Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 2, 1924, p. 6

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spvttp swtrs jiak vi- i m imx news of local import kurru wci uw memorial hari -cards- oiw p sirs iq pca fcii xborn cockijuiin at ioc cedar hlreol wyandotte michigan on thursday tfentcmlxr 2g hh o mr apd mr ioalle cockbiirn n daughter low jcun married cattoiiaddow at weston on saturday september by rev itobt- haddow d d father or the bride marlon only daughter of ir ilobert haddow and mr lladdow of wllegmar wefton to ouarlwi ttdward second son or the lata major c j- catto and mrs catto york mills died wju3btar3r- in krln township on thursday september 36 ltn ooo elar extreasorer in his 8th jtpar- in meworiam oowdi thla la to express a vary beautiful memory of mra william oowdy who passed away at xjme house on september ltu matuokavd n iiopk- detroit mich deswick in levin memory of our darting kenneth aged four roanuu who fell asleep in jesus october j uttle eyes so soft and cent utile life without o eta to uttle llpe that smiled so sweetly xjtue form that suffered pain mother daddy and xjtue slater h acton 3xt jfctbb thot1sdat octobbr mm brief local items this is october octobers here it came along yes terday the reddening niaples are aiori- oua no golden rod has coma again with its golden flame begins to feel like fall la a very common exp these- days the school field day on saturday at the park weather permitting a urge number of acton people attended mil loft ah on saturday v take avenue has been graded and received a generous coating of gravel rev mr cotp was at terra cotta on sunday preaching at the harvest noma services major merrln kennedy la having the former masonlo hall converted ln- tara te stop bohoolboya smoking from now on any pupil of the milton public school caught sraoklntf jjlgar- o ties on his way to or from school wlu lie handed over to chief constable chapman who will asctirtaln from tiro pupil the source wt ulasupply of faga thjchlef wilt then prosecute the man who inlrl um rgnr to themlnor oetety rules or rubbleh keep things tidy dont allow rubi blsh to accumulate anywhere in the house or near 1l if you keep oily cloth put them into a metal box or can with a cover dont pile dead leaves against anything that will burn they sometime ignite themselves bury leaves dont burn uiem dont have old pieces of lumber cluttering upour basemenu jiave them cut up into kindling and then piled in proper place editor churchs silver wedding editor and mrs o it church a general survey is being made of the roadways in town emd depression are being ruled l the monetary tbnsw notes the or- ganlsmtlon of acton chamber of com- meree favorably beechnuttlng will be popular thla tall the trees are wen loaded with nuts now la their burg mr frank scrlven very kindly presented this oince with a boaqnet of dahlias this week the queen street railway crossing a dangerous place with so many through trains as are now running qwtto a comber of people from thla section attandec fergus tslr un friday tbsy report- splendid show sacrament of the lords 8np- r i par will he admbustered at knox srf church next standay at the rnornlpg ti- swrrioa rthosrwood fair bad rafhac unprnr j veather but the second day v ifsserday was ap improvement on gh nf laainwfflili totna a eaemtnt boll -i- of th city i of qoslnh the nopulauon liwlljltl the totai asrswinnnt is lfimtfv v h rprotaot the cbiubea drive 5vl arafndy signs which greet all rvn motorists at the eorpo limits are 7viit ood exhortations crirm william wdiisms iaks av- nue tuur an bastsr llljr than now in fuu- bloom this is the se r bloom thui season for thla plant acton tdiee- soflhaol team de- xeated srookvule ladle an exclting vamzne of softball t broottriue last thursday svenlngbr a score ot ttvl the section of acaln street trom faltrlew aveone to th southny limits of tbs corporation aould be im proved rnr much by av dosen or so toads of gravel streetsvuie celebrated their silver wedding on saturday mr church la not onlyeditor of the stroetsvqte re view but has been jleeve of streets vllle for aevon years and i warden of the county of peel tiia has- much pleasure in extending con gratulations to mr and mrs church and expressiag the hope that they will be spared to celebrate together their golden wedding anniversary appointed to a pine position mr itoy brown b so who has been engaged in the technical department or the wesjlnghouse manufactory hamilton since ho graduated from the school of practical science toronto university in ltii has ceived a splendid appointment on the totf of the university tie commenc ed this week as demonstrator in elec tricity tor fourth year students in the university under prof price mr brown baa splendid prospects for bright future shootlnq a rifle on sunday flveyoung men james matthews jsmes matthews jr william thews william johnston and william macdooaid were charged with shoot tng a rifle off in m bush on victoria jtoad on the sabbath at police court last week they all plead ed not guilty to the charge but jas matthews jr stated that it was he who fired the rloe the case was laid qver until the next day any person who uses a firearm on sunday is liable to prosecution and to have his- fire arm confiscated quelph mercury the challenge from aeton enotand the challenge from the nomebakers of acton kngland to those of acton ca for a fruitcake oompetitlob is already eremtlng considerable in- terest already several entry forms nave been asked for particulars of the contest were given tn but issue of tavaab pgass the cakes are to be sent for the baxaar mt btacartlaa church addressed canada 1 deo9- hurst oardans acton jondon- w a kngland so as to reach there by no vember la ttry- forms of there ts a hsilted hnber may be had at this r- several polios- ojnoers from the ontario beformatory at qualptt were here wednesday ivssilsa jpgmng for v ur drts vbq bad es from the farm bat day rths evnployew of the mason kntt- ting mm bold a- wsinsr roast ambe r horns of mr and mrs howard ifasshs 6n monday evsning- they repost tery enjoyable thns 4 tho general verdict is that- so tar this tan nohs of the fairs hmva eclips- d aotori so far as quarry ofsxhlbua numbers of entries ut elsssas or gso- cra is conoerrsd the sunday school bally day ser- vhiso of the methodist school onsun- day afternoon were vary interesting vmrv at drown and bis staff jrr jented au excsnent i for two school trtts- teas torfui the vacancies caused by the resignations of n x moore and tt r oambie will be bald between it asra omock on friday- mt the town t tt ilsurt jfeek the four thottssndtn telephone was ipstalled in ouelpbj years ago there wars onlirtm is the city thsrs is a staff of to beopltt employed tn tbf ulph pbvb sorvlos a nswsorsu under cons on the lot on m1u street between won drland theatre and mjs murraya ragusdoel mr w j roney oeorge- town win occupy the new premises with shoe store rebnlldlng of the reltwa gi bridge at be tanneries which was jts destroyed during the recent ore been oompletea the first engine crossed the reconstructed bridge a ago saturday mr beatty arnold has purchased tbo- fine new twostory brick residence recently bunt by mr s cordlner t he corner of- bower avenue and wu- bur streets mr arnold will remove from qeorgetown in a few days to his low home halt on county council granted iiw for runj sabool fairs of itu 1 last year tha- amount raa isoo it cras reduoed on moommtot the grant r vfto the ilalton county daooo u4 hog show to be held in mluon 7osobk74- tt 1bklndo waioome per- rn thsnm oftewng wsstinb si knox ghuroh the- first annual thankoffering meeting of the yottngjwomens aaxu tary was held in- knooc church on monday evening mr b quthrle fay of south america a miaslonary home u furlough warn the speaker for the evening his address was inspiring and outlined the conditions in that farbo country and the work that la being done by the csirurtiaa mission aries there address was illustrat ed with lantern slide- mr w a nicol and mrs f j salt contributed two piano duetts to the pnigramma wttfch were snttohenjoyed mihmz high schooi dinvulty the adlton hlgfa school board ahd members of the council- got together hurt friday evening they discuss 11 the matter of increased soceamoda- uon for pupils and the refusal of the sducatton department to pay over this years gaut untft it is provided fljjch accommodation could not it ap peared be got tn the town hall or any other building rather than sub mit a bylaw for the issue of deben tures to the amount of 916000 to pay for a new room to a vote of the rate payers in the face of prevailing oppo sition ft utlkaly that part of the high school lecture room will be partitioned off and ttsedasa class room i boosts the- horticultural society during the morning services at nor folk street chorofa on sunday her hanry irvine pastor who recently re turned from hi vacation stated that in all the cities which he bad visited this summer apelph bad more in the way- of beau tinea tion than any for this be gave great credit to tbehor- ttcolturai society whose efforts hare made it possible they have done more toward beautifying the city streets ban any other society of thelr ktodln the different cities tmougbout the province which he had vislud for this purpose a great sum is spent annually by the society but the re sults which tbey have obtained make the expenditure worth 11 mercury prisoner wbe escaped gets peniten- tlgry term charged with breaking custody hiram millar of brautford who- re cently escaped from- the ontario re formatory quarry gang along- with two other inmates was sentenced to two years tn kingston penitentiary at the expiration of which time he must serve t the balance of bis original term ths prison farm fred pbelps of ssrnls and percy underhllt o port rowan who accompanied millar on dash for freedom wars given tn determinate senienbes of atosn u to- 24 motthsi the reformatory to ran ooqv secutirvty with the unfinished urn neighborhood news- toivh aiid country hornby hornby rurul nchool fair 1njt wed nesday was u ifrpa huccens tho ex- hlblls in 9yrry soctinn wer excep- tlonally good and were pmlsod by district r it it i1emng and his atairtjf judges and asslsutnta the attendance was good the apple crop in this miootlon is much smaller than that of inst year dallinafao mr jamas crtio visited for n jew days with his brother the rev m cree at london during the woek mr clear sinclair son of mr j k blncialr while hauling a pig onthu seventh line on saturday had quite an experience when his horses become frtrpwned and ran away mr sin clair was thrown out of the wagon and was unconscious for a tuna mr frank belts for many years a merchant here died in vaneouvw tj c itho funeral took phrco in qeorgo- towri from tho tcsldonce of his vifes brother mr johnmcdermld at mo on sunday september 21 the inter ment was mftdo 4u qvoenwood cema teryoeorgetpwn a wlfo and thrtw daughters survive kl la and ruth wlh the mother at vancouver b c and mra stewart of xirandvlew k mr john betu hts hfother aocom panibd the body from uio afest- limeholi mr william oowdy- ahd miss doris spent sunday in ouelph and offended the redpenlng eervlces at dublin street methodist church 1 vqnite a number from this section attended milton fair an saturday the people ore still talking of th success of our school at- the school fair lost week of their splendla ap pearance in tho- parade which took first prlxe and of the numerous prises awarded individual scholars both here and at the county school fair contest at milton on saturday the commun ity appreciates the pai and very effective efforts of mr jouey the teacher in bis training and sugges tions in preparing for the fair mr william gowdy stands high in the affections of the bunch of scbooljheau puplls he took to milton fair on bat arday he certainly gave them a good time and entered in a very whole- souled manner into their efforts to keep x4mehouse school to the front llmehouia u to have a polling plaoo for the election on tho sard inst here tofore electors from this section w-r- obllged to go to thompsons corn id on the seventh line to poll their votea now it has been arranged that all who have votes in word five from lot 27 in each concession through the ward to the aputherly limits of the ward vote at lamebouse ft must lie nearly half a century siooe a polling place was open at iimebouse oakv lue- mr and mrsw t marlatt return t ed last week from franco whero they bad a pleasant stay and as a result mr marlatts health is much improved jno h moulton of cleveland was called home because of the serious ill ness of bis father cspt geo w moul- ton who passed away last week acton fair was held on wednesday and quite a few from oakvlile and district attended the exhibits were large and the attendance ahead of last year the progressive ratepayers of bronte decided almost unanimously on satur day hut that it was desirable to pur chase a are engine and take other precautions to fight are in the growing poucervillage the- vote stood forty- eight for and two against postmaster and mrs cote are away on holidays they have been down at montreal and quebec and are now over the line staying in the mountains of our canadian autumn la here how fine her meadow stretch from soa to sea with fruitful promise changing vale jif green varying ever till the golden sheen of autumn marks a glad maturity r how gay neeth orchard boughs the russets be the upbufdsv crowned with crimson maples bear long pooling arms of shadow while between in sun and shade the nooks roast far and free from east to west the harvest is her own on either hand the ocean afbertfeet bur ooo lakes sweetest waters throb and beat lujie cool firm pulsoe of her tarn pernio son loraclous and just she calls from sea to see no room for malieey none for bigotry hsibmi deanery chapter mtn ti halton- deanery chapter and wocaana auxiliary wlu bom a con vention tn st albans church needay add thursday october i apeoial service on wsdqea- day jktth p m wiu be held at which oa tsieowrgyof the deanery will be present the yspy a reni- otosaloa wfll also attend jtijl jujsy dlebtoro ipjvmea on t xbqitmtol comunson psjsjor feltowed by s joint the mr sncfmrm howarth kxad returned on tuesday from a holiday trip la tennessee and adjoining states their chief stop was at nashville but they also visited chattanooga and the old battlefields of chlcaamauga barty this friday vjnflrning capt- oeo w boulton passed away at hi colborne street home in bis -eighty- foortb year he bad been poorly for some time leaving lost friday to begin at tho ontario agricultural college borland- merry gave a corn roast and dance for about thirty ef bis young friends interesting engagement on- nooncemeht involves a popular young local legal light and exdeputy reeve the groom of the happy occasion we may whisper that next wednes day w n robinson joins the bene dicts atdundss a motor trip to new tork wul follow and then residence will be taken up in oakvlile the past season has been unusually favorable for the growing of aowers snd this was shown in the big flower tent at the oakvlile salr every vutt- or was louden praising the grand dls- play both as to variety and quality of bloom the exhibit but ulustratod what a desirable locality oakvlile and district ts for growing flowers the official dedication of oakvulos new masonic jtemnle will take place on tuesday evening october 7 the ceremony wul be conducted by m w bro drope grand maator and ofllceni of the grand lodge the service is a most impressive one oukvlue masons are justly proud or their new temple and the building- is ou acquisition to the town r joseph and lady flavelle ore kindly opening then beautiful luko shore residence for a musicals oi thursday evening next october i th programme la being arranged by lady flavelle and that means it wlu be of a high musical order star v an oauiiderg 1 on of lh fair certainly tho aclonfab imiople aro fnvored year after year with grand weather fo instance a more ideal day could not be imagined than wed nesday and that ts huta sample of tho weather acton -has- been tavorm with for years vandracton has a good fair the directors take a keen interest in all arrangements and the various events nre rufl off smoothly and so that the people can see thetn 4o best advant age this year the ball was crowded with fine exhibits that applies partlou- wlr to flowers a grand display ln- ded cooking butfer fancy work and vegetables fruit and grains wereaiso good outside there was- a long line of purebred cattle calefly shorthorns that illustrated what a good class of cattle are bred by the farmers of the district there- were also many good sheep both cattle and sheep were well fitted for showing beside the hair wo a large array of good poultry thentherowere several horse rings in which various classes were being shown continuously from noon until six oclock the i speeding ring had some good feature including a potato race and other speclaltlea which pro voked much fun the excellent town band gave a good programme in tho centre of the horse ring the attendance was large the goto receipts being several hundred dollars above former yearsj star a short winter preoicted frank doe- of ogdenaburg well- known weather forecaster of northern new york has peered into the woathor crystal and taken what other obser vations he considers necessary to find the answer october and november wul- be very fine fall months the wizard predicts we are due for a long late tall with unusually warm weather for the greater part of jt he finds from his observations the state fair he predicts will be favored with one of the very finest weeks of the toll but the weather will be slmosttoo hot a great many at tendants will be prostrated- with the just paste this on your hat snd see lflt doesnt come true ho asserted there will- be a winter and it will be a good wallop but it isnt going to be a long drownout affair doe pre dicts on the other hand t la going to be short snd decidedly snappy it will be a little late in arriving but when it plumps down in this neck o the woods it is going to show the in habitant something in the way of cold weather aodsnow he sold wjntev doe flfida u not due to arrive bag and bsggsge until january it when it will open with its tempera tures it will be severe while it lasts and weather strips storm windows and doors should be tn place before the date set for its attack but the fine fail will compensate for some of tho heavy etuff that will arrive later he declared the free pre88 attractive advertising some rweeka ago tus fasa paxss entered the mcclary newspaper ad vertising contest for the best com position and appearance of advertise meats for customers of the mcclary manufacturing company of toronto the adv set in this office for the competition was that of mo w d talbot hardware merchant main street lost week the following letter was received from southern press limited who were handling the eon- test r toronto september 21 1924 the ma acton fsau pasts anton ontario my dear ntrf the adverusement which appeared in your paper for w d talbot has been awarded a prlxe in the enamel ware- group by mccbiryfa we have been instructed to issue cheques to the prise winners and our cheque for 11000 will be mailed in a few day w h grjffen director meclarys newspaper campaign the success of ths fan pbxbs in this contest carries with it a prlxe also to mr talbot for a substantial amount gudph presbytcryfl position appreciates the ontario temperance act and urges all the people to vote for it the folowlng resolution was passvl at the hut meeting of ouelph pres bytery the presbytery of ouelph places itself unanimously on record as deeply- appreclauve of the great good done by tho ontario temperance act duting the few years it has been in operu- tlon 1ft splie of the many rftmcultls- 11 the way of its enforcement we would therefore strongly urge upon ell our peoifte to stand firmly behind the plebiscite to be taken on october 2v we further rec that this resolution be read from the pulplti fand given to the public press a s resolution was passed by knox church acton e hawk gets worsts- in plant with weasel noticing i nliltkan hawk fluttering in tho dllch bordering tlm right of way of the toronto i suburban railway oust of victoria ttoad ouelph monday afternoon join barton investigated and found 4 bir cfproy la its death throoe cllnglnir to tlm hawks body with- its teeth sunk deep in the flesh under the wing was a weasel which- refused to lel go its hold ontrio jjtnv bird until killed by a blaw with a stick it is surmised that the hawk dropped on the weasel and attempted to- carry it off aha that tho uttle ani mal retaliation sticcoeded- in getting a deadly grip on its opponent brinrlng it down the hawk was so badly tprrt that it bled to death milton high school overcrowded mr george gowllng and dr oow- land of die lliah school board wero present at a meeting of the council qn monday and asked the council to gra a sum sufficient to build an addition to the school on account of its crowded state or fit the event of that not being granted to arrange for some place in which to place the overflow pupils rimvc blaln said that in face of the adverse vote recorded by the people when the bylaw was sttbrhlund 16 them asking far 216000 with which to build two new rooms ho would not favor tho granting of tho request for money but was ln favor of again submitting n bylaw to the peoplo and from what be could gather it wus passible it might be carried thin time k was agrood that ote council and ijgh school board meet and come to somo nrranitoment in re gard to temporary school accommo dation until such time as a bylaw may be ubmlttod to the ratepayers art in commerce is invogua today demand is growing dally artists are busy graduates ore wanted wo teach you to convert talent into cosh shaws school 46 bloor- west toronto cliff baker chief director- address depu o for free particulars send sample of work for criticism 100 men wanted 8 to 10 per day we want lop men quickly who are mechanically inclined to qualify to hold positions at above vote as auto mechanics engineers electrical ex perts truck drivers chauffeurs sales men vulcanlaers welders and battery men we guarantee to train you until our free employment department places you in u position write quick for free catalogue hemphill auto and tractor school 163 king street vv toronto musical supplies musical inatrmaenlfl andar txaworfcs and sheet musie mouth organs 15o 25o 35c boe and 9120 bell brand violin mandolin and guitar strings silver plated steel full set sijoq we also carry a full stock of violin strings violin aoceeorles one man jaxx band kosooffj looeaeh flutes too each all the latest sheet music 36 fl for 1jxl i we carry a full line of mas- nliorsde masks jointoar chrfelmaa qnb vcome in and let us explain abssit thla pun e w masters mhlstreept acton october 31 1924 keep tbisjdate open attend at the town hall acton mclean co fjr underwear we stocl uw bat hakcrs such as tumbnlls penrnuw nd sunfldds keep wann by wiring fall weight tyaral wool f penmans shirts and dnwentl sizes in stock at i 1j5 each v 1 penmans combination sizes 34 to 42 special at jz50 soil i turnbulta 2pieee shirts and drawers at 200 and 2l2s each tnrnbuhb combinations at 150 and j400 j lodlea vesterno sleeves fall weifeht at 75c ladies vestflshri sleeves fall weight at 80c and 85c ladies bloomers cream and pink fall weight at 86c sim l2s and l5tt udk vests silk nod lisle at 125 and 150 1 ladles vests silk ahd wool 200 nrd 225 monarch down wool the price of this wool is higher this season lay in a stock at the qld price and snve money mclean co soll street acton ont meclarys uew line this is mcciorya new une of isnamel ware and has to be seen to be appreciated the lino now comprises fifteen pieces of the most used articles in any kitchen the complete set would make a gift any bride would be proud of or part of a set may be bought and the pieces added as required mxiarys ocsiasjr uc see our window display w d talbot we deliver half price sale of dresses watch the window display come in and see these for yourself alterations promptly attended to mrs a ree8or mill street acton phone n0te5 of the fair the muslo of aotoncitlsens band was greatlr appreeiated 3tha general they mi genrlog when they mad i expression was that tbsy excelled their efforts or any previous year the music they dlaeoursed was certainly exoeueat an item of interest wast the tact that the prises or fall wheat were awarded first to mr kerns of free man and second t mr dolaon of cheltenham points flfty miles apart acton valr drags from wide areas thelnereasetladmlaslon fee deterred no one from altsndlng the crowd this year was iorifair than- evor and the gate receipts sufficiently enhanced to pvt the finances of the fair- be yond pera4ventura tbe parade of prlso anunals wa i ape and the march to the muslo of th balkl gave on air of trained animals the work of tho officers and dlrec tore was in nearly ail ropeet ideal president woodhall was hare there and t everywhere seoretary akjns thfluva new to the work ootnpaseed hladutlea with aocturaoyapd djopatcli hevrlllmsks improvements even pn this year in the conduct of future the big onsv wasv an orderly one chief- mfiphsrson was not only up- ported brine staff of kahlbtttop oon sublea bqt by rovinoioljconstablee rewrafy anc atktnaf aud chief jaek- sonii oi oeorgetown chaoman of moton and egchief cooney tjie torontodiagram was very generous phthuraday in placing the attshdanoeatthe valr on wednesday at 1000w we hardly think too gate reoeiptsrwouklusufy this bttj the atteodsnoo was large and must have ofertwptjjtrovs ohe telegrams kino words from an acton old boy kdltpryrrsi puss i greatly enjoyed your articles in tun fog fsa sent while abroad while ive gone over some of the ground nanftjheov 1 had not the some opportunities of doing so under such favoraole conditions you gro an ar tist n describing the various fugoos visited it- refreshed my memory rt history snd also ugght me many things i did not know i4ooked each week for your articles wondering where you would next takana bach field was more interesting than trio u tour readers owe to you a debt of gratitu for tbe facile and ilium- 1 noting manner in which you took us aver europe and the hrttlsb islanda your experf enoe re naming o acton aodmeetlng with some of the peoplo in acton ungtand was a surprise also of the forebears of mr john speglt end others tn whom u are tutpeulally inter eetod these namns take me book to my boyhood dayu when i knew many of the names you have mentioned 1 wish to thank youfortho articles and am pleased your hollduy wus hj fruitful of both pleasure and profit t so many and toat you and mrs mooro have been brought buck safely to your home end country one of the eld boys s blnoerely c austin tubi1y toronto beptember si 1m4 new whlnplastere issued the third issue of 36 cent paper buu eosnmonly known as h ters tp appear in the fifty yearf slnoe tbe first bills were issued is now being put into circulation the aesr bttls are oonsiderabiy neater onl jnore arttatlo in design apcf show a decided impnvsnalverhs old type of wit t voir wag great auoeess 1at wednesday with a targe attotdanue and a splendltf show in all depart- ffenta m chaiaploil f i jta t jf c sattirdiiy treat just arrived a fresh supply of sharpes superoeanv toffee this is a rich creamy old english toffee with a wonderful flavor take a pound with you and be convinced v peanut crisp 25e lb this is our loader in our ilneof- toffees a nice ann fresh crisp toffee with lots of fresb roasted peanuts in it regularly 35c and 40c tb saturday treat 25c lb weekend chocolates s2e lb we are selling more weekend chocolates every week- which alone goes to show that the quality and price of our 3iocoiates is satisfactory are alwaysfresh and a good assort- ment regular 50c and 60c tb saturday special 32c tb biscuits we have just received a supply of westons english quality biscuits thisline needs no introduction as everyone knows their quality let us mix you a pound you will like thoin j nellsons ice cream in brifk pr guk jilway in atoojf v rumley phone 65 acton ontario d brill co corner main and mill 8trmtsqs0sf3eth f4 watgh for an important announcement in next week 7 t t 7 wm bracken 7 7 7 77 i carerite mum and cream latest models of fall hats silk velvets pan velvets hatters plush and fplts come in and make your choice miss j galbraith millinery and fancy goods store phone 109 mill street cooler weather more meat wlthtfie cooler weather your body needs more meat und who can supply your requirements hotter than wj patterson weve been at the business long enough to know how to keep and cut meats so that they will be the most economical and yet appear to best advantage when served on tho table wo do our own khling which gives you added assurance of tile finest of meats always a complete stoct of finest pork beef lamb vent and- cooked and cured jrteats on band from which to chooao the cut best suited for your table if you dont see the piece you want ask for it canned goods tbe tfoxol brands of canned goods are carried in stock for the convenience of our customors when ordering their meat needs canned vegetables canned moats pickles etc t j phone 15 we deuver promptly watch our windows friday and saturday i or specials sste

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