Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 11, 1924, p. 2

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vkwtf v tfviikt qhfr acton 3toe lrr sh thursday hmtlcmnbu 11 184 harvest tlwe in town w it a jim ub ll i uavi i i it i r i months w mod ujmo ihwn i ill ii i think iwui so into my hnw the lima lies flown th harvest mutt bo finished now an i in fall bent a moat wwn i m fifty eight year old next month ai nlnch i wan d hlh awi rklng in lit harvest held my aummtni have rne by itut this horn nurnmnr fur tho aral tl mujimrrit mm wy ait 1 npver maw a slock of wheat or uiioli tho uiw tnowiihay in town the hqll things different they have no cricket here no roaalrrs crow at mornln no i lob whites whistle clear an it mcim kb if tho hghtnln horn could do a man no harm hun mwm to strike no wicked a it used to on the arm llul here its tall already they re threshing- now out there an lh folks r get tin ready to come in to the pair hut i hardly kin believe it wlifn i see the yellow leave to think there s been a harvest and i ve never seen thn sheave duncan mckella- qivino out notices the congregation will noo be siatsd an gl o their undivided attention tse the folio win intimations some j them are maist a important a the sermon aald the ilov tammas mac phereon a he finished eddrcssln tho throne o gtace lie wu in hie eigh tieth year and had worn out flvo bible in beating- the dual out of the pulpit deak of auchterblrnle kirk during nrty five yeare- 11 is parishioners worshipped tho ground on which he walked and thoueh ha waa praotlcally pennlleas tor he gave moat of his large inoorne to the poor they aaw to it that tho mln later lacked for nothing the aid man read the announcement in the uld auld mlther scotch and than ay t bear that wlddy tamaon la in dcautute circumstances thla meuou be name o god a heritage maun suffer in the mldat o the guld folks o auehterblrnje think o thla on tho way tae yer bs wo have it in holy wrtr that ntwer fall that he that glrcth tae the pulr lendetb tae the lord there la a blessed privilege think o the farmers o auehter blrnlo beln lenders an bain the lord for a customer an na need us fore close taejret back daymen for itll be returned twenty thirty fifty jiunnerfold noo t can a raise floe crape o wheat an corn an tattles as i can wee testify for the lord has moved yer bowelsfol oompasalon ye hae been unco geporous tae m then see if ye jn raise guld craps o brithexiy campajssdun and bring the first fruits oetia harves tae pulr wlddy tamaon sanders orantll send her a load o orewttl fins dae i ken tnafj i see t in sanders s generous e an fine kenlln he keeps tae as i weel ken for vm burnin some o t myael tha tae sasdersre kindness fjhn 3ttt irp0a htort dtnrtj a venturesome ride iikndiiick a hnlf cant of our i itninji nameless mil nnit i farm wan hrook thai nouron to uh mouth wit llm and indeed fllle i with watercress i kngllsh family thut formerly lived the bolton lace was said to huvo introduced the plant there- nf flint may have been true fort know if no other mtream in our t olghhorhou i jn which watercress could bo found very few icastern i eople cared for the nun aent little creeper but mother uod it an t whenever i hud leisure i used to go over to the ireok and sot a mess for her at dinner one hoardny jn may she complained that notiijng on the table eppealritr to her appetite and added that sbe believed she could sat watercress salad i aald nothing at the time for wo wore very busy jut than but about three o clock i put u the team with which i had been plow lng t a tep quart pall from ho kitchen and started toward the inn that tod over the hills td the nicker son road dora and henry uftrnsworth cousins from the wmi woto vutltlnic us that spring tora saw me as i crossed the road end asked where i was golnjr to a little creek over there to 6et watercress i unswerod pointing to the east banders altting- br his pew the ob- ta w of au obsrttra was by this tints completely won over by the nover compliment and would klsdly nave gira wlddy tamaon the earth and tho fujlpesa thereor had he owned it at that minute an peter mlchieil send her pickle lltue tea ohbut itu no be aair mlasadt oot o peters abundant store peter is behmnden tea the lord for mony thing and is a llyln ex ample o the nlwerfailln truth o htoly writ the ban o the dulgeat maketh rich peters a hardwerkln cbisl ae we cn m iestlfy peter too feu la line jimmy ornt wis teilln me the ither day c tho reverend tam that be was muun socne fine meal noo i quite boilers 1l he is the only miliar in aochterblrnle an theres no a miller free valden kirk tae john o groats can compertfwi him better send a pickle tae the wlddy jbnmy an keep tip yer ac count wl the maister- i and after so p an advertise ment how could jimmy refuse beaton sootfu send the wlddy son o the an tattles i saw in his barn last tuesday i needna ask beaton for 1 ken fu well he wndna be baek- ward in daeln a kind act ue a deeerr- in wlddy in arjchterbirnu an oor guld reen wuli obapman wb by the looks o him can scareely keep his seat sae anxious la he ue de somethln can thraw the neck o a chicken an a rabbit tae fill the wtddye pat nae fear o the wlddy stsnrln wben the lord has pot tho saut o the earth la the pariah rk n auchterblrnle the lord hae promised t e n hus- band tae the wlddy he wants ye a tae be brltheralnlaw an flad ye respond see nobly yere a geount loolfin loto christians an yer heart are a big as yer bodies the lordll reward yer work o lore noo let praise his name for raisin upln auoh- terfalmle see mony wha honor the faith and tammes once more approached ths throne o grace independent l and pure speech clurs posjslbiutles of entertainment well as progress in knowledge cttltlvauon lie lnth plan of a llttfi group of people who ha v formed a ooclety to encourage the correct speak tag of our lanwaage why should not such societies exist in every town no single character- tatic creates a more favorable tmpres sion than the use of good knglish well enunciated tn an agreeable voice bu lo characteristic is rarer in famluir speech more than in almost any other thing it is easy to be careless- and slipshod- we any yevt and ymjt nd uhhuha doaen times to once that we amy yee and after dodging nitr and -nope- and nit all day it is easy to betters there is something besides morality to the old advice to learn to sy no there ii nc- need that correct apeak in should lead to pedantry and bookiahneee it tends rather in th opposite direction toward clearness ajid almpliclty and dignity the ad rentage of cultivating it in a club or jocistx lies in the opportunity of being corrected by a fellow member without malice and of correcting him in a chastening- spirit the speech peculiar to different sec- tiona of the countryoftera interesjnx material for etuoy end comparison xhnterencea in pronunciation mry frequently h traced aeroes the water to the homes of the original settlers and in one community or- another one constantly finds words still hale and working every day which have lonjr been jooksd upon an dead in the place from which they came taclr every day matters as the pronunciation of laugh and grass and tjeah and jwhy some persona still amy moea and pmvajvnay afford both pm and information oh i never saw any except at a greengrocer nv she ejccuutnod come on henry but i proleelod a little ungrnc hiuaty for i bad planned o make a quick trip and be back before a upper its a mile and a half across country and three miles by the road well what of itr she eald with a laugh 1 rue we can aland it if you can don t worry about do nald henry she can outwalk either of us t had hoped- hut we should not hnvo to go farther than the posture of the bolton farm through which tho croek ran we found that the cattle had trampled the plant indoed we had to ascend almost to the eourco of thi brook before we found any watercress in good condition there we soon flllod the pall and then went south to kick arsons corners shall we go round the square or back the way we earner i asked when we reached tho rood its almost sunset now aald henry so wed better go- down to your slash lng and then cut across to the tan tt would be nearer yet to take o the fields right here woujdn t ltf dora asked pointing to the north west where a corner of our barn could be seen through an opening in the hills tt looks from here as if we should save half a mile i just about that t replied but- wl thorn completing the sentence climbed io the tdp of the fence and carefully inspected the intervening fields young tom worth oy was drlv lng his fathers cattle toward tho milk lng shed the big- hill pasture aeemod empty all right i said aivo mo your hand dora and 111 help you bvor what were you hesitating aboutr she asked when we reached the other side t was trying- to see what stock was running in worthey a pasture does he still own the jersey that be bought two year ago when we were heret henry inquired i member that it was pretty ugly yea but tom is driving the cattle homo now i can t see anything in the posture we skirted a wheaf field passed through a meadow and camo to tho blgh fenoe that bordered the worthey farm there i ogaln surveyed the forty acres of broken ground ahead of ua x could not aeeall of the pasture from the fence top but the only jiving creatures in sight were- three or four yearlings near the entrance jo the lane where they bad just been separ ated from the remainder of the herd tm not afraid of cattle dora pro tested weve ot more on our ranch than tve seen in thl county you needn t be so particular on mf acr count henry winked at me from behind her d s timid do he said once ovoi tho fence wo started diagonally ocrossthe field aiming for the point where our farm touched- mr worfheys we jit lost reached the summit of the long hill and looked down the farther slope which was shorter and more abrupt than the one we had just ascended xt was out by a number of ravine and we presently had to make a detour to avoid one ot them am we passed round the head of ths tittle arulch which was fringed with bushes r glanced down at the spring at the bottom and halted involuntarl ly standing knee deep in the water and starlngr up at us with a malignant expression was worthey jersey bull henry saw the beast at the same time well be bejfad that j he never finished the sentence at that moment the bull rumbling angri ly came chanting up the side of the ravine by dora cried in surprise looks really savage i we gave hervno time for further remarks but catching hold of her hands ran book toward the highest jkjlqt of the hill where a widespread lng- blaekwalnut tree afforded the neareet available refuse fortunately the side of the ravine were very steep eepeclally near its head and the animal took a full min ute to scramble to ths top fly tfrat time we had covered the hundred yards to ths tree and were lining dora into the low branches henry follow but i stopped to hand up my pall watercress and the bull nearly hut thny won t hnvo any idea win ro v look for ns lots cut u c ujlo if good thli it slicks and oc l wo can i tub tti bnast away we cut two wood alxod limb unj domoendlng an ncor tin ground as wr could got thumped thn bull luutlly it apeodlly tired of vulnly churging it our direction un 1 fut rented imyond out reach a moment later tl mil of v ir cress fell from the tru und the bull battered end trample i it into a m mpn lee mass the sight drove away any ldeductlons 1 it was apparent thi thoughts of our facing the craaturj on the around with our clubs i m sure wo cun conquer the bcoto henry declared climbing farther out upon the limb on which he wnjyj erch ed i never saw an animal that could not bo dont hit it hard gd hut nlir it up with tljo end of your club an come this way what era you going to do qiv it the fright of us ufa i ok it upl thinking that henry meant to he labor the bull unmercifully when the animal got beneath him i began tap the crcaturo dtt tho nose with tnv club a mlnuto of that treatment was enough to goad it into rushing towarj as it chnrgod i hoard dora cry out henry kurnsworthl she callod don t you do anything so foolls 1 henry i her cry woe so shrill that the bull wheeled about to face her and in do lng so came directly und or henry at that moment to my astonishment and dismay henry dropped astride its back and flinging his nrms forward dutch ed the creatures noma the bulls bellow aurprlav und rage almost drowned doras pcroam out of tho corner of one eye i suw the animal golojc n circles down tho hillside then i whirled to grasp dora who was on tho point of leaping to tho ground an there was no stopping br l helped her tn descend in a less reckless manner after which we bo h ran to the oreat of the hill to aee what had become of the jaraay and it rider there were signs that the aninaal had crushed into the fenoe at lh bottom of the slope after that it had turned to the southland was now rsclna toward the farthest edge of the pasture through the gathering twl light wo could see the bull plunging ahead as faat as it could so with hency belaboring its sides with his heels don t worry i said to dora see bow well he stays on and the worst in owr tea but how la he going to got orcr we i help him when it comes to that at tbe south linn the bull turned the slope but aoou wheeled back end lumbered along para ii ol with the fence toward tho north twice it tried tq turn aside into the ravine but henry thumped it on the homo with tho flat of his hand and turned it back let a get to the north fence ahead of them f cried and we ran along tbe brow of tho hll abraaat of the wearied charger below whan we reached that barrier the bull had turn ed up the hill toward us bul even henrys forcible klclar could not force the creature into a run its tongue was banging- out and its sides heavod as it stumbled forward got over the fenco rjora i directed and 1 thump the beast while henry j cots ott j then i called jump henry 1 walt till i get to the top ho au swered dora sat on the- fence anxiously watching what took place an henry swung to one side and anrnoe for tbe ground i rushed at the bull brandish lng- my club tbe jersey seemed astonished to be relieved of henry s weight for it stop ped and shcojt itself at the same instant jt saw me coming evidently it still had some rbrjit left in it for it lowered its jiead and lunged forward viciously tbe quickness or the move ment took roe by aurprlse but i dodged and manaaed to give the beast a heavv blow with the club on the end of it nose at the same inuttlnt henry who had landed safely on the groun i picked up a heavy stone and threw it at the bull with ull hit might it struck just below the jerseya car and ended the fight the bl bujl wheeled and hod down the hill ive ridden honor mpuius in my time said tlonry clinging to the fenco and panting almost as loudly as ths jersey but jt certainly broke easily why a child could ride now i am euro that no ohld ever tried to ride the bull but in one sense it really was broken for during the yearn that mr worthey kopt tho animal it never again attacked anyone l notes on export cattle shipments durlns t post thn n onr tin d imlnlon i xnarlinfninl r umrf h iv boon iniikliur nxwrinrntiil hi inont of nt n itnd fnt mill mil 1 hm brf to lriat itrltaln in a hi mon i mil lu mny ii r mil king ff u lnl f bu ro u of different tinea nwl ulghtn fr i i ho ix orlmentul btton ut loth brl ige alts scott and xkoetherti tutnit and leniioxylllu quo some in tereatlig facts are ah wn total cost of shipment to manchester par steer km in lothbrldgn 2 0 from scott 19 ofl fron host hern 4- 13 from i nm xwiio fans shrinkage in rail and ocean shipment rut or short keep avenue u 130b lbs from lethbrldge alia ahrunk 7 5j hleere not so well finished average 1 2cg lbs from tho same farm lost at tho rate of fi8 cattle from scott bank hhrunk a 1 hi the cose of yearlings avorogo 090 ton and with two year olds average 1 268 lbs hs whlo 118 jn angur feeders from host horn lost 7 7 and 1321 lb butch or nln ahrunk oo o im t caro in rail ahlpplntt front the went has much to do with minimising nhrlnkage overcrowding la responsible for heavy loss and cattle arrive at port of loading in a more or less ex hausted ahrunken condition several hours real is advisable at feeding points where the exercise and oppor tunlty to relax is possibly morejra portant than tho feeding 2 fat cattle lose more than thi in a less forward condition 3 ocean shrinkage is comparatively light under 4alr condition as lo weather and attendance whjoh pays better sale in csnsda or export t it la frequently stated that it pays just as well to sell in canada as t export in a genera way this is trua it should bo rememoered distinctly however that for the classes of cattle required b oreat bcltaln tho export trade has established or stabilised canadian prices in other words tho british market has pulled up can adinn prices to the same level coats of shipping considered this has been proven in- two shipments made by ui dommlop experimental farma during this season in a lot sont from marl tune farms local prices were increased through the fact hat steera were- ex ported from tho locality in shipment n from saskatchewan and alberta maxl mum appraised values af point of ship ment were with the exception of ohe lot of yearlings increased by from t t g3 oents per cwt quebec cattle of rather indifferent quality on export exactly equalled prices received nt the farm for cattle of like quality tho price of cattle in canada in equal to net export prices this benefit is directly due to the removal of tho embargo the visit op canadian journalists it m he was the exception the talkative barbers aren r all ll funny papers mused undo amu riunkett jn real life you aopie up with them ones in a while last week 1 rode lnjo lancaster with 61 howell to look at a second band reaper i d seen advertised and i thought might as well get my hair cut wlflle there to tell the truth i vita tired and crosa in the nrscuanff i was late for my appointment oxjkc count oa 81a car being woltyou know the kind that dont have tflslow mite when its comes to the speed limit signs an the edge of town then the reaper turned out to be no good in apite of all the advertising lakoftc all together i dldn f feel like conversing when i eat down in the chslr but tho barber he waa gored me before i had climbed beyond i those ohlrpy well informed -youu- brfef deduotlena from thla experiment l uniformity of groupa is a moat important factor in successful sale the man who con breed or buy for export ateers of uniform color gets the proverbial benefit of tbe buyer first impression the low net blocky typo of steer gntji the feeder s eye 2 the british feeder likes best u bullock thai is young enoughjind spare enough to grow and fatten at the some time the yearling or two year old steer that has boon wintered econ amlcally on home grown feedn and with cheap housing and thut la ship ped oft grasa in tho fall i a good proposition for both buyer and sailer lor the former ho grows nnd fattens for the latter he represents a sale of a atrlctly home produced urtlcle 3 the lighter spring shipped feeder steer may go forward from february to april to finish off grass in align h and september during- auri may andjune tho abort keeps or cattle forward in condition will find a mar ket provided they will dtivelop not more than an hoqepound carca when subject to a ahort keep follow lng period it must be rem em i bored that the ahort keep at or aholoe butcher steer when exported represents a heavier investment greater feed cost loathe shipper and is frequently a riskier proposition shipping the feeder eteer that has been developed largely on grass home soughage with little concentrates involves minimum risk on the part of the shipper and allows the xjrltiuh feeder to do the gambling 4 the time of shipment therefore has much to do with the wehxbt un i age of steer to ship the young light weight steer if well selected is very popular o indicated by this experi ment unless prices are markedly ad vanced for he 900 pound ateor how ever tiie economy of shipping hlni is doubtful speaking generally tho butcher or retail tpvuf atevr com mnnda the hlghckl l rite whjn fat the british dealers tike tho handy weight butcher slcar jut u 1 can ui hhlppora would do well horo fore in aolectlng ateers thut woul 1 land in england weighing not grimily in exoeas of i 260 lbs 6 horned cattle are at a distinct dlsadvantage s branding on the rib la decided lj objectionable 7 finally it may once more o pointed out thut ureal britain uead not be considered a a prod table out let for the common butcher ateer u which there isvtoo great a percentage on our markets breeding herds uf beef cattle in canada cannot be allow ed to debartorate if we are to cater to and make a name for ourselves on th british macket further particular regarding thea shipments may b obtained from th central ettperlmenjal farm ottawa tho i arty f cnnidlnn joitrnulla a uh i vlulti- 1 l ordiff crtlulnly rutin i n ji to inieixfil hum in tho llf of u 1 ri whit h i w ore ulrica the prou l i onlilon of tint in the inllul kingdom in rru l t of tho nldj i ii h i iran d un luullytifn ikii c untrlta in t lliltixh pobtumalona and flint in tl i wliolu wnil i for urn nhlpment if coal doubt tena their time impression was thn cardiff is a aort of coalopolia onvak l el in smokr und grlmo au i thnf ha existence la absolutely dopaudont on the mining induatry they have fount ii noctuuiury h iwovcr to ravluo thin impression after ther brlaf aurvi y thoy hitvt loirncd that although the oal itnluntry in thn chief uardlff 1m ia idly developing into a port for gan urul cargoes that u poskaases lmmen potentialities as p contro for the dls trlbutlon of joed import that it quipped with warehouses far the etot ago of grain provlalons etc antlj amplo accommodation of the moat modern description fur cold arnjt and that adjacent to the wharves in tho deepest water docks with railways leading into them are cattle lairs mluughlor houses and chill rooms cap ablo of dealing with a vast extension of the importation of cattlo they also discovered that cardiff laa bona- urul city with rhany striking build ings bearing testlnktuy to the determin ation of the city authorities to make f as attraetlvo as possible during the war t enjoyed a popularity second co no other british contro with the amor lean naval contingents and doubtless tho warm appreciation of the the alter has beon heard across the border n canada and has raised expectations that whi not be disappointed on the present ocuielon in their ylslt to swansea and district the visitor strain came into direct contact with many industries which are developing a con slderabl trada in canada apd with firm which are already established there and again thoy were impressed not only with the intense activity and enterprise of welsh industrialists but with the jstlll greater possibilities of anglo canadian trade in the future the mission of the distin guished visitors was not confined to investigation of trade prospects but was primarily concerned wluf the pro motion of imperial sentiment with the development of a closer understanding between the mother country and tho great dominion and beyond question this latter sphoro tbe press ot can ada has a groat responsibility a ro aponalblllty lifhlch it has thus far dts cliarged with rare elijtl option and which it is anxlouer we believe enlarge in face or the new problem of the immediate future owing to tho proximity of tho united states and the hooding of canada dally with literature and nawspepers from aoross the border there la a real danger of a weakening of tho imperial tie not from desire that it exists but from sheerrorce of circumstance from what we know of the dominion wo ahould say that it neither desires amerlcanlxatlon nor angtlclsatfon but to retain and dovelop its own dlstlnotlvo character und qualities as a nation t and undoubtedly the duty of kveauivg powerful external fares in due restraint and giving the people of canada an opportunity to live their own life in their own way devolve very largely on the press so far tho mother country and her people are concerned there is nothing but affection and a desire to help tho realisation of thla worthy ambition nrltsh imperialism is essentially lib erty loving it does not aspire save in rare aberrations to hold tho dominion in leading strings or to impose it law and culture on them but prefers tho role or a wise parent who recog nixes that a time has come when hi authority amongst bis children must depend on the reciprocity or love and service to onoure the dominance of this sentiment to keep both paront and offspring fully alive to their moral ohllgatlons to one another and to in culcate tbat the british tradition and its placo in the empire is a priceless possession moro- worthy on its intrinsic merits than any rival claim whatso ever these ore the hopes and convlc tiona that we cherish and would re spectrally- commend to the press of canada south wales news cardlff rural population increase the number if fainm o i u 1 l n canada ban lucre icd from 117 i 1001 tl 71 oho in 1u2i urtir ih n flgrfciilturnl cunium t ull fin jut ihuui by tho demrtini it of tr uh n i n merce 1 1 n nurtu i f lihlfinn bus in r v d fr m rn sin h 10 i und 1iuiui7ir in 1ui1 t 14 hk7 w acres in 1031 uiu i t iiuijm i itiricnnnl tr rn ullilitly i r ll three mlllonn in idh k 4 4 r uti ivtl outing tho nntne erl i i populntliiti hurt grown fr n r oho ir 1901 to ooklfi in 102 ri v urm i improved i in i in cnnul i h ioi vt 7000 uh u rrn in lol tin re wire at 6 h rnurn firn f more tl in 00 i r iar ir 1911 r an inrrc nn of 47 f r nt th m wore 3b 701 m ut furma iniih i i 1031 than it i pi 1 un lirnuno of per cent i- hc qot his fare gothr rch the mi n itl i down nn the ynuiu ouj in who nnt far i or hoursthey hail t en on tho front i its tender gleai and handsome apart ho alghed sho slghr i i inally f wish j bod money ho nail i t travel impulsively she sllppod hur hand in bis then rising swiftly she aped into the house aghast he looked at his hand in the palm lay a nickel helpful household hint it would take more than common courage to follow a suggestion thut appears in a certain english book of recipes to make stockings wear well and keep their colorbefore wearing stand- for ten minutes in polling water colored with washing blue personalty remarks punch we shall let our stockings take their chunco after you fjave used salada green tea you have standard br wblch to judge other tees saleda i the flnest produced in the world try it fiee sauftf of ghees tea umw ebuot uiju liothtc success ijiads to 3atisfactiow j w kennedy son plumbing heating tinsm1thing v thc success of work jn scores of homes nnd business places in acton ii a guarantee thnt we ore in d position to assure you satis- faction we will appreciate your order and will execute it wjth promptitude main street acton the mother aqe tosprj oo6 modets lie reach bellowing j jurin- us the beast raged about under the tree wore in a one scrupel said henry in dlsusi i supposed they always took him up with the other cattle they did ull last woek ive seen them ttrlvlhg him home several times climb a little higher lleury and see if toms atlll in sight henry climbed up to the topmost bough while j helped dora to sr more comfortable seat with her back against the tree trunk there s no sign of him or of any- ona elsel henry called down hold on jheres a tea mover on he nicker son road shall i yelir tod might try i replied but i doubt if you can make yourseir heard i henry armuted lustily but the only result wmg to increase the anger of tnetiql which new began to tear up thturrih it rage henry finalry desoeaded from the tree top and joined us in the taw bnsehee rvjdentlx that bull madtjt itt midd co tfay rlgbt one organisation at isam basdsde a part of the purespeech jstottlftoant that la use family wwtwrttta cwldnm may team from bo at jtrin jmlid w7efr eehool it uf in ths heme fm dag jnluj iftlqh parents and each other that theyao sa rtswl- zljl 71z nuire the manner of speech whh fbiy jrsafce their own and which uoioi tpiefgrrtferough ufa they eugttr at lsst nlgtitl duf tour ise irjiosrwmr ym ruttf rdorv tt imcrf yrtih ms alu prhjs nd be started right- into be entertaining i let bun settle tbe war and the mexican situation and the president without paying any atten tion pretty soon h began to remark about my having auch a growth uf hair in my ears and said that in his experience he had noticed thai that indicated vry acui hearing f did peep i presume says ho with an i gulrlng smile that your hearing is vary acute t smiled tuu k responsive but eort of blank und says i mildly what was it you sumt why according lo my ihory sue i growth df hair in tho iur means 1 unusually name hearing i supp se sir that you have a very yulck ear i began to look reat interested then and winking in the glass at a couple of walung victim i says eh ljpwa thatt oh go to thunderl says tho barber and after that i could have taken a nap it was so nice and quiet i liars make liars the man who is untrue himself is always willing to listen to untruths about others a liar breeds ilurs the nmn who encouragos falsehood will beget a following of liars what folly fog a man to look for verity in those about him wben his whole life is u tissue of fraud and deception you might as well aspect barley from this tlos as honest clerks from a orooke i proprietor or faithful sarvanu fom a leoeltful master when tho head of nestabllshmont puts a remlum falsehood he should not be auri ril when his tlj is tapped if a ruler aearkeneth to falsehood all his mot vanta are wicked an honest em ployor makes un honest employee there are cases of course where dls honesty in help crops up in spite t f the influence a aquaco man may exert but these hre the exception rathsr than tbe rule ioomties in mural at the head of an institution ts a calamity walk carefully hofuro you help aoloraon li bhoe an 1 leather journal two little girls were talking one day how old is yodimqtherr the blue eyed one asked why shea just the ago ull mother axe replied tho brown oyed one lilue eyes wan rull of scorn thoy aron t all one age goosey there s your mother and mine but there old airs ruy and alios miss altbeas mother and sbe awful old jjrown eye meditated upon thl so she replied you couldn t go to her und tell her things the way ou cun to reul ones the mother lies all gone out uf her uhus juut an old inly p or old mrs llwy who had lost hur mother ood somewhere down tllq years i lor the child was right tho tuothvr hud gone out of her she had grown querulous exacting self cen tred indifferent to the pulsing hf about her and when ana roach thut place no mutter what glory bar past has held she has lost it she la longer a mother in the great and splendid fullness of tho word ut there la another aide to it the child woe speaking deeper truth than she could know true rapt her hood is ageless because its essence is love and love is eternal once a mother always u mother to those who have the in ther heart the hair my grow white und thlu und the figure bent and frail but tho children know and careless of outward appearance straight to tho heart of tho matter many otlrs all tbe lltuo neighborhood whatever it may be blia has her finger upon its pulse duy vlth jts joys sorrows with us sorrows holds them all in her heart there is no og for sucji s these the truth goes deeper tlll there ore mothers in vtha worldmany of them who never have known the touch of children of their own so they mother other they are old maids some ot thni horn too earjy to know the freedom of a generation that ha discarded the lubal they ure yomen whose lives hsvtl ut duty befure the woman dream l women imprisoned by hard circumstance vet if they carry a moihor heart thoy always coma to lhlr own because the worl i nee is hen no much there never are mother enough to go round all from th little- niothor uf the tenb men to ho oldest und frailest are so tprribly hooded i they meet hard abtps sorrows perplexities but al wgya too they meet greut joy and a the child sold the have nothing to do with ugs your cannot fouth those who understand because they love lve4nhead engmeefcomse fourwheelbikes ofamrse and low pressure tires fisher king representatives for this district georgetown oat effect of civilization tr what did me meant jtwt flq rod tpunk that ypun 7ymu mrltlmd m to lt on fcl up imt nlthll wd w1mu am you dor ft i sw the serious problem ot the clvlllxa un uf the red inan sometime jewel ops an amusing aide ilob lull coy ole wui sent to a government school front his reservation in the west clad in biickskln und apeuklng only bis muther touguei he remained during the stipulated time gradually becoming a white man to all intents and puriroses ilut im wr cuter trens forma tlun waa manifest ed when he returned to his peoplr than that of his name which had evolved from the savage uobtall coyote to that which appeared on his neatly ougreytd vlglflns card houeutt wolo mclaughlin buick the mothers of tlrib community are the buyer of met- of the goods required for tlie home them selves and tlie clrudren and in large measure for the men ab well theae women are the elobebt readerb of the locul newspaper amessage in tiie acton free press is certain to be read by the very people the home mer chant must reach with his store news advertising is the bond of confidence that ties your stoie to the homes of the community the homeniakers expect to he ittvitedto your store areyonnwllling 7 to be shown that i an adverti8emeiinwiv tmuod by cftnui- lokulon

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