Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 9, 1924, p. 2

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r- v qiiirartntt3fppafl tiilthhday octodeh 9 1924 tli if you look llttt btt or hltio loyon1 the troutons theres a llttln bit of sun bahlnd the hill perhaps it will not iiliow but after nil yojj know tliern are just a many chanoo that it will thnros a little bit of song beyond tlio sllunoo thercj in nearly always laughter pant n tear j uuwn u noways on it way when un- sot imimens and wo utway have ft lummcr overy your thwro aro frlendstobe that walk un- seen beside you wlmn by ona you thought your frland youve been forsook thoro a a blue anil smiling happy lay above you hut youll never see ttm blue unless you look mary carolyn davles when 18 a road hoo not road hoqt nevert wrong t3ren drivers frsqusmly through tgnorsne and ineptitude via i at the amenities 0 driving motorists or given timely warning against confusing the road hpg with tho inexperienced driver vhose lack or courtesy or recklessness may be un- intentional by on official of the on tario motor ieagua every year brines its hit of pre ventable accidents as a result of ex perienced drivers mistaking uninten tional for wilful recklessness and vio lation of rules of the road he says as a result of svveral recant in vestigations into accident causes in which it was shown that collisions often resulted from the inability of seasoned drivers to make allowances for the shortcomings of beginners the league tuts outlined for motorists sonic suggestions as to safeguarding car users throjtgh better understand ing between drivers the recommendations of special importance are as follows whenever a driver seems to bo usurping- th6 rightofway at an in tersection when he is not entitled to do so it is safer to assume that he or she is inexperienced and not wilfully disrespectful of- taw and order too many motorists seek to teach qthers a lesson- at the wrong time and the- result li an accident the proper time to teach the new driver the rules of the game is before he has to apply them the experienc ed driver who leads the beginner into believing that uje only way to learn to drive la to enter heavy traffic and slnk or swim u only encouraging the worst form of recklessness the wilfully reckless driver may change his mind at the iast moment and avoid trouble simply because he drives well enough to know how to avoid it but the inexperienced driver bas no such advantage there will be many thousands of hew drivers this year if car sales continue at the present rate in on tario while skill in operation of the cor la an easier matter to acquire hy reason of the great improvement in control traffic conditions are more complicated than at any time in the history of the automobile and know ledge of rules of driving and courtoey never more important inview of present- conditions the experienced motorist cannot afford to mlsttuce ordinary inexperience t for wil ful recklessness the man in the powerful phaeton who passes you at a dangerous point on the hill may be imply someone who does not fully appreciate the risks lie is taking if you aro a true worker for safety you will do everything in your power to moke it less likelyfox this inexperienc ed driver to come to grief this means thatyou must give way to him at crossings fall back on tho nill if he tries to pass and shows signs of getting caught between your car and a machine coming down hill and apply your brakes cauttouslr when he la following you in traffic it means that at every cttrve in the road you should sound your horn because in all probability be will over look this point the beginners will learn bat in the meantime safety rests with those experienced drivers who are in a pool tlon to offset the beginners shortoom rt wan a chilly november even ing the old storage burn on tho peovy place presented any thing but a brilliant aspect in spite or tho four kerosene lamps which burned as brightly an tho could from tho tops of four old barrels the debating club of creokvillo had wrestled with the question la the woat livelier than the kastt for the apace of two hours henry peovy ho old squires grandson front michigan had at last presented the western claim with a vigor and enthusiasm that caused the judge toavjard him the palpi of victory i say boys said ftenry why not let up on our debates for a while and have a band a real tiptop hand and practice horoy it would bo more warming than brain work it strike mo and thin barn isnt exactly what i carl hot im pretty well stiffened up sitting here responded one of the boys but how can we get up a bandt will pratt can do something on tho flute but the rest of us cant play anything well manage that said henry cheerfully while will pratt who nover shone in debate grinned with delight why i hardly knew one note from another when j joined the peaktown band but i got so e could play a simple part on the piccolo or clarionet that nrst winter and then father taught me on his old fiddle and of course what i could do any of you boys can this generous estimate of their talents was not without effect before the boys dispersed that night they had all promised to assemble on the next instruments as they could collect henrys father squire ipeevys had returned from peaktown to hu old home with his motherless boy the year before henry who was not only the delight of bis old grandfather and two maiden aunts but a prime favor ite with al creekvllle had organised the debating club soon after hla ar rival its success had been small as its originator frankly admlttsd the next tuesday evening there wm great activity in the old peevy barn two violins two bassviols a horn flute piccolo and drum with the re spective ownsrs or borrowers thereof were fhereat seven oclock at about lugs mothers- creed my pocket and that it came rpur heart has steered me there la a yojinjr man who ta mak ing good he has a jteen mind and a strong character recently 1 mother was emptying his pockets help him change his clothes quickly that letter will interest you dear mother he said referring to one spout hla workt but it was another paper sbo opened a yellow- rumpled sheet- a not she hs4 written hlm when he was eight years- old the flrs time ha had been separated from bar breathed the thoughts and prayers of all tfue mothers yet she had forgot- ten she had aver written lt the young man was embarrassed for a moment when he saw whit she held than he said that la my moat price less possession i am going to carry it in my pocket as long as i live just the consciousness that i had that me sage in from ypur straight most of the time that mothers message which her boy carried in his pocket until he be- osms a man was this x oet up when called in the morning wash before dragging brush your th wash your face and hands beforo going to the table to obedient remember the world would be crushed if it did not obey the law of god gbd you must suffer if you do pot obey 4t be truthful only cowards lie and you aro not a coward ole kind it is the greatest gift in the world dont forget to do soma klnduvvv evsry day remember that your father is i gentleman in his absence it is up to you to prove in a gentleman is clean apd kind and truthful and quiet have a good tuna remember thrrt i love you with all my heart so your prayers and ask god to keep your heart brave and true and your body well for i your mother the appeal op the tree travellers in portugal report that in many places where timber trees are to be found in woods peaks and gardens one sees the following in aniptlon headed to the wayfarer ye who pass by and woufclxsise your hand against me harken ere youiarm mtt i am the heat of your hearth on the cold wrnter night the friendly shade screening you from the summer sun and my fruits are refresh log draughts quenching your thirst us you journey on i am ttu beam that holds your house pie board of your table the bed on which you lie and the timber that builds your doat i am the handle of your hoe the door of your homestead the wood of your oradle and i the shall of your coffin i am the bread of kindness and the flower of beauty to who pass by listen tomy prayer harm ma not quarter past seven will stone arrived- with an old clarlqnetwblch belonged to bis grandfather who had been n master hand to ploy it in hladoy and had given will a little preparatory each of the nine boys in fact haj found some relative who could give him real help with the instrument which was unearthed from its long burial in some dork closet mr peovy found hla task as instructor greatly lightened by these home teachers who- had at onae been roused by the idea of the band during the long winter months that followed passersby heard sounds of a varied nature issuing from the peovy born or the big old kltoheii according to the state of the weather some times the entire band were heard struggling through on arrangement of familiar tunes sometimes a single bassviol was uncertainly giving forth its allotted part and occasionally the unlucky olarlonet would escape lts performers control and execute a spontaneous solo called by the mem bers of the band wills wobbling these sounds were freely discussed by the group which gathered nightly in the store to await the arrival of the moll at nrst the question of call ing upon tbe selectmen to abolish these earpiercing rehearirhr mooted but although all agreed thai the bandmado a peaky noise almost every man had either a parental or a friendly interest in the enterprise and so it was not stopped j admit its distressing to hear said will stonea father but theyll make some progress mebbe seems as if they cant ever play worsen they do now welt if you can view it that way with the home practising will does i recked the rest of us had ought to make p try at being resigned another member of the group whoso remark was greeted wiht subdued chuckles wills musical feats had already acquired a local celebrity as time went on the boys certainly did- play better it was rumored that a person with a moderate degree imagination had identified the stfalua of annie laurie on one occasion and before long the band was openly sanctioned it isnt all cry and no wool with the boys after all announced the longsuffering mr stone comptooent- y wills getting the hang of that cloronet no mistake during the month- of march the re hearsals were held with great regular ity twice a week preparatory to a concert which was to be given early in april this concert was expected to incline the heaves of the selectmen toward granting a request which henry peevy as the representative of the band was to proffer at town- meeting namely tbe privilege of erecting on the village greet a band stand such as had adorned peaktown and discoursing sweet strains thereon during the summer at least onoe a week th second of april was a mild clear day with a hint of summer in tho soft air an unwonted stir pervaded the village as the day wore on and by halfpast six oclock a procession of wigoiui and pedestrians had begun to wlpd its way up the hill to tho peevy place when tbey arrived at the barn the wagons were emptied of their load of mn women children and chairs it haying been requested that those who rode should bring those art tales of furniture seven oclock the floor of the barn was packed with qhalra of all sorts end slses occupied by the older members of tbe company while tin children sat about un stools ojr in thole elders tape the four broadarmed solid chair of bonor were occupied by squire peevy and the three selectmen nwhono propitiation was of so much import alien lanterns bung from the grout lots urid on one of the haylofts ware arranged the seats and music- stands of the nlno musicians the stools were groupejl around a low box on which henry peevy the louder was to stand promptly at halfpast seven the nine boys dressed in their best tiled into the barn and mounted the ladder to the loft the instruments were car rled or carefully hoisted up according to their sjso then carae the tuning during which painful process tho three sslectmw titenly nlacqd heirnnprre in their fcjua an two of the youngest children gave way to unpremeditated grief then after a breathless pause came the first selection a march u went batter than could have bean ex pected the only real mishap occur red in the tnjddle of the pltfoe when una of the bassviol players tried i turn over the paper on which his part was written and it escaped his trem bling finger and flattered softly dwti linud of tlio moat stolid selectman with thin exception which cuflliod it fow quickly stifled elkiflea jimong the children tho march worn off bravely wiy smne came out with harnly n moasuro behind tho qthnr playorn an 1 the applausa was gonorouit ami loud the programme procoodod quite smoothly tho arrnnkmont qt famlhur bcotoh ulrs was a marked huccosm and henry poevya violin uolo vnrlatlcmn on llome swf at homo wus graetqd with cheer when tho concert was over and tho boys flushed with hflat nnttoxcltomont catriu down tho ladder tlioy woro con gratulated on every nldn tho pnly poraon who gavo thorn no encouraging wdrd was mr peter klandera tho par tially deaf selectman on whono head tho boosvlo players music had de scended he folt thaf homeliow i had bco trifled with jfou boys koep on fnd i shouldnt be a mite surprised if you woro to got aomowhere romarkod mr titonf con fldontlally to honry poevy a fow days later came townmoot ing aboth ton oclock honry escorted by the rest of tho band approached the town hall at tho steps hla escort halted f oood luck to youl speak up for the band henry i were the porting injunction of the excited musicians delivered in hoarse whispers as their leader marched up tho stops opened the big door and lot lteloee boblnd him with its slqw croak thero woro many opinions as to the probable result of henrys plea t band hung about tho town hah in essx j rjz- srwseurs at the end of that ttmo the blg door creaked open again and henry peovy came out the band saw at once that something bad gone wrong they wont let us have it sold tho boy soberly i think they were all willing but mr slander he said it was all foolishness to spoil the looks of the green putting up a contraption jor a parcel of boys to k w- j to tlokle folkars ears and spill things down on em i almost believe he thinks john levin dropped hlsmuslo on purpose 1 i suppose we shall give uv tho whole business then shant wer in quired will stone dejectedly i guess pot said henry with de cision ive got a plan that hers he paused and looked around cau tiously lets go over to johnsons plnem he said abruptly and the musicians filed off warmed by a vague feeling of encouragement during the next month other sounds beside those of musical instruments- issued from the peevy barn the noise of hammering sawing and pounding came frequently during the lengthen lag afternoons if any one asked as to the origin of these sounds the boys looked mysterious but made no satis factory replies the tenth day of may was the birth day of mr oben swan tho oldest man in creokvillo re had formerly been active in alt town dong and at the age of ninetythree took with much grutnbllngnls enforced qulot- nobody remembers im living he said disconsolately to ht wife at dusk after a monotonous day with old newspapers there aro places where they make great doings over the birthday of a man as old as i be but ive got past expecting any notice here since cm laid aside why whats that he tried eagerly in his shrill jildlvolce that proved to be the first bars of annie laurie the sound swelled aa the runeprogressod and mrs swan hastily wheeled her husbands chair to the window than tbe old couple look ed out in silent but delighted anuixe- ment in front of the house stood what had once been a hay- rick but had been converted into a band stand with stout railing around it zt ws- drawn by squire peevys two farmhorses and in it sat nine boys playing away on various musical instruments with a right goodwill when the tune was completed mrs bwan threw open the window us wido as it would go and the two old people waved their handkerchiefs and orlod hurrah t as loudly as they could ive been craving to hear your band honry called tho old man i aposi youre on your way somewhere to perform did you boys fit out that wagon yourselves t bvery bit of it sir returned honry psoudty as he rose and stood in the centre of the vehicle but were not goings anywhere else we came to serenade you i remembered grand father spoke of your birthday last week and meant to get up to sflo you but be hasnt been very well come just to play to me did you exclaimed the old man his voice quav ering with delight and emotion why exposed everybodyd forgotten me well welll the serenade was a perfect euccese there were many other listener bo- side tbe swans and when the boys wound up with hall columbia and called a cheery good night to tho excited old couple they were con scious of many scurrying footsteps as the uninvited audience hastily re treated from rences and trees two other serenades were given during the weeks thai followed thf recipients were delighted tho boys gained confidence and thefeellng in favor of the boys band or orchostry as mr stone contended it should be called grew stronger vwy day onmeraorlav day the portable band stand was driven to the aemetary and tho hand played a dirge and sever il pafftolic tunes andmsxehsd sotjerly around wlth1llao blooms to place an tho graves of sleeping soldiers tho day had passed unnoticed in creekvllw for ysor beforu that t on the as von teen th of june the boys gave an upon air concert in honor of the- anniversary tthe huttloof junker ulli and in conpequenoo of thtsper- furmsnee they received an invitation tqploy at a grand celebration in the neighboring town of dorbury on ttm yuueth of july this invitation wus accepted greatly to tho disappoint ment of crs9kvlle in general and strange to say to mr flanders in particular i was agoing to request thorn boyu to puffqrm a fw piece in their cart on thq green along in the middle of tbe afternoon he said ruefully sternas if tboyd ortor favor their owiutown on ijourth ofjuly irindor counting on it mr flanders was known to have boon u member of tho audlenoe at each of the servitudes but this wus the first time he had referred to the band in any way slnoo tils unfriendly speech at the town meeting an the creehvlllo band drove home from tha dorbury celebration in the twilight they were unusuully silent h wish the folks here had wantod us even if va have earnod ave dollars by going to dotbury jfcald henry peevy regratxuly as they approached the first of the eoaitetsd houses on the outskirts of creekvllle fowlers wlndowt theres a aral thorn woe no mistake nbaut it mrs fowlers sittingroom 1 urtulns wjhi on fro the creokvlllu buifri mm i led nut utr tho wugon with onn accord wjth henry peovy abend us umial tho doorw wnro sacurnly lockod but ut last henry in doporatlon sucloudoil in pushing up tbn tluhtly wvdgod win dow of the little psiifry as he jumpatl into tho room ho received a spattering of milk from a dlstraclod eat which dripping with tho creamy fluid fled past llm out through tho- window tlioro wus lively work n mm fowr lore prim little sitting room fdr somo minutes when that lady came up th roud ho saw a group of boys on har doorsteps engaged in pouring wator from a pitcher ovac henry peovy who out loaning against the noarest boy looking vory faint with u scorohod face and hands your curtains caught fire the cat must have tipped over tho lamp and honry so little and spry ho climbed in the pen try window slick as a thing rut i came next and i got stuck somehow and the boys couldnt haul mo in or out till henryd got most avorythlng groaned tho unfortunate will stone in explana tion that naughty samuel climbing up on tho windowsill to watch for mo oomlng homo gasped mrs ipwlef ive told him moron foryt tlntos it wasnt safe i declare i believe some cats haventgot any mora sonse than some folks i stop pouring that wator ovr poor honry and let ma got him onto tho sofa in the parlor youre tho best boy that over was henry mad im glad those curtains nro don troyod for i always doaplsod the put torn on ami enough messages and good things to eat were left with henrys mdlde aunts during the days that followed to warm tho hearts and satisfy tha ap- imttltss of ton convalescent and all just because ivo gat a few burns henry said in astonishment every day there was an extra tneotlng of th selectmen a month later and mr flanders made his second npeech for tha season- it wo short and to the point i aint much of a hand for tunon being a uttlo deaf said mr flanders as h confronted his brother-sqloct- mon on this occasion but pluck counts for a good deal in these days being source whit i say is lot tho town put up tha contraption them boys asked for and celobrato the nun dred and fiftieth anniversary of tlio settlement ofthls town in good style and as for mo ill got me an oar- trumpet for tbe occasion on ibe beautiful september day when qreekvlllo celebrated tho one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of her settlement there were two persona who attracted a good deal of atten tion one was honry peevy in tho centre of the new band stand with a radiant face conducting his band the other was mr peter flanders who sat in u comfortable chair on the green with his eartrumpet held firmly in place and frowned severely nt any person whose ilpa he caught moving during the performance of any ono of tho twolvo numbers on the programme it aint much of a hand for tune in general he said to a contemporary from a neighboring town during ono of the intermissions but you wont hear better playing than them boys in a days journey besides i was in stnunehtal in getting em that banl stand thoy arnt it sad i was sot and determined they should have it and now keep still for i see honry peevy apolntlng his battong to begin the nexf piece an unqallant lover it bus orton occurred lo me says mr j i iuttomon in his volumu of rem liilm miu inlltlud scu-plu- that r j untm n wo nm n vorc to drajlho cue loin of vi illng iiuto would bo fewer nmrrluictui iiinjmk tlium fhvlr man in tnuiiy huvo i tuutu for rwul imii urn limy know it wltan it hi pruuontair to uiom in an algerian party on bourd tin hlrlus thorn warn a family of throo a young girl and hor parents her lovor was flncamusl with four tnalo on tho opttonlto sldo of tho although hn was tho accepted ono ho hud in keeping wljh their faith and uuntoms novor soon any mora of his liuicoo than hor eyoa luilr bands and rtukod foot nor iut is kono rally the caso bud any of hi fomuja rotative yat sucaoedod in aoolng and reporting on the supposed wondrous beauty hld- 1v jier ndajai the new world when tha business matter was set- tied tho merchant loaned back in hii chair and looked at young harding- there k hard linos about the younu mans mouth bit torn oss in his oyos john the old merchant sold quiet ly you know what your father was to me may i say a word to nj son the young man hesitated a moment then nodded but it was manifestly only courtesy to his fathers friend that made him yield tha old mer chant looked post him out across 4h slty you were only a boy when your father died he neve told you about my black year did bo 7 no sir john harding answered wincing it was a block year first i fulled it took ton years to climb bock again but i lost a whole year through my own weakness nervous breakdown the doctor said it was really spiritual worry and lack of grit and in the midst of that amy died l know sir john harding said in a tpw voloe it had been a lonely house ever since he could remember the old man did not oem to hoar ho went on slowly your rather stood by i jiovor cun tell you huw he stood by me through it all or of the patience with which he root my rebellion night ho was staying at tho house with me when a heavy electrio storm cuma up in the midst of it there wan a tremendous crash and two great oaks in front of the house went down my grandfather had plantad those oaks and i had inherited u love for thorn it seemed to mo then warped us i was by my illness another real calamity but in the morning jack called to me suddenly look at your view man look at your vlewl and there lay the city a thing of magic beauty in tbe early light and beyond the hill mile and mil of thorn jack turned to mr with deep eyes a parable of lit old follow ho said there a whole world wall ing i knew what h meant and i re sented it but i couldnt gat awiv tram that vuw and the uorsblo of ll all my llfoj had beep shut in by my own possessions god had to strip me of them to open my yn u was a hard buttle but i surrendered at taat and wont out to discover the world- you vo founfl it sir everyone knows that john harding surd whut i want to say to you juok is that u is worth it looking buk now i would pot dare give up whut sorrow and troubl have given tia i wanted to fell you that qods wuys aro big jack evssv with our little live trust ilim and find your iieiv wot l it will be greater than tho old the twogripped hands and thou ihv young man was gone not quite fulfilling orders you remember the story of thu scotchman who was not foiling u- wall a usual utid culled oh hu family doctor who looked hlra over and guye lilm mtnu pills to be taken ut bedttrox bottle of whiskey wag also pro- mcrlbad for his stomachs auk a small glass tp bo taken aftor each nisul four days later sandy culled nguln on the doctor und said that he wu fooling no better have you taken tho medicine ex actly a i lastruatedt the doctor in quired well doctor said ubndy i miv be n wo bit ablud wl the peels but im about six weeks ahead wl the whuakoy in lilitpottlhg heart ibrahim meant to nop jier foco half infidel that ho was in that glorious grecian woath- wo woro passing through- tho cy clad pa tha luxknklnnoil pair war a talking by tno uido of the tnidshlp bunkor hatch botwoon tho bridge and tho temporary companion way i had al roudy made a sort of unofficial ao qualntunco with tills ithq doatory by tho imdium of my lialf chost of books and ho utid l woro standing now the rail on tho lower bridge watching ilioflo two lovers and their compatriots tha mun noon huugod bis position that cuubud mara to alters hers so that nho wan facing tho hatchway tha corner of it bolng between thorn now ho sank down on tho dock crossing his log and squatting on hi heelf blur wan looking aft and ho forwarj and thalowor end of hor adajar was a few inches below the combings against which she loaned the conversation suffered no break very likely he was tolling hor bow many sheep ho had und d wo i link with pride on the peculi arities of certain members of tbe flock un hi mcrlto aa a shop herd and hla prowosa us a horseman and on the rurc fertility of his fathers two fields moan while hor mother a careful chap or on turned now and than from i van lugo poet by th opposite bulwarks to glanca at thorn abruptly without ao much a a pre li ml nary murmur ho gavo a cry of feigned pain clappod one hand to tho rear of his anatomy und leaped straight to his foot his action had tho instantaneous effect of making her start suddenly backward and lot that qulok movomont jerked the vbil from her face and loft it bare tho perfidious young rogue had se cretly fustonod the edge of iha veil to tho loose corner of the tarpaulin that coverod tho hatch then ho had prod u cod tj formldablo pin and surrep titiously stuck 11 into himself it had iain on tho dock and worked him svll as ho sat now ho stood facing her thunder struck on hand still behind him half tho big pin showing between his fin gers und his kuxo fixed on her horrl fled face she was completely stupefied the adujar was still attached to her and to the tarpaulin and the other alger ians looked at hor id wonder and hor ror at the desecration done in public exposing a woman s face that lasted u fow seconds then the mother gath ering hor scattered sense together run to tho girl snatched the veil free from tho hatch covering and roughly jammed it into it proper place but not before everyone hod seen that her daughter had a largo harollp and across tho chin a disfiguring trans verse car that had probably been caused by soma ftccldont in early life femlnlrm lntuljlup in this case ap parently roused by justifiable spite- led the oldor woman to a right con elusion a to tho origin and course of tha seeming accident more year and greatof world knowtsuge han her daughter possessed had doubtless giv en hor a ponetrntlng insight into tho way of that blunter no which hai mudo itself lite lords of creation es- poctully in tho east- however wheth er that was so or not all that day there was grat troublo in the lwoep docks whore the parties at once wont to discus the utlalr and it broke out again more than onoe during tha voy age f a 8acr of worries a wuyfuror currlid a heuvy sack under which hi toliod und complained unceasingly from none could he got help or comfort and aii bo alwly jaurnoyed groaning under his burden thuango of know ledge culno to him utid spoko kindly saying urother what carrlost thout and the man utiswored surlly my worries tho angel smiled pityingly upon him and said let us lock into thy bundle und examine thy worries and o thoy looked in nut lo tnt suck wu empty why surely cried tho mun there wora two great worries too heavy for to- boar hut ah yea i hud forgot ono wus u worry of yesterday und t it is gono uut the other that why that was u worry pf to- morrow and it it has not yet coma then the angel smiled with infinite pity saying hearken ho who bowe himself down under tho worries of yostarduy and tu morrow wear himself out for rm uk lit hut he who turrtos only the worries of today huth no need of a ssck ror hi oorrowa if thou wilt cast this black thing usldo und give nil thy strength und ohoor und murage to tho things of today then mls- fortuiib n over cut overcome thee whemuvon tho mun did tho an nul uommutidod and up tie took up his journay juid ent swiftly on his heart and his hands wart freo 1191 only to do bu d ut in wnll und cheerily but tu relievo muny u biwther wayfarer uf his bur- dons und o pluck for himself sweet fruits and flowers along the wayside and whun he cume ut last to the setting of the sun it wu with smiles und u song the only way a man ells of a printer who stmte1 poor twenty years ngo and bus jpst 10 tired with a comfortable fortune of liooqo this monoy was acquired through industry sponumy ronsolon- tloun efforts to glvo full vulu liidoiii itubls perseverance und tho dotli of un anclo who left him 140080 70 tho darling digest nature is wondorfuljiut hiio makes fow head us hard as wlndsblotds internal and external fains are promptly relieved bv r thoas eclectric oil usb rrlu get your job printing at the free press something to rest on tho datormhiulloii uilhurod to with ho mulflvlng to add nothing not id mtioti j transient sigh to tlio groat total u mans unh up illness uj his way through thu wot id unit uu wus something to rest on is tlh drift of uir uppouroiiices vvotler ratfr antique among the audienoa to rfettis on tha a wish why boys whats that light blaself tli out arnnsduughter whatovur are you luqghlng st grandpa th aged qne in convulsions of mirth why j sold h old kitchen chair to that ahap a u genuine an tique an i can rvtnembor mo old grandfeythor telling me he made ji no mora dalighyftii dessert or mld-wtntes- local nows the time to presecyothsm perfect seal oem bq ndpefadski annwuat the great international plowing match tractor farm machinery demonstration will be held on the fari of b h bull sr brampton ont 1s161718 1924 1 d6nt tfail to keep these dates in mind 300000 in prizes tarmebs of canada see 20th century power machines in operation competition open to the world for fulljnformation apply to j lockie wilson secretary and managing director parliament buildings toronto study the ads li a recent number- of the american machinist half a page in the advertising section was devoted to this instructive little talk dont read the ads study them there was a tjme jvhen the ads were hot worth study there wasnt much of anything in them excepting the advertis ers good opinion of himself they were about as informing as a surly car conductor but advertising of machine shop equipment has put on sevenleague boots 1 its travelling toward betterment fast its so close to the ideal that no man jean afford to pass it without study dont look upon them as adstheyre multipliers they contain tbe boileddown crys- talized information that keeps a man post- ed on new developments in his line theyre multipliers of knowledge advance agents of progress in nearly all of them somewhere are pointers that will help any man interested in machinery making theres something in them for you- and what that something i8 can be found when you study the ads s dont read the ads btudy them i- is nri

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