Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 18, 1924, p. 5

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r t fv v cht jvrfmt mrs naa tinrrwhay hbirrrcmblsn u ivm h it p i m oeautipul at home kn tlifclr matinsre i o it to rouin iilrtlo il ut home i a ii i i i l lose her trmpoi hi i i il n ciin ik ii 11 i lives hni brother i 1 i jtiful to nrn si luin on kindly err n1 lutl una willing tread hhc m luy from the d iwnlng until hut itruynm urn it i y him mntii will i v n i kin in wj v i ny luiin iluuiiimi h wij nmlllng an i dv rywtwrc ut lime tvcnty ylar8 aqo fmm tho isouo ot ths free prssa of thursday saptamber 22 1d04 mi willi tin bi j ii in nduei u not vouilili l li 1 1 k htruol slio of lltm innuini t oull iii i til i hum piucus in tarn i ornry utinrtoi at tlio old uaptut chuioh ntxi vyeok 170 000 brick am holng laid down ut the works uf ttoii tanning co tor a n w ililtniiay 13 iwt hlfiji it fast square at base m- willi i in johtnid no h i i tho i ftrtunc tb i ttur 1 in ot u of timber fill on his rig it touu wus painfully bruised and one ot the null bonr were broker kjrreevj will urns hoe considerably improved hie residence by the ad dition of on attractive plana and bl- cony it was designed uiys oonstruct ed by architect cameron the band ployed a programme of musical numbers on the floor of un dertaker johnstone s new warehouse on friday evening mr johns tone showed his pleasure at the serejoads by inviting the boys in to a generous feast oulfor r d graham went to quelpb general hoapltol lost week and was operated on for appendicitis mr thomas bbbage also went to guelpn hospital last week for treatment for 1 cfrr stomach trouble mr h ii warden who has been in the berberlng business almget contin uously in actort for twenty years has sold out to mr alex mclean of tor onto and will remove to the north west mr mcjlean comea weil recom mended ho will meet many of his former friends hare having spent hla boyhood days in krln township mr sydney smith gave a musical at kirvtew place on friday evenlnx entertaining a pleasant party of about three score in her well known generous way acton accepted oakwiles challenge tor a match to determine the cboxo- plonajilp of hal ton and went to oak- vfllo on saturday to play winning out orocn and wallace were the battery antrtmoyed a splendid game anton cornet band went to the even ine train to welcome the victors home and to escort them into town on saturday qalt won the game from waterloo and by his came qalt win the championship of the cana dlan league the standing of which is as follows wontoat play pc the sunday school lesson for sunday ecptlmdcr 21 more scottish bribes for canada bat artpb wplbrloo auelpb bwrlln freiton 444 417 iso 1s a good catch p hi i we a pleasant afternoon in village in western nevada x croup of youn men were piaytaa s rouarh itame of ball in the middle ot the wide sandy afreet but the sidewalks were almost desertid this rendered every idaaarby conspicuous to the motley crowds of indians chinamen cow boys miners an4 other adventurers thlp id front of the shops and barrooms of the main thoroughfare a tall young man and a dainty swetfaced girl oame out of the hole and took their way along the sidewalk their dree end manner plainly pro- claiming- them to be easterner and tenderfoots for the young fellow wore a silk bat and a long prlne albert opat with ail the innocence ima and his very small mus tacflo woe distinctly curled up at tho ends- the pair walked unconcernedly along the street the target of every eye but all unconscious of creating tc sensation for the crowd on account of the- sweet faced girl endjeevored to suppress some what 4u deep and heart felt disapproval of her eompantons dress and appearanae suddenly on of the players la the street a husky young cowboy gave the ball a tremendous swing it accident ally slipped from his grasp and went straight for the pretty girr face the player gae a cry of horror the crowd gasped and caught its breath in an instant ail would be over with tfce pretty girl but quiak as thought her escort sprang forward threw out his left hand deftly caught the red- hot ball not a root from her faee and lightly tossed it back to the play- there was a moment of alienee then from every motley group all up and down the street came p burst or hearty spontaneous applause xiottt and long it oontinued the young man lifted his hat the pretty girl the color rdiahlng back to her cheeks axnlled and waved her handkerchief and as they disappeared from view down the dusty roadway the tall bat and the long alled coat were freely forgiven o c m it was not the intention of the weav er about whom tit lilts tells to pose oa a hero lie joined the army at the outbreak of the war prom some where in franco he wrote home that among other things he bad had a d c m when he came home on a short fur lough to his surprise he mayor coun cillor and town band met him at the station and conveyed him to the town hall for a bjuiquet speechless he wetu through every thing during the course of his speech the mayo said bow proud they all were of him and that he fully deserved the dlstlngtaished conduct medal then a light appeared in the herp distinguished conduct modal i ho 1 said what they gave m was m district court martial for plnchln u ahlaksn vr a serious shortage sandv a scotsman had returned to hla native village offer a visit to len der when some one asked bun what be thought of the great etty be aaldi -it-fa- a gs berthafoiks there are not honest hosr la lhatr asked his friend well i bought box of pins label led thodeand for a penny and i found they were seventeen short not atiractory a party of tourists were visiting the ancient landmarks of england and their guide was supplying own with valuable historic facts this tower he remarked goes back to wuuam the conaueror why what a the matter r inquired one of his lleterfee isnt it satis factory r t i 5rrsr j miuicai mihhionh- murk i si jc oolih tot t iu it ut make me limn mnrk 1 40 the text exp ained vrn jfi t jm i while bifoio y i ci rn it wit ytl ii lit a das r sj it urn hi iiuuil t f i i ilonnri plnen i 1 ilustlixi win mutli buiight by i in iht for ini lliulli it mill i ruyor 1 iuyei clirb t i i mx ml tor hi l oualiiiui an i taiui iiiipuiiunt mlnlu i tus by ioiiu huurk v piuyer lie uuedetl lint upi wi unit d r raflectlon oiul dkllnilb jjrujumtloi for tba days wurk verse 10 i ulioutml after him tljey tcired he hid un m tail to sunia utlio part of tle country vcree 17 all uin eeekliiif theu jot only tno jbictpbrs hut tlio multl- ludes to whunv hu bad inlnlhtered vomo 38 lb next lawn tho luundy tow n nit cqnllnlng himself to tho populous utloe to ilils end came i forth tlirlul mhtelun wau not local bot worl i wide vwtrie 3 tbroilglioul a galilee riiln was uhrhtlh first circuit of pall loo during which he prvuobod aid wont about doing good vrrse 40 a irpcr- the luper b tuji ut tlio kiiiii iciifss ot bin llamisti wis an outcust ho was supposed to lo inouruble under the alosalo law he was excluded ontiruly from human society read iapora thirty one veers among them by j jackson it thou wilt thou canst make me clean the leper jiad no question a to christs power only his willingness verse 41 moved with compassion the physical loathsomeness of leprosy usually caused repulsion verse 41 the leprosy departed from him and he woe made clean she touch of christ caused the leprosy to depart verse 44 oo show thyself to the priest and offer for thy cleansing the things which moses commanded ceremonial disability and tho social ban oould be removed only by the priest lev is 1417 verse 45 began to publish it much not heeding christ s reauest for secrecy made doubtless because of the fear of pqpulor enthusiasm loai inst to political complication jesus could do more openly enter into a city the gratitude of thabeajed leptr thus hindered the work of the healer desert places here be worsld not be molested by city omclais they came to him from every quarter time place or condition meant nothing to these folk who felt that they needed the jrreat physician lesson thsmee the preparation of prayer in tho life otjosus important evepu were preceded by prayer this was true when be entered apon bis missionary tour to the adjacent villages and towns dean stanley observes that a remarkanle feature ot the lake of qlennesaret was that it was closely surrounded with dtntbrt solitudes these desert places thus close at hand on the tablelands or in the ra vines of the eastern and western ranges gavp opportunities for retire ment for rest or prayer rising up early in the morning while it was yet dark or passing over to thectner side in a boat be sought those soli tudes sometimes alone sometimes with hla disciples the lake in this double aspect is thus a reflex or that union ot energy and rest of active labor and deep devotion which is the essence of christianity as it was of the life of him in whom that union was first taught and shown jesus mission to main street jesus said to bis disciples iel us go elsewhere into the next towns that i may preach there also for to this end came i forth the term be used sbrnued village towns or country towns him gracious presence was not to be confined to capernaum dal- manutha mg bethsalda and cborasin were all near at hand jo- scpoiia speaks ot the crowded popula tton ot peiuee at this time it is significant that jesus impresses not only a communitys obligations to ward its own lire but also its rsspen slbilltlee to adjacent neighborhoods a curious and bitter form of prejudice is the antagonism that is often found between neighboring communities sometimes these battles are social they are often botnmeroial but they are all unreasonable jesus would bind these communities together by a common religious interest in that early day he faced the problems of main street with which our modern wise men vainly struggle while the religion of jesus is worldwide its field of personal action is local if salvation can be found to main street the problems of the avenue and boulevard are easily solved how the leper helped in tbls jnleslo tour the most efficient helper was the restored leper thu loat malady need not b des cribed his joy in bis deliverance was great that be could not be con trolled although urged to keep quiet he began to publish it much and to spread abroad the matter the result was such great public interest that the pathway ofjeos was oonstanoy crowded by those who sought the treat healer it la the testimony of our missionary workers that mevtcai treatment opens the way to the hearts of the bitterest enecslee tpat they en counter the medical missionarys ministry opens the way for all forms of christian work preaching teach ing evaagellalng and beside the min istry of physical relief there is the opportunity of spiritual heatings all are seeking tbee this state ment of btmon has a deep meaning it was true locally of the people who were crowding about the saviour it etas true also of the hungry hearted multitude who in other localities were likewise wee w him simon s phrase was the expression of a universal need a great need implies its poe elble fulfillment the instinctive long ing of the heart must flnd us answer and that answer is the lord per study and discussion where was jesus at the time of this leasanj what preparation did jesus make for hs first preaching tourt where did he go on his missionary journey nome some of the towns andjulages he visited t what dlffloul ties did he meet should a community be devoted exclusively to its own in imereetst what can be said of the services of medical missionaries t why are they able to open the way for all kind of missionary effort what striking alaiemeut did simon make concerning jesus do we show proportionately as much gratitude as the leper r have we less for which to be grateful t dally readings far next week mohday september tt john i 7 17 s tuesday septeraberjfcduljkajtl- wednesday september 14 luke 4 4161 thursday september mark tt 1- 11 vrjday september 30mett 4 1 it saturday september 11 john d ii- the number of scottuh brides who have sailed from glasgow to canada this ycnr tins bo n uhlmr ntrlking- many of thene young ladles are goog to prospective h who have only been a ithnrt time in cnn ti here is a striking rcroup on hoard the canadian pacific liner marloch mr roderick macleod the onelc slutior lit in the centre of tho- group the brides rrem left to right ere mhur andrew motherwell mlfl graham i rlni urth toim dunn and miss mulr coatbridge she cquld swim in swimming a in other athletic exercises men attain a power and speed that women cannot oqual jfover thai ens u distinguished enguah athlete not long ho declared the din parity between tho sexos to be leas than in any otjior kind of athletics and he ad lod that if instead of a comparison merely uf uwlmrnlng th question wore broadened to one of cap oclty fo take cure of themselves in tho water ho believed tho superiority would rest with women lecause of their lighter bones and greater buoy ancy it requires leas effort for women to keep afloat and in chilly waters they are mora resistive to cold than men there lira indeod few bathing beaahes on our atlantic coiil where latti r qualification is not often noted in thane tees sophisticated iro pleat regions such as the south sea lalanda where nwn women and chll dren all swim like fish from babyhood in tho topld soa it is naturally un known but the idea that women are less competent in the water than men would be laughed at vet this cxorcue for which they aro so pocullurly flttod in but recently a permitted pleasure for women or rather for ladlcsln europe and am erica fran sea bathing except ad the medical prescription of a doctor does not data back vtry far and for long aftor r had becamo popular and socially countenanced as a dlyernlon k was a startling and exceptional thing for a woman who bathed to swlin nor was if- approved by tho eonserva tlve t was deemed too conspicuous and decidedly unfemlnlne a lady in the surf was oxpeoted to be prettily helpless to shrink and squeal and cling and jump up and down clutching the bathing women or her feminine companions far mjxed battling was not tolerated a curious light is thrown upon the publlo attltudo at the time by tho letters of young mrs amelia austlss written from the seaside to har fardiy- she could swim and did so striking out boldly toward a llitlo islot offshore which at once caused a commotion among the spectators remaining oivthr beach some thought her bent on eulclde f ht that she must be u professlot on connecte i with show bf n ome ghn with wit d a cosuit ocqualnlai mje was euylng ws od t the conel g not b a woman z q aiia must be a youthit- ylsj thai her husband was harhrother or her chum and the mauquerado a stud ents joke of a wager they wer thrown into the utmost consternation that they hadossoclated with har and when on emerging eha convinced them of their mistake tholr cordiality was not restored and the acquaintance ceased she learned that they apolo gised freely to everyone for their in discretion in having hod anything to do with a person whose public ex hlbltlon or conspicuous end indelicate behavior so aoon proved her unwprtby to be noticed by females of nice con duct swimming was still a rare accpm pllshment for women when talleyrand made his memorable witticism con signing to blue water the most famous of bluestooklogs- he was asked which he would plunge to rcicue if he saw them both drowning- madame de steel the woman of learning and genius or the lovely madame recam ler renewed alike for her beauty and charm although the ciueatlon wab put in the preeenco of tho two ladle the readywitted frenchman was not disconcerted 1 should save madame raeamtnr he replied untioaltatlngiy madame de steel knows so much that doubtless she knows how to swim 48 sunday september ii isa oft 1u chqol fairs in halton burlington ksqueslng hornby september 1 30 september 31 september t wesaagewey september xi championship september ii3t urcnte lj october a theologians revenge thirty yrtotm ago alexander schmidt was dean of the university at dornat in the hussion province of livonia the illoodsmlth as the etudants called lilm becauso of his researches concerning the circulation of the blood was noted for the severity of his dis clplliiet an amusing incident in told of him by an army chaplain a certain theological student once wanted to get leave from the unlver nlty to uttend his sisters wedding the dean refused the necessary per mission on the ground that the reason wus oo trivial the student was greatly ffended both b oca una ha want ed to go t the wedding and because hn suspected that doctor schmidt had not believed that hie excuse was a truo dqi accordingly he was deter ml nuit 19 got some kind ot revenge it clianccd that on the day after the affair he was reading st pauls second iotlr to timothy when ho suddonly saw a very clever way to get satis faction laying down tho hi bio ho wrote to the porat newspaper and ordered an advertisement inserted in large type that said simply 3 tim iv 14 ln every reader of the i aper surprined by that line reached for his lilblo and looked up the verses imagliiu he amusement of the univer sity mudonts whan they found thet tho passage was alexander the cop poramith did mo much evil the lord i has many qualities the man who possesses a bottle of dr thomas ecleotrlo oil u armed against many ills it will rplleve a qough break a cold prevent sore threat 4t will re duce the swelling from a spruln re lleve the most persistent sores and will speedily heal cuts and contusions it is a medicine phest in its if pall fair date llst of those in which aoton people will be interested acton aberfoyle bol top brampton burlington caledon durham lilrln fergus predion qalt r september 2314 ootober wm september 1311 hep i ember is 30 hal tember 1030 1 september 34 38 beptaitiher 10 ootober 1 october s 10 uoptembor js 28 -w- october 3 september 190 georgetown october milton september 36 27 nockwood september 0 october 1 streetsvlltq october 11 weeton october 3 4 circumstantial a jackknlfo lost in the bushes a search and uh insinuation of ifaufthad precipitated a noisy quarrel amopsfi the boys of mutton hollow school tse teacher was investigating the of fair liudd f she began did you lose your knlfet uudd nodded and yiu accused tom withers of uklng itf aint aagyln nobjajytuok nothing exclaimed sudd gruffly all i say la tkatrd haye found the knife ef tom hadnt of helped me hunt for il reward him according to his works of out on the ntapa herq whom be thou ware also worms i n children work havoc these pests attack tho tender lining of tho intestines and jf left tu pursue their ravages undisturbed will ultl he missed her as i go about in oiu 1 igtiborhood mr noomit h id um mtur 1 see o much luiikutlr infelillty i mean ho many counkn wh w ul lnt feel at all unhappy if tliy wore mp anted that to see you and mm n nan en happy after so many ye ir uiautlur la indeed gratifying uow many that you v been married 7 a wrrtor in uie chicago nows uivtmt mr noo nans reply and his axplunullorr of the family pence twenty throe yum coino michael mas said moojiau l it h tor that dlmcxtjc what wuu it j u cullud mawnl f said irlfollnlty yis mo am w 11 w v les like the rlni tbo old me uut you wi ro mhterul i when she went away 11 ml infi yi u fr two weeks mold tin mr noo nun ftmld d when she talked about golnir i oi uglit id be all right p ye think ye can gut along wldout mer she says 1 can gut ulong wi lout vo a sight better than i can will ye 1 ye- have the tlm of me llfo tor peaae quiet an comfort says i well she went an mo jen was jit to cook me vlotualu an take in the milk an put jjo a 1 out camo night- 2 made ouf mo supper and eat out traub v unan an paper til it got too dark an then i went indoors and road it when i woke up twas twlniy minutes past one la tho morning what 1 ye think o that i was most 1 1 rtnl od i forgot to wind tho oil and the motoly perforate the wall because tholfet went clean out o mv thoughts and worms are of the hook variety jmoung n waked up tilt euhl odock an la and feed upon the interior surfaces jtfller s worm powders will not only exterminate theso worms of whatever variety but will servo to repair the injury- hoy have done natures gifts naturo took- and a tube ot liquid gluo and sho fashioned this our planet back a mil lion years or two and she makes lakes of water strung them round with wutiderous skill so tho thirsty horn might totter to the shore and drink his flu well she knew the bum an being would he thirsty every day for dfirae nature i all soulng us bo baled his share of hay so niled the lakes with water and tho rivers with the same and the little streams th it potter thro the fields unknown to fame and tlio spark tlngr ills that bahbln and tho ponds where luiee grow where the ducklings quack and gabble while cavorting to and fro mature knew that human critters must be moistened well within but she filled no lake with bitters and she made no atseams of gin and the rain that helps the cotter raise a bumper crop this year it is always made of water it is never made of beer and the dew that shines so brightly in the morning on the lawn cooling off the tired world nighty never knew a demijohn when we ro thirsty there ar rivers mares and brooks from fvllion id choose but dame nature noer dellvere anything that s labelled ooxo walt mason ttv tlmokoei or at thu ul op- was no frleno mine i janrn 1 some broad mid dough nuts into tholl an 1 utvnlllod a cup 0 coffee at tin vm ner roatauranl whin i got home hat night there was me last night n jiiu to wash 1 dan t know whin anyttilnifas more discouraging to me limn ihlm dlshss soil and granite that night ma back begins to ache wid tho chill i got tho nliflu afore an there was nobody tq rub it for me saving your 1 resence well it was that way the whole of tho two weeks more or loos so whin tho old wumuu cuma bock an i oorrju home an f mud the cloth laid an- a stow mi i it coffee an pie un thu d latin id lift all washed small wonder x wns well pleased no wo havo our ul u in i down like other- ponpla ma im but there s worn cookfl tf thuro w mur civil- tongued women huu hoi worms sap the strength and under mine the vitality of children streng then them by using mother graves worm exterminator to drive out the parasites she would not call names the schi of county superintendent w miss whitehead whose hair was almost white was paying a visit unlry echqul at tho closo of tho school when the children went trooping uut each one said oood- tiy miss whitehead i out ano little girl with rod hair aald nothing and hung her head as aha woe about to pass miss whitehead put out her hand and said nolilu urt yqu not going to say good bye to ipe as the others havot no j m not answered nellie i know what it m to be called miss ledlnu and 1 m just ashamed of the others motivbs- cileb peusieo makes this eanu re nlark a man ii sometimes paint his house r clean up his frnt yurd or aoaia benefit llko that where folks can sea it and do it an hla own hook thout ixi in thorned into it by his wf but when he reds up his miller thai wtiojo i begin tu hunt for mutlvvs- jtint an when 1 sue u chip moving rtlujv wlthool aim or 1 uipoho aemldkly diu times out f tun i rind a hug undor it if i luke italns to turn it over w ilson s fly pads a corrector of pulmonary troubles- many testimonials could i n 1 resented showing the great olficucy of dr thomas eclectrlo oil in correcting disorders of the respiratory processes but the best testimonial is experience and the oh is recommended to all who suffer from theao disorders with the oertalnty that they will tint relief it will allay inflammation in the bron chial tube foresight a crtalu hard working farmer had sent his sop to u goo i 1 rot aratory school so that in mlulit mil y begin to recelvo the host limtrti tiort kor his atudy of muslo the hoy h id to have a violin but ho was au h a little fellow that his tiuuiui tin ught that a so coiled half violin was all that was necessary for him according to the meggendorfer itluim r thu father whose resources had boon sadly taxed was loth to port with tlio money tor the instrument but finally did so the boy tnuilu rapid 1 ioura and became so proflcltitt tluit u half violin was no longer mod enough for hun again be wont to thu mu in store with hla father tu whom tlio salesman showed tlu on 1 in mo k of violins the parent was ul 1 an ntly uljtti0ed with all of ihom uiul hln fc mo wunder- ed round tlio shop naukluif for some thing better 1 lnuily ln iw a vlolon oello well take tuit hugo wijo there said he as u smile of alsfuotlon spread over ills ujumoi nino the boy wont outgrow that oghl uwayt whsn asthnia cm do not despair turn at oncfl to tho hull offociive dr j d killojfgw asttui a itomedy this woulerful ruinuly wijl glv you the aid you iuxmi so ily choking ceases breathing in loiiiu natiual and without trfort otbirn hi uvunds of tham brtve nitrfi rt 1 oh 11 hiiffur but have wlitoly tm tu i tit tliu famous remedy ami um i l uirtu 0t a lutokaga thin vury day bust flf rffvhfflft 10c grocers wgtd gcnertj storm an expert opinion x man who kept a 11 td house in 0hode island wat on i upon to tee tlfy in a sllit aw u tb number pf a u hla yard ttitft wiiu han ii 1 in some tilling work tuor bin plui ji1 showed verjl hiil kiluwluijiaiaiimattsr and his hlen of v till ir 1 was so indeflnlto that it no i d mbttul whether h knsw wli il the term meant in nrrir to muk- its moaning clear the judge nnkir lie ten witness assume this ink stand to be three feet atirtta the top tfb way and three rnt that way and 4hree feet in height what sbnuld you call itr well your honor hiiiii the wit ness without liesltiitloii i hould say it was momn inkstand you will fenjoy salada green tea the dxculaite flavor iodicntes tht perfect blending of choice tea ak lor pnokaije todar fiee sttmrle of fileeh tu itfom hequesi salada tobflsitt success leads to satisfaction j w kennedy son plumbing heatingltinsmithing the success of work in stores of homes and business places in acion is a guarantee ihnt we ore in 0 position to assure yoji satis faction we will appreciate your order and will execute it with promptitude main street acton uard end soft torim hpllowaye corn renji entirely safe to use un eattexuotory in its eotlun both yield to fvr wliluh la tuhi and chevrolet brings town and country close it is no longer necessary for the farmer to remain a reclusefor hischildren to forego the youthful companionship which they all crave neither is it necessary for the town or city dweller to think of the countryside as a delightful place to be visited only at vacation tune the automo bile has made communication swift and j easy it has brought friends near each other though they live miles apart and chevrolet has nutde u possible for almost every canadian to enjoy the benefits of an auto mobile for chevrolet is not only an exceedingly lowpriced car but it la also the most economical car in the world to maintain liven though you have not the ready cash with which to purchase at prtsejit the general motors acceptance corporation makes it possible for you to pay for your chevrolet while you are using ana enjoying it investigate chevrolet and learn how easy it is to own and operate ask as about the gmac deferred paymeai ptq chevrolet fisher king bepresentatives for this section call on them at or write and they will call on you georgetown castoria mother fletchers castoria is a harmless substitute for castor od paregoric teething drops and soothing syrups prepared to relieve infants in arms mid children all ages of constipation wind colic jhatulency toweeteastorrmeb drarrhta regulate bowels aids in the assimilation of food promoting cheerfulness rest and natural sleep without opiates p to fvoldlraluuvitu always took for ttutlgiutuni of odjartajcm provm direction nn rnh packiae fhnldaas everywhere rooammend u railway time tables 1na0iam nationalfflailways at acton going west no 29 no si no 81 no 3t no 39 no it junday 8 00 am ioasam sj pjn 1 19 pn qolng east no h hunrtoy 7 orem 11 llajn a s pm 17 pjn 1 1 1 dra 1 08 pjjxt canadian national electric railwav8 r daily rn hu pally jily dally pally pally pally dally pally 7 u 1 m 0 4fl 1 11 41 it rn 1 43 n m 3 43 p m 6 43 ti 7 43 p m 0 43 p m 12 31 am esstbaund pfllly pally lcxoopt hornlii ps liy dally pally t dally dally daily w dally 7 43 a in 0 43 am 11 43 m 1 43 p in 3 43pm s 43 pm 7 43 ptn 9 48 pjn fl40 pro free press job printing is- always neatly done bveight delivered by special express freight freight pjoked up at any ad dress in toronto h w hinton watdunfljer and jeweller antique and modorn o locks of all kinds ro pal rod und cleaned all work guaranteed contracts takon lato ropitlrer of clocks at kon ft i tie ton telace army and navy club naval und military club carlton clubs otc wallpapers stat ionery china etc itull stook of bchiwl mupplle roadors ilistorlt arithmetic soribblors ttc pens inocll- itubbers klc new wallpapbus teds week h w hinton 8uccsssor to lste qeo hyndi actoi toronto t e gibbons expert shoe repairing prompt attention to orders left t e gibbons main htreiirr actoi ioivejs tforouro ohaoa a acton elevator near a t r 8tation following brands on hand flour manitoba flour pastry rolled oats oat chop oat8 oiloakb hay and grain grain bought and retailed alex l noble henby awrev manager this stores policy to represent goods ox actly as to tholr quality to sell to those who know and to those who dont know at a uniform fair price to fulfill all guarantees and cheer fullj correct alf tnla- takes to deserve your confidence by always giving you satisfaction savage co jsweuen oublph ontario i kiilj

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