Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 11, 1924, p. 5

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i0fem f jsv y ffihr arfam3faipmfl thtmsoay heptbuimn 11 is rfc v- 1 a lb is ife if fel r- v 1- it 0et8 them alu whim ilud first got tho family car ho- flmly nwuro now twenty miles is fast enough ill itrlvt hint und no- mora aim if you hoys lo mora than that im trll yiiu what ill do ill rinvor let you drive again ami dud meant it tool thou dud looks hard at prod nnd mo if no mo speed erased km loot whos ilulng fifty milts un hour v aniund you marts to shmjl you just esse over to orm hid and lot thp demon by a man that drive a car so fast 1 trying hard to dlo butulncedndt learnotroe fl at homo whan hesbehlnd tho whml at times that human thrju of speed will oer hi solutes steal and he wjll turn to us and shout thin old hoarn aura allvol jna then holl ulart to give her gas till nho hits inlyfljo and when tin lot ua drive a trip tdut i iota in or jred jle p at la with mother back behind and never asys a ward inill another car cornea up 1 rvnd honks and trie to pass x ndad will jab our pack and shout hey ttore step un the gas 11 twenty years aqo prom the luut of the fres press of thursday september w 1m4 j heavy frost on monday night last alias clark hoa returned from her holidays and resumed her classes instrumental mwlrf tho maypole dance oontest is likely to bo quite a feature at the fair hero on ootober 4 tho busy store will hold a pw umlnary openlns of readytowear millinery this week the display of antral millinery will bo held next week contractor j b mackenale is making preparations for the erection of now farhtttro warerooms 18x34 for messrs johnstone co on mill street ad- joining their hardware store mr a m smith returned from his three months tour of oreat britain last tbursday 3loton gets oth iamif a double- jiegder playod with preston on the local diamond on saturday jo1 and 114 acton goes to oakvtlls on saturday to play an exhibition garao wltb tho stars of urn t- town 0orn mahajlk in actor on september 8 1m4 to mr and mrs w h masalea oop thsqnday sch00c lissom for sunday september 14 eft 3 mr peaslee on the church militant that minister hyna observed mr peaolee reflectively aa he watched a tall young man who wa- groin dbwit the village street rhaa gal moron odo way of appeal n toa punoni oner feellns hes a roan j approve of mr wills la if he cant get a man into the fold one waybeu try nether take otis budsnap for instance ilr hyne retarded x3alob from under bta grtaxled thatch of eyebrow j wish youd try- to talk sense caleb ho said with surly disapproval ote budsnap and finer faellns la a combination i aint ready to swaller oven- from you it happened last wednesday- night roeetln went on mr peaaleo evenly ton knowhow ote dudsnap and some of- thorn young larrikins thats lad round by him have been gettlnln tho 1 back- seats of the vestryrwlth tho one idea of mokjn mm much noise anrt confusion they could v the last wedneaday nujht that over was a paasol or them emitters with ota bud- snap wnongrat thorn slid into the back mat smmos common and starred to ouff 4 feet and oouch and snap their floi-ar- iv0 kind or vrondard said mr hyna klmxdy why mr wus has tood it aoesilrn haa t a knd of sot- looking- mouth and ohln sas t a gvlp too said mr peaalee placidly for pucujars oon- sultota budsnap to came to the point though that nlaht mr wlua got through standi it calm and thorn crlltera hadnt moren fairly fot started njoyln themselves wmjn ha got up and atarted for the back of the room ha tooltaboui four steps cettln there and he tooktbempretty lively when bs passed me he twitched my coot aadrnooohed with h la thum tordsthe hjoor so j got up and started f whether he got ote by the oollar or by the ear i couldnt make out clear but whichever it was ote camo out of there slf thered been a pair ot hoases hitched tp blm and ha went through the door the same way with tle minister right behind blm sbovln t him along- v wtien they got outside the minister ntwr let ote stop bus fcsp him coin right down by tho brook into that little hollar you cant see from the road mr wills motioned with his head for me ty hang back so i did a little bur i beard most of what took place and evmniade out tojleo a little i ipoee if ever a- man got a tboi- ouch ilc a chance of heart auinald ortvs minutes ote budsnap wm the roan tho mtnlsur didnt wmate a minute tellln ote what be was etolnto- do he jest went ahead and done it and when ho rot den mr wilts stepped alone to whore jacjouaoess of righteous motive and was bo might have boon breatbla a apeck faster than common and be told ai to go down and look after ote t i stepped down where ote was and found htm leanln over the fence and cryln like a baby j waa kind of acared hen x saw hlmoryrq for a gnw dont cry leasa theres aomethin really tlie mattor with him i took boty of him u until aa i oould and al whero be ye huff most oltay isays ri fetch dr kimball whan said that oonjnutd mr peasjea otl lifted up his head end tiik mihuiom op cimihtianltv uuke 4 lo30 loldun tojtt ho anointed m to lrnucli ood tldlnarn- ruko t id the text explained verse 16 camo to naarelh in tho counts of his unlllruii preaching tour immediately follawlnif tho temptation had been brought up ills home for nearly thirty yours blood up to read members of the congregation often read the law and prophets were read standing verse 17 tho bookor t6ii land ed him by tho hassan or attendant pound the place so el 1 3 and 68 6 perhaps tha regular readings tor the day the leastm concerned the deliver ance or hebrew exiles from babylon by the righteous- servant of jehovan jesus identifies the servant with him selfas the saviour verse ib spirit of tho lord is upon meneallmd at his baptism good tidings or the gospel release to the jcsptlvoa tho release of babylonian captive woe treated as symbolical of release 1 from pharisaism- trpra sin recovering of algbt to behold tho truth in christ varse hraeooptahle yoar wei- come- year because of the exiles re turn jesuo applies thla to his min istry verso 30 closed the book rollej up tho parchment byes of all spec ial interest becauso uioy know bhi early life and because of tho remarkable impressipn which be made verso 21- hath jthls scrip ture boon fulfilled he and his mln- istry were the fulfillment verse all bore hlro wltnoa that his fame was woufounded not this josephs son such marked ability by one of their own oitlsons could scarcely be realised jverse 13 capernaum implying that great works had already been done there i verse hno prophet is acceptable in his own country tbls fact ts illus trated bysthe following lnddenu com pare 1 king 17 and ii 2 kings 6 verse it a rep hath oreak fcr sarepta verse jb all filled with wrath amassment had turnod to hateful op position because he compared himself to the prophets and rebukod iholr un belief- verso m- brow of the hill prob ably ofie of the precipices southeast of he city verse 10 passing through the midst tho idysterlout power of j onus over awed them and he went his way un harmed john is o lesson theme jesus habit of church attendance in thu account the four words aa his custom waa indicate our saviours habit of cbufch attendance and parti cipation in publln worship- while from time to time jesus sought seclu sion for meditation and prayety yet it was hlacustam to join with the people in their sabbath worships hla per sonality was not taciturn but social and kindly he was not an anchorite a lonely hermit but a good neigh- bor and cordial friond no doubt at first smiles of approval greeted bun tv ho took his place and read hla lesson from the prophol isaiah fault could be found with the synagogue of naz areth but whatever its imperfections it was the place where- the people met to study the law and to think about clod religion comprehends the rela tion that men sustain to each other as well as their relation to qod it is therefore both individual aad social and jesus habit of church attendance not only art example but an 3 esaion of the laws of spiritual life the acceptable tear of theord in the quotation jesus used in hla first sermon preached in the old syna gogue tn naxareth we have a brief statement of the social message of isaiah- the- acceptable year of thr lord the year or the time in which gods goodness should bo made mani fest in some special way isaiah u supposed tbhave been thinking of the reoirned from the babylonian captivity which would be -a- time of unspeakable joy laterthe acceptable year of thelod vo be thought of o ttvi messianic rule which would be an era of great rejfltojng josns aijplles it tothnew day twbloh his coming ushered in his people share his life and its beiehclent influences and therefore share hla joy- jf ye keep my oommandmonta said jesus yo anal abide in my love even aa i have kept my fathers commandments and abide in bla love these things have i spoken unto you thst- my joy might remain in you and that your joy might be full- the mastery of the mob lukes ac count of the events that took ptoo at naxareth does not warrant ua in aa- sumlng that jesus employed miracu lous power in escaping from the angry mob of his fellow townsmen the power we are euro ha dldl that of a strong and noble pcraonauly it waa the power of innocence la the presence of gutt of lofty aurulam in the presence of cringing aeluahneaa it was the superlative force of charac ter and the consciousness of a high mission which ever distinguished jesus from those about um and which sus tained blm in every crisis the eon- looked at me aint hut none o apeah of she and don flead any doctor and than he feut om cryln again- vv y hpi hurt wat ip tunket are you crylp and oarrymi pn forr lwfl eha its what the minister a id o ms idvepr ime hed the hed tell me how yrrni twaa flf me td act the fray vd ten do nfl ore long he got me to feehua no rry bout the wy ive acted thats what the matter la he says 1 aint hurt bodily im tochod and when a critter like 0etaud snap is tecbed mr peaslee oonolud d im wlllln to jlleve two thlngsr- that hes got finer feellns for one and thot the new ministers got a war of get tin rt em for unotiier what do jou think hyper itwlllpfwent ulcerated threats at the first aymptoms of soio throat which presages ulceration and in flam metlon take a spoonful of dr thomas 1 bjclectrlc dll add a little sugar to it to makeltpalatable it will allay lbs irritation and prevent the ulceration and swelling thst are so painful those 1 who wore periodically subject to quinsy have thus made themselves immune to attack orowninq elizabeth the teacher was examining her class tn whst be considered the rudl menta or history yotiwuliam she exolstmed point lnr to mall freckled faced boy tell mo where ffltxabetb was crowned quaenv on the head mam gurtunrt reiiidar j for missionary ork in the orient party at bvmill dny ailvflntlntii vrm allml tor furalffn nld in japan and bhlnft on th cdnadun pacluq a empnm of canada on auffuntm j fruit tef t o rtftuvilmu row dmlllan and mr mlllan ani a j wrnr and child mr iiiihitrd k xianola and child mnm qulmtoymnd proresaor julmtly ivont iswmrn k p 3naon vid proftosaofbfnmin n p urvwar and mra brawler v tb women who do their own work suppose yon conld nave six minntes every day in waahing pota and paiiw4wo mlnuteentf ter every meal in a month this would amount to a savingof three hoars of this dlfiagrecafile but necewary wort aiua savins ean be made by using smp enameled kitchen atensiis as their smooth sanuary surface mm sot absorb lrt or mua no acnplnx conrlng or bollahbig la naedad wbea j0a naa inamond r pearl wara baas water and duo towel la au joo naed ask foe smpf ware lm flalohaaspea vara two eetafparly aray ettamel faukla and oat diaaaond ware tare coata ucbt bla knd wtlla oatalda whlla unla oyaul wara tare coata para white inside and oat with boral ulna edttmt- railway time tables nadian n at acton w wul shett metal potductxou momtbsattttoroiowilp2fs viomta wtph7 mco wjm c kqapvqli a wise- man it is generally known that king al bert when ha wutf tho holr apparent to the belgian throne paid a visit to tratcongo the outcome of which wno programme of reform that would have been followed by a much more thorough one had not tho war put stop to legislation although he trav elled in enough stato to impress the natives with his importance future sulci not a difficult matter considering his nutely presence and his imposing height he had somo- times to rough it ami was brought into contact with no mo of the most primitive inhabitants of that primitive country the native chiefs were entirely ig norant of- the most elemonlary rutt of european court etiquette even the mode of lifo of tlin ordinary european was unknown to them they believed it to bo similar to their own and in the very attempt to do tho right thing by the prince they fall into innumer able pitfalls the prince could hastily vlsluany native- rulor or petty ohlef without being offoredrthe clft or thut which is considered the most valuable commodity of the country a wife when he had to face such an embar rassing present for- the first time says die field he tried tostoer be- tweon tho scylla of offending the well- meaning giver and the charybdls of being burdened with an undesirable dark beauty by explaining that he was already married the chlefonked him how many wives he had already one of course only one well if that la all answered tho chief where 4 the difficulty i havi got sixty and bops to adfl a few to their number before i iitt much older you ere a greater man thanr in your country at any rate so you ought to have at least a hundred wivfsv but i want only one wlf he r6 plied perhaps you cant aitocd any mora thap one that may bo atl right for the com mon people but surely you a prince can dowhatyou llkar in europe princes are subject to laws like everyone else well- it must be a tine country to bo a prince in the chlof retorted dis dainfully but now you are in my country whore i make thelawa and allow you to have ten thousand wives but my wife would object to my taking another spouse the chler winked knowingly so do mine but with a big stick i manage overcome their objections who troubles about womens objections the prince laughed tdo he said for i wunr peace in my home the chief reflected then he got up pttd the prince on the book and said very seriously if you ma to get it hat you are right you are a wise man and nt to rule over many people righteous living awysglvee to char ucter its strength and to pereonajltv its commanding influence he who this- treasure of personal righteousness may well say my strength tatas the strength of ten be cause my heart- is pure for qtudy end olseumien where waa jesus brought upt how long did he i lye in naaretbt wm h a tegular atfendal uportthv eervloert of the- synagogue t where did h preaoli ms first perroni f hpw was tf received how did jesus master tte monr from whftt book of the qd testament did be seloot his teg it whs l laaah inean y the ac ceptable year of the lord is our modern social ardor chris nan 7 what is our duty lp regard tyltt paly ftasgings for next week monday september ib mark 10 tuesdny september h acts 101 j wfdmaday ainotnber i man si mao thursday svimember 18 mh- ib h40 frlngy ssptember h- ua- oj ih saturday september so luke iv it 40 buhday september kl- psalm ib 17 echool fairs in h alton the plhe school falls to ho held in hal tou county this year will be bold on the following dates nelson september 15 trafalgar september 17 milton september j8 burlington september j03o kaquealng beptoraber 21 hornby september 81 ngaaagaweya september ul championship septepsber ai17 bronte ootober life was never dull ta those who are acquainted with it tho uganda hallway seems to be a fit subject to be dealt with in comic opera named after a colony through which it does not- run starting from tho port k serves running for miles through natural gamepreservea with tto result that train are frequently held up by wild animals every mile of tho rood ik always a fruitful field for adventure and nearly overy mile has hail somohumorottstsjo attachel to ttv in the oariydaye when the road had been open only a little while and wild unlmais had not learned the fear ft man life on the line was interesting and often exoltlng says a writer the coloniser in august 1808 the trafficmanager at mombasa received from the baboo slat ion mestor at slm- ba a tulogram marked lirgant lion is on platform please in struct guard and driver to pooceod carefully und without signs in yard ouard to advise passengers not to get out hare and be careful when coming into booking ofneo this advice appeared to be super fluous however- one bold sportsnasn did tent out and by ascending a tree managed to ahoot a lion and a lioness within a few minute he also wound ed another hon tho one which had boon waiting on the platform this lion after being wounded disappeared and could not be found so the sports man wont along the siding to look for him lie found blm suddenly but owing to jits own swiftness in getting in a blow on the jaw after an exciting rough and tumble he was sfill there when the hon made for the under- brush later j n tho day the station- master received mo message from the agent- f one african injured again by a lion please send cartridges iy next train certain and later from the same man this switchman is surrounded by tw lions while returning from distant ilgnnl nnd switchman went on top of inlegraph post near water tanks train to stop there and take him on und thon proceed please arrange necessary steps the old joke qf the building whll arasqioen ann in front and m behind embraces a principle ap plcable to more than mere arcllti turo any law of existence her first experience like many another lnexiriotuoi young married couple mr and mrs bates went to housekeeping on a scalo beyond their means in a house much larger tban they really oeoded whn ee first months bills came in mr tea after frowning and sighing over them gravely but kindly polited out the necessity or watching expenses very carefully you shall see how economical i can be cheerfully announced mrs bales it was late autumnand mr balei wlshlntr to avoid the- dirt caused by had arranged to burn gas in the furnace this was aomethlog of an experiment with a furnace nql built for that sort of fuel and after he had been brought by tho dills to a reauxing sepae of the and manifold expenacs of maintaining a home ha began to fear thut he had made a mistake we wont k oep the house boiling hot he said of oounra wtfll bo comfortable but we wont wouken our- by an overheated house as so many people do nowadays acting on sthla plan be did not often turn the gas on at full force one evening he came homo to in ley oold ho use 1 why whats the mutter he asked mrs bates who wrapped in a steamer vpjr was shivering miserably r ned im afraid were rulnedl ruined t what do yqu mean 7 why we owe twenlynvo thousand dollar she aabbed i dont see how you can ever pay auchm io4j twentyfive thousand- dollars my dear what are you talk tax about r the house got quite chilly this morning ned she sobbed and thought it was really more healtljfuf to little tort warm than a lot too cool sol went imp the basement and turned on some more gas in the fur nace although i didnt mean to he extravagant at noon the house wus hot so i went o turn the gas down and as i iieasod the meter t though r id see how much w were using be cause i knew we couldnt afford a greet deal when i saw we had used over twentyfive thousand dollars worth 1 jost gasped- f turnod it right oft for id rather freexe to death thud to have you embtrroiuiod financially mr bates who had been it to king at her in astonishment began to laugh reassuring lyi in u moment wore he wss colling to hr from the basement its just as i thought ort the meter says twentyfive thousand feet and it is a dollar a thousand not dollar a foott besides my dear the reading includes all that wo have uwd for the past two months for light aa well as beat i guess we can afford to kep the house aboya a pneumonia temperature athma is torture- no one who hasnt gasped or breath in tba power of asthma knows what such suffering is thousands do know however from experience how immeasurable la the relief provided by that marvellous preparation dr j x lcelloggs as thma remedy tor years it has been relieving the most severe oases if you arsa ettff erer do not detaywflay irt securing this remedy from yoar druggie- millers worm powders prove their value they do not cause any violent disturbances in the atomach any pain or griping but do their work quietly and painlessly s8 that the deslryotloo of the worms is imperceptible te they are thordugh and from the dose them is ixnprovemsnt in- the dltlor of the sufferer and of ntunlfestatlonx of interns troi oems of thought people who arealwnyp taking caie of their health ar like misers who are hoarding up a treasure whloh thet have never spirit nnoogh to onrjoy sterne poverty is very gtod in poems bu very bad in the house very good in maxims and sermons but very bad in practical life h w ioochor hurry end cunning are the two ap prentice of dispatch and skill but neither of them ever learns the maa- tors trade- bolton poverty is the oply load whlch in the heavier the more loved onea there are to assist in bearing til rtlchter cach mind is pressed and open u every ear to hear new udlnki though they in no way joy uu fairfax necessity may rrmlcr a nuhtrul act innocent but it cannot mak it piuise- worthyjoubert y the clue of our dosllny wander where we will lies a tho foot of the cradle j rich tor there is nothing moro irhprudetit than exoess ive prudence coltop wth loads of learned lumber in hi head pope rub it in for lame back- a brisk rubbing with dr thomas eclectric oil will relieve lame hack the akin will immediately absorb the oil and tt wlir penetrate the tissues and hrlng speedy relief try it and be convinced aa the liniment sinks in the pain ooraea our endithere are ample grounds for saying that it is an excellent article the rear windows niiches out in one direction only airrangovlllej ru a false front the individual whose scheme of humanity does no indudo all aorta and conditions of mankind lacks a right backing up of character a little lesson of this kind waa tuletly perhaps unconsciously taught one bright day last spriag mrs brown and her friend sat wltli their work on the front plassa it was one at the first warm days ahd the sunshine fell gratefully on thr newly awakened sod of the jlttle lawn up the graveled walk came a man wheeling barrow load of bright bloom oh i cried mnt brown jumping 1 there are the plants brother charles promised for my beds tulips what gorgeous ones and hyacinths and daffodils and those dashing blue olllua hpw lovely i i do hope they wont be hurt by transplanting put them in those round beds in front john and in the long bed op tho south ldesnd mrs brawn returned to hey wurk and her friend the next day she went out to see howthe work was progressing thrj front beds were full and the long strip- glowed with b colors john was epadlng on the graasplol near the clothes reel what are you digging there fqrt exclaimed mm brown its a perfect want to put them there where the wont be seen sure said john thrusting- lp hla spude itu in good- view of the kitchen windows bridget can see them fine fajffsjr dates list of theee in which acton people will be- intsrested the following u a list of fall feir datae issued by the agricultural socie ties branch of the ontario department of agriculture in which the people- of this vicinity will be interested aoton september sl14 juerfoyle ootober 8 boltpn f 2su september lt10 sejjlember 1i10 september mlg september leu sep taunder october j october t10 september 2528 october 1 september 1910 october 14 september 13 september 24 27 september 1111 september 1417 nocjtwrwwj september 30 october 1 streetaville october 11 weston october 14 corns are painful growths hollo- ways com ilemovsr will remove thorn the leqal maze the jala dilman maraton a col iv brnted lawyer was arguing a compli cated cutv and looked up authorities back to juliuscaesar at the end nf sn hour and u half in the most intrl- cuto urt of hla plea he waa pained c see what loosed ukp inattention on th bench it was aa he had feared the judge was unable to appreciate tho nice points or his argument i bog your honors pardon said but do vbu follow mot 1 have so far answered the judge nhiftltig wetirlly about in hla chuttr but ill ay frnnky that if i thought i couhl find my way back id quit right hero fly i pads jail them tll and tiie germs tooijlopapackt at lfuggb gtroceni and eral aores lift him ur not long ago there was a serious fire in an old tenement bouse tp a large kaatem city it was well undtr wmy before tho- alarm was- sounded and the old building burned like tin der there wag no hope from tho dru of saving it but every uneof its oc cupants was thought tobe safely down on the ground before the walls began to waver then suddenly a acream sounded from the third story and down through the cloflds of smoke and are pnered a frantic womans race it seamed almost hopeless to try to save ber but in anlnatant tho nremeu had a ladder up and a man was swiftly scaling it just as he reached the seoond story h veritable wall of fiaxno rushed out of the windows ta meec him for a moment ho staggered haeltated lift him up boys qommonrtoj the chief in ringinghones uft him upl for a second the crowd below atar ed lift blm up there nt the second story i how oould anyone reach blm to ha but the firemen knew they too had been lifted up in such a plight and they made the very heavens echo wttba swinging cheer for billy in another instant the crowd too bad joined in andbuly all hesitation gone waa running as nimbly andas coolly up thau narrow ladder as if it were merely a testout in a few moments more he and the woman were being welcomed with mare cheer aa they reached th street and aafe4y which were the cheers that oountetl most those that applauded the ftpc action already dune or these that uflist the roan above himself and his weak- tlsas to the heights where tho brave deed waa possible t those who lifted his heart lifted the whole man much more surely than thuy could merely by torching his body- perhaps you can tiftl nutne una in that way too an ea0v jo0 murphy was taking u day on says un jcnglish weekly aiut wishing to enjoy bimself thoroughly be walked round to watch the boys he was surprised to see his friend kelly work- lng as tt carrying a hodfill uf mortar up and down a ladder were- the only thing be took any real pleasure in jum yourself thats working mighty hard today kelly expostulated murphy whist i im just making u fool of the boas li said kelly winking slyly and how are you doing- that ksllyr sure murphy its as easy as kiss ing your hand i me seoe me going up the udder with my hod full- or mortar and he thinks im working but mur phy my boy its the mn hodful im carting up and down all the tlme mother oravear worm kxtermlnatur will drive worms from the nycam without injury to the child bobue its action while fully effective la ib lid sft evry lflbrtfnarestore a complete line of s m p products handled by jas symqn hardware acton cdnsider chevrolet put chevrolet to any test you will you will find that the powerful rugged motor will meet your most sanguine expectations compare chevrolet from the standpoint of appearance and equipment with any other car at anywhere near chevrolet price consider that chevrolet by every te3t has proven itself to be the most economical car in the vrorljl to operate these are the reasons why chev rolet is the worlds fastestselling quality automobile ask ta about the omac deterred payment pima out tvamportattogl r-t- chevrolet fisher king representatives for this section call on them at georgetown or write and thev will call on you castoria mother t fletchers castoria is a hannlcss substitute for castor ou parqoric tcelfing drops and soothing syrups prepared to relieve infanu in anils and children all age of- gonstipation wind colic flatulency to sweeten stomach ditanbea regulate bowels aids in the aialnillatioii of food promoting checrf ulnesa rest and natural sleep without opiates to arokt trails i una always look fr the tipialure of o ej dirrcllons oy roih parkii 1hylclaiis every whero recommend it 70duin 11 lb am 335 p tp mtprfi 113 pm 708 pm toronto ouounoan rtailwav westbound dally i irjpl iuiuluy t dally except hominy daily 143 om 1143 am 1143 am 143 pm 343 pm 043 pm v43 pm 843 pm 1140 pm freight delivered by special express freight freight picked up at any ad dress in toronto h w hinton waldanalcer and jeweher antique and modern clocks of all kinds repaired and cleaned all work guaranteed contracts taken late repairer ot clocks at icnnslngton tuce army and navy club nuval and military cttrto carlton ciuts etc wallpajiers stat ionery china etc full ntock or school hupplle headers itlxlorlrri arithmetic serihblera etc tons tonnlls rubbers etc new wallpaieos this week hw hinton successor to late geo irlynds acton toronto t e gibbons expert shoe repaihino prompt attention to orders left t e gibbons marn 8tiieet acton im spravlng flb rkbmomostvajt ttoromto can ada acton elevator near o t r station following brands on hand floursmanitoba flour pastry rolled oat8 oat chop oats oiloake hay and grain grain bought and retailed alex l noble benry awrev manager fr j free press j pb printing is always neatly done mskf- this stores policy toroprpent jouds e- actly a ta thoir quality to ecll to those who know arid to those who dont know at a uniform fair price to fulbll all guarantees and cheer- roily correct all mis takes to deserve your confidence by always glylnf yon jatlafacrlon savage co jeweuenl guelph ontario

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