Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 11, 1924, p. 3

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i 1- l hfi v qttft j rtntt frrp rp0b tuiiiutdav hipriarbkll 11 10s4 givc thcm the flowers now loan f tnt an- it t white rone i cold lianda raul hi i iii oh know ilralh tlmit u utlllud en mot unt or tiih odfirs r from tliein llnw death wllh u mm dren its children of earth ilh undo life js ii tiino wo uii help the bo give thorn the flow urx now iirlvln hero are the struggles unit hero nrt tho nnt mill iho tears now in tho time l he smoothing tho frowns nm ilia furrows iiml fours what to closed nytm am tlrid nuylngs what to hushed bean in deep vow naught can avail utter parting bo glvo thorn tho flo wont nnwl jtiht a kind word or a greeting just a worm lira up or u mll tiimo urn tho flower hint will lighter the burdens tor mnny a mile- after ihu journey is over whit la thn una of thorn t how can they rurry who must ho carried oh glvo thorn the llowan now i blooms from tho happy hearts garden imuckod in tho nulrlt of lovo ii loom ttiat areearthly reflection of flo wont that blossom nlwve words cannot toll what n meurc of blessing such gift- will allow to dwell in the uvea of many so give thorn the lowora now leigh m hodge the worsted motto suppose you think tlmt unt yery ornomonul said mrs jennings not- icing tho tummer bosrdors iln to ward i motto worked in worsted thai hung on the wall it a out of fashion and lt faded besides hut i wouldnt think of parting with that motto husband aunt abby worked- it and nho wm a aalnt on earth if ever there was one she brought it over one afternoon all framed and whan husband came homa ho noticed it the first thing aunl abby has been making you a present says he youvo guessed pretty near right i ay only its your present just as much ia mine aunt abby was par ticular about thai i aays and ha looked a little queer husband was as kindhearted man as you would wish to see besides being sober and industrious- but he had one bad habit i presume he pick ad 11 up going on coasting vessels when he was young he didnt mean any harm and he had tried to break himself of it out there the minute anything went wrong or he got the least grain oxoited hed out with it no matter who wu round to hear however he said he waa much obliged for hla wuire of the present and i can seem to hear him now as ho stood and read the text out loud iet the words of my mouth anf the meditations of my heart be ac ceptable in thy bight o lord mj strength and my redeemer the nest noon when he came home from ploughing he was a sight had tried to steer clear of a a turn p the plough had caught in the root an1 brought up all standing and hed been thrown oil hu feat and got his face barked something dreadful and what do you suppose i said when i picked myself upt soya he k says he i just repeated that no l to that aunt abby worked and ttfl i felt just as reconciled as oould jio allowed that two or three luring the forenoon he had sold kig worse for he was breaking piece of ground and the ao acting scandalous but o- he would repeat the tei sii svorwards as much aa 4o say wu 4 was sorry and would try to jrer and most of the times when njang happened ha said he manog 1 io get tho motto in ahead ha said he was going to keep on that way nnfe he believed it would cure him and sure enough it did the old han of the 0g clock a commonplace letter lho thing- you did il in your hand n hearts areoilng two are company all otua feet the truth of the old proverb and tnu in reference not only to that ever- intrusive and superfluous third but to the difference that always exists between the quiet society of you and me and any larger gathering whatsoever really intimate conversation la set dom if ever possible with more than two persons in general social ea- x o may have brilliant wl and vigorous argument and intel m gence may be stimulated to a higher and a mora showy activity than possible in quiet corners but tho simple direct interchange of intimate thought the communication of soul for eoui of one reaj personal expert enee for another hardly takes place when more than two are present woman with their delicate social 0jrrase understand all these things best flme ttarblay a woman of world wide observation- remarks of an quatntanca -t- determined however to avoid all teteatete with him what soever aa much as was in my power bow very few people are fit for them uoone living in trios and quartettes can imagine urns- darblay is perfectly right there are people who are created to live with many people who seem to be warmed and kindled tiyths pres ence of a crowd who glitter and sparkle overflow with witty retort and pleasant anecdote and song and mirth and laughter you get those same peoptp bythemselves and think what a gold mine of amusement awaits you and they fhyteu out to nothing like a burst balloon again there are others oj we all know who in general society alt qufet and listen who seem dull and unpromising and socially quite hopo- lea if we are left alone with them we feel at flmi that a heavy burden has fallen upon our shoulders then we find suddenly that they have seen many things and felt many thing can moke us se and fee them they may even give us thatgreatest of all delights of conversation the sense- thai some one else sea and foots and thinks as we do never set a- parson down as dull udiii you have tried tilrn alone mid yn if the dialogue fails do not be too sure which 1s the dull one it aeemod h lltth just to luko thn and mow th wn hid i nnuth tho common lworoit atutn r tho land hut ovor tho moiintiiliih inxl nvor tin ilaln and uw o r th billowy jirnlrlv wont tho small aqunro letter to uootho tht pain of one who was fro tied with dis content she will lit and tired tho long hot duy had wfrn itself to tho morcnt shrod tho last of th light as it ehbod nwny pell on hor pallont noodlo and thread a ahftovw rnmo hying herons tho nmce wqero thi fading sunliaiit 01 tared t h rough there was just tho gltmm of u nwoot young face and a yuteo said horo la a tetter for yoiit the quick tears blurred in i suddan mlt but sho brushed them away and they ahe amllod and you should havn soon how she kissed iind klasiul thp ostmurkh clrclot itko a child why the name brought hack the ions whnn sho drossod in hor host of tfternoonu when sho found it u plonsuro to sit and sow and her soams wcro homrmxl to tripping tunes poverty change and tfio drbdgery of work that rmm on without tin ontl had fettered tho hmrt that was light and free till shed almost forgotten she hr o friend the peoplu at home no rfoldom wrlto her youth and ha pleasure uu all behind she was thlnklnir bitterly hut last night that out of sight in out of mind tir lot or i the old miu deyond those lovolw nnt and gro sho thrills to tho thrush u his rtuto notes wake in tho voaper huah of ihu woois hh situ aiculii in tho little churrh and lifts her vole in thn choir oncu more or stoops for a fourmouvod olovor to search in tho graaathat rlpplua up to the door- it was very little it meant for you an hour at best when thn day wm dono but tho words you sent rung nwect and truo and they carried comfort and chrxir to one who wan needing to fool a clasping hand and to hear the voices she unad to hear antlthe uttlo letter the bread hi of thw land was the carrier dove that brougst home near margaret e3 sangstit ntd mr charles them mr ifcrnstreot t hill tho uhltlmo mitihiint on tho corner whoro hlx son john ronllnuci iim a ntontkropir wfro kronl rronlni tlioy worn uismui tho oaiiio ny thv both citmo from now york hlato iiml inlud rmilro ijiyallsl ly win htljulnml mi a hiit ii tin lyihir houto hills jtrn two iiion hi i this ililllp ilcfiiatrrnt by moaii which th ind in hi i bailors knots u vr j a sailors ship is hla home so seamen live in a ship not on a ship warships havent stairs but they huv ladders 3 a naa officer hasnt a room its his cabin it was u cubln long before nelsons ay 4 tho deck of a warship is not the noor there is no roof its all dck whether you are on it or under it 6 on the quarter deck of a war ship us the bugles blow sunset all stand at the valuta facing aft clviuane boarding a warship should raise their liata as a salute the quarter deck too difficult some scottish territorials were at the rifle butts one of the men a tailor by trade was making exceed imfiy bad practice and missing the target avmry shot at length the of ficer- in command became angry and inquired jmifflyj con you not see the target elrt barely you a a tailor must thread your own neadlel oil aye i can see the target re plied the j terrier calmly an i can thread a needle us well but wha the mischief ever tried to thread needle t two bunder yalrdst am old lanomarkvtrans- formed f always liked that tittle lid cot tag bowef avenue nejtt k dr mn n ivans fine home near klgln btreet i liked it tor itse b ltwaano o tlur best bult housos in town and because nearly all the pooolu who lived in it were those whom i esteemed highly and thought n tot of councillor frank holmes came into isseeslon of tho property i under stand last spring since then he hoa had stone masons carpenters plaster era and painters at work in tram forming the place x walked tutat tho other day and was surprised at the changes whtchhave boon made it in now a commodious twostorey resi dence and whan completed will have all modern improvements and ill miss my guess if next summer it isnt rendered more attraotlve with a new grassy lawn and lota of flowora in and about the place i rtutko this guess because franks mother has for years had one of the prettiest displays of flowers and a wellkept lawn in front in fact mrs holmes hue won tho horticultural societys nrat pirlyu for the beat display of floworq shown by any home in town well i know the old cottage more than alxty years ago yea i was in that hous mom than ajxtyflve years ago- it was bunt by fijij hnydar about seventy years ngo 11 had just come out of his apprnntlooshlp aw u carpen ter and jolnerj had married matilda hematrecl daughter of ihllip 11cm- streat and duo i let lo snttlu in aotun his native town ho bought the lot and built his homr which was one of tlie tlntt two houava built on tho south aide of hwt avnnur thomas c moore another young mi tenter built hla house nt tho corner of iyoderlok streotjust about the same time it j remember correctly it was a rnv be tween tho two for who would com plete his hoifse first as 1 said ell had just finished his apprenticeship and he was quite proud of his now set or tools and hla ability qso ihfm bo ht donided that would glvo a testing d onions t ration of what he could acrjumpluh in ca in thehultdlng of hla now homo the exterior- wn not so different from the ordinary framv houses built in those days uxoptlng that the stylo rchltcoturti was a modification of bungalow of half a oontury latnr the interior rtutah liuwuvur waa flno ell utndo door and tylmlow frames of the most inlrlcute uiouldliigs mil every angle tif uvory one of i ham was mitred with u preculon which all mechuhlus admired arid mind you this waa all humlwork tho mould ings wore plowod out by hand and there was no much in e work anywhere under oich window was a neat mould ed pajiel iimf the doors wet o ajt beau tifully moulded and panellod mr flnydsr was naturally pr olid of his new home and itm splmulld carpenter work it has lived through all thsaa years nd many ioopte havo had opportun ity for ndinlrlg it i havent heen inside the transformed house soy i do not know whether councillor frank has had the carpenters remove theso feu- or not if lis left them i am sure they will grace the nowly-coii- stracted ndlfloo vary nlcoly thli wiih built anil muni ivith each i lliotr prlmo matter cltlmr fur wns douf n n a post n waa nocosiiiirly ouulo of a little nlnto about douf neighbor nlwuyu pockot- mr hnydn- loft thlw itowci avnnu- homo in two or throe yours and move lo tho lwonlynvo ncro furm now th homoof-mi- j- 12 j lit m win for a mini tier of yearsmnll carrier fur thn no houto from acton i think mr feyty who hud retired fiom ftuiilliic at ihil una fad bought tho prpvrty and 1 think ho and his partnnr romiilnoi there until thty puimud uwity thuy wero also good nolkhhoru with mr and mrs hill tho chlldrun too al ways enjoyod a chance to roi ovor to auuly kyfea and this waa null often aa tho u ills family cow mupllcl tholr dally portion of milk the flmlly groceries also wont through the gato in the f on eo fropi hills storo to tho 1yfo kitchon alout tho time theso catoomod real dents tho fytmi wont to their rowarl mrlrs hill jr and emmii mcflnrvln i iildest daughter of or mcoarvtu o of actona plonner physlchinii and member of actons nrnt municipal council wero joined in thn buodn of holy wedlock their homo nest was tho hnydur bunitalow which charlie hill jr tho photo nrtlst had pur chased from tho lyfo on tutu thoa they lived hnpplly until they dochled to remove to monroe mich tfhtri larger business opportunities afferod and whore he hns prospered and flllod responsible posltlonu in church and state after mr anil mrs hill and thol- chlldron rurnoved from tholr natlvs heath and left thu homo where tho first happy years of their wedded llfi were spent hla brotherinlaw j e mcoarvln with mrs mcoarvin and the children made this thalr homo his fathers residence wnn in the samo block but fucod on mill strojt mr and mrs mcqnrvin llvod tbelr until their removal to kitchener and thanes toronto both have passed to their reward ed died last yean nd qw sleeps in palrvlew cemetery the next family to oiim th snyder houso wan the jumu wl cob ban family they were among oui most highly esteemed and useful cltl sons and lived- in acton for man years one by one tho family flitted from thn home nest mo homos of tholr mr and mrs cobban both pasv- ovor the rlvor from this homo the family la now wldoly scattered mitchell the only son la lnwlunlpc maggie j mrs dr elliott im in alber- nettle mrs john mc dorm id it in georgetown and clani the young- est mrs jackson is in calgary when mn and mrs ilobcrt ilrown br retired from the farm they bought this property and mode it tholr homo here they iwpont tholr declining yen in in a wellearned rest their children often visited them and in duo courae they both passed away in hope of a blessed immortality inspector w 11 titewart purchased the property as an investment from th drown estute it then became n tenement tind several families in suc cession occupied it until mr iavld mccutchoon came from icrln and pur chased it ior u number of year they occupied it and finally sold it to councillor holmes lust spring and re- moved to evert on now in a fow weeks mr and mrs prank holmes and thrr baby boy will make their home in tho transformed and attractive now plnce x am sure ir cltlxens generally will join mary and me in best wishes to these popu lar young people for much happlnosj and prosperity lu this now theirs experiences in a continent al hotel in hla very interesting rfcltul of experiences in europe with tho cun- udjnn editors iarty mr rupert w ouvles in hlu paper the itenfrow met cur y given tho following story renpecllng thu contlnenrul hotels at llrushcis we wero asnlgned to iim lalnco lintel havuig had a slight experience three yen is earlier wllh continental hotuls i was prepnrefl for iho worst and received ho most plmu- hiu fiurprtsn when wo oiitorel the long rotunda with its hrlghtjiuml enrpot its brllllnnt lights mh com for table- chqflra and ita mngnlflcenj uppulntinonta my aplrlta begun to rise and when i nuw our room wllh its rich honsltuja ha handsome mahogany in d briisn twin hods ita exquisite marbletued bathroom its rich carpet and comfwtublo chair i quickly chnngod my opinion about continental hotels ttnd deoldod that when it cama to comfort and luxury the proprietors of prat class iletglan hotels have nothing to learn fromfhls continent tim soma thlttg applies to tlid restaur ant service it was firstclass in every respect s there woro on the menu fon dinner tlmt night tho choicest of meatfl ftsn and fowl and such etrawberrlea and muakmolons wo nevof see in this part of canada of course tho mono arft all in french but in that respect thoy are nd different to the london hptajs and in fact nearly all flratqlaas eng lish hot els- in england however it la easy to any to the waller mow i dont know what all this means but bring mo some soup roast beef and york shire pudding etc and he gooa away smiling in belgium it is not that easy although the headwaiters usualj ly understand some english urussoln hotols are much like canadian hotels there were two diningrooms at tho palace the restaurant and tho grill there were ave of us togothor for dinner that evening- and wo chose iho restaurant because we wero more tired than hungry and none of us felt uko that hot full course dinner which wo ex pec tod would be served in the grill we confined ouselves to something light which however included straw berries and cream and muskmelon the hill was something ovor poo francs figuring it roughly that snack cost us ovor 1000 with tho franc worth 46 conts hod tho franc been normal a ip cents the hill would have been bout 15000 hut i imagine that when he franc is normal prlcos como down if they dont and wines are taken with dinner the palace would hardly bo the place for n poor man thoa who dined in tho grill however re ported an excollent meal at very reasonable cost that was our only experience of the kind it happened because wo arrived late and had no time to confer with the manugemoil about meals for the balance of our stay likewise in paris and london wo wore able to arrange for a very nlco table dhote meal at a reasonable price after dinner we wont out o see u little of the city that first dinner to ugh t ua all something wo did not know before that they dont hurry their meals in europe they serve them leisurely and one must learn to possess his soul and stomach in dim monro so it was late when we started nut and we did not go far a walk down tho adolph max was interesting however and we saw some of the fine shops or nruaaels and what was more interesting the scores of cafes with tho uttlo tabloa and chairs out on thu sidewalks in front whero people alp tholr liquid refreshment and watch the crowds ko by that is a feature of ctrrrtlnontal life that immediately at tracts the attention and interest of tho westerner georgetown citizens memorial to her soldier herott who mode the supreme sacrifice giddy gwendolen i the electric twins every tovn has u favoxtto story with which tho cltliens love to amuse tbe stranger this is tlie one thy toll at ball da sal ida is the western gateway of tho iloyu fjorga on tho edge of the town a mountain rise i abruptly a thousand feet- and offots from ita top a vlow far down the gorge the comraorcialclub conceived iho idea of erecting on tho puuk a la rue electric sign that would flash the name of the city down the gorge to bo seen by passengers on upproochlng trains several miles before salida w waeea ed on the night the sign was to be usod for the first time u civic- celebration was held the bond played the people gathered in the streets and at the appointed moment the mayor pressed the button the populace craned their necks to behold sajlda shine forth from the mountain top but to their dismay sal and no more shone out the next- day the sign was put order as- the electrician declared and that night ugnln the mayor pressed the button once more there- was a moment of hesitation and then ida appeared unaccompanied by sal the following night there was more buttonpressing and ovary night thereafter for two or three weeks sometimes sal shorts out and some times ida but something was radi cally wrong and do their best the boosters nnvof could prevail on sal and ida to come out on the samo night the project waa nnully aban doned tho visitor now uuucc a curl- is platform on top of the mountain invariably ho luqulrua about tt ntid hen iho tiatlvaa toll him of tho con- rurlneaa of hal hint ida orirnth groaned gwendolen glng- ham gowned gray goose gobbled great grands ires galligaskins i great guns i gasped orlfflth orcatgrandslreb gone i gobbled f gloomed owendolan gluttonous geese gorglnj ganders great grandalrea good gojllgaaklnsl goats gwendolen guessed grif fith goats grab gloves gftlters gowns galligaskins geese gobble grain green garllc gladiolus gwendolen glancing garden ward glimpsed greatgrandsire giving gray geese grain geese gladly glutting gls surds good greatgrandslrel gushed qwepeolen giving geesa grain gra tultoualyl greatgrandeuro gliding irradually groaned gwendolen oo ant great- grandalrea gajligaaklasl grunted great gra ndal re loose gobbled galligaskins great grands ire grieved gwendolen gammon trrowlod greutgrundslre giddy girl got galltgasklnsl go garret i gwendolen galloped gladly galuod gurrot vrubbed galligaskins gracing grlndstope i good girll ifurglod grateful grout- grandshe good geesu giggled gwendolen gayy gwendolen gleeful griffith grin ned gallinaceous cumn guineas geese gobble greens grain gramli ivorous geese unveiled saturday aujrrjflt 30th 1924 at 11 a m the memorial elands fourtoon feet high and is of marble and bronxq the forward march of tho british empiro lo victory and peuco through the bravery of her heroic sons la the idea underlying the sculptors design of the bronse group tho rrltlsh hon symbol lain the british empire la accompanied by a dlgninod figure of winged victory march- ing at hla side extending in her right hand tho emblem of tho crown of olives ovor the names of tho warriors who served and suffered in her just en use and in her left hand grasping the sword of the states encased in sheath and trappings emblematical of peace the sword and hilt togothor form the cross and this appears in tho sculpture aroup immediatelyover tho centre of the memorial thereby emphasising tho idea of the supreme bacrlrtco of those ino savo their lives for tholr friends georgetown herald internal and external pains ara promptl rel by ob thomas eclectric oil rhat it has bom ou pm nukct ftm yum ianoav a orcattn uusm thanncn iqa tesntlomial that bkaksrmi it miwcnoua oufutivk ouautin 1 gtya tuiisday and wednesday- qof 1 ift septkmkett 23rd and 24th 1 j7r j acton fall fair four races with good parses dance in town hall second evening op the fair new and enlarged prize list excellent midway and merrygoround acton citizens band will give a full concert programme the first evening and will play during the afternoon of the second day of the fair bargains in hardware w pro offering again some sousonabla specials in farmers meeds and harvesting tools the prices speak for themselves you can save money by purchasing your hardware supplies from us harvesting tools turnip hoes regular 1115 for 100 hay forks strapped guaranteed reg tt8d for 105 hay forks plain regular llftb for 160 t i 00 6 imr hay fork rope pure rqanllls reg 28o lo for per 10 hay fork juueya reg 12r each for climax bug killer bag of 2btts reg sllk for see our win do vvb for specials on oran1teware w d talbot 115 100 phone 78 wve deliver slow but sure rtte telegraph messenger at aama1 gerald thorp is familiar with the principle embodied in oibert hub turds story a message o uaroiu although this will probably be hli qrst intimation that such a story vtom ever written a local confectioner called for t messenger to go out to u farmhouse for wo do sail ogga- garuld was de tailed for tho errand which ordinarily would consume thirty minutes at the and of three hours ho returned with tho eggsiewd wua promptly culled on tberarpef by thu mutuurer to ex plain his long ubsencu fnjm the urrtco in u rtiucu irlsti brogue gerald explain ed that the furniur itad only twulity- three eg as and hu hud wultod two and oii italf hours for u plymouth hock hen to luy the other egg uerutttrefuses to pose for hla photo graph schoolboy definitions the following is a selection from p llst of schoolboy howlers printed in thv university correspondent and th educational revtow which offered a prise for the beat twelve eon in in 1020 the pilgrims crossed the ocean which is known as the pilgrim progross charles i wsa going to ajiarry tho infanta of ifpaln he went to see hor and bhaksspcare says he never smiled again tennyson ha greatest prose wrl that ever lived wrotu ho nin and uradlss lost aocount or the feudal system wh iro the conqueror was thrown from his horse and wounded in tho ru tidal system and died of 1l cllve imprisoned 140 men in tho hacu hole of oaloutta and so ul the foundation of our indian krrtplri in holland people make use of waiei power to drive their windmills queen kuaaboth rodu through cov entry with nothing on and itulnlgh offered her j his cldak tomnell wus destroyed by an over flow lit saliva from the vatican all settled in our new store we arc rsractically sll over with our extensive alterations in our store premises the inconvenience will now be more than mgdo up for by tho increased accommodation and aervicc we will be able to give you woro justly proud of tho improved strowe have youii family bakernow better able to serve you fairbanks bakery phone 116 mill street acton tax notice 1924 municipality of acton the greatest eskimo pie the world as stated tcii unyder built the or iginal house for hlfitself and family he lived there for several years part of which tune tirm snyders- parents ur and mrs hematreet lived with i perhaps nothing is quite so remark abla us ihe shapsa of the oe and snow drifts in the bwlss alps formed by tho water and the changes of the wind among the mountain guides theso natural formations are know as lo puddings but cnadtun tour ists might rechrlsten them eskimo plea florobijmos they retain tlie same shape thioughout an entire w hit oi and again this shape may change u iloseti times or more durlnc a single year frequently they are o immense als and as dlrflcult of aseent as lha rooky planacles of the moun tains uemoelvea a thouoht worth whle u you work for a man in heavens mo work for him ir he pya yot wages that supply your bread an 1 hut tor work for him speak well of htn1 aland by him and the institution h iwprosopts if put to u pinch ni ounce of loyalty is worth a pound or inverness if you must vilify oniwj leuui mid eternally dlaparagu why init oslgrt your thtsltlun aoj whn- yoli ire outside dimi to your lioatta con tentl ltut aa long as you tne u part of the institution do not cuidomu t if you do you are loosening the ten drils that hold you to the institution and the flrat high wind that coima along you will be uprooted ami blown uway in the blusards track and prob ably you will never know wjiy icibert hubbard mwmmht the tux notices for 1bj4 are now behlg sunt uut kor the con venience of all cuncorned puymotits have bi uriunged to he umdo iii two instalments tho iiunk of moutreul kibst instalment skptembkb 16 skconp instalment noyempeis 18 any tutupuyei- may pay thu wholu tt his lukea op if hrforti uepteinbvr 11 but one- half tho amount must be paid on 01 haiuro that date- kuilurv o comply with tills urrungexnent entails extm ogpensti and fouhlo an addition of 0vo per cent will la made to vry tux rate or usssssinwilt teliialnlng unpum fourtemi days after the said lcth day lf huptemhur for the first instalment unit liiollth day of novstnbot ftif the eerond lustulmont und it will he the duly of tlie collector immedi ately uftur thu suld several duys orpoliitod for payment to oolloot ut onoe by distress of upiarwlae liiidor ihu provisions of the mtatute hi that behulfi ull such tgxe or instalment of tuxus please take your tax notice with vpu to the bank when making payment w j reid collector ffee press job printing is always neatly done list of special prizes horse specials v no v 1 ijest high htopping horse in harness 1st wm johnstone cash fg00 jnd halton olpvo co cash 300 2 host hlniio turnout by dr coxo cash i00 3 heat lady driver stnglo vehicle 1st w irht cash ifioa 2nd walter kentnor cash i20j 700 4 most tandem turnout 1st i campbell cuah jg00 2nd w j aklns cash soo 8 00 6 ladles qui ok hitch harness und hitch to rig go aa you plouso orlco uround trock und unhitch opi xo hulton county by w j patterson 1st cilsh 300 2nd 00 g novelty ftaco harness und hitch to rig trot or pace once around tho truck than unhitch und unharness und go anci uround the track asyou please full set of harness no snaps allowed by t j onell acton creamery cash 5 oo 7 iotut ruco on horseback 6 yards 10 potatoes to bo taken from pile at one end and put in box ut the other end handled with apear by w a storey 1st cash 100 2nd cash 200 v s 8 host light express horse 1st by juasymon hardware mareljant acton rush igd0 2nd shoelrta one horse by n i uolam value g0 1 w 0 heavy team with tho best koot feel only id be considered by j itumshaw set of new shoea for team ahod value 8 w 10 light horso with tho best poet feet only to bo conaldered by j ilamsbav single horse shod new shoes value 0 11 host lady itldor by kenney bros pair of shoes value 6 00 12 juost colt i year und under 2 years alrod by tho imported iorcheron stallion ktoaquo by w ilrawn und donald mclaren calwlon 1st cash boo 2nd cash isoo ird cooh 120 1 00 cattle sheep and hog specials 13 beat junior herd of jerseys under 7 yearn to consist of i registered bull and 3 heifers registered or grade 1st by j it alexander front street oarage oaah joo 2nd by ji w itlnlon jeweller acton aash 1200 f 00 14 best registered dairy cow uny breed s years or over 1st by i a henderson cash 500 2nd dolavju separator co goods vutuo 600 per ohas 1arker 10 00 15 best throe mufkolabe lambs any brood not less than nve ontriom all lambs exhibited to be turned over to h h brown to be shipped cooperatively by ft n brown 1st cosh 600 2nd cash 300 3rd cuah 2fl0 jo 00 is best brood how and utter of plga bucon typo utter to be be from to 0 wooka old by c xi swuckhnmer cuah 00 17 beat throo liucon hugs donor o receive same at market value by orrle umb butcher 1st cash 300 2nd cash 1200 8 00 root and vegetable specials 18 beet bug potatoes donor o reoelvo same by dr j m noil cash ioo 18 best bag potatoes donor to rvcelvo samo by t a jiorton 20 best bushel irish cobbler potatoes donor to receive same by nelson co cash w 21 best bag potatoes donor to receive same by ii w harri son shoe btoro acton 1st goods value 376 2nd goods value 22b k 00 22 best bushol shipping turnips medium grade by ontario turnip orowera cooperative ltd per v j mcdonald 1st cash 500 2nd cash 100 8 00 33 bast onions yellow 3 lobe or denver ono peck donor to receive same and lo bo delivered by a t brown cash 1 0 34 beat collection of field hoots to be grown from ronnlea beeda seeds selected from bennies tioed catalogue to the value of 3 00 26 best collection of garden ve ire tables to be grown from bennies seeds by bonnie seed co seeds to tbe value of 3 oo fruit specials 2 best half bushel northern spy apples donor to receive same and to be delivered by dr j a mcnlvon cash s 00 2f best half bushel pall apples hand picked any variety donor to receive same by mr mccullough per j r kennedy cash 1 m 38 best one bushe king apples donor torecelvo same to be detiyerud in october sumo us sample by j a smith cash 1 0 29 best one bushol hnow apples donor to receive same to bo delivered lp qouibor tub acton kjucs pnosa l year 2 00 30 bust barrel spy apploa donop receive some to be delivered in october samo an sample shpwn by c h harrison cash r 7 do 31 best one bushe king apples dppor to receive same be itflllvared in october tu acton ljucs lusss l yor 3 00 s3 bant one bushel spltxenburg apples donor to receive same to be delivered in october tub actum koks piudml 1 year 3 00 33 bes one bushel snow apples donor o recolvo same p he delivered in octdovr 1flrl ii vincent cash 3 00 34 uest barrol upy apploaou ra the same ua sample shown dullverod in october by w kelly butcher acton cash 8 00 35 best bushel tuhnun sweet apples donor to receive same to be delivered in october same us sample by ches wilson cush s 01 miscellaneous specials 30 bust luu dressed chlckuns donor to receive eame by v holmes cash ft 00 37 ltmt pair spring chickens dreimod donor to lecolvo same by harold wiles cuh ft 00 3h luott spring chicken dressed donor to reuelvo sume by a b mclean cash 2 60 39 bent spring chicken d remind donor to receive same by 1c j hassanl no 3 uruwnlu cumuru value 3 86 40 best dressud duck donor to tjjve same by mrs w johnatonn cash j 3 60 41 best pair duoka dressed donor to lutelvu suine cabinet wuddlng invl 11 lions p intuit in kiiuravern typo whou required by tiia acton jitsa laiam valuo a 00 43 llt 0 dokn icgus donor lo iioelve am by j u kunnedy 43 bust 2 uts liuttur in piiutu ilunor to rulvo suinu by dr k j nelson cast l 2 00 44 best 6 lbs butter lp bolls donor lu rccelvv aahte by ainbrosu xfccann cuh 6 do 46 bust 3 ttiu bultar in irlnts rienur to reo by oeo lantx cash 2 60 46 best 8 ttiu dairy butter in crook donor to runeive suma by pugsley dlngman a vo pr j b kennedy a case of 1earl nflutiui jioup vallle a 8 oo 47 bitst 6 lbs dairy butter in prints donor to ro-lv- asms j k kennedy oaah m 4 00 4 bust b lb boll dairy butler doner to reolvo sutnu by j h lulshman rash r 00 4b bent 6iba dairy butter in bolls donor to tocolvo huiiio by w o musuleu uash 3 00 co best 6 low dairy butter lit blocks exhibited by tnakar who has nut won an katun pil h uyi the uhnics of the following casserole hiring of pea i 1m tablo cloth or wringer vulua tumi 5 on to 6 us 6 86 61 bat g tt butter lu 1iliiln tp he to h- ll iroat i lorgeowii cush ij po 63 bust 6 tug dairy itutter lu lrni donor to lorolvs aatne by t j krr cosh 7 3 fiq 6j uiihi iaigs ilouf of llreud madu fiom kiva ltusv riour nil j her donor to roelve samo by d- ii lindsay mim auton 1n 48 lbs jclvt kosi lloui vililo t 2nd 3 lbs five buses trtpur vuluv 1121 3iti 14 lbs klye husoa klour valus d0o b 00 64 best apple half doxuii tarta and 1 iyor cake muds from kxoelsior bus try klour no ntht donor to receive same by d jl lindsay 4k ltu loxtuhslur kloiir value 3 00 66 best 3 loav llmad iliads fioui kivo clown flour no ullior donor lo receive atitnu to bo lollvered by win hurlup miller icvorton winner lo apply for flour to nelson co 1st til iha klvo ciown klour value 3 0 2nd 36 lbs kivo crown lloui value i3c 3 7ft jo boat dosmi tea blsoulta hlude from uly whits fas try ilour ho other donor to receive same ly wmuoilop miller winner to apply tor flour to nelson a co 1st 36 lbs uly while hour value 110 2nd by nulson co 13 lbs uly white klour value aoo 1 o 1 beat collection kullcy 1uatty 10 varieties dopor to reoelvo same by w a mycutoheoti 20 the hoeklst honey value 4oo 2nd by a kan na win cash 1800 0 00 tf uest quart uupls syrup donor to uoolvs santo by h p icckardt co per j h koaiieity 6 ids ludollu tea valuo 4 00 it beat 3 cjuarla iraarvel krull htiuwlhirry ltuephury or black curruuts orooois limited per j it kennedy honor to receive fruit r ihri dreuitnousht tea valuu 3 60 u couoludud on pagu loui yul bkiiihrij

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