Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 25, 1924, p. 6

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uia tip v spwbgtjwtf chanrd fee t mwwlsg rat 7 birth martlagm joci death joe hcmmui curia ger per lute ealr mr sotsta born haturday an 1 un floo bell won t married bobfivron cahtkh on wcdnu lay koplnmlier it 1034 nt lb quel pit nap tint parsonage by uh itay t j hind phyllis eldest laugh tor of mr j carter to david u ltuhertson eldest aon of mr and hra q ci itobertaon r vert on died j bfll at ooderleh on baturoay be p ember 19 114 david wuua1 infant ton of mr and afro fred bell mcintosh at her residence ctulph street acton on friday september 1 1834 mary mcdonald widow of th lata nell mcintosh in her 77th year a snider suddenly at toronto gen eraj hospital on sunday september 31 1934 hov d w bnlder of it3 junaon avenue toronto formerly of milton neighborhood news- town and country 08prinoe relumed munroo to io the trip mlaa flnirti jj cut hco home wltli llov und mm i rt wayni in i rtioy in by motor the farm work in uit ttrnnuoui now aa at any other time of the year corn cutting turnip j tilling fall plowing and ibo fairs i ring claims for every day this vlalnlty contributed a largos number of visitors und soma exhibitors at acton- pair u artnn 9ree glmv tiiuitabay 6bpteuber 25 lslt brief local items l child on the highway la a dan i- ger signal slow up fihelburne and aston fair were hw on tbe aatne days thla week qovernment control la a get back scheme of tho liquor trafne tho usual oqulooxlal rains come with the autumnal equinox this weak uncle bill soya theres of folks broad resting from station b u n k poultry raisers report moll flocks of goese and chickens this year ducks are more numerous the maples and sumachs and wild vines and creepers are now assu pretty autumnal tints the ontario temperance act has taken discomfort and poverty and misery out of many homes both m p barry and the turnip dowers association have been snap pier turnips here the past week the sower beds at the canadian national railway station never- looked more attractive than hey have the past week the walls and rooflng of the sec tion of the sola leather tannery de stroyed by are last month are rebuilt and almost completed rev a h moore m a- editor of the bu johns tjae news has been appointed president of the univsrslty of kins collie halifax nova scotl it is recommended in toronto not to aell fireworks to any child under sixteen to avoid danger here we for old their sole to people of any age to avoid dancer an ordertncounou was i on august it forbidding the shooting of wood and elder duck until further notice hunters should fcmtko a mental note of thls change acion chamber of commerce wui meet in the jsown hall this evening to jpomplete organisation the ehcecu live win meet promptly at 715 u prepare their report acr hiram a bwacahamsr 1 the acton representative of the liodera tlon lasagne he la engaged in the effort to secure votes against tbe on tano temperance act sunday botaool rally day in the various sunday schools of the com munlty will bo an occasion of special interest it offers a fine opportunity to the whole family to attend enjoy a service of unions features a bad wreck occurred on tbe c p r near psaunch station about one oclock sunday laornlnar whan sixteen ears of a wastbouad freight train left the track and ware ditched the cause of the ac was a broken rall the damage was ooneidarabla iter hector mclean missionary from china on furlougn will preach in the methodist church next sunday and apeak at the sunday school rally mr mclean is a former ibrlp boy and many former friends and neigh bora win be glad to bear him milton at a largely mtenuod meeting bold in knox church school room friday evening to organise the town for tho coming plebiscite vote the following officers were elected chairman prln clpal snorey secretary mus lisle campbell treasurer mr ceo oow ling ward committees east ward reeve blaui jan mockrldge w ii stewart north word w j mccieo ahen v peoxen o kl ilousfleld south ward r e harrison- j maxtodb earl i ballinafad disastrous ore occurred on tho farm of mr c a downs lot 33 sixth unv on monday mr downs was at umehotua attending the school fair and mrs downs was alone at horn when she noticed tho barn was anro it was destroyed with 00 tpns of boy some groin and a number of implq tnents and other farm chattels the ore la supposed to have originated from spontaneous combustion the premises were insured in the london mutual fire insurance company hockwood m p barry has already ahlppod nearly fifty cars of turnips this season moat of them have gone to the united states tbe corn on a number of the low- tying farms on the eramnaa road was badly frosted during the cold spell wfeek br so ago the honey producers of this section complain that the crop this season is much below that of average ye the price of hoifey is consequently higher there were over 1 000 in attendance at the jsramosq school fair held on tuesday of last- week nt s a no at lntereat being taken in the judging odnteetg in which the juniors distinguished themselves the tobu number of entries was g2b news of local import acton hloh school finld day the annual i la 1 day of tlur acton contjiiuatli n h li ol will he held woitli i i n iii ins ul r xhlultton iark on knturli n lir 4 i cffln nlnir til 1 3d p i uliorp tho nvrnln in the f ur rlmtni oimhlj n tt r lon tlnuntlun put lla un 1 th rm cm for ititilla hcliool i upllm vll ba ran oft concurrently for tlm m nt part thank offer no sarvjco at km chureh tho thank oftnrlnir metlnx of the young woman s auxiliary of knox church will be hold in tho clone room next monday otciijur hi lamhar 29 at eight a clock mr ii guthrie fay roturnod mlnulonflry from south am orlca has ifren nortircd an ihu speaker for lh ovonlng ills add r ran will l uluairuted with lantern slides the election o tie is la for helton judge fhiol chairman of tlm flee tlottj board for ilulton has looued hln proclamation naming places and tint as for the heurlng of romjilnltils or ap peals with regard to the votonf uats w l mccready received his com mission tm returning officer he had that appointment in the last dominion election and performed his duties to the satisfaction of all conccrncm with tho aiperlence gained thnn he will be all the bo t tor qutillffod for his position miltonaj school fsir m succeu kons j apoufsb gontat nsm at brampton last wednesday 9 3 robblns of the streetavlue hotel was charged before police magistrate moore by constable la see of that village with violation of tbe ontario temperance act iflvtdenoe went tct show that four bottles of aooderbam a worts wbiekeyhad been discovered id a pile of weeds in tho tear of rob- bins hotel and that jtedrs dault bartender had been seem going to the ptacetor hiding and to the iwtelasveral tunes durlna the sunday the officer secured tbe liquor rabbin was 11 t00 and oosts dault was lined last month having been caught with whis key in the hotel hr inspecinrbsavely at a session of the police court held at the court house milton last fri day walter forlow pleaded guilty to being into a charge preferred by chief chapman a fine of tl00 and costs was imposed another charge against forlow tor being tn- toxlcataal while driving a motor car was dismissed the information not having been laid wftbln the ten day required by the highway traino act a charge against george morlev for being intoxicaied was also dismissed at the same altungof the court for jack of jwrroborating evidence while in tbe court boom morley was served with a summons for viola tion of tho highway trafflc act pre ferred by chief mcpherson morley pleaded guilty to this charge and was fined eofl and cos at brsojxoa on monday robert young of mono mills was charged before police magistrate moore by in specter iteevely wltchaving liquor in nui hotel liquor wag found in tho dressers in two upstairs bedrooms toung was convicted and a penalty ot 100 and easts imposed w b morphy prosecuted and c el mcaceown m p p orsngevllle defended the yd torne tbe puplla of this school dla morkably well at the school fair at umehouae on monday in the scholars marching contest this school won third place in a very keen con- petition trie o prlxe list will snow that quite a number of the schola won prises for individual ex hibits lome public school took an unue ual interest in tho township school voir at ltmehaiuo on monday a large number of entries were made and a fore shore of prizes were won this school s slogun is quite loyal and ingenious three cheers tor tho red brick educa tional spot with all its scholars right on the dot the playground surrounded by maples atond lome school seems tho dearest old spot in- the land l is for lorne where everythings one o far ontario the land of he mine rn for right north on th old second no- for basquesing our township of pine hip nip hurrah r i mirfons public school knlr held in plthe agricultural grounds at milton rm tt har day proved to uo a record breaker tim nttondanco of l c00 peoplo was tho biggest yet and tha exhibits themselves good enough for the county fair the exhibit of flow ere was the best and largeet in the history of the rural school fairs in haiton county tho public speaking contest for boys under 10 years was won by john shorey son of principal jlnorey of tho milton public school while tho public speaking con test for girls over to years was won by roberta mlcble international plowlno match the international plotting match tractor and form machinery demon stration under the auspices of the ontario plowmen s association will be hefd on october 15 b 17 and is at brampton on the well known farm of b a bull a son adjoining tho town several hundred acres of this farm hnvo been securod for this iro portont provincial ovent the loca tlon and the character of the form make ideal conditions for the purposes undertaken in the very comprehensive programme arranged there will be numerous competitions for plowmen with horses and with tractors and most interesting demonstrations ofthe work and operation of the different types of machinery used on canadian farms appliances whfoh can be econ omically used in the farm homo will also be on exhibition the ontario hydro commission will demonstrate tbe value of electricity for use on farms it wli bo a memorable evenf for this section of the province nod farmers generally should aim to at tend with their sons and other mem- of tho ramuy the prize list is very generous and oners many c for compeutlpn mr lockle wilson is managing director and his long ex pert en ce in superintending these sni nual events is a guarantee of u ceaaful outcome e people s store i sssssssssassasawsi fl i f i i l i l ssswasssssssassoss- has values for everyone ladie men girls boys the peoples storehflvo number of girls coats left which will bo a surprise to tjyone knowing tho value ot coats these costs sro not damaged n any way f sod must bo teen to b appreciated tour choice of any of these for aboeuu boys suits limehoube rev w m mckay has been ap pointed interim moderator for george town and llmohouse and will ofhcite until a now minister 1 called ttrsberlff graham neuson of- saskatchewan visited tils nephew jno newton- and other friends of lime boose vicinity recently while mr c a downs of the town line eth concession was attending tbe schpol fair here on monday word came to him that his barn was on firs he hurried home but the are was far advanced when he reached there and was totally destroyed with the- seasons crop mr douglas gowdy leaves the first of the week to resume bis studios at knox college toronto tho home of mr w j ritchie farmer on the fourth una was de stroyed by fir last friday a spark from the kitchen stove set firs to the roof and was well advanosd before the blase was discovered the behoot fair on monday was an event of much interest the attend ance was good and tha exhibits ex cellent many think tho school fair a doing- mors touisplro interest s excelling- in improving articles eat- blted than the bigger fairs the schools which took a part pn monday talnly ahtrwedksen interest and an admirable esprit de harps in saoi tlon to numerous individual prises i school won aret prise la the marching- contests also a few more boys fall suits tweed and worsted sizes 4 and 5 years at j250 each six bays suits sizes 31 to 34 at 40 and 475 just arrived boys two bloomer suits sizes 27 to 34 750 to 1000 a fountain pen wili bo given away wjth each of these two bloomer suis these pens have been tested and found reliable 0 they are equipped with tho famous ball point pens mens twopant suits at 21 we have also jus received a number of mens twopant suits to sell for 21 men have a look at these and tell us what you think of them v a 1 00 razor hone will be given with each suit purchased rxkrate coats and pullovers both laditts and gents selling at 98c to 5-00- fall dress flannels new flannels for fall dress goods in a variety of colors 32 inches wide at 125 per yard- ladies raincoats only six of these left come white tho getting is good as there ire going fast regular 0 00 value for 238 flannelette blankets just arrived a nice assortment of differ ent sizes mediam and large 276 and 2g ladies winter coats we have received a number of- ladies winter coats and now ts the timd to pur chase and we are inviting you to come and look them over try the cash way of doing your buying and save mgtfcy alterations to lapies readytowkar promptly attended to bull street acton mrs a reesor phone 9 tmcjlean co for underwear wo stock the best ftfakers buch as turnbajfa penmana and stanfldds keep warm by wearing fall weight natural wool i perunanh shirts and drapers ah sizes in stock at 125 each penmans comblnatjorei sizes 34 to 42 special at 2j0 suit turnbulls pieco shirts and drawers at j200 and pf each turnbulls combinations at jx50 and 440 ladles vests no sleeves fall weight at 76c ladles vests short sleeves fall weight at 80c and 85c ladles bloomers cream and pink fall weight at 85c 100 125 and 150 ladles vests silk and lisle at 125 and 150 ladles vests silk and wool 200 and 225 monarch down wool the price of this wool ta higher this season lay in a stock at the old price andsave money mclean co mux street acton ont i 1500 in cash prizes how many words can you nuke from the letters in tho throe words shef tteld bkln soap 7 j600 first prtw jndges are oanker educator an4 clergyman send stamp or circular and rules sheffield laboratories dept 10 aurora huqois erin mrs w aooder and son of olds alto wore the goeats of or and mrs abbott last week be t oliver of quelph conducted th sun lues in th disciple church hero on sunday as he did the previous sunday the fifty ttth anniversary of si andrews church ftlllsburg proved dne of the most sucoeeafut in its his tory the serwcef the day were oonductod by the rev thomas doqos 21 a of cbeltanhatn aniuvarsarjrpervloc all three appointments en thcorton rloes were held at fellow electors ninety per oent ef the tslk about bootleagars tiu u aa judga by what y4i oee net by what yew aretalo the qnuho tmparanoe aet has aooampllshed much during the few yosre it hoe hsen in fores dent 90 back te jd oendl- vonst let us eisn to perfect the present law ad dewittnel ads- quits anfereeiwawm a a hrhoirson piwsldsm looat commltue aflethoallst circuit last sunday rv j dllta of roolrwood preoehad wlttr much aooepiance the orajtgarllla rvesbytery whldi met in jcrtn uxt vesk passed a resolu tion of ooadelance tu the wife end famuy of fbe lat uv j c wilson of weybhrn basic and formerly of acton two of tlie youngest children of mr w armstrong win vlluige had quite a thrill the other day when they ware getting a ride to school on the light wagon with their older brother who was bringing nttllt to the station the older lad bad driven the horse through the gate ajrd left him standing a moment while he shut ihe gate just then son of the sflhooj papers the i children were carrying fluttered in the d and ran away with x the two chili dren clinging to the seat while the anlpial ran madly toward tha village whoa shout opposita 01nglck storu several men managed to atop the frightened anlmoj without injury to the frightened youngstess magistrate watt reserved judgmant i saturday morning in a case in which william nixon of hulsburg was charged- with -typeraung- s pool room tn the vulag without a proper license the defeooe pohited out that the pool room wag operated jiy a oltu an4 was not jpporaua for gaj which did not tps3ssjtiiahje under th restriduons placed l wpo ouch places oasratuur without ucensee jitxmu 1 satlfcrts rer credit auction sale fresh milk cows springers young cattue sheep and piaa the undersigned bos received in struotlona from allie evans to sell by public auction at lot 15 third line squaalng on tuesday september so 1924 at one o clock sharp the following cows registered bohrtcln oow fresh calf at foot holatbln cow fresh calf at foot durham cow due sop tomber 22 holsteln helfor due sep temper 3 jersey bow due september 31 holateln cow duo october 1 boj- stein cow due october rolsteln cow due time of uuo ifolatoln cow i due october 4 holateln cow duo oo tober i holsteln cow due octuber10 hblsteln heifer due september jersey cow springing uolstolq heifer due oiitobsr sayrshlre cow with calf at foot i durham cow with calf at foot durham cow springing hostelu caw calved about a month lie lateen oow due november 4 holateln cow due kovemher 10 llolslein hlfer dne november if ayrsmre cow due tha last of ieoamber t durham cows due the first of january holslelo cow due in january holsteln cowltunj december 1 durham cqw cabred about it months jersey cow due in january durham oow due in december a cows due in march durham cow fat dur ham heifer fat ayrshire heifer dur in january 2 pan jvrsey heifer 3 holsteln heifers yearling in calf 2 ilolstein heifers not in cull tfolwo cattu3 yvcll bred dur ham steers ynrllnirsi s spring ooives 1 durham bull 1 var old shkef and p10qwjq good breed lng awes young 10 pigs heart foody for market e pigs about 4 mtfa old 10 pigs about b weeks old pure bred yorkshire sow due time of salo tamworth iow due time of sale yvrtwhlie sow bred shout a month thttsjrj0 00 und under cash ver that anuu 1j months credit n approved jolpt npfes iar ainim off for cash ben fetch aucteftee w wixhon clerk corporation of tbe village of acton take notlfce that the council of the corporation of the village of acton has constructed as a local improvement concrete ild walks dn the following streets name ly on the south easterly side of church slreet from victoria avenue to the bridge with necessary grading on the south easterly side of church street between willow street and john street on the northeasterly aide of frederick street adjacent to block on the north- westerly side of bower street from lot 131 to iot 114 the north easterly side or wllbur street adjacent to lot 50 in block 7 the cost of the work is 91 03s84 of which s18 u is to be paid by the cor poration the spdaj rate per foot froqtage la sc2 cents on church street be twoen victoria avenue and the bridge and in respect to the others 483 cento the special assessment a to be pal 1 in twenty annual installments the estimated lifetime bf the work is twenty years a court of revision will be held on tho twasileth day of october a d 19u af eight o clock p m at he town hall acton for the purpose of hearing complaints against the pro posed assessment or the accuracy of frontage measurements and any other complaint which persons interested may desire to- make ami which la cog nlble y tho court- dated this twentyfifth day of sep tomber 114 t h n farmer clerk n rearing auction sale in esqltesino townhhtp farm stock implements etc has received in oavio radcufpb to sell by public auction at lot 18 concession s rsqusslng t miles west of georgetown pn monday september 29 1824 j at one o clock sharp the following hok3hs 1 hay mare 10 years old 1 blaftkr horse 7 years old 1 clyde oolt 1 ye ol4 cattck 1 red oow bred nassagaweya 43rd anniversary sevlees of m presbyterian church were held on sunday rev j a- mc ftenzlo b ab d or ouelph was tbe eloquent peeecher tbe maple jlcsxj3uortette of gait were present and led intho service of praise the open season for j brook trout ended last week a number of mutoo and toronto young people with a chaperon bad a corn roast at the club houae near campbellvlllv on saturday evening previous and some of them remained there until monday evening uttla fishing was dons but a few fine trout were caught one weighed a pound and a half start on monday at gudph boalnesa college quelph ontario approved coaraes bsdmrhn ijrtroction every graduate located it is a fact k there ore good remunerative positions awaiting you when thoroughly qualified a t bouck prlneisal and propristor latest models of fall hats silk velvets pan velvets hatters plush and felts come in and make your choice miss j galkatth millinery and fancy goods store phone 109 uffl street esquesing agricultural society the fall fair at georgetown friday and saturdayocl 3 4 450 in purses for races special prizes horses slnalu high bteppor tfy la itoy dale stasia turnout road by jrovinclnl papw ullis boat road harae hy the praldont seat ooueral purpose ilorae oo roln evana by w t tt 1 red cow bred june 1 1 roan bred cow bred april 3 1 holsteln cow april 2fi 1 holsteln cow bred june i x ilfilstslp cow bred june 6 1 ho sfeln sow milking stsu hoisted cow mukliuf wel 1 rpftn cow milking well i red cow milking well 4 hstf era l year old fl steers 1 year ty4 z steers two old s winter calves 8 spring oavea hogs 8 brood sows is pigs t wcpks old 1mplementb1 peering binder gdodoondiuoi 1 deertpg mower in good condition i hay loader haosey harris 1 dump rake massey- narrls 1 18 dlao drill 1 13 tooth cultivator 1 dlao harrow 1 wugon j stock and grain rack new 1 rubbertired husay 1 cutter 1 team scuffler 1 corn bind or 1 walking plow i four section harrows many other small articles harness 1 oat double harness 1 set single harness new pojtrlytjrf- reserve os the proprlet vlt mp f fsrtrtlna tbrmsoie 08 ow that amount furnishing approve jo notes i py cenl per annum ajtioi eash 1 ftpti v f rtywyk- clerk atmo esults with a thought for your pocketbook what outfit shalu buy let us help you answer the question we will be pleasfd to demonstrate sets banc ing from 35 00 to 300 00 of the following wellknown manufacturers j crowley marconi qenrtone westing- house and strombergcarlson saturday treat ask at oaf candy counter for a one pound box ot martha jane only 50c id we also have a large and varied assort ment of other packages of chocolates ranging tn price from 30c to 3 00 let us show you our assortment maplfi fudge 25c to ourfndges are favorites with everyone for this saturday ve offer you a fresh- maple fudge with lots of nice fresh nuts tn it to make it tasty regularly 35c and 40c tb saturday treat 25c lb weekend chocolates 32c lb just a real good assortment of hard and soft centre chocolates in assorted flavors including caramels creams nougats crisps etc rpgularly 50c ant 60c fti sabmlay special 32td ie cbeaju and ugpt ljjnclp perhaps while town pwfl shopping or for r atrpll yq9 fc1 you would like something to cut or drink you don jmftt know what wc urc ture if you look over oyr rqequ you wu and just what you want whether it boioo creim or a light loach neilson s ice cream in bulk or brick always in stack dest lady driver by georgetown costing mills best agricultural norse on rein by bank of nova scotia norvaj best wajron horsey 1st by urowns itakery 2nd c b turner milton best farmefs turnout single by h k ander son w 1 beet saddle horse ridden by lady 1st john irv ing 2nd by win oowdy m oo 00 s 00 14 oo 4 00 5 00 00 4 00 phone 65 v rumley acton ontario cooler weather afore meat with the cooler weather your body needs jnore rfleat and who can supply your requirements- better than w patterson weve been at ho business long enough to know how to keep and cut meats so that they will be the rnost economical vnd yet appear to best advanugo vlkn sotved oq tho tabic we do our own killing which gives you added assurance of the finest of meats always a oomploto stock of finest pork reef lamb veal and cooked and cured meats on hand from which to chooso tho cut best suited for your tablo if you dont see tho ploco you want ask fox it canned goods tho unest brands of canned goods are carried in stock for the c of our customers whcnordcring thcirmeat needs cannectvcge tables canned meats pickles etc phorre iqyr deliver promptly beat roadster horse to walk 100 yards trot or pace half mile speed to count 60 per cent confor mation 40 per cent to be hitched to foarwheled rig by w j 1 hampshire f 6 00 best half ule dash saddle horse let by bank of commerce ind by i i hughey 1 10 00 special colts by mcneil 1924 4 jockey clubs of ontario via ontario jockey chib hamilton jockey club windsor jockey club and niagara racing association who are responsible for tbe placing of thoroughbred stallions throughout the province have offered tbe sums of sle 10 and j5 prises for colts of 1024 sired by mcneil which is in charge of james llovalrd brampton beat herd of horses not less than three 910 off any article purchased front massey harris co 10 00 beet oeotleman driver by s groat 6 oo best dairy herd 1 male 3 females 1st by a cattle mcolbbon ind by w a appal bo beat dairy cow by h it minims best registered femalo under 3 years o o brown beet holsteln cow y t u teeue best calt nut necessarily registered shown by hoy or girl this prise to b given by ir marcellus best jersey cow by prwln a ooldhom pios and sheep beat pep of baoon bogs nr leas than nuck ai t brown aoton ontario 5mp watch our windows friday und saturday tot sp4aj w j patterson corj4kk h1ix and maim strbghs acton ont t rest pe tine wool led sheep by j bpaumom 1 beat pan leicester bheep fay e y barraclqugh- ishbqeumnepup 1 bust s ve butfer by v a millar 1 best lbs butter by d j matthew x west nis butler jno nell 4 best 6 fbs butter by d hiill 6 best ihs- butter pair ladles shoes by hcny 8 best drxsaed ooose by a m qrandy 7 best dressed ooose by d livingstone 8 best dressed uooeo by e barnhlll f beat pair dressed ducks by j a brown 10 best pair dressed chickens by bennies grocery 11 brst pair dressed chickens by r if thompson ix best pair dressed chickens by w r- watson is litest s pair dressed chickens p hutlcr 14 best homemade iouf bread targe by v olarkaon is best 4 pumpkin plea by directors is beat layer cake by hi rout a 1ott mtlion it beat- display uf ilioy by myrluy peillr 15 best dlnplay of arltoles uiulo in ueorgetown by j ii bingham i heat display in hell by mrchant or manufao turvr by bank of montreal at 10 bonnlaet baby by hrown s buknry silver mug under 18 months si beat sample or wheat by w b browne co- nurval 14 lb bag national pftstry ttfouf j u ist culiecuon lloffiemadu baking by w w- browne co nerval j lb bug uf national asry kjour u test llomemede lanf of uitud by w b browne lh- nowal a ih bojt kinks choice bread friuut nn u beer colleviion f sslry by l ucnahb ffoe off uny phlr u shy u ilinybln hhua store t by tlm t kl u t r nt vuf u beit twq ttili t uhltkftis uatmuipl by hii lndlvldus uvwior an l ulmn wl i 1 ax n it wy an ivutqn pjlsi ut any fhlf mince ll tlm chulo of the folio wins l cr hot cloak ulub baa tbe clulh vuluo from r f by jm mre ltest half lasen tunn liuiald i year v lsrgret llaif dosen byvii lion fcggs ilotajd year 10 00 i oo a oo 3 o0 6 00 s 00 rf 09 s co s do oo 1 pq t oq n j t oo ft 00 e 00 00 00 5 00 k oo 5 00 s 00 00 b o0 e o0 3 00 l to 4 04 3 o0 ft oo k 00 t i iii 1 1 m beat and nrftiaat 1 lb lluier lleraldi 1 year n ium oilurf humid i year ijlfui aulaw tedelryertnotfimor 1 60 1 o i fte 120 yur i township u poot race 1mm1 i t i ho iim uik1i i metuwii and vuluo i 00 3 oo ladies work ust ci herd it tv tiy work ii n tl n dish by c c wiyd 3 oo ust ciiljctiloii ft km y ik utah ly o rgf town iwdy by j m mb rv lutli 6 00 idmml n- jfree prefyjob printing x always neatly done i v

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