure and haa a large membership while sojourning at harrogate we took a motor trip to fountains abbey perhaps the most famous ruined abbey in england it was founded in 1112 by the cistercian monks an order of religious ascetics who endured great poverty and self inflicted privations the ruins extend over a wtdo area and sufficient of the walla and buildings remain to show that when completed with iu splendid toweo in km it was magnificent church and rfenaatery ib name was derived from the numer ous fountains which abound at an4 near the abbey when the abbey is approached from the surprise view by the pathway on the left side of tha river robin hoods well is passed here local tradition assert the fam ous outlaw was met by curtal drlar defeated in open contest and thrown into the river dr moody c b e made an admirable guide through the abbey ruins and environments prom harrogate we also visited blpon claimed to be ono the centres yorkshires charming scenery ripon is also u holiday centre and a place of intense historical interest it also has a stately cathedral within whose compactly comprehensive bounds are a perfect aeries of architecture dat ing from the early saxon period this ancient city waa a place of much im portance in the stirring days of the past it was visited by mary queen of scots king james and king charles at various times some of the old cus tom of early days are still in vogue in early times the wakeman who is really the chief of police collected u penny a year from each householder for acting as nlgjox watchman in case 67 burglary or theft he waa pb uged to restore to the loser the value of the goods stolen notwithstanding its advance on modern lines rlpon has lost none of its old world charm fur its quaint customs have been well guarded bvery evening even to thla day at nine o clock as the curfew bell chimes in the cathedral tower the official horn blower gives four long bloats at the market cross and than procoeds to the mayors residence for a slmlllar purpose during our visit at rlpon our party as very hospitably entertained at nch by the mayor and the mayoress and aldermen and the mayor with pardonable pride exhibited the cor poration regalia tho historic baldric civic mace and the famous original horn of the wakeman in possession of the town since a d ssl the nncnjnt city of york was the objective of our next visit here as ut all other places our party went u very cordial welcome met us a trvla reception was tendered at tho state room in the mansion house where the lord mayor in felicitous torms welcomed the canadian eofltora the eilver and gold corporation plate n the mute d iewela most of which two d muu hail been in possession for ne a on monday night after midnight thousand yearn were shown and their t3hlef mcphenum found two young origin ixplained the old city walla ien loltertni new prfnolpal and teachers the school board has engaged mrs dna mew who has been principal of sutton continuation school for several- years as the hew principal to succeed mr james macdonald b a who re signed since vacation commenced mrs mews initial salary will be is 000 si comes highly recommended miss llli tisdalo of st thomas has also been engaged on the high school staff her salary will be 1 300j miss hood who on the staff last year will con tlnue miss bennett principal and tho pld five teachers on the public school stan of last year havo all been re engaged band tattoo and concert the concert and tattoo of acton cltl sens band postponed inst week on account of rain will bo hell i in the park tomorrow friday evening a programme of choice band music will rendered by milton and acton bands and aaalattng artists will bo master scrymgeour in scot on songs harry rig by comic song and the band mala quartette the band is always generous in attending nt civic and other functions and in giving free open air concerts for the edification of the community thla will be an op portunlty for the people of acton and vicinity to reciprocate there should be a bumpr attendance tho pro gramme opens at 8 o clock a visitor painfully injured one day last week mr b j chand ler of toronto came up to visit at the home of his friend charles laveck on his farm at dotty varden on friday he was in the hayfleld with him and was ohattlng with him while standing near the mower laveck a horses be- came restless at something and sprang forward this brought the mower cut- ing bar against chandlers right heel and the cruel knives cut a deep gash through shoes and flesh and deeply into the pone the injured man was rushed to town and dr nelson dressed the painful wound a number of pieces of bone were removed the ten dons lengthened and a dozen stitches put in to close the wound mr chand ler has suffered a good deal but is doing very wall under the circum stances actons third annual flower show the dost two summers tho adton flower show haa been a feature of much interest with our horticulturists and flowerlovers generally i the thlrxl annual show to be held on wednesday of next week promises to be even a- better one than the two which pre ceded it the list of special prlwa offered is larger and a new feature is the novice class open to all who havo never before won a prise entries on august is so that prepar a tions should now be made by all in tending exhibitors tho various class ea embrace over a hundred section for cut flowers plants and vegetables the show will be bold in the hall at the park and will be open from s to 10 n a musical programme will be given by acton cltlaena band during the show the gardens and lawns in the contest will be judged uf tb ei of this week or thi next week beginning of the 48 certificates for students of acton high school granted by the department of education as a result of the recent examinations 27 to students in part i 17 to those in part ii and 4 in the part iii course mr james macdonald r a late principal of acton high school has sent to thla office the following in torestlng information respecting the recont examinations i have just received this morning from the departmant at education something which will bo of interest i am sure in the form of a large num f certificates destined for the students of thn uwor school there aro forty eight in alt i am sure that the list will be interesting to thr young people and their friends it is as follows form i note unless otherwise indicated these include canadian history a co graph y art and ilotany anna allison ethelyn boyd c history geo graph y and botany mary co lb dorothy cordinkil campbell cuhrif melvin dron irene dukn klvin qamblb edward gibbons margaret qiundell clarence henderson gordon huffman hazel james rose kaiser frank kelly c history goo graphy and cotany mabel kenyon marjory lawhon gwendolyn maddock qhoroe mason tliompfcon miller eng oram mar c history geography and rot any neoma noble knowles schuam c history geography art mona smith curtis watson russell weadqe irwin wilson jessie young note unless othnrwlno indicated these include physiography arlthmn lr zoology and latin grammar charles blll muriel crosbman violet crosbman also eng grammar annie dunn john dunn arithmetic zoology and latin john gibbons e grammar phy lography arithmetic zoology frances gibbous also botany neville harrop addie hurst archie kerr stanley machil arithmetic zoology john mcdougall ulao can hja tory laura murray harold swackhamj3r milton watson also art and botany max webster eng grammar physiography arithmetic zoology annie wigoins e qrammar and arithmetic form 111 grace howard dora lamber1 lavtna richardson jlnnil wiqoinb this makes a total of forty eight and is yery credltublw to th students nd teachers of acton high school cimaludod on ls aui loitering ov the streets who would not or could not give satisfac tory explanation of their movements he arrested them and placed them in the cells the next morning they came before police magistrate moore charged with vagrancy it was asobr talned that they were deaf mutes charles sanderson a scotchman came to canada from edinburgh two years ago he had been in the donaldson hospital and the royal infirmary there end when discharged came to canada to work lie worked for time ut the telfor paper box co in toronto and then went to guelph there he met jack mcmillan a deaf mute from peabody in bruce county nsur chesley jio had been at the in stltute fur the deaf at belleville where he learned shoemaklng it la several years since he left the school there the young fellows are unfortunate at being out of work in these daya when work everywhere is scarce they were given a little help by the magistrate advised tu separate and look singly for work among the farmers who muy need help in getting in their crops a delightful sunday school plo nlo the annual plo ulc of thu methodist hundny school last wednesday ufter noon was a most enjoyable event the weather was warm uml the showers in the early morning hud lata the dust ao that motoring waa very pleasant a number of motors con voyed a large aeotloti uf the school and friends to blue spring park ant about a hundred went by the electric road mr a t brown the superin tendent uud his teachers and omcem had a wolt organised ptogramme 4f sports uml the afternoon passed ver pleasantly at flvw thirty the plaiilo supper was sewed and thbt piece it resistance was us usual greatly joyed put alone by tho little folks but juatua fully by the little folks who had grown up a dusen members of tbegaoton cltlsens band supplied un excellent programme uf music during the afternoon an incident of the day was the fact that mr and mrs a t brown were celubrating their twenty third wedding anniversary mid count ed the lurgo company their guests tint occasion was emphasised by a brluf speech uf congratulation unit good wishes to the bride and groom by the rev mr culp the minister and h v moore superintendent emeritus al lornlhir th c nli was om of thn most on joy alii e in the history of tho school police court news police magistrate moore has gotten back to his official duties again lent thursday he held court in brampton when several cases were remanded he returns this morning tu hold court there again police magistrate craw ford left last weak on a trip to tho pacific coast during his absence mr moore will hear the cuiws which usual ly come to mr crawford s court 8ev crul charges tiuvn bean laid for hearing in aoton by chief mcpherson gordon lellaghar was charged by chief mcpherson befor magistoajtu moore on friday wlyi being intoxlcat ed in a public place gallugher plead ed guilty when put on oath as to tht source of his liquor he swore that ho was out driving on sunday morning got out of his car for a walk and cam across a bag containing a dosen bottles or oukvllle wlnu he took four of them drank the contents uf them dur ing tho day himself and when chief mcpherson came across hlnv at nine oclock tliut evunlug ho waa drunk the story sounds uko u fairy yarn but gallagher swuro it was absolutely true on tuesday afternoon j mccomb of streatsvllla appeared before magis trate crawford on u charge of assault tng constable a leece uf stroelavluo the constable was driving along in his oar when he heurd some very uncom pllmentary remarks- passed about him he stopped his cur and tried to find llut who wus the guilty party when mccomb inflicted a black eye he was arrested and brought before the mag 1st rate and fined 5 00 and s 00 cost- george modermott uf iort credit waa charged before iolloe mag l ira to burgee with violation of the ontario temperance act and with assaulting inspector reevely in tlm performance of his duty this wum hlu second uf fence and mcdttrmott wus sentenced to tilne months in jail uml a further penalty uf six mouths tor assaulting the inspect f mcdermutt requested tu be sent to theonturlo reformatory at guelph rather than tu be inca rest ated ugaln in brampton jail james nojilo came lie fore pollo magistrate mooro on tuesday charged by chief mcphumon with disorderly conduct in a public place he pleade 1 guilty and waa lined 00 and costs social and personal mlntt haxol muoon is holidaying ut wutuku beach miss bortln smith was hoi toronto over fjunday mrs it l reg ry of oakvllle mndo acton frloixls u brief visit lunt wock mr douguld iconnody u i of dry irn u u week in the ol i lnirni town mr i j mix jk of toronto end ure vlsltlnjt mrs mrs lvank ha her throo little weadgo mrs roy arnold and margaret aro spend nn thn wimiic with relatives in georgetown mr robert brow nine or toronto has hotm spending the wk with acjon frlenda mr uml mrs ilolmrt mcpherson und children wore horn from toronto oir the weekend dr harold mowat of hunto now ontario is spending a few weeks nt his home here mlsn immu robinson sitent thn weak ml at tho homo ol her parents at kimill worth mihm lvelyn osborne of rensseloar n y ih visiting at tha homo pf mr wuhunt wllllums mr a mlnrhln of toronto spent few ouys thla week with her sister mm u h brawn mr and mrs itoy vunduson of tars paid a call to tha methodist parson age during tha weak mm w a webster of sudbury spent thn week and with mr ant mrs eter a smith mi gordon gilpin of chicago is mpeiidlw a week or so with mrs pater buy rk churtli street mi und mrs hurley rrlgnall und babe of toronto were visitors ut m j ii holds this wtek mr und mrs s culp and family visited his brother rev j culp at the putaonuga the past week brown of few weeku mlen olive and eileen toronto ure upending a with their grandparents mr und mrs jumcs mcintosh have returned home after spending a week or ao with their son at oahawa miuhoh daisy 1outcr und frances mullln tnturnod laat week after spend ing n viral weeks in hamilton mr charles lasby of toronto spent a duy or so this week wfth frlandm in the old home town crown attorney and mrs morpby and minn morphy of brampton wevo guests at moorecroft on tuesday mr and mm j campbell clark of ghalstvorih visited at tha home of mr w j tould over tho week end mr gvorga anthony and family molorikl from calgary and vtalted his i roth i mr h anthony lost week ford thulr mrs t l lyle of brant it sunday at the home uf mr h j lyle knox ave mr j victors coomtn uf toronto wus in town on monday mr colemu i is about to remove to montreal wh iro he will represent the humpaon mat thews cu with which he is associated whose business interests are growing rapidly in the quabec metropolis there was leal mjulclug in the home of mr hurry mainprise lust thursday when mrs mainprise und their two children returned from a three und u half months visit to har father a humn in saskatchewan en i with friends in multiloba mr john kaunuy was taken iii last week while enjoying u holiday visit with his cousin mr william kennoy ut london mrs kemicy wnt up and utkompuiilid him home on friday it is now improving ajid was able to tuk a walk about towu yesterday mrs axel hellsberg and miss tay r of toronto auent he week end ith tlmli brother mr daniel taylor mi und mrs charles a g mat thrwi it ltd maxtor bulle were here from tot unto for u brief visit this mrs k t mutldock loft for brtl mun tuduy morning on receipt f wprd of har brothers critical illness there mm p it revoy and daughter of tt ronto ure npondulg a couple of week wjth her mother mrs wm anderson mr and mrs f j hassard and eons of at ton visited mr and mrs john snell owen sound street sbelboume economu mr uml mrs h t lepagu mr morlay and miss evelyn carter of toronto were guests at moorecroft on butula mrs stanley s russell and chtldre i of oakvllle have boon visiting at the home i f mr william johnstone dur ing the wank mr und mrs fleonjo a horns tree of mmton ware her on sunday to soo uml mm h p mooro after thulr uverseuu trip mr und mrs bubcock francis and eunlit mid mu tena ford of milton spoilt kunduy ut the homo uf wm luntlsborough mr uml mrs albert brown of kit chenor und miss wllma wild fang f dunnvllln it pen i the week und ut the puruntul home mushim rttomuh uud jumim uurd uud mr und mat n purbusb und uilldro of nutuy n j called on frlmtds lit town on tuesday mr uml mr jeroy irlnkwow buftuln motored over und ure stop ping with thulr uncle mr i r woudu and othor friends mrs robert wuldle of acton ape i u fnw duys lust wuok with rrlundn li uuorgotown going from there to visit rrlumlt in ht cutharlnea all 1 a trick gibbons of vuuc uv r c uocumpunud by tits duught sputtt u duy or two with his mother and ulsters here this weak city fnglneor 11 8 nlcklln mrs nl kiln uitl mai y of guelph und m us lonamuti of lxeter visited mr un i mrs a 1 nlcklln lust week mr uml mr c 11 moure mr john s moore und albjd ruth weru ho re fiom ihimluai on sunday tu visit mr jutiiaw moore und miss moore mr uml mrw judd homers of de troit huvu hunii visiting ut the homes of mosul a i jo ml 1 muiouti and clay ton raswltk during the wuok mrs w k allen erin aocomiuinlod by hur stti mis mora mceaohorn of ltoiiln vlnltod the formers son mr 1 1 alln ut london lust woek mr un i mm thomus dysi it of hamilton npuih thu vysk end with mr and mih wudg bringing mian jbuii huinu uftif hr two weeksvaut th n with litem accommodation for motoring- tourist visitors council to hrlakc provision for their comfort in the park women 8 institute presents drinking fountain to the council iiuniilun tf th council nlng hd all thn cuun tiltl tlin lunvn in tho tho regu on monday rlllors present chair the sixteenth ri port of tho i inuuce committee rccomnn mlul puymi nt of the following accounts general account f ii jordan lubor 2 1g ooo dills labor 7 70 n i mourn lab r 7 mo jus madonuld lubur i mcluiughlli lutxir 10 bt john d russell c 23 3c forban lubor and suppllnu 233 00 stephen coxe lubor ib 00 emerson an demon iitmcta jind walks is 00 edward pontaj ntreou und walks 00 john llttlnjohn slroota und walks 0 00 albert smith strontti und walka ih 00 roy young utrcetn un 1 wulkw ih 30 howard garvin streets und walks 0 oti will sinclair atroots und walks 13 00 hydro eloctrlr rower comm street lighting 168 00 hydro electric lownr comm town hall lighting a 70 w j kenthor luboi 3 35 c83 71 the report was u do plod a dologutlon from tho women s in stltute waltud upii thn council re questing that the town tuko over tho drinking fountain lit front of the gov ernment building and that some sup ervlalon bo made to pro loci thu fouu tain as u number of broukagos had recently occurred moved by e t thetford seconded by j nicol that tho fountain bo taken pver from tho womons institute and tho council express their appreciation of this gift to tho town and that an advertisement bo inserted in tha flora pass giving warning that any person who damages this property in i j way will be prosocuted by the council carried mo vnd by holmes seconded by 3 bell that tho jtoovn und treasurer bo authorlsod to borrow 1 000 from the rank of montroul tor ourrent uxpenaes carried the mutter of provi ing more ac commodation for motoring tourists at the camping ground in tho park waa discussed the council decided to order now eigne direct lpg traffic to tho grounds officer mcpherson was in structed to makn arrungemenlu to pro vide hot water for any one desirous of using tha grounds attention of the council was called to the ncglactud condition of the dot at tho soldiers monument tho neglect was ordered to be invustlgatoj at oacp death of bishop dowling this well- known prelate passes away on eve of his diamond jubilee hamilton august 7 right rev thomau joseph dowllng itlahpp of tho human catholic iiooho of ham llton died itarly lust evi nlng at the bishops pnluct on king street went eighty fomth your though his death will bring sorrow to great umbers of nun catholics who es teemed tha venerable prelate us well as to his own peoph it did not come as a surprise hih lordship had been in failing health and throe times in the last couple of yours ho hud boen given the last sacraments us it wus feared that he could not rally but bis remark able vitality onabled him to recover and bo about ugaln nn at least two occasions had bishop dowllng uvod until to day ha would have completed 60 years in thu ministry thnfwim so dear to him and in which ho hud gvnn such valued service born in county llmarlok ireland in 1840 fho right ruv thomas job uph- dowllng cuma tn hamilton at tha age of 11 yours with his father where be received his nlenvontary uducatloi in 1he6 ho ontnrcd st michael it cql logo aivl in his last ynur there was professor of clusslrs ills theological studies corrununrtd in 11102 ut the a rand snmlnury montreal after which h was ordulnod priest in 1b84 by bishop kurroll in st mary u cuth edruj hamilton ha wus ooiikrutid bishop of poior- boro in hikt7 uud iii 1kh0 wum trans fotved to tha h o of hamilton bishop dowllng wum catiudu s sen ior bishop as tllshup of llamlltot his administration uhowod un unin terrupted jjuuruu of tnurvullous sue cess ti lid progrniri thi ughout ills ex tensive diocese with una ukx ptto t ho was the oldest bishop in nil ainurl- iii and until iinm two or throo yuurs ttgu otmtliiuud to mukti his olltclul visits in double quick tlmu throughout his uxtuiislvn dloc so without tlm loufjt sign f futlguu or wuuunvss a great tuiiurnl wus ht id on tum day efter the body hud lulu ut st mary s church for flvu duys arch bishop mcneil of toronto conducted the impress ivi rltua bishop ullori uf london prune hod tlm iiionmrlal sur- niun uud thu knights of columbus funned u guurd of honor bishop dowllng wus in acton frw uuently uml o n luumd survhuri in st josephs church whwti thu rltu of con nrmutlon was being ubsetvud muytu lorstir uml mr thomas nsliltt i f oukvllle mi it whltu mlltt it uml mi uud ure while hhmoc wnu guusts ut moorecroft un sun luy afternoon mr 1 ruiik soilvuin who wue upoi utrd on for hppundloltta in guelph uenui ul hosiiuul u couple of weeks ugo i tin mil in me on monday uud univul tt ing nit uly mr mid mrs 1 ted roberts or suult tit m trlt- muiln acton friends a brief vm lust week while en route on u motor trip to ottuwu and returnlnu hoinoay way of hum la und michigan mr chailus allan was called hums rium ludaui on thursday owing to thn ilhs of ida sister mrs wild spin rroip uppendlclltm a suceoasful opwratlfin was rformednd mrs w1i- dursplu is now i ecu v ring 18000 men wanted to tab vest western canadas crop travel by the faetaat route the spuclul huivustera trains of tlm cajtudlun nutlonul railways from all ontario points us udvurtute i will make thu fustest lima to wlmilut g upirutlng vlu thn pew iongluu out off tho shortust route bolwouti kiudortl un 1 wtistuni cuiiutlu ilatvusldrs tiuvel- llug by this rout will uh u unsu ipiuncti 1h first in tho fluid thu nmt train luuvit toroiro nun inlnutu ufter midnight of august jlut haul u m august jjnd the faru is a tint rate of 16 to wlmttlhig ult i half u cant i mile beyon i returning the furu is a hulf a cent pur mile into wlunlpug and 130 butk to starting point through solid tiulns will he oporulml tu winnipeg with ait imn toiudsl ing of uonvnrtlhlu ihtrth olonut curs of liitust ilthigu luiu it t iuntr turw will lu ulluched tu tiulus m willi food und refrushinitnlu ut ruustinublu prices luroham tur th k t to win nipeg via cumtrituu nutlonul lliillwuys no muttu whethoi your uuul lustln ttou is u point mi ihtt itiiuilluii nu tlonul or not i ui fuiim train uei vh u etc upply to iit ti out cnnuilluii nu mwauai aguuc