Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 25, 1924, p. 1

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bw 57 j- t i rtp w ss ehr jiff aw ffltirkff fifiioth year no 13 thursday morning september 2s 1024 acton ontario canada thursday morning september 25 1024 single copies five cents the methodist church acton rev josephub gulp pitr pironiit willow 01 11 oo ft m nov hoctor uolin of chlnii 2 80 p m sun lay school aulumn ithlly bitoul proirrummo t w p m iu t lloctor mctican i ft r fc presbyterian knox churchactom mlnltsr fcev a c stewart m a ma nse wl tlo w8treet 10 00 n m jltblo class studios ip mntthew fna tors xvi and xvh 10 00 a m sunday school 1100 a m tho minister subject fulfilling tho tmw tt christ 7 00 p m tho minister sqbjoc tood n secret strangers leaving address with the ushers will bo called upon by tbe pastor aix arb cordially xnvitbd womens fall coats were never lovelier special notices wanted girl for office mut be efficient in figure and ablo to run a typewriter storey oiqvb company for sale or rent modern six room brick house all convenience lractleally new apply box j6 free pkess 0fficel property for sale solid red brick houso 8 roam mod ern convenience a real snap m b v kenyon 11 4 x acton vacuum clearer to rent royal electric vacuum cleaner rent terma fl 2b per day 7bo half lay will be delivered and called for 11 s acton hydro shop wanted a girl to help with house work small family up todate houee near town country girl preferred mrs murray flsheut it 1 freeman for sale new brick house eight rooms nil modern conveniences forjrticulars apply to stephen cobdineb mm street acton k- if ife picture framing certlfleatee diplomas and ploturee neatly framed furnltur upholster ina rempdelujut and raperirtnr b v kenton is 4 wallace avenue acton for sale 1 quebec heater nearly new 1 oood cheer range aa good a new 1 radiant home heater io good condl tlon reason for soiling owner put ting m furnace apply to mr jennee mcikucfiui frederick street farms for sal 48 forme iswecctmtlee of halton andy mfjunwtxwhydk from 44 ifo soo bore la uatnktpu our list x number of homssrto business plaoea in acton f oraale 1 ftrej nd xjfe itoureno money j a smith reml rotate agent tboo 10s acton onl short stories wanted bam money ana fame writing abort stories learn by mall from a maater critic j a maiiory th man who helped jock london hi course le endorsed by atthurstrinser and many other siicceesful writer thorough personal kelp and criticism shown howto develop plot write and aat writs for frkh book shaw schools ufl it sloor west toronto dept o reduced prices on gffftefnn dfehr and gatyanized puib ygr this week wt are offering acme very attractive prices pn jjranitewar dishes an4 qalvan- ia4 jhi h wl pay y to rmpak vftar your preaent and j- future requjromenta in line nt- jhe prloes wa te now offerlpf drop in and taapeo tbeee oode- jovelties we alao have a wide range of email food women atnall mrafa in dlffereatvjitylee and alsee small boya sport cape 16q aaoh a propitadlio habit is to watch our windows for ilaltaains e w masters mm stkkbt acton i- wpndepland friday september m tlie white tiofr starring hrupllla dean and and wallace uhtry comedy e with uuyd itarqll ton hndae 1 w jumbu in fhe jmpble batvboav beptember m gfrfill julja- ftm thf tiiyel ly rooth taralimlun xrfire school kurrtlia uomilii comodyv scenario kojt nowb t ocptembero wiwqf the blood starling poualn wlrbanke chapter s of tiuth of the range comedy tux i t i coming w4h tom mix llglffgoby4i i tho materials arc ao beau t irtfirty browns ntf atl tho lifully soft th majority pwarfous fuf shades their woven of fine wool yarns and sheared to resemble suede in marty instances sheared in stripes and plaids and cross bars imparting n effect of distinctive novelty their colors arc richnd lovely saddle and then ichw extensive use of fine fur is a further delight and their prices bring pleasure from very practi cal standpoint such a wide range of figures that every one is sure to bo suited 15 to 148 pubs frocks millinery and important accessories everywhere new styles inviting your inspection manuel frocks 595 decidedly special values only n unusual purchase could bnng such smart styles at this low price delightful shortsleeved frocks in sizes for womenand young women from 16 years to 38 bast button braid and contraatmjr color trimmings solid shades of sand brown cocoa powder blue kings blue and a new soft green shade called lauvin mens fall suits ready designed and modeled as men like them best free full and gracefully at ease they have a bearing and distinction about them that mens clothes have never yet boasted of never a bettdr time to see them and find a good choice and good value society brand suits known everywhere for style and quality 35 to 55 tweed suits in a special at 2475 high school and first long suits a special at 10 50 d e macdonald bros ltd guelpffs lkaddw and labgkst store milisttcwt acton weekend specials x cocoanxjt creams this is a line that is an extra seller a soft creamy centre with shredded cocoanuc they are in vanilla strawberry and maple flavoring regularly 40c id weekend special s2e lb assorted chocolates our assorted chocolates are still of the highest quality there 19 a large assortment of cream and caramel centres boxed in half and one pound boxes regularly 40c and soc lb weekend sped 82c is icecream our ice cream menu has the game large assortment of sundaes and sodaa tyy b fry an ice cream bc for tea tonight they niau the inost cjelieioua deskert ask for a fresh fruit or palerm0 bnck ftwijles w will 8v you moiy if you will lot u school days means new shoes for he icdit shoes you will and our prices right quality comfort and wear considered x mens wo shoes made fry h m prlam 1- very low considering the quality tan and black plain too and toe cap fine shoes for men women and childreq ah ml best leathers patent colt kid aqd calf our otqck la autj nkw thk prpof of tmb boot n fhi wmftln9 harry harrison the shoe man nrw jin f trvalllny fjaa uk hhpjiini ii i anniversary is missionary in character knox church celebrates ita scren- tyainth annlrerbary in unique manner the m i wion a opportunities op the church empha81z eo by or waters op india dr j m waters of indu u the ureiuiher at the aefenty ninth unnlver aery of knox church laet tiunday tho dr hae been a very euooeeeful medical missionary in indie or meny yeovla and hie efforts are ably second ed b mr waters him intormatlun concerntna indie the peoplo or the country the methods purxued it reachlna the people with the copel and the eucoeeses achieved guva rnry vivid tumpmoot tho romance of moderrxjnlselotut it was certainly sa unique method of observine s church anniversary but tt was emlneiiuy fltuna in a church whose oonareaatlon tbie year- has far ovorpald uu missionary objectiven qxed by the budget for the church year it wa very tratlfylna alike to rev mr stewart the minister an i to the conxreaauoiu which is so vitally interested in nlaslons to have a real uv missionary fresh from the mis slona field to portray so vividly tho opportunities presented the methods for the spread of the gospel whlco have been followed and to report the eplendld successes which have already been achieved the weather was not propitious but the ohurob was wall oiled at a services in the vnortuna the copate ration was augmented by the pastor and people of the baptist chuvch and in the evenlnc by those of the uetho diet church rev mr howard assisted the marnlna- service and rev mr culp in the evenlne in the morning e waters cave a most interesting rehearsal of the work which la undertaken by the church in the wax of medical services for tho ajfaeuoraljoa of the aunterlng of the people from tha numerous diseases and ailments common to india the work of thefospuala andtbe work of the modloal nalsatonaries on the held were very interestingly set forth it was clearly shown that whan the body was being ministered to aa excellent op portunity was afforded to present the remedy for the sick soul through the gospel or christ the great physlclsn at the evening es the eyangr istic side of the work was specially emphasised before commencing bis address dr waters expressed the pleasure it gave bjm to meet- ui methodist congregation in association with that of knox church he said the methodist church would soon be real partners in the best and most worthy work the world has ever known the christian people of canada are he asserted the product of forelg missions jesus christ come to earth not to canada ao to kurope bat to palestine who was paul and hit company of young christian woflers toong men of asia who came over to europe to gtvo our fathers there and la thjt british isles the gospel of christ we are- therefore the produoi ef foreign vnlsslons it la only british fair jlay now that we take baox to asia what the fore fathers of the people of that land brought to its when they gave the gos pel to our fathers the xo7oo000o of hindoos are real brothers of ours the noble response engineer has recommended auxiliary pump fbr he waterworks system to assist the electric pumps and be in reserve connection of mains with beardmore system still under consideration to a what they made during the late war when they sent 114 000 to prance and bel glum and pot a man of them con scripted shows they were wtulng to shed their beat mood for the empire when war loans were being raised by great britain the people of india did not seek loans bearing hl it teresl and aonsjuiesatle for tares but they gave gifts of money and ships and other things to the value of jc 100 000 006 christs commission to tha followers as to areacb and- to heal bucixo also said as ye go togoh the people of india cannot be hustled into our religion hay mugtbepaueqtly taught they muat see bow christiana uvo the harvegt la ready bat the number of kborar la inadequate the eager ness of the people to reeetre and un- deratand tha gmpel is pathetic hero is great call to young people to do work tor qod thar are now great opportunities for putting the impress of qur lord jesag christ on the people of india there la at great demand for christian uterature the gospels and hymn books etc india will make treat contribution to the- west n the days that are to oocaa the question has been asked w very naturmiirastfed how la the work prospering omdol statistics show that during tbo last ten year the ganeral population has increased by 1 but tha christian poputatlou has increased by tz wha lotereau us most la that the subtle all pervasive isage ot christ is touching all iodl india is just as real aa canada an the work there la vary similar to the work we ara rwg bare i appfsj waa niade to thr young people tqioooslder the great op norfunltles in going fa tpdla to preach and live christ thf eervlce- ftc sojur durlnj the day as spjepdtrftr oon by the oholr in addltlpo ia an aatbem u both aervtoea mra near and atrs m il atoiaaiur a flat duett in the morning and sflae jean kennedy a eolo in tha evening which all eppr- the floral dooorafiona rare profuse and artutloally arranged obituary mtih kbil mcintosh after a residence of thirty ave yours ift acton mrs nell mcintosh passed away on friday after severs week ulness mr and mrs molntosh came acton from itockwood and until his death ova tears uo kr mcintosh was amplojred by m beardmore co for twenty years of that time foreman s ytft yea ago the quased wlw wssstreeldteniror dne married bar jate husband xheir three clldrao quaaan of london mpx thomas lhboni mt atreet an mum yrna at ifhme survive miss ujrrua ww bar gaothars com pnon durlag- her deajlnlng years as she bad been of her father r da- vmted naro and solicitude did much for both of them during their last yeara is vtb home mrs- molntosh waa a davaut member at ht joeephs churca and a vary uaerul worker in thahuroha uuvluaa tha funeral on whftay morning was oondueted ty re- itadrar maraavyv and waa largo ly attahded inveraaut waa made in je rajmilv plot at dublin camelry c uncll mot on monday uvonlnff all iho raembars w r preaiwni mr itahcock nglni r n i roaantlng james itedfern cin lilrcased the council on the tropoeod connection of tho boardmuro waterworke aye tern with the town waterworks for qru lurkiar mr ilabcock etittod thut thi itovlncral hoard of iiiuimh will not mir ml l riucli ii nonnccllon tor cur of c ntamlnutlon of tin witl tamatlvo jhoi mil of runnum n main to the maaiirii li oar dm or nyulorn ton i installllng u uhock valv to rnvqnt thalr wstnr coming buck hit tho town mains might bo unngo 1 thin vould hownvej require tho turnout of the board of health and alno t iho rate payors of acton the matter of the waterworks prea eurti was alao taken u with mr uabcock he sold that under the present eyatem of pumpinjr the capac lty is not more than two full at roams ha suggested installing an auxiliary engine to ho driven by gasoline thia would form u dtwl pablo rtmrvo as well as an auxluary i owcr lant vc bab cook hlutot ih it thoro win nettling wrong with ih invlallatlon of tho metro nt nomo i id suggi ntrd the c uncll uhcueaiiml ho matter revldwed by mr babcock and it was decided jo submit the wynum further tout and than d action ahol be taken and tiavo the engineers submit ao cmlmute of coijt of such addition as amy bo determln ed upon v commklvo on klnanco ptuued tlie following accounts provincial treoourer alnkliir fund 103 17 b p bowman sidewalks h ritchie teaming el jones teaming u harry b- stuckey fireman s meals e bowman work on lake avenue aoron fen piutss advortlalng a h blehop gross ecod w j beld postage 277 sb wlluun robertson applied for a reduction ef hln assessment tor water works the taxes of which amount to t00 on bis four lota reuvo barber explained that no re auction oould be made aa the sinking fund and interest on debonturea cov ered these as well as till ther pro pertlaa a court of revision on ccmunt walks will be held on monday omobor 20 was decided to charito 3 00 per night for meetings held during he plebiscite campaign a by law was passtxl changing the date of the first meeting of the council from the second to the flrau monday in january cpuncll adjourned at 10 p m news of local import leuletstlve grants to county hlob schools the legislative grants to helton high schools for ib24 are opkvltl j17c4 0o milton 1 c71 14 oeorgtl town i 3 1ft burlington 1 1 884 48 all huvo been paid to tho respective treasurers except that of milton whlnh la held on account of insufficient accommodation for pupils 82 00 38 4fi 19 so 10 00 ix es 8 08 3 x0 i ei the plebiscite ballot simplified the government e pfnsl form re quires but one x to dalgnate voters intention the attorney general hon w t nlckle k c finally deel led the form of the ballot for use in tho ontario temperance acf last tliurndoy a copy of tho ballot as it will be given to tbo voter oo plebiscite day is re produced below the governments in ruction to tho voter are to mark a cross opposite tho question whlrh be or she yavors and tu do nothing fur ther the voter is simply jo vote af lrmstlvely on one propoiiltlon and to express no opinion upon tho other 1 are you in favor of the eon tinusnoe of the ontario temper anoe aatt 2 ara you in fawr fsla ae a beverage of beer and spirituous liquor in seated paekaoes under government on trolf who mey vote every pereon male or female who i a brujh aubjeot si years of age resident 13 months in gunauaf tlireo months in the municipality and one month in the oleotbrul till trie t has tha riicht in vote in the odt imr i lab uclfe on tt e ontario tumi ar tlicp abt one number uf tho tamjip cjin regis tor the names of other roomber of the family thut is a man can rtigtstur for his wife and children a woman can regleter for her husband an 1 children or onjof he jhjjdron ctut icgieter for ail ivames must he regtsterud in acton by nec tuesdoy thd sitting of the bevlalng ofllcer for acton will be held tu tbe town hall on friday october- 3 false rumors mstsi tikw 1 dltor kaua piuuuil res ectlng tho glory th it li iu been ureu luted n vcton lui liv ll r ami wtnk that we littan 1 im vli g tha bualuees oc th ait n hit i u lory i i tram i to i w wlpli t et i it u ub nulutaly faue tills i unii rin in going to toy in acton nd nil mm is thut this business in to te iin i w 1 llrumpton are tultt in u vry lurl lime we will ita doing main buslnees in acton than evvr thanking ypu j w hkwjjtaov lo j ingevi mmtagt the women oruerild etlng of tbu ladles if tho town was held in kuix church lunl wwiiion day evening to jformuleti iiokb far aa aisungin tho campaign for tl c ileblh cite on thejtiatarla temueranoo aot t n ootober li there wan a good ut tendanoe and keen lniert the ladies have proven themselves ex cellent workers in past campaign on moral issues ttmy liave the faculty suaoeaarully getting out the wuinen voters mid will b hot than evr uameat in ucuomplui ins this in i coming election mrs ltov a stewart set otl as presiding oltloor and miss oua armstrong secretary aeton in tha pinals ninety one rinks contested in the scotch doubles tournament on ouelph bowling greens last wool in the as soolamon competition messrs h i harrison and georgo hynds were nuq ccssful in getting into the finals and were only defeated there after a stren uous game with dr brereton and pr uotaggart of the oakwoods tororjto the score was 13 10 messrs harrl son and hynds waro awarded hand some olub bags as their prises bern destroyed in esqueslng un saturday afternoon lat just lit tlo over an hour after the thrashers had commenced operations on the farm of mrs j m leslie th line nerval crossroad csqueslng are wok discovered in a shed adjoining the larso barn the names fanned by the high wind spread very rapidly- and in m short time the barn and contents were completely destroyed the sea son s crop of whest together with over 18 acres of mixed grain 8 pigs a veal calf and a number of implements wore burned herald real estate chsnglng hsnds several important real estate ohantf es havo occurred during the week mr itoy it arnold bas purchased from the estate of the late john wmjotoa w r kenney executor the two story brick residence where he resides on mill street mr g ii brown has disposed of his fine two story brick residence on mill street to mr am brose mccann possession to be given october 31 mr philip forbes has sold his bouse and property on tho mill pond road to mtv henry louis viokere it is reported that mr forbes intends removing to campbellvllle destructive and careless the gang of ontario hydro com mission linemen who were here trup mlng shade trees last week did not win much favor with cltlsena whose trees they so carelessly mutilated their manner of cutting out the centre of tho trees with no attempt to balance tho contour of the treea so unoecea sarlly out away was bad enough ad ded to this was the slovenly condition in which the dobrls was left at tho foot of each tree dead limbs broken twigs and leaves were tt in a very untidy manner and the residents ad jacent to the properties where the limbs were out out or broken otx were obliged to clean up the refuse tree mutilators nave been arrested in some other places for inflloting much loss damage than this hydro gang com mil tod in acton farm home destroyed lost friday afternoon tha form house or ur william j ritchie lot si concession 4 jssqueslnlg was destroyed by ire it la thought the are origin oted from a epark from the chlroney falling upon the kitchen roof a anutu quantity of the furniture and effect were removed but the loss of house hold goods is heavy the house and contents were insured a phone naea sage was sent to messrs beardmore a co s tannery for assistance a crew of their firemen responded at once jth their chemical extinguisher but by the time they arrived the ore waa bpyond control the ritchie property near mr john stalkers and the homeless family have been made com fortable there for the present mr ritchie will erect temporary quarters until they mako preparation to build a new house next summer acton scores another fall fair success fine weather brings urge at tendance to view a splendid showing of exhibit an attractive hall with many classes crowded horses cattle poul try pnb take firm stand f all communions ore tha churches t the churches of taking a firm stand in favor of the ontario temperance act the hotho- dlvt churches of the guelph district held their fall meeting in norfolk street methodist church guelph on wednesday september it the dis trict took a very definite stand on tho coming plebiscite vote the following resolution belnsl adopted by a full standing vote and also carried unan imously by the mass meeting of the x3ueph plstrlot present at a mission ory banquet in the evening we the guelph methodist district meeting declare our hearty appreciation of the great good done by the ontario tern peranca aot during the few years it bas been in operation in spite of the many difficulties of enforcement we therefore urge upon all our people to stand loyally and actively behind the act ut tbe plebiscite vote on october our personal reeponeiblllty rev j culp preached a stirring sermon on personal responsibility in connection with the llquoe4ra2flo he based hlii discourse op bx h 18 t9 he proaented a series of personal ex perlunoee relative to the subject and then enquired of tbe klauor traffic what has it dqoo what hi it doing what shall we do with itr every law is based upon the saoredness of life and the effort is put forth to ensure safety first everywhere mr culp declared the ontario temperance act to be the best aw control the liquor traffic ever placed upon our statute books in it human life and safety are put over against dollars and cents we should ever remetn ber that never a dollar which goes intq the liquor trafllo ever goes into tha marchanvs till for the goods he handles it was a forceful sermon and calculat ed to inspire the people to work and ot for tha maintenance of the on torio temperance act ut the coming plublsoito eleotlon an important train cut off ii certainly was not a popular thing i r the canadian national railway to tlsconlliiue th 818 p m train aolng vast in the new schedule whiuh are it into effect on monday the train still litis from stratford to toronto but dues no stop at acton the reason for this arbitrary action la difficult to detwrmiiie tho only explanation sug g on led is that it is a penalty imposed orrtho peuptbfliisnomtouhliyiy ho canadian national steaju road because thy 04 e travelling too freely on the canadian national electric oad he twean aolun at 1 toronto jter forty years this train has served apt 00 it lias been the evening mall train has been a convenient train by which to travel to toronto and other points it has been a fairly good con nectioi to points on the hamilton and barrle branch it has accommodated the mtudeutatfrom acton attending the collvglate and business colleges in guell h lly the nw arrangement thsre is now 00 mall to the east from 11 18 u tn till 8 2 p m and the latter s not distributed at tha poet oiuqq until neat atoraiasf from an agricultural standpoint frony the point at view of the home and homo surroundings from th featuro of genuine pleasure to young and old acton fail fair of 1934 go on record as a decided success from the hour of the baby show on tuos day uvonlng until the parade at prist animals at four o clock yesterday afternoon the interest was wall sua talned in every department of the how the departments of ladles work baking tho dairy and the fruit and flowers were exceptionally attractive and the classes unusually well oiled tho showing of fruit and flowers was much better than anyone expected the floral display was magnificent and many of the classes gave the expert judge the time of his life in niaklng hln decisions the entries in grain and roots yrw vry worthy some of tho collections in the latter being or a very high order aeton has won a fine reputation for her showing of live stock year after yunr and this la especially true of tho exhibits of horses this year the fine army of horses assembled was gratify ing indeed the classes of cattle sheep p1g and poultry were nearly ail well filled the midway had tu usual attrac tlon and acton citizens band exceil the character of the repertoire given both tuesday evening and yes terdny the oftlclol list of prizes awarded will be slvoicin our next issue a chamber of commerce for acton a wellattended meeting of bus- ness men and citizens organize to promote the economic and civic welfare op acton and vicinity social and personal miss emma mills is spending a week with toronto friends mr angus kennedy of quelpb eras home for the week end miss dora sprowl spent bun with friends in hamilton mr r w stewart waa home from dundalk for the weekend miss per tie smith of toronto waa home for a week end visit miss ettlo dill was home from toronto over the week end miss nellie ex hall left this week for toronto normal school miss clara bbbage of toronto spent a few days in town last week mrn w j hall attended the school pair at llmehouse an monday miss ftnma wstkins of new vorkv has been visiting friends here mine clara lantx spent a few days lost week with relatives in guelph mr c h harrison waa in 8l catharines and hamilton this weak mies barbara warren of toronto is spending the week with acton friends mrs w h howard spent a day or so this week with friends in toronto mr jack kennedy has been home from detroit for holidays the past week mrs nell mcdonald of hastings is spending the week with friends in the old home mr and mrs albert reosar spent sunday with relatives la hamilton at d vicinity ibuj almoe speight of toronto spent the week end with friends jo the old home mrs fred brown and miss edna of anaua are spending a few days with acton friends mrs john clarke of port credit spent a few days this weak with friends in town mr and mrs melvtn boper of prea tan visited at the home of mr george soper on sunday mrs scott and children of toronto spent the week end w the home of mrs bertha cook mrs h t lepage and mimorley of toronto have been guests at mooxecroft this week mr b w pearson and son of tor onto visited at the home of mrs j b pearson on saturday miss eva johnson returned lost week after spending a few days holidays with friends at parkhtu miss miriam clifford la pitigreaalmy favorably after her operation in bt- joaephs hospital guelph f mr and mrs john cusbius and miss uludys of toronto spent tha week end st the home of mr george soper mrs sarah oraham of sioux lyook out is spending a few weeks at the home of her son mr w k graham mr and mrs fallu and mr dean cralnti of toronto were guests of mr and mrs w j gould during the week miss grace howard and ml vera hurst went lo toronto on monday to commence their course at eke normal school- mr nnd mrs i orwell johnston r turned on tuesday evening from their honeymoon trip to sarnlu and detroit mr and mrs alex crawford of belmont spent a day or so this weak at tho home of mr james henderson murla street mia janet oardbuu of walton who iias txeit spending a couple uf weeks rlth her daughter mrs w k graham left t lay for chicago mr if c muidoiiold and curlnue mr tftird 11 juhnntun and mr und mri icurl ii vlncunt spent the wnk end with friends in hamilton mis 14 1 hey aiil miss ivy returned home from their summers visit at hlrmlugham and wembley exhibition last saturday they had a vry en joyshlo visit in the old country j mr and mrs j w cantel pf horn n their only daughter daisy bdytho to george clay tog may uldcet son of mr nd mrs r fc may of milton the moirluue t take place in september mr u lewi a former toacher 1 the high school here who la now attain ling queens university king stui spent the week end visiting at tl home or ex councillor harrison un t reuewlng former acton acquaint ai oes mi xlr an l mrs f cole gore bay an nounce the engagement of their daugh ter kathleen merry lees to major herliert mervyn kennedy of aotoir son of mr and mrs j w kennedy of georgetown tbe marriage to take plaoa oasfey la oc a good many years ago actons flra board of trade was organised it did offactlvo work in several directions and madu lb efforts felt in tbo com munity owing to tho death off nevoral of its active members and the removal of others the organization waa gradually allowed to decllnerln- terent lagged and finally its mooting ceased to function for soma tlmo it has been felt thai matters of vital interest to acton could bo considered effectively by an organbxatlon of business men and other citizens who are interested in civic progress and who by united effort could accomplish results of real value to our town and its people a week or so ago several citizen deter mined to- make a move in the direc tion of organisation to thia end a canvas of the business men was made for co operation and between thirty and forty signed a document contain ing a call fbr a mooting to consider the matter r lsjit thursday oven inn a wallat tended meeting was hold in the town hail wben a mutual discussion tdk placo which resulted in the organiza tion or acton chamber of commerce mr r m mcdonald acted as chair man of the meeting and with conv aumate skill directed the proceedings copy of the constitution and by laws of guelph chamber of commerce which has had a remarkably successful career for several years war before the meeting after consideraudn of its object and tho methods of work it provides for the meeting decided to formulate an organisation upon a similar basis the object of acton chamber of commerce though ex pressed in simple terras is really comprehensive and affords opportun ity -top- diverse and helpful aeuvltie aa explicitly set forth the constitution says the object of the acton ljud- ber of commerce shall be to promote the economic and civic welfare of tho people of acton and vicinity the officers of the new organisation were ejected aa follows hon president peter a smith president h p moore 1st vice president r m mpdonald ind vice president a t brown secretary n h garden treasurer l b shorey directors amos mason james symon j m mcdonald dr h- a coxe w ic graham and major h m kennedy a preliminary fee of floo carrying membership to tha end of the year was agreed upon the amount of tha annual fee will be decided at a later meeting the members will meet at the town hall this evening at 8 o clock to adopt tha constitution and bylaws members of guelph chamber of commerco have kindly offered to vlsh the hew chamber of mqieroe at a meeting in the near future and give information and suggestions growing out or their experience it la tbo deafro at the members to accomplish real results in connection with matters of importance concerning acton a future welfare william hackett wins 1100 scholarship took the highest standing at tha guelph collegiate insuullev- wfauriiig mccrae scjwurehip will take course in political science at toronto uni versity and study law it was announced on saturday by the senate of the university of toronty that willlamr p g hackett a recent graduate or thojgueiph collegiate- vo cational institute has been awarded the john mccrae scholarship tha value of which la approximately 81100 cash this scholarship was open to all pupils of the guelph high school mr hackett spent the lost two years at the collegiate at quelpb while residing at the methodist parsonage in acton with his father rev charles hackett he has on exceptionally fle record in the recent departmental examin ations lie wrote un eleven papers capturing eight omt and three seconds the ouelph mercury says the winner of the echolarehlp is a young man of excel tlonal promise he u a son of ltov charles hack atl metho dist minister at tors ontario form erly of acton by winning the j hn mccrae achol arshlp will hackett indirectly qualifies as the wnuer also or one of the carter scholarships it la his intention to attend the university of toronto where he wlu take a course jn political science eventually qualifying himself us a lawyer mr- hackett and his brother arthur isaed ti rough acton on saturday en route tu their mronts h into at tars after a two months vltt hi england which they span wltii relatives in their father e itcyhood home at bir mingham thy also ut tended tbo wembley inhibition and visited a number if historical pluoos thin hhitolaitihlp wun founded as a memorial to the lata col mccrae the author of in jcluii i era klelds- titm fiubb phssa joins mr hackett s many friends here in extending con gratulattnns upon his notable success lorn cutting and silo filling are unsf thv attention orti farmers these days an election will be held on friday ootober 8 for tbe election of two puhllu school trustees to all the vacancies caused by the resignation of messrs n v moore and k gambia the harvest festival services at st albun s church will commence on thursday suptembur 3d oi hod b ttu when the bay cation nortel rector of milton will bo the preacher on sunday the holy communion will he celebrated at 800 a m and 1l00 a uu and oburul mvenoiig at 7 oo p m the reel or wlll preach a special offering la asked fur dlocosan mis

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