Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 18, 1924, p. 3

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ty ijfflfffipf jjswwsbbfbpftvcwtsjpbj htb acton 3f rb0 tuuithpay fcteirbmoer ii 1914 the morning and the evening iho morning nra silver plun with tlj wltlrh of anil arl willi hushes nf rose where thi half uncurl theyre burnished with mim dumtnd with bold and preened till 4hoy gtisten lustre untold they poise at tho xenlth and send a oft breath of quickening hope to the chamber of death o winnowing wings how the fog wraiths retreat before thy wide fanning and rhyth mical band the wings or the evening are nm and gray though barred by the sunset and streaked by the day yet they or spread at the blddlag of a velllngaf sapphire diffuses the light invests all the twilight with furaw afresh and prisons a tar in iu billowing rowh o sheltering wings let no trouble in- aa over my valley you hover and brood jy alice u shepard the reforming of rosalie aunt meredith aaked iloeajl saucily what do you suppose would linppcn if you ahould live one day aside from sunday without a piece of mending her greataunt lifted her flue keen old eyi from the bit of loo which ahe wu darning with exquisite stitches i am a living illustration ahe an swered ot the law of coapensauon home people never do any mending no i have to bejp keep the universe properly balanced that you should deecead to ouch prevarication i rosalie exclaimed as if you didnt know and know that i know that you know that mending 1 tha chief joy of your life i then why did you oak me re torted greataunt meredith just to keep up the conversation roeaiie laughed im aa glad that 1 dont feel that the harmony of the universe require me to learn bow to mend i never intend to learn and then ill never have to do it- there are occasionally accident aunt meredith suggested i never mean to have any and exigencies vi1 let other people rise to them jafxxt meredith hashed a l glance at her popt expect me to reform you roealle duncan i im too old tq taku such a reapanalbillty m char acter isnt my line two weeks later boemue- duncan en her way out west was gaslng in despair at a jagged tear in her pretty skirt bow it bad happened she could not tell but there it was and the skirt was mohair too and even her inexperienced ayes knew that that would mean no ordinary mending and it would be two days before she could get to bar trunk a sweetfaced old lady in be opposite section leaned can i help thee my deart that is a dudcult place to mend ob rosalie signed tr you only would v at the end of her journey three notes were exchanged between rosalie and greataunt meredith oreoiaunt meredith never wrote letters these were the three dear aunt meredith ton are aveng ed i tore my mohair on the train a tear with sixty seven c a dear old ouaker lady mended it for me i thought youd like to know tour loving- niece rosalie dear nleee ramllexour of the sixth received suppose there bad been no dear old quaker ladyt tour affectionate aunr meredith porter dear aunt meredith in reply to yours of the fifteenth x would say yesm ive been supposing it sincerely rosalie were going to have a fair boys were going to hove a fair boys were going to have a fair and all the folk that love to meet their notch bora will ho there its going to be lilggertdggrr far than all the rest rsing to be your fair its going o be mine and everyone for miles around is rait ing into line fathers mothers babies boys and girls will be there were going to have a fair boys wt going to have some fair were going to have a fair boyo- rlp- tall snorter fair get out the old top buggy and hitch up the sorrel mare or get your new six cylinder invite the hired man come in your glittering new coope or in last years sedan or use a threedeck wagon youll get here just the same or if yea would rstherv step on board the puffpun train and if sll else should fall you get a plane and ride the air were going to have a fair boys were jcolng to have some fair were going to have a fair boys a bangup slxxler fair come and see tha biggest cows that ever switched a tall come and leave your worries forget all corking care cows that give thorlohest mltk that ever filled a pan come and see the fattest bogs that ever gave a grttnl purebred begs of royal birth not d single runt the wooly aheep the horses with sleek and polished hair were going to have a fair doys were going to have some fair fab boys a were going to have rare old jolly fair bring the kids to see the fun and ride up tn the sir try your luck at winning things for get youre growing old taste the welners roasting hot or pop thats ley cold climb into the grandstand hear tha music see tho fun watch the classy racers as around tha track hey run put dktoub gotomeeting suit and grease your curly hair were going to have a fair boys were going to have wmo fair stories say do yau know old aa i am i like stories ive been gathering them for re and i thought this weak id just give you a few ot them instead ot my usual budget of recollections i told mary t was going to da this and she up and declared this was a good idea for she said youve bean writing so much out of that old head of yours that people will surely welcome change for one week anyway well here woes hope youll tike them and smile occasionally over them a you peruse them a delicately colored am one o t very few literary persons this country has produced who was almost universally recognised when he walked abroad was jotnea whlt- most writers come and their fellow man- but clara ac laoghlio rerolnlsoencea of the i to be known and ao- went and al- d the interest 3 him be was often irked by it went with him into s store in a small i miss uughlln the jtedly re bis customer the lost time x see mr riley confided to me was whan be was a bright young fella he pai me a sign- r it yt wouldnt take any money for it like to see itt i had heard a great deal about that phase of mr riley youth when ran away from boms and the study ot law and supported himself in bta errantry by painting- store signs so x thanked the gents turtushsr and said i should be glad indeed to see bis treasure tie produced it a curious little specimen or fancy lettering in light blue i member the proud possessor said like ujru yesterday the day that sign was painted mr riley wore kid gloves while he was- pain tin l at this point mr riley vanished when i rejoined him half a block away he was fuming and fulminating hard on the rqhft an american composer vras talking to a friend who had just come from jxil me see that shirt my concert given by the students of conservatory of music it was one of those recitals which are usually avoided by musicians the friend said i have just heard one of the pupils a little girl of eight play your piece to a wild rose the musician sighed and said i suppose she pulled it up by the roo ta in his own peculiar platuresqus style- gagemnts captain whit the large gentlemanly pearlgray set he cried he dreamed that fantasy en soma dark moonless night and be has told it so many tunas that he has made himself believe it why a man wouldnt paint with kid gloves oql j remember asking for illumination about the peurlgray variety of ass dont know muob bout asses do you he replied i admitted that i did not well he sold a pearlgray ass la one that i has been an ass a long long time a modest ilitlton uke the traditional englishman arthur stanley dean of westminster home from his first visit to america an expressfonfer amassment which only time could efface i was at once beset by interview says the author or out of the past who uaked the usual questions what ws the thing which most lmjpressed you in america r wasjffie of these without a moments hesita tion dean stanley replied my own ignorance compant at suppj3r the housekeeper who has known what it is to have unexpected guests will no doubt find sympathy welling within her heart at the plight of a woman in a western town her husband had asked her to show some kindness to a young officer of the militia to wham he had token fkncy she therefore despatched note in which she said airs urown requests the pleasure of captain whites company at supper on wed nesday evening she received it prompt and joyful reply which read with the excep tion of the men who huvu- other en- ehlldren one day when many of them had betin tlip roumln anil hml noen all thorn wan to ho seen tho nwi- er treated them to milk it wan good milk it camo from it tvi-thuuand- dollaf cow well boys nnhl llui funner when they hod drnlnad turlr glansea what do you think of that mllkt thats onel mild nn little oha enthualnnt cully than utter a iliumi ha addod i wlaht our milkman kepu cow all things to all iliztmzvh a certain woman of u lively disposi tion and much beloved in her clrcu says that she imm wonrnn suffragist once a year at the time of the annual dinner they have such a lot of ice cream and strawberries sho exclaim with sparkling ayes a woman in brooklyn who la actlvi in promoting the wuffmge causa hi that city tried recently to induce i lively young matron to joli womans republican league shu mat with a flat refusal hut your husband is a republican and you be long to the woman buttmgo associa tion i belong to the uftraga association and to the antluftrok anaoclnlon was tho placid reply i like the women in otib and the rufreahments it the other hut honestly i dont be uove in either an oldbciiool gentleman a leapyear joke thrice refined re cently appeared a whitehaired arm old man stood wedged between other standing folk in a crowded street cor every seat was occupied and for a time no one paid any attention to hlm at last a little girl whose golden hair foil in waves avoe her handsome velvet coat noticed the old man cllnjr- ing to tlie strap without a word to her mother who sat beside her she rose and gently plucked the sleeve of his coat wont you take my eeatr she said the old man looked at her sweet upturned face and hesitated for a moment then he bared his snowy bead snd bowed low my little lady he said i thank you x shall sccept your offer because it is leap year mr dolans carriage mr dolan through the agency butter and eggs had reached the stage of prosperity where ho woq able u set upan estttblfaihmcnt with a horse and carriage and nobody begrudge j bun his success but whats the reason your wlfo drives round in a carriage with uin letter c on ltt inquired ontt of mi colons friends vouve not changed your name terry t naw man sold mr dolan gaily mo name has stood me fifty years itll last out mu tolme- hut the carriage was a great bafgaln at alcondhand man and the c was on twud cost u bit to change it to s d and i says to mary ann d ts a kalnd of a broad luring utther wholle c is more dlllcate and ornammtal i soya and besolde that its the very next to d in the alphabet and more than all i says it stands for oon- tloted and thats what i very dolan that roldes in the carriage will be so let it stand and mary ann agreed wid me domestic strategy the youngefman hud bedn com plaining that he could not get his wife to mend his clothes i asked her to sew a button on this vest last night and she hasnt touched it ho said at this the older man assumed tho air of a patriarch never ask a woman to mend any thing ho said what would you have mo dor ask ed the other simply do as i do was the as sured reply xou havent been mar ried very long and i think i can you some serviceable suggestions when i want a shirt mended i take to my wife flourish it round a little end say wheres that ragbag what do you want of the rag- bsgt asks my wife her euapldons are roused at once 1 want to throw this shirt away its worn out 1 aay with a few more nourishes do any harm whether ive got n cold or not would it be troubling you too muchjttulipol tho wntort mrs hobsons voiqo ritpiletl cheer fully its all roady now denr 1vo heated it and got boiuu blunkutn nlco unit hot- whan youie rouity ill bring them up there 1 call that ii pretty good hunch of reul interesting stories not the same a terse snd clever characterisation was that by w hi alt lieranger the poet summed up victor hugos relation to ha great republican spirit of franco ugo although it is said that ho was a republican at tho very beginning career became a most ontliuau usllc and outspoken one ho repre sented tho pictorial drama ma sde of popular feeling and became so fllctar- csque a figure in itrench politics that lie could not have failed to serve am a popular idol lieranger who was a republican of thb simplest typo notwithstanding his amro in establishing louts lhilppo on tho throne defined tho poets atti tude in one una one day soya tho contemporary review shortly after tftorevolutlon which ovartoppled that throne un ac quaintance of llerengor met hint com ing out of tho palais- liourbon 1 shall feel obliged sold tho poet if you will see me home for i do not feel at all well those violent scones insldes thero oro npt to my laate i am not at all well ho contlpued with a wistful smile x havo been recused of having held tho plank over which 6uls philippe went to the tullerles i wish i could be tho bridge across tho channel on which ho would return certainly i would havo liked a re public but not such as we are having in there he pointed to the homo of the con stituent assembly you ought to be pleased said his friend vtor hugo is in the same regiment with you victor hugo u not in the regi ment was the quiet reply he ts in tho band wife then now john hand it to of course i pasit over and she examines it why jobrt taylor she is sure to say i never know such ex travagance i this la a perfectly good shirt ah it needs is and then she mends it the last straw nobody in cedarvllle was more gen erous than almlra hanson shell give an give an without regard to getting her neighbors said of hfr rut miss hanson bad her own ideas as to the proper limits for generosity and in the cose of the cedarvllle corn ers church sociable sho felt that those limits had been overstepped i dont want to carp nor to critic ise she remarked to an interested listener their ways have never bee- my ways but theyve nov g against my grain so mush as they did last nlghl v they asked me foa pot of beai for the supper snd i made en same us 1 do for all three of the ehurohea now you understand me xwaa glad to do lt i didnt begrudge em ue beans nor the time it took to do em when 1 had company come un expect ed three cousins and a woman it never set eyes on before nor i didnt begrudge carrying that heavy pot down there on a hot night and then pay ins- twenty fl vo cents to eat some o my own cooking rut when i wag ready to coma home and begun to hunt round tor that pot and found mia deacon hard ing hud sent her boy homu with ii and sold she knew id ruthor pay live cents to him for the churah debt than to lug it r myself well i didnt say anything but thinks i if this isnt the capshsuf i dont know what would bel a timely warning and wus there no uarrellng snapping or milking during thowholo trip travelling is such a test dt tempers i tlitim wi rt no quarrels nald the returned traveller though anre uilmlf wo wiri- in the mood for them i we hml coach ml twenty miles u i old drinln with the prospect ten moro im rt downpour or missing the prbttlest tart of our little coaching tour for we couldnt wait and we ware feeling chilly and cross and tired and d is p ml n ted tlia inn- was poor llio table meagre and our talk was doleful and recriminatory and full warnings of neuralgia tonslliltih and influenza- then an old lady and meek girl entered and out down at out table now nunt said the girl pleasant ly in half a minute youlf have that cup or hot tea youve been longlpg for half an hour more likolyl snap- pcfcl aunt theyre always alow i these country inns idiots i there wan a pause than tho alrl ventured timidly dont you think tho storm is abat ing a llttlo auntr its pourltw worse than over in- nounrod aunt firmly cant you sen ht cant you hear ut absurd filldnci followed until the arrival of the tea when the niece passing a steaming cup risked tho innocent re mark th6ro that smells good i hnvimt ubsorvml now it smells remarked the old lady acidly as she raised the cup but it tastes nasty presently having sufficiently brow beaten her nloce and bullied the ser vants sho turned to us coaclitd over in the rain dldnt yout sho inquired abruptly what folly i dont you expect to catch your deaths r itl was my sister who rose to tha occasion she swept a twinkling snd expressive glance round our observant party and replied with grave pollte- nest we did madam a short tlmesgo but speaking for myself i begin once more to entertain hopes of living humph i snorted the old woman leaning over to pinch ter datnp dress pneumonia at least i bbt do you know ahe did ua a world of good wo cheered up re covered our tempers and began to enjoy ourselves at once- the gayer we grew the more she gloomed bur the more she gloomed tho gayer w- grew doneraliy i believe in good examples rather than awful warnings but once in a great while an awful warning happens at just tho right time to bo of use she did cruelty to the absent- minded alaskan dogs in alsace when the transportation of supplies through the snow in the voaguas dur ing the war was of urgent importance the french array authorities conceiv ed the idea of using dogdrawn sleighs and several hundred trained from alaska northwestern canada and labrador were obtained with the ending of winter the dogs con tinued to be useful in another way ii the london chronicle mr xx warner allan representative of the british sessw4ts the e army t they were harnessed to rwo-foot- gusge ugbt railways which run every where behind the fronl and they are capable of drawtngtbe heaviest load up the steepest grsdent eleven dogs with a eouple of man can haul a load that weighs a ton up the moot p clnlfous slopes of the mountains snd i am told that two teams of seven dogs tmch could d6 the work of flve boraea in this difflautt country with a very great economy of men of the three- breeds in service the best is the alaskan although lis is perhaps tho weakest p them all his courage never falls and he will work jmtil be dropa will come with pli combaomlue archbishop ryan u described as p a delightful humor his gentle and wise witticisms are illus trated by the following a young girl one day said to him i ttqwa been told sir that a touch of rouge heightens a womans charm wonderfully but t have also been told that to use rouge is wrung will you give me your opinion un this mattert some said the archbishop hold that there is nothing pernicious in little roug others regurd the use of this coemetlo us vulgar tn jaie it seems best to steer a middle course between those two opinions and would advise you therefore to i rouge upon one chpak only a polite iluhoner tlvo lady who was visiting the jail had been much impraxed with the ap pearance and behavior uf the prisoners and she took xtunjoii to express her approval to the warden t they seem as courteous as any- body she said enthusiastically e 1 1 ttkl lonttuyanylnlng yea theyre poljte enough as sented the jailer hut im a little suspicious of too fine nuniiers dont see how you uis bel ex claimed the lady well i am declared the warden and 1 have been ever since one of the smoothest of thetn broke out of jail and left a note for me 111 which he wrote i hope you will imrdcn me for the liberty im taking 7 not an unreasonable wish just outside s leading city a well known lawyer has an atrmtratlw farm apd there in the summer ho i entertains many little bauda of poon she was all prepared mr hobson snoexed and mrs hob- son remarked that he must havo caught cold mr hobson is one tf those men who bate to have a russ made over them hm has been trying to impress tht fact on his wifes mind for twenty years what makes you think rye taken ooldt he desaanded irritably you snoexed replied mrs hobson that doesnt signify he paused but u dbes signify it is one of the first signs of a cold you went with the ashes this morning without a thing round your neck l always do and- now youve caught cold mr hobson returned to the reading hia newspaper without replying in a few minutes mrs hobsonsaid henry wallf- youve got to do something for that oodv cant i sneexe without being ac cused or a coldt is there any law against soseslng or do i have to g a permit from the health department dont see anything foelish in tak ing a cold in time mrs hotuton said calmly if you would let me put yeur feet in hot water und mustard and get you to lied mr hobson resumed his paper am ss he did so he felt an annoying tick ling in his nose ha struggled heroic ally for nearly hair a minute then tie sneesed again there said lire hobson lit mel ancholy triumph youve sneesed again ive sneesed twice und im not ashamed of it hobson replied ooldy if i reel like it im going to sneexe again ib fa three successive and violent starnu- tatlons interrupted htm now will you let me heat tltat water henry t no thank you vvui yuu tak soma quinine thent no mrs hobson sighed bnoeses mr ilobson explained era convulsions caused by un irrita tion of u sensitive membrane the irritation hniy tx caused by the intro ductlun uf any small particle of forelgt matter vuch us u ajraln of dust snuff has been known to produce a sneexe so has pepper yau can get up a fairly good imitation by tickling the hostrlle with a straw it is not you imagine sn infuillblu indication uf absentminded persons usually professors have become common figures n the world ut humor but their adventures are usually so amus ing that fresh onee may be welcomed in borty years of spy mr leslie ward the wellknown london artist tells a good story about lord crewe lord crewes extraordinary absent- mindedness was proverbial and slnco he was not aware of lls weakness other people often took advantage of ho used to dine at the athenaeum club usually at the same table- xn other membe rushing in one day to obtain a place for dinner for himself ail being engaged the waiter was obliged to refuse trio lute comer when the fiurrlod member pointed to an extra seat oh sir said the waiter with apol ogetic deference thats lord crewee never mind said the urgent wouldbe diner tell him when be comes that hes dined it is to be supposed that the man found a way to make tho deception worth while or when lord oruwo or rived tho waller met htm with aurprua and quiet expo u is lion have you forgotten youdiuoj an hour ago my lord he sold so j did murmured the poor vic tim as he turned away and left the dining room- the greatmystery th ner says ho isnt making his irtwhon he sells his steers -iambs- and his sheep and hlshoga losing money in fact the packers take advertlalng space to tell tho world how very little how extremely infinitesimal is their profit they arent even making yacht money taking the year as a whole the railroads declare they just about operate at a loss lugging the live stock to market and delivering the meat products hardly enough surplus v buy new brnko beums tho butchers tears drop on the chopping block as ho explains how pitifully- small his mat1n la cam oven buy u spnro tire nut john w consumer knows be pays a good stiff price fothis sirloin for his imnb hops and for his bacon for tomnrrows breakfast if ho goes loco and buys a whole ham at once it loaves n holo in his roll yot nobody seems to be making any money on the various transactions 11 the great mystery sudbury star generous hospitality many yeurs ago lord st rath corf invited u largo and dlstingulanwl party ot tourists inrludlig two continental princes to dine ami pass tha night at silver heights un tholr wa through to tlm westtho house was not large- enough and it was neces sary to add n series of bedrooms to the house and improvise other ac- cum m ml a tin ns the notice was triif says mr heckles wllhmn in his life nf lord slrathcona sir donald smith as he was then engaged a forro of work man and hurried forward materials from st fahl but although tho work was pressed forward the day camu and the bedrooms were not quite fin ishcd the guests dined at the club in winnipeg a large staff or waiters having been pu into livery for thi occasion and dinner was prolonged to a slats hour in order to give the carpenters and furnishers time to pu on the finishing touches at silver heights in fact it was after mid night when n telephone nesssge reach ed sir donald to say that his guests could start for the house uy that time several wore pietly wall overcome with sleep however theywaro finally got to filr donalds roof and none surveying their sump cuous sleeping quarter- could have had any suspicion that the whole had risen like a mushroom in the coursr of a row days unhappily tho host having seen the company to bed found that he had reckoned without himself there was neither bedroom nor bed for his repose weary with his efforts in which anxiety had played no email part he flung himself into a choir and alept soundly until morning sir bund ford fleming relates that pnee being in the train with a fishing party lord sirs theory invited all to dine and sojourn with him for tha night at his fishing lodge at mats pedis which had formerly belonged to tho marqulst lome and the princess louise tho next morning wishing to be abroad early to join a friend i dressed hastily snd descended the stairs in the half light qji the bottom stair my feet touched a figure which sprang up end i recognised my host although he smiled genially as he bade me good morning and was fuh of solicitude i knew he had been jisleep all night on that bottom stair bowing given up bis bedroom either to mavr to some othe of the party an unfair question the employer of a polish mold who has learned to speak english has told of her experiences with the telephone after its pse was explained to her she wag eager to answer every call one day a ring came and she jumped to the instrument hello came from the receiver hello1 answered the girl flushed with pride at being able to give the proper answer who is this continued the voice z dont know 1 7 exclaimed the tnoli i cant see you eu ms ewtsou al in grolksrw perfect seal crown i sm g booh cp 0quy suppose ssld mrs hobson re flectively that you would abject to an onion poultice too t hebeon rose from his chair and started tor the dour with his hand the knob he paused to say with dignity im going up to my room how ive got sume work to do so i guess i had better be alone the rest of ths eve nl oj- llabson sneesed twice on the way up stairs then the door r his den closed explosively fifteen minutes later tha door opened and hobsons voice called down- the stairs maria what is it dttart soy if you think i really ought to take a hot footbath l suppose it wont gems op thought it is not so much the being exempt from faults as the having overcome them that is an advantage swlfl the writer does the most who gives his reader the most knowledge und takes from blm tho least time not to enjoy life but to employ life ought tu be our utm and inspiration macduff the most terrible of lies is not t wbfcb is uttered but llmt which is liv ed w g clarke those who know do not speak th who peak do uot know chinese provero a good man is tbe best friend aud therefore soonest to be cliosun jeremy taylor a foolish man thinks all uro friendly who meet lilm with duhles elder edda u the devil never tempted a man whom he fuund judiciously employed spurgeon terontfl soioin s mlaby h- wiles vjjiwm efes m4tatkd by sunwinddust ecinders saomwimftu sots n dsvmiftj 4 otiiciaiu unexpected company arrives t but its easy o provide for them with fairbsnks bakery so close dtlinn1 wife tho finest of bread cakes pies and all kinds of fresh pastry always on hand and your visitors will appreciate them as much or more than homemade baking because they are better good in gredients and experience in fcaking wake our products hard to equal have the wagon call fairbanks bakery phone 116 m1u street acton these chilly fall btaves and itanges convenient to have it installed use of it through a longer best which include stoves and ranges one think about tpoto and you gut the wo bundle the mecl happy thonieh mcclaryb good cheer banner empire stove and furnace compeuiy product repairs for alu makes of stoves promptly furnished see oun window display phone 70 w d talbot we dcuven inof tuesday and tvednesday f qo1 1mz4 septemdeb 23rd and 24th aj7 n acton fall fair four races with good purses dance in town hall second evening of thb fair new and enlarged prize list excellent midway and merrygofound acton citizens band will give a full concert programme the first eveninc and will play during the afternoon of the second day of the falr list of special prizes horse specials no t best high utootilng horse in ilornoes 1st wm johnstone cash 1600 2nd llaltdn jjlovo co cash 3 00 j best bingle turnout by dr coxe cash 5o0 9 best lady driver single vehicle 1st wm tabrjt cosh c00 znd wallor kentnor cosh 1200 j best tandenturmmclt d campbell cosh 600 lnd w j aklns cash 3oo ladles quick hitch harness and hitch to rig go ss you please once around track and unhitch upon to hapten county by w j- patterson 1st cosh l00 2nd cash 300 novelty race harness and hitch to rig irot or pace once around the track then unhitch and unharness and go once around the track as you please fdll set of hsrness no snsps allowed by t j onell acton creamery cash 7 potato race on horseback 60 ysrds 10 potatoes to be taken from pile at one end and put in box at ths other end handled with spear by w a btprey 1st cash fsoa tnd cash w60 i best light express horse 1st by job bymon hardware- merchant acton cash ssoo 2nd shoeing one horse by n i mclom value 1350 r heavy team with the best feet feet only to be considered by j ratnshaw set of new shoes for team shod value 10 light horse with the best feet foot pply to be considered- by j- liamshnw single home shod new shoes value 11 best lady rider by kenney bros pair of ahoes value 12 best colt j year and under 2 years sired by tjio imported percheron stallion jfcioeauo by w brown and donald uclaren calodon 1st cosh 1 600 2nd caab is00 ird cash 200 cattle sheep and hoo specials 13 best junior herd of jerseys under l years to consist ot i registered bull and 1 heifers registered or grade 1st by j 1l alexander front streettlarage caab m00 2nd by h w hlntonjjeweller acton cosh 200 14 best registered dairy cow any brood s years w over 1st by d a henderson cash 600 2nd delaval separator co goods value 600 per ckoa parker x 15 best three marketable lambs any breed not less than ave entries all lambs exhibited to be turned over tp it- n brown to be shipped cooperatively by il n brown 1st casb 500 2nd cash jd0 3rd cash 3200 is beet brood sow and hitter of pigs bacon type utter to be be from b to s weeks old by c b swackhaner cosh 17 best three bacon hogs donor to receive same at market value by orrle lamb butcher- 1st cash 200 2nd cash 200 root and vegetable specials 1 best bag potatoes donor to receive same by dr j m bell cash 1 best bog potatoes donor to receive some by t a morton cash 20 best bushel irish cobbler potatoes donor to receive some by nelson co cosh 21 best bog potatoes donor to receive same by il l harri son shoe store acton 1st goods value 376 2nd goods value- 2j6 22 best bushel shipping turnips medium grade by ontario turnip orgwers cooperative ltd per w j mcdonald 1st cosh ioo 2nd cosh 100 23 best onions yellow globe or denver one peck donor to receive same and to be delivered by a t brown cash 2 best collection of field roots to be grown from kennies seeds seeds elected from kennies seed catalogue to tbe value of 26 best collection of garden vegetables to be grown from kennies seeds by rennie seed c j seeds to tbe value of fruit specials iff beat half bushel northern spy apples donor to receive same and to be delivered by dr j a mcnlven cash 37 beet half bushel fair apples hand picked any variety donor to receive same by mr mcculiough per j r kennedy cash s off 6 7 00 t 0 7 60 f 00 21 best one buahelklng apples donor to receive same to be delivered in october some as sample by j a smith cash best one bushel hnovf apples donor to receive same to be delivered in october ttis acton fsaa pssss 1 year best barrel spy apples donor to receive same to be delivered tn october same as sample shown by c h harrison cash beat one bushel king apples donor to receive same to he delivered in october tub actoh fuss puses x year best one bushel spltxenburg apples donor to receive same to be delivered in october tin ariom flues pssss 1 year best ono bushel snow apples donor to receive same to be delivered in october karl h vincent cash best barrel spy apples in be the some as sample shown delivered n october by w kelly butcher afon cash best bushel tsiman bweut apples donor to receive same to be delivered in october same as sample by cbas vllson cash 200- 2 w 2 m 6 00 2 off 1 60 2 w 2 co- 2 00 2 00 x 00 2 oft 7 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 jj 2 ov 3 off miscellaneous specials llest lslr dressed chickens donor to receive some by best- pair spring chickens dressed donor tu receive some by harold wues cash beat hpring chicken dressed donor to receive same by a b mcleoi cosh t beet spring chicken dressed donor to receive some by el j ilassard no 2 urowulb camera value best dressed duck donor to receive satue by mrs w uost pair ducks dressed dnur tu receive same cabinet wedding invitations printed in engravers type wbsn rkiutred by tils aurort ftcm lkxas value best dose it kggs donor to rcceivu utne by j it kennedy 43 best 3 lbs butter in prints donor to rwceivo same by dr lc j nelson cash 44 best lbs butter in bulls donor to receive same by ambrose mccann cash 46 best 3 lbs butter in prints donor to receive same by gee 4ff uest i lbs dujry butter in crock donor to roootve some by 1ugsley dlmimm co per j it kennedy a case of luarl napthu soup value 47 best 6 lbs dairy butter iu prints donor to receive sama j r kennudy cash v 4 best 6 lb bull dairy butter donor to recolv same by j il lelshtnan cash r 41 best 6 lbs dairy butler it i tolls donor tu rcjv seme by w o masalos cash 60 best 6 lbs dairy butter hi blocks exhibited uy tuuktr who has not won un raton pilsu slnoe luai tho choice uf th following caasemls string or pearls tabu cloth ox wringer valu from iboo tu t kb 61 best 6 lbs ituuerlu irliits tu hu lelivurod to h jl groat utmtrgntuwn cash 63 best 6 lbs dairy buttur in prints didiiir to rscolve same by it j krr cash 63 llest lurvo lojif of bread hindu from 1ivu uoao flour it j ether uttnur tu reculyw same hy d il lindsay miller acton 1st 4s ids five boxts floui value 3 so 2nd 34 tba five roses flour value lllo 3rd 14 ills five bases flour value bofi j 64 best apple half dubii tans und 1 layer cake made from liutoebilor pus try flour no uthor donor to receive same by d ii lindsay 4s his icxjelslor flour valuo 66 bst 3 louvvw briiad made from five crown flour no other uotiur to receive same to be delivered hy wm r uostep uiuorvtfvwtonwtnner ttinspiyior hour to nelson a co 1st 60 lbs five crown flour vuluo 260 snd 111 tba ftve crown flour value tl 36 6 best doxen tea biscuits made from lily white pastry flour no other donor to receive- same by wm ilortop miller winner to apply for lour to nelson a co 1st ifi lbs lily white flour value 110 2nd by niliun co is lb lily white flour value floo 67 best collection fancy piytry 10 varieties dojior tu recolve same by w a mucutoheon 30 fbs lleeklst huiicy value 400 2nd by a kaimawln cash 3 00 v m beet quart maple syrup donor to receive uuie by utr uckardt co per j r kennedy 6 its ludella tea value 60 best 3 quarts prwanrvetl fruit strawberry ituspbory or black cmunix urooera limited per j 1 kemtedy donor to receive fruit ti fbs dreadnought tea value w 6 00 6 00 2 m 2 6 2 60 00 4 00 2 00 6 00 2 60 1 oo 4 00 2 00 2 00 6 6 6 do 00 6 00 2 00 4 00 tcouoluded on page oyr

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