Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 21, 1924, p. 5

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ii cj- y- ri fi 4 artmt jw fob tiniitaijav august si im matrimonial mathematics alihouhli tuo wore made onn thoyru not una any mora tin- iminv stork loft twins and now they are four cincinnati knulror ml lo and the pair ho madu mow counted as five- hastings tribune thoa pher father cvtnq on oil just to watch tricks hn staying her lint and now there nro six ijctfou fro pre then his nlster cabin on 1 when hoohub wont lo heaven hbo hasnt loft yet and dow tli or iro itnvni cherluetnn new then an- uncle arrlv in a pvotihoon mmii- hea there irixxl jiqst fast and now lhr uro olh ntilirusku city ir imagine tho crowd whan tlw stork cump again added two to tha faintly and now there are ion twenty years ago from the laaue thursday of tho free press of auaust 28 190 vat por nearly thirty years tho f psxss has been delivered to roadsrs in town at their homes by our carriers this plan has had its advantages but tnvre has necessarily been a laek of uniformity in tha time of- dellvory som receiving tholr paper at nine oclock and othars not till noon or after we have therefore decided to place all paper in tho post office for doll vary hereafter at nine oclock every thursday morning they will be delivered to the postmaster and every dor in town raajsecure their copy at that hour f fine worm harvest weather now v hew wheat is bringing a dollar a bushel this weak italn has been rather plentiful the post couple of wmka the oat crop now being harvested t turning out very well mr- fred planky 4fllvered the first load- of new wheat at nobles now levator j after being thro tiroes postppnod on account of rain tha baptist sunday pehool held their annual plcnlc in warrens grove on tuesday afternoon 1 the weekly smash on tueg t r at georgetown occurred early on rxuesday morning this week tea cars ocrcmtl augar cement and furoltura avjoiiy party of young people chau- rooed by mrs devlu end mrs first brook- participated in a hayrack ride teatthursday evening a drive was taken fay roundabout route to llme- house where a corn roast and merab- mallow tot were enjoyed over huge bbnflre on the rock r the baseball match postponed sat- urday august 18 owing to the rain will be ployed in the park here this afternoon t the town hall was crowded on tuee- day evening at a metlnf ot clttseaa called by reeve swaojcbamer to dls- cqbji the question of permanent road ways for the municipality the rv oc the chair and ftera prellm- inary proptajnme of musjcsjand llter- mty nuinbera by iooal artlaba intro- itueed mr a m campbell pepni mmbiec of pubtla works for on mr campbell save a very interosunv redme of the hlstnry of the good roads novaoriaai in ontario and then rtnrlaw leol actons experience in road baudlm prom fururee siipplta fay the reeve and clerk ho afaowed thmt in the laat fonrteen years we have expended mooon oar street 18000 for patett- v uriewioks and lt000 in pefrnhjng end he coptendsd if actons atreeta erereln a wore condition a qtuurter of k century ao than tber are today after all tha money waated upon them i like to have a ahotor the bonibje condition iw in thebylaw propoeed is to expend m000 for permanent macadam road- vraye which will be ideal in every re- apeot and the payment for the same la extended ovr a period of twenty they l jsemrdmore a co nave offer- t rthe entire coet of the etreu they use most and thl j much epprectated by thajmunlclpaulty jutr0vt our cltiaenlt expreeaed ikhemahrew oir abe subject end the pro- ceedlnie of- the evenlns were inter- wpet wtth deiictitfu prokramm niv mukhjal and literary nambeta 7jyv iat tbeetinsi of h councu on 457 r voday evenlnv the ux rate for 1m4 v warnckon mni hiber than- hut teuo mills on the dollar 1 x born rtttltb in acton on8ahday axvat llwmrandmt awhlto aon i thuraday july v j b- taylor larluthjcits jn acton on 8undsv joty ii to mr and mrs carrvthsr i dmucbtert jvarrjcn at cedir creek karra on tuesday august to mr end mrs am i warren a son ixl wii wal2ucbfthurstcwat the home i r ofjthe hcldes mother on wednesday t auxpst 17 by rev j b waas msa r- amrmn 8 weaace to sdna thurs- v tonof wbodktook daughter of mrs alex fawcetviate of- acton- 1 oifeo t at tbetbkptltfareonake bvarcmlch on thursday- august i v wv rev- a n maamlee aged yseja m walking diplomaoy on tbv thjtpostii of the empire of v india uw tribes sre led- lo loyalty tp v the snslbiiti by a variety of measures j which are not only an evidence fct of dlplommcyi but are amualnk mm rj win an bsrurush omolal a tborougb master qfthe netlve ehontetar had recall direst head man to deal with he de atred the man to come to his bunga- mi 0wnd apeak to him the agitator vsettlvsd in patent leathep abvee andm tsuropean frock coet it inaitesili of talking over the matter jwnlcll vraa serious 1n hts private room bur 0v3er started walking with the bead man a little way in front of thlc v horsee which were led by syces they v walked through populous villages where both were wellknown and talked tajtably although the portly obleftaln was becoming more and more exhausted at wiry atei yv he tried in every way tf suggest rd lng instead of walking but ttially biitbjboraoer would huvo none of it mnwhlle the sun waxed m6re bdvrerfulnd the road became more said thariew aahlb pointed in auch ujfi after walking tx mites the 4 brojaebed the matter of con- tentlon uponwhich the native unr itryvdlrmv usi and declared he would if onlyhe might get on hijipeoieithus a reasonable and jugtkgi vetdvnt wax ultimately came n and ban hovek been broken the con- tracing berttea are stlfl fast frlenus vand the vauve jxmstatjtly telle the i lory with great good humor against ftyt hteelf lv pawarful and the road beoa ryolt atqny mtu the native said feffifoamrt tdown but the aahl rr y ut the diaraapeot implied i svmgbeeiob the souday school- lbsson for sunday august 24 1024 tub new illbtiirjolin 8 1-lt- qolden text kor ood so loved the world that ho gave ms only hegottnn son that whomoever bollovnth on him nhoull not- iicrlnh butr liuvo elernil lirejohn 1 the temt explained vorso 1 a ruler of the jows pro bably a member of tho banhlrln tho muttreme council and hlglipmt court nf jubuco u jerusalem controlling all 1 he affairs of tho jewish church and star though at thbi time subordinate to the ilomin eutlkirltlns verse 8 born nnvw or from above verne the wind blowoth a phrase sometimes translated thesprll brathed the wonli for wlnrt and sulrlt being identical in tirock llear- tit the voice or nauqd ho is every one that is born of the hiilrit par taker of a life and hopo and joy hlddei from all who have not tbemselvea bo jogio partakers of the same new life vorso how can thrwe things be ituther tranfplro or corae lo pass verwo 1 1 verily vorily a solemn form of emphasis- when coming the- end of a clause or eontenc the wordssaalns its greek form and glvi us our familiar amenj wo speak- iteferring to jesua and his disciples vorao 1 earthly things such i transpire on earth though eternal and heavenly in character heavenly thing the deeper mysteries concerning oods plan for the salvation of mepl vers 14 the serpent in tho wllder- noae this serpent mentioned in num- 21 8 was a teat of faith which many of tho unfortunate israelites who had been bitten- by the senents did not endure vecse is lie lifted up in like man nor on the cross whoovartelleroth rreveii in tho face of christs appar ent defeat ut the tlmn of his cruel fix lo a severer test of mans faith than was that of the desert pllcrlms eter nal life or life evorlssllng vorso 18 it has been thought by some that verses 18 to 21 contain not a continuation of the words of jesus but rather the evangelists comment christs words recorded above tpu sixteenth verse ie often called the gos pel in miniature containing aa it does the suin and substance of the glad udlngs which cljrut came to bring to men verse 17 not to judge the world nevertheless- his life and example judges every man whose life does not come up to the standard of that ex ample the life of jesustnus becomes a touchstone of character hence the argument of the next verse ijsesen thames the character of nioodemus nlco- detnus was a prominent member of the sanhedrin the moat august and aristocratic body of officials in the jewish church he sought an inter view with jesus by night to confer in regard to his teac wag he a coward dreading- the pubucltyhia con duct would occasion or did he hope to geta better underaandltik by ah uh- obetruslve vlsltt marcpa doda ob- in dealing with nioodemus a sincere and thoroughly decent but unspirltua man our lord bad dim- culty in lifting hj thoughu off- what was- external and woridty fixing l that wag inward ndheavet- icarla ly this nlgbt interview wltb jesut halifax to ton gala attire 1jr brlnga in strudng- contrast a typical convenuonai eoeleslaatand oar lard and hla ardlrltual ungdonx there is such a radical dlnterenov that nioodemus must be made over be come a new man- evpertenoa a- spirit ual rebirth to enter the saviours ser vice varieties of religious experience jievetoped llnee about her mouth apd plffareat til jrorm fundamentally the pantathara are many types of per sonalexperience in conversion l the lumplest la- a natural nnfoldlng it represenu the undisturbed proce of spiritual development in an fnnocent child trained in a christian home and surrounded by pore and pious influen ces from the cradle up there need be no marked crisis in this and yet it may and should be a real coming to the oonafiotianess of qod bringing the real presence ocechrist la the heart and leading to a real consecration to him timothy seems to have been an exampld of natural- spiritual trnfoldlng jrm young ut ottbe maj- tsrhlmaeb seems to have been given us to show liter be possible for chil dren to grow in wisdom aa they grow in stature and also to grow in favor with ood and man z a peaceful awakening there la an awakening of soul which is quiet the penitential element is there but it is aot con- ppicuqux it la the typical conversmn of aboy or girl the wise teanbsr baa saot stressed the childs guilt nor told him that god is angry with him but ho has told him that god u bis palher that be love blmad wants him- to coma to him and lye his bean an j hlalove t himi g thei penitential awakantnaf many young people who nave led oofllnary uvea- of good conr duct with perhaps more or leas care- uss about spiritual thing bave this experience tboir oonveraion l more ilka an awakening to the new sense of religion of duty of eternity and of pod they are sincerely sorry for their misdeeds end- confess them all to god wtth the solemn promise jo give their hearts to biro and y do his will henceforth if they have done tainga foolish and weak- but have turn ed away from these to ood in sincerity and in truth ood js always very near to such 4 the rectamatlonsl or re volutionary this is uiq experience of those who have wandered far from god and have marif elns to repent of their hearts have beephard and wick ed for a long time and they have locf grieved the holy spirit naturally they will be profoundly convicted of tbetr evil waya before they can experience the great joy of being forgiven when they come to understand that the grace of god is sufficient to pardon vtq their sins hey- will have q turn away from their old haunts and srom their- evil companions and seek the society of christians in the church their- conversion w1 revolutlonuvi their sins they wlllbeve to lam other forms off religious experience although the manner may v be dtffereai the axperienob is fuodaxnen tally the eame it is the definite tekuxatton of the incoming bt tha spirits presence which transforms life end makes it if begun by a new birth when using wilsons fly pads thclrc is only one waytokhl blithe flies one hundred and seventyfive yeaie ago colonel the honorable edward comwallls twinbrother of the gay archbishop of canterbury and unclo- tn lord cornirallls who surrendered to washington at tarktowrt sailed ills majestys ship sphinx followed by bey toll wooden sisters merry jack fair tady and eleven more into what is today halifax harbor it wan esteemed a great fleet for those long go days and the voyage across the atlantic took many week hali fax i to a thriving modern city and a great port but aha forgets not the brave engllahjnen who laid the firm foundations oh which sh in bulided be nrst fortnight of august wui witneae a carnival celebration in honor of halifaxs 17th birthday a replica of the sphinx will sail into the harbor and the landing of- com- walllsand his crew will be reenacted at some spot along the shores of point pleasant park jt is impossible to an chor where the original- sphlnx didj aa a ma as of puira belonging to a great oil industry now covers that part if tho harbor clad in the picturesque costume of 1748 the impersonator or the founder of halifax will step ashore with hi en tourage and joined by the waiting throng proceed to some pretty glade in the park or to the grounds gf dal- houalo university there a- panto- mime of laying thef oundatlon of what proved to be a citadel cjty and a fort- resa for britains catabllahment on tbla continent will take place indian and kvench in oldtbne dress will be n attendance mapy entertalnmenta are planned for the carnival weeks yacht raxet regatta horse races athletic conteala and military tattoos are somcof them the carnival wtu coincide with the visit of the british world squadron of warships and also the anton of an international yacht race with 17 en tries from new itochelle n t to halifax the northwest arm will pro vide boating and bathing end delight ful aooka for plenies along its pretty shore tbe unveiling of the tcroes of sacrifieec a fine metnorlaljn nonor of tne nova fscotlan who died at eeia during the world war will occur on the headlands of point pleasant park neva scotia hi a truly delightful summer vacatlonland jnd draws many tourists from l far and near each year halifaxs celebration wlll an added attraction cor 1834 visitor to that sea province aimultaneous conversion the late blahop fowler of the metbodlat church is crodlted with the following yarn his text was that sincere creed no matter how diverse should bind christians together the washington star quotes him as fol- f johnpf3mllh wia a presbyterian h jones was a baptist tbey hesitated about marrying because they feared that in later life when the little religious disputes might arise thus tbe- years passed neither would renounce their church john smith grew bahl and hannah jonus eyes it wv complete deadlock the world amid then john was sent abroad for n year by his firm to buy fancy good he and hannah corresponded rekular- ly toward the years end by a re markable coincidence each received from- tbe other a letter the two lottere m in the malls tbey paid friend john the obstacles that stood in theway of our marriage havo at last ben removed this day i was reejeived la full membership in the presbyterian church hannah dearest hannah we have no long er any ground tor delaying our union further i united myf thii dayjwlth the baptist church john fergus freellon- gait muscular rheumatism subdued wben one la a sufferer from muscular rheumatism he cannot do better than to have the region rubbed with dr thomas eclectric oh let the rubbing be brisk aad continue until case fa ured there is more virtue in bottle or it than can be fully esti mated an easy job a certain biamber of parliament- baj reeeed a pronounced disbelief in meat of the wonderful tuios told nf tho precocity of children he content t the stories axe usually manu factured by older persons with the soul object of making amusing read ing once in a while however his theory receives a setback by some thing- in hi own experience und he ifeases usat he has come across scene genuine humor und unconscious witticisms one such was hroughl to hla notice lauly l sunday jjchool examination wo la drogreas and the examining visitor put this question what did mosee do for a living while he was with jethrot following a longunce a little voice piped up from the back of thettom please air he married one of jeth- roa daughters mlles worm powders were devised to promptly relieve children who suffer from the ravages of worm- it u pimple pretention to destroy stomac- hl and tntaatlnal worm without shock or injury to the meet sensitive syntem tbey act thoroughly and painlessly gad thpugh in seme cases they may cause vomiting that is an indication of tbalr powerful acilon and not of any naoaeatlng property ks i i marvc lauaaoain i oavgr loved that little lamb fevv aa when ijaund it tin plat the qthrdav fer study and dleeaaateiv who was nloodemuat describe the dignity of his mtattoiraa- a member of the saahedrtn why did he seek a secret interview wltb jeans t what eomjmrtsoa ulfd jesus use to show the spiritual natura of true relurionf wky do christ unexpartohoes differ t show- that the divine eleraentis alwayenres- entvfbatever hhe form describe thjee- types of owveraiont are they essentially tbe same in- their results on life aad cbargpwrt does jesus life throw ajiy tight osuthe tyie which should bemostcultlvitedt dally readings far neat week monday august 36 john 4 414 tuesday auut 18 john 4 14st wedsjsjfday august 17lsa44i 3- thursday august si john 7t 17 14 i prlday august 18tak 41 r l- iuroay auansi muaba 8 s14 aoodoyaujruav iisatm 1 ui naman csktreatl 0 let his t oi of tesasjk fan fahtl- llat ef theee in which acton people will be irtareated the following la a list of fall jrair datea issued by tb agricultural socie ties branch of the ontario department of agriculture in which tbe people of this vicinity win bo interested acton september js14 abarfoye octobjar s bolton september 8jx8 september 18- september itxfc septembar 84j8 18h bramoum t burlington caledbn cookavlile durham ju- a j j georgetown- london milton september 80october 1 october 18 september t88 sebtember 1880 october s4 oreingevllle rockwood streetsvllle toronto weston september 818 september levit september 1818 september x81t september 80october 1 october u august xsseptember october j4 choked for air- 80m little irritant becomes lodged in the bronchial tubes others gather and the awful choking of asthma reaulta nothing- offers such quick and positive- relief as dr j d ketloggs asthma remedy the healing soothing smoke or taper pene trates clears the passages and give untod relief it has behind it yearn of success it is the sure remedy for every sufferer a gift for m 6th eh from the baby draw an outline of tha babys foot indublng the toe if it is possible to get the v pencil between them and- having cut it out for a pattern cut duplicates of it from blotting paper aleo ctt one foo from heavy water- color or bristol board for a cover tie the blotters and tbe cover to gether and through boles neaxjtbft big toe and the heel insert a ribbon by which to suspend a pad oft the ooves you can decorate ac cording to your taste write or print i will atop on your biota and after th inscription put the babys nam if the child is bid enough and ha learned to write let him sign hi name himself children can us the same idea in making valentine blotters in that case they will writ some such senti ment as v if yuutl accept this foot- of mine ill glsdly be your valentine ueusjiy children itfce to make their dkn lines and it is a good plan to let tltorn do it his character the old hiring- fajra are still held i soma rural districts qj knguhd the t a atory f an old gloucestershire farmer who seeing a likely ud at audi a place opaned negptlatons with u view td engaging him hast got characrter- from thy lant placer the fartner asked pno repjied thaboy hut my ohv gaffer be about somewhere and i ceo get he to write one vety wej was the reply- thee gat ft and meet i hre again at four oclocx the farmer and the boy met at tti appointed hour hast got spy chemoturt wu the query the answer was short and sharp w i ha got thine and 1 bee nt aoomjng alscftambucdmetaphor yea salajtb lecturer attempting an eloquent climax to his i4es all atecslh untrodden- path of nature yoa can see the footprints of an un a fitting rebuke m worklngmon not only have tha aen- altlvenoes of othor peopla aboot their personal integrity but eom tiroes may liave s ueatwy of replying to an imputation upon it- f a carpenter sent to make earns re pairs in a private liouse entered the apartment of the lady of the hous with his apprentice uury tho lady called to her v van 1 that my jewelcase i locked at qncel the carpenter understood he moved his watch and chain from hk veal with a significant air and gave them to hla apprentice john he said take the right back to the shop it seems that the bouse isnt safe his idea of ir what tha wisest man knows is only a drop in the bucket it la nothing to be astonlabedd at therefore that a young fellow of ordinary intellectual gtta aboujd be ignorant of so -bbm- plleatad a matter as the structure of a ladys gown but no doubt somo fenu nine readeseu will be amused by a bit of a story related in tbe phylsdeplhta while dancing at a summer resort young man was so unfortunate as to tep on a ladys gown and tear it hemad an earnest apology i hope it isnt rained hapeuasly he saldj oh no was tho owner kind re- spotise t shall only hae to put an other breadth in jlt th exp of the young mkns face changed from distress to bewil derment another breadth t he murmuredv the girl smiled and entered into n detailed explanation of the waya gown was made the catting goring stitch ing and wbatnol twell well said the youbg nuu drawlngalong breath i haw learned sojnaftblnsi i aboaya supposed women just gathered the stuff up xound their svaista whole i never dreamed thai it was all jovt up and then put to gether again a prlfa dreaelnej for wkunds in aoa factories and workshops carbolii acid la kept foruae in cautertxlng nroupds apd cut sustained by- the workmen far better to keep on hand a bottle dr thomas eclectric oil itta juataa quick in action and doe ttot jscar the akin or born tbe tleab harvesters excursions via canadian national rauway6 solid trains run through o winnipeg without change new convertible berth cohnlt car wiu add to the comfort fo the journey and lunch counter cars wjlube attached to the train barring food aad retreahment at reasonable pgice special cars will be provided for women tiie especial haxveeters train on the c national kailway from all ontario polnu avdvertled will make ithe fastest time to winnipeg operating via the new longuui cuton he abortaj- routo between eastern and western cejiada- haryeatara travelling by this route will as s7cnquepoo be fhst in the field the- brat train isavei toronto one minute after midnight of august 31st 1801 ani aippist x8nd the fare l a oat rate of 81 to wln- nlpesj and a half a cent a mils beyond jvsufrnlng the fare 1 half a cent- per mue winnipeg and t0 naok to starting point- j foe full partldulars re far train service etc apply to nearest can- edlan national agent an embarra881ng victory tbjj is it djgga fjwt room ax mtfcfra pomibli jon tow mimdowmi rtuwoit of th btiadm where th mm mhiaem nafronx imhf in pgy ax jcaay wiltons fir pd a posxroi on jjgfig properly wetted wltb wuierjtut not gooded ob to wiodme jetfre where tbe light is strong leave th room doted for two or libra boarng fjatn mwecp up fae- siem mad barn them vm tlltatnctjaa below ptrf the ttfmto mwef out oi tho mmch oi ckoren umto f natrmd in soother room v the right wiytoijsc wilsons pads goodbye to care and woiritsstob l forgetting all the rest of the world in the glorious fasapntirtn of ihe sea v torevel in the luxury of beautiful surroundings to joirt in the joyous oodfcllowship of the ocean to be entertained or to remain quietj at your pleasure to develop a ravenous appetite and find meals offhe most satisfying excellence to receive thoughtful coartvi eous at and have your desires anticipated and gratified such is a voyage by cana dian- pacific btn- press- or monoclass c a bin ships to europe fixing the figuhe a comic contemporary publish a brief but tplltng satire on mal- adle of the very rich and idle a rlasawhkh in this country is baspuy very email dtwlqts jam did tbt lady in tha waiting- room- came in her own poach or atroileytoarr bsrvsut ttolleymsar sir doctorrthanks i couldnt let from her dree whether to presc three mamfis newport or sulphur und moiw a young lawyer not noted for his intelligence says j and comment suooeeded u getting a client acquitted of murdek a frleudwho met him on tbe atreet a few days afterward over whelmed him w warm oungrauila tlona yes be said mopping his brow f got him ot put it was u narrow escape a narrow eaeapel utiwr ah the tightest oura you ever mwi you iuiqw i examined tha wit neeaaaand made tho arguments mh eetr the plea being mlfdeenma the jury was out two whole dr vlo- ally the judge asked w ha the trouble nly one thlag tour honor rr piled tbe foreman wa the prison ers couneal retained by or ap pointed by the oourtt tia gentlemen the prisonev is a man of men said thn jutgs and asaured hie own counsel t could not e what bearing tbe uueetlon had on tbe evidence con tinued the lawyer rbut mtnutes latedr in died the jury and what do yon think tbe verdict was -whaft- aaked hla friend why not guilty en th ground of insanity 1 v bwtime tables at acton going west no 88 808 am no 81 10jbsm vo 83 32 p-m- no 88 608 pm no 18 83 pm mo 38 hunday 102ffnm going east no- 2l 70bam so an litsem no 31 s3 pm no 30 z 417 pm o 311 813 pm sm 21 hun lay 701 pm y 4 toronto suburban electric ii railway m westbound dully kxc htnijayl 743 nin oally i- b43 m dully 1143urfi daily 1 ml tt rtuuy 343 pm f dally i 743 pm dally 043 p dally r 12j3 am eaatbound dally i 743 nm dally iczcept hominy 043 am jlfy dally 1143 um dally 143 pm dally 343 pm v dally 643 pm daily 743 pm r dally 048 pun dally 1140 pm vrslgnt delivered by special express freight freight picked up at any ad os in toronto mwhinton wmtdunaker and jeweller antique and modern clocks of all kinds ropajrvd und cleaned all work guaranleei contracts taken late repairer of clocks at kenalngvm palaco army and navy club naval und military club carlton clubs etc wallpapers stat ionery china eta this seasons wallpaper are now ready stationery end toys agency singer sewing mco needles and oils parker ye works china and glass and crockery hwhinton successor to late geo hyndx acton toronto t e gibbons expert shoe repairlflq prompt attention to orders left t e gibbons akain btrbxtt acton otes mriaihad3tvxr acton elevator v hear otr station following ruids on hand flour manitoba fuour pastry rolieitoata oat chop oats 1 oilcake hay and orain grain bought and retailed alex l noble heifby awrev manager all mlherp can putawajreaxlety regarding their suffering ahudeq when they have wother arave worm ttot- tertnanator toglv rllefv its effect wra nd usupg- v the mpat obetlpate cornatfall to re sist holloway corn rsuover try it- i- moltheri fletchers castoriab a hiitnieastlmtitnte for titori qlcwsgoric tcethpig drops and soothing syrnjw prepared to relieve infants in arms and children all agesr of constipation vindoojic v flatulency xo stfeeton stjotracb- djarrhea regulate bowels ald3inkhcijsinulatiwof poodpronwlingcheeruujesretnnil natural sleep withqut opiates l j to ivoilt luilutiod atwmy look lor tbe vlgiuiure o catcjufy pmvimvhi t ifvee press jb printings iv always neatly done thit stores policy to represent goods ex actly u to their quality to soli to ttioso who know and to those who dont know at a uniform taj r price to fulfill all ukrantocs and cheer- fuhy correct all mia- takes to deacrvo v confldence by alwaya giving you satisfaction vf- savage co jtmtum ouelph ontario ia vvx- v-

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