Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 25, 1924, p. 5

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h v- v r y jvl tiiuhhuay kltsuqeit 2b 1 there is pan8ie8 take tt van momurliw awml scented lathered whllo hid morning daw jkrenrlir- tho silver of the cooweba liouit u r no picked at dawn for yoti yell w fir tho day of sunshine wl lt f r days of peace and rente i uri le i mi foi fcaau end high duy wh nnl fur the dayn love blest tur myself i keep the block- an memories of grief and mi in keep thorn hidden lent their shadow kail across ygnr heart again mildred howolls the sunday school lesson for sunday september 28 twenty years ajo from the issue of tha free press of thursday september 29 1004 mr j il an irrson blacksmith having electric light installed in hop are the telei hnno ortd telegraph poles to im palnte 1 mr keever i yoii order it he companies mini com ply iutyour townr into effect messrs o v ooodeve a co who are anions ur uveal merchant havo put in a national coah register of tha latest improved tyim- the harveat social of the ladles aid of the method tat church beld last thursday evening win full of interest- te programme wui literary and mualcal and contributed by the hale quartette messrs hill will lama chapman and wh llama mlsilertle smith alias dlngman mis abtxfet the misses mason messrs a c chap man e j moore and ii p moore with words of greeting by the pastor refreshments were served by the ladle aid knox church sabbath hchool ob served children s day lost sabbath it waa a helpful service and a largo number of parents and friend were born ttjckbr in acton on tuesday september 27 19q4 to mr and mrs w hv tucker a daughter eluott in georgetown on tue day september 37 1904 to dr and mrs elliott a daughter married glover prout 1 acton thursday september 31 l04 by itev ae smith ii d- mr samttef clover of toronto to celesta second daughter of mr thomas prout aoton hufibandbbownat beech croft acton the residence of the bride mother on wednesday- september 38 1904 by rev a c smith b xx xr a p husband at manor man formerly of acton to nellie ex eld est daughter of the lata alexander brown jr died peuutyuankuled by a c p r train in toronto on friday after noon september 233 1804 marcus h ferryman aon of thomaa p jr in his auteentn year wrestlima with a grizzly a few years ago mr howard woe jpu a contributor to ftoreat and stream went with a friend named keppler on a hunting trip into the semenow hula there on tha even lag of the first day of their trip they had one of the moat remarkable ad ventures that baa been chronicled in a ions time we had finished supepr says mr morgan and were comfortably stretch ed before tha ore suddenly we ware startled by a most prodigious anortliur and irdnunt and out of the dark neaa accompanied by an avalancbv of sand and gravel slid a big griaxiy bear with a about of warning keppler sprang backward tripped- and fell dlr ectly into the path of the bear the grlsaly probably mora frightened than we were and grasping- at anything that offered to atop his mad flight oaught keppler round the body rolled tmr a couple of times and brought up with a crash agai a big ash tree at the foot of the hill fearing for keppler life i reach ed for my rifle but a swirling after math of the slide swept me off my feet and pert way down the embank ment as i crawled to my knee j made out by the flickering light of the ore keppler locked in the deadly am brace of the bear backward and foe ward they slid in the shifting sand keppler long anna were wrapped about the bears middle and bis face was burled ut the brute a hairy breast aa t watched afraid to more the hunter slipped and both fell with the bear on top over and over tny rolled with the man clinging close to the great body and the beast flawing tuft air and snapping hi jaw viciously mi enino i li4uop ok climstfa minihtuy ilevlew uolrion text un til it dootl the will uf vod abl lath forever i j tin 3 11 joy to thn wirlll ihn ij rd in ofno ict rarlh rrcelvt her king ll every heart 1 renro him room and heaven un 1 1 uluro alnn review by question and answer july when an i vlirfo was jesus tornt what waa the nngel a message t the shepherd t were tlteri i eotatlons nmopg uo gentile natli nii of a coming klngt hliow tt a dovolop men of tin mnaslnnlr hoi n nmnnc the jews were the worll wide oxpecta tit ns ot the advent fuiniledt has iho world wl in algnlticanrn of the advont yet hcen reef tcnlsn i t july 13 in wlnvt town did jenus spend his boyhood wixnl kind t training did he rtcelvc in hln h mqf what is tho greutnnt treasure tt tho homet what la our grratciit oppor tunity for christian iter vice did the town life of nararotli affect the boy hood of joaust vhat 1 th effect of bdyh nd nurture tonuvy in the city unlry what differences t whyt july 20 who wo j hn tha ijaptlsl t what waa the nsturo f hla moasagot why did jaaua sek baptism ut the tarilts of jchnt what waa tho root moaning of thn baj tlm of jeaua wpat does christian baptism mean to ut july 27 when and where did the temptation of jesus occur show that his experience was very real what three forms of temptation may nasal ust with christ a ay mt a thy and in aplratlon can wo meat our tempta tlonst show the duty t good cltl sens to remove umnta lions august 3 who wu john the bap tlstt how dl i he snnnunco the j rea ence of jesus what disciples dl 1 jeaos call into i la sorvloo at this time what kind of men were they what is the socret of christian wlnsomo ness august 10 whore did jeaus imjrfonn hla first mlruele how did this rolr acle give honor to domestic life what wsa tha effect of the messianic hope upon the jewish home what is the effect of christian belief on homes of today why la the home the fun datnental social unit why does the prosperity of church and state depend upon the home within their territory i august 17 how did tho dealers and money changers show irreverence for qods house under what clrcum stances waa their trading a leglumaia buslneais what was the attitude of jesus- toward greed what form of greed waa to him peculiarly abhorrent are there modern instances of those who make a profession of religion fnr flnancla advantage august 24 who was nicodemus why did he seek a aocret interview with jeus in what respects may religious experience of individuals differ show that whatever the form of that experience a divine element is always present describe three types of conversion doe jesus life throw any tight on which form shouiattw most cultivated august 31 who were tho somarl tans how did they feel toward the people of jerusalem what important quesuon did the woman of samaria ask concerning worship what was the answer of jesus what is tho place and value of worship in the religious life september 7 where waa jesus when he nealed tho nobleman a sort did he think that it waa necessary for jaaua to be in capernaum to haal hla son what was the result with the nobleman and hla household what can faith accomplish mention aome of the heroes of faith immortalised in the eleventh chapter of hebrews- september 14 where was jesus brought up was he a regular ut tendant upon the services of the ayn agogua where did he preach hla first sermon what did laalah mean by the acceptable year of tho lord7 september 21 what preparations did jesus make for hla first proachlng tour name some of the towns and villages he visited what difficulties did he meet how djd iho leper hep this work show the value of medical missionaries do we show our gratitude v dslly readings for next week monday september ta matt 10 1- i tuesday september 30 matt 4 18- k wednesday october i luke 5 111 thursday ocober 2 matt 9j s3 friday october 3 mark 6 3d 43 not staitd the strain for long hu legs which he could not protect were torn end bieedlng 1 began to realise that i must do ajnmathlng and tt quickly i bcram- bjrd up the bank end dug frantically in the sand for the rifles at last i grasped one shook the sand from it sjnd steadying vr against the great boqiaer waited my chance to put an end to the struggle suddenly keppler let go sprang backward and ducked like a flash not a second too soon to avoid a vicious blow of those great open claws i raised the rifle no nol don t shoot mr morgan ive got html called keppler breath jasaly a he dodged quickly behind the boulder the bear rushed headlong- toward us stumbled and brought up against the rock with a thud his great body crumpled upon the sand heaved spas medically then lay still x turned to keppler the man was drenched with blood with a cry of horror x ran to him but be motioned ma aside and dragging the huge bulk of the bear orsrjn u side pulled out his eight inch hunting knife which during the battle be had managed to draw and to thrust up to the hilt into the grly heart kyccpt for a violent shaking up an j some badly lacerated shins keppler was none the worse f w hla experience canadians seeing the world canadian are travelling abroad eg tenslvely this year in the past tour mpfltiwl ft m t 0hwu kaye pan leauad bwen more than uu number of people ere travel ting because one passport aufflcea for a manand bis wife tha urltub kmplre exhibition now being held in tiondon england is the big attraction but otherwise cranio is heavy and team ship accommodation for mima months has been at a premium there is also a noticeable increase in the number ot patrons of special cruises tho principal centres from which this sum mere traffic i drawn are toronto montreal and winnipeg ultl ish ot tawa agenelee have been doing a jtir fam at job for a versatile man according to a london paper tha ladys magaalne for 17 it contained the following comprehensive udver uaement wen ted for a sober family m man of light weight who rears the lor i and can drive a pair qf horses he must occasionally wait at table join in household prayer look after horses and read a chapter in the lllble ho must rise at sevuii in the muriilng obey hla master and mistress in all lawful commands an 1 if as can dress hair sing paahns and play lit crlbbng ao much the batter wage fifteen guinea a year keppler powerful aa he was could saturday october 4 john l 43 kl sunday 6ctober 6 tea 40 ii three streams op tradition in the united church of canada we look forward to greater things ahead we will have a richer inherit ance in the three groat streams which wlu bring to us all the great achieve ments the noble heroes the valiant martyrs the saintly women the rich heritage of each to he the glorlou treaure of all john knox that bonny fechter of the lord will belong in a new sense to all of its ao will deep thinking john calvin we wlu alt sit at tha feet of buoannah wesley und learn from her the secret of that holy firs which flamed in her sons charles and john or wo may all turn with a new sense ownership to the seeing eyes o blind john milton or tp pastor john robinson of the i ilgrlm father as he tells them the lord had more truth and light to jreak forth out of his holy word what courage und devotion will come to our oil id re n as they learn of l spiritual army behind which they march the left wing the seven thousand of the- covenanters whq took to th heather hills and the cayn of scotland ruthor than how the kue o ilaal the right wing the sturdy iruualdea ut cromwel who smote both with the sword of steel ui d the sword of the spirit und bwhlnl thtse gs that magnificent cuviilry qf the almighty those me 1 hod i t circuit hd era whu aid so much for the early day of our own end t thr landsl too tbue le was foi 1 of 1 luyli g silly j kes on his wlfu an i hid til e he thought he had u winner my laar he sail i have just hoard such u sad story of a young glr to day they lh ught shi was going blind and d a surgeon operated on her and found year gasp i the wife breathlessly that she s got a young man h her ausihfedh ht htbnd wit tyw chuckle after moment s si lance the wife remarked slowly well it would all depend on what sort of a man it was some of them she could have sun through easuy enough a jltl of au trades there wus once a wj man who found hersolf compelle 1 t tinrn her hying in a large city with n oawl ment but good nense and luct aid a knowledge of housekeeping she hired herself nut for od 1 j u jn families of mad era to mean sho may sj en i t dwy making ovu 1 urmful of silk petticoats out nf ave ragged onus sho contrives two good onos to morr w he may called to u house whore a daughter recover 1 1 g from grip is troiil led with delusions tho girl needs a cheerful parson to sit with har walk with her and pernundn hnr that thn vt ices sh lieara will vunliih with returning health again tho useful woman undertake the task of chuperonlng a stout girl to a gymnasium and encouraging her to persevere in her efforts to get rid f superflou flush from there nhe goo to a dressmaker andu iii led for a client whone figure resemble her own she la invalu iblu when there is death a household sho kn ws exactly how to arrung the detail of n funeral to give the leust pain an 1 the most comfort to the bereaved family she is wonderfully useful whan in qntertalttrnent is to bo urrunged by people whl need carefully to consldir expense for two dollars a day h will do what a caterer would do onli for five time that sum and her wor t ha u certain refinement and dlstlnc tton of which the hostess may be- proud ho this onteri rising woman has built a business which mauo her u verltahlo jill uf all trades rrorn ml llnery and catering to nursing an undertaking in every lepartment of her multiform activity nhe is guide philosopher and friend to her em ployers and throws into her service genuine sympathy and womanly wis dom no wonder she mudoa a good living the drum iemcattor driver th man with asthms almost long for death to end his suffering he sees ahead only years of endless tor ment with intervals of rest which are themselves fraught with never ceaa lng fear of renewed attacks let him turn to- dr j d kauoggs asthma bsmedy and know what complete relief it can give let jilto but uso it faithfully and he will find his asthma p thing of the ast two good reasons pat is so fond of erpresalng hi views on subjects of national import nee that if he cannot get a listener it dees not upset him at all he just talks to himself lie was a gaajbner and his emploj er at last got very fed up with the man s constant muttering und one day said to him pat doean t it over occur to ypu that your constant muttering and talking to yourself are a great annoy anca to other people why do you talk to yourself shure air replied tho irishman t have two reason for that what are your reason one of them replied pat la that like to talk to a sensible man and the other that i like to hear a aen 1 man talk fall fair dates list of these in whloh aoton people will be interested abarfoyle caledon durham erin fergus predion georgetown milton rockwood streetsvule october s september 24 26 september 20 october 1 october 9 jo j september 262 october 2 october 24 september is 27 september 30 october 1 october jl october 24 a trifling mistake tha wife of a man who- had enlist ed in the ngvy handed tho pastor of a church the following note peter dower having- gone to sea his wife desired the prayers of the congregation for hla safety thef minister glanced over it hur rledly and announced peter bowers having gone to see hi wife desires the prayer of the congregation for his safety household medicine they that are acquainted with the sterling pro pertle of dr thomas electric oh in the treatment of many ailments would not be without it in the house tt la truly a household medicine and it is effective in dealing with many or dinary complaints it is an inexpensive medicine so koei it at hand as the 11 for it may come most unexpected iy on lha streets of toronto recently two traffic pollcemep after having lierrowly eeenpod being rw over by mntorlfns who failed to obey the traf fic algnals arrested the ffendora and dlsof varad that they wero intoxicated and unable to control the cars thoy wore irlvlng several rocent motor accidents on the streets were followed by the finding of liquor in one or other of tfrtnlarnaged care an indleauon as to tha underlying causa of the disasters s me of which have fatal result these incidents must lend thought ful itfsens to ask what would happep on nur nnrrovf crowded toronto atreeti were there a hundred or more open bars in the rlty to slake thi thirst of pfthalng mbtorlata wlthar dent spirits thn inevitable result would h n frightful increase in motor car fatalltles especially amongst children thin continent cannot have both linn motor car and tho aleon prohibition became almpat inevitable when the numl er of motor car mount id to bllllni a how it save i the situation was told in ihn american magna i ne not long ago by the i resident of the black an 1 white toxlcub co whloh operated 000 cabs on the street a of how york he said wo believe that the safety of the public 1 n thn streets of our large cltl fcavcr- mv increased na a re- of 1 rohlbltlon under prohtbf we have paid in damage for personal injury only about onethird 37 8 per cent of what we paid or tho same cause before prohibition 1 have concluded that the my way to account for the difference is tho sobtloo of tho people in the tree la and i have to admit that our drivers are part of the public and that since prohibition the standard of sobriety among them is almost absolute in estimating the various factors fqr and agalnat tha perpetuation of prohibition in ontario the motor car vpte nnl the mothers of uttle children cannpt he overlooked to them the open bar and the drunken motorist would mean imminent and deadly peril ajd over haunting fear the toronto olobo muny huve boon relieved of corn by holloway s corn itemover it ha a im wer ot it 1 wn that will be found effective a little wisdom hot words cool affection if 1 raise is due pay it if you oan t take criticism don t of fer il if ut drat you dun t uceod ask yourself why if ynu can t afford to lose you cant afford to win look after yourself and the doctor won t dbk after you how to succeed is pest learnt from why others failed rush through life and you ii oome to tho end of it far more quickly the length of a friendship tf often determined by the shortness of a tern w if you want to draw a good salary you must earn the reputation of being worth t 1 you can t see your way to fame and fortune it may be because you httvelct 6 ttiany go in front of you where their pennies went th sunday school teacher had on a lovely new-dress- which the children greatly admired all of them ex pressed their approval of it but tittle mary finally she remarked thought fully we had to bring our pennies to sunday school for lots od lots of sundays before you could buy that dress dldn t we teacher harper s magaalne bbsbblsfml fly pads p mrs reynolds and the bor rowers mrs hayes had finished i er cull nn 1 risen to go and yet very clearly there was something 00 her mind at thj door she turnod impulsively i don t know what you will think or me mr reynolds but i feel aa tf i must warn you is if it wouldn i be right not to ilaye the car i tons been oyer ytlt cno one has been her to call but mrs carle ton has stopped at tho gate once or twice mrs hayes heel to ted she wo no lover of idle gossip that wiia clear its just tho way they borrow eh said and you never get things back or if you do nlna uu of toi they are spoiled they borrow overy thing- almost the shoo off your feet tbjmfc you very much mr jtey nolds responded cordially i appre rlata il i have several things i should not care to lose she waa laughing a little and her warm handshuko sent her caller away comforted half an hour later mrs reynold had another caller the oldest carlo ion ghl sho made her errand know without any embarrassment mother m broke her carpet sweeper and she wanted to know if she could borrow yours cause company s com wont you sit down mrs roy nolds asked pleasantly when is your company earning ncrnt i guess i cant hhe com lng to night 1 so yud wanl tho sweeper for to day that is very convenient for me my sweeping day la to morrow i know you will bo busy with company so tell your mother not to bother to return it i u come for it myself in the morning the carletonlltrl gave her a puxsleu look i dunno am well be through with it abe ventured this was clearly an experience for which she had no orders a glint of laughter lighted mr hey polds eye if you are not through with it you can send fm it again she sa d she was a good as her word tho next morning sho went over to th cgrlelons fur her sweeper mrs car leton received her somewhat stiffly but mrs reynold chatted so pleasant ly that she soon thawed she even save evidence of her good feeling hv sending over in the afternoon for the ice cream freeaer mr reynold was glad to lend it she herself it appeared was to make ipe cream saturday mr carle i on iced not bother she would send for the freezer in the next week the cejioton bor rowed a lawn mower cake tins cur tain stretchers a udder and a pair of scale mrs reynolds lent each thing cheerfully nd went for it with in two dais tho second week ue borrowed only garden shears and s cutting table the third week mrs carleton came but only to call ive wanted to aak you mrs hayes said hesitatingly one day when aha mat mrs reynolds how you get on with the carle tone rob very pleasantly they naven t borrowed anything for a month mrs hayes eyes widened i don t aee how you do itl she exolalmed umfiina j stat enameled ware has 7 i externally or internally it la deed when applied externally by brisk rubblnc dr thomas ejdectrle oh opens the pores and penetrates the tissue touching the seat of the trouble and immediately affording relief ad ministered internally it will still the irritation in the throat which induces coughing end will relieve affections of the bronchial tubes and respiratory organs try it and be convinced oov crn ment control and sootleqqinq etc give u government control and do away with bootlegging say aomo cluxena but government control and bootlegging are the liquor traffics in separable siamese twin one clean in the city or hull pq- netted persona engaged 1n bootlegging bordeaux jail was sometimes half fill ed with bootleggers dopevendors and addict indeed the accommodation was ao taxed but winter that many mere had to be sent to quebec ity tqceus stora pronfeta croon and dewrair unexpected company arrives but its easy to provjdo for them with falrbank s bakery bo close at hand with the finest of bread cakes pics and all mndsof fresh pastry always on hand and your visitors will appreciate them as much or more than homemade baking because they are better good in gradients and experience in baking make our products hard to equal have the wagon call r fairbanks bakery phone 116 mill street acton not by my vote intoxicating liquor may be sold and men may get it to dnnk but not by my vote truth may be wrecked and character uimanucd homca may be destroyed and women find children beggared but not by my vote children may be caught jn tho beer art a re the vie it ins of alpohol may fill our jalla almshouses ami tisane asylums not bytmyvottt tho liquor traffic may impoverish and degrade the people may produce illness disease aqd pauperism may breed anarchy and crime but not by my vote i 7tho people may through their government engage in the liquor traffic and for a consideration take a reward against he innocent and bargain away the public health and the public morals but not by my vote stevens u p of brlush columbia where government control prevalla saya nw in the history of ihla province was bojotleggtng 00m parable in magnitude and murderous result to what u is o day botllti carolina had government control for 22 years ebollabed u in favor ox state wide prohibition in ltl and that state waa called the bootleggers paradise dry haywood of montreal g oen era hospital in an address before the canadian club last january said montreal is now the only city in america with a recognised red light district every other large city in america la under prohibition arf ex mistress of a montreal brothel id to a prominent montreal social worker you are anxious to clean out the red light dletrlcu that is easy out the drink we can do nothing with a sober man but we con do anything with a man under the influence of liquor the brothel and the bottle are in ae parable u la usually safe to say that when child- le pale sickly peevish and restless the cause is worms these parasites range the stomach and in teetlnes causing serious disorder of the digestion end preventing the in fant from deriving auatenance from food millers worm powders by do stroylng tha worms correct these fault of the digestion and aerve to restore the organs to healthy action the melting pot the reason some of ua make such a poor flat of life is that we are not wilt lng to be put through the process f removing the dirt that lias underneath the surface trk away the dross from the silver and there shall come forth a vessel for the nner we have the ambition to shine and all pien worthy of the name really desire the true ring of the untarnished metal but lng to be put through the process ot elimination but there can be no true refining without suffering and separ allou the droaa ha t come to the top and be cast paid the uiun who whl nag about trouble and who- com plains about the mlarortunea and die appointments that hai pen to him ha not learned the great lesaon of ufa there shall come forth a veaael for the finer let that be the sella men of all who are or hit in the buttle of life and covet the victor s palm solomon in the shoe and jaathor jour nal tmprovemertror homesur roundinos that the farmers fit western canada are now giving increasing attention to th improvement of their tjomt sur roundings is shown by the tact that they have not only planted s lm 000 trees distributed from the canadian government forestry stations at in diet head and sutherland haskat tchewan this ynur but have also 1 ur chased large quantities from t rivata nurseries smp the smooth surface and polish of fine crockery without the break age and it is so very easy to clean just like china and therefore piakes light jvork of pot washing try this test take an smp enameled ware sauce pan andan allmetal sauce pan of equal size into each pour a quart of cold water pot on the fire at the same time the smp saucepan will be boiling merrily when the water in the other is just beginning to smpware awe ofporcmlain and a heart of stmf railway time tables nadian n at acton no 30 no ai no 32 no sb no 29 no 35 sunday no 0 no ao no 34 no 24 bunday h 09sm lojbaun 221 pan 602 pan wipjn lojoejn 70c ajn 11 lsam uejuo 17 pjn si2 pan 7japxn wnhrh est lirkt m so waits aetata wbtt i lain oftal warn tare caeia pare wait lavioa aaa eat with rr1 btea ia sheet metal products co montreal toronto winnjt edmonton vancouver galoa orcamaea a complete line of s m p prodocis jas symon haftdjed by hardware acton dully fi nally dally dally daily dally dally dully dally dally dally lvxcit hundny dally dally dally dally dally daily dally chevrolet a canadian car for canadian conditions i vijew care can boast of being bo thoroughly x7 canadian made as chevrolet with the exception of certain essential motor car acces sories not now made in canada chevrolet cars are built not merely assembled tn canada motors axles and other heavy parts aro made in the mammoth general motors plant at walker- vilie while body building top building small- parts making assembling and finishing is done at oshawa m v herrce every dollar you pay for chevrolet helps build up a strong canadian industry that is giving employment to thousands of canadian workmen there are many other reasons moreover why you should investigate chevrolet chevrolet stands up winter grid summer under canadian conditions of road and climate and delivers quality transportation at a lower cost per mile than any other car and chevrolet price though it is much lower than yon would expect to pay for a car so fine is the full cost oe the car and its equipment there arc no extras to buy before you buy a car at any price have ua demonstrate the superior features anil equipment of chevrolet ask om nboat the gmac deferred jajunenf plan fbcoaonaatbasportakl0xk fisher king hepresentattves for this section call on them at and they illll on vou v georgetown iadian national railways westbound 1 t m 1 ley electric 7 43 am 0 43 om 11 43 om 1 43 pm 3 43 p m c 43 pm 7 43 pm 9 43 pjd 12 v ajn v aj jf41 oj rilu3 a1 ajn 1 43 p m 3 43 p m c 43 pjn 7 43 pna 9 42 pjn 11 40 pm s freight delivered by special express freight freight picked up at any ad drees in toronto rwhinton watchmaker and jeweller wallp ant ue and modern clocks of all kind rcpairod and cleaned all work guarttntomd contract takt n lain npulrer f clocks at jvenslngton i aloco army and navy club naval mil military club carlton clubs etc apers stat ionery china etc full ntikic of school huppllcm reader histories arithmetic scribblers ftc pens i one itubbers klc new wai xvafb its tiiih week r w hinton 8ucesonto late qo hynoe acton toronto t gibbons expert shoe repairing prompt attention to orders left t e gibbons main street actoj spies d3ooukwo9tv3bt ttoromto canada acton elevator near q t r station following brands on hand flour manitoba flour pa8trv rolled oats oat chop oat8 oilcake hav and grain grain bought and kelailed alex l noble henry avvbey manager worms in children tf they bo not attended to vuuse convulsions an 1 often death mother graves worm gbttermlnator will protect th chll iron from thee diatre lng affucuona castoria mother i rietchers castoria is a harmless substitute for castor oil parcgoru teething drops and sootlung syrups prepared to relieve infatitt in irii i ind children all ages oi constipation wtnjolio flatulency lo swtlten stomach diarrhea regulate bowels aids in the assimilation of food promoting chcorfuluess rest and natural slyxp without opiates to avoid imitations alwayi look for the signature of cos ftnvgi tlfwtiom on rach imrlinifr lhyluani avrywucra recominend u free press job printing is always neatly done this stores policy to represent goods ex actly as to their quality to ell to those who knoyr and to those who dont know at a uniform fair pries to fulbil all gujknateesjuisl stte fully correct all mis takes to deserve your confidence by always giving you satisfaction savage co gublph ontario

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