Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 18, 1924, p. 4

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rasv p v- v v i i -iiv- r 7 r t r m v the noire or hp arton jjtte rthh member slxtd weltua ontario juie acton wire fkess u pss wv tmtrtday nonlri mt dm rree vmm bolulag mill street acton oatsrltt tb mherlptfaa price t per mt la dvjc imun t chrg4 d4ilgii to oacs la tb uehsd states 13 ut to which aubciptka ere pie u indicated m om eddiea uu advertising bates- traaskal edrtl- santa is cent per un agate mutm far brat htum and s ccnu pr line lor each aa ducat ineertloa coetravt display sdr t ctti lor- fa inches or nor per aansat tl ceau per lecjfasch in mr ties advertlsesmata wtm- direction wiu be usarted till farbu ordhmij i specifie dl 1 charged telephones- editorial ud bufammqik kinaideece et pr meat proof that control fe impossible what is abundantly clear in this city and province is that tho government sale of liquor docs not put stop to the illegal solo of liquor this evil has grown during the year until it is wprso today than it has ever bqbn and tjhc difficulties attending tho enforce ment of law havo bean very greatly increased tho liquor manufacturers wilt break the law as long as they aro allowed to continue in business there will bo tho scandal of bootlegging as long as there are hrewcra and legal manufacturers and vendors of liqnor the liquor business cannot be controlled it must be cxtcrmtnatedpwinnipeg free press neighborhood newtv- town tod country adding dignity to the municipal office at nearly every city tho canadian editors visited ii tho old country they were welcomed by the mayor or lord mayor robed in a handsome cloak and wearing a gold chain about his neck if thocustom were introduced into canada it would add much to tfio dignity qd solemnity of civic receptions for instance when mayor mclean has to welcome the distinguished guests who will no doubt come to oriuu next summer to attorjdtho unveiling of the champlain monument what a fine figure he would cut if arrayed in scarier and provided with a heavy jewelled chain 1 orillia packet or if reeve- barber were so arrayed when he presides at the wardens dinner to the county council in december thursday morning september 1924 editorial toe fall fair nexteek oniy limited number of people seem to realize important part an annual fair plays in the up- qding cf a community with the result bat the tten behind these institutions do not receive the jpport they justly deserve not so many years ago fall lairs consisted ofa display of the pro- i of the soil and a collection of live atojksmt lowing the advance of the times the fall fair of y has becqme an institution much broader in its pe ibere not only tbo produces of the field are played in competition tjut where the itylttstrial intd commercial life of a community is attractively lyedt coupled with many forms of amusement and gjnment everything is now set for a success lair i acton next tuesday snd wednesday ftth united support saceasfe beyond pcradventure l ainotfier fine fair will stand to actons credit free adratiain be art of seeking free publicity has now reached bstageand cwryjnail reaching newspaper offices r quota of news which organizations corpora- fa or individuals would like to see published in the paper v politicians long ago realized tho wonder jossiblllties of publicity aspirants for- social iibfvih the larger cities took a page from- the hticianv book- organization fell into uno and fblg corporations that can well afford to pay for- ildvertisipg are falling into line there is one pton wbieb ctmld be named that- gets over ii much free pn6llcity as ituses in paid-adyer- ftll costs money to publish newspapers some hste found that out to tneir sorrow but a leuuiyothershavo not realized it yet the hig df newspapers income ia from the advertising sudbury star p gaaotfae tax l eriornious outlay involved in the practical log of ontario highways is a direct result of gjwaomenal development that has occurred in traffic it is tint just that those for whose i- s member of the canadian editors overseas party bproved roadways nave been provided should jf ill u j 2j cost of tfie improvement the annual license now levied does not begin to meet that cost fcji ylgdxagobly 490000 last year gainst iondarczpenditnre bf x22s09000 pn road con- maintenance moreover such revenue at present- bears unfairly on different tcktfcar owners some of whom may cover tyve or thirty thousand miles tq a yearvajphnst bnsand mirca for others the proposed tax on lo4 of gas used by car owners should pot only alirjyin creased revenue but result as well oajaladinstinent of taxation according to ykdsgjjvnmtn sun v quiteaafe tbsay that the character of the to be used at the plebiscite on the liqiior quev on october 23 next as officially announced oi day was surprisingly fair r and satisfactory jroted supporters of bote sides of the question weitrmtisfled withthe plainlyworded and easily- ttood questioos decided upon for weeks all tstatementa and conjectnres were being made vthc cjuestions likely to be submitted one fento paper submitted a- series of fourquestions bj which woald probably bo found upon tbo teaeweremot confusing and would have yery unsatisfactory results if they had been me- but- after careful consideration and friend- phferences with tho leaders of both aides of the kow the cabinet has v decided upon two ques- tsfjiirandatraigntforward upon which the people hmhostpto give expression in instructing the potent upon the policy to be followed in regard administration of tho liquor problem in this nee the questions as announced by premier uson following threoandahalfhoun session e cabinet are to be as foliowalaro you m ot the continuance cf tho ontario temperance i fun ju fafor uruw sale as a b r splrituobs hquor in ved pactages jrpbvcrnnient control acoqmpapyihg tho jlucenient of the plehscfto queana me pror stued a written statement settrnj forth ex fctly ivernvehts position it cbntahisvthe aatemeqt tifjhemsqrity lnser irtjavororthffji aiij a6tlwra be no dotjb as aale ntojcatmg iiprif 9mk k bt time for thorough work students and young workers those who are older in years and experience have found that there is an increase in efficiency beginning- with september and reaching its height early in november after that there is a decline in efficiency both in study and in work probably duo to weather conditions the dts- tractioittjf tho thoughts of holiday gaieties and so on rogardless of the reasons however the factis scien tific nd should be apparent to all sensible young people that they should take advantage of the season most favorable td doing their best work since if lias been demonstrated that september and october aro two of the most favorable months in ho year for efficiency there should be no loafing on the job of study or work plaphlng to make up for it later in december and january it will be found that all energy at command is needed to keejj even with normal accomplishments oakvillk mr and lfr ilanrr o icatly tm judlth katfr nrrlvvd in town on friday last from komlon tor tot fair ttu will b luylnr tintil th itth tho rom ooo4rhm arnw on uv lka bhor hm bn old to mr john cowl of toronto ur cowfa will make oxtanslva lmprovwnenla and b oome a prmanant roaldtnt with hu fitmlly hero on hla roturn from kpg land bvral atnorican tottruta wera ar- rtad durlna thv woak on tha naval chore of apoedlnc nd wit ilia xnta tomary 11 and ooata rovecal peraom appaared in court for nontmynwit df uiolr- poll tax and in all oaaea s axtra vu addad it u prodlotad that othara wijt bo appar in in a abort tlaaa tor ua aanm of fence qeohpktovn erin hn rinltfi colonu and mra jaa auanuna of hamilton rf t jkn vlaltlns haald home sera mra pbulp o0dfryof nwoaau- ontyna cnstano bf vlaltlaat wltalbr aon mr j jx oodfrar mr h a clvkwaa a juda jeraay cattle afxoadon fan- taat waak mrj a btrana ha unfloawaqrv tweva fact bum tn hla cardan in town the ateel draa baa aroauy bnprovad lha atroau in town wnara baa baan uaod lt tha good work oobtlhae mr and mr jamoa caxoaron ajul sfaatar- bobart of cotttiurwood and mlaa camaron of invarnaaa boatlaaov wara vtaltora at mra xwa laaf waak mr and jfra j acackay of cra- mora wara- in town laatwaek fsamt vlaltad mr nu qiniaa of smtaaatna who baa bean confined to hla room for aome uma sir and mca john baltantloa ra- turnod bomaaftaa bavin apent aom weaka at tha borne of than dauahtar mra wn bdmonaton in -r3aakat- ohowan the- qbrh ffchool apanad with one hundred and alxtrwe poplla aa ln- praaae of twenty over laat year tha ineraaae in tha number of boya la aa- peclally nguoaabla tha nwmbar of wr ii c auntln mr vy moluh mlaa nora auiitln an1 ir hhort ictl laat wmk fur n trip to hcotuffuurd baak and othur mint mra annie nobln and llnii myrtlo and mr itoy noblf of clovalum ohio motored and are vial mnk wlllr flendn inbrld mra albart tnyne of toronto ami mlaa laura iwlln of txtu angaleif caltferourt wero umta of iholr uncja and aunt mr and mr dtuinc tha week tbomaa awrey of intnuna cali fornia and formerly or krin yon the ohamptonahlp recently at tho fourth annual california horeeehne tourna batatpaaadenk mr st h moor ortnn took nfui place tunona 124 younk munwlio com peted tn the junior ffcrmtn juddna oonteet at torpnto kxhlliltlon mra thoa dasvattr of uvorcolown south carolina u a nw mary boomer apent a few duy in krln vtattlna with old frlenda jinil enjoyed tooklnc ovor the aoanea of her girl bbod daya mr j- lc mccabr ft toronto arjtl formerly of jtrln lv codilnic to tho trpnt in bla bobby of outofdoor porta itacantly he won iho gold madaj at tha paatlmi gun ctub rev carrmaek m a mra mack and utile dauebter margaret of bear jayar nora scotut are- apondlng a montbfl vacation with mr ondmr jc madk luckftouf s mr and mra k itoaa and mfly nave retnrned to tbelr home afflocky mountain house alberta aflor qjend- ins the lummcr with frleniln in this vicinity hinaburk hortlcylturhl hookty had ale reoelpta of 112440 kxui rocelpta of lfjll government arant r iap0 membera feea of 18000 aficr paylnff an oxpenaea and prxe liml there will be a balance ofsw2p or over ad- vocaio- reaping as we sowed while the war was on we were never done telling each other what ar recordbreaking war it was stu pendous colossal catastrophic cataclysmic thi were the wrds withwhavh we soughtio describe the war it was a pecukar solsceto us to be able to compare the number of troops under foch wjth the number of troops napoleon commanded we derived jin odd satisfaction rromtheleflgthenlngliarof the combatant nations it gratified us to make diagrams of the unprecedented financial operations necessary to conductthis war we staiedthe nmnber of killed and wounded in tends or cities we laid the khaki enr to end apd circled the globe wer piled up the shells and bloated out the sun we were never done telling each other how this was the greatest tf all wars iq the history of the world bur we cannot have it bothwaya1f it was the greatest of all wars then the peacemalting cannot be the easiest ever- the war can not be on the largest scalo while it lasts and -tho-day- it ceases becomerrompuyieas far- reaching than any war with a jciyipterto its credit in the history books we consoled ourselves during the war withlhe wars immensity sedng this in tbe vast resources involved jkc must console ourselves now with the wars immensityand see this injhe difficulty with which tho war yields to peace epttoeujl notes thank god for home you can bang op yqtir hat without paying sixpence to get it back remarked hen themontlaurier reached quebec municipalities requiring to issue debentures are now getting cheaper rates than have prevailed- id recent years several issues sold during the month show that municipal bonds are now back- to a5per centbasis mlaa atadya tebba left hurt- waak to ko in txainlne for a nurae at uu hamilton city boapital w o billy m01u has been eboa en aa one oftbe omcial rafaraaa tor both the interprovincial and ontario rtuabytootbau unlona for tbia aaaa of the methodist church tendered very hearty reception to than new minuter bar geo a king- and mra fctlnx and aon cannon vdltb webater port nalaon aava a lawn and bouse party saturday after noon torso little jrbia of hamilton port keleon and burlington an had a vary jolly tlma- mlaaneula morrlna left mat waak to apend a oouple of weaka with bar aiater mra j b wbeor at jofllett dl ractnald brldgw baa been man the klnarii scout baas tbia la tbe hlcheat rank obtalnajau lq the boy scouts esnapt jbr4ifbbvlbcw etlve aaryica and rhecgia laltna flrat tftir- unkton boy tort odtattoarjon the ha atnlrar- ttfortt an ojs nalaon towradj boy and wt has lately returned from bothrla epeka in the ttelaon metbodlat chnrehr under the ausploen of the w m s on bun- flay avantaav flopteaabar 14 a larga attendance asnernblo tha inqueet tau tb death of h o ttowerman wbo wwwnanntaw tnndaa highway anvaval wek avo was oonoloded at tb ejsa towtwwp hall taat waak before conmar pe the jiwy brotagfaln a vatdkit attachlns taw ban to bowerban wnb waskiuad and tbo driver of fba chevrolet oar onaaturaajr avenlna ht fr- wal- uoe hodklna entarsajnad tbaniaarbjera of tbe uth band haeolton atap klna orora to nwelaarlod crttroawt tho band brought along- thetr laatrtt- menta u5b muaiepl- aalaattoaa ware 1 4r m t blow ifaau the ammesibera of tba isth- wbua mr bertram abater rapraarited tka-tat- mambarabr uia uta band a- snoot enjoyabu evening van apent oeneue of course the- seizure of s few cases of liquor these days creates more excitement than the shipment of several carloads did in the old wet days- a sense of perspective in the liquor controversy is a good ibing daily globe obejal proclamation has been made by the mani toba government of a recent orderincouncil pro hibiting the sale of beer by tho keg or barrel and re stricting purchases under permits to 48 pints each week beer henceforth may be sold in bottles only during a recent visit to ottawa hon p c larlun high commissioner for canada in london england stated in the course of an interview by newspapermen that in his opinion canada was less dependent upon the rest of the world than any other country no people rn ho world are more prosperous canada has ono mile of nail road to every- 230 people a larger mileage iq proportion to population than any other country wo have a total mileage of pearly 4q000 the government owns or controls mileage of 22000the canadian national railway making it the largest publicowned system in tbe worldt light sir pure water and milk with plain food and proper clothing are said to be six qualifications to promote and prolong a vi oondltlpn of haalthv lnte hoars lack of proper exercise a pleuurornad programme and a fbrgetfulneas of others are- the pathways leading to the road whose terminal is duv aatecr disappointment illhealth and premature death tarrtcsimowatnlq in montreal under s thltiritertt of sba anle n l 1tfuw- f a na jkli ftii lil njtntrp were nearly twice aa ladjbr iutemobiles as ip toronto ja- fa iyfirothp legaltxed sale waradoubly unsafe for itoya is now about- aqnav to that ot the gtrla the annual flower ahov of oeorxer town horuoultnral society waa hsld 1 in the town ban- but bavturday afterr noon and evenlns tbare waa a good attendance and a eptendld exhibit of blooms and fouagv which far exceeded that of any provloub exhibit in town mra a mctavieb of acton guest of mra j ketmnnld durlna tb weak mlaaea maryland helen tawaon vlaltad friends in bocbaater- durlnc tbe past week herald john bu6han comes to canada mr john bucban of th wenknown the author luchnrd han nay arrived in cannda on monday mr buchan has just complctml n book tnat will be received with pleasure br many cariadlans xont mlnto memoir rfaturally the renter part of tba book deala with tho time when jfjord mlnto war governor g en rrul of thla dominion y nmsoless exertion burlinoton milton mra jamiaa marahatl retmaed last week from a twnntontbaf vtah w the paclflc coaai k jud b311ot and bis camuy came home to milton on tuesday after spending the aummer at bronte the jamas street roadway tabetns gravalled between main and mill btraata it u sew and nan baan muddy after rain needing be improvement alu4 wilson baa sold bis- frame dwelling corner mill and bronte streets to jamas mcbachern and sam agnew bla brick oottace on kins street to robt patterson of-glmmer- nin at the last meeting of tbe town council the tax rata for 14 was fixed at 40 mills same aa mat year mr j b mokenale operator at the c p r auuon bag bought a lot from mr c t day on woodward avenua and win erect thereon a modern brick dwelling- tjie new warehouse recently erected at the spinning- mills u a very battd- rmn building presents s splendid ap- paaranoa from main street and la a decided acquisition to the town it wul be good news to townspeople generauy the brjck workers in particular tbe tact that tha milton pressed brick works have lately r oejved eom large orders for their famous product and will soon give the signal for full steam ahead re former rev t h bole and mrs bole re oslved tba sad paws but week of tbe audden death of mra boua father mr bradbury who was in charge of the mechanical department of tho verdun asylum montreal ha was at the parsonage here for several dare two weeks ago apparently in tba beat of health ha bad never bad a serious lllneaa w a robinson of brampton and motored to muton on monday bath were born bare and left about flttv years ago w a roblnsababeen an occasional visitor ever since but tbomaa wbo has been in cbliaum for forty years bad no bwttmrajttnee be want there the brttthw wjl xrom bare to kilbride to look ftp oat ofimas hre on thursday evening lawrenoe bpences bank barn near lwvllls took sre and waa destroyed with lis oontsnta tba seasons crop and ave oowo tha cause of tbe fire is sup posed to have been spontaneana 6m- bugtlon sthe loan waa sx0o on bnud- intf and ifoss oa contents mr btdhoaa dweuing and other bdttatngn were aavwawitb the aawajtaaoa of bla ijunmya mother was givlnk him a sonnd scomlng- about his unwashed neck tou know you havent washod yqur neck said his mother oee whist said jimmy nnoto of desperation creeping into hln voice kbit i goln to wear n collar bookkeeping more and moflt the experienced farmer realizes the importance of accurate bookkeeping the fiumec who opens a chequing account with the sank of monacal i enabled to keep an exact record of receipts and expenditure and to have the helpful advice of an expert enrrd banker whenever he needs it wtthatt bf pleased to supply you with a farmers aecotmt book free of charge l ri 8hohey managar amtn branch bank of montreal establuhjbci over ioo years business directory dr j a mcniven physician and huraeon offloe uid netldanco corner avenue and elgin street 7 pliorte 88 dr e j nelson yiusdbnicir btreudt acton ontario ueqal phone no aa p o box ass harold nash farjwer m a barrister sol to iter notary public conveyancer etc perrvman block acton out money uecnt om mortgages hours 110 ajn to s pjxb saturdaye 1j00 oclock h g meir barrlstsr so i loiter notary pub lie qeoraetowh ont a dental aof5kshtpn the art of paris the ingenuity of new yorkjcornbined lor you furvcoats every conceivable deaiaiv fcaturirig cxqulalte llrdnja ud the new crush couar cloth coats new yorks tucacfcrizing lines ooprccl in- a wealth olemart firtric and stylea with and- with- ok furtrmrnilrurs dressegmllu basnr sweaters ail th last word inoeatorend workronnahlpai tag prloryqu ipara to par write year nanw r4 adtjresa ekarly 2 ifallam xtuatum buodliitonbk list of special prizes contlnufxl from iuso threw bait c tbu ilooey donor to rocelywrnc hy dr j m boll best 6 lbs ionoy in comb donor to receive fame by oeo boper merchant acton cash si beet colloctlon fancy wototvopcn o actor and four adjofn- irtg townships by t il efltnrook co int- 3 tba orange pekoe tea value 8701 tnd 2 tbo orango pekoe tea value tl80 l bj ifetrt conectlon hotjae ilants not lotf tiiantovurtbtliwr to it fcrown by exhibitor by hugh walkar a son guelph bushel of best peaches value 64 beat map of ontario open to acton publln bohoola and four surrounding townships within radius of ave miles of acton 1st by a t brown parker ouofold ppncll value 360 2nd by j c matthews cash 100 z 65 beat collection buakotry not less than four pieces by christ o brawn 4 co toronto one box best assorted biscuits value 6 best desuxn in cut flown by c woodhall president 1 glen water set vnjuo u 1 67 boat essay on the benefits derived from the use of hydro in acton open to acton and vicinity by thehydro commission 1st an electric iron or toaster value 500 snd electric bulbs value 300 j j i m beat collection of farm soeds ono pint of each by canada packing co 1 side rosebrand itncojt to bo dallyered atorrieli3ndbutcheroprtnloe 69 beat collection ladles fancy work ain to acton and four surrounding townships by gunns itd 1 ham maple leaf brands to be delivered at orrle lambs butcher- shop vail s 00 3 00 5 00 3 00 4 00 70 beat tray in basketry open tq acton and four- townships 5 lbs blue label salads tea salada tea co value 4 00 4 26- dr j m bell p d s l d a dentist honor graduate of toronto tjnlvfgv- slty- the latest anestbetlo deed ft deatrad offloo at realdanoa corner mm and frederick fitreet dr p g gollop dds ld3 dental buroeen offloe over bank of nova scotia hottrs j0 to 530 sveninga by appointment mibcejlaneous franqs nunan bookbinder aocount books of all kinds made to ordar periodicals of every deecrtpuoa csrafolry bound- ruling neatly and promptly done wyndbam street gnelptc on over williams store get your job printing at the free press mclaughlinbuick special six 2526 tphe new special six is a car you will en- thuse over the business coupe f6r instance the smart lines the beautiful quiettoned duco finish and handsome equipment giveit an air of emartness and style that is equalled by few cars regardless of price moreover what you woutftf expect from a car outwardly so beautiful will be more than fulfilled by this coupes performance the 0 hr valyeinhead engine provides more than enough power for the hardest going in mud and sand the sturdy chassis and cantilever springs together with low pressure tires afford unusual driving ease pnd f nmfnrt f qn t roughes roads the increased safety of fburvvheel brakes adds much to the drivers peace ofmind and enjoyment tkherking j representatives for this district m aughlin phones omco ii bea s74w dr a l price chiropractic ejbctkotherapy 130 uppelwyndhum street guelpb oyw 11 yar bxparlnca k consdltation moel r j- kerr- aacuonear and real estate agent 17 tears etxperlenoe acton ontario sales entrusted torj bterr w- celve attention from date of listing to date of aala list your amies with me residence bower avenue acton phone 36 acton call at my expense agents wanted the caveful attention to our cua- tomers ordora- end tho splendid stock supplied for years past war- rants ua in having a representative or two in thin county liberal commissions woo outfit write at onco for exclusive territory thos w bowman o son company bxik3eville ont 8ur nuraehae swes jpiwvlng toronto cxna04- good glasses if you need them good advice ji you dont our r2jcam i nations toll whether your need is aiiuueeur a changa in aiasses a ix savage optometrist to canadian paelflo reilway co savage building llluhi ut tin yumt omoo quelph ontario the ou and rdiable granite and mrbto woflai w ara maniifmctnrara and dlrae tmportara of all kinds of monumantsj and scaadatona work vy aau dlraot xli tboasavtoc oua ouatmaca 40 par eenc we bava tba mit appuahoea and tb only maobanioa la tba dotnlaloo wbo oan oparata pnaoomulo ttela prop far we oan trra imcsnoea frosn hondreas of pttr piagtocaaca in toronto and other plaoaa where otbera bare to have war sulta in order to oouaec we ba va the uranat and beat atpek of graniu in ura potnlnten or mora tban any tore oaajarg taut west we am vtgiu ni4naasjstn ajtd aoplot no awata amnar or iw aatgaaa r olffmrut agwataaoua- ton sows vftivi m zk

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