fiftieth year no 10 thuksday morning september 4 1024 acton ontario canada thursday morning september 4 1024 single copies five ccnta tiik mefuodist church acton rev josephu8 culp pulor persoriagawlllow st iloo u n the minister hubjort four wollu dug by ihuuc 330 p m huutiiiy hchool 700 p in tim minister hubjeot 1ilnrn downwind hlepii yotjno mkkwiiy not lict iin niii your presbyterian knox church acton mlnlatar rev a c stewart m a manse willow street lo oo u m hlhln duns hindi- in matthew diopter xv 10 00 a in hunduy hahool 1100 a ntio minister huhjoct a now onlor 700 in tim minister hutjnot two possible courses which hliftll i take htrongnrs leaving address with tho ushers will ho called utwin by to pastor all ahe cohdially invrthad special notices onu l range xxlr for sale mm hultii hionb iiio kitchen uj actou at on finn iut 3 wanted sovrnl gtov htftuhy ifyfltor olovlfl co nine 1 pigs thn for bale no v hi weeks old und al ouths old apply to tiiomah ijoildom lot 32 third linn for bale i happy thought hanso in good con dlllon apply to ntank kennedy tf wellington sirwit for sale now brick house clght rooms til modern convimlcncwl for particulars apply to stkiiiem coiumnkit mill stroot aotoi farms for sale 45 karma in tho counties of hajton and weill net on viryinff from 40 to 100 acres lot u send you our list- i a numbo of homoi and buloa plmco in acton for saje ptre and life insurmnoo money ti lon j a- smith llaaj katto agent phone 105 acton ont school days mean school supplies wn have u good una of school supplies including scribblers nolo honks drawing books cmyonh iafnls ionclu pens ink hubbors air in fact moil everything- needed for these school duys unit nt vary reason able prices oo stationery a good h 0 of stationery envelopm otc novelties w uto huvt u wide range of small goods vornn amnll purses in dlftorenl styles mid sixes h run 1 1 boys hport caps 3 tic each iv you dont bek what you want ask foil t e w masters mtu 8trebt acton 66th annual oakville fair and horse show friday and saturday sept 12th and 13th grand carnival esoh evanlhfl big attractive midway mstyqoround dancing oakville concert band afternoon- snd evening l h cohnwalu hpatrsas rugs and blankets jn a homekeepers sale just tukc inventory this week of your households blanket needs for cold weather and tor sleeping outofdoors then corrio to guclph prepared to find sonic exceptionally good values at macdonnlds in blankets isought before the recent advance grey wool blankets in the first special twenty pairs arc available for this weeks out- oftown customers ut the special figure per pair 171 scotch wool blanket in the hccond special these in generously largo size a limit ed numbed for outoftown customers at per pair 975 specials in comforters tk 975 and 1075 two special prices downtilled in both instances every room in the home provided for when all the kiks are reduced values of a kind that would muko it wise to buy even if you had to store these rugs but thay arc not tho kind you will have to store they urc just buch rugs as are wanted ntthis moment inscores and scores of homes for instance six wilton ttujebfiizo 0 ft 9jh by 0 fr reduced to n1950 two wilton rugs size 0 ft by 10 ft 6 in reduced to 62 one wilton rug size 0 it by 10 ft 0 in reduced to one brussejis rug size 0 by 12 ft reduced to 3250 six axminster jtfatfl 30 by 05 inches reduced to 600 one wilton rug size 0 by 12 ft rcg 120 reduced to hm two wuton rugs- size 0 by 12 ft rcg 0500 reduced to 81 eight axmirtflter mats 36 by 03 inches reduced to 845 eight wilton mata 36 by 03 inches reduced to 1165 twelve grass mats 30 by 00 inches special at each 69c news of local import oualnsa sa usual wmh ktirlnlnly vary reassurins thfv ta tin cy teuin nkase1 tho dny r flio iiik firs in ronvsylntf slilp hit of npwsra ilsnnlmora coi rhdfn1iinuftto tbo iwllwy school pupibf aatcr show fins exhibition pslltlon amono hs vouno folu lis nl of tills onloritlalli is tho innther uausl fftvorlti nrni yhs paopts apprsolsts it tim urniiiifomrnt of tin tortinln tin inn btin nhmtrln nmil for imvlns utnxil uii4 rnntiiict willi thilr cars nt itiiniipynnulo kouil and convoy pus- mtnuih illront to tho exhibition kcmiinlm ts provlna sf urojit oonvonlonco in tuiiilntf run ar tukon at tho ex- hlblllnn kut on ami tukon u tho nloctrla ijni wlilunil hnnijo yes all the oriental rugs included in the price reductions too l n exquisite thiogs to be esteemed in every home whole beauty dwells if you can possiblydnvc to guelph this week youll be delighted to sec these at their new low prices e macdonald bros ltd guelpets leading and largest stoee yeekend specials have you been our display of smiles n chuckles in bulk we have ten different centres to choose from in hard and cream centres they arc tho choicest of chocolates lady caramels lady caramels in vanilla and chocolate with nuts through them- this is justa fresh shipmentand are nice atui mellow assorted chocolates vanilla pineapple orange and strawberry in cream centred butterincs caramel and nougat centres in the hard ccntrci regular 10c and 50c tb weekend special 32c our ice cream parlor como in and try a lovely lady t nicest b on the menu a full assortment of bulk and bricks at all times mill street acton h wiles labor day s rssl holiday ltniiily linn ijjlxir hay ben so bn- irulll ilntrviil usujwns on monday tim bright but cooler west hoi- renil- onjil lli 1uy u dollbbt fully summery unit vultnrm in fcjmuts in town were niunnroum but visits of our cltlsnns to outsliht mints mi r tumscd this nurnbsr muny wnt to tho bltf toronto fair uimhnth wont out to country beauty hts for ulunlcs motoring was iloiitiitlit und wuw hululffod in very luridly 1irtijilo foimrully want to worn nvt ilny with u vim ns a tut of th iijoyubu- holhlay kssplno ths strata tidy tli ijiks russs lias qultn u lncko inviloiim and nffwrspmior wrnnpor hlrh i htntt throush tho ot oolco li luiiim who ilmnped thnm mrolossly i tho u trout uftor iiitsnlnff llmli ps m or oiroulnm it would not improve mlr rtiiiiitntlon for tlilyne li roht in kneplnif the stmots iwn in iirumuntublu oondltlonm wem in lliiluvs published in thosu columns wn forlnmr for the prtaent in tbe hoi thut tho mi tidy habit will he dl-con- in lied harle fa u i knar barrlats re visits mr churle koulkner of vernon c who loft acton for the west thirty yours nri ip been here this wooing ronewlntf friendships of former hvm mr faulknnr msrrlstl his first ifo in acton khe was miss unore slstor of miss kllanth moor wil li f htnet after mrs faulkners until mr fnulkner went wast ita is boon- ivtctlnlns low for u numbar of youm ut vernon but the yournlntf for tlm old icnalsh home has become kocii und recently he dlaposed of his pumth in llritlsh columbia mill is novv iminute for kue land who nee mrs knilkiier preceded him in may mr vunlkiior found u few friend of form or tuyn in town during ids visit the parish ov so n hiliool iiijiiih m hnturdny n hull utrloi llfferent cxhlliltnrh wore throe clusses to ayes of exhibitor uml third prison in comtnondiiil llrki him d foi lh rih the following urn j jirlso wlnnnrn agsa 0 to s yesra limit aster ttny coliupjiobby mur- ahull muyllriivo iilu murxliull host fl uny itilors liubol hwilxoi oeo hwltaer may liruru heat 3 while vlvlun mmullon heat collertlon vlvljm mrm iiltn mlrky ilolitu- hobby muruhnll cmh- inendml iil marshull age 0 to 11 yeera host astoi uny color iuhi hruiu allan marshall mildred ioln commended velmu i huh ileal 0 any colors murjory hwltair howanl mwltsur mlldmd nolliiir oomtnomlml clarion morton itest 3whlt velma lllulr mllilre1 ilolllnser nest colter llonmiidmd hollhikor isabel llruco jhyllln ilownld lain- mended volma illalr ages 12 to 14 vsra host aster uny roloi mnriiund mn- honald mux htnrkman oonloji itdi commoiklod jack hymon jet fl why idloim jmk hytnoii oordon coiipr murjory hull com mended hobby hull host 3 whit mur moponuld fjordon coopot jorlnn hold cor mended mm hturknnm best collet tlnnmuricurot mido w clurence anderson mux htnrk man commendedcthiino kelly 1rlxes of uiioful urtlrleu for tint cliil- dreti were ulvnti to vuch wllilloi homn very lln blooms won uhown to have hunt urown fi om the himd given to the 1ilbllu kchhd pupllu lust sprlna- by the horticultural hocluty as could be scon fiom tlm uxhlbltt at the show very fuvoruble comniont whm miide by tho juilnes on the quallly of tln flowort showliiif thut interust uml cure in tho srowlnjf of tholr plants hud oontlnued from the tlnio the weed wum wn till thd blooms worn rudy for exhibition tho juditos wore mrs jj c ttuksell rs k t thetforl mr hruco lnf- tho conimlttoo in uhurif f very raleful o ull who unslstnd to make this nrst event for tin- children no eminently suecomiful ifomeward bound with canadian editors party incidents of the clotting week of thla very pleasant journey overscan condial fellowships enjov- able experiences fra grant memories ano happy home coming aft the journnlltlo tu thl y m c in luut itmui i pin ly oft in referred to in cumidliin editors kroupjf to i mi poet tlie iihopii und olliei interoxtliiif plucrs not ijiidy vlulled prevloindv in thl leiid- intr hy of tho not th of iroluiiii letter they were proud to ixlilblt their pur- chuuou of rholid irhdi lliiom nuiipery hiutk thorn sticks tind xprlits of shll- leluubu il u tltthru of irlah hovel- ties social and personal spent monday in mr hurold kennedy upeni the wee lid in toronto mr und mrs k unit spent tho wool nd in toronto mr karl coopor spent the liolldu t hlx home her mr unit mr i hnrrlnon woi news of local import acton vocsllat st the exhibition sir john lwlu vui ulhit imiik in tho vlth frhnds li miss oluru n to i havurjt sitit ronlo friends event of tin it fie i ulwuys be hold in p briilice wun the oiiori tholr itoyal hltfhndh iiohm of york in th thlfuut lh oon whljh nil remi v tit hflelnst urtidti from police court newri tim friends wonderland thursday and friday september 46 the covered wajron rmhu the story by kiutrsun jloimh dlrert from lis lunif runs fn tlitf mx hi cnio1y nrv timlo hodse iodae tiny town of iho uih a- l-our- pmi orcliwsls- one show awuh liliiht wt m imitis adults 35p otilldieii jlc saturday september 0 the neer do wc hy itek hewoh sttirilnif tom mnliliitn- couitdy chlldivin vvaiiled fx news tuefloay aeptember 9 thunderinjr dawn aiitrrlnir witrrvn kerrlsuu and anna o- nluson the lust clmp- ter f iho wiy uf u man tomody nriatlun luoliia kid cominq wuy down east hy ix w irlinth il l gregory s son w will savs you monay u you will lt us school days j means new shoes for the kiddies fmping claldreti steed shoes you will find our prices right qtutity comfort urni weur conaidorcd mens wokk shoes mdo by iho best makers at prices very low considering tho quality tun und bluck plain too and too cap fine shoes for mon women and children all tho best leathers patent colt kid and calf our stock is all new the proof of the doot is n the wearing harry harrison the shoe man nw lints of travailing bsga and suit cats two incipient fires n both frlduy and hutuday the i u hi i in culled out the brigade for- iutoly both tires proved incipient one ut the home ofa mcmullen mali utreet citukht from tho kitchen stove pipe uhd bot botween the willis of a purtltlon with prompt and well- directed eftorts u bucket bhjrudo ci tlniiuhfil the names saturday after noon li bout 530 flumes were see tliroiiifh nn upstairs window of the housft occupied by mrs mcoiii churcn tltroel the ularm was given und lit u fow minutes the fire was ottlngulnl ed its orliiln wus rather mysterious a box of matches was on lop of a sult- und in some wuy those lfulted milt xlooill went to the horth west couplo of woeks uiru uhd tho two sons of the bom o wore downstairs and knew 110111111 of the tire until neighbor mulled in ths frs preas stsrf plohlo ho members of the stuff of the fined ijhuis held tt most enjoyable pic nic 011 th rooks at hook wood on labor liay there were ubout twentyfive tho party they roamed the rocks uiumlmit the pot holes climbed thi plnnikio und viewed with interest the water fulls the numerous shady ks lent iirateful shade a k rum me of uthletlu sports was carried uutiiht a rlost nppetlslntf plonlc lunch with the udjunot of the seasons bl cot 11rouut was fully enjoyed aur leu tlm purty ut the invitation of mr und mrs yvm ilurrls spent half an hour j11 tho beautiful kurd en where muny tiotvri vurlotlcs of iudloll dali- u11h wwiiiit pus and other flowers wer hi bloom mr ifurrls- splendid harden bus tldnn much to otitulate the cultl- vutloii of fluwors hi the community tho tntirltixlos oxtetidod hy mr harris did in li ih lo runilei the plclilr uii un- usuut imlht tplontsd fmlty ot former fuunt mr john fulloint of london vial tod acton this week for the first time li twenty yre after leaving actoi ml fulloiiicaiiul his family resided for a number nryear ut hustings whom liu wus eukukotl with his brother-ln- luw mr john a mcjrull in the lan- nlnif business in their children lhlllp ami miss xturguerlte mr und mrs hullutm have two vory talented stud cuts mlus marguerite who will not ho tdjihteuh until october ib utfui uruduutnd in jutis from the wcatem llnlvarslty iiiuioji recelvliis her do- uroe tiu u hue ho lor of arts tholr sou hlilllp is nuw on his last your hi a com he of very heavy honor subjects in the unlvoislty and expects to gradu ate iioxt your miss murguerlte will tuk u ifolurers position on ho unj difjty stuff this coming colleks term und will write her m a thesis ire tnt indication ulu thst4oth tliese tal ented ynunu people will have uouferrod upon them lit ths 1s36 ron vocation of wstn untvcrslty the dureu of u a mr ktilhitiu met many former friends luiliiulils stuy in town he wuh glad to see actons coiitlnuedi prosperity the progreas of raatorstlon the woi k of clearing uway the dohrlw unit iulorlmif the set i ion nt the heard- inoio mole ltutbir tannery destroyed by lllo lust wvnk is lielllg puallid foe- wiiut with dlwputch the sunllon of luiuiliig vula oust of the railway bridge has been largely rvslored the btlokjiiyuru ulu ut woik lebulldlng tin wtilloiih of the walls whore the rtrj not tb mill ull the cukudlull mutluiiul itul i wuy bildue uutig is ut work re- bulldlliu the sttatlon of the bridge over which ha tannery siding wus currlnt thla worka car uiud of limbers 1 idghteelt feet long tlus boon te ed icight curs nl lumber and brick have inn 1 1 deljwrod a large gang of employers is at work clearing awuy itobils und salvaging auoh muterlul h an be uod the leather which wss in ihe ilou vuts when the tire occurred mil thit si that the extent of tiimae thsie has not yet boon asce liiod iortuiiutely a number of vuis lln aottin tunning cnmiuinys worus i ut ptoseut in use am available and ii bo utilised until the tun yurd in moio buther works is fitqtnretl the itiii of the llru is a busy place mid work of restoration is going for- wuid uatlsfurlorlly to his ellef it llunsol olomimtc i matlirduy puld u h hi hl 1io of 500 stantlal sunt costs und in be with his wlfo who is critically til jtussell has prom und to till li over 11 new leuf und uilkugn hi umful l- tloyrnent inspector hoevnly und irovlnclul constable atkins mldod u more und dwelling at milton hojthtw 011 ttuud ty and got llijuor f torn tjiron pin xoilu there chargos will ho hoard ut xlilton iinxt welnesduy uftoriiooii- a law ions ruscal drov into town on monday saw u youiic tnun tin the at root usked hhn if in would like some good liquor and invited hhn lo into h wr und have u drlvtr lu drove down mill htroot und out the mill iuitj rtiml when tu thu out skirts he produced u lint tic uuld ii wus good stuff und wiivn the yolllik fal low a drink thou he uukd fin cue tho young- man hud sflvuru diluks it the siinie price und then found him self drunk chief mr1horuon huiird of tid laid a ehurjo ugulust tho ymiiiu fellow he came beforu lollce mugu- trata moore pluudod kujhy to tho charge said lie wus worry ha hud hot displayed morn buokbouii would never bo caught ugiihi ho swore tli it he did not know the man wlmeold him the liquor und hud novr been hi hpfore a title of 100u und cosim wuii irnposid lluybor ww inaiiiifwur wus lylntf to convey 1 hack to lninlnii the utroeis 1 llnod with loynl cltlxoiim hy tin of thnusniklh au lln hoywl puity ly paused 111 tholr hiuouiilutt ho a j 1 wuvott und tlny wmu voclferousiv chonrod by the ujiumiblod inultuude thioiih the klnduiih of 11 llelfunt biiidin muu ii osldont und mrx uody mr and mis aichur of toronto ami mrs m00v0 uml iiiynolf wore in vited to points of vmiluif ut the win- i6wtl of the second floor of his shop nt tint corkier of high ilrct und uoyat avnniin und we hud 1111 nxcullont view of tin- huko und purlelm us they worn dilvlnu iiasi und of the crowdh guth- ovd to do them honor thin evnt wuu any added ruuiilfoututlon of the llltru iwyulty of the people of u inter an hicldont of our vlsltwus u hatur- duy uftcrnimin parade of oruhgomni through the streutu of llelfast a motnber of our party asked what it mount and so l1 thut lu cunadi the orutigo wulks wont only heui on thi twelfth of july oh replied the resourceful irishman we com our orunge procnssloiiit on the twelfth und thoy are 1mm nil wo this is thi itli und what you mo lu just the tall mid of tho big pniado at five oclock the pi ess party a tho invitation of thn lord mayor again giithored at iho city hull rvcoptlnn room wnio lilu guoulu ut 11 hdlghirul uflernoon ten afur thli ihoy proceeded to queiis itrldgi jolty for the musgravir for the re trip to the hloiiiiimblp mont luuilor which wus ut anchor twolvi mr i- j moore of toronto s the wookond nt moorocroft mm thomas olirlen of ton visited friends imm lust week mr l h korbes is spnudlnif viicullon with toronto friends mr alfred boper wont to the mortli wosl hint week on u short visit his o die on 1 nelllo koosortij onk with tamil 1 murgnrot icoim thn holiday nt b und miss jessie ivubor day dy of toronlc yvslnrduy friend mr favorite lu wo thn 1 kxhlbltlon iii iiccoiilpuulht wlm li j malt mr lewis is inatituts uhly r meetino of the mrs adam htewuru or litm for the holldny mr arnold mu xi r win with vhin ford d of oehu acton frleiulii h miller upent tin holiday s ut wulnrloo und llraut- murgurot days this v maidonuld spent k with coldwater ohve cooper returned ponding the holidays in klt- mlu fter chelier mihus llnrtle hpelght and fern urowu spent thn woekend with frlendi- toronto lllleil ut in the buy successful students at the upper school tk hl sts ekmlntlon ndlna aftor lonk deluy the reports of upper hchool jtjitiiltiutloiu have h rocelved the stuileiltm of the lllelph collegluts huvtihocn exceptionally 11 cessfu kour stuilciitii who took hluh standing wen- from acton and their standing is ui follows jkan haininitkiijhsli compoid- tion c literature o iuiin authoui c lutllt comjuisltlon c lyiuh au- ihors c kronen cotnjiosllloii c william hacicutt uiikiimii composition 1 llteratuie j history 1 algebra j ti igouniiwti y it cluo- metry 3 jhysics 1 iitln authots 1 latin composition i lyuihli autltots 1 kranii coinihinltion i vkua huhht compoultloii 1 literature j history o algubru c aeometry c iullli autllois c laitlll composition c rench authoru c rviicb composition c jkan kbnnuliy knullsh coin- imtsltloii 1 lltorutuie hhitory a algebra 3 tloouiutry 3 iilln auth ors 1 oreok compohltton c orotik authors c lullu conipoiiltlon 1 branch authoru h ivuiicli comporil- tioii 3 tho following students wtli uicebs- ful ill evety subject in which thu wrote jean huiber kdwuid cm 1 oil wll- tistil huckutt mudellne icully iloiothy llghtharl jutiiis iteynoldn aulry wilson amu liittle uliut hunnlll hector flail joan kennedy lulw lorett alice mcroggle itoyden iluinutt ilorothy putlon vera hiiih ltutrlco juooh isabel luikor hlhyl hiiilth it iii be no tod thut itll four of hot acton iudeiits uru hi illlh liwt william huuet huphi uuthifactluu of tsking the hlghnal hlimlliiif of uny student in the liiidph colhiithili georifetowiii ileauufui memorial unveiled by 8 if arthur currls at hloon lsat saturday hlr arthur currle l on hatuiday the due lirlul in leoiuutown ivtillthl nt noon tloldleiu muni- eiotcd hy tho nintiitiiiioiute to thosu who gave iholr iivuh from that dlnttlcf dur ing tlie tliuut wur tlui srvice wus nduclbtl by cunon woodcock lute of the 104th hultondurfvilii huttuliou many proniliiinit cuuudluns wmi present uiiil tint juige uaseiubluge ly every home of the uted comirvunlty the work inliubjy kututel oleb giunlte is broiij- this groi hid ngure of ivm ighl hand u wr her left u shoitth ial u inii position ut tl und luelphhlietil the hiemorhil is ud- n u hug bai of hi d it group in is iiihllll up of u htuudh tin vln holding high in hi juut before pull i miiyor hi his oftlclul mhos uirlvod nl th wharf to say goodbye to th cithidluiin ani to whih us ull bon voyugn on our ocean trip homo war this lraclousact wus ledurod by pub lic limn of ilelfust us unliiue and sig- nldouul mover hufeno illl the prusei jfiid mayor or uny of his uredcesaors honor omulully u dojutrthig group of visitors by his presonco on the wharf that this singular hiurk of friendly ut- toiitlou by th chief magistrate of thn city was much appreciated hy the cumuli mi editors uriy individually wuh uhunduntly muiilfest thut night wo huttlod down for the live day voyuge over the a hunt la lo the homeland hnmewiiid imjuihi the trip wus a most plniuaiit one tho wtuthor wus warm und delightful tluiia worn no rough umiu the journey wuu a record one unit- queboti was rourhed on friday night everybody glad thut the shores of our uutlve istvl of cuhudu hud been reached aguln during th trip ucrons aulogiaph butnii were frooly cirnuluied ani lliuny interesting uud unlguo inscrip tion wofi the ruuult the followlnt wus penned by mr lome lieily 1rosl iloiit of the cunudluii vkly nowi puperu association is one of thus albums yo editors are a jnlly crow v we hair a lot of fun wo suited across the briny uei a hundred uml ivvoiityniie we landetl ft rut in lloltflimi fair and went to uue the klnir he uhook us wurmly ly th hum au ploiiuod uh iiiiytbliilr mhoi imn a fnw duys jorlofjuriiey mr uud mrs onto spoilt thu hvoii in town carr of wlnghum spent ull her friend mia mar- i mccain of tor kund with rclu ml muilol mason few dnyu nt thn womens iinttltnt- will bo hold on friday lifternoril hejlolnbor i ut three oclock ut hie homo of mm 1 ii nwllser curs will bo at avoodhulls corner from 2 30 until 1 oclock to lukn everyone wishing to go a good pro- gruinrrio hue boon ropurd uud every one is welcome lie iiuro n be there dsptlat plcnfo at georgetown tho acton iliipllnl young 1ooploa unlorr the imnunl plunlc f the h v v u of tho tluelph assoola- tloirun iubor xjay held on the grounds of tho armenian hoys homo olorgu- lowu a hirpe numlnir ware prnsont und a mont onjoyuhlo tlmo wus spent during the ovonlng the annual rally was held in the ooorrotown ilaptlut church madam jouoii a colored nlng- or from toronto delighted tho audl- once with her numhnrii hov j john- ioij or toronu lain of acton gave un nuplratlonal uddross hu subject being josus the muker of men aeton won the rock wood tournament acton won tln biinobull tournament at llockwood on monday by dnfoutlne munsewool in tlio first gumo by u largo score and niuklng itockwood ilka it to tho tune of gfi lu the lust argu ment itockwood got into the finals by defeating cumpbrillvlila lu a splendid exhibition of buuoliull all the games wero good und acton hfid a liartl pull to llnuh on top all the tcums were stuckoil full of riiigors but mcdonald of aotou had tlm edge on thnni- ull whii n it came to wtoldlntf tln hickory tho busobull tournatnonts at itock wood uro gottiiig to ho fjulto potiular itocord crowds suw hie gumoh an labor ay the ny prase at toronto fair ers of thoprens of hulton kunonttly accepted mr trunk llultor of cleveland ohio hpetlt moveiiil duys this week frlmidrt lu town mr ollhert kliigskury returnod to dnyton ohio with his mlutr who hm booll vlulllllg helc mui doi is huiiiidiii of toronto visited hor friend miss dorothy mo- ihirhoii this wek memoirs allen und cmimnm lelsli- mitn of detroit tnmt th wimkuud ut their homes here mlni lucy ktlwurds und mhs jesslt andiiioii npniit the wtokfiid with relutivis lii toronto of torou iks ut the hoi battlefields nt to u cunudluii boyu rim tholr llvo might fro dnm in lvuuco hie 1ixildcnt imluo fort and culled us by opr names and uuld of our dour cumuli- ah vruiinont jo tuhuc at hiickhighum our noble king and his most- lovely queen flmllod on us ull mout graciously how prouil we wnio yoilvo soon in wul tli to give us u tholr mines docks ami oh their wouhinei u good liu did theli- t ut r iliimlrlus their to tluul in i uml knglutid on the lioitth and mid the hedum gieon wo thought twuvpurudlui on cirth itu like wed lltivei seen did kcothllid next wo vlulled the luiido smoky pukv where muu uro bom wl heurth of on though thy go wl out the biooks at llelfaat last we spunt a duy it wus too short by fui juwt time to glance ubout u bit and sou u jsuntlng cur and now were on our journey home though weve had one uiotid time tim joy well feel on ruuchlug thele will uursly be siibllino auotliii- time e uhull retur ami huvi u ulhll of full milt iii nt we it uht gilt dowii an uutlier ii more mon piling our visit to iiohind uii uii- iiuuiumiio irlshmuu guvo to our party ii otlgtuul topical wont ill furring to lie plucu of his hli lb ubout t1v miles fron county down llll i take the town hlnh of llui u hmt 4 fjliow tfir in ull ud- lilu bank to donughudxti iighuloo is my home tuko me buck to doniighudoo way uvr thu fiuiui or sit by my old turf hie live lii your sniiiky town oh takn me back to ihuiughudei in the goo it old county down tiiilufu tritluloo knr its five mllus fioin duiigur to douughsdee my own tho compuny wus ublo to slug tho ureo with some vlui h a few dus nd it summed lllle us uppiopi lutolo s uii we were on uui way back to th nelaud which lulle iuikllius tire wn had on lw7tnl us fellow pu i lo the inlelliu chilloii for the ie lo be hold lu cdihlludeil on o iiiiuhii joiontu the iugu hll mlfin uvelyn cleuiii ipitnl iho juiwt two wl if mr j j- icniiiiody mr oo h agnow of the staff t the dotrolt tin vl tiff hank dutroit wis home for the holiday irs colin dynes und mihhum lucy ami iluxo of llurllnglon vlsitol with friend here this week mhoi huby clurk lmrml homo thu week after ponding u month ut itock iike algonyuln lurk mr lotone ttaymer of the murkhuin kconotitui ipude the fiikm 1iksji pleusitnt cull lust wok mr und mrs j cumphell clurk of chutuworth ute spending a week or so ut tlie parent u home mlus umrnu uoblnsori vliltwf rrunds ut autom uiut other tmlnts in york county ovnr the weekeiui mrs annie johnson with her ilutm mist jiulh t spent thu hull- duy with frlouds hi dunduk- mr mid mrs l hory have beet oiijoylhu- holiduys ut klgln uoiise luko jonoph the pust week or no mhii itetu mcqullun und arnold cleat oy of tut vn tu spout tho week- uuil ut air j j kennedys mr uml mrs homr ctmyne ot iikeliind llm ida vlultud tholr iiuut mm c c hpoilit lust wujk mr uid mr hilly of chodo tho hoimi of mi i- a mcluuii hi spoilt thu holiday i win johnstone huv w putilup und mm dunlop of chutuworth huvc bon the gustu tldu wck of mr und mis w j gould mr uud mis a kuiitiuwlii mr und mm j it kennedy uud muis joan plcuicuud ut lugeiilu kulls on iibor day mr avery of i u lellevhig at tho cunudluii nutlonul hallway depot mid- avery wus hum jur thu welikoihi mru h l le y4iuug fltreel re- cut veil worlyn hutiilay or tho duutli hor hlstur mrs qourgo kumuhuw ofctilcugo mr and mis h hi hnhiius latutiiod tut tucsiluy e veiling from u pliuhutil twoweeks visit with ft lends ut vlhit und detroit mr junius mokugun of itucheuliii n y upuiit u oouplu of ilayu this wuuk ut the houiu ut ids sinter mru j j jctniiiidy mia w ii tlurtiuy wulhic jilt hint week ut tin oigo mutiuy mlus marjory of wlnghuiii homo of m i ll un alleon duvls of mllrhell vlult- ut the home of ut giundpuiuiitu uud mis joseph holmes llowul a veil uii this week mhoeu limli morfut uml oludyx hurfikiuu uud mr j da mil inoioied fioui itlchmoiid hill und spout hundjy with aoton fllelldii u und mis u a diuh uml liuiues it mih alice mulhctson vulted hi loulo luut weak uud uttuiuied the kkhlhltlun on 1ijess day mihi liaiices huist luft on uuuduy i klchurds lundlug where uhu huit icilit d u position tuuchllig in tho initluuatloii hchool ihuie mr hairy ja iitly leturnsil i iho idd homo ay in so iuhi w mill ulihutd hoiuei 1 1 hi mubel und mr i mid ronilmdoii dud hd ul the humu of mi v lull oil f uuelph i u pleuuii lllglutlil with fllell ls he a htlulhiuith and clitlh ue vixltod with mihs vllle mr krud led monlrt mo- upent tho week- win william it mi of hhol- iilo lul- v lul- liivlttttioii of the directors uf tho cuiia- ii nutlonul icrhlbltion to uttei lust ivlduy press duy tlmro wore lires- ent mayor und mm 1 a ilurrls of tho nurllngtou cazelte mr und mrs m moore of tho omirgulown her- mr und mrs richard white of the milton hoformir mr william ianton of the milton champion and mr i 1 moore und mr und mrs o a dills uftiiu acton ihkh inuau mnvin 1orslor of the oiikvllle htar was tukon 111 u day or no before nnd icmovetl otoionlo tlonirul hospital uu- mi operation for up pond lei tin mr uud mrs w n wilkinson yf chat ham formerly of iho oakville itocord wore also members of the luirty death of a pioneer praachar hoy john wodoy hunderson plo- lioer methodist mliijjttcr iwld ox-coun- clllor of wiilkertou died on bunduy lu bin nlghtytlrst yiiur uftor u linffo- lnif lllnuhs hluon hlu toilroment from the uctvo ministry some yours ago mr hundurson lived ut walkorton and served for u time on the town counotl ihtjs the year uflof co nfodo ration wus reculvoil hi tho muthodist min istry and can led on actively for r3 yours serving in many polntif in easl- uiul western otitjirio ho fre- ntly lireuchod in this locality ills wlf died uiroo yea is mo shortly uftor the uged couple cttlehiuloiv their golden woildlnu mr huiidothon is uurvlvod by two sons htaiily prlnclpul of the chealey iubllc kchool uml krunk tho itlnclpul of oakville iliblhi hchool und one daughter mis kohrt wal- pole of moutreul ontario canadas premier provlnoa tho onvornmuit of the lrovlnce hue issued oh interesting little volume of seventy pugos hitoiidoil priiuuiity fti ii guide to ontarios uttruotlve fuuturea for hollduy vlsltms in its ititrudua- tory puffo it saysa scoro nf yoars ugo the lcautlt- uud joys of tho pro vince us a provider of holidays began to bo discovered by poople outside lier hordoiu visitors count and huvo re turned your uftor i oar hpreudiug ut home thu mory of their didlghti until loduy ltiui of thousands como fiom ii 11 ovit- tlie totillnent to bo lefrolnd und to enjoy tin gimlet of thl uoith- ru playiiiiind in ltn dhctlptlvit pages the author toucheti thin locality uu follows lioni itieliili tho 1iuvlu- lal hlghuuy nut cjullo comploled but iirfoidhu mfcellont dllvllu continues in wellington pauulnu itock woud whore cuveii plinuicles uud potholes u the llnioatniic iiltcut uiurlul or whllllnu water not inn liu i ion county tho uppul portion of which lu crokhod dlu- iully is plctuieioiuo willi ith rnlllmr hllls uml ninny slieaniloiii uvoral of which ut n lilrihud with tin uhlliidanctt of upitoklwl limit acton it pretty own with u civic pui k uhuoat sur- loumteil liy u nutuial lake thilveii by uhuii of itu tiimilni uml glovu-nuik- ing indiimitio oeorgetown night miles furthci wiiii tho homo of the miat pupur dilllu of the ilcivhiie a ttolloy line fiom nihtph to toionto ueivs the illshlrt uu well uu tlm ciuiiidlun nil- tfunul itullwiiy uu loudbed for mile lifter mllo la located in tho plctureii- iiu credit valley mr it j hous the heseaich war which hux 1 hallfuv ut fortnight vbiltod ik iibiei- mhiii llouti in olr ilh lust mr uud mru hiiiniiid wlggluu uu- liiuinci tlu enguiinmeut of their iluiiuli- alice niulc to mr ijiwivnco or- ii johimton turn of mr and mia 11 l johmitoii thu mai i luge to tulm placo ulotly thlu monlh mi uud mm oluiil h hill uud mlu kllhlred und also mini ijdiiu of clovn and ohio woii hoi luut w iek vlhlt ng alton tolutlvos thoy were o i luntorliilf tour uml went o mllto hid toionto fiom he i if w 1 botbh of im oiitn hunluy ut the home of iiih fuilu m forhe chliuh htieot mha le who npent tlio uiimuiei vtt thn homo of her uiundfuui- nod homo with her father mis lib itoswlok un vlhlted lit ver the wool voilug ludlmi loft on mom lllvlph ootielul hoepllul ii hu tialnhig toiiia in i mih iihkiti h im i ho li well lu lluioii lli h won uuml eiofl on- the weueud oionti to vliilt id uio big full