Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 11, 1924, p. 4

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tjiwfwff wfppfftiv eiyjfhrfigpjbrjij ywaf5pfi -js- v 1 r t11e jtojos- or ailjp acton 3ffm w00 mem er cjdlsn weklr ntpr amocuhoo uralxr s lec ltd town weskusa ol oatsrio the acton fuke fbess la published tt tiradar morning it tbo frea pn uuddla 1111 stmt actqp ostario tha ubtcrfpttofl aprlca it par insdvanca oataire m chatfesd ddlilooi to demi in lb ualtsd stataa tha data to which aubrcrtptloaa ora paid ia indicated op tba addroaa ubl advertising hates tran aim t sdwrtia tarata to canta pr una at rncsviur for brat laaertloe and 1 cnta per itaa or each aabae- ouant lomftlon contract dlplt advertla- ucntt o jo lncti or mora pr sonant it essta per inch each intfcttloe advartiaameat wire oat peclae direction will be iqaertad till iocbld and eaarged accotdlalr il p hoobe rvaaldeat and editor c a dills maoacar and aaalataat editor telepuonia- edltorui sod baalaata oses mw thursday morning september 11 1924 editorial regulating bcsuuruita and dances the town of hanover is preparing a hy law to regulate restaurants and public dances both of tjriuch have for some time been problems in that jqnicipality the post says the councillors favor closing halls where dances are held at 12 oclock tihidnrght and prohibiting dance altogether on satur- f day nights the feeling is that restaurants should cloae at 11 oclock and that the hoars for sunday be limited to f to 9 12 to 2 and 6 to 8 oclock municipal councils generally could accept these sue- f gettlons as pretty nearly right respecting hours for kentruinment and service no one could reasonably kclatathatiuch regulations would work any hardship lor inconvenience united states prealdentlaf candidates all prohibltioniats there is certainly no evidence in the united statrs that prohibition sentiment is in any sense weakening the wet press of that country has for many months beck promising their readers that the national poll tt can con vent ion a would at least weaken on tho pro hibit on issue but instead all four candidates repi blican and democratic nominees for president and vicepresident dvc drys and each platform pedutd its party to law enforcement the democratic vtcb president is governor charles bryan of ne braska an active prohibition speaker and worker the beginning of the end of war i the accord drawn up at tho accent international l conference in london outlining ways and means of putting the dawes reparation programme into effect wap signed by representatives of the various nations saturday afternoon with the utmost simplicity but with a solemnity which denoted the momentous char acter of the day s work one after another of the diplomats signed tho documents which the interested nations hope and believe will enable germany to pay her war reparations and incidentally wilt restore the fccopomic equilibrium of europe and of the whoje world the payment of council members the question of payment of towri councillors comes up frequently and many who give much time and thought to such matters sometimes think that smo remuneration should be given if all officers of public institutions demanded pay for service ren dered such as councillors scjioe4 trustees mem hers of boards of health and public libraries the peqple would be taxed to death municipal management depends largely upon the cooperation of its citizens and the success of our present municipal government is largely due to the feeling that to serve the public is an bqnor that reflects much to the credit of those engaged newmarket era neighborhood news- town and country oakvillb principal fyrnntc 8andaraon wm at wjullaerton last woo it attending mm funorathf his father rev j a san- dorson mayor fa rater la again bio to renew lilit duties after hu severe illness of last week traffic flgur for sunday and han- day show an average rate of aver 1 odd cars per bour passing oakvlli fit both directions of whloh well over 40 per cent were american i owing to the 04111101 ot the- nil the approaches to the new highway bridge are again becoming vary rough we hope the highway conrmlmlon will pee that they ore repaired soon f they will become oa famoua the bridge itself upon the completion of hu judea new pariah hall the congregation will indeed have a building- to be proud ol the addition to he old sunday school la a handaome twostorey structure of brick faced with out atone and its linen and proportions do credit to the architect who designed it- record milton erin canada should copy cuba in thta gt cuba has just adopted new regulations which will greatly assist the united states government in keeping out contraband booce a press despatch ifctelis us that under these new regulations exporta pother than by regularly organized steamship com- pan its with fixed sailing itineraries shall be allowed evenly when a bond is put up which may be cancelled gupon proof that within ninety days the liquor has regmljy entered the country to which it was con- aignedv it is somewhat humiliating to honor loving canadians that cuba should outdo us la international courtesy and in seeking to prevent her soil being j made a base o supply lor international runvruriniog wd in preventing cusjoms privileges being granted to booze brigands pioneer hm proposed tax on gasoline after some years of discussion on the subject observation of its effects in the united states and tabulation of statistics and reports thereon ontario is very likely before many months tojiaye a gasoline tax this new form of taxation wllbe submitted i for legislative approval at the coming session the tax proposed in ontario will amount it is understood to two cents on every gallon but instead of being imposed at the retail end of tho distribution system will be imposed upon the wholesalers who handle the commodity in hundred thousand gallon lots it is estimated that a 2c taxwill result in increased revenue to the province of 2000000 to 3ixkl000 annually tho ratepayer will vote on qetobea i on by luwa for aewoge dlapooal j plant and atorm eowera involving ah expenditure of ss4 000 the taut rate haa been etruok at 40 mlllo j r utile waa out taut week for the flrat time alnoe he viu attacked by hi eorloua lllneaa ue la gaining steadily tho public school buildings were painted during the vacauon the school reopened on tuesday with a5 i pupils and ten teachers mr and mrs it j bradbury of montreal spent a few days here with their daughter mrs rev t h dole anniversary services in connection with tbe methodist church at lowviiu will be held on bunday september 14 i joe wllbnott who showed short horn catue and hampshire down sheep at the toronto oxhlbttlon took them to the ottawa fair last week for aome years dr joseph teuer of milton haa been the leading- breed er or hackneys in ontario probably in canada and the chief prue winner in hla classes at the horse shows if carried off nearly every prise at the canadian national kxfclbtuon toron to the milton high school board has engaged the services of sir pllkey b a a of clarroont a recent gxndu- iate of the 6 a c qaelpb to all the sclanod position la the high school made vacant by the resignation of h downer b a mr ooddard ot hamlltom has been engaged as chorister in the methodist church be comas highly recom mended having bean organist and i choirmaster of emerald street metho dist church hamilton for four years also seven years at burlington champion r georgetown f p qanadas sane economic position tuo daily herald of london england the british tabor organ one day this week quoted lord beaver- kbrdok as its authority mo r stating that canada has ijtjraue a success of government ownership of railways antstadvocatfng the nationalizing jt british roads ejitb herald gives impressions of lord beaverbrooks recentvisit to tbe dominion which it declares should bav vnry gratifying to the people of canada lord teejverbrook notes that the canadian dollar is now upacon the new york exchange and asks to how 0diuy europeans this wilt como as a surprise the parity of its dollar he says is a reflection on canadas gfyprospcrity jpie dominion has no dole system and jihv permanent unemployed are those with physical f9ontapacity oriental distates for hard work the srcaaadian banking system is the soundest and strong jrwt in the world dominion problems are purely internal and for this reason tbe banker rather than gftluvpolitlctan is king in canada this dominion he yjiaya enjoys good governments and their working r s demonstrably mare efflcjent than that of the united g states they have proven it in their successful slyruge5lo tornproyc their ruinous heritage of bank- ijtop transcontinental railways lord beaverbrook jv concludes by urging british youth to come to canada g grow up with a growing country the ity pally and the country weekly editorial motes the brewers and distillers are reported to bts quarrelling over the questions to be asked in the ontario plebiscite purely they do not dictate the questions globe manitoba has already found the experiment of scllmg beer by the glass under the new act to be disastrous in its results an enactment now requires that draught sale be entirely eliminated and salea by the bottle or case only pefmitted onuno as a province is not given much to change it will bo seen that tho province has voted jjry whenever tbe liquor question was the solo issue ontario has never changed its mind quickly on any subject and it is not likely to on this when the vote is taken on october 23 judging by the immense number of united- states motors in toronto over the weekend one would almost think a migration to canada had commenced globe and this baa not been confined to toronto scores of cars from across the lines have been in acton during the week prance is now taking a very generous attitude toward her enemy germany at the opening of the fifth assembly of the league of nations at genevu on friday premier herriot of prance began by say ing that he brought the word of france and it was peace we never desired the misery of the gorman peaple france does not live in hate the new immigration agreement between britain and canada ought to work out satisfactorily britain is to supply settlers with cash sufficient to get estab uahed and canada furnishes the land for six i thousand families there will of course be duo discrimination in the selection of settlers and soma knowledge of tanning should bo imperttive tbe people to the south of us may continue f must mian pearl and master dvld saxe have returned attar houdaylng at sparrow lake fiftytwo new pupus have com menced the fall term at tbe iubtla school ulss annie moqtbbon of mew torw city la spending her vacation uf sunny beach georgian bay mr and mrs l ffi vleck were called to xalam mich last week ow ing to the death of mr flecks brother our cltlsens are pleased to note the splendid progress of our town band aince reorganlsauon mr wultam rawea of hamilton visited at mr wm gambia a durlns the week miss uobel mccejioell of quelph visited with mr and mrs arol oneu during tbe week mrs clifford stacey and daughter joyce have returned after a pleasant visit with relatives in england mr s f howard of tho bank ot montreal oebswa spent a abort holl day with friend in town tbe misses m and k mdgachem of sprlngflelal mass are visiting betr cousln mrs m socles aienwlluajn and other friends mr and mrs w j ross left for vancouver last week and while away i will vlaft points of interest through the west mr and mrs n graham of cairo mich and mr and mrs john hender son of orond valley were visitors at counoulor meaxa last week congratulations ar due to mr a o green prlncujsj ot oar jpubllo school on the suoosss ot his entrance pupils of a class of st all passed the examinations the clark was instructed at last council meeting o write mr 3 a wllloughy thanking him for the use of the clujt house ra which to enter uun the guests on the occasion of the unveiling of the memorial herald mr john whcnli r of mtrhljfnn an 4d time resident uf till community j visited with relatlvon and friends in and around hulshurg durlntr thn yraok mrs john mcklntny cm 1 mihh mar garet have returned homr nttrr u visit with relatives jn chloar i und itik ford illinois mrs kaertoii it m itrvcknn uti 1 master arthur ilrckuiv on furl ttixh from the union university riiontftu sseohuan west chlnu liuv ikm n 11 n guests of- mr and mrs it rorg overland during tho woelt mrs vv t mllurr of i ljvol in i ohio is vlslllnir r in lu mil uunl mr and mrip k wurrtoi ml othtr relatives i rev j a bvarui lit i return 1 hum afur spendhib bin viiitli unl ra snmed his nastorai lutlan rev and mrs john lindsay ind so x ford returned heron last wek aftoi spending their vacation with tm farm ers mothar at jorlnouf quebec mrs j tj johnston and little eon murray of toronto visited with mr and mrs a j iindsay ith nnv lost week rev 3 mnlvjn smith of tobblnton pent a ew days with trlrniln in krl i miss icdna mcklnnuii f ijetrolt is visiting her parent mr an t mrs a metdnrion jcr howard mcmlian of cnrmncks 4ukpn visited in i- rln and vicinity last week mr mcmillun is tho younger son of lh latu puuran m i iflltsn and ban m not th lust six teen years in the yuki n the department of hlahways hns granted thn request of the townnhlnu of chlnguacouny and caltwlon that tho road leading throuah cliultonham i across the townllne brtwuon the town ships and through the vl lingo or hal oontaln to the erin townllno be ma in good county road the hlllsburg llortloulturnl socio ty held its annual show on wednesday aujrust t7 in st andrew n shods tho crowd was tho blggnnt ever and thw night was ideal tho shod contained a- greater exhibition than usual that were four school exhibits ouch of which contn ihkt muny vnrlotlt an i was- nicely arranged advocate wheat for a btlliom peoqle professor ooarge r anderson pan of the faculty of engineering physlon and photography at tho university of toronto makes tho prediction in nn lrtide ropently published in thn morning post of london england that canada alone will ralso sufficient wbesrt for over one billion people a short resume of i r f anderson s article was sent by canadian press cable and published in part in xho leading newspapers of cjanrula as fol lows can canada to survoyod with out the conviction that zoo 000000 people can live tharo in greater i rou perlty than tho 46 0o0 0o0 heror prof anderson asks prof andornon n urilclo in tlio momlna post in in rerulntlui gloomy forebodings indulged in by some ot tho scientists at the recent meeting in toronto of tho british as sactauoti for the advancement of science with reference to the world s food sdpply ultimately being lnsuf nclent to feed tho inhabitants of tho th ib real economy the food expert business directory medical dr j a mcnlven physiol n snd buroeon orfloe and ileal donco- corner dower avenue and blgin htreet no wonder moro woman rrcty year are putting uf enough frtilts nnd vejte- table to last thm tho winter soys the bead of the domottlc science department of a blft canadian college they save from 3oto 60 by dolnft so and in addition they mako sure of a supply of good wholoeamo food for the winter months jaat flaura out tho earing for yourself youll be surprised but bo sure your preacrvlatv la correctly dona uasvin the coupon for our book containing tore than eighty tested roclpoa dominion lass co limited montrkaj can w phone 88 dr e j nelson fiutjiciiick hmiciirr aoton ontario legal how to can plums waah sod phck a with tsruhwd nadu to prerent buwun p aoaaiy m jw- 2 over them a synro dogrssedenalry pnjoo rowaasrfteps bsce jars to bouer tsduse 15 mlantse aaslaorncdina co direction in our ndp we crown improvedjg0 phone no 82 p o dox ms harold nash farmer m a oerrlaur solicitor notary public conveys near etc j perhvman tflock acton ont uonhv llnt on mortoaoes hours so am to s p m saturdays 12 00 o clock h g me1r barrister- sotloltor notary publlov oeorgatoswn ont dental dr j in bell d d s l d a dsntlst honor oroduato of toronto unlver- ilty the latest anesthetic used if desired office at residence corner mill and frederick street dr f g gollop d d s lds dental surgeon tofflo over dank ot nova bootla hours aso to aso ojvenlngs by ppolntment acton fallfair 7 list of special prizes lontlnpod fr m i mio thro your grace the thike of olanshlre was paying his annual visit to his tenants and m he was approaching tho front door of one house the mother inside said lo her little daughter now jonny if the iuke speaks to you bo sure und say tour grace the child remembered her m other h coaching and when tbo kindly old gentleman asked her name she prompt ly recited tor what we are nbout to receive may the lord tnako us truly thankful co host itjs honey donor to reclvo i by dr j m be cas every ictadaate located two calls lust week that we could not nil had no one ready to send get yoult thorough thai nino at guelph business college faia tbrm fiom august 25 rndrvxdual 1nhtrultiov register now a l pouck principal and proprietor host c iba honey in c mb donor to receive oatiie by geo super merchant acton ctsh nu a bearrjottaotlon fancy work open to acton und four adjoin injf towphhlpn by t ii lauilir ok co 1st i the orange fekoetea value 2 70 ml 3 lbs orange pekoo tea value h 80 best collortton houao plants not loss than 10 varieties to bu brown by exhibit r by ilufch vvnlker c bon guelph bushol of beat peachop vuluu heal mai uf ontario open to ai n i ithllo bet uols and four nurroundiruc townships within radius uf five mites of acton 1st by a t drown 1 arker duofol 1 pencil value 3 to 2nd by j c mattlmwh cash 1 oo dost calloctlon las kc try not iuhh than foui placoa by chrlsue drown co toronto one box uvst assorted best design in cut flowers by c wood hull president 1 olan water set value- dost kssay on tho uenelhs lturived from tbo use of hydro in acton open to acton ui 1 vicinity by tho hydro coronal onion 1st an electric iron or toustvr valuo t 00 miscellaneous francis nunan bookbinder account books of all kinds made to order periodicals of every description carefully bound rutins neatly and promptly done wyndham street guejph on over williams btore 2nd eloctrlo bulbs value 13 oo of farm reeds one hit of eiidi i y canada a lallvurud dest collection ui c pncklmr co 1 si la rosa urun 1 ijicoii at orriu umb butcher siiup vt 1 la dest coltrotlon ladles fancy v rk oion four hurriiundlntt townships by clunn ltd leaf hrun i to bo delivered at orrin larnb vttluo f hast tray tn uuskwtry oi an to acton and four uwoshlt 6 ns blno label salaja tu tlwludn tea- co valuo l aotuii an 1 1 hum maplo hunhcr hoi lco 481 res 37 4 w l price lopractic blectbotherapy 130 upper wyndhffm street guetpb over 11 toar isximrldce consultation free get your job printing at the free press nts wanted j tho careful attention to our cu r j kerr auctioneer and real estate agent 17 years experience acton ontario boies untruatod to l j kerr re ceive sttontlop from date of hating to date of sale list your sales with me itontdenoo bower avenue acton phone si acton call at my expense the careful attention to our cus tomers ofderaonir tho splendid stock supplied for years past war rants us in having a representative or two in this county xjboral commissions rroo outol write at once for exclusive territory tho vv bowmin 4 son company rxdoeville ont 8tr nurseries to prate against royalty but when a prince of royal some city newspapers get a greatdeal of amuse- p qupio v iwvb o e 6 vr boqi honors their country with a visit these same -ii- rnntemnorartos and some r motile vity uw- 0 mont from thoir country contemporaries and some of them indeed make a practice of printing from f timo to time a m unny column made up of selections wfropi tire country weeklies fersonsiwho live in ijfronto or hamilton are amused to learn that mrs k jim belcher of bings corners has had her woodshed 3 x back fencfe painted or that silas twombly has t p thirty chickens tram the pip such news seems git- tilthetn absurdly trivial nnd trivial it is of course k but life is made up of trivalities the only quesi 1- tton s aro they trivialities in which we are interest ed the reader who laugha at these items in the c country weekly- goes through the column of two l iiflo local news items in his city daily without a smile bv ho reads with dignity the account of the accidentl sjfrjc w mary ann hlgglns a servant who fell on the frbmment steps and broke her leg and the fifty mi- r dollar are which damagil joness all night lunch zi ct u tho ono kind of reading any moro ridiculous vjhjin the other or rather any less city and country have each its own interests and the editors ibojh try to giv their readers what they want ipobblless both succeed in fair rneasure how veil tnany city man who was bom in tho country may decide for himself by glancing over tbe old home jreekly which he still receives in that paper item ij vwfeich he woul4 laugh- at if he found them anywhere pl ehw will strike hirn with a thrill of pleasure or pang jj ot sympsthy the reason ji ho knows the peopje b ciptpeja briof news itcma aro juat as funny lejdjtor of he country weetly as arc the co an try vij to him better crycuita utooa nonurs men wum people go wild over the event vidq the visit of the prince of wales to the white house at washing ton a veek ago the people crowded tho streets to get a glimpse of tho prince and cheered him from the railway station to the presidents domicile henry forrl holds that prohibition of the liquor traffic is necessary and became necessary when tho automobile came in grtat numbers because the use of liquor makes the automobile unsafe we jiave plenty of evidence of this snd there is a common sense and reasonableness in mr fords theory which will impress one who has no particular convictions regarding the right or wrong of drinking it is probably as a measure of economic and social ad vantage that prohibition possesses the widest appeal winchester press j it senio to be a favorite atateraent in aome quarters that we aro to have the bootlegkors voting for prohibition when the plebiacito election cornea because they want the ontario temperance act s3 a to make lots of money some are perhaps making money out of lawbreaking that la no argument against the act wo have ha4 bootleggers under every act regulating the sale of liquor passed for the past fifty years and likely will have but docs kny one know of one bootlegmersiwpect ia tho i county of halton who ia wisr with the tepera js2xx tu anoe people for support of the ontario tetpn the uulook lart i l cats burlington trr j w qronger has sold out his deniistry business to dr c h mere i dllb of toronto 1 mr and urs harry allen and f unity of wltuldeg are visiting his parent mr and atrs u j allan uurllngton avenue mr and mrs r wood left us i week on a holiday trip to los angeles and lopg beach cal pevj andrew and mrs telford have returned from their wedding trip through michigan and are visitors h unset terrace the burlington fair prise lists wll be ready for distribution this week and persons desiring a copy should oomraunlcate wtth tbe secretary i stanley dynes burlington mr and mrs james coleman of uutherland florida have been vlsl ing friends in london chatham an 1 our ling ton during the past week they spent the week end here re turnlnst to florida on monday itov qeo a king tbe new paatbr jf ths methodist church assumed bm duties on sunday and preached in spiring sermons to large congrega tions mornlrtg and evening ue mad a vwy favorable impression mr and mrs j w tyrrell an bounce tbe ejisgeinant of their daugh ter mary isabel to m frederics cheaper yvatson of burlington son of mr and mrs f w watson of hainu- tun the marriage to take- place in fiopt amber 1 mr and mrs pred w taylor and daughters fronds mildred and jean arrived home on wednesday jaat from m trip to vancouver and other polnu on the ooaat they also visited seattle and alaska vine weather favored the burlington horticultural society for their annual show whloh was held on the park next to the radial station on wednesday afternoon and evening last while ths entries were not up to last year the quality of the exhibits were of the highest order on thursday last stan peart son of postmaster peart noticed young lad getting away with a bicycle be longing to ooe of bis chums ue lm- mediately jumped on ha own wheel and encuaed the lad of taking ths wfceevvnd anally after considerable argument the stranger admitted he was guilty and asked peart to take the wheel back instead young peart made the lad who happened to be a hamilton boy mount ths bicycle anl oume bhak tu burllngtoa where chuf gailth was communicated with tu ohlefaftax luaslloninaj- the lad took i him to his batty in hamilton aaaajtu l rnrwuwiioitvasr ttronto canada mclaug bear in mind that this special six double service sedan embodies all the refinements in appearance and performance all the mechanical excellences p that has made mclaughlin- cconomy buick known as canadas stan dard car the handsome fisherbuilt body is up holstered in highgrade and very durable automobile plush the rugged chassis powerful valve -yi- head motorpour- wheel brakes together with the unusual riding qualities made possible by canti lever springs and low pressure tires make this the ideal car for business or pleasure use the price is considerably less than youd expect to pay for a car o fine l lua where luxury and meet l patrons of this establishment please notice kniamlna lions for qlasseii n thursday fy lay and baturdiv only uf each week lens grinding und qulck ri pslr departmuut operating ui usual write in or phono lolw t i appointment a d savage ootamatrtat mfu optleln sv optical building rlohl t th peat oftw quelph fisher king representatives for this district i sm georgetown ont mclaughlin buiciv r- thoow and kellable qraoite anal marble worloi we are manumottsrera and dlreot importers of all kinds of monumental and headstone work we sell dlreot to our customers at wholesale prloea thus saving our customers 40 per ont we have the best appliances end tbe only meohanlos in the dominion who can operate pnettmatlo tools properly we oan a rererenoesi crom hundreds of our oostomers in toronto and other 1 places where others have to have law suits in order to oolleol we have the largest and best stock of oranlt la the dominion or mora than any three dealers in the wesl we are legiti mate desjorsand employ no agents and do nrit or pest oustnmem hy sending out wi ornnt asents solicit- laaf orders w tmplov only mtxhanlca h 1 jlrv r m mil i it a mit tf v sons outlph ont fmaf

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