Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 14, 1924, p. 3

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ghir artmt 3tar xsbb 1liriihiav aunuht u n choose sin hi ih house mid iur little cu will kryw lu nli normal slse till vipy v tmotno to you a worry in disguise rh niu nllln into r nuntnlns grow tlmy vrn so mugnlued tliln is wht comeu to you whan you hluy with yolir cere inside logout of doom and your little cure will dwindle to specks no small dwarfed tiy qature s wonders you hcnrcoly eee them at ell tim sunshlno and tha bracing air vour courses noon restores till in what comes to you whn you trry your care outdoors wigs tie old home wok in whro they kop why so bucclmrlnet mrillodgett asked 1l wife tgaslngly e thekla finished lmuudng i ho toast end left the dining room what do you meant 1 always mv r goa rooming to thekla hut not in that tone why yes 1 du he began to- pro lest und then laughed with a guilty pink lit her cheeks it must he my dream eho ended your dream t ych when i went down to that lecture in nelshborhood house last night there in the front row i ww my seamstress sitting with the young theological student that teaches our illblo class this winter i never dream ed they even knew each otbevand they were hobnobbing way like old friends it gave me a shock to think how queer it would be if they should compare notes about me truth do got nervous with that girl bho can not so much as the width of ruffle right unless 1 stand over her every minute and well of course the questions wo discuss in the bible class are purely ethical lut thats no dream mr euodgett reminded slonglly no it probably made me dream the rest though i thought i saw our garbage j at a church social talk ins with mrs sleight aa fast aa hi could and somehow i just knew hi won telling her how many good plecesh that aged flgui of bread ray cook throws away you cant think how uncomfortable i felt thero she sat nodding and pursing her lips aa if to say obe had always suspected that moat of your salary went out of the back door and what an imagination no indeed ive heard haraay k about other women and thanked my stars she wasnt intimate enjough her to- gossip about my kitchen affairs maybe t wasnt glad to wake up trdnf that dream i lay there thinking it over and suddenly it popped into my head how id feel if my hairdresser jennie you know should have a hearttoheart talk with that nice povertystricken little mrs blake iv been giving clothes to lately mrs blake simply persists in thinking im an angel you know and asks me for all kinds of spiritual advice and yet there the last time jennie came was aa petulant aa a child with her just because shed forgotten to bring the perfume ahe uses on my hair after the shampoo oh well nobodys perfect qr course not but they do aay you know that women take off their wlga before their help mrs blodgett smiled a ahe lightly touched her own crown of braids ive been resolving this morning to keep my wig on may be that did make a difference in the tone i med to thekla but truly x was not conscious of it at the time the czo han of tm clock the old home hand inn ilitbron nod urn a mlnlngcamp my prli western city yuur oer stream anil mead they homeward speed tho we our steps raun stay and ljtil thinking bore ut you and keeping holiday from west and north und south thoy come one magnet for them all whereer the mattered children are they hear the mnlhnr call ontario by the seunwu r ontario the hills they wander wide yet with her rrido their bosom fondly tttritlm mind you the brook the viilloy the choolhouhe wlmre thuyll moot the woods the pond tho pasture hill the staid old village street the west is big und lonesome und we are too far away from the dear host those wn love the most who gather hnre loday bent and gray whom i in fancy ee reviewing old familiar acwii once part of you and m he would rerriembar us tho loyu whow ways he tried to mend the master then we named him we should call him now thn frlond the lads wo played and hunted with the girls too will ha there a spell laid on their spirit and a sur cease given to cur while strange wilt be he tight they see the deepened lines thuy trac reminders of the fleeting yars in nany a dear face the vsest is big and lonesome ned tha fortunes which w seek taaik poor and cold beside the gold theyll quarry in homo week i hear the vol con calljng and the friendly eyes i see the old home hand across the land reached out to you and m uy edward v hayward three dollars a week it la fashion to decry money many parsons misquote su paul as having secured rrt declared that money la the root of all eyi whereas that wise man ao char- acterlsed the love of money in point of fact nothing u ao universal and convenient measure of value that the world regards the person nbat baa no skill or product to exchange for money aj wsrth little or nothing society k in this set ues tha secret of the restless discontent- of many homs- makjnx woman she bakes and brew washes and irons makes and mends but is paid only by shelter and by the food and clothing which ahe herself prepares she may once have known the comfortable pleasure of the well- fllled envelope on saturday night or tha check at the months end sur rendering that for the eervioe of the wife aho awakens edme day to a dull sense of deprivation slowly her selfrespect she cannot be worth as much as ho f used to be she works hard an ror nothing and sees no force tn the argu tneht that she is being peidtlu kind the request far money comes more and mors reluctantly from her lips andonie- comer finally will not come at all when worst comes to wdrtt her husband wlu wonder why she ceased to take an interest in the social life in village and church and he may never guess that an emptypurss may he as serious a- matter to a woman as the empty bankaccount is to the man how la your wife this summer mr scribnert inquired a summer resident of the fisherman who brought the maokersj to tho door oh shes perked up a good deal this monfh weve got a hired girl and shes done my wife a sight of good where did you find a good sir 1 7 they are scarce enough well wo raised this onel you see my daughter finished school and my wife was terribly afraid that aha would want to go away from home bo ive entered into an agreement with her i pay iter three dollars a weak and sbe does the housework and looks after her mother in firstclass shape vm a poor man but that three dollars a week is the best invastlment x ever made why ahe and her mother are as proud of it as if they had foun a goldmma v many another family nlgbt nave foupd agoldmlne of happiness by a judicious adjustment of wages were they wqre ever so small to wpmans work the home com kits everybody who reads this column is quite well aware that i am no junior as far as years are concerned i have to admit that 1 belong to that gener ation of old timers of this community who have sojourned here from for- back days i think my readers will admit though that i do not go arouud with my eyes shut in my perambul ations about town this summer i have observed quite frequently that home comers of a later generation have very manifest pleasure in returning to old familiar haunts in and about the dear old town memories crowd in upbn them they visit the- old school they walk the old streets and bypaths they- take a stroll up the old mill pond bank to where the fire- cherries used to grow so profusely but 1 notice quite often that- they wend their way to the trout streams where they had real sport in the boy hood days thoughts or those boyhood days are dreamily entertained those great days of big catches were lived again i the atlll summer evenings the oyereast holiday afternoons vrhxn the speckled beauties were lurod to their doom by tho dozen rise up dis tinctly the deep holes under the banks or at the big tree roots or where the creekslde scum gathers arc alt remembered clearly not one of those favorite old fishing holes is for gotten everything is remembered clearly as if the experience was hue of yesterday when the summer holiday return visit is made with the ofd rod and line again in commission there may be a little pleasure or there may be very much for this tempting spot la everywhere ruled by conditions and by the humor of the trout neverthe less the adventuring into the boyhood experiences la real pleasure to the whether the fish rise to the occasion and the lun of the sedate fly or worm or not what is in store cannot be foretold it await discovery but the experience always has its compensations and frequently yet the visitor returns from the trout- stream with a falriy wellfilled creel venture to aay that when this occurs the homecomer la as tickled as he was when a bur foot fisherman long ago in fact i know it for even ths summer i have met some of these big boy fishermen and the pride with which they have exhibited to me the biggest trout in their basket was good to see what he tells of his ex ploits to his cronluglh omen or cluh in the city when he returns this writer eayetfa not hut i raucy his run stories arp worth hearing mr and mrs storeys decease and mr w a htorey wnd hft nlunc there- u loin ly niemlior of u on i numomun fumily ho fk that lu could not oon timirt in uk lilrie prtimlnom with corn fort und wo in lit retildo with hha i jut or mr ii h iioimkm altout thu time ailon n returm d noldlnrs rioslriri u homo nnd lut room und lm ki t ernuhly jilnmil hunilcrlnnd vjuu at their olhposat flrudiutlly the vt arena removed from town und uu ro malnlng momlmrh wtn no few that it vtan found undesirable to continue thn floldler s home capt uuchlc who hud been associated in operating tlm lremlnm finally took it over severn j yeurs ago and opened the place us a first class hotel this ruorad ror a time but the competition of hew restaurants nodurod tho profits an capt hltchle finally decided to din continue and aocoptcd a ikmiiuoii in npw york which opened to him and so the dlspersul sale was ar ranged for hulurduy afternoon i could not help foelititf sad an i stood with ihe i mwil while the furniture and imilouglngs were in lug auctioned off a lonalderuuln part of it wuu house hold ponsesklunu which bad bejonigod to tho htoroy family my uiojiiih were much with mr htrej hone memorable funeral wart held from thla home twenty six yearn ago last march when leadlnfftbuulnrsa men und man qacturers utim throughout the pro vince tho members of rurllament if the county nnd county official and tha rosldanhsj of acton en masse an so m bled to do honor to the mimory o a man who had been a leader tn thi community for yam and who was s teemed and belovod for his useful caeei and his many excellent qualities am than i thought of mm ttoroy the motherly soul who was a friend of everybody and an enemy to noni whose quiet oventorapered disposition breathed friendship and kindness wherever she was and us auctioneer kerr a stentorian tones suggested bids for articles offered und these were in turn knocked down to the hlgheiit bidders j found myaelf wandering tn mind ovor the personnel of tho family tho boys and girls thero were seven them in all ell born in acton three remain here in the old home own ienoni minerva and william i and jennla lives in toronto fvwi rid edith long ago went home how family ties upd family relat ions and family environment change as i said at the outset time continue to make changes thla fact revolved oyer and over in my old head us i itood there during thn sale i uuw things offered i heard the uuctlonesr hla persuasive tones t- nnw pur chasers get their newly thought k- sessions and the clerk recording ui the sales ut his desk but for tha ufa of me i niuldn t tall you who was the purchaser of a single urtlcle of dining room bedroom or kitchen furnlturo or utensil my thoughts were wholly with my friends the htoroy family and es- jmclully with mr storey during the whole hour i stood by i conjectured that it was junt an index of soma similar experience which will happen to my belongings and your belongings some time in the near or more remote future such is life and suclj is tha experience of all of us and such will be human experience fur all time i could not forbear from talking tho matter of the afternoon events und reflections with mary at suppertlme and during the evening and i have ti admit that we wore not a very choer fut pair that saturday night old times old scenes old friendships came up in profusion and we lived for uome hours tn he paxu however the shine has come again and we are both trying to think that after all good thing that wo are not inclined always to live in the past but are able to look forward to brighter days anc happy ro- unions- 7a1 a true hero tho flrci drill la commtm in most schools especially where tho children uro crowded in lurco hulldlnicn when it is desirable that they should bo ablu to learn rapidly and in order thi y are drilled frequently at a glvan alg ml every child is taught to take liu tluu in iho file und moving lu pro uo stop and time lo vacate tho schoolhouse without confusion or haste in order to accustom tha children m u sudden call signals are given ut unexpected times und it is the ikuii of many schools thst they can empty their buildings of five hundred children or more in a very fow minutes such a training hud been given to the children or tho dodge street school in omaha and tho position of drummer was held by oitlo downs principal allan was proud of the fact that his five hundred pupils could be marched out of the big building in almiut two minutes hut everybody hoped there might never arise a seri ous occasion to test this iteccntly the occasion cajne one of the teachers dashed into tho principals room with the cry thai the building was on fire tha principal rang his gong and there was an im mediate alarm followed by a stam pede of children from the rooms no ono remembered the firedrill or the drum except tho drummer without a word to t anyone and without waiting for an order be ran down two flights of stairs into the principals room seised the drum ijroi its hook slung th strap over his shoulder and made his way to his post ut the foot of the stairs tha smoke was dense 1q the hall upstairs the iachars were shouting to tho children trying to calm the panic the fireengines were at work outside just as the nvo hundred pupils ap peared at the top of tho stairs ready to rush down to the certain death of many in such a crush the first notes of the drum pounded with all the drummers might were heard above the confusion the sound acted 11 ko a spell the principal pulling from under the feet of the rushing children some of the small ones who had already fallen shouted for them to keep step to the music instantly the force of long habit asserted itself the feet fell jn orderly succession and the en tire mob of children came down the stairs as calmly and evenly as if on parade as they had done many times the smoke was pouring about them hut in less time than it takes to tell it the last child had passed safely out keeping time to tha music of tho drum tim drummer remained at his pout until informed by mr allen that every one was safe then he came down the stepsr greeted by a storm uf cheers from the crowd outside lie had saved the lives of a very largo umber of the children and teache by his coolness and bravery and to day in many more than five hundred homes ho has saved from possible loss and death he ranks us a genuine hero although he only did as he was told neighborhood news- town and country georgetown miss k i ityan is holidaying with irliinds in north ituy mrs w it dllly and children are visiting with relatives at lleaver kails ifnnsylvanla the usual grant of 100 00 has been voted by the council to the iqusing agricultural society v mr and airs is y uarraclough or qlenwllllams soiled from quebec on thursday last on thelrsmprcss of ticol- lend for a vlnlt with relatives in eng- land the tax rgtn for 192 its been fixed 01 42 h mills on the dollar being iff mills for school purposes and 3 b mills for general rata the town clerk was instructed lo write bmlth htonc stating that tha il33 in dispute between the corpor ation and themselves would lc put into i sinking fund and asked for a cheque for their first puymunt rlleruld no 8tain on his record a new york clergyman who often spends his vacation in ashing t streams of tho adbondaoka was on one trip adopted by a handsome setts dog which insulted on following him from camp to camp as be moved along the stream no stream jl uwi one day he met a parly of men prominent family 7 working upstream with a native guide the guide immediately recognised the dog as bis own property trying to steal my setter are you be shouted at the clergyman til have you to jail for this i theres a taw in the woods just as big as you have in the city the clergyman endeavored to explain that be was an unwilling companion to the dog wmbb bad refused to be driven away but to little effect until he added a twodollar hill to his ar guments its queer what strange things hap- pon to a man up here he said to the aherei many an tagdrlver who later carried him away from the woods that is the first time 1 was ever accused of steal ing s doc yes sir replied the driver eym- psvthetloally and added after a mo ments vuuse for myself sir i have tune continues to bring changes changes somortmss pulhetic some times sad i was forcefully impressed of this only last saturday afternoon hen i took a stroll up mill street and saw he crowds gathered ut the dis persal sale uf the household effects and chattels of the sunderland hotel naturally my thuughts went back to the time whan my friend w h sturuy built sunderland villa and with -par- dooableprjdrj took possession of t as his family residence that was nearly fifty years ago 1 think in fact about the year 1870 it wu a beautiful homo and mr storey and mrs storey and their family all prised it as a home it was natural thst his birthplace in kngland was selected us the name for the new honie and wo it became sunderland villa v what memories the mention of these old days recall the joys of the home were tntermlnglod with sorrowful parlances within two years ufthe moving to the hew house uu first born and the lust born sons of this were culled by he brought the door along one of the most original character 1 ever met especially in his ways of doing things began snugsby with a reminiscent aralle was a man named ephralm jogglna who owned n alde- hlll farm a mile or so from hasswood plata i lived in that place for several years and got pretty well acquainted with joggins and his way und during that time i never knew him to do any thing in the same munner that any other man would have dona it if theraj juay wrong or outlandish method of doing a thing joggins was ure to find it out and do it that way hla mental faculties seemed to work differently from other persons or as t nosy soy he possessed a lefthanded intellect o that what upieared to be the wrong way or doing things to other people appeared to be the right way to him j one incident that happened while was living in the place illustrate his peculiarity joggins lost the key to his front door and wanted to get another any one else under those circumstances would have unscrowed the lock und taken it to the locksmiths to have a key led to it hut joggins didnt he carefully took the door on hinges although he hud to remove nine screws in the operation and thai hitching up his team to the big lum ber wagon he drove round to th front of the house lifted the heavy door into tho wagon und culmly drove off to the locksmiths a mile and u hulf away when he went lu emptyhandod and told the locksmith he wanted door lock fitted with a key the luck- ttmllh looked up from liu work and aid all right bring tn your lock i tlmo you happutt to bo going by and i irattsnd to it uot it here now sys joggins kind of carnlessliku didnt know hut youd come out tn the wsgon and do tha job out there hut if youd rather have it in here ull right ii erin the electric power was uft fgr twt ty six hours lost week and the j vocata was consequently a dayialqln ssulng lr nathan dllman has purchased the site of the mcdonald hotel pro perty fron tho mrdonald estate mr and mrs u u hurd and mr uaitle of toronto wore holiday vial ors with mr and mrs w hurd mr and mrs j w walker and thflr grand daughter huth vlckers of toronto are visiting with friends here mr fred delaney erin has sold his fifty acre farm stock and implements to mr w stubblngton pf toronto mr vred mcmillan of smiths falls is spendjng his holidays with his parents mr and mrs william mc millan hiluburg mr and mrs james dansmore of san diego california who have been visiting with friends in canada spent the weekend at the home of nelson root mr j i bush returned home last week from a fishing trip to newfound land ho reports a very pleasant vocation and tells many thrilling fish stories mr and mrs oeo anthqnyajd son and f daughter and mrs mccult of calgary alia motored and are visiting with the formers mother brother and sister advocate death frederick ii who was in part nerahlp with his father in the canada glove works was cut off ebeforo had reached his twentyfifth year i wank in the beautiful littler son of the family end the last born member nf che home fejl asleep in this home the firet grandson of he family was born tlie lute kred storey jr and here both mr und mrs storey were called to thalr eternal rest many an incident pf joys and sorrows were enacted within lha walls of sunderland villa i many a guest und friend of the family were entertained item of important private business and of municipal transactions were discussed in this horns and many an act of friendly oharlt or assistance was dispensed by jie gsneraus and kind- hearted heads of the home and as h by members at their family wftsn the member of the family hrlng it right in and joggins went out and tugged away until he got that door out t f the wagon und a mluutw later he came staggering iptu the shop with u on his bock hare you are sung out us he propped the ihwr a against the counter i didnt wunt to offend tt gool customer said the locksinlthyln telling same friends ubau it later lh the day joggins alwuys paid cash down for everything he bought or for any job ha had done hut it was mighty hard work keeping my fuce straight while i was fitting a key to that lock an- helping joggins act tha door back hit the wagon hut i nawr even sin lied until juggins wss out of sight and hearing then i sal down und laughed until my sides ached i a restful spirit we do not mean by a restful spirit one that is indolent or slothful rest implies labor a wellearned respite after earnest and serious endeavor and suchrepoao sloth and indolence can never really know moreover a mere dawdling 44 ian ess inspires in j- others anything but a sense of sym pathetic repose no the restful spirit may be msg- nufioenuy buiy full of useful and varied accomplishment not to be out done by the moat active woorker even in these hurried and troubled dayi it may turn constantly und readily from one task to another carrying clear and distinct the threads aad secrets of a score of strange affairs ilut in that multiplicity of achieve ment there are always control reserve adjustment of forces balance of means to ends so that no energy is wasted in unprofitable bustle action planned and ordered that even in the midst of it necessary hours or per haps mere moments are given repose and those hours or moments are so utilised that the repose how ever brief is complete healthful rest orative anu sufilcent to maintain the uctlon at its fullest point of useful nesa nor is even the planning made tyrannous the arrangement or life is instinctively elastic and emergen cles are met as if they were not era ergencles hut had been largely allowed for in a comprehensive schema short under all their activity those restful spirits manage to preserve calm centre of poise selfrestraint and s o l f possess lo n and they are not only restful to themselves but infinitely restful to others nothing is more soothing l the hurried driven nervous demon that torments so many of us as even nentary contact with those ample quiet spirits they seem to say not in mockery but with sympathy and tenderness what nature aald to timer son why so hot my little mant their light calm touclr on our fore heads makes huge tasks easy and thick crowding cares indifferent the greatest triumph of the artldt is the suggestion of tranquil mastery in life tha most difficult of all arts the highest basis of achievement and the rout of all power lleeln repose mild but effectual pat found a wav a scotchman and in irishman set ou together on a holiday bandy intrusted all of his money to his frlond with the strict injunction not to give him more than a stated sum or expenses each day after a few days sandy pleaded far an increase but in vain afterwards he confessed to pat that on the hit lers refusal to comply with his wish he got out of bed every night when the irishman was asleep and jauxhcu- tnore was no more for the cash bui oould never succeed th wldier and always afterward in finding it where did you keep lir- he asked well said pat i let you go to bed first every night and every night when you werent looking i put my purse into one of your pockets i was the best disciplinarian is he who knows when to shut his eyes an in stance of wise selfrestraint is given by mr lutnam in his story of com- tuny a the regiment was on tho march orders hud been given that private property must be respected and there was to he no foraging one day late tn the afternoon a soldier come up to the campfire rlfie in hand a bom stuck on the point of the bayonet and two chickens undri his arm at that vary moment who houd appear but colonel pickett hiding slowly down the line he met the forager face to face hwery one expected a scene what did you pay for those chick enst pleasantly inquired the colonel i didnt pay nothing sir u heard the orders against for aging t why ytm sir 1 did the man stood eret like a soldier the chickens dangling by his side and ham on ths point of tha bayonet watting for his head to betaken off the spectscla was too much for thn colonel who tried vainly to suppress signs of mirth sobering himself he said with evidently assumed severity well id bear it in mind artor this tie rode on but turned back and ssld hone you ii have a good supper to night thank you sir answered tl lleved soldier saluting the colonel could have had the man srrested as an example the so id let would have borne the punishment with dogged indifference end afterward foraged on every chance he could get as it was he had been reprimanded before hle company without any chance to be defiant you got off easy remarked one of his comrades should think tdld answered tha soldur but i wish hed taken the chickens there was no more foraging donn burlington mayor harris councillors vanscrlv or and itusby represented the town u the hlg imrudti ut oakvlllo old boys r union on monday morning the annual outing or the daughters and maids of bngland will be held hanlans point toronto on thurs day august 14 the genial rector uf georgetown the rev percy mayes with his family and friends are camping on the snores below the lort- the municipal byalectton no id nelson township on thursday resulted election uf ii t foster as deputy reeve and h m petlit councillor to fill out the balance of the year 1924 on thursday evening last mrs chester peart locust street gave miscellaneous shower in honor of mwa zelmo stephenson whose marriage lakes place lo mr richard alton thltf month on monday afternoon lost a sneak thief entered shavers drug store an3 stole a large bottle of perfume valued at 17 00 mr shaver was in the back part of the store when the theft woe pulled off about sixty guests gathered at the home of mr and mrs- wo vivian nelson monday night to tender a mis cellaneous shower to their daughter miss gladys in honor of her approach ing marriage the bridetobe woe the recipient of a beautiful array of useful presents on thursday last his honor judgo elliott handed out his decision on the assessment appeals from the court revision he allowed the appeals of chris klalnka jr and j v stephen son deducting ksoo from the former sndrss from the latter in all other cases tho judge upheld tha court of revision in- their decisions the engagement is announced of sarah laulse youngest daughter of the lato charles porter of appleby to dr william clarence sharpe of qlcn allan the marriage to take place on august j7 qasette an epidemic when lord him thn kngllsh noble man whose interesting llo mm stuart menxu has told in lrd william haresfnrd v c firrtt went lo indlu he and a brother nfilcer mr churlnn iascalles started to iwy calls nfttr the fonhlon of the country armid with an alarmingly long list tl rode out determinedly from the m on their tonles the first bungalow they ramn to where they intended i pay their reapecls had laid down alonj the road und up to the door atruv mala lord william pulled up frown ing wisely we had better call hero unothn day he announced after deep thougnt wkvt asked mr lascelle id no cently my dear fellow dont you see nl his straw down some ono mutil bo iii having a baby or something moat likely replied the sage impressed by his friends knowledge and insight mr ianoeltan agreed cheerfully and they rodo on to thn next bungalow here again they found straw laid down surely they can t all he having the ssme thing at once can theyr ssld the astonished mr lasrelles v you can never be sure what the do out here replied the other tn any case you cant be too careful so they rodo on to their amaxement thoy found straw at each bungalow and so they returned to toe mess to announce the discreet reasons for their failure tho mesa wss delighted and tt was not until some time afterwards that thn more experienced officers informed thn two that the straw was there to pre vent dust from blowing into the bun galows milton colonel pickett wss to him sji object uf unswerving devotion the community sings will be con tinued lh front or the grandstand at the canadian national exhibition thla never been accused of tsallng any1 when the members of the family way first up lh the morning and tofkiyeer overflfoao people take part twlrwr luad ona to 4hstr other homes extarltfraut acmiu every night t i in the hal ton rural uaseball league muiysewood is at the head of the list and wlu no doubt win the champion ship and the cup mr and mrs 1l m clements enjoyed a motor trip to montreal and other points during the week the union services in the methodist church began tost sunday the methodist pastor will conduct these for the next four sundays v judging by the else of the new ware house being erected by tha splnnlni mills co adjoining their plant on commercial street they must be ex pectlng to do business on a larger scaw than ever messrs w h and clements held of manitoba old haltonlans have been visiting their couslp mr w j cte men to martin street mrs t conway and mrs and mrs w 11 weir and daughter of ulica spent sunday and monday with mrs oeo anderson firm line tra falgar owing to the heuvy ruin in tho utter loon thu nramon s lurdcu party that wiu to nuvu been held ut tha agricul tural orounds monday evening was held in the lrlncess theatre instead which was filled to the doors inspector petty and family are spending a mouths holidays at wos- ugo deaph judging by tbe number ofcar hn town saturday night tha whole njlthe- oouniryslde must have been h ere for both sides of main street from one business end of it to the other were lined with them the milton n reman won first prise la the hook and ladder coutast und second in tha hose reel competition vl merrill und gordon srlow also figured in the foot races returning from oakvlllo last sunday morning between two and three o clock gang or rowdies tried to gst into the chinese lunch rooms and after getting in kicked up a big rucjtet and behaved in a most blackguardly manner using lie luuguag wuch us rutnsns uf their type sxv used to chief chapman mjainoned by phonv but by tho time he arrived on the scene the tutujhx hsjl made off in their car lie former anniversary services wore hold li knox church uu sunday 1uv r a cranston of trvntou preached able sermons hi pad s church choir nelsoik rendered excellent music oems of thought i know not where to look for any single work which hi so full of the great principles of political wisdom as the laws of moses and the history of the kings of israel and judah q spring ufa is a series ex surprises wo we do not guess today thft mood the pleasure the power of tomorrow when we are building up our being emerson thrice is he armed that hath quarrel just and he but naked thoui locked up in steel whose cqnsclom with injustice is corrupted hhako speare be humble low but to he you ere pralaod it attainment st uer- a sure pure for bcaqickne 1 1 in an irlnhwomim in hlno lo hunch duly tntli f un nr incident hut she ultiituxd luunmmi ship hfinlnl mm u a illlir lady it ft nit loill m i who ib keptt owll frthimmtli hei li n rows all tirit rft 111 i xjm 1 ii tjh tr th n oil jwh itiid vului i 1 nwfliylli hnsi ulrymi n aey r i hr stx tli y nr much they im- lil he re- iuk them- tun mid iviya mm daly did i urn h r i wuu so indignant tlnt she for i r unnusy fccllncii molded h outldly und flt ranch ltur conjuring with humqr the fitmoiis nrttustrnl rondurfor dr ulcliti r l blasted with thu prn c4um fm dlty of knuplnif bin tmim x milur hiroiit provikallon uiiil of ro rovfrrlnir iiuhkly from irritation when ever hi ylnldn to it thiit huu nuturully ixeii a great hulp lu hl ll alhlgs with his gruil rhcntru at u riiuaruul ucordlng in thi mum h ter guurdun one of thn inunlrtuiih hindi u mlatak no i rl4lir itlu h r it l so hutpnilng rum tumtarunil ntty the naiiin pluyi r tnmln an- th iiul no n rure nt turui reeled dr hlchlor exrltfdly at u third mistake ho momentarily lost patlonce why do vou make so many ulips mr orcont h nhouud than instantly with all hlti tiabltuul good humor he uddad nnillink ah i hy it in you like to hear mo niikl jim vi nm it ill j w ti biimh tn t n illoti llnvv tnuny rows urn krplru nw il n prolltr and how in my iowk iui i kirpim nt loss thtro is iiii euuiikli fun amusement or ex uf ment in iifjlnjr for dairy cattle to pay ton hlkh for th prlvllnko the irilmiiii uitmuny totirdr rows are in tln lit ui uf thti luirn is hotminci few farmers know which rows uro profit- ubttt und whlili are not milk acsles whttft puper llaucock t nt reports and the tcuniptlon nwi touiry to keep tain on prodiji tliiii overit yi ars pftlod are jim i un con iitlul to prcntithlo dairy iii nil plkhforkn and milk palln perfect seal ctown jaus it is nergrcat thing t when you are brought lo v id internal and external are promptly relieved db thomas eclectric for wamv nrrv vcaia humble great ani nard there is a chill air surrounding those who are down in the world anil people are glad to get away from them as from a cold room tloorge eliot there is nothing more allied to tho barbarous and savage character than sullenness concealment and reserve iark godwin half the misery in the world comes of want of courage to speak and hear the truth plainly and in a spirit of love mrs stowe why he waited jtobhy asked for a cent s worth of candy and the proprietress recognls ing htm as a neighbors child served him end then handed hla penny back this was repeated for several morn- ings the little fellow receiving beh candy and penny at last the pro prietress thought iv was getting a nt strong ko one morning ahe kept the penny the little chap lingered around and when asked why he wait ed he replied- 1 want ray change thatithasbcfj4soltfi and la tooay a cuvatth is a teatiuothal that sftajcs numcrjoua curatfvg otmuttta ial pains i by j canadian national exhibition aug 23 toronto sept t more comprehensive more ambitious than er depict lne the picturesque the artistic and typical life of canada and other lands 1lvarching on gorgoourwpecucle portraying the mlgnt rorttnee anov grandeur of tbe british empire- all the amusement devices known to the ingenuity of mas one hunimeo exhibitions in onel consult your agent foe reduced railroad rates hobeiit miller president v john o kent managing director er tt aoo hat vestd w wanted canadian pac the shortest routeto the west to winnipeg cbost froitwinnipeq s15 abg22ad sb s20 vtm 9 3i rails o ud tensta es leke ostes soese j hmloo fmeinra una tee tlmstn te ksafrew jumuoo umjimi stsliens dsenael to pert mrnkxii b4b ststteas la ontmri seuth end wmtopt usad nucere wxu end wledatw ail ststleoa en owen seusml wurton oveneuu te r st- mnf pwrt ft end st tbeessa bvenclmw to te mm4 uimis h lit travel stslkwu tovente wad narti to boltsa iiii lml ii t it ir- t i mrrmtttyliiriin fnnl lk cfca wsueeeburs mc k esu goad rlr end lko kris northern re aneciai train service from toronto v ml on ill u wwr lu aa e j uaet chjar sod hmm erf lmch counter caun food and rwreshments at resooablepncek full mi ormstksi from any canadian pscusc agent canadian pacific not according to schedule doctor i suppose mrs that you have given the aocerdmg to directions mrs johnson well docloh i donn raah bos you said give sam ono o dose heah pills three times a duy until goue but i done run out u pills hslht gone ylt johnson medloluo he night ornin keefyour eyes clllah ctlat amd 4rmthy yzmphtv morninvl that fellow feelitig yoii arc all wrapped tip in the mer chandise that fillb your btore you en- tlmse over the quality of tlii article and that line you probably display the goods 2zz-z- attractively too all you need now is to transmit your enthusiafain to the buying publice your community and your goods will move out and profits roll in v advertise for advertising makes tinrcustomer feel ab you do about the goods you have to sell every tinie you talkto prospective buyen through an advertisement in tiie free press you are increasing the fellow feeling that brings business to your store an advertisement is an invitation issued by canadian newspaierh assovutluii head offli tonntlo canada si a

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