Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 9, 1924, p. 1

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l 1 r fiftieth year no 15 thursday morning october 0 1024 agton ontario anada thursday morning october 0 1024 single copies five cents the methodist church acton rev josephus ctulp pastor parsoneae willow bl 1100 a m tho minis lor huhjoot contrary winds 230 p m6unlny school 700pm tho minister subject why illood uiron tho liar thumb tnrl too pbesbytekian knox churqh acton mnurrv a c stewsrt m a manse- jvjllow street aioo n m lliilly service wlio aro our ivelgborit 300 p mblbl clnwi studios in mutt how chapter xvlt 700 p mtho minister subjecv safely first strangers leaving address with tho ushers will bo called upon hy tho pastor all ark cordially irrvttaid special notices found pon- apply to flusiir iuehb officer to rent furnish cl or unfurnished four com fortable room- apply to box 20 frebprkhs office quantltloa quart 8176 143 for sale of mnpl syrup 60c por ton pound tin r n nnown two apply unfu to to rent rntshed rooms io rnl ii oolditam bower avenue fpr sale a qiiantlty of preserving ponru and good cook n jf apples d u young phone 10xw mam street n for bent furnished room with alt oq jences apply to post office box 77 acton property for sale solid rod brick house 8 rooms mod ern conventnces a real snap 7 b v kenton 114 1 aoton 1 to i farm george myers r r no xoton win exchange vubstanttal l homo in toronto for stock or stock with farm phone srm 161 picture framing certificate diplomas and picture neatly framed furniture upholster ing remodelling and repairing dlv kenyon h4 wallace avenue acton l auotion sale of the household q ii brown mill street will be hold on saturday october it and will com- 3eneeail30 p m sharp this fur- tore le ell in fcood condition iinplby auction tv auction sale the household affects of gilbert klngsbnry mill street wul b sold by publlq auouon- on saturday october ii at two oclock this furniture le 41 in good condition rv j bjerr auctioneer phone 36-aoton- card 0 thanks the undersigned desire to express t their sincere thanks to the neighbors v friends in acton and vicinity for their kind help and liberal support occasioned by the loos of our noma ll by- ere a few weeks ago mh and mrs w j ritchie parmspprttalb 40 faumslnuie counties of 3altop d4 welltnyton roryln titan 40 to x00 acres let us send you our usl a number of homes and business blase in aoton for omjo jlr and life inouronce money to phone ids a smith real estate ajriol aoton onl what abe we doing j why hvht you jiesrdt itlrvtrvwno every nlohtf aiisovn yaull knew of our hand work if yu keep this eeturnn in slom ray lo ln6e467 acton memberv and vtslunx kerobars are hereby notified that tho october meetlnff will bo held on the secon1 friday ootober 10th ihstead of thursday also tho w m rqijosttf very niember to bo present at the county ohuroh parade to be held at milton methodist cburoh on- tober it ut 500 p m service to be taken by the itnv w lawmnce ottaronto deputy grand master e t thetford wm a dutchburn raoseo 3 wpnderlanb thursday and friday october and 10 thl shepherd king at lntrotlnk tihiry o duvd uplift by a tflile tullun con- jwhy compdyi us llltur mnlf vftx nwt- uw ott nlai ftl p- 8at0rday october 11 women who give kromtlu taef qat cwl pqlftjl wltb hit ullmr mil com4ly about koca siouke- podsa himrrtoiw lluntlos tuesday october 14 slop your tfckllngjkk an knelbhcth ouinedy q0o9v cboplei of jluth of tlio ilung comdy uvllpr uim sporting yojrtht vvi kriiitjirtir b l gregorv son bring on your cold wave mr weatherman there are new clothes ready forjevcryone at vv macdonalds and everybody who wears tho right cjothca comfortable and coldresisting will have the best chances in- the world of escaping the usual epidemic of colds and bore throats that follows a spell of cold weather later onpuir be accus- tomed to chilly blasts now is the time urlko special precautions and chooso tho warm new clothes yot need macdonaldsthe plage if you want a brond choice of prices as well as of styles no lack of style smartness in velour coats at2s with sires rangingall the way from 16 years up to 44 bust moasure theres choos ing oplenty indeed they are surpris ingly smurtlfor so very mod erate a figub as 2500 tho popular teduy bear cloth is included in tho fashionable tan shaded but the majority in velours with the softest furs applied here and there as well as clover srltcheries and embroidcrings v raccoon collared coats at 35 if 2500 happens to be th right flguro to suit your purse therell be decided ad vantage in picking out yours right aiay all the smartness of a typi cal english ulster embodied in their trim tailored lines topped by generously large deepfurred collars of coon that offer stalwart dj- ranee to the coldest of autumn and winter breezes- whitney cloths and breath- ermixed roughfinished ma- tcrials with beautiful plaid backs both belted and bett- less styles splendid value at 3500 choosing pow means broader selection boys blue suits 130 guaranteed color in irish blue serge extra bloomers with each model and the best buy to be found in the country all sizes up io 17 years at this special figure of 1350 for youths and young men 19jii high school and first long suits in a notable value offering at 1950 neat pattern m plain and mixed tweeds twobutton novelty styles some with extra trousers a most popular value at 19150 filannel frocks 595 smart styles for misses and young women with the fashionable short sleeves lauvin green powder blub saxe blue sand cocoa penny brown sad other popular shades cleverly trimmed with braid and buttons l ah sizes for misses and women up to 38 bust measure pccial 595 flannels 100 yard allthenice new colors for fall and winter frocks featur ed in 32inch widths at the attractively low price of 100 yard d e macdonald bros ltd guklpffs leadingnajto tabgest stoee weekend specials ask for nelsons peppermint patties nut caramel roll we have just received a shipment of nut caramel roll this is one of the most deliciouq candlespiade a rich soft creaniy centre coated with a soft parameljntt foiled iq either pecans walnuts brazils or chopped peanuts on disjilay in our window v saltep peaiwib these are always criflp and not too salty regularly 30e lb weekend special gsip 11 assorted chocolates our assorted chocolates are qtu big selleni our stock is always fresh comes- in an assortment of hard and soft centres regularly 40cand s0cn weekend special 32c lb ught lunches one enjoys a nice warm drink or light lunch on these cool evenings try a hot claret punch we wttl deliver lce cream in bulk or brick anywj own- mill street actoo ywjjfire jn hjvviles vv will 8v you morty if you will lt ui schpol pays means new shoes for the kiddies you will find our prices right quality comfort and wear considered k i mens work shoes made by the best makerst prices very low considering the quality tan and black plain too and too cap fine ishoes for men women and children atl the boat leathers patent colt kid and calf our stock is all new thb pjtoof ofthe boot lhr thbyvearino harry harrison the shoe man new llfie of tea veiling bags and bplt cases a iii a splendid field day programme the stodenla of the high school and puplfe of the fublic school prove their ath- le sic weather was rather unpro- pitiouo but programme was carried out as arranqed the unnuitl field day at acton uufh bchool in the park last saturday af ternoon was in some respect the best liver held by the school the forty- novon events had each a rood quota ot conteblunls and the varlotls coinpftt tlons were rplrlted and manifested very creditable skill and endurance and showed that all oontestanta bad dmnsubjeotto healthful practice prior to entering the htydday oentests it was unforufnute that thervwu showery wcatbw durln the sjttsrnoon the ofuclals and the pupils wor how over not daunted bjr a few showerj and persistently continued uta pro- aramme until its completion at the i oidso of the afternoon i the winners in the various contests were as follows bfy8 events i standing hiflh jump junior boys m drvn bl oambte a henderson j senior boys 0 hackle it hender son n horrop- standing broad jump junior boy m droti o alason o huttraan senior boys r henderson h har- rop q bell running broad jump jnnlar jboysjm dron a lender son o huffman senior boyst dunn- c- beu n harrop 100 yard oash junior boys m dron a hender son a huffman senior boys j dunn- ci hell ft henderson running high jump junior boys m dron a hender son o huffman senior boys c bell w held b maftkle s2p yard oaah junior boys m dron a hender son o hufunaiu senior boys j dujin c bell il henderson putting shot junior boys m dron c hender son b qamble senior boys s maokle w bela t harrop hep step and jump junior boys m dron o huftmiui a henderson saolor boys s ifapkle rlsvnder son j dttnp pole vault junior boysj m dron 0 huffman a henderson senior boys h henderson w ileld s mackle quarter mile raoe junior boya m dron a hender son a huffmaa half mile raoe senior boys j dunn c belt b- henderson junior champion melyln dron ruonerup arthur henderson senior championsfr heoderson adj dunn runnerup c bell qirl8 events 8f ndng read jump junior airls mansrt arindell 7 feet lltt inches wary chalmers i foot t inches helen coxe 8 feet 11 inches senior- 0rto aloe hpdsson q foot inches qwen mrick foet b inches helen kkodqnold tt t inches etandlng- high jump junior obis mvnret arlndeli ethel james mary phalmer v tienfor airls heltr aaadonld feet s inches owen madclook feet s inchos olive cooper 1 feet 1 inon running bread jump junior slla marsret qrlndalt ii feet mary cnajmers 11 test 1 inches ethel james 11 feet 11- inches senior olrlobeatrioo blair 1 feet inches olive cooper 11 teet i inches alice hodvso 11 feet 1 inch 78 yard dash junior qlru marxaret orindeu bthel james olive praeloua time 10 ltt seconds senior 3irl alloe hodgson helen iktaedonald own maomook tune id j- seconds running hlgvjump junior olrls mqrsaret orlndel mary chatmeni olive previous senior qlrb olive cooper alloa hodgson owen maddoek lotxyord dash junior 72lrtbmrgaret qrlndell olive precious jean wood time ix 1t seconds senior glrlshejen mocdonild a hodgson beatrice bblr time 1 1- seconds throwing baseball junior- olcla ethel james olive precious addle hurst senior olrls owen uaddock alloc hodgson helen maodonald relay raoe form l runhere alice hodgson helen macdonald beatrice blair olive cooper rhqp step and jump junior olrls margaret grlnfuul t feet inchee ethyl jjjmi if eet 1 feet inches ethel james uteet 1 ipohes olive pjeeiqus ii ief j iftahea senior flirts bflijlrldfi piftlp t ft by inchwi auw oprir ll tt irhe fcvren rifldo m h n- chea r three labd beatrice blair end auoft hodgson ouve preeioussnd bthel james junior champion margaret grln dell u polnta runnerui btljsl jspies 10 potntx senior champion hce hodgeon is points- runners up helen macdonald and owen maddoek 10 points each public school bvenjs blrls raaet 8r year dorothy moartbur marjory nesr hfllj cflranbflll lj beys boe 067 years nortphn soarrow rankla jones mervyn reld airi ftsoe and years doris hotloway margaret chalmers margaret mautl boys raoe 8 and 9 years harry pewtral harold mooey vv- ilagdins r 9iv rata w enev v mcilcn qatmnder mirl dtu4thv oampbeu eye rase 10 and 11 ysars done p mann john barber comev byrne girls raee ty age wve wheeler mabel huard lry uolmea boyv raoe any age gordon cooper qlen ryder jonild muui fe urtndsll phil forbes is fined 1000 and 6 months the kins of the bootleggers b outlawed- by efforts of chief mcpherson a lonq career of unlawful operations terminates in plight prom y country through the successful efforts of chief mcphorson who is also a special oflloer for the enforcement of the ontario temperanoe act- the- opera tions of philip korbes who has for a couple of years enjoyed the rathor unenviable reputation ax being the klng of bootleggers for this county were benught up short inst week forbes thus boon a crafty cunnlnit mamzfacturcr and dlspeneer of moon shine liquor for some time and y the- operations of himself arid bis brother jamesi and the alleged assis tance of other relatlyes he has suc ceeded in doing an illicit trade with those whose depraved appetites craved liquor of his brand forbes has been under the survell- lance not only of local officers but of provincial inspectors and dominion revenue ofllclals and he hits not es caped penalties tor his outlawry time after time he has been in court to answer for his unlawful doings and paid lines to both the provincial and dominion treasuries since january 1k8 his operations have been followed with heavy penalties- jan 4 1923 for selling tl000 do jan 19 19z3 far selling 200 00 deo 13 1923 liquor still de strayed by revenue of ficers which wui valued social and personal at uj 1b0oe0 fine paid for his brother jos sod 00 fine paid for ruasoll defor- est a stool pigeon 100 00 flnea paid for other friends 300 00 july 10 1934 fine for having a still 2w paid for violations of high way tflttoaot and dis- orderlyiconduct 30 00 oct x 1114 one for seltlhg 1000 00 9 months imprisonment and montnsadlltlonal in default of payment cost of court and counsel about 800 00 3830 00 quite a formjdabla usl isnt ltt and some people have been complain ing that the officers or the law hove not been doing anything to forbes- oher people say but think of the amount of money facbes has been making under the o v a truu and it is to be regretted but under license law there was admittedly spent for llquorln acton in the hotels alone 160000 a- year and there was rarely a nne imposed for infractions of the law which everybody knows were num erous both on week days and sundays- forbes has been operating in this county for the past three years and bos perhaps sold 110000 or 16000 worth of liquor in that time under license there would have been spent in acton at least fltt0000for liquor in that time in the licensed pa alone this lasftrlal of forbes took place last thursday afternoon beforp police magistrate moore the charge was preferred by chief mopherson that phil forbes had on or about septem ber unsold two bottles of- liquor to a person in the township of eequealng when forbes waa called t a hutch inson barrister mutan who was eat ing as his counsel admitted service of aujnmbnjl but said bis client would not be present he pleaded not guilty for him crown attorneydisk then called as witness the man to whom forbes bad taken the liquor he swore that on two succeeding days forbes had taken a bottle of liquor to him where he was working end that he paid him ir00 for each bottle forbes counsel used every endeavor to confuse the witness but toe atood arm mid unshaken in his evidence and maintained that he bod bought and paid for the liquor forbes had personally supplied on the dates nam ed- the counsel said he would put in no defense magistrate moore reviewed the pre vious convictions of the acussed show ed that gils was in the terms of the act vsecond or subsequent offence registered a conviction and imposed a penalty of tlooo and costs and sbr months fmprlsonment at hard labor and in default of the payment of the fine a further term of imprisonment of six months rooking in all is months in jell forbes counsel pleaded for a reduction of the term of imprisonment to three months but the magistrate woe innexlbto and the penal tyand sentence stands a warrant was at once issued for the arrest of forbes girls threelegged raoe uluon byrne and hasel smith boye threerleaged reoe joe woods end bobble hall qlrle 8ao4c raoe kathleen mocoomb oral chambers tbora cook boye sack raoe george codk melvln loeker donald mann blsoult rms nora watefhouse hasel ornttk luoy ghldtinv l rao murray qmun haroldetser oor- duumaini oihtrsisy rsee fourth book class boye rslsy rate fourth book class blind pig raoe horry fewtrolend hmlth for the success of this interesting vent in the school life of the pupils for the present school year muuh credit is due the prlnclitul mrs kdna mew and her assodlate teachers m lasts hood and tlsdale a dumber at our leadltig clllsens interested in the educational matters the town and affiliated interests wlll- j4ngiy assumed dutlea reaueeted of them by the committee as fpllowsi announeer r m kfacdouald se cretary of the board start are continuation sj w k orahum llu hluo 1 h shorey judgeshnor uoy lteve barber revi a o huewmrt aid chief mcphar- su menlev olrls nw j culp aeorge- mann h p uuom junior buys rev it a l haugh lawrenoe williams j o matthews junior olrle rev father mcreavy dr j a manlven tt f moore public school rev w ii howard xr nelson fruuk aambla clerks of the course roys miss hood olrls miss tlsdsle pubua school mrs minnie moore wbttip attfwuramjs- volsur mr angus kephedy ot ouelph was borne over sunday mr ernest brown woe home from toronto for the weekend miss margaret bennett was homo from toronto over sunday miss myrtle dills was homo from toronto over the weekend mr george rudmop spent the wook- end at his home in toronto mrs thomas obrien of taronta visited acton friends this week miss jessie mcnabbvof toronto has been visiting friends here this week mr william c plank returned last week from a business trip to quebec mr charles- moleod of toronto visited his parents here over the week end i mrs o a dills spent few days laat week with her sister at colllng- wood mr r- ii storey of toronto spent sunday with his mother on maria street miss corrale of ouelph was a guest during the week of mr and mrs a t brown mr and mrs c h harrison and children visited frlonds in oraugeviue ort sunday i messrs charles and john moore an 4 miss ruth of dundas vlalted at mrs james moores on sunday mr mnd mrji edwin murray of kitchener wire guests on sunday of mr and mrs a j murray mr charles allan who has spent the summer on building contracts in windsor has returned home mr john wood left last week on a business trip to ne w mrs wood aooompanled him to toronto mr bert mowat of ouelph has been transferred to the sudbury branch of the bonk of montreal owing to the serious illness of mr nell mcdonald hosting mrs donald was calledbome last thursday mr and mrs hubert mann and chil dren of fergus visited mr and mrs w t burt leke avenue on sunday iim9ru- a kannawln jr j mo pherson a maodonald and w a lasby attended grand valley fall fair lost friday mr john thomson an mrs bower man of brocebrldge spent the week end with mr and mrs peter a smith at hill holl mr and mrsjj g sharp and miss sharp and mrs peter blnnle of cale- don were guests with mr and mrs d h young on saturday mr and mrs charles wilson were at bden mills on saturday attending the funeral of mr george 8 mitchell uncle of mr wilson mr and mrs james hall mr and mrs bob cruise and mr cruise motor ed from toronto sunday and spent the day with aoton and rookwood friend t mr and mrs robt harrison and children ijowville mrs w small miss marguerite and mr gordon small of jcubrlde spent sunday wjth j 4 is a crime to suggest the prbposed change sajd rev w w peck of vancouv er after four years kx- pericne fn british col- government control 18 gov ernment sale of liquor and increase op boot- leqginq spent sunday wjth aoton relauvea rev j b todd pastor of djjblln street methodist church ouelph box been invited to the pastorate of george street church peterborough after next conference mr and mrs fred owens of tor onto were guests of mr and mrs john r kennedy on sunday miss jean kennedy accompanied them mrs 7 c russell waa called to richard landing last thursday through an accident which befell heri mother by which she sustained a true- tured limb messrs archie and will mcgregor who have been urillng friends in this community the past week following a tour of the british isles and france left on tuesday for their home to brandon man the engagement is announced of margaret helen only daughter of mr and mrs robert ferrah of toronto to whitney hlllmor third son of geo hlllmer m- p p and mrs hlllmervt oajcvlue the wedding will be held early this- month train no s6 now stops this result followed the day after i interview by chamber ef cemmeree 1 the delegation appointed by acton chamber of commsree at its last meeting to interview the general passenger agent ot the canadian na tional railway to eodeavoruto have the 1 19 p m train going east sfop at aoton as heretofore went to toronto on wednesday murnlng they interviewed mr charles k horning assistant oenerml psasengir agedl and mr wilson superintendent of transportation these gentlemen listened very attentively to tbe argu- 1 menu presented by members of the delegation they explained that the ohange bad been roads after u con- ference by department heads and re gretted that aoton bad been somewhat seriously inconvenienced by ine change tbey regarded the request to have the train restored very favorably and stated that tbey would confer at once with the general offices at montreal next morning the following letter was received by the secretary of the chamber of commerce mr n- h garden secretary acton chamber ot commerce acton v dear bin stepping train no it at aoton referring to conference yesterday with the delegation of acton chamber of commerce of which you were one and mr wilson and myself and oon- nrmlng telephone message today am pleased to advise that commenc ing today train no 39 will stop at acton due at that station at 409 p m stopping at georgetown brampton west toronto parkdals and toronto arriving at the unlun station at tlft pm i can assure you it affords me pleas ure to advise you of this satisfactory result of ourrcnnsrenpi tours very truly a a horning assulhnt qejheral passenger agent this retnilt u surelyvery gratlfylni to the chamber uf commerce and to the cltlxens uf aton generally during their interview the raeuibe of the delegation referred to the fact hut sevural trains stopped ux george town which were not scheduled n arop at aptun the reply of the cnn adlan national ornolats was that this was due to mechanical reasons and not to any preference or favor georgetown the two hundred lest of grade between aotoa and george town nooessltales examlnouon of the brakes uf every train at georgetown and all trains would atop there ii there were not more than fifty of a papulation oj thm veiai in a nulut eanu convincing addross of an our and a half rev w w pock of vancouver b c gave o very lucid and interesting review of thu four years experience of british col umbia under what is known ae gov ernment control before a large ence of culeens tn the town hall un monday evening ifivery temperance address should begin with a strong note ot cbeor he said and x come to you with a measageof hopefulness and am con fident that this good old province of ontario with its settled population and lis helpful home life will stand loyally in support ofh measure which la incalculably superior to any so- called government control the great- determining factor in the present campaign la the economic slde after xjoyd georges last visit to can ada and the united states he stated un the british house of commons thof in his opinion tbe groat gift of the war to america was the prohibition of tbe liquor traffic after a careful study of statistics showing tbe produo- tipn of workmen in the factories of great britain and of the united states it was found that under prohjbluon in the latter country seven workmen ore producing as much as ten men in great- britain the question today is what to db with the llquortraffio from social and ecopomlo standpoints the most subtle campaign is now in progress that was ever known in this country in every province in canada tho brewers and distillers atandj con demned because at their persistent continuous violation of existing wa the first province of canadatto in troduco what is known as government control was british columola thw quebec law is for the sale of wine and beer but in british columbia lb sale of oil liquors u permitted by government action it is ndt govern ment control we have however it is government sale and this is what is recognised everywhere in our pro vince we have had four years trial jaf this government measure and y will be interested in learning what our problems ore i have lived for twelve yesss in british columbia and have therefore had ample opportunity far studylng conditions under the old license system under prohibition and under government sale up to 1910 we had in british col umbia a prohibition act it was no as well enforced as your ontario tem perance act we had indiscreet doc tor issuing scripts and we had lots of bootleggers the people of our province voted for government baj but what we got in that measure la not what we expected nor what was promised by the moderation league the people of british columbia gen erally have been fully disillusioned we voted again tn june laal the resultwas the vote for prohibition ws 19000 more than that tn 1920 and the vote of the moderation league forces was 19000 leas but tho temperance vote was pot strong enough to defeat the present law the moderation leagues literature which is being distributed throughout your province today is exactly tho same as was used in our province four years ago this literature all praises the advance made tn banishing tbe bar their advertisements published the past week say it le generally agreed that a step wss taken in the right direction when the public drink ing bar was abolished i would re mind you that no moderation league was ever know to take the platform to advocate the aboiiupn of the bar the fight for the banishment of the bar was wholly waged by the people who are now so strongly opposed to gov ernment sale why is this measure called govern ment control t we dont control solo we dont control manufacture wc dont control importation we dont control boouttggera about all the government control there la is the control of the cork in the bpttle until the purchaser of liquor gets to the door of the government vendors shop where be purchased his liquor if you defeat he ontario temperancv j act you leave yourselves open to un limitedimportation of liquors for you have no law prohibiting importation in british columbia last year the gov ernment imported 110691 kalians of liquor o supply the government ven dors shops while the bootleggers im ported 124046 gall one during the same time i instances were given shpwtng how futile is government control and how prollfloos government sale in british columbia onq woman in vancouver wltb a government permit in io duys less 19 days for sundays bought 19 bottles of gin 70 bottles of rum and lset bottles or beer and their she lost her permit on the street another authenticated cess showed that a tnan wltb a government permit in thirty days purchased 98 barrels of bottled beer equivalent to 84s bottles per day for the period another cose was cited where a man in british columbia on n government permit to ope person bought liquor in- lit months in suf ficient quantities which required pay- meat to the vendors of government liquor stores to the amount of 996- 19980 not much control about that he sold the province of british columbia has 71 liquor stores of these saveri uru located in vancouver last year the government liquor store iti albeftil u village of 100 poopla took in 160700 for llquur the liquor store at kurt oeorgs with a population about tho same as that of aoton teoelvnd lfs71 if that amout of numey were spent for liquor in acton tn n your how would the morahaqts fare in thu payment or their bills t in the clfy ef- v 94909ooo wits paid for liquor which i equivalent to 940 for evry man woman and child in that city did bootlegging disappear in british columbia when government control ciime int no wo have ten bootleggem now to every one we had under proj temper am hlbltloli the hook the jaok covl v- i uok newspaper of vuncouvor said tn u recent issue a flood of bootleg liquor u deluging the provinc british columbia 5oqo cuscs uf boot leg liquor is coming into vauoauver a month loven the hotel men in their monthly niugosine jkay bootlegging u as prevalent lit british columbia now osvever in- the past the dally province said in an edi torial recently the only way to oope council considers the mill arid main street buildings another bylaw passed regulst- ing the style of buhdlnjzs that may bejrected ori these two streets mr roneys building to bc removed in five year8 tho roifulm- unflmlon of the council on monday avenlntf hud all tho coun cillors prasentf und itoovo barber in the chair the finance- commit too presented their twantiath roivort and rooom- mttndod paymuat of tho following ac count ym generslyacoount arnorlcntiiikranop co aup- jtiios inn acron vtcht piiksa printing t 9s geo bdwnrdh supplies for s fire brlftttde to a j murray wood fer town hall 7 00 bell telophonp co services 8 is hydro eltctrlo commission stroot lighting 10b 04 hydro istoctrlo commission town hall llgtitlng 3 u jos hymon uuppllfs 7 97 acton fall lnlr grant 8000 11 n former revising voters list ft 00 r j wallace labor and eup piles on atreits and walks 191 90 n forbes laylntf aldewauut and repairing 198 40 waterworks account hydro electric commission powoe at pump 18 71 hydro electric commission supplies 1200 hydro electric commission power afsprlng it it w j rold postago t 7 it belltfllephono co eervlces 4 81 joe bymon supplies 8 00 e crlpps cartage t 94 the report was adopted mr i- starkmab roquestod permis sion to movetho building at the rear of woodhajls bakery to the main street frontage and cover it with gal vanised iron or roughcast mr flarfc- man ealain tlmo this building would probably be removed and a much finer bulldlrer would undoubtedly take its place action wear deferred until the council had time to inspect the premises and pass on who their the building woe desirable or not mr booey addressed the councu relative to the building be had started to erect owing to the building alt ready having made considerable pro- gross permission was given mr roney to goahead and finish tbe building as planned tbe clerk was instructed to prepare an agreement binding mr ronoy to remove the building at the enu of the term or his lease of fln years or in the ovent of his removing from acton or these premise the building must be removed and not leased or rented or soul to any other person or persons the clerk brought up the matter of thoassesslng of the half mill on side walks where the property owpersr bail- already paid tho full cost for tbe lay ing of the sidewalks in front of the property 1 it wu decided- tlutt all ratepayers who were not paying all their side walk tax wouldbe liable to the half mill assessment a bylaw providing far the restrict- s lng end regulating of buildings on mill street etween the canadian national railway and park avenue and on- main street between brock and knox avenues was given tho necessary number of readings by tho counou and passed the hylaw provides for fines of from sco to 100 for violation of any of the obtuse and tho bulldjngj must bo erected to conform with the other buildings on these streetsr and subject to the approval bf thocqunojl- the c5lrk waa instructed to write to tho canadian fairbanksmorse co ingles hunter ana all is chambers requesting their lawost hgure for in stalling an kuxuury gasoline 100 b p pump with noceasary attaohments they wore also requested to send re presentatives to the next council meeting to bo held on monday oc tober 10 council adjourned at 1015 p- m 48 m m the ladles aid ofkbox church will hold their annual supper on thanksgiving evening keep them open for twentyfour bours a day utung three uhlfts of clerks to operate them- thn eoonornla side waa vividly set fortii at the present time the tittle city of kamjoop is paying 940000 a month for liquor in its liquor store this fact can bo reidly proven by a friendly letter from any cltlsen of acton to neil mgill the government ventlnr tliure mr mcqlll la a former acton limn and was for many years chief of pol loo of kamloups the peaker suvt whuluatima advise to any buslnoss mux inullned to bo a madera tionlst to coiisldor for a moment the probuulu result of setting up- such a rival lit business as u govemroant liquor store which will receive such large umountu of tnonoy from the peapla and send it out of town- speaking of busjjidts failures it was ehpwii that in 1918 there were q in 11 cx jn 1019 43 in 1030 os in 1981 195 tn 1032 163 and in jom 189 business men irt rrltlsh columbia sky this thfng cannot be allowed to go on t it itas been sold that the profits from the solo of liquor under govern ment control would reduoa taxation 1 own u housu in vwucuuvor in 1918 the uxv9 weri 1 61 00 in 1933 with exactly thu aamuuaitamsndnt my taxes ware 11060 iii 10l4 thu are 814088 if niy tajrus utwi unduhig down at thulutti ill skioii imvo to aell my iiouhu to koyp a roorovor my head if yuu hud uuuil what i have seen and know whtil x know about the ef- fucts of government control not one of you would over think uf casting your ballot for a measure of this ntiuructar when w voted op thla question in 1930 tho people had no pbxeo to gotoxor luformatlon as to the resoltsfrom government control you today are able to get convincing facts from ours and other provlnoesto show the fullney of adopting govern ment control british columbia loqks to you lu stand fast to thu ontario on thu 33rd lust oovttiimmt haw promised to strength thin law uiul iimku stricter unfurosmont if you vot to sustain it it is a crime tn aumnnt niioli u ohunge as is proimjatnl 1 iniplura you or the sake or your horoon for thu soke of the boye and girls for the sake of your country work to nuhtuln tho ou- tarlo temperance aol with the bootleggers ip this province js to put a government liquor nloretn evsry towa in brltlsb oe4ylus sms br x cudenky ttylgtit specialist of toruuto will umku lib visit ie aoton tomorrow friday lie has hui oiriou at biowne drug store ns m vxi tmmmmi

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