Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 25, 1924, p. 2

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mb 3 r cbje aw 3fmirhb thukhday hi2ptemubh ib ibm n y qirl a llttlo corner with its oiitt a llttlo mug a spoon bib l a little tooth so pearly white a llttlo rubber ring to bite a little plate all lettered round a little ruttte to rewound a llttlo creeping- see she aland a llttlo atop twlxt outstretched bend a lltuo moll with flaxen hair a uttla willow rooking- chair a little- dres ofrtcheet hue a llttlo pair of gaiters blue a llttlo achool day after day a little achoalrulam to obey a llttlo study soon lis past a little graduate at last a utile muft for wlntef weather a little jockey bat and feather a little book with funny pocket a little chain a ring and locketa- a little while to danoe and bow a little escort home want now a little isjuty somewhat late a llttlo lingering at the gala a llttto walk in leafy june a little talk while shines the moon a little talk with papa a little reference to mamma a little ceremony grave a little atrusglo to be bjave a little cottafe on a lawn a lltue kiss my girl 1 gone j b a- j airmrninranrmiimimimimimoimmnytiimianimmmiaa olhlf jtrpp jjrwja jmrt tori an unwilling reporter hru5n wahd ilanlh j r candle making a8 a fine art ordinarily we do sot think of candle making a a ana art but tha italian have made it auoh btrangely enough they have brought their work to per haps its greatest perfection in amer ica new york city alone baa six hundred thousand italian realdenta more itltllana than live in any city of italy except naples and to aupply them wltb candles foe their religion foauvala the candle makers are kept buay the dlatlnctly italian votlye taper la made by hand the materials axe pure austrian beeswax whlofa kneaded and tempered and mixed with a aecret ingredient to retard com bustion and which haa special kgyp- x tlan cotton for wicks the cotton too la treated with chemical to keep it from feeding- too fast small candjea aretaoulded large one are made by rolling- up sheet of wax that gives the candle great atrength and en- able it to stand erect when a mould ed candje would ssjhd under the beat after the candle is fashioned it oes to the decorators men who are skilled in the use of the brash the slgtlne madonna and the mb of the chair are favorite subjects with them and they also make very oharnilng mmiatures of other famous work of v vjju some years ago a sicilian uring in new york was afflicted with rheuma tism his wife prayad daily kv san coloffero forhls recovery and at last vowed toglve the largest candle ever made abould her husband recover this candle abould welsh gs much u her husband did ullt pounds the man rot well the candle was ordered it was fifteen fee high and eighteen inches in diameter at the base and it tapered to twelve inches at the up upon it was a reproduction of the madonna of tbe chair the taper coat two hundred and fifty dol lar the makers sajd that it would burn eighteen months but although that candle was per haps the largest ever made tt did not equal in jtome respects the candle made for the late lieut joseph petrosino of the new york police force who was killed in ztay by black hand agent borne month before hla death lieutenant etrosins dropped la at tbe ahop of the leading tfalun rnakera in new tort the man were ms flevoted friends when l die said he what kind of candle will you maketor mar that day is a lone way off joe said the head of pie firm bat when the time does conm wv will make candle to barn in your memory that never has been equalled in jtome in prance or in the united states when the news of the assassination of petrosino wo received the candle maker eat his raoetr suufttl men to work night and day they kept at their task for tha tm had to he made by band and its ingredients eo fcdended that it would burn longer than any other candle ever manufac tured the men worked thirtysix hours at a stretch with onjr brief in termissions for food and sleep the finished candle weighed one hundred and saventyeisjuvpoiinde it was nlnefeet blgb it wi wltb fourteen carat stold octuple leaf and the principal design reproducedftne holy college tbe candle coat four hundred and fifty dollars the makers calculated that it would burn steadily for four years and seven months prerogatives op rank tbe bramwevllle postmaster looked out with a frown from his barred win- w dow at he returned traveller who wai v questioning htm i cant go out o f f j this pan o mine till the malls dls- tributed re said with resentment- the now rules and regulation dont hardly let a man breathe what wait it you asked me about the are depart ment t no jed iant chief any more that la a owing- to the city folks that come here now and try to run our whole village there was a little spark of a fire down ln one o their eottsges an because of oor fir department didnt get there quite a quick as they ex pected they instituted inquiries- nn wins you their own wsj j when they found the two ladders bad been in jeds orchard an that had made a 11 ulb delay they raised such a lot o talk that jed resumed as he aald if the chief o the are department hasnt got tbe right to borrow a couple o ladders from the mrlnehouse when be needs em pick his fruit who hajrt but youpsat reason much with these city folks theyre a kind of a high eq lot mokt wish i d never gonn into thin reporting ex claimed mabel stone dot up nillyt if you make illlly do many jumps like that you ii jounce my bicycle out of the wagon ednb xlartow said as sho straightened her hat which had been aent over one enr i dont wish i hadn t gone into it 1m glad enough to earn om money oh door i waht the money fast enough hut the idea of reporting gives me goose flesh all over i would not mind writing about birds and flowers and things 1 love but just imagine me marching up to a stranger and whining ileaae maam could you apare ma a fow coldvictual de tail abaul your life for my pauper baakat- i you re always so etflly kdna said laughing- people like to talk about themselves and when they have parties like tlifa ono of mrs lelanda thoy 11 k it to get into tho paper mrs lelanil doesnt the tunes man aald hed try mo out on this party because it wan ao hard to get anything out of mrs leland just what the pros man aald to zne and im not going to fait down on it if you hate reporting so why ore you going into ltt you know bow few chances there ore to earn money in oreendade of course youve got the rachamr but im not a good enough cook for that bo 1 have to do anything can that will add to my college fund now youll do- the talking- to mrs iceland wont you ednnt what are you go ing to say to herr that i am edna bartow and tht you are my coualn mabel stoni that you are reporting the oountry items for thb ponthaven time and i for tho ponthaven press and that we shall appreciate it very much if she will give us seme facts about her tea this afternoon suppose hv wont t then til smile and tell her i behind bar in church and what pretty hat she wears and murmur how much it means to us thats lovely declared mehel wee awfully good of you to come with when you could have gone nfucb faster otrourwheel id bavo died alone dont mind sold edna good- naturedly if i con get done this morn inf of course we have until sue oclock to get the stuff in but ive got u bis baking this afternoon for to morrow is my kxctuuura day i hello mabel exclaimed reining in old billy the little florist wants to speak to us mr wilson looking- anxious and per turbed had run out into the road are you by any chance going up on the bill miss stone t stralgbt up there mabel amlling are you in a hurry the florlsr cried ive just got a bur order by telephone and if i can fill ft it will mean a great chance for me to show what i joan do out my car is off for the day and my horse picked up a nail yesterday and i cant lay my hands on a horse or wagon anywhere why we can take them up for you amid mabel but it win take me the beat part of aa hour to get them ready ttum we really cant wait mabel ssid fains its too bad mr wilson bat our hhjjjoess is important too wed love to bslp ypu out otherwise im sure youll be able to and a witon tfb tried everywhere the hwfi man aald biting his lips nervously mabel drew a lonsr breath ive gt to help him out edna she aald in a tone you go- alone on your wheel youre foousfc said edna it will mean that you have jo face mrs leland alone 1 know sold mabel but f son leave mr wilson in a fix like this ill have to stand the ley shower hatb and hope for the tingle that comes after r td wait for you 1f i didnt have io bake this afternoon answered bdna aa she climbed down but i cant af ford to lose my cake money im sorry ffo leave you this way thats all rtaht i know how busy you are ill get through somehow when edna hod aped off on her bicycle mabel turned smiling- to the little florist now ill tie the horse and help you i love flowers por an hour too buay to talk they cut and packed the flower and piled the boxes in the prltur wagon i dont know how to thank yen miss stone mr wilson said as he untied old billy ive tried hard o show the hill people what i can da but they always send tu the cliy for their big affairs if id failed with mrs leland id have lost a bur chance la that where theyre going f yes something must have gone wrong- with the city order she called me up at the last moment i hope 1 shall please her of course ypu will answered mabel i never saw such flowers all you want me to do la to leave them at the door all right uoodbyf qoodby and thank youaald the florist edna is alt through her ordeal by this time and halfway to fonthsven aald mabel to herself aa old billy jog ged along the country road what is im going to aayf i am mabel air warming a lanky youth persisted in ticking hie head out of the window of railway coach the braketnan who was rinsing through the ooach saw him in this dangerous position and touched the youtb on the back better kelp your head inside tha wndow advised tbe bralcsman i bin look out the winder u i want to answered the youth i know you can warned the brake- man but if you datnajre any of the gnwalkjn h irhltos youll hsye in pay for if stone mrmleland reporting tor the times and i should be glad it you would give ma a few items about your tea ill learn that by hetirt so x osnt make a intake she murmured the words over and over until she drove in at mr- in lands gate aa ens stopped at a aide door a man raoed down he steps mrs leland has been expecting you he said if you will so right ill unload and then ill take ear of your horse with wildly healing heart mabel walked into tliu house it wont be ao bad she thought if edna ha told her that im coming and shes ex pecting- me now wht was i going to aayf then mrs leland come down tho hall the flowers i she cried we wilson waa quick ill remember him i hope youre aa good at arranging as be is at sending therea m wreck on rbtdlhsft held u rlma j nope the oaterer will get throub in a baroain v a local attorney had just brought- to a close a successful defease of an old negro named xlastus who had been charged with chicken stealing the lawyer and his client were con versing uaatus well boss i slntgot ntt money but i reckon tee fott pay you t t lawyer seeklny to bays k lltuk fun well itastus do you reejujsv you can steal me fee ebjessassp rastus moving up closer to law yer wall boss is you sap you omp otar tt atfter time but i couldnt risk waiting for the flewecev mabel looked at iter in dismay did mrs leland thjk eke wag an arramr- er of flowers instead or s reporter t she musf speak quickly where was the apeeeh she had learned t i am btabel moon mrs labinfl she stammered yes ad mrs island aben4y oat m water r to thfcwn t erqjjsv aandwlchea i have plenty of fllllnir oh and cake from tho exchange jull him to kt whatever ho ian mrs leland dlsapierod in one dir ection and patrick in another what an idiot i ami mabel aalil to herself an a stood surrounded by the boxes of flu worn edna woul i havo got her item und teen gone and i can t evon uuy my own namu straight what ahull i dot i ian t go shouting through tho house that zxi a reporter mabel cased round rucher holp jssly then a look of determination came into her face well trhe sold to herself and smiled ill arrange the flowrrs anyway for i know just how they ought to go and when mrs leland comes to look i can ask her for the items everything wuh at hand that- she needed and mabel soon forgot that she had come for any other purposr a trim llttlo maid was dusting tho rooms but no on else appeared until the lost flower was in its proper place then patrick canled awny tho boxen and a moroont later mm leland came downstairs there isnt a thing i want to change mlas moon she aald when she had inspected mabels work you ore an artist da i pay you separate ly or will mr wilsons bill incluao aiir mabel drew a long breuth fow for ber speech i sm mabvl htone mm leland but mra leland interrupted hur oh i beg your pardon i thought you said moon i like to get peopled names straight well therese what l ttr its tbe younif lad back that wanted to see you this morning mra leland i cant see her thoree i couldn t see the president what docs she want she wants items about your re ception for the paper maam a reporter pf course i won t see her- i wouldnt let one into the house tell her she neednt coroo back couldnt you i mean stammered mabel but she got no further for as therese hurried out tho bulky and ii dlgnsnt figure of tbe cook appeared in the doorwy now rusa what do you wantf asked mra leland f you please mrs leland salj yisa do you expect me to make them loaves of bread that denni brought intpsandwichost yes km thats what theyre for then im leaving i never lived in a house before where a cook was asked to make two hundred sand wiches for o reception mrs leland jutt down now ehxn dont be so silly ive just telephoned the station and they gave me no hope of any trains getting through before alx oclock weve got to make our own andtrlchcs borah is in bed and cant help you know and thereso has her hands full 111 have only n cup of tea for lunch and you can take that tune to mako the sandwiches im- leaving kus stulldly and heaved herself away oh 1 could cryl exclaimed mrs leland ih dismay 1 knew that ellsa wanted to- est back to town and tho picture shows but it does seem as if she might nave chosen some other day tor deserting at the sight of mrs leuuidy dis tress mabel forgot edna and report ing and shyness i con make the sandwlchea mrs leland she volun teered if therese will show me where to and the things h could yout cried mrs leland vrv wyed my llfel ft will keep you over juaph time will you mind tbntt patrick ww y horse and 111 feed you there ar cujcuibera and- lettuce and sandwich tmtt nnj cheese o dear therese the telephone again 1 oh dear sho sighed as she fol loyed therese if 1 d boon quick could pawc stood up for edna bu everything tuwwfid over itsolf und mrs leland wouldnt luftgp i pose weve loat the reporting job and its all my fault edna win be terrlhly mad at me therese established mabel at a table in the bje eopj butlers pantry mabel made one p of sandwiches after another wrapped mhem in oiled paper and damp napkins and laid tljem away dennis bartied the loft ellsa to ijie train and came book wltn four duen little cakes from the ex change and tho promise of more later by that time it was three oclock and mabel was helping mrs leland tha table could you stay through askou mrs leland ive got all the girls in the neighborhood to serve for me in the dining room and tboreae can louk after things there hut i must have aome one who is reliable in the kltuiun b have supplies on hund could you stesur just well as not mabel an swered mathsr auy for tfte rtuy and therea no one tu ml me and mrs leland would you mind ff her voice trailed off for mrs leland had gone to the telephone to inquire about the second order of cakes that the exchange had promised its no use mabel thought with a sigh of despair edna oohld dp 1l itlf 1 cant ive been all day with mrs lybifcv but i havent found on chance to fc by about the party rm a poor apology for a reporter its fl right said hi xvff bustllns hack the woman wi makes tbe cokes will get another betai hare by five oclock now miss stone lf you arent dead would you whip the eveajah for the chocolate by tha time mahpl had whtpied the cream and filled two teakettles and opened the candy boxes and put tht cakes on their plates and made the chocolate the guests bagan to arrive they came scutteringly at first and atar therese had carried u first relay of eysry thing into the d i nine room mabel had ijmn tu alt down und take ber flrst long bnuhi im dead tired i she muttered suppotie mrs leland will pay we or my time but what is a dollar or tu compared with what i night have earned if we could havo rohrted this eat it isnt only i its dno ou- chna gone now for tho papers will hold the anare only ill six and i wont see mrs leland uga in huf ore ikf otjr jcpo -jobs- hun on through and ive just stayed knd dona nil kinds of thlnssaxcept reporl edna untied her box and come into the kitchen so ihla la whore youve been all dayhn skid i va tele phoned yournoune three times to and where you wcroj atd no ono answered and then the exchange called mo up und aeked mo if id make cakes 1 almost said i wouldnt mrs leland was so disagreeable but tho re waa no use in cutting off my nose to spit my face and then the press called me up and i told them i d make ono more try we cant get anything aid mabel if mrs leland wouldnt see the re porter this morning she certainly won t see him in the thick of he fight and the people won t be gon before six aa edna set her cokes out on tbe table she winked back a tear its awfully disappointing- tho papers have tried a lot of girl down here and they oil petered out i was ao sure i could succeed and now weve failed 11 ko all the rest and we did noct uie money sol its all niytauu sold mabol ro morse fully you couldnt help it you are made that way mabel came to her feet with n spring why edna dar tow what a thing to say you might as wall nay a thief was made that way i well if you aint cut out for a re porter you aint hats nil i certainly not cut out for a oow- ardl retorted mabel hotly sill whispered edna and mabel turnod to faoe mrs leland oh the cokoal cried mra lelanl i had to run out to see if thoy had copie don t go before i see you miss stoop mabel brought her heels together like a soldier mra leland sho said i am mabel stone and this is my cousin edna ilortow i am report ing the country items for the times and she for the press wo shall ap preciate it very much if you will give ua any facts you care to about your tea before six oclock i alt behind you jn church and i like your liata mabel finished bar apeeeh cold with apprehension edna was red with n- banbssrient ydu a rtpgttert m leland thought i could feel them as i couid oats i came to report aonfessed mabel miserably but mr wuhpp nskod m to bring the flowers and then palxlck thought i belonged to them and you were so busy that j just stayed you blessed ohjltdjl exclaimed mra lelnnd you certainly earned any- thin you wish today write m up if you want to leland went into the hall and came back with ono of the girls had invited to help her hermlon he said this is miss bartow sheja going to bo with you in thedlnlng room for half an hour be sure she aees everything and meets the cele brltes and then give her the qulstvpf the telephone room and the long distance line to ponthavsa thank you vary much mrs leland edna said and mabel 1 ii do tha times for you youre an angel sold mabel grate fully you poor little reporter mrs le land sold as edna and hsrmlone went out how ive abused you this day i ill do what j can far your cousin after this in gratitude to you but if i may speak plainly i think your talents lie in other directions maklnc a reporter would be forcing a round pea into a square holt i am going to say a good word on the hill for wilson and if you will let me it will include a good word for you you have genius for flowers my dear any woman would be delighted to get you to decorate for ber and it would really pay better than reporting when mrs leland returned iq her guest mabel sank back in a choir what a nloe end she said to her self with a tired little smile edn in there having the time of her ufe sn1 doing to papers and i in here know ing i neednt ever be a reporter both happy r arranging flowers will be the loveliest work in the worldl my but im glad i wasnt coward enough to ihlrk that shower bath it was ley but this afternoon is the moat dollcj- oua thing i ever knew the bounty of a country- home 1 hnso who live in the country st this time of the year and have a k r don urn truly blcsoed last week wo spent iiu nftortioon- at the country huuao of a frtojid from the highway we walked in along a grasugrown road and path through the wood to a clearing where jlover grow and mnny vegetables wlaro- hammocks were swung- whom a brook run by und where in tho background a brown house with friendly casement windows offered hospitality wo sunk into a hammock and shod the dusty hampered feeling or travel gased at tho sky through the tsoe- tope ami listened to tho wind in tho birches in between easy spontaneous talk with our friend ierfect rest that what it was later wo wundored uvnr the place croaaod tln llttlo brook few times und found that if w want in eno dir ection we might by chatting and pick ing for a few momenta havo bluo- borrlea fur fa in another raspbor rjps in another blackberries bur why go ont at any tlmo of day u appeared one wan able td pick up maals as one traversed tho woodland paths i as we walked our hostess gathered mushrooms we huvq this pink kind oil toast for breakfast she explained my husband used to cat every kind wo found except the poisonous var- lotles but we are booajnlng epicures now and pick and choose tho pin cherries are gone she uddod wo made the most delicious jelly of thorn look at these salmon berrlos many peoplo usa them for jolly too anlong other things we gathered watercress and i folt that if mr rob inson and his swiss family bad locat- od in these ontario woods be would have been uble to subsist bountifully our h osteon said i am not going to offer you tea for 1 want you io onjoy a real u upper later on wo did potatoes just out of the hill peas just off tho vine corn just pulled from tho stalk cream fresh from tho cow justgathered raepber- rlo alung with a fow freshly cooked extras made a meal tso good for tha gods we quoted henry klnck who it has been proved that at the eml of twonlyfoup hours after pulling 30 per rent of tho uuynr in corn will have ulsappeurad mid ln the jioxt twentyfour hours nbout 26 por aent our friends cook had uio water boll before the corn was pulled the potatoes too were a revelation thoy were so nwoet and mealy with butter and salt and a glass of milk ny would bavo made an ample and doll- ciou meal by themselves hpaoe will not permit further on thuaiaamn but it was paovod fully to ua that cltyfod folk rolsa many culinary delights with arms full or flowers we board ed our raln which steamed homeward between the vast blue lake on one sldo and on the other a sunset orange flamo with scarfs of gold soon buildings out off tho vlaw of lake and field and sky and in my mind i said again how happy should they bo who live in the country x beauty everywhere quietness and simple lux uries tho llomemaker in the olobe yankee curiosity the yankee is proverbially lunula tive and mr charles h hhcrlll rofnllw in french memories or elghteonlh century america some tun used com ments- reported by the marquis o chaste lux whleh show that tho rpu tat ian was well deserved mora than u century ago he say dorlnre chuatollux r pasting a travellers lulu that tho americans ere the most inijuuklvo people he has ever seen tlior curl oslty la pushed almost to impropriety when he asked hla way thoy only an swered you apparently riunu from philadelphia when aunnat furnished he asked for food instond of nervlnk him they said you seem to bo in a great hurry is there anything new in the north r he also relates that mr franklin who possessed a sense of humor in addition to thar- habitual calm whlct so surprised the epropcauio wlicnovr was travelling in connecticut a section noted for its curiosity was accuatomed on entering an inn uncoil ail the family together and onnounou in a loud tone f am benjamin krtmk- was born in boston and l am n printer by trade i am com in if from philadelphia and i am bolng iwiok there at auchandsuch a ttmn do not know anything new and now my friends will you tell m what you ul give me for supper t no fatalities sho just klssedtby him how dui yau papa said ha would kill tl flrslmap who kissed i her now interesting and did u for flavor insist on salam js ks i aaoo always fresh and pure sold only in sealed aluminum packets dr j cadesky of toronto eyesight specialist will be at a t browns drue store acton friday oct 10th anyone surforlng from eye- nln defective vision henriaiho should not mlas tha opportunity of consulting this oyeelflht hpoclallst conhiritatioj thick office hours dam till fi p m a new fashion in dolls out of his element an ex governor of wisconsin fam ous fri atoryteller once rejoiced company of fronds with an accou of his experience at a wplftjersoy clambake at the clambake there wore plenty of people who enjoyed the speech or the wisconsin man there was one aerlo us minded ilsteper on whom it fell flat 1 alflp4 8 tne exgovernor tefllng the eurrtty stating that i had eaten ao many of their lotfnock clams that i wasnt in tbe least aort of condition for speech making at that moment a long faced old man dlrpcjjy acfttaa the table scowled at mo and said in ft ptagpshteper wtthvneck plsnw ihtstnckf not low- necga i i paid no attention to blm end went on with my remarks after dinner be followed me out of the hal youre from wisconsin arent your he asked ye i answered don t have many clams out theve reckon well i sold we have some hul ifs a good way to water and in drlv ing them serosa the country their feet get eore and they dont thrive very well why man alive said he olant havent- way feet soon after that he buttonhoted ono m ht fellow governor or wls- conslnr h dwwum my friend admitted that f wa wal he said pvapa he msy oc amort enough man for wisconsin but hes a good deal of a fool at the seashore in character latla subtle essay u francis thompson has described old beauty of tho dolls that wore his little slaters treasured posecoslons thai he as a boy yram never permitted to touch the counterfeit roundness of their cheeks their alien ourls their hahtbluo ayea and delicate eye brow thuso charms enhanced by im mobility subdued his childish heart and the memory of them remained with him in manhood to the prin- of puppetdom he accorded he tribute of loving und loyal recolloc tlcn how far would the dolls of today move a sensitive poot to homagot some few there are that preserve the tradition of lovellnesa the set elarlrut loveliness hat to the oduh savors of inalpldlty but thai conveys o tho chlltf a simple sense of per- fuftton these expressionless hebe londlnic therosetvns passively to every incident and to every mood have been largely superseded by dolls of strange und appalling personality in tho old simple laya there wor rage dolts ot dqmesttc fabrication that born no resemblance to humanity but their deficiencies wore incidental tu their construction mothers and grand mothers did not try tu produce some thing ugly or absurd they did uot seek to perpetratu a joke at the ex pense of childhood had they known how thuy woald gladly have made tholr rags babies shapely and beautiful ijut why should our thy makarshnanu- fuuure squinting dolls and grinning dolls und dolls whose puckered faces und wideopen mouths proclaim them in a state of perpetual larnetilatlon think or a llttlo girl mothering a baby who cries bitterly if boundlessly l i djy long to tho adult who has for- gnei how to play such a toy seems ptoaeantly uptnrus tft he chl who lives n m world pf play such toy la a painful anomaly crying is an experience with whloh she is per footly familiar it is not funny she knows belter than that it ts not favored by authority hor own tears are bluer in tht sheddjng and they afford no gratification in- the nurssry why then should she be presented with nil infant whoe tears are never dried whose mouth is never shut whose fuoo is never composed into tranquility t why this affront to her sense of propriety k and her peace of mind t mclaughlinbuick special six 2526 tphe new special six is a car you will en- thuse over the business coupe for instance the smart lines the beautiful quiettoped duco finish and handsome equiprnent give it an air of smartness and style that is equalled by few cars regardless of price moreover what you would expect from a car outwardly so beautiful will be more than fulfilled by this coupes performance the so hp valveinhead engine provides more than enough power for the hardest going in mud and sand the sturdy chassis and cantilever springs together with low pressure tires afford unusual driving ease and comfort even on the roughest roads the increased safety of fourwheel brakes adds much to the drivers peace of mind and enjoyment fisher king representatives for this district georgetown out mclaughlinbuick this party therese cume back fur mare choco late theyre coming fast now she saw i hone those cakes are going to get here in lime its getting on toward five and everyones craky over your flowers ll utons at five oclock aome one knocked al the beck door and slubel answer d ft bdnj stood there with a huge box fattened to her bicycle the girls ttajksj th flowers lot the vussj poroh mead each other in amasment patrio youll flnd si the vmsesi what in the world exo ycu dohu thererallse moon and msnlsg water nnkdmanded edna j demanded bdn j0fry thing ejeoept reporuns tm jmbfu t mllu j ithow wishr cakes i mrs f rtffe left sn4 thef pp wsra escape of the three lifmf flgytfrf haj em- erged on the boer mwkii ff u defense that developed after huiy- mlth ootho e wet and delorey wet was much the most tmpres give ljls face was m study in reals tanoe ul body seemed all musile looking on him on coujd understand the fear that he inspired in hla- owi men hut it was hla scheme of es cape almost miraculous in their cun ning that perplexed an empire puuled a planet on one of two occasions 1 have seen hs faoe light up when he referred w vt v hbl y ftohlevetnenla in evasion liiid of those achievements orni still stsnl ouflh my memory one evenln after long day march aa he told u p i hi wander ings seemed to have come to an end thollghls of the br ills h bivouac rims ison de wet as waa his went sport from bis men and astfalono in dumb depejr then therfl cume tu him ebftly one of those wonderful acouta who served him so well the scout hd discovered a slight gap tn the uritleh litres between two regi ments usl were not quite keeping itulh tn u moment de wet waa on hla irfet whhln on hour every horses foot was muffled with elolh or wool and every wagon wheel was swathed the iioer camp fires were lighted and were left burning brightly then tho whole lioer force crept out through ilarkness bf the night in utter sll- penetrated the gap in the urltlsh lines and started on a new course of fugitive warfare fooling sonnv humun traits are constantly ap pearing in our domestic imts much to our own amusement if we would only profit by thorn as we observe them a real fullbloodod engllgh bulldog lias been in our family for so von years writes a companion con tributor und am time goes on we find him more and more human one of his traits has amuse ue for year bunny as tnedog has been ap- pnjpiluily named is vary particular ttbou hu food fcul oldfashioned dog biscuit u beneath bis dignity when a bowl uf biscuit is put down tor his supixir ua sniffs with disgust aud turn away uut resting con veniently rnmo ac hum is a lutle puplarmadi model of u building tliat rejoices tu the iiumo or ildu all that wu have to jo in iitilur to tiring munny hark to his bowl ik to cull jloro f130 kiijo und to put fldo in front of the dinner ho long as he feelw thut st other dog may poaslhly gut tho food bunny will eat every ci mill und with a taunt of satlafucoon nimu kido out of the way is not that pi eclsaty tho nature of uino humaiist youths companion one advertiser mr wrigley feayn i believe itt news- paper advertising i bpciid about a uiil- lion dollars a year for newspaper space to tell the world about the goods i have to sell nearly everybody trad the papers and they are lie most effective medium lo reach jlhe buying publie quickly and ofe an- advertisement in tfle free press vill attract more attention than a welldressed shop window and will be seen by a hundred times the number you dont keep the blinds down on your how windowt how about your adver tisement are the blinds down advertising willhelp sell your goods just asit sells afr yrigleys

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