Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 21, 1924, p. 1

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ht ztn prfrss tifticlh year no ft thursday morning august 21 1024 acton ontario canada thursday morningaugust 21 1024 3a single copies five cents the ftiethodist church acton rev j0sephu8 gulp p lor personage willow bl 10 00 a m sunday be hool 1100 u mtho minister subject tho hlilrit i hied lift 7 00 p m tl minister hubject fighting affn unit g 1 a speolatlnvltatlon to young mart presbyterian knox church acton minister rev a c 8twart m a man willow street 10 00 n m blhlo chins 1000 a m sunday kchool 11 00 n m rv v m kunnawln d d of b john ii hurch hamilton 7 00 i m hov w m kannowln cd stranger leaving address with the uahora will bo called upon by tho paator all arecordiall invtthid special notices for sale brick houan 0 roomi for parti cutars apply to 8tf box j63 acton ice for sale 150 blocks of ic for aalo will do liver in any quantity wm hvans phono 4 mill bl acton lost on saturday ovenlng a crank for overland cor pindar please return to thomas kennedy phone 41 r 12 fifth llna work wanted housework by tho day or hour any kind wrlto to box 381 actotf phone 74w r 2 for sale now brick house eight rooms nil modern conveniences for particulars apply to stephen cordiner mid stfoftt acton bull for bale a pur bred shorthorn dull 14 mo old dark red a very rood on apply to al15x cripps r r- 1 acton crewsons corner card of thanks the member of the family of tho late mrs robert ajmtiw extend sincere thank to their many friends and neighbor for their very jclnd expres alona of sympathy and deeds of kind ness in connection with the death and burial or our departed loved one thk family farms for sale 4s farm in the counties of balton and watunatton varying- from 40 to 100 acres let us send you our list a number of homes and btufnes places in acton for sale p fire and life insurance money to j a smith real estate agent notice to beginners at school the school board desires to notify parents that children wishing td start school in tho primary room will only be admitted at tho september opening of each year this la in vogue in a great many places and la recommend ed dy the inspector n it mcdonald 8ecretsr 4 5c to 1 store now open our stock now inuludi following articles es the thread tapes mending yarn crumb traya electric light bulbs toyo aranlteware coat and olt haniera jewellery lamp burner curling tonn hair nets thermos bottles clothes pino scrubbing brushes belts men s braces arm bands brushes and combs tooth brushes and tooth paste dish new links always bino added call and inspect our stock we solicit your patronage e w masters mill stiuset xctof wonderland fridav august 22 morm emly an knallnti iiluturu hlarrlnn uetiywuifour comedy corn foil hotlke 1 o tvu jumping jack saturday august 23 love lett with hhlrly uuou comedy m my piil vox nawi educational rl th canadian alpa tuesday august m i accube a unllil artwta ulnture chaplar of tho way of a man comedy orlmftal gunio hw boy of tiliuidere ww jackl cuo iue covered wagon nu gregory son this is what august clearances mean to a man 1 25 socks for 1 00 socks for 85c socks for 75c socks for v 40c work socks 2 50 underwear 2 00 underwear 150 underwear 1 25 underwear 1 00 underwear balbriggan shirts and drawers at 35c soft collars stlff collars 2 50 and 3 00 shirts 4 00 shirts for 4 50 shirts for 5 00 shirts for 25 and 2 50 work hirt3 for 2 00 work shirts 185 work shirts 175 work shirts 1 50 work sbujs s25 work shirts i0oties for 125 ties for 135 ties for 50c braces for any straw hat at felt hats at tweed caps at 63c 29c 20c 195 300 325 350 j1u5 169 149 139 l29 95c 75c 95c 100 39c 50c 259 85c 195 z25 200 35 235 40 00 suits for 3375 35 00 suits for 2950 25 00 suits for 1775 14 05 suits up to 2250 4 50 flannel trousers 335 0 00 flannel trousers 195 7 50 flannel trousers 35 2 50 khaki trousers 135 2 45 work trousers 2 75 overalls at 2 50 overalls at 5 00 fino trousers 3 75 khaki combin- ation suits at 2 50 white duck trousers at 25 00 raincoats at 4 75 lustre coats 3 50 lustre coats 15 00 club bags 0 00 club bags suit cases and club bags at 200 umbrellas for 250 umbrellaslfcr 3 00 umbrellas for 3 50 umbrellas for 4 00 umbrellas for 5 00 umbrellas for 60 umbrellas for 7 50 umbrellas for 10 00 umbrellas for news of local import aoton flower show yesterday tho oool weather and prevaluna rains interfered with the free bloom ins or flowers in time for the flower show yesferdsy there was neverthe less a very fine showing in many class- en mr nlcol park uparltendent of guelph father of councillor nlcol was tho judge lie also judjred the lawns and gardens in town acton bow ura seeur mercury cup a keenly contested match for the mercury cup was played on tuesday even in between aoton and ouelph the cup was won by acton- the play era andscora were as follows ouelph acton ojnjor oaby a buchanan ii hnwttt k sweeney j itoss e i haseard ii mcdonald sk 14 w j gould slclt base ball tournament a stmirnament will be held in tb 26 certificates awarded to students of acton hloh school- in middle school twentysix certificates wore award ed students of the middle school m their departmental examination mr macdonald tholato principal says the percentage of failures for tho province was high and tho showing of the aclon continuation school muy ho justly considered as exceptionally good whore failures went registered agulnftt the students the murks were rarely very low tho following is the list miss b bla1k literature miss m bolton omposttlon and literature miss o clariudaic br illstory algebra geometry ihyslcn chemis try latin composition miss o coopbr composition literature br history mss h coxj composition lit srsture tir hislory physics c hem lit try latin ay thorn latin composition miss m gibbons br history bejcatlri authors latin oomimsltion park on saturday afternoon for k jfrendfc authors french composition valuable hewetson trophy there wpi be three game heweuona acton because its macdonaljys theres assurance of satisfac tion back of every sales price you take advantage- of in hub august clearance d e macdonald bros ltd guelpffs leading and largest store mmammmmwmmmmmmmmmm weekend specials assorted i jehx beans the candy with so many different flavors regular 40c lb weekend special 32c lb i assorted chocolates always fresh and tasty with a large range of flavors and an extra line coating regular 40c and 50c tb weekend special 32c tb our light lunches why aot try a nice sandwich or a plato of hot soup these cool evenings we also have a full menu of ice cream dishes also a full line of bricks and bulk mill street acton h wiles w will av you mony if you ww lft ul summer sale specials this week footwear bargains see windowb miss jf mens oxfords every pair goodyear welt in patent colt calf kid and fine side icathert brow and black worth up to 0 po your qiolde 195 womens white canvas shoes several style m tho lot all iw too worth up tp 3 25 or 65 misses canvas bootwear leather oofes in several different hyleato clear at sibq childs it j100 harry harrison the shoe man hw lit of travel ii no bags and quit qasec mountaineers at l ik p m hewel son s brampton vs terra cotta at 2 10 p m and the winners will play off immediately upon onclualon of the second gome all the teams will have their st congest line up and each game will besteenly contested knox churefi pulpit bev w l mndby ulof medlni n y occupied the pulpit of knox church last sunday for the third weex in succession his discourses wefe greatly enjoyed for the fervent gospel messages they brought rev mr flndlay sang the garden of dreams at the morning service and the holy city at night mr merkllnger of hanover also sang solo very ac ceptably at the evening service her w m kannswln dd of hamilton will preach in knox church next sun day silver wedding anniversary mr and mrs george isdwards cele brated their silver wedding anniver sary on sunday at their hone on church street the following friends were present mr and mrs enoch statham and mb mora and miss audrey ballsy brantford mr and mr w h strasser miss ruth and jr erature i iiackett composition br history physics r hendenfloncomposltlon lit erature br history physics chemis try latin authors latin composition miss o howard french com position jos hurst composition litem lure br history physics latin authors miss d lamukut composition literature latin authors latin com position miss ii mac ijonald compost tlon literature hr history physics chemistry latin a u thorn latin com position kuoene mcphfitsonjjr hu tory algebra physics latin authom miss l murray composition miss j orrnr hutory algebra physics latin authors miss b pparen composition literature br history ancient his tory algebra geometry physics and chemistry miss b jieid algehro chemutry vvtllrobe rkid composition pttjrature br history physics ohem istry latin author latin componl uon miss l richardson composi tion br history russell- rqss br history geo r w laird ouelph mr w halstiu f c toronto ir and mrs h r burllnst and children milwaukee wis miss mary turner mrs thomas statham messrs howard and harry statham misses jessie anderson and lucy ed wards an interesting missionary service the meeting of the womens mis sionary society cf the methodist church for august last thursday afternoon was one of unusual interest the programme included a talk on missionary work in british columbia by miss ruth nelson of klttamav who has been in the work the past five years mrs h p moore cava an interesting review of canada at the wembley exhibition london england a missionary reading by mr james moore was rendered and mlsnis edna johnston and marjory swltser contri buted piano solos mrs a t brown president occupied the chair duncan mstaviah severely injured on tuesday forenoon mr duncan motavlsh machinist at beardmora a co a sole leather tannery sustained painful injuries he was working on a new steam boiler which was being installed and had two wrenches on a a team pipe which he was adjusting while thus engaged he was standing on a ladder in some manner he slip ped and fell head foremost to the cement floor below his left arm was dislocated at the elbow and fractured at tho wrist and a severe contusion on the left aide ofibshead and face i austained mr motavlsh la very plucky over the accident and la doing i well as could be hoped aetena pure water supply acton cltlsens are certainly favored in having pure oool water right from the spring in the rock to drink these summtff duys the supply is still much xcess of the demands it runs through a cement channel from the prlng to the reservoir from which lr 1s pumped which la hermetically seal ed against any foreign nutter of any description it la conveyed by electric power to the- elevated tank on main stroel throuoth underground mains and from thence to the mains it reach es every place in town in which water works installations have been made this pure water la such a common blessing ensuring the town against those diseases which are induced ugh unpure water that our cltl sens reel quite immune it may be that some do not appreciate this great utility aa fully as they should visits the old heme of 40vear a friends of mr steve marshall who is now col stephen marshall qf new york were glad to see him about town during the week it doea not seem ong since hff was a member of the firm of marshall and edmonds ton doing business here as grocers and provision merchants but it must be between thirtyfive and forty years during those days steve became in terested in th salvation army hertf siolnod these energetic workers and soon became an ofnoer ho has bees very aucoessful in his chosen work and now occupies a very responsible position in the unlfed bute metro- palls col marshall yho was ad com pun led by mrs marshall enjoyed the vult to the old home scenes very much llmehouse la his native place and the people there are very proud of him and his successful life work enjoys the overseas storlea the following note from rev a ti crow d v editor of the sunday school publications of the method is church toronto was received on sat urday dear dr moore i am glad to sea by the krssj pjune that you and mrs moore have arrived home safely i have greatly enjoyed reading your lettsrs they era in my opinion just about the best grflclep or the kind i have ever ei tha dee- ri inlrni tf yaur vat to aoton bng was pnleulgry interesting ycumuu hty hsd a good tms vmm sincerely a- a oiuaws torvulu augimi lft 1ih li lrew leuer is certainly gratify ing the old country lettera have neqeasarliy bain lengthy and kmg continued and the writer baa been sometimes feattut that our readers would begin to ihlnk too mucn space was balna given them but expres sions of appreciation have been so general that it has bean decided ta continue the eerie dntll ths itinerary of the trip has tftn iverei atln authors latin composition french composition miss c savaqb composition literature br history maurice starkman br his tory algebra physics latin authors george torrance composition literature physics o m watson com position br hufory algebra physics miss j wiaoins composition lltsrature i miss m youno composl uon br history literature algebra geometry latin authors latin composition french authors french composition mr macdonald further writes 1 consider th morale of acton high school la excellent- a little courage a little tact a little more confidence and a utile boosting and acton will soon have what she ought to have line high school rafarrlng to the number or failures of candidates throughout the province this year mr macdpnald says except in english composition and english literature which appear to have been lesa deadly the fallen in tho various aapartmenu so far as i have been ob to learn ran from 31 and d t 60 and 0 and when we consider the ejlaa crossing which takes plnca when moat of the candidates write seven subjects it would be more near the mark to say that more than e0 and perhaps ao of the candida ten throughout the province failed on onu or more subjects our percentage of failures was very much leaa and in the case of moat of those who did fall the marks obtained were respectable we were working under an enormous handicap as everyone knows i there for feel satisfied and while i sym pathlse with those who failed i can honestly congratulate them on having put up a good fight flew show in guelph the annual flower show of thu guelph horticultural society in con junction with ouelph township and puallnch township societies will bo held on wednesday and thursday 17th and hth insts the show it is ex pected will eclipse those qf previous years ma iff wood won championship the final game of the hulton hunt league having been defaulted otl sat urday the manse wood team has won the championship uhrlcup for 1934 winning every game p1ayedthl team also won the championship of the lea gue laat year and next year will play in the helton county league as the team is considered too strong for the rural league and the players are eager to get into faster company norval to have hydro power messrs l v greenwood frank hustler a noble and w a jlruwu who were appointed a committee by the village of norval to interview the ontario hydro commission with a view to securing electrlo light pr norval have received definite word that a line of poles and wires will be carried from georgetown to that village at an early date and that hydro light may be expected by fall a number of houses are already wired in readiness and others- are being wired forty custom era in all being promised for the in stallation a small amount of powoi will also be taken us soon as tho in stalls tlon is completed momuroby family reunion the first annual rn union of tia mu murchy family vs hji t hmton vllle park wednesday aftnrnott wuh an attendance of nearly hlxy mjiem here of the family cuma thum tar and near to be present mra mftrahull and son alexander and his ftumhy motor ing down trom uobtdntuu mrs dun can marshall coming from dresden while others vfhy uamft from polnu nearer hftras ww mr nd mrs len oalranden m and mrs hairy joy and family m and mrs- jim joy and orally mr and mrs weuaae and family mr and mrs joseph lundy and family mr and mrs mephee on i family mrs robinson miss mary mcmurohy all uf toronto the mc murchy brothers john and arch in were present norms n m murchy of the centre road wle and fumlly uml mr and v tt oetrufiuor of uut tonvllle the afternoon ws npint m the water and in ball games while after- supper lb n engaged in u hoalraci tho turtles oft the imriy served a fine eupier in the pavilion long hour being spent in talk i it oyer old times after whluti the party went out to view the sort bell gsmn between huttonvllle nnd norval brauptun banner visit at glasgow the burns country and the trosbachs enjoyable tour of tho scottish show places hnxnortallzed by burns and scott the great ship building in tere8ts of the world known clyde tho visit at fdinbumh und vicinity avn us a keen seat t sjo more bonnle scotland an hour s ride by rail brought us to qlasguw ths groat commercial and manufacturing centre of scotland w travelled through ploturesfue scenery und were remind ed on all sides of wultace nnd bruce of mary queen of scorn and bonnie prince charlie and of hcntt and burns glasgow is the most populous city tn scotland having a million people within her borders l or ten miles or more along the bunks of the river clyde ship building is a great nnter- t rise many of the groatot ships which sail the seas worn built here and this important industry employs many thousands of hands glasgow is also one of the leading ports of the british isles and tho docks and wnr houses cover a whip area this city la as well tin important business centre nnd eta financial interests are extensive during- our visit wo wore informed that numbers or lht loading people of glasgow make their money tn that city but have tholr cesldanccs n edln burgh because it is lit many respects u more popular residential place thero was mora evldenco of unm ploymcnt in glasgow than in any other centre wo visited in the old land ottu clul reports ntato that co 000 men are t of work there was a line jpvit every employment agency and evory migration office while at the offices the officials of i the dole hystem the crowd tn charge vf policemen was no large as to be pitiable perhaps because of this unemployment or poa slbly because of tho largo population there was more evidence of tho evil f the drink traffic which prevails than in any other city in which we sojourn and this was not confined to men numbers of women slatternly and uri tidy were to be seen under the in fluence of liquor while this was manifest mostly down town and about the docks the business section nhd shopping- districts were not iramupe from the baneful influence of strong drink our visit to this great industrial city was concurrent with tho week of glas gov s annual fair with respect to this great yearly event many or us found we had again to change our pre conceived ideas when glasgow fair has been announced from year to year in tho past visions of a grout nxhlbl tlon similar to that of the well known canadian national at toronto would come to me dut a visit to the scot tlsh metropolis totally dlssapated this view glasgow fair is a holiday weel set apart for the employees of all fao torles shipyards and workshops lr which they say good byo absolutely to tholr regular employment and devote themselves to a week of rest and pleas ure and hdllday trips out of the city the savings of the wholo yesr are da voted to having a good time during ralr week many or tho manufactories are now paying the wages or their employees for this week of holidays glaagowa thousands of weary tall era who for long had sighed far tho fair had shaken from their feet tbe dust of workshop and office when w arrived from edinburgh they flocked to tbe railway stations laden with their holiday impedimenta suffering the crush and the mln willingly as they thought of the delights at the end of their journeyi and resigned to the fact that their struggles in ttn seething throngs would be crowned by a sort of garland of holiday joys which must bo run for net without dust und heat the stations were crowded the plat forms were littered with null cases and holiday baggage of varluds descrlp tlons the trick of using the pntm us a sort of amateur luggugo barrow is still popular everywhere golf hags tennis kit nnd fishing rods ad vortised the kind of holiday on which the owners were bent anil of course there were troops of hoy hcouts out to transfer their good turn pur duy to ono or other of the hollduy escorts the fair in scotland is made more uf even than christmas week is on this side the atlantic glasgow has many fln feulures uml the newapaper merl of the city by numerous appreciated courusles made it possible for us to sen these tin- city has little parks and sijuurea scat tered here and tlieru mul numbers of tine public institutions its beautiful monument to the officers und men who made the supreme eacrtrhi in the grout war occupies a commundlng position in the centre bf the city in georges square it was unveiled shortly before our visit end at its base there reposed rnsny floral offerings testifying in their mute beauty and fragrance to the love und esteem of hundreds of hearts for the memory of the fulloii inf this sunn square there urn tine monuments 10 dr llvtngstonr rubble burns sir wulter scott and others the city contains muny splendid public buildings quite u number of which under the guldanco of interested leading cltlsens who were lavish in their hospitality and theidealre that social and personal miss murjory swltxr with friends in pahiley miss myrtlohipor i hlntor at itochoator n lit boll laying mm john olt anl onto uro visiting ai toi mism jiaslo mocirngi hilltlaylif sisji atton hi hi roil 1i frli nds of hue- j pi i relullvih minn 1 tilth arcmtning o irumi in lit hundiiy with arttui rolullvm mr unroll wun spent the wank on through of tunin l ul hufhomn hi i minn murnarttt knnnody of toroiitr spnnt tin ust two wi oka ut ik r horn here mlsit m to upend u- tt eflndale miss iottln a wpnr or so toronto mr und mrs n 1 mclum und miss stella visited toronto relatives last wnok ennntt loft yesterday days with frlonds at 2 spolgbt is spending her brothers home in of georgetown home of mr he canadians should have good op- children of chatham have been guesti port unities for seeing the interesting features to best advantage we vlgltea elslt to ths celebrated cathedral of mungo the great cethe iraj f the church of boot land washlghly inter esting it la- a splendid ty e of gouilo rchl lecture and its foundations were laid in jus hs history is largely u history of the oualmla ileal ekitertence the uhuroh in hootlalid theart gallery sod muum not fat sway tin wealth uf art treasure in pictures of both old ahd modern masters and great collection of statuary its rooms for natural history urn crowded with rleh specimens ola mows cali brated university founded in 1460 its liege of pbyslcluns us kpyai in firmary its traders hall town hall hoyul exchange und numerous church a all repay a visit a trip down the clyde gives an in teresting conception of the wharves and docks which urford extensive aa comraodallon fur vessels of every des cription from all parts of the world und for its greut ship building enter prises it ws here that jntnes watt the discoverer uf stetini power cum- itemed to adapt it to un htn im engine und it was on the clydi that tin- comet the first boat lit lurope sue tssfully propelle i by stt tun wih umhed in ml glusguwm culm itillwty station is sold tij be the rtnuht und most can loot railway t- rmlntih in great britain it is ths nir from which visit the beautiful unh romupllo ntryhlde of t lie west of bcotlunl it is osprolally uonvtiiient for unyonn who wishes la ppeu i u thty on the bin untuuiy of the cly te taking cuucluded on pago blxl miss riuth i holidaying ut wood hall mr und mrs 3 roberta and doroth of toronto spent the week mid with acton relatives mrs w j held and masters gordon und marvin spout the week end with friends ul moffat miss kttlit dills who has been holl daylng at in r homo ijcm returueil to toronto this wook misses virtu and ivnncwi hurst sthnt u few ilays lust week with re lutivos in i orgus mu ldlth white of gait is holl daylng with her cousin mrs w j held muln street mrs r fc nelson of toronto luu been u guont m the homo of dr and mrs nouon this week mrs charles aklns and miss mamlr of toronto havo been visiting aoton relatives during tho week mr und mrs blelby and children of niagara tails havo been visiting acton relativ- during tho weak mr robert gibbons of toronto has been enjoying a week in the old home and with old friends here mr und mrs a young and mr fred cllm of saginaw imlch visited acton relatives during the week mrs mary cleary and son gerald or toronto sient lost week ut the home of mr j j konnedy mm alfred roper and mm william anderson nrw n pending a day or two wlb trlunds in gait this week little miss helen conway or hunts vllle is visiting her grandfather mr chos conway church street missus allen johnstone und let tie scott are on a holiday trip down the sl lnwrenco uhd to montreal mism marguerite tcoroun uf kit chener is spending a few holidays at the home of mr albert reeaor mr jintl mrs harry bell and oh 11 dren of toronto and mr henry hell via it hi acton frunds this week mism helun mcpherson of toronto is holidaying with her grandmother mrs tho storey maria street mrs tlsdale and mr bert ttadalo or toronto spa nt u few days this wook at th home uf mr william mason mr und mrs george osborne and duitlfhltru of albany n y are guesu of mr and mrs william williams mrs john brown and mis fern went to i oltlngwood on saturday spend the week with friends there mrs alice mel herson spent u few days visiting her daughter miss mary mcplurson ut coimngwood this wee mrs jamas llmle of everton was here on sunduy to visit her brother mr robert brown who was then vory ul mr und mrs hers he 1 shuefley an miss huxel and master lloyd of cleve land qhlo visited acton relullvea this week mr and mrs richard illaxey uf long inland n y uro visiting at the home of mr und mrs t huntley park avenue mr w h gurney atul muster wul lace of wlnghuin spent u duy or so this week ut the home of mr gaonc murray mr and mrs c h harrison beth und margurel had uu enjoyable motor trip to oshuuu and wusugu beach this weak mrs normuii a me tit now tlumhur and mr und mrs irvlt dugun water too visited miss clara brown over he week end col un 1 mrs utephnn mumhull of new york visited mr und mrs thomas mttrshult agnes struct dur lug the wit k messis will und bttiurt murray of ing ntull 1 uv bum i spending u few ys ut the home of their uuvlu mi georgt murruy u 1 llurr gait stiont u fnw i lila h me hat lxf nt golillf to muskuka whure ho will stuiid u few woevs hoh lays dr und mru win soinurvllle un i ihllclreii f hulleybury buvo been spending u wwk or bu ut the homo of 1 yf bomnrvlllu and mm wilbur chulmrs uiil the ilands musical evening milton osnd the massed banda and a vocal profjrsmme plssaed all tho muuliul triii un i r tin uua pices of a ton cuuuiui hun 1 huil krl duy eve nine l p irk ilruw one if ths smallest irowlu tint huvo uttond ed thenn outdoor m rli in tho purk this yuur the wutlmr wun much too coot for an outdoor font tlon und pus hlbly tho number of tlioio which havo bono held barn thlu ytuir hud nopit thing to do with thn umull utti ndunco tho programmo wus howi vnr un exceptionally inn oni nnnilura voro played jy the aclun itun i under bond master muson with hvi uffuct tbo band s own mul uuurloltn gayo u couple of sehutlonn thut woro much approclated th untutt im wni posed of ilandmuhti r a mjinon and bajidumon smith hpullvogot and alox mann master clittrli s hcrymuknur of georgatown in hln hcottluh songs und imitations of hurry 1iiudi r plousol the audience this young lad bus a una clour volco und hlx numbers wore all well rendered mr ii hlgby uc com pan i od him the comedian of tho vi nlng wus un acton bundsmuu mr hurry hlgby and harry wus the muiu un 1rhlay ovenlng of many and batter than nomu of the professional unteruilnern who have playoa horn this your his sunn woro given in comic rout u mo and his jokes were adapted locally and seomod to please tho rowd ho wan voclfar- uusly encored ullor each number miss viola burnley wun utcompunlst for tho quart otto and mr blgby milton band under bandmaster go tins ably sustolnod their reputation as n line musical organisation in tho so loot ions they contributed to the pro gramme they huvo a wull balanced bund und a good slxoil rood section that helped con id drably in tho ran derlng of their numburii messrs got and dewar gave u couplo of fino cornet duetts thut wiro uppreclated y tho audience the milton band is ai ays welcomed to acton fur u fro t or al visit the concluding numbers on tho pro gramme wero pluyud by tho milton and acton bands mussud the miutsed band selections huvo invariably boon a feature and this yuur they were fully up to the standard bum mooter mason had charge and tho united band com prised about fifty musicians rv joseph us culp the now meth odist minister acted aa chairman and his duties wero performed with illty and a very pleasant manner previous votes on prohibition for thirty years the peopte of ontario have given large majorities against liquor the following paragraphs give the result of the various votes in ontario on tho prohibition question since 1894 1894 provincial llablscltti 303 200 vote polled l2 cft dry 110 730 wel majority forapyohlbuton ai too lsspomlnlon plebiscite leilts votwpeued 1g4 498 dry 116 283 wol majority for prohibition 39 si 4 1902 provincial seforeodum303 307 voted polled 109 740 dry 103 548 wot majority for prohibition 94x01 191 on rotmaj of ontario temper ance act l147 78 votes polled 777 637 dry 370 248 wet majority fm prohibi tion 407389 1h1 on prohibition of importation otx 2sb vote polled 39 060 dry 372 63 wet majority for prohibition 10s 874 the perosntugus in fuvof of pro hibition tn tho vurlous contosuo wore a follows 1s4 aa 48 t 1808 b7 17 1001 eo86 101067 74x 1031 60 1ts the above shows that in thirty years the people of ontario who hold tho franchise havo not in unx voto on any measure calculated lo curtail tho trufua in intoxicating iltuor given un ad verso vote with majorities uf from 39 i4 to 407 180 thuy in hulmtunco havo said em phuti cully to thn vurlous gov ernments in iwwor we desire tho prohibition of tho truflii in intoxics ing liquor in our pruvlnca thin week of mr and mm jumes chul mem church street miss bertie speight went to kltch ener yesterday to attend a few duys wllhher friend mrs herbert b broiler anil mrs charles joimsr miss fmmu watklns srrlved home lust wojk after u hollduy trip down the mwdlturruueun lil 1gypt him ulsi vlsltott lu purlti und itndun hhorlff w hil r of norvu und major grunt uf georgetown wuik hum i matunlsy uttundlng the ftluurul of i luto mih hoburt agiuw miss muiulo ululr u oiuuunli d by hot fruitmt jesslo cut gill of mil n turm 1 in iu from holl luylng i mlutlvos lu owen hound ts ii llkuut of humlltn un t m gregg un 1 children if tor onto spent u fuw duys lusl wtek at homo of mr geo h agnew r j viator columun of tbe slutf ismiison mutthuwa limited tot bus gone to montreal to condnoi ranch nf this growing buslniwuj tin iull ubinih agnes miit muy his i r ufiu ut visiting with their uiihidiiiollier mirt julitt chlflholm ttt clrunlloii l uitii milton f n u wmk mm t itnhii tn ml hud in ltolterts artson of 101 on mills hoi oris tiuelpb spsnl homo of mr unl mrat bh mun hoi i mi tlsorgi hun luy ut tli j hun uh gut i go mulupilav of thuyor xumsoui i und mr notts mulnpi uo uf murh xultid tlielr imithfi mr wiiiuiii multiiils mill street durllitf the week renexer parsonase destroyed fire broke out on friday after dinner and totally consumed the pisco a disastrous dre broke uut in tho hbeneser puraunuki on tho guolph itoud nuauugawt yu lust lrlduy uhorl ly after noon und tin lino bfluk build ing was soon u innhx uf ruins tho origin of th lire is entirely uhi known rev s w ilium tho minis ter who cumn lo tin circuit in july upon tho removul uf lluv qeurgo s casnmore 11 a tn uu ntiw hurgu was ut home with mih uuini jutt uftor dtiimr tiu hud sum nut lu tit under tlu titcm und lu u whorl time hmrd u hutst in thn houui he went ut ono to lnvistlgiito diheovored thut tho filing of on tr tho downstairs rooms hud fallen in und that the wholo upper part of tho building wus u muss of flam os neighbors taniu ut tuic und succeed ed lu gelliiifc wotnii nf tho rurnlturv out at tho burning hull ting istlt most uf the household i ffi lu und ihi kersouil belongings uf lu v und miw lluiiu woru burned lhn houuo wun totally dca troyeil the shook of thn hr utfn t i mm i aim seriously and she wiut riinovtul to guolph hospital ho pursonago wus u subsluntlul brick building of two mtonyu und ws kujit ih guod mitulr iho lnu is pur llslly covure by insurmut the build will tio doubt bo rebuilt miss bessie wood hull or actpn sc- oomianlud by mian s msrgurlte and icisie htewurt of milton n tyrne i from a two weeks vmutlnii ut luku lyubshu muskoku mas u mihm viul mrs mono bun icttu of chicago u fuw duys with mr wlllluni mas n n inpunhxl by ml d tuulit r mltu huvu buou upendln n fi umry i tntlmr lusun john hiiut mr utid kim ii ii kulhif mustnr gllfortl uml baby loottu uf 1otulon v und mm m it tollui un i mux ters uilb and llwoi d of loroulu vlsltwd ul mi j i gumbwn un hun hoy mrs glurles fluott ujid liar iluugh lor miss dotothy of ldmunton al berta havo been visiting frunds in aoioq und vicinity during tho week mrs elliott wus miss konnedy a daughter of the into paul hunnody esq uf the fifth lino tho fumlly re movvl u drydun new ontario it goo 1 muny vi in ugu mr u tul mrs it u wuiishrogh und mr und mm hoy wumhnujh r-turn- ul rroiu tholr visit i i tho 1 ultlo count un suturduy ith y vbtltod luunv tiiends in tbuli fiun r hinm hi wash ington stun uul in tho cnuadiuti wuf thny rtiturtte1 through tho cjmimllun ltokiun und xptiit a duy tr no itt llunrf thuro thuy c illed un mi mil mm iv o ittoliurdh iv mint iuurl itukui und found th m ui tl tin it fumt ly well und prnnpihliig thi h f i inn is hurt un glud lo soy tlu in kufih hotno l hi i 4-

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