00 itrtlfvf i- 7i- lvfniyi yv itft tfi tca 77 tub home 01 li artap 3rxee rwa qur 8rlia town wmuim ol oirlo lllioaal oniaito tna is ulun ludwription b unltx paid l ladfcatad os ln ddi ubl advertising ratestrnautii dtrtlm- btt a cnu pn li meaaufa for bra tertian and 3 end pr line for aaeh nbu- quest lnrttoa conlnct duuy advartiaa- nnti foe loch of mora pr unbrn ilwu pc lath each inscmlon advartlaaajaaata oat ipacific htm1 1u u inacrtad uu lorbu tml cbarfxl bccordlnflr ii i moobe htildmt nd editor i a dula rv55 aaalataa editor i telephones editorial d bub1bm oflca trw raauesoa ol praia tj cqnaduurproducta in demand in england results from tho british empire exhibition it london england nro very encouraging to canadian producers a despatch inst week from london an nounced that canadian ebceso has found a aplendid market as a direct result of the british empire exhibition eight thousand pounds of cheese per week is used on the grounds by the caterers and they have alto introduced it in all their london cafes a canadian dry milk dealer has just sold an output valued at 00000 the despatch goes on to say that tfio canadian fruit exhibit has already brought european orders for more than one million boxes orders for various classes of canadian manufactured products have also exceeded all expectations thursday morning september 25 1924 editorial completed a quarter century in journalism in halton the newspaper men of halton county are cer tainly not given to roaming only one of the pro prietors of county papers has been less than twenty years in possession of the newspaper ho now controls last week mayor harris editor of the burlington gazette completed twentyfive years of service as owner and publisher oxthat sprightly journalistic representative of burlington and in tho southwest erly district of the county mr harris has been an honor to the profession has been honored by bis fellowcitizens is good for another quartercentury in the editorial chair and has the raregood fortune to have a son associated with him in the publishing business be loyal to your own town every good and loyalcitizen should make it a rule i to embrace every opportunity of promot ing the progress and prosperity of bis own town i 2 to foster a spirit of good will and cooperation among its citizens 3 to promote good feeling with our neighbors in tho surrounding country 4 tohelp to- earn for acton a reputation for courtesy and service to visitors 5 to lend assistance to very movement for increasing tho business of the town or the happiness of its people 6 to attend all brjmblic meetings and take a share in their activities and not to keep quiet at a meeting and then go away vand talk about the mistakes that were made 7 jlet this apply personally to me and then act ac- cordingly the simplified p i eb facile ballot when the form of ballot to be used in the coming plebiscite election on the ontario temperance act was first announced by the government it was in tended that the voter should vote yes or no to each of he two questions proposed tho govern ment later decided to simplify tho ballot so that tho voter will make one cross only on the ballot just as is dodo in a parliamentary election when two candu dates are running the governments announcment of the change is as follows the ontario government has decided that tho ballot on tho plebiscite on october 23 next will bo a cross ballot tho voter thus marking the question which he favored there will be accordingly but one vote for each voter he will vote affirmatively for either the ontario temperance act or government control and any variation from phis practice will constitute a spoiled ballot this simplified form of ballot willcommend itself to the people generally tho question is now a straight issue and tho ballot should be easily under stood by all who have tho privilege of using it a serious offence the claim has been made that dundas is one of the best behaved communities in canada it hasnt been claimed of course that tho behavior of the populace is perfect but simply that taking it by and large its conduct is so good as to excite- comments of the most favorable nature with particular refer ence to our young people and we have reason to behove that generally speaking our young people deserve the good words that have been said about them but of late thero have been some complaints about certain young men accosting girls on tho street and fqreing their attentions on thorn in three in stances complaints have been nffidc to the authorities about young men who have been guilty of this serious offence in the first two cases the magistrate through the medium of the chief invited the young men to attend informally at the town hall in the evening in the third case a summons was issued in each instance tho delinquents were advised of the seriousness of the offence from the standpoint of tho criminal code and the magistrate stated that in the future the young girls of the town would tu under the special protection of the court and any body convicted of a similar offence would be punished as severely as the law allowed the public highway should bo as safe for girls as their own homes and any young man who is convicted andsentenced far molesting them will not likely receive any sympathy from the public and from what the magistrate said he will certainly nof receive any from the court dundas star editorial notes what is government control this question is being asked daily by persons juuuous to understand it government control is a measure for the sale of intoxicating liquor for bever- jgo purposes by government vendors first last jand always it should be remembered thaf government control means the sale of liquor under some measure at government restrictions but it is for the sale of gsp liquor for drinking purposes the ontario temper- ance act prohibits the salo of liquor for drinking wherever tried government control has jailed so gtvaras controling satisfactorily the sale of liquor it hint failed where it originated in sweden it has failed wherever tried in the united states it has sc fjdled jn quebec it has failed in british columbia fylt has failed in manitoba reports from the pro- i- princes named give ample proof of easy evasion of cthe government control law more drunkenness jnore bootlegging more misery tho element of the i lore of profit enters into governments as it does into individuals tho premier of tho province of y- quebec which is under government control openly boasted on the floor of the legislature that last year die profits to the government from the salo of k intoxicating liquor under government control was fx over 4000000 he declared it would be more this year and very likelyit will on a recent visit to v v toronto he repeated the same statement there who k pays this 4000000 of profit the people paid it tout it cost them over 30000000 in purchases of liquor to give the government the 4000000 of 3 profit and drunkenness today is rampant in quebec a few weeks ago the writer had occasion to spend a saturday evening in montreal in com- ej pany with several other friends we sat for an hour n dominion square one of tho small downtown parks for tho purpose of ascertaining if possible h- the effects of government control on the people while sitting there man after man visibly under tho influence of liquor staggered by fully half a score within an hour because they did not fall into the fc gutter they were not drunk according to tho inter pretation given under tho government control law and none of them were arrested do wo want gov ernment control jiko that in ontario n k thousand v times no government control sales nay be hedged about by marry restrictions but it is sale tifouor all tho same for drinking purpn- nh france is giving pledges of good faith by steady withdrawals from the rhineland germany is being given her chance to pl the game it may be her last chance if she refuses- globe the leaders in the plebiscite campaign in ontario have adopted the slogan rjvuke it tjalf a million as tho majority for the ontario temperance act and against government control from now on the harassed and halt frenzied citizenry of the united states will be able to concen trate upon the racejn the major leagues without be- in distracted by tho prince of wales mail and empire there appear to be numbers of people who are still unaware of the fact that conducting raffles is a violation of the criminal code on saturday mr and mrs john mckinley of haileybury were fined 50 and costs for raffling an automobile ftvprrmon itxpoilllon la th aaaanca omife ily porixtiml rapautlon ram tho cradl wn urn dually form olid tiablta puttlnc ttiim mi one aftar another na wo put on kurraenl until w ari fitly and docoritly clothed and armed to go forth lulu lliu world whtrt wo mako um of llicuo urulrd hablt in avory thought miu in hon of our dally life it la not rmitk to do a common net one t 1ii ii hmea or nfty llmtm wo muit roixul it indefinitely until it u pr rerun l without effort and in many itmin without conaclouantma do you kmw which alcove of your coat you put ui hratt if you do you uro wlaar tlutii moat imkinla iti imftuon in french roeana ro ll orim i la it not a chnrmlnit auyaea tluiit all our uvea wo ara ruhearalfk without appreciating it betting ready for nn uprm moment the liluknaaa tho exact neaa and the per- rctlan of our bearlnc in that ayprome mnjmmt dapanda altogether uu3n the cat mid tltousht with which we have trained ourmlv to meat it and the pcrpon in whom long training haa davotuped energy and vigor of action lnt n lnalnct rvaembllng what la tnoluihulty colled a rnex meet great crlaru tar batter than thoao who argue and ilobata even with a igh quality of inlilloctual power to dwu on theao eternal repetltlona la of co ure unwlae tn that aapoat tlil tioiiotony likely to become in- lolvitulo president jeff era on had an old frlond who oomplalnod becaua ha wvi lnnliely weary of putting on hie nhh und atocklnga every morning wo nil know what ha mnnnt but morul mlnda or too buay to complain of trlflca there are danger also in rapoutlon if you make a ml take in adding a column of nguraav or in- practicing mualcul exerclka you maka it again aqd again so by repetition habits creep upn u unaworaa and it takce sometime a ooloaaal effort to get rid of them no one need tnora to etudy thle bual- neaa of repetition than moth era in a wniu it la their only bualnaaa and to remind and reprehend and reprove and remonstrate often gvta to be aa tedlnua a tne old mans etocklngs make an art of it try to vary your advlca nnd explanations so oa to make them new and interesting it can be done and yojd will enjoy it and eo will your children pnrhnpa the supreme art of mother- hooslla o carry repetition to its limit htiictrul and loving core and then nlae unerringly the exact poll whero the leading strings ahould he drop and the aatlve individuality child be allowed to form for itself now repetitions new hablta new vol ii pom en to r dominion of canada loan 1924 fhe bank of montreal at all its branches wtll accept applications for the new dominion government bonds either from dew aubaadbcts or from holden of victory loan bonds mnruring 1st november 1924 who wish to exchange for the new issue full particulars will be gladly furnished at any branch bank of montreal sue you buy fine equipment plu ptun this scat is engaged- ji the train soya lfae manchester ouardlun tfiey were iefllng stories to llluatrdro the impudence of soma pooyle one pasaenger said that on getting into the train at manchester he mudo for a vacant corner seat and was turned off by the man opposite who nnltl that the aeat belonged to a friend of his after having stood in corridor for twenty minutes the lata comw put bis head into thecom- partmont and inquired where is that friend of yourat oh hes getting on at crowe in rejly- thn distance from manchester to crewu la mors than twentyova miles mrxauguin brick master six touring 2545 adjustable atta visor automatic windameld wiper cowl lishts acuff plates trunk rack rmd tiro carrier on the aide sad bumpers front and rear this hcxaufhllnbalck muter six tour- in cartta all of these of coone it also has a walnut instrument board j inlaid walnut panels and aide sockets on all four doors moreover it haa pourwheel brakes and lowpressure tires yet while all of theie are important to yoor comfort convenience and safety they are only incidental tho real worth of mclsuihlinbuick la embodied in its powerful lonfllfe valvelnhead motor the ragged chassis in the body beautiful fn line and finish and the precision with which the whole is btxllt and assembled fisher king representatives for this district business directory medical dr j a mcniven phystoun and ouroson qoloo and ilosldom corner dowsr avenue and ulgln htreet honk dr e j nelson khiillicic utiucetp aton ontario leoal phone no 23 p o box tu harold nash farmer m a- dsrrlstsr soijoitor notary public conveyanosr eta perbvman block acton ont monhy lunt n uoiltaaqba hours ojo a tn to 6 pjn- saturdays 1 3 00 oclock h g meir barrister solicitor notary publl qsorgstown ont dental dr j m bell d d s l d a dentist honor graduate of toronto unlvwr- alty tho latest anesthetic uxs tf deafred f offle at realdsnoa cornar mi41 and frederick 8trvt dr f g gollop dds ld3 osntal hurqson offlea over bonk of kovm hours 110 to sjo craning by appointment miscellaneous francis nunan bookbinder apcount books of all kinds mads to order periodicals of every description camfully bound ruling neatly my promptly done wyndham street ouelph on over williams store olflce 481 una stvw it is a most encouraging sign of tho times when young people in their church school and other or- ganizations ore discussing tho subject of prohibition- there is then increased hope of a better order of things in tho civic- world oakville star s the latest federal financing furnishes new proof of the buoyancy of canadian credit a shortterm loan of 4 per cent and a 20year loan ot aj per cent are almost as good as prowar investment con ditions canadas savings by refunding operations will perceptibly reduce tho burden of tho publid debt fc government control law roa easily broken as kv any other laws imagine what 4t would ean if a goveroraeat shop for tho aalo of nqor for 4rinkipg clvsro qpened lq aont v p4 btiitibyniean tiw irunfccnness and miaeartibppytatod jllclad children rrijawi uaanda of dollars now stf9rf j jind tiomo comforta andr jno tho coffers of tbostor 7 gotwnnient coatrolledsvfuori the new chamber of commerce has work of in terest t bo public already before 1l the arbitrary cutting off of the 018 p m mail and passenger trajn on the canadian national railway is a great in con venience- to this community the chamber of com merce will give roal reason for its existence if it takes effective steps to have it restored the financial post estimates that tho total net revenue from all branches of production in canada during 1024 will exceed that of 1023 by more than 10000000rassuming tho continuation of the present rate of expansion in certain branches of production and the maintenance of the present level of prices of primary products there is good cause for the footing of optimism which has been observable of jate l the announcement that tho dominion govern ment has arranged to issue 50000000 of new twen tyyear bonds payable in canada will be welcomed by investors as a whole one of tho outstanding raitf in connection with tho bond market during vfntfew weeks haa been a shortage ot the highrr jl nd wiul swoww of victory rii5 on november 1 some questions rtarthe minds of many investors as to which their funds would find invest njfvqpporrunlty should prove aatlsfac pvbtic subscription is invited for 50000000 dominion of canada refunding loan 1924 4j bonds dated october 15th 1924 due october 15th 1944 principal payable at the office of the receivergonera at ottawa or that of tho assistant receivergeneral at halifax st john chariottetown montreal toronto winnipeg regina calgary or victoria semiannual interest 15th april and lbth october payable at any branch in canada of any chartered bank denominations 100 500 1000 an bonds may be registered as to principal only and bonds in denominations of 5500 and authorized multiples thereof may be fully registered these bonds arelnthoriied under act of the parliament of canada and both principal and interest are a charge upon the consolidated revenue fund- j- price t 97 and accrued interest yielding 473 privilege of conversion puhwero of bow bond ttwy nuio payment on october mii mat with victory uoixli ntur- ina november lbt l after detachw interest coupon due november lut sudl purchiul- ers will receive in eoah the difference between the face value of maturing victory bond und the prlco of the now bondu namely 3 per 100 aa new bond will be dated october 15th aoch purchasers will urn recelvo a bonus of onehalf months interest 211 thereby redodiuf the cost of new bonds from 07 to 0670 or a yield rate of 47w6 as the amount of this issue 1s limited to 60000000 as compared with maturing bonds of approximately 10700000 holders deatriruj to convert should make immediate application doiniilioil of canada bonds are the most attractive investment available in canada tua offering is made subject to prior sale and advance in prico and the right is resumed to ullot a less amount of bonds than applied for bonds are offered for delivery in interim form about october lfith 19 i when us and if ihhu cm and accepted by us v orders may be telephoned or telegraphed collect to any of tho undarsignud or may be submitted through your usual bond dealur stock exchange broker or through any bank in a e ames company wood gundy company bank of montreal the royal bank of canada the canadian bank of commerce dr a l price chiropractic exjsctrotherapy 130 upperwyndham strcot guclph ovir ii ynors euoorlenoe consultation ithke r j kerr auctioneer and real estate agent 17 toaja elxporlanco acton ontario bajoa entruatod to it j karr ra- calva attontlon from da to of llatlnt to data of aa10 ut your aajaai with ma naaldenco liowor aveniia acton phono 3 aoton call at my agents wanted tho careful attention to our oua- todiera ordara and tho aplendid a took aupplled for yearn paat war rants ua in having a repraautuvi or two la inlm county ubaraj commtaaloos froooutfll writ at once for ebccluatva tonitorjr thoa w bowman a son company iudobvtlle ont star nuraarlaa jekgltavl cbrkhmowstvibr teranro canaoa good glasses if you weed them jood advice if you dont our huumliitttluna tall whether your tiood la ouaaoa or a clin tin o in guua a d savage tomtrist to canadian paalnc railway co bavaab building klltt u tliu 1ost ooloo uuelph ontario the national city company the dominion securities corporation limited