Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 18, 1924, p. 6

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iisss tjirthi llarrum and death ara no charged or at ios allowing rattai dlrlh- marrlagei jocj dcatbi 001 manorial e fipo extra lor doaraa- f born hax1 in innrsnlown n mntiluy h ilinilff 1 102ckr and mm m rrlm hnxo u daughtrtrwlono joy flaiuu it in muaugawya on thurs 1 iy august 28 1024 to mr twirl mm w ii harbor u son charles james hnowi11 ifcuiiintilnir on friday sep lnmlr t id14 to mr and ur ed wnr 1 hnow n daughter died mookl at nrgue on hundav sap k mbor 7 1024 margaret catfly widow f tho lata robert moore of nichil in liar 76th year i iiyi lit ttuddenljl at clovoland oiilo may cuttinit wife of w h i hyfor and daughter of the lata william cutting of aoton hfahtwellin georgetown tucidny september 0 114 nina wood hall widow of tho ute tlerbert i i heart well aged 65 years months in memoriam hphowl in loving memory of hubert hprowl who dlod beptembor 13 1024 i we lovd him yea we loved him a gontlo voice said coma and with farawella unspoken iio calmly entered homo wipe and familr bv artun xtt resb news of local import fir from coal oh st an inclplunt in took ulni 1 william william rruiulnnro avonuo n tin a tuy morning wiu caunc 1 lyn 1 on ii nt vn oxtlngulahp i will ut gnllli u klro hrlgndi hit roniilltrill n luke clxh urn ut the um igo thursday septeacbbm si 1m brief local itenifl tho good old tummer time ta oyer milton school fair will be held to day rwolkerton a tax rats this year la 04 mlue the trout fishing season closed on monday sunday marks the drat day of autumn acton kail fair next tatwday and wednesday tour first instalment of taxes ta due thla weak cfean up the weeda on your prexu laa oils week ksqueslng council wilt meet on monday iseptomber 23 it i p m the succulent aweet corn la a fav orite ltin on the family menu juat now 1 00 per bag wu the ruling price for potatoes on guelph market laat saturday five week from today the vote on tha ontario temperance act plebl cite will take place 1 sixty threo bushels to the acre la the record wheat crop of john sulli van percy township the holton deanery fall meeting i 111 be held at st ajbana church eton on thuraday october t anniversary eervioea will be held fn knox church next sunday rev th waters of india will preach moraine and evening owing to the anniversary services in knox church next sunday the evenlns service in the mstbodist church la withdrawn number of fanner have had very trying- experience in getting in their oat crop the frequent rain and lack of sunshine have interfered the eight select yorkshire hoc ihown by the dominion government at the canadian national exhibition were bred by henry peacock of tra- falsar in the general furbishing up for the fall fair a coat of paint 00 the waterworks hydrant would improve their appearance and prevent furthejr rusting rev j m water d x of india will be the preacher at the anniversary service lr knox church next sunday the choir will provide special music xorthe occasion socretary akin ha already re celved over iso en trie from intending exhibitors at the fair this years exhibits promises to be the largest in the fair history at a meeting or the executive of the halton and weatwortb teacher association it was arranged for tha programme of the convention which will be held in toronto on october ff and 10 guelph presbytery went on record at it monthly meeting at ouph last week of having no sympathy with the plan ofc government control of liquor and the members in attendance pressed themselves unanimously favor of the continuance of the on tario temperance act at the last trafalgar council meeting the matter of collecting tax wa up for lengthy discussion and it was anally decided not to appoint tax collectors but to mall nouoe tp tax payer and have tax payable 1 bank all taxes fall due on decern- hd heart hand and health cluba mr h ii m imtdy ruunlxor for tho ontario junior itol roan ad iress ed the achoolu horj ontuosduy in the matter of raining tho hoys and girl for health una cltlionnhlp tim objoct la tho formation of sch oi clubs with a view to mnklng ha work of tlio bchool fit with tho art irs of life star qailna thae nlghta dlreolly ovorhond at 10 a clock thoso nights lying in tho milky way juat lo tho oaat of i yru lu tho onatollntlm cygnua thu hwuli r mora popularly known n tin northorn croaa tho head of ttm lro t uhitf dlrocttxl to warda tho north ouat uml th 1 foot pointing south wcat tho toj a or tho cro at each aide oiioh en i and it tha crosalng point are mnrkod by fairly bright ataru tim rroaa oh bulii i10w ttvor la 11 modern ai pollution tho pn clonf nimo algnlfled u hwuii ektandlng hit bualnaaa intareata t it uoorohood formerly in the confectionery bualnooa hurt has added b not her to his bualneaa onterprlaes it week he bocamo tho owner of th l iluttonvllle iork mr moore hood will havo it equipped a a modern park and pic nlc rrounda the convenient location the splendid surrounding play grounds and the excellent stretch of fresh water make a situation meal for the purpose for whjch it will be employed neighborhood news- town and country erin nitmia ti h 11 i ic i it hi v torn lint f r tho i lobuuiti 1 tl 1 u inunl it in tha 1 nnrte t u 111 ml y itovlsji h oriuor 1 rlti i y t 1 1 k ft l 1 couit whuh will l lull in th t wn hall on ootoljnr 11 for l owttahlii names must bo kivoh 1 h huxley hltlnliurc by tho 2n oct lr for thu court sitting in huxley n hull on oo lobar 4 limehouse mr and mrs mcluuy of ht thomas wore gucatii of mr wllliuni oowdy and dougtuu hiring ho werf htrenuoux offortu huvn hean mad during tho weuk h ua tho 1 ulnnt of tho oat crop hiicubmtu tha roadu in thla aeotlon have boon in rather poor 11 utl n thla nuinmor a few loada of aruvol on tho nfth him about tho rnllwuy mil 111 tho road at tho bin hill w uld bring it iter condltlona rockwood mon norrla ii lllaok and herbert dluck tiro both nerving ua jurors ut guelph his week nl tho i all axslxes number from hero attended too furoril of th ho j c wilson form orly of acton oikirl iny uftornoon n cton v the rev lain if otncor will hold u court in the town hull on octnhtu 10 nt id a m for revision of tho votern list for the plohutclte election all names must bo- in tin hands of j j aldrou revising officer by octt ber 7 just to fill up newspaper man a a rule have but two things to sell space and subsorlp tlona and it would bo just ua consis tent to ask your grocer for a dose orange juat to fill up as to oak on editor for a daaen lines in his paper to boost buslnea or eoroo projoct where by the pro mo tors will reallxo a revenue with the idea that you are doing a kindness in helping to all up space try getting a free dlnnor nt the hotel or restaurants just to fill up fll marys journal ber 10 and if not paid by that date five per cent penalty will be added police court neva mike krusto of milton height who wa out on cash ball of 4o0 h came before police magiatrale moore at milton on saturday charged by in spector reevely with selling liquor he pleaded guuty and wa fined 00 and coat tie paid tbe in and cost mr pete paloso also of milton height wo charged with having liquor in her possession unlawfully 1 at the same setting of th court the woman wa in delicate health has several small children and the court agreed to reduction of theonarge to that of illegal possession of liquor she pleaded guilty and was hoed tk and costs the fine and costs weru paid r f workman a rru hand em ployed by j ii mccauley farmer georgetown charged hi employer with assault by striking hlra in the faoe after an argument about getting up for work at alx o dock in the morn ing mr mccuuley cam before police m aglet rate moore at georgetown on monday afternoon he was much pro voked and admitted striking workman a fine of so0and costs was imposed at a police court session at cooks ville op monday p m crawford pre siding fred fewlcerejil cooluvllle wa fined ffioo and costs for unlawfully having liquor and mary wllk cook ville fso for illegal purchase of liquor two missionaries to chins in erin rev 13 r m brookon maud of the union university chengtu sxechuan west chin wus tho guest of mr and mrs goo overland during the week mr bracken and family left their home for furlough after easter and visited in peking and tientsin in may early in june thoy sailed from shanghai via hong kong singapore ceylon sue and gibraltar for loo don after three week spent in kng land they sailed from gogow on the waslock for montreal and reached toronto august 26 rev mr mclean of central china who has been a missionary thoro for years under the auspices of china inland mission board with mrs mclean are visiting friends in the old home about bolllnafad tannery building being rapidly restored tbe enterprise or tha beardmoro companies is being vividly manifested in the rapidity with which tho section destroyed by fire laat month la being restored the walls of the part east of the railway bridge aro rebuilt and the roof 1 woll advanced the brick wall of the westerly a action are near ly all rebuilt and work on the roof will be commenced in a few days the timbers on tho railway bridge will soon be replaced and tho rails laid it will however take a good many weeks to replace the large quota of machinery which was destroyed and gat the do partment in running order again th first evening at th pair tbe officer of the fall fair ore planning this year to make the first evening of the fair a bigger one than the exhibition hall will be open and a new platform noa been erected inside tbe building and aoton cltlsen band will render a full con cert programme during the evening the erection of tbe platform w put tbe band in a better position to give a one programme on that evening an other big attraction thl first evening will be the baby show judging will take place in the hall at eight o clock the contest ut open to any child one year or under the only ruisla that tbe parents must have a member ticket the prlxe are 3 and j thl first evening at the hall should be a moat interesting and enjoyable one o6prinqe the presbyterian church here has been beautifully painted and decora t ed and the members of tho congre gat i on aro very proud of their place of worship in its improved condition the reopening service were largely attended thoy wore lit charge of llov mr lindsay the pastor and wero very pstpproprlato for the occasion special music was rendered by the choir on monday evening u dotlgbtfut concert wa given and a largo crowd wa present to enjoy the aplondlil programme tho entertainers wore the notod acton male quartette miss millie marlonr story and master cjor don scott of eramohd and others the osprlngo orchestral aupullod th music which wu greatly appreciated tha twenty first annual convention of the churches of christ of the wei llngton dlatrlct will ho held ut grand valley on tuesday october 7 at 3 and 7 so p m itev mr parkhouse of gverton will apeak in tho afternoon on need of the district wm k robertson evorton la president this year and t d mccutchoon osprlnge i secretary treasurer nasdaqaweva sn aro vou doing your share do you ever do anything to belli koep the road from going to piece t a motorist wa recently asked thl question when he had finished con demning the highway department for it foiluro to repair a certain road when the first evidence of wear ap peared and his reply was indeed in teresting i do my share by avoiding th hole in the road he explained if the road la vry rough x take tt easier and try not to let ray bounding oar make it rougher for th nut fi- tlow i think that if all of ua would little mora considerate of th get on the voters list evan though you or qualified you cannot vot at the approachjmj plcb lacite unless your name l on the- votem hat now or i placed on the list later you must be a british subject of the fall 11 years and hv been for a period of is month next preceding the day of polling a real dent and domiciled in canada and for a period of s months next preceding such days resident of and domiciled in th electoral district notice given of the sittings of court for revision of the lists in another column by judge elliot of the election hoard for the county of holton all appeals for names to be entered dn the voters list in acton must be mad to h n farmer revising oflloer nut later than september so tht last day for giving notice for having names added in esquesing is sup umber j 7 to j a tracy georgetown und foi nassacu weya september 39 to jul 11 mursluol campbell ville col fred h deacons aotmtua tbe following appeared lu the tor onto telegraph it m um u atook broker that col fred ii doiicon has made lit success professionally but it s as a i farmer that he taken hi enjoyment and he i mighty proud of he first prlxe oat grown on gunbum forma out in york county hers hu raises ilve stock he has shorthorn cattle that any breeder would envy and govs in for farming 11 lr should bo doue fred deacon wa born in ingersoll just fifty year ago thl day september fi and wa educated there and ut park dale collegiate and victoria college ha ha been in stocks and tgmds for twenty eight years und heads hi own company he is also ureal lout of tho john morrow screw una nut company and president of the ingersoll tire company during ttm war ho was chief inapeotor of accounts for canada and presided uu the haglmentul funds board he was rusldunt of the can adlan club in 1b1c und la u member of the lambton golf club york club toronto club national club it c y and the military iuatltut a is ge fc ihe son peacon for more thatk a quarter century th eedtvmed inspector schools in thl county at the toronto exhibition the writer met in spector deacon and had a very enjoy able chat he ho raoovered nicely from ht operation of- few months ago and la enjoying ufa a usukl ha expects to visit aoton fair next wk messrs campbell amo 0 moffat were award od fourteen prlxes on their shorthorn cattle exhibited at toronto fair campbell amos mado a splendid ihowing with their shorthorn cultk the lbndon fair winning tho following prize in tho mulu classes 2nd two years on butterfly king 2nd for senior yearling on klngn guardian 1st for junior yearling on kings chal longer for senior calf 3rd and ttb for junior calf 2nd on koetlio 1 ruler female classes 1st und 2nd or threo years and over en rnun lady 2hth and flower girl llh 3rd for two your old on bessie 6th 2nd ui d 3rd for unloi yearling on thurlor jealousy 2nd an 1 vanity fair 2nd for junior yearling on broad hook princess 1st and 6lj for senior calf o undlno princess auj rosewood oth 1st and 4th for junior calf on carnation bud and lady luuri 3nd sqd for graded herd 3nd for junior herd 2nd for brooder a herd 2nd and btb for three oajvea 3rd for get of aire and 3rd for progeny of dam stop look buy values for everyone ladies men girls boys the peoples stoke have a number of girls coats left which will bo a surprise to anyono icnowjnje tho valuo of coats thcso coats aro not damaged in any way f i and must bo scon to bo appreciated your choice of any of these for u0jvr boys suits also a fow more boya pall suits tweed and worsted sizes 4 nod 5 years at z60 each six boys suits sizes 31 to 34 at ftf50 and w76 just arrived boys twobloomer suits sizes 27 to 34 750 to 1000 a fountain pen will bo given away with each of these two bloomer suits these pens have been tested and found reliable they are equipped with the famous ball point pens mens twopant suits at 21 we hove also just received a number of men s two pant suits to sell for 21 men have a look at these and tell us what you think of them a 1 00 razor hono will bo given with cach suit purchased sweater coats and pullovers both ladies antf gents soiling at 98c to 9600 fall dress flannels new flannels for fall dress goods in a yarigty of colors 32 inches wide at 125 per yard ladies raincoats only six of these loft come while the getting is good as there aro going fast regular 0 00 value for 238 ladies plush coats these have been snapped up and we- have only two left size 36 regular 22 for 1000 ladies winter coats we have received a number of ladies winter coats and now is the time to pur chase and we are invitijig you to come and look them over thy the cash way of doing your buying and save money alterations to ladies readytowear promptly attended to mrs mux stheet actqn reesor phone 69 churchiu friends to know that when lad of sixteen living with hi parental in milton he applied for a position a printers apprentlo in to fji pa ofllu there wa no vacancy at tho time and hi attention wa directed to rood that are awaiting th wrtval of the bond buslneas in which irt ha rwiai rn tha rood doctor wed bav a lot leas won hooorawa and salufooiory ltf i humpwlll traoeswhoolb ltd do for rood building taxation mm 1m king t w toronto tho churchill hunday school pie pic the lost of tho season for the cum munlty was hoi i on saturday after noon in mr a j murray s grove on cloverdale farm eocond line vot bo lato in tho aummor tho weathar wa bright and pleasant tho pic nlc wa a moat enjoyable arfulr und was participated injjotunly by the schohus nnd teachers ot the school bur by the parent and numerous visitors as well everybody present enjoyed thi afternoon s outing ovon to grand father andy murray rev mr howard the pastor was th life of tho com pany whjle mr harry gibbons super intendunt of th sunday school und miss russell teacher seconded hi efforts with cuneumato skill the ho pltaltty of mr and mrs a j murray and famuy contributed much lo the pleasure of the afternoon baseball and football gutno ware played and n programme of rae was run with victors as follow girls 6 to 1 etta swftckhamwi grace graff reatrlco graff girls 7 to 0 nellie poster louise bwuakhamer gladys hydar girls v to 11 verna murray daisy foster atria under 13 elva murray vernu murray kpby murray i single ladlescurrh ryder lucjn du graff kthel graff married ladle mrs a j murravj mrs harold griffin roys s and under koss hwaokhnm or frank swackhomor uoys 10 atm under harry murray howard gruff wallace hwackhamar boys 1j and under willie hnrrop teddy harrop leale swuckhamer young mon jack allan aubrey allan archie kerr the plo ulo lunch was not the least enjoyable feature of thq event there was an ubun uince ire ream was served to all und peanut and candy i were scrambled for galore mr and mrs uront swackhamor an 1 children of toronto motored up for it weekend visit mr retort kerr carried off th rod ribbons at oakvllle fair laat week with hur splondid driver k rev c h blllott of maple triad a brlnf visit at tho home of mr and mrs john a raff this week worfk op a famoub autho at a dinner given many years ugo in honor of hall culne the late thoe nelson page wus invited to introduce tho british novelist one of the guests next to mr pago just before tio toasts began passed his menu tar 1 around thu table with the request that mr culne put tils signature on jt that s a good idea snd page i must do that too 1 vo not to intro duce caitie in u few minutes und 1 want to be able to ny that i have read imethlng he has written why drift from year to year as a laborer at small pay and hard work when with a few weak training under ox pert guidance you can he earning big inonoy in any of tho following trade it may be interesting to col deacon a pautomouv mechanical tqleotriual ig nation export liattery work welder mohnlcal dentistry or harboring irga remand pleaaant work big future writ at onoe to pepl c for apecmtl offer ar tor road building uauon start on monday at guelph business college guelph ontario approved courses individual instruction kvory graduate located it is a fact thero are good remunerative positions awaiting you when thoroughly q urn i fled a l bouck principal and proprietor 9 reduced prices granitpware dishes and galvanized palls for this w ok wo aro offering aome very attractive prices on orankowaro dlshon and gulvnn i rod palls it will pjiy you to look after your present and future requirements in thao lines at tho rlcos we aro now offering drop in and inspeat these goods novelties we a loo- have u wide range of small goods women s small purees in different styles and sloes small boys sport cups lgc each a profit aillk habit is to watch our windows for hakgains e w masters mill street acton saturday treat ask at our candy counters for qur chocolate hand rolls this is a wonderful line of chocolates in assorted flavors all hand rolled and strictly fresh let us sort a pound box of them for you the price is only 50c tb j koko rocks 25c lb the weather is cooler and we have our taffies for you again just a little better in quality than ever so to be convinced take a pound of our koko r6ck with you on saturday fresh from tho factory to you regularly 35c and 40c tb saturday special 25c tb weekend chocolates 32c tb our week end chocolates compare favorably with any 50c or 60c chocolates on the market first because they aro mado by an expert candy maker second because they are always fresh and third because nothing but the best raw material is used in the making and we offer them to you for our saturday special for 32c lb ice cream and light lunches perhaps while down town shopping you feel like a fresh fruit sundae or a hot chocolate drop in and look over our menu we arc sure we have something to please you whether it be ice cream or a lunch our motto cleanliness and quality ask for nerlsons two fruit the better brick v rumley phone 65 acton ontario millinery openings thursday and friday sepl 18 and 19 you aro cordially invited to come and inspect tho display of this falls qiodels miss jt galbraith millinery and fancy goods store pftqns 109 mill street cooler nights and lower prices on wood those oovl nights tvhon you dp pot peed u fire for long is when wood com o in bundy tu ink thp chll ujxlbd hguse and what will be more welcome mws 1 that ths ru hm hp fudutmll fl the following rices aro now in eftofllf mixed slabs hardwood slabs and short wood best body cordu ood 4 foot lengths and ut thl set 300 load 400 load 11000 cord of 111 yar it 1 mol broiubala to do your looking- with wood you warm th houie nt th qtn tlm hhd your fuel do double duty each load 18 guaranteed a full binqle cord d a henderson phone w we deliver promptlv october 31 1924 keep thib date open attend at the town hall cooler weather- more meat wuh tie cooler weather your body needs more meat and whoian supply your requirements better than w j patterson weve heen ar the buiincs lone chough to know how to keep and cut ncatti so tjiut tjjey witi be the mot economical and yet appear to best advantage when served on the taqlc we do our own khirik which givcs you added assurance of the finest of meats always a complete stock of finest iork beef lamb voal and cooked and cured meats on hand from which to choose the cut best suited for your table if you dont sco tho piece you want ask tor it canned goods the finest brands of canned goods are carried in stock for the convenience of our customers when ordering their meat jchfgesjijcbkeb lht j neoda cannqd vegetable canned meals flcjclca tc milton fair friday and saturday september 26 and 27 mclean co lon holeproof silk hose when wo sell our customer a pair of holeproof hose she gets the best fitting and the best wearing hose on the market to day after on of the best season a selling of holeproof hose in the his tory of this stcye wc are going to give a bargain for 10 dozen lot of our regular 1 50 per pair of pure silk hose 10 dozen only holeproof hose in black and airdale sizes 0 ojj and 10 regular m price 1 50 for 100 pair ffoieprxbfffasien see window special prices in mens socks and merino under wear mens fancy books at 50c 75c and si 00 pair men s wool socks at 35c 40c 50c and 65c pair mens merino underwear pentoan s for fall wear special at 125 each mclean co mill street acton ont mxiaryi bonn blue w d talbot mcfjlarys new line thla la mcclurva new una of knatpel ware and has 10 be be4n tu bo uppreclutod tho lino now oomprlpws fifteen lecoa of rho most tjaod art idea in any kitchen tho complete aet woul 1 make a gift any brldo would bo proud of or port of a sot may bo bought and tho plocos added as required see our window display watch for our display t at the fair phone 76 we deliver the ontario voters list a 1922 notice of sittings of revising officers take notice that sitting of the revising offiosrs for ths purpoaa of hesrlno complaints or appaals with regard to thai volar llats to be used at the plsblaolts held undar the ontario temperance act 1024 pending for the electoral district of halton wllf be bald at tha following times and places namalvi at tho town hall in thu town of ugrllnaton on wolnoadiiy 1st october 1921 t hoar mplalnts um to tho hat of votorn for all thu nonius suim1vj1ohh in tho auld town lust tl iy for ill in til has is 27th suptomber 10 at the cuunull chamber in tho town of oakvllle on tliursduy 2nd october jb2i to hour complulnta us to tho lint of volar a for ill polling- subdivisions in tho sal 1 town laat duy of fiuhk appeals lh sop t omlcr 1924 at tlm township hall in tho township of trafalgur and ut thu orango hall uronto on krlday 3rd october 193 to hoar complaints as to the list of voters for ult lolllnf subdivisions in tlio kalii township last day for flllntf ki pools 30th september 1914 judgr telllpl will bo tho l vising officer at each of theao thruo municipalities inonluned and his clorks will be for burlington p sykos vylipsa adflrcsa la hurling on ont for oukvllle jaiuos l llarpsa whpao uifdress is ouliyllle ont for trafalgar s ji albortsoil whose addrose is oakyl opt at tho township hall in th township t nelstii tyodnoa ml 1st ootober 1834 to hoar tioni lulnts us tu the list voters fr 4 he polllpg subdivisions in tho said township luh day fur hv if nppejb s7b septofnber lt al hv townalllp ill in the township of naasaawoyu uu thursday rul october 1014 to hoar copiplalats a tu the list of voters for ull tho polling uuhdlvulon in the said township l4mt day for nilng appouls jbth hot t cm bur ltj at tho town hall in tho vlllugo of aoton on friday 3rd ootoboi 184 to hoar complaints us to tha li at of vomers for all tho polling subdlvlsluna innho wild villa if aoton und also for that part of tho township of lsuuuslng adjacent jo said village but not luolud i therein und known its uourdrnoro crescoiit last day tar mills appeals 30th h lta4 vlutur qhlaholm ks 4 will bo tho itemising officer at each of those throo lust mentlonud muniglpulltlss und also for tho i urt lleurdmoro orescutti un 1 his clerks will bo tor nelson john v itlchurdhiin wi uia ad iroas is ullton ont for n assess wuyu jo jin murshall whose u idrews is cuiii bollvlllu ont 1 for aoton ii n kurmor whoso u i in la aoit 11 on fir liourdmore crosti nl j tiuy whoso uddruss is cluorgstowii out at th t wnshlp hull in the lrtwuahlp of issquealng and ut tho town hull in uhnwilllums in wodnosduy 1st october 1934 to hewir otnuluints us to tho uit of votots for oil the polling bubdlvlsi ma in tho sail tonshl oxiopt livuidmoro crescont last day for tiling appeals t7lh uoplomboi 1p24 at thu couiilll lhiinibui- lit thu town of georgetown on tburs lay nl outl 10j4 li lu ir cimiluints us to tho list of voters foi til hit 1 lling uul uvui mat in hu asld town lust day far filing u iiouim oth h toinbor 10j4 at thu count ii cliniih r in tho town of ullton on friday 3rl oitobti 1u94 to li ur c tnpluliiu nu tu ttm list of voters fur ull tho 1 oiling- hubdivialt in in thu null t wn lust day for filing uiukmiiu 30th huntimwi 1134 w i i i k icni will 1 tl ltavislng onicw at as oh uf tlioao thxti i ml tnuntlupul inuiilcli ulltlos mil tils clorks will be woe i auon llg j hit a tuny v ihu u 1 li ms la uourgotowil qnt fol cluslg towij 1 l huiitit viio- ulur nt is oburgotown out for mik011 0- a llbnuttm- m a jd ajsj is allltun fy 1 class 41 se7 ff ibmjl4 road largest nun ber ot hrus in class 33 orarton s spools will be given as an added jirlse fur qen- erul punioso horsos 1 melvln ouymans prise will tt given in leu of society s priao for agtloulturul tyin a rfm priit ust thjjjfttbout majjy special attrsfiona a l monabb baervtary milton ontario phone 18mve deliver promptly watdb our windows friday and 53rfnrdy 1 for specials w j patterson corner mill and main streets acton ont luitih ulttlhg will comumiuo ut nine o clock in tho furonihui dill will 1011h11u0 until tin annuls liuvi lorn tl in pose j of at hi ulu un i llutiwlllluins ut thro oilu k in th uftirtionii or so soon iharoufl r if mlhla if iiolotiauiiy hlght hlttlnga will bo hold at uwah if th ul uv nuinu i 1 lui us botwu n tliw lu urn f sovbn und nine o olotk i hi 1 and furl in r tuka n tli o thut uuy votur who dsslros to t um lulu that bin r li t hiijji u c hie buulo uilltiy luumun antlued it w nirl lid list bus tu 11 umltti i from tho sumo ur thut tl o i uliws of any aru ms wl tiro not rn titled to be voters have boon uiitui rd theroon liiuy on oi u t iro tin d itus rosiootlvoly above sat out u ph oompliln ur up vul to h ivo hln uumo ortha nuino of any otboi tioii onterol on or mmuvod fi um tin list an 1 furthot ttki notlcu that sue h upikonls must bo by notice in writing in tht iru ilhed form algnod by tho pomulalnant in uul 1 i- lai i j un 1 glvni to the clork t th lujmng offitar or left tt him at his address us slated abovo ap 1 further take iiutloo that tho votern llsta to be revised 01 those of 1ij4 theao may bo obtained fxum th respective dorks an appeal ahuuld be made cor anyone op titled to vote whom nuno dpea not aiipeaf on part i nr rart iff of these vtara lfsts for 1134 j w sluot ctudiswn a th b1etiori board or the county of nuon dtd at uuton lui btptmopw ml ifiafei v

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