Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 2, 1924, p. 1

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ihufc v fiftieth year no 14 thursday morning october 2 1024 acton ontario canada thursday morning october z 1024 single copies five cent the methodist church i acton rev j08ephu8 culp p tor psreansas willow st 1100 a m the minister subject conditions of fruit bearing 230 p m hunday school mission ary sunday 700 p m trie minister hubject carole und venturesome presbyterian knox church aoton minuter rv a c btiwirt m a manso willow street v 1100 u iri th minister buhjeot reality in religion 100 p m sunday school s00p m bible class studies in malthow chaptnr xvil 700 p m the minister subject tho impact of thr chrfntlan on tho world strangorn leaving address with the usher will be called upon by the pastor atit- are cordially invtthd special notices fob sale quantities of maple syrup eoc per quart ji7s ton pound tin 141 r n drown property for sale solid red brick houm s room mwl- ern convenience a real nap r v kenton u4 acton chevrolet car for bale run two yearn now buttery smarter and all complete 100 for quick male not necessarily cash apply dox 16 freteprkss vacuum cueaneb rent royal eleclrio vacuum- cleaner to rent term 1126 per day 76a half day will be delivered and called f 111 acton hydro s for sale singer sewing machine in g dltton sew well very seaj apply to l btarkj ice avenue wanted a girl to help with house work small family uptodate house near town country girl preferred has murray fisher jjj froeman picture framing certificate diplomas and pictures natly framed furniture upholster- lnft remodelling- and repairing d v kknyon 124 wallace avenue aoton house for quick sale fl roomed brick house storey-and- ahajfc hard nnd ofl water in the house in stood condition with good lol miss m mellon corner elfin and agnes st strayed to the premises of- the undersigned lot tl concession 1 flver piss about two weeks old owner may have same b prewngr property nd paying ox- panaea thomas p watkins first i4ne card of thanks the undersigned desire to express her sincere thanks to the friends and neighbors for their kindly ao and sympathy during the sickness and death of bar beloved mother also for the beautiful floral tribute and mas miss marion mcintosh- farms for sale as farms in the counties of halton od wellington varying from 40 to jdoaeraa let us sand you our list a number of homes and business plfteea in acton for sale fire n4 life insurance money to j a smith real yttn agent phone 105 aoton out who are we were thebusleatglrls in town and when we start we go i but all were asking you to do fawajtrtithls oolumn grow lol no 467 acton member and vfaltlng member ore hereby notified thavthe ooqber roosting will be held oar the secqn3 frtday ofltpbp loih instead of thursday also the w m requests every member to be present at the county church 1arude to be hid at milton methodist church oc tober 1 at iqo p m service to te taken by the rev w lawrence of toronto deputy grand master et thctforp w m o dutchburn reo see g- wonderland friday october 3 ponjola- adapted front cynthia block- leys novel blurring anna q- nllsson uhdjnmmklrkwouit a story of pari and the african yeidt cpmedy grandpas qirl jlodifv i1f lrush thunder saturday october 4 troiib shoottt starring tom mix comedy pain a you kiitor fox new kduoatlunnl reel school days in japan tuesday october 7 married love an nnglhih pleturo chapter 4 of utith fit the ranee com- dy ttmllln- troubln a l gregory son announcing our fallfashion promenade showing the authentic new modes ori giving models to be held on monday qctober 6 in the afternoon from 300 to sqo p m in the t evening from 7 jo to ojo p m an orchestra will be in attendance rt both performances and there will bo plenty of beating accommodation for early comers no sales willbe made in the evening r monday will therefore be an interesting day to make your contemplated visit toguelpb to acts the lovely new fashions furs millinery wraps frocks blouses accessories etc living models willwear and display tho best and most desirable of this seasons apparel fashions for women and young women you arc invited to attend one special value that must- be- told about 1mb week ua too good4o keep back coats at 82500 good looking vejour fabrics whose beauty js accentuated by the smooth lines of tho coats with furs and novelty otitcheriea applied- here and there slender trig charming ah sizes from 16 years to 44 bust measure more generous values than youll probabty expect to find for just 2500 d e macdonald bros ltd guelpffs leading and largest stoke weekend specials smiles n- chuckles we have just received a fresh shipment of smiles v chuckles in half pound ono pound and two pound pacakages also a big shipment in bulk at oqo tb ask for our now dcs- scrt piece turkish delight in strawberry and vanilla flavor nico and mellow regular ly 40c tb weekend special 32c lb assorted chocolates the best buy on the market largo assortment of hard and soft centres boxed in half and one pound lots rogulorly 40c a soc lb weekend special 32c lb light lunches wo havq a full menu in hot drinks and light lunches come in and let us convince you try a cup of our coffee icecream r wo are carrying a full une of ice cream bricks ask for a fresh fruit we also have bulk ice cream and eskimo pies mill street acton hwiles w will v v6u mny if you will ut ua school days means new shoes for the kiddies need r staray shoes you wjusnd our prices right quality comfort and wear considered mens work shoes made by tho best makers at prices very low considering the quality tan and black plain too and too cap fdjb shoes for menrwomon and children all the beat leathern patent colt kid and calf our stock is alu newthe proof of the boot is in r- the wearin0 harry harrison the shoe man newllnes of travelling bags and suit news of local import a btlrrlng bermsn on prohibition itev mr 8 tow art preached ft stirring- lormon on- prohibition at knox church last sunday evening tbe duty of all elector who have an interest in main tuinlns tho ontario temperance act wua vary emphatically sat forth womens i netl tuts meeting the rarultr meotlnf ox the womens institute will b6 held at the home of mrs j c q amble no 7 croscont friday october s at a oclock urine your sons books jlolf call answered by uacful susvestlons or reolpee mrs- j is ofunble secretary high sehool athfstlo day tho annual field day of acton hibii ond public ucbools will bo held uu saturday october 4 in the park a full afternoons protrammg of sports will be run off by the boys and girl of the high and public schools the probtammes giving full details of the uftemoons proceedings are being dis tributed the international plowlnpj matoh this big agricultural feature of the province for the year wui be held at jlrampton on wednesday thursday friday and saturday october 16 it 17 and is it is to be held under the auspices of the ontario plowmens as- eoclation provision is made for all classes of plowing- by team and trac tor the prises offered are gonerou the event will attract agriculturist and others from a wide area muskoka moter- clubs success tho muskoka motor club of bruce brlugo in lost issue of the oaiette tlvvs an interesting- resume of what hue been accomplished throujtb the efforts of the members it supervise the park devoted to the motor tourist and has mail 11 t really valuable asset 1o the town this season nearly vooq tourists registered and gave many ex- presalona of tbelr appreciation of the camp and the conveniences it affords effcrrts are being made to increase the interest and make the brace bridge camp th objecuve for many more campers next season improvements to acton armories a week or so agt a staff opcer from tho buildings department of the militia department ottawa visited aoton to inspect the armories here he decided to recommend im portant improvements to the premises these embrace a new floor j a fifteen foot extension to the rear to permit of the installation of a miniature rifle range a general cleaning- up of the interior and the providing- ol better lighting- this would render the armories much more suitable for militia purposes and also for 0 civic and fall fair uses to whlcji it has been put for so many years mlsslonsrles from china qive earnest address rev and mrs hector mclean mis sionaries from china wbo are visit ing mr mcleans boyhood home in erin township delivered addreasea in the methodist church and sunday school on s uiiday they- gave much interesting and emwuraging informal tlon respecting missionary work and progress in china their eoru have largely been in the province of tuo nan and much baa been accomplished there botli bev and mrs mcjuean aro vary earnest in tho preservation of the spiritual needs of the people and the opportunities for spreadlni the goopej receptaeies for waste psper etc tho council 1a supporting tbe cam paign which has been going on in these columns for months for an abatement of tho waste paper nuisance on the streets lasjrt week chief hp- phorson erectsd a dumber of recep- uoles for paper wrappers envelopes candy bags djgaretta containers or ange and banana peels etc these are distributed at convenient place aldoo- tb streets thoughtful persons wllj deposit waste paper eta in these receptacle and thus assist in keeping the streets clean and tidy there win be no further excuse for dropping them on the pavements while walking alone tet us all make an earnest offort to keep actons streets tidy hsltonvsaehers convention the annual convention of halfon and wentworth inspectorate will be hold in the normal schooltoronto on thursday- and friday october and 10 a programme of much interest has been prepared the county teachers who are to give addresses are mrs minnie b moore of acton on first year in school and miss k nell of qlonwullams on composition in forme 111 and iv inspector denyes mutoh will conduct a halfhour con- ferenc peat urea of the two daya will be attending a meeting at maasey hall on thursday evening to be addressed by hon b a l vlsher late minister of education in the brlush oovern- ment and vlalung toronto schools on friday afternoon miss el brown oakvllle is president and miss m z bennett acton secretary the third line crossing is discussed a very danrerous place where roadway is crossed by the canadian national and electric trains auaoestionb to bailway board for improvements to avert danper at the september tnuotlng of tho ksqueslng- township council tbe dan gerous condition of the thlrd lino crossing near tho dolly vardan lime works was discussed ut length at this point tho canadian national linns and the blectrlo bailway lines both cross diagonally and tho tracks arv obscured from vlow ori both sldos it is a marvel that serious uccldiinta have not occurred here it wa moved by couikulnr appelbo seconded by cojncthin owdy that tho clerk bo and is hen by instructed i to write the cunadlnn national elec tric hallway re crosslnic on 3rd linn township of issquealiir tho saidroad is a very dangerous on- tho council is of the opinion that in order to mek said road reasonably nf for traffic that the roadway should bo made suf ficiently wide for two vuhlnloa to pasu safety nnd tho b rutin reduced ditches to curry water n llei this an underground croauffiffori ol inal roadwity as this crossing has never been accepted by the municipal ity of ksquealnff we fool that tho nail railway la responelblo for present conditions and aro llublo for accidents carried moved by councillor jjiwdy hocond- i by councillor apjxrtlti i that tho troasuror pay john ioiit ppreadlnc quarry chip on dublin crossroad- c days at 1300 per day 11hq0 sooda supplied by john a urown to mr hackle par order hoard of health i27c king- edward siinltaiium for consumptives re harr 1conard cji1- llngham j6860 carried moved by councillor oowdy second ed by councillor brown that tho treasurer pay john h smith placard ing fumigating and inspecting- from march si to september 17 and o kd by board of m00 payorvm mcdonald hauling- 13svi yards gravel to lot 37 on 6th lino at 40a yard s8m6 pay tho moffat hauling as yards gravel to town linn erin und spreading some at 8opor yard igfllt pay e w draco at yards gravel supplied to thomns moffat and lldfrfc yards gravel supplied lo william mcdonald 201 h yards at 1 5c yard 15058 carried moved by councillor urown second ed by councillor appdbe that tho treasurer pay vyta somorville work performed an division no 4 933 nathan dredge work j tor formed on division no 7 2391 tims kilty a loads gravel at 2 6c 300 w xawon flour supplied for india tint tl00 it- darling 489s yards gravel supplied on no g fl72h0 alex uwhon balance on division no 17 i1dc0 m j cart6n work performed on division no 1 117416 half tuho recovered from nassagaweya robert stark jr work performed on division no 18 13914 arthur wilson wrk perform ed on division no4l 47e27 running grader t days at 400 pur day 800 total t27 carried moved by councillor appelbe se conded by councillor gowdy that tho treasurer pay thos coxofor putting 100 yards gravel on hi hulsnaboad at 1100 per yard spreading gravel and und or brushing 2000 j29 yards grave i at lo per yard 193 total i1393k pay j m monro for printing 31241 pay bell telephone to hoptomber 1 14 lred hurfmon refund statute labor 8e0 carried moved by councillor appelbe oonded by councillor 11 row n that the treasurer pay lu b s cunningham for plank supplied for bridge 160 pay arthur wilson tho uum of 30f for valuing russells shout claim puy r b hume 23 yards gruvel at 26c per yard g68 wm hampahue for s2h yards gravel at 2 go per yard 691 carried council adjourned to moot on oc tober 20 at 1 oclock it anaetan mans ohatwlfh a traveller a reputable mtlsen said to tin panaysterday we hear quite a lot about oovertimant control these days- what do yon think of the ouebec brand f i met a clothing traveller yes terday who said he recently visited hull quebec he said hs walked into a government vendors shop and asked for a bottle of whiskey hs got the bottle and paid for u and asked if no could get another oh yes said the government vendor ypu can get all you into to buy bat i can sell you but one at a time the traveller said be bought and paid for three bottles with out leaving the government vendors shop the bottles were all sealed of course but he and bis friends wareot long in breaking ths seals thats the way government control t works in quebec and thats the way it would work in ontario takes high aundidjl in exams reports of the examination results of the special summer course in arts at queens unlvejtblty kingston were published last week among the auo- cegsful students was ajmee bpelgbti daughter of mr william h speight toronto formerly of aoton alls speight had the honor of standing first in mathematics tu a class of q0 and alghtp jn a class pf 40 in ffngltsh misa flpejgh hasoatspieted two yearg of the ooureeof arts and pctg- in two veare mora to have tbe degree ol b a this la exceptionally credltabl oonsldorlnf toe fact that whlla taklnit this- specjal course miss speight has continued her diiuea as a member of the city of toronto teaching staif miss speight put in her preliminary wmk in aotoa- pubuc tw high police court news hob cook some yar ago wlnnur of wide notoriety by bis exploit in running wild with a gun und terroris ing orangevlllq and adjacent territory was last wednesday lined 130o apd cosu by pollceiagistrato h vooner at orangevllle for havlpw in his pos session spirits known to tiave been manufactured illegally two young men in milton woro charged before pol let maglstratu moore with being intoxicated in a public plaoe one pleaded guilty tho other not guilty chief chapman gavo ample evidence to warrant noonvlo- tton they were each nnud 11000 and costs obituary oeohob wilbghieb ex- treasurer krln in tho death of mr george wheeler njttroasurer of erin township at his farm home on the second une of the township on september 2bt tbe ad vanced age of nearly 84 years a most estimable man competent and capablo in many unas baa gone to hla reward mr wheeler enjoyed his usual robust health up to about ten days before tho etxl came when he did not fe so well on the morning of saturday the 20th hs had a paralytic stroke from which ha never rallied deceased was born and reared on the ancestral farm near illllsburg where ho did his port a pioneer to tbe full in helping to make a comfortable home he was married about u years ago to elisa beth jane uattywbo 41edwlx years ago there was horn to them a family of eight of whom six are alive namnly thomas and william at tm homo robert on tho adjoining farm george i and walter in bnunosn township and mrs thomas btnnlo in tcrin township these with other relatives have the alnoere sympathy of tho community over the 4oasofa devotod and affectionate father an3 friend mr wheeler waa a man with more than average intelligence aksen student and well informed upon movements and current events a con servative in politics bat broad and openminded he was no hidebound party man he was a lifelong advo- nd upholder of wry movement g foi temperance and he lookd forward with saiiafaotlon at the thought of casting jiia vote at th coming plebiscite in support of the retention of ontario temperance act for 3 years ho was the faithful and ef nclunt trooeurer of hla township and when ho retired from the position two years ago- the township tojnark their appreciation of his long and moat sat isfactory service presented him with a fitting address and a handsome gold- headed cane which he greatly vajuoj kor a number of years he was treas urer of his church the presbyterian at illllsburg some thirty years ago he purchased and moved to the home whore he died and among bis new as with his former neighbors be was holdin the highest esteem as a most mnd ond obliging- friend and neigh- bor ever ready with cheerful word and helping hand a most genial and companionable man always fond of hearing a good story and fulhof stories of his own the funeral with inter ment in tho htntlay cemetery took place on saturday the z7th and was one of the largest in attendance of any previously held in that township the floral tributes were numerous beauti ful and approprtata the family pas- rev w j booth officiated and ut tho service in tbe homo mr and mrs david o root sang as afluett most touching manner many mansions the pallbearers were mussrs james mllloy ex reeve of tho township sam huxley clerk wm h rowan and a d ttrr who for many years were auditors of the township accounts under mr- wheeler sam olbson and henry moore jak gram mr george h wheeler son of tho doceased waa for a number of years an esteemed resident of aoton the editor at brampton onmondny w a col- una a horseman in that town was charged before police magistrate moore by inspector heevely with haying liquor the inspector discov ered two bottles of liquor in colups office and a jug with a further supply under a ton of hay in the lofl collins fined 300 and costs jumoa hav- erson k c torontq was counsel for the defence and crown altomuy mdrphy acted for tho prosecution three young mon from uuelph who appeared in an intoxicated condltlun at the fair last wedtipaduy evening were nabbed by chief mopheraon they camo before iulloo mnglatrun moore on monday nvonlng und nach pleaded guilty the ritiuu imposed enrich the municipal tieunury by 46 when put on oath as to the source of their liquor they each nwor it wuw chokeoherry wine which the inptherof oho of the young men muilu two yenm mio at a sejtsloii of tho imiiikt court at oeorgetowti on tueaduy nfluriioqp hor- bert louis hughes wua churuod bofneo pulce magistrate mooru by datecttvu llokllng of tlio cunadlnn national hallway with indecent txinsure ll pleaded guilty and threw himself upon the- mercy of the court ntatlng thut be wgs to u urge extotil the support of his parents hla rahr iwlng lu- capacltated after untitlng into an undertaking to avoid uny loitering upon ths railway premises und to conduct htmself in ubecomlng maiiiier at all times he was- given uusihtndod aon- tenoe and placed undiu- the survvll- lance of chief jsikaoatittlolltie- con st a bu atkins who were innfructed arrest him and bring him before ll magistrate for sentence it any further misconduct wasobsarved pa notable and very brilliant jlis piny or uortbtirn ugltm ucilirrel oi tuesday evening of lati- wsek the sky was bej gbt with dtiilliik llgtiu shooting in alrdtreouoii tho hgu were tpe urlghtest seen in years acton chamber of conunerce membership is orowlna and now flwohm owrjtmjr- tho second meeting of acton cham ber of commerce was held last thurs day evening and this meeting was at tended in very gratifying numbers sevurul dtlsens requested accept- ancaufcihembera and the membership unit toe reported encouraging- muc- tho euecutlve committee presented their report on constitution and by laws this was adopted with a few amendments the matter of the cutting off of the 18 p m passenger and mall train going east by the canadian national railway induced quite a lively dis cussion h was shown that the lack of this train had already caused much inconvenience to travellers and others and that it had militated seriously against the students attending the guelpb schools a delegation comprising the presi dent 1st vicepresident secretary and dlreator coxe was appointed to confer with mr c k horning general pas senger agent toronto to place before him the facta and to endeavor to have the train restored the need for si rest room at some central place in the town with neces sary conveniences was pointed out by several mstohexs after a free discussion of the matter commit toe was appointed t6 look into the subject secure data and report ut tbe next meeting of tbe organ isatloo the question of the proposal to oon- jct acton waterworks system with thai of the beardmore cos system was aura discussed it waa felt that tho municipal council was now engaged in investigating this matter any action be deferred until their en gineers report was presented the subject is one in which the members ore vitally interested tho meeting adjourned at ten clock not acting for the modera tion league editor vwm paces willi reference to the statement that x tun acting in tbe interests of the moderation league i have in say ths ttutemont la entirely incorrect i am not engaged by the moderation leagnt or any other organisation opposed to tho ontario temiwnnoo act and will ho pleased if you will publish this and thus have the erroneous state meiit corrected i may say that ray activity in en dvuvorlug to have those- entitled ti vofo pluced upon the voters lists is due to u desire to have a complete volov list for the general election nf tlio house of commons whloh is likely to biltlfl next year on this list hiram a bwaokhamblt auto n usptembsr 36 1934 bi i- air at milton the fins waathsr and saturday half holiday biusft large at tend ansa exceptionally one weather was re ponulble for the recordbreaking at unduiioe of 13000 to 11000 people it tho halton peunty jhthbitlon milton on saturday the midway win bigger and mora attractive than ever ths display of horses cattle sheep and poultry sur passed that of former yearn especially the poultry the entries and exhibits being the largest it th history of the society milton uand was a feature and dig- uoursod splendid musio during th day best exhibition ever held by acton fall fair longer lint of entries majrnlfl- cent showing of horses and cattle social and personal the ideal autumn with its sunshine and its haze brought out an im- menses as far as exhibits are concerned the actoh kail valr of 1934 wollpsed all former ones not only were the en tries more numerous but the quality averaged exceptionally high out standing features were the horses sheep and cattle poultry flowers ladles work butter and baking and garden produce strong competition was seen in almost every seoon this year and high quality waa required to capture the prise tickets thyllye stock which has always been a tea turn in acton fair was ex ceptionally creditable the exhibition hall never looked o well as it did this year the removal of the secretarys office from the building made a large amount of extm space available and much better or- rnngemenl every bit of space ww taken up merchants had a number of attractive displays flowers were wonderful display this rear aster and gladioli were the big feature but dahlias also made a splendid showing ono thing about the exhibit of flowers was the growing interest taken in hbaulifylng their home surroundings with them a number of farmers wives won tho laurels from the local growera of experience thlawas true the dahlia and other exhibits the receipts for tho year are be tween 300 and boo in advance of those or last year and the expenses will not likely be above the average so that the financial situation is quite encouraging the following la the official list of prlxcs awarded heavy horses heavy draft brood mare hobl tuck r w lowrle geo finney spring colt robl- tuck george finney oneyearold gelding or fiii7t7n is mcklnnon nell gillies a bona twoyearold gelding or filly n mcklnnon james el campbell threeyearold gelding or wuy w f roles general purpose brood mnre r w lowrle w h allan spring colt john graff w h al lan iv w lowrle oneyarold gelding or filly a t- mann jno draff rem rlddier a sons twoyearold gelding or filly s rlddier st sons throeyearold gelding or filly o a wllsonr andersdn james de- innoy agricultural brood mare n is mcklnnon nell gillies bons llobt tuck- sprlnb colt james e campbell n k mcklnnon r w lowrle oneyearold gelding or filly n mcklnnon john frank nell gillies sons twoyearold gelding or filly j b devereaux three year old gelding or filly g finney j t norrlsh- heavy horses in harness span of heavy draught mares or geldings n b mcklnnon robl tuck span of agricultural mares or geld- ngsa anderson span of general purpose mares or jmldtnge j w cantelon g a wilson wjdmcdougall horse specials graftons special j w cantelon a wilson graftons special silver cu john gruff r s ramshawa special n kl mc klnnon drown a mclarens special a t- mann jno graff angus mclean light horses carrlaae brood mare j w baxacy john mo- donald spring colt j w bessey mrs j snow john mcdonald rosdstsr brood lare n el mcklnnon mann bros w h allan spring colt w h allan john d mcdonald wallace bros oneyearold gelding or filly w il allan hgrry fatt two 7 yetr old gelding or filly h fatt light horses in har single carriage three -year- ola gejd lng or filly fred wrlggjeswiirth it- kerr geo lane i single carriage more orgemlng robt kerr w f orr 0c span carriage mares robt kerr w g elliot three yearold roadstei fjllyw r whoelsr single itoadster mare tr geldlng w h nutledge j camnell v rob ertson c0 span roadsters mare or geldlngi w h ruuedge j canpbeil d rob ertson mi co single roadster nlre or feeldlng paoer b h lindsay dr hutehlnson h devereaux i saddle horse marf or gelling j u- devereaux w 8 horse ulgtl stepping w f orr single ccurnoul- lady driver 1 mrs llobt kerr 1 ttmdem uobt potato iu light express say fred wrlgs fawiulamx f decisis orse robt kerr campbell- w c llessey w mowiuums horso f und- es worth light horse bal feet s und say goo lane lady rider 1 tbe james hori b races i1ix ir paee hits quelpb 111 hn prentiss a jucu powers j i radio b mcctui i brampton privet powel t m wllllam- son streets lie jamie rundatl j acton 2jsq t at or paee mickey todd mlt lindsay aoton 4 l v jom woods toln william son streetsville 8 t jir todd jj kefayon gallvs 3 gentlsmen road rsee wt f boies aockwood ii2- i 1 s h lindsay ltmfhousa s 3 p itobertaon a co milton s 3 dr hutchesoit qrampton 4 4 john campbell georgetown 5 wm hortop bvertou i 8 7 harry devereaux georgetown s t b modarmld guelph 9 8 tho best time made was t3l coutbtusd on pag4 tfo mr and mrs roy wansbrougb of toronto postmaster stewart of milton spent tho hay here j mr a l h emu tree t of milton w hare tor the day mr alex oordon and mr johry- m warren of toronto mrs- ll ii wordon of guelph wax among tho fair visitors- mrs g m judg ot toronto visited friends in town last week miss gludys huffman was home from toronto over the wockenu f mr wm miller visited toronto friends over the weekend dr harold v mowat left last week for long bench california mrs- j f hcmstrcot of toronto is visiting mrs a v oalbrolth mr chas landsbarough spent the weekend with frlnnds in milton miss lena conlello of toronto spent the weokend at he homo here mrs xharles oldham and mr and mrs arthuii oldham of huttonvllle misses jean and anna lindsay of toronto were homo for the weekend miss margaret kennedy of toronto spent the weekend at her home here mr and mrs g ii brown- spent the weekend wllh friends id toronto mlsa tenu thompson of guelph visited at hor home over the weekend mrs n f moore return od last week from a visit with her sister at bearas- vlue mr c a g matthews and mr pat- terson of toronto were here for the fair mr harold wnnshrough of tor onto spent tho weekend at boms here miss emma robinson spent the week-end- with her parents at kenll- wortb mrs john a c anderson of tor onto spent fair day visiting acton friends v miss ivy lillley spent the weekend with her friend miss mary stewart hi milton miss helen flavin of toronto spent the weekend at tho home of mr j j kennedy miss mamie mosales has returned rrom her holiday visit with friends lit vermont mr and mrs charles t mc of toronto spent the weekend with friends in town- mr marvin wilson of beeton visit ed at the horns of bis uncle mr h s wilson lost week miss lindsay of georgetown is visiting at tho home of ber brother mr rj f lindsay mr and mrs ernest near and chil dren of toronto spent- the weakend with acton relatives mrs james firstbrook of toronto and her slater mrs gibson of reglna visited acton frlonds misses jessie and marie mowat left on saturday to resume their courses at toronto university f mrs m edward who is in the guolph hospital for treatment is progressing favorably mr harold konnody left last week for detroit terminal office where he has secured a position and mrs wm landsborough and mr and mrs edwin landsborough spent sunday in milton rev and mrs hector mclean of china were guests of mr and mrs j ii denny this week mrs h t lepage of toronto who spent tho week with acton friends la now v litlng in guelph miss rubra nidson loft una week for mattloe algoma where she has been engaged asteachor mr thcvnas kllty returned from the guelph hospital a ytfw ago and is now convalescing rapldf mrs charles hynds aid master don- aid of toronto spent a few days last week wlfh aoton friends mrs a broad an mrs pugb and beverly of kitchener are visiting at the homo of mr b j reld mrs montague gregg and children of toronto via i tod last week at the home of mr george r agnew mr john williamson and mr and mrs- william vmhunson of toronto visited aolyn friends last week mr b guthrlo fuy was a guest of uev x c ohd mrs stewart at the munse during bis stay in town misses elsie freeman and florence wllkle of quel ph visited at the form- rs homoi few days last week mr j deacon oftoronto was here for hie fair and met many of his aoton ujld hul ion county friends mn and mrs it jolly and daughter of oklahoma aro guests of mr and mrs hobert bulon wilbur street mrantr mrs hurley rrtgnall uhd bttbyof toronto epnl tho weekend at tb home or mr james h reed wi f jlgglns has returned from ngllnd after spending three months wlththls mother at staines and with other friends g jenkins and miss alice held into sput tho weekend at the hoqif of their brother air s j held xou4c street andrew aitcheson of guelph andiidlss jessie dawson of chicago vlsltjd at uie hums of mr a mao- vloalwetk and mrs karl brown d mr albert brown of kitchener the parental home here last and attended the fair and mrs harold davis and the mio4f davis of mitchell motored to acta on saturday and p oouple of dls at mr joseph m i spent a t holmei mdj storr aotonll archibald and will m0 brandon who spent pa um- inor lstlng the briuali isles nave returifv bj11 b visiting friends in id nasaagaweya margaret mcdonald and mr ksnney undergraduates of university returned to their monday and miss jean kennedy went to enter her freshman year mq-

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