m0mi vffigft vfvvt- i tfjciiiwft ahl arton 3tor reaa tuuittiday oioptemubu ib 1934 to the judge krtrnd of m eurllrnt y nth l ml uu nminiii ii umu luwu u t malt a fallow out tyvr in tlu w ods- k out of thn duat or tho luwnt own i y u rorgot mure judge anil i it by jour lol n ua frown ai 1 inn kttir r n facm in ha ami f frlnn i an t you iin iiip i i c m down i f iwfl f willi rut unfftli ht ii donnll t hi tl l n nf tho frcnry hire cunt j it kick over tin bench ami uak jouranlf out uf your k wii to linict ytsy vg wiifk tho unhlng kthmf cant jou erring to come duwnt ju ic ll npt here if you will the limn are in seaalon by dawn you can draw not complaints but n lch of 1kb hll and u breath that yuur better havr- drawn ru can open your heart ilk n um to n jury of kino whitaanu brown an 1 thnlr verdict of moo will jut aatlafy v i can t you arrange to com down j- whltoomb j liny she 3tet tsae 0lort tnru a captains daughter i kanki in wl- i i k c aihlnh 5 fct kit mr pea6lee on the sin of envy i vuml exclaimed caleb peaslee 1ml f to himself a pusaon would al most think knoch bataa had moved in somewhere along on this stretch of road and had cot a grudge agin somebody from the thankyemaams there la here i tho won jolted perilously and the summer boarder had to hold her hat with one hand buf aha found breath to ask queauona who waa thia enoch bataat soma local celebrity 7 he want roelly what you could call celebrated a i know of caleb aald thoughtfully and yit be waa aomo noted hereabouts for certain thlnaa juat what form did hla notoriety taker persisted the boarder well aald caleb judicially for one thing be waa about the snuggest man that you moat oyer saw in a money way ha ralaed a lot of stuff on hla farm and aold arerythlnjc he oould clt a oent for and lived offn the leavln a i don t a poae ha et tan apples a year though be waa fond of em h aold em all and put the money away and aa forage i preaumo likely bad forgot even what they taated uke for to are bout the aunt aa money here enoch used to keep a big flock of hane and than he need to buy ufi eggs and ahlp on a couple of hun dred dozen at a clip sometime to ahow you bow he valued an egg he had a boy worktn for him on time and be sent the boy to th hen- hooae to father the a and ha waa rone a apeck longern bnoch thought needful it happened that there waa more eggs than the boy oould rat into the basket so he put a couple into nls pocket when be sot back to the house etnoch took htm to do bout beta rone too lone took holt of him an give him a ahakla rarnarabac it and in dolo that he made out to break one of the errs in tha boys pocket when ha found out what had hap pened it maddened him o that be started id to give the boy a rerlar lickla and ao dotn he busted the other erg and that set htm putty nlga demented ha finished by giving th boy a good trquncin and sent him back to the poorhouae where be rot hln- nothar thlnat bout bnoch waa that be bad a jealous disposition mean and envious you fcnow it took a tiumber of shspea but tfia oniz one that mattarsln thia case la abmft johnny doana boas he had a nlo ateppln utue drlrln hoas and ha liked to shove bar rlrbt alonr ootbln hurt her for the hoas uksd to ro as wan aa johnny uksd to have her but it thoraed knoch toyaee johnny kite paat hla place roln so smooth and be bavin nolhln but a wind broken ow animal that oould curcaly ret out of his own way there- was a wet place in the road iwlxt knocks place and johnny and the electmn hired knoch to tkx it while he was workln on it be rot a mean idea and went and made some of them tbsmk remaam jounces uke them eeva jest com over rlrbt cross ways o the road he said- he done it to turn be water out into the djten bnt everyw one knew wen nooh that be done it so johnny couldnt apaed past thotot beln in dancer of lamia bbi hose or rprlnrln an ex or aoneuun uke that well on momla a day or so after j hed rot the road all fixed up for johnny knoch was loedin up hla erv to take em to the station be bad tha hoes hitched in and waa jest roin to put the last cask of u into the bank of the waron when the boy that hed trounoed and sent away went by tha bouse what possessed knoch j dont know but x spoee he was only fryfn to scare tha boy be that as it knay he crabbed bis boeswhlp and started towards him yejun anil ewltcaln the whip and he made such ff noise that the old boas started and run away with that load of errs a the waron and the tuboard down a nundud dollars wutb of errs if there was a cents wnthl well knoch was makln so much racket himself that the boas rot a rood start yore he realised it and down ha road the boas went atrairht than it was too late to ketch him and for that joanoy strip that knoch had rnade to ketch johnny welt ooauoued mr peaalee wlo grim enjoyment t dknow as theres much mere to add to 1l tvnea the hoas struck them jounees the berun to ro into the air a whole at- a time and when a case of err roes out of tha tall of a waron and trhts on the frosan rrouad it makes onlte a uses testt quite a meesf andr for that reason concluded scr feaslee rtham hummocks in the road are kn round hare as knoch bataa jounced to this very day indixnji amd medicine the indian says toe rov j ulne in bja book a red indians of tlii plains has the idea that any kind of atedletna is equally rood for all oom plaints h beusvea fn drastic meaa- uras and unless be feels the tact of the second dose of tne medicine be loses fnlth in it and rives up taklnar it- he prefer purgatives and emetics bat even in thorn the indian is wont to discriminate and he thinks castor oil 1 especially rood medicine vary often taaothsra would send to th asisslqn for castor oil for their infanta and than com the next day and complain that the medicine had notapenuod and that the child had dona nothing but cry every since i took the medicine then my wif- would pour cut another teaspooufol and band it to the mother and request w hln itu tl o lirlli uf tilt n irlne 1 uni i ii t fj i ttvy mii tw vrrl i ojt in t thf fr nt thf c uc t j i tin lnatrunti rnno in ut tin ivi i climbed tb a boat theovvrland tt hml i i i rhutige in ritnn ntul drivers t it tlon in a viujic on t c id ii without taking any nollot iff thmjj u4aenair in ih touih the mwcunwr alfortnor artny nuise nolllal hltil ef in hie place when he un krxl ui and found himself hiring n rlrl in n ruy travelling tire u 1 n nillhury- ht a look of something lib i rumy nee passad across his face the air greeted him with a smile however you re ioctor hamson e you not 1 m he admit hi qot crly oiul 1 itrvaum you nre an hny fclrl yes he aald daushter of ltiji fatn king of fort zarohj but the doctor apparently did not wish to taki ha took ff his pocket a fresh newspaper which he scan nod rather laboriously until the stage coach had rolled out upon an unln habited stretchy of prairie then hoi put aside his psper and spoke abrupt- ly youre going straight through to zareht the younr woman nodded and smll ed again have you friends at fort sherman with whom you could stop off until tho next stage he asked earnestly the girl knew what lay under the doctors question im under orders from father she said soberly though he djdn t know that you bfae saw the doctor lowered eyes i know what you re anxious about sho added calmly while his face darkened i go with father everywhere when i m not at school she added klanclng out at one of th armed cavalrymen who were riding beside the coach im quite tourhened to array life and to all kinds of knocking about she did not tell him that she had twice crossed tens in an ambulance that she had ridden hundreds of mite in a rrelrbt wagon that she had been under fire of comanche raiders that ahe could shoot and had a pistol with he or that her efficiency with a bull whip was the pride and boast of troop o tneru be other passengers alonr the road the doctor said sf ter a minute and we hod best seem to de nraiurere nodding in grave assent the slrl settled herself in her corner it is not often that the perils and accidents that we seek to avoid hap pen to ua but these two people were travelling on tha texas overland in ists across hundreds of miles of rough and muchraided border lands and exactly that which the army official had sought to provide against happen ed and happened tn a way that neither oould have foreseen for three days and nights the big canvas topped coach bowled serosa an open cow country hens and there group of squat buildings and high corals marked a cattlo or horse ranch and every ten or fifteen miles tflb coacb halted at a squat stslion of loss or sdobe bricks to change teams and twice each day to give the possenaers a chance to ret a hasty meal- on the fourth- mornlnr there came out to the road from a ranch near by a portly lumbering man with two mulattoee totina huge handbags which jte ordered them to tie to the j rear of the coach the passengers that the etago had i picked up hod been transients who were riding from ranch to ranch this mornlnr the only occupants of the coach were doctor samson and the captains daughter when the big man climbed in the doctor gave up hi seat and sat beside the o-lrl- my name s bowson jim bowson the newcomec announced tm the fat man of texas shaking with laughter be turned to the doctor what might be your handle strong r samson doctor samson the other replied pleasantly ive plenty of pills with me bowson roared st the joke t genliy carry em too be aald jovially surer of lead that a about the only kind that roes jn this mana country 1 sometimes carry that sort ad mitted the doctor six to the boy tea patltnlt takes em one at a time as needed the fat man finding his own crude humor vastly to his lkinr again shook with laurhtar but here a something better doc be added snd pulled a pnt flask from his hjp pocket com juice he sold offering the bottle to the doctor u good as texas makes the doctor shook his head smilingly tve never heed it he said you a doctor and never used whls key weil you miss the rood thing doc he helped himself liberal ly from his flask the girl drew hsreelf back into her corner in disgust and busied her fsce in her arm in spits of tha tramped position and the jolting of the coach sh fell asleep end did not awaken until the stsgs halted m a ford for tha noon luncheon n the paasencera were sllowed ten minutes in which tu gat out stretch their legs and eat a sandwich the captains daushter declined to leave her seat and the driver brought u lunch kit from his boot and passed u in to her wlfh a cup of yellow water tfimn the creak she made herself a sandwich from sliced bread snd meat and ate languidly while tho others stirred about tb twv cavalrymen bad seated themselvoh on the hunt earth of the creak bank with their carbines beside them the drlvar and docor wrr tnlktnr n tn ii tli 1 fj if tors i trull rlkhl the iiirl icuxert h rself ix t t nllmlllr ll i i ed fnrihri off ivlli i i red tir hrtu ii osw from undr hi poni i i lh riut btwf i in a nuh t ill- nt oil if 1 o c id ultle oiixufllt f ttm t molt 1 ured the etnue ruud uulu a 1 nipt angle fruoi eiio f tl it enme upon n utile trnll ilreuthhitf ri t tiroly dletnnre hetwion hem if r conch alio ru i ulonn tho cittt she presently fount licrsnlf in royo ouu run between low bluftx which wnro capped with tumbled rka ledaea j cllmblns up the h it hoot i luff the girl quickly came to a place t m vrhl h she could ovexlo k ilia fortl 1 am cover of bush and lodre iho eorr t down st the coach and th six iowa none of ihe men were in sight for what seemed to her an are sho waited in suspense o know what would follow the blowing up of the safe she was expecting to hear a cannon like roar and when after a weary time she heard a sound like the bursting of a firecracker she coum bsrdly belisve that an iron safe had been broken open ten minutes passed and she heard some one about from near tha coach come on miss all rlghtnowl the call was repeated at intervals for some minutes then thare was silence for perhaps an hour the girl held herself in hiding- and continued to watch at last two horsemen appeared riding down the road when they cams to the cattle trail they halted one dismounted and bending over was lost to t night behind some tmsh the man was looking fur her tracks the robbers would not go away until i they had found her i i she felt audden appalling sense of j responsibility and she ipek a tighter grip on the doctor s llrr case frier breath came in gasps when she re membered however that the earth of trail and road won baked as hard as adobe brick she fel a little calmer bhe felt surp that tho men could not follow her tracks presently the man remounted his horse aod conferred with bis com panfon then they came on along the cow trail scanning both stqes of the path they passed beneath the girl i perch and she wmchod them in sua pense until they rode out or sight into the arroyo a moment later however the girl saw bowson walk leisurely across a small opening- some hundred yards below the ford so he too wa look lng for her as for aa rro thought pru dent to ro from- the coach i those others also would soon come back and might make a more tharaush search for her along tha troll keeping well within cover of bush vnd rock the girl crept noiselessly down to the cow path there ahe took off her ehoos and ran with the speed of an athlete along the trail a light breexe rustling among dry leaves muffled her unshod footfall a when oho nearod the staae road she dodged into the brush than continued more cautiously on hor way she kept in the bruah until she made sure that the fat man was not in eight- then ahe darted down the road toward the coach she quickly stowed away the doctors tin cose opened ner handbag and took there- from a pistol a box of cartridges and a pocket knife doctor samson and the cavalryman were lylnr some yarda away tightly bound with the picket ropes as the girl leaned over the doctor to cut his bonds his pale checks glowed with joy and excitement tooit have to uae these the girl whispered thrusting pistol and cart ridges into bis hand the other mm must drive he nodded jubilantly sh ah dont speak the girl whispered as ahe freed the cavalry man the blr man a in the bushes close by can you driver never pulled a line over six youni have to do it somehow she said untie the lead horses and get ready td tart- 1 11 handle the whip or three minutes from the time she reached the coach oil three were in thstr place the doctor arm ed at the rear the soldier with the lines in hand snd the girl beside him with a short handled long lashed stage whip ready for action the cqrporal gathered hla reins the gin stood erect and leanlnr allghtly i forward awunrber lash it circled colled and wrlthsd above her head and then leaped out and amartly flick ed a lead horse nfc the flank tha issd horses sprang forward their traces tautened ss they dug their feet into the baked earth no word was spoken the corproat slapped the wheelers gently with his ends of the reins the long lash circled hies her long whip with restraint but set tlir ulx firwnrl nt a stlffor gallop with careful joy site measured die amrim tim ipp f the divide all judged wajt huuut twice aa far tiho 1 1 a the horsemen wei a bell fill 111 ntiik horans wr probably maklnjr obi it half the apeed pf tho pursuant it do i o coach the doctor hsllov i th t thn a uge horsra were dolnf i a ihi pre i ured htinsrtf for liattt t n lied the i k llnp of the roacii i ll ti ml nlrjtppoo 0 fiat lhi h i ling upon the arm he placed tin lux of ca rtr i iges bulwcoit his kneea the pistol he hold vium u tori t hih n with a long buir on 1 wan ut i vf ttl 1 ic and pen slghta if i i ull dlffrrunt ft oni the weu u hit horn taken from him anil n t q titut ho would hive chos n fi thr wor tliut he hml in hand ll i ling ruiice was imirhit n sevent yards i one of the pu ratling horsemen wss n m rod behind th other tiyt thev 1 tl wrin within a uunrter it it ml to ind mill the pace i f the couch ill i not intrennc on they came draw li j urn per srd by yard the fight must sonn begin tho army roun thrut hla head outaldr ait i ahoute i nljho guard ylet mlas kn down in i ho t kl trunt vf seat make hor amy l hero t i entei the command but could nut tell whether the corporal heard ir atony rate the girl did not leave her post the nourrnt rider whs soon wlthlnj fifty yards it was the treacherous oldler the robber recruit- the oilli er prayed that his oro at that en might not mis the fellow was lying low behind his horse a ears with his carbine thrust forward getting ready for a shot the coach had reached the top of the divide and begun the descent and then a shrill high keyed ahout rang in th doctors ears and above the rattle of wheels and the clatter of hoofs ho beard the pistol like crack lng of the stars whip the coach bounded forward as if heaved ahead by an explosion high above its rattle rose the pene tratlng shouts out of tha tail of his eye the astonished doctor sow the writhing end of a long issh cutting through the air its cracking reports sounded like tb continuous lire of a magaslna gun the coash rocked pitched and tumbled and bowled on faster and canter down the hill the speed now was terrific but the pursuer urn lng on their horses grimly held thi pace and even yet gained inch by inch when he was within thirty yards of ie coach the nearer man began to shoot and the one armed doctor bouncing round inside the coach re plied as best be could nellmr he nor the robbers oould aim accurately but he was afraid that a chance shut might hit the captain daurhter clinging with one hand to the rail th girl held her place her cries nt the hying team grew shriller hwl whip ceased its cracking reports snd the stinging lash fell hank and rear upon the leaping six the response of those unwind ed star horse toughened by long stretches of hard driving was instant and magnificent the coach aeemed to leap from one rough spot in the trail to the next the doctor thruat his pistol between his knee and clung to the back of bis seat- hanging on thus be saw the fran tic horsemen drop tb the rear their mounts had passed the limit of en during- speed the coach drew out of range of gunshot and the doctor cheered in triumph sa the pair of pur suers baited two hundred yards to autumn co operative ex periments more itutuinn uri are aosvn in out irln tii i all thn rust of c aim in ml in 1 i ml y ir wlm who t was ici ovyn in vary uu ity ui d illatrh t in oritur in with thn xneitl in f tlmii i tr ii illt ui und an 1 itu c uini lu i mp i u i i i h if tw rry irfimhto kmux liur imra had ivnr thirty inly 1 it inu or taut t w w f high luullty hut it 1m im i umu lie boat v irlutlin if u mmdum slll ym tl e o wr t il itu wii il uljl ii l i i i vl f tlie veil whoiita it v u v m ll hlhfat nvar iks ylel ih r ur u t o ii tl htitiioagrl iltutul toll i vul ml ir- n i tri i will u i i riulll tlldu lllll lllu iiio itll iii olilm iirtnri wlaliliiu to lu i lu i pxtrrl rnoiit on tli oh own fims ilia mi torlnl wilt ho ijui llvd t i runt t those who wilt to iouiuli i v j i orlrrienta nitu riil tlm i naulta ufi harveel next yenr any ontario farmer may u i ly f the material for any uiif if the fut pwlng experlmeuta lj three oiioti- varletlea of wlutrr wheat on vurlaty of wlnur rye an i one of win ter wheal 3 k rli g application ol five vertlllxer with winter wheat 4 autumn and hi ring tu plications oi nunita of hodn and coramori bait with wlntit whoat c winter km mer and winter jiitrley c hairy vetohvn um wlpur ui c its foddor crop mlxturuu of winter hyu and hairy velchon f r seed prudua lien thn ase of each plot is to be one rod wide by two rods long fertilizer will be sent by express tor experi ment tib j this autumn and for ex perirnentsno i next spring all seed will be sent by mall except that for no 4 which will accompany the fer tlllxers the material will be sent out in the order in which the appllca tlon ore received and ns long as the supply lasts those wishing for experimental ta terio1 should apply to dr c a zavitx1 agricultural college quelph ontario catijsoti asflkdttai find the most objects in this picturetartingwiththe letter s the say miss cried the corporal as the team fell into a trot and the girl sank into the seat- beside him say that bluecoat wasn t a regular i he was recruit an ex deserter loo and i knew it but twssnt no good for a non commlsh to say anything the glti nodded vigorous assent and comprehension her xealous regard for the honbr of a regular was quite a keen as the corporal a what was in that safe naked the captains daughter when ahe andthe doctor were again alone in tho coach cotton just raw cotton my tin case holds the quarterly pay for kurt zorab not enough to demand a sund escort but enough to have cost a pay master his shoulder straps if you had not been on the coach some yankee justice t a certain lawyer of a bygone gen atlon ijass janes by name says cass and comment had a cose before a justice of tha peace out in the coun try ho was for the defendant whlli a wiseacre of a schoolmaster who bad picked up a few la tin words appeared for the plaintiff the facts were all in the school masters favor and in summjnr up ha would exclaim with great gusto as he made his points and that is the sum mum bouum of the matter and the cose must go to the plaintiff mass had really no defense but his ready wit and keen sense of the rldi culous supplied him with one so when he camo to reply be said to the justice i have a grest regard for the old law of aummum banura on which the gentleman wholly relies for its antiquity it was an od ergjtlsh law and served well its day and generation but tha people finally outgrew it and become dissatisfied with it and it was one of tho lawn england girled to force upon the colonies but sold moss raising his voice and arm on high our forefathers fought and spilt their blood in the revolution to overthrow that law and they did overthrow it and then tboy reared in tts stead the law of e plurl bus unum which must govern this ftry u wubo4tt any oonhlo whsterar yon can readily aoo sneb objects as ftm weal tbet otbern are jos as mr to see bat tbe edea is who can find tbo most fifty ns wffl be grven for tbo fifty bos mats of swords nubmiucd la answer to tbja poxale tn bo t correct list of naznea will bo awarded drat prise t second nearest seo how many you can find thereupon the justice said x have great deal of respect myself for that old english law of numnum bon- um it was good enough for that time and good enough for tha english but i agree with mr jnnea that our fore fa thorn tumbled that law ovr in the revolution and this case will be de elded in favor of the defendant undar the law of e plurl bun unum which was put in its plsce pair improving sermons the kirk of scotland has always laid great atres upop the power of sermons in its ministrations- mr john kerr in nls other memories old and new gives soma of his own recol lections on this point a minister whose disposition was rather to drive than to lead called on n woman whose attendance at church waa not quit so regular aa he wished t was pleased he aald to see you at church yesterday you have not- been vwy regular lately oh yes i was there yesterday hku your dlsodorse and was muckle the better of im glad of that youll remember ie text no doubt t no ivp a very bad memory for texts well you remember what f said about it or some of the things i saldr no i csnna soy that i can reel off a manly opponent in a football match between the carlisle indians and harvard says a writer in outing mulnxine oho of the indian players suddenly got sway with the bail and ran down the field there was only one of hln opponents between blrn and the goal posts if the runner aucoeedod in getting by him it meant athletic glory tor himself and perhaps a vletory tor his small college over this mighty inst tuition of learning oontssnlnr the flower of the civilisation which had awept his forefathers away from the lands they once possessed the crowd in the a tan da had risen rasping in their excitement as crowd do at such moments but just as he hud almost gained tho goal line that one man a famous sprinter brought the runner down with a beautiful tackle tha stands rocked with relief and the unuat pll lng up of other players took place as- the two lay there together the fair haired representative of new eng land while still clasping the dark aklpned descendant of america sav ajmry felt something fumbling oud presently became aware at the bottom of the heap there that his right hand was being- shaken xjood taokl muttered the indian kmpcro axoaoozkcea today most mats its game au com partlcipste ha this greas fun rwn from sv acbool boy or drl to besf sansber suarl eieo orandpa and grandxna it bolda no prcrsek to are- u td m teat of yoxr aklh tn tomwunr out swed tn tbo amxglo pto tsnre its jam dandy peonretr game we yora wui eaxjoy st tor eves krrrs a rr aj yonb imto bave mow ftm it costs notbinr to take pare tne flwonr pnxxle game is a campaign to lisnami tbo popa larlty of tbo mail jk kmplro it la not a sub acrtption onrateat and you do not nave to send in m stnglo snbecrtprion to win a prise if your ajfetwer fa snaarded first prise by tbo jodrea yoa wib win uuk box if yon woejd uke to wtta more than sjutjm we are going to nutke tbe robowtnr speolal offer whereby yoo etfn win btrres cast you can win 100000- he bovrt if tne t m ssssi 55 y y wtu nweive t00 insccad of ts fscoond prtse tttao tntrd prtse sim see e ootamn of flrores strat prtea and yon have sent in one yearly sab- observe these rules ami t x aay nu ealia vbo tn set a r taroato er ifatnlltsn sd ww in eat la tb rax4r r tks itu nad xtupr er a nwmbfr o as ntoplaya raaailr rsay oatanlt sa aaawwn it a sbl t alftrsraau jronr n nurrgn m ogrimm aru ua a all ustn of nimi aaotua b wrtttm ia ec um popar eahr sae aoaimna aen t x i t wlt your rail asm- nod adaran an sab ps la to uvcwr rurht oaaa oerasv 1 yen asatr ts writs asttain- alas an only uoaarr wu whsitlm plarml i uosa to ainatalar anlm asd vis varaa t warda of tas aaja apalllas du ba umd oatr aaaa eras taedsa aad to daalgaata aifraraat olt jaets er aruelas or parts f etajacta er articlas aa aajact or arula ana ba aamsa osly oo t pa set sxpa or ootsaead word or any werea rormad by tha aotobtaauaa or wo or aara aaeptata worda woara aaoa ward la ltr t- 1 too asaaras having tba w eo tract ut of anaaa o vtalsla obiaats and aruelan abown id loe ptetora ton i basts wtta ttoa lattar s will ba aararsad wsf priaa ata naatmaa atyu er sand wrtuss has oe bsaxtag upas laaldlws lb wtnoan t aar as o paapt may oaparata ts a swartsg tbs panala bat oatr dm prtaa will ba swardad to aay o be atof artu prtaaa ba awargad to aaero i aaa of any group woara tw or bsara bin baas warklu tosatoar t is to aveat m lw or any prtsa oriarad tba rail asaaue oc osch prinm wul ba awsrdad to aaab uad partldpui 1 sabatthrmlssji baltr now or raoawaj pr- abla ta advanca at ii a year by conji will b quaiirytas- for tsa ieoa awbacrtbar is rsealvlas tba ncail i septaanbar istb is all any on who has i xtaaptr by mall i w1i rill poatuaalv oop a qoaiirj tba mail and atmplra la aaat la la au sew aabaeripuom ftad by taa r raft ta eradll sf web a an aoajurrlas tor too vfattmia tjinan ii as anil 14 tors jsaaa toraalo cjttuan bavin no cmummim wlu tba mau aad 5mpra wilt ba uct to not ss jtaossa ta daolda tba wtsaa aad partlatpaata agraa tar aoaopt tha daalalon of tba jsdsae as ftsaj asd esaotaatvo it th jadsas will saaat on 0toer luu and wai tba jrrlaa wlaaera and oorrxx lot sf werd wui bo pasuasad la tba atoll and taipuo jwst as alkly utaroanar as it in poawbl or if yoa are awarded blrst prise aad you have sent in two yearly snoacrlptjonn either one new and one renewal or two new snbptlons to the mau gaspare at 900 a year esvefo yon will reoetvd 91000 instead of cat second prtan rftoo third frtse rjoo see third cotoxnn of tlrmres in prtse- use it take bnt two svbvcrfpcione to owazlfy for the blr i 0o0 reward a two sdjskrtptloes h tbe maximum one of wfaicb la to bo a now aub- scrtber yon can do this wttb little effort tour own snisbcrlpfjon wlq cottnt aa ono and wan take sbmcrlpfjons to start at any future date in send teg tn your sojmcripuan grre fnll i eperate abaet from tbat r fiftybig cash prizes wijrnpta akswers wixij newenre oasn tluzks loooitljtntc to tite tabjue bexow nm a t wa b rrta w en ast 1st prtxe gnd prise srd prise 4tb prtse fctfb prise tfa prise 7th prise atb prtxe oi prise lotb prtse 1 1th to sotb prises lnolnslve 31st to ftoui prises lndnstve 1 00 74so in tub ktbnt os a tob tom akt ibukstx thjs rtju awonirr o even nuxm w nit xa1d to kaoit tibd rasrrtorrajrr s8koo fmmmw riooo0o 3oj0o sfto00 soojm hum lbooo toojm 10 oo toxoo soooo aoo vuxt foooo auto ttooo ioojm ooo vum aojm 40o rnsjw booo tmw soustj 4o00- jtoo 10o atxoo tso 1000 dopt c a montgomery xtzxk waw i 0aoftto lata aa i yo her tp adminlatar it in her presence tb child would ohjeot aa most chil dren do and that part of the oil thai laft tba spoon would trickle dowb tha ribh of tb child the mttlher partly to reroov tha ou and partly to pacify i the onud would give the child a kiss 5utat covered tha whole of it cheek eind in soflolng woud remove the oil o j witn bar lip and swallow it herself then ana woqj jick tha spoon clean hand it back to my wife and that is the way indian women give castor ail to thnlr children after wljjrasslnr t this performance ws had no difficulty vei k it underetandlog why th child rot no 1wiaflt from tba prevtoua together when bowon approached the seated cavalrymen and offered them hut whiskey fissk a t n of them a corporal aocepted it doubtfully and took a sip bowson deftly kicked his carbine into the creek instantly tha oter guard caught u his weapon and turned its muttsle upon his astonished fellow hands up he commanded and the helpless cor porsl obeyed at tbe fat mans hoslll motion the stage driver had flung himself upon doctor samson llowaoa sprang to the drivers aid and they soon had the one armed man helpless in another- second they had tied their two prison era hand and foot with place of picket una i bowsesnaw unhooked one of hla bulky bag took from it a leather- covered caae nd out of that a set rf steel tools aoan and a ooll pf fuse tbe captain daurhter wadutaotd sat looking on no caskm to be scared mis no body ba jaurt tha fat man aenured her as hejtad hla confadsrataa turned to tbe ooaob they uftd tha doctor square box out at th front set it upon tha ground and taartar t oanvaa cover off revealed a small hofi anfk oo out in th buahes a- trays said bowson to tb pat aa suenl a vtau till yoa bw rajr asn conr lto some clothe that were bleaching on noisily across tattthe green tbae claea oot there t ne mlju i watered them half an hour since and there no a drap o water to be eeen on them noo but they re a hantle th better o t f or a that this recalls the experience of an other minister whose aemiona were dull and not for edification meeting ono of hi congregation who bad been a serious defaulter in respect of at tendance h sold john you have not been at church for a long time jt i eenna juat say when i was at your kirk i was gleen some u the it her kirks a bit turn but john have qu never heard tliat a rolling stone gathers no raosst aya but i have heard too that a tatharedumb tsks a leng time to gro lng over th middle bowled forward they splashed creek caution no longer availed a yea they mounted the far bank the guard weel yelled the atag whip sang and stung and the six borsee took the road at dying gallop they rot into action none too soon for bowson spurn hod across the oredk and mounted its bunk no more then twenty yards behind the coach h opened fire upon them with nl shooter and the doctor replied with his pistol the nwirt exchange of ahots wn in enoc two trunks and the big mans bundles strapped on behind gave the coach aome protection ugalnal fire from the roar tbe galloping team quickly carried tha stage beyond the sons of im mediate danger but th next star ranch was aeven or eight miles ahead snd two- horsemen with lung range guns were sonibwhor within the buah of the creek valley the girl with one hand holding to tbs rail peered anxiously over ttu canvas top of the ooach just as an xtousiy tha una or mad officer ksptj watch behind the corporal driver no less spore hetlatvv wanted to increase thou speed but the girl said lfowa 11 do 0u9 hard running whan we have to and ahe kept the team ar an sy gallop a few miles ahead they oould see rise in th road that led summit or a low dlvld the ford was a mil behind uiam whan two riders hot out of the buah near the creek and gav instant chose the airl judged that they ware pushing their annuals hard in order to catch th atag en th nearer slops of the divide better turn seai leoael shouted the qerporn after a nance over his anonldarv btatrpns in sight across tb dtrfdet tbs tnfj ahookv bar ttia remem- j bar thoss are carajryoinrea h priad n4 a pound of drag heavier i than tan oo tbs back ah wielded anything ye said my good woman you must be hypocrite lo soy you wen the better ror being at the church when ou cannot tell me either the text or any thing i said about 1l e ahe replied polnunr too honest a straight line cdn t be too atrftlght l circle cant be too round a juare an t be too square but in tha oplnityi t aome people a man cap be too honest when you find uiiyon sticking up- for lg sag- honasiy put your poeketbook lu aaafe t laoo and do bualnea with him on a a pot canh basis th man who is honest only when it aults his packet does not need the jltnml or thi sandbag to make him a firstclass thug these are the kind of people who think a man la too honest whan ha deals as squarely with the innocent child or poor old darky who come to his esfabushmant as h doe with th wideawake intelligent people who know what the paarket value of a dollar ts it la an awful comment upon aotusty tfiat men who ar particular in regard to being honest with their feltow are often regarded a it la strange too that critics seldom realise the silent oom ntent upos their own live their e tlmata of these cranka may afford a a man thlnketh in bis heart so is he solomon in shoe and laathsr journal what percent age do you add each year bylongzmstance la the last ten ynara tbe increase in tho number of telephoned in ontario and qoebea luui been over 1 1 5 each year tbcrcfor oab- rcribers rocetye a bonus ol 11 more opportunities for poambje anjos by hoail and long distanpe teluphone f tbe largo and rapidly hv creaaino mnrkjot is proving more nnd more nrofitoblo to those morchanta who cul tivate it aybuanaucnuy are you adding 11 more cuatoinotfl each year 7 wouldnt ft pay yoa to ntdg m orgdnixcd effort to tu by one advertiser mr wrigley says i believe in news paper advertising i spend about a mil lion dollars a year for newspaper space to tell the world about the goods i have to sell nearly everybody reads the paper and they are the most effective medium to reach the buying public quickly and often an advertisement in the free press will attra t more attention than a welldressed shop window and will be seen by a hundred tunes die number you dont keep the blinds down on yaur showwuidow how about your adver tisement are the blinds down mlmaaloaar aid u tm advertising wilt help sell your goods just as it sells mr wrigley s 1 t skfi fey sssal m