Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 9, 1924, p. 4

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mi r t nit irons or of ljr arton jtrrr flraw ucnuf salccictl towo waaaue o4 oalarla alill surd acton ontario the aubecrlpueei price u soo par rear in aevaaoe fau u charred additional la oslces in ibe uslud suit tka date to wake eabacripuoee m pfd u utlktd o ta 44im ubl advkktlstnjo ftatxs-trumlmit-atlwwtbw- i cent per lie agate aaaaser lor erei iaaaruoa ead j oeata per ibt lor each m qawat laecrtma contract dlapuy idwrtjat- aseau lorse tacka or saora pr uin it ceat ptr teca each inaarticav advaauetseeata erira- ml apede dinctioea will be iaserteo tm farbkt and cajuaed eccordiagty tclkpu0nk3- editocu d bnelsess csoa a eiprtsideat canada has favorable balance of trade a favorable balance of trade forjconada of 12- 852040 for the month of august is shown in the months reports tho returns for the twelve months ending august show a favorable balance of 238- 803070 ft is noticcabjo that australias debit bal ance for tho years trading ending juno 30 was 21002446 which with tho adverse trading of the previous year puts the balance on the wrong side of the ledger of overseas trade of australia to the ex tent of 34800134 for the two years canadas progressive movement toward days of prosperity are certainly encouraging causes for a mans downfall last friday the trusted secretary of sir adam beck the head or tho hydro- electric system on tarios greatest public utility cm b exiled 20000 of hydro lands and took passage for south america fortunately for tho provincial funds and for tho young map himself ho was apprehended as he was about to cross tho river at niagara falls to the united states tho report of tho unfortunate affair says that settell the trusted clerk referred to had met his downfall through following tho races keep ing a well stocked cellar of liquorvand leading a fast life and therenjrfestill some people to uphold horse racing and liquor drhtking in faco of tho nefarious results so often recorded thursday morning october 0 1024 editok1al votel else why are yod a voiert if the coming plebiscite election is like other elections we hive had about flrtyflve men and women pufof every hundred qualified voters will do all the voting on october 23- every voter should vote of course else why a voter nevertheless he or she is a better citizen who carefully preparer for voting and then fails to vote than he or she bo gqes to the polls and casts tho h allot under the influence of indifference persuasion prejudice or because father always votadifiat way vote by all t means bat vote intelligently and with the inwara consciousness that you are voting right and for the beat interests of the country the community tn home and the family healthful sports for the young people it is a good thtng to have tho young people tako a keen interest in athletics and at the same time instil a spirit of clean sportsmanship this is re cognized by the staff of our public and high schools the annual field day in the park on saturday afternoon was no doubt the means of stimulating a keener interest in athletics and a desire to excel in tho healthful outdoor sports such as were included in the long list ofeventsfor the day observation shows very conclusively that boys who were experts at some form of outdoor amusement are thejnen who are taking prominent places in tho business and public life of tho community of course this miut be coupled with interest in school duties and one stimulate the other neighborhood news- town and country milton mr j ij soot i who hafl boen on a rip to tbe coast returned homo about week ago mrs ii whjt tort on wednesday fur niagara fall otr a vl to her daughter mr a j sloans mrs b ml dew attended tho four- day eeestons or the iloard of managers of the w u bvbeldin toronto laat wmk she wu honored by trains elected one of the field secretaries of tb uoard attar the evident on the c p it level crossing a little west of milton in whloh meeara jas n and a h- terrtll father and son were killed on july ii the railway company- made the required report tothe board of hallway commlaalonera of canada with a diagram and description of the crossing the board haa recommended that the knolt on tha- north aide of the track on the anderson farm be out down and the earth removed be used in trading tha road on the north aide of the crossing ao that occupants of vehlelea will approach it on a higher level and will have a clear view of the track to the west this rseommenda- tlon la equivalent to an order and la aura to be followed by action cham plan rin yoa will make a bis mistake- mr roger babson the eminent financial statisti cal expert from the united states recently addressed the ottawa board of trade on the outlook for 1025 he predicted that canada would see the breaking dawn of business depression in 1025 business de pression he asserted is worse today in some sec tions of the united states than it is in canada but be went on to point jjnt that the prosperity of canada does not depend ultimately on the hankers and rail- wvfsbat on the character and religion of its men 1 women and children in the course of his speech m re to the increased prosperity of some busi nesses such as dairying and beverages mr- babson rhtterjected this remark if ontario goes wet next month it will make a great mistake this seemed to amuse some of those present so that mr babson fwas led to add with some warmth the following tt6edqnt i want o be understood 1 am dry and- would still be dry even if i fell into a river if i jjou go uu next month yon will make a big mistake bm ike moderaiitmosm banish tie barrooaas those pf us who have good memories read with yjee under government sale wou bo just as bad ory considerable amusement the statement of the moderation leaguers advertisements that it is ggenerauy agreed that a step was uken in the right direction when the public drinking bar was abolish- vjeov who took the energetic step ten years ago to raf rfd the country of the- drinking bar the very people who today are wo rkinjv strenuously to hold to the jgood that which hasnew accomplished by support- ing the ontario tempera pee act who opposed the p efforts made ten years ago to banish the barrooms fctbeveiy men who are now soarduously ambitious j2to adopt government control which provides for 8 selling liquor for drinking purposes these men thn upheld the barroms and claimed tho country needed these workingmens clubs time has shown thajt barrooms are not now needed nor wanted even by the people who defended them ten years fcago and ti wi showthat government control 4a not needed nor wanted by the people of ontario kc by a large majority the home town the home- town means a lot more to some people jthan to others some folks never feel close ties to any place they move around without a feeling of fregrot or loss they do not feel badly to parf with jrtho friends they make because they do not create intimate- ties they do not acknowledge obligation to swork in cooperation with their fellow citizens and no eone feels any obligation to help them along they pi ay a lone hand all their days and never get far jqtber people have an intense feeling of loyalty bind- fj dng them to the home soil it is partly sentimental affection partly a keen sense of the advantages of j business unity and cooperation they feel united svby a common tie to all the people who live in the fown acton has a lot of people of this kind who ftrhavo been the mainstay of all our progress they interest in every persoiuor thing that was ever connected with the place and any project tend- tng to work for its benefit haa their hearty and en- ivtfiusiastic support in so far as all our people acquire v that point of view we shall attaint our ideals as q cornrounity this involves- giving a preference in all par business relations to anything that comes from fcptbe home town- if a suit of clothes sold hero is just v wgood as one beught somewhere slsa we should hoy kg siiit of clothes sold here we might well buy it even if it was not quite so good but it fa not neoes- ry in our good stores to make this kind of sacrifice hens town fully acquires that unity of spirit and burposa and feeling te jpossibilities of itt nrogresi jajrot enormous it advances a cotribact rnasa of f people devoted to one end not as a lot ojtj separate dlyidilals all working fordlvenuss 1 ith endeavor to accomplish theseathat on chamber of v commerce bigfa orjrueit the hvdroe3ectric system shows substantial surplus notwithstanding reductions in power rates to a large number of municipalities during the year acton jlroong them the niagara hydroelectric system including the chippawa development says an official statment from sir adam back has earned a net surplus of 21669030 for the tenmonth period from november i 1923 to august 31 1024 after providing for all contingencies estimated in its inception stages to providing sinking fund and re newals after ten years operation the hydroelectric chippawa development plant at queenston in- con junction with tho whole niagara system has done this after two years ontario may well be gratified with the outcome of this highly important and bene ficial utility erin fiur thursday and friday october and 10 mra r w hull vultod at tho home f her father mr allan momane at mllverton laat week mr peter paige of mounuberg vlalted at the home or hie brother-in- law ut a hurren and other frunda laat week mr page la in hie tstb year and made the trip alone with a barae and buggy in the standing field crop compe tition in pptatoaa conducted by the krln agricultural society the award are aa followa let 8 s oruin bon it point and bpn barbour tl point trd jaa mokltrlok tl point 4th it xx nodwell to point 5th o c burt la polnu cth burt bingham tl point tu geo overland point the corn roaat held at the home of mr and mra o d fletcher by the north erin farrdkra club waa a very enjoyable ajtair after the programme which waa held on tho lawn the ladles served corn and welnern which were quite a treat to alt who were present the prises in the ground hog kllllna contest waa al award mr fred fendleya aide won with- total of flo tails and mr joe s teens aide second with set making- a total of f ci a contest or this kind would be oommendlble in any community and ir the farmers would cooperate the ground hoga which are doing ao much harm on the farms wonbr soon be exterminated advocate dvcrtibeo qoodne88 ri tee neeit no trumpet even tlit- i i godly rucognlxe rurhtuiutifii ajt elglit whuri u man stnrtm to ndvar- tte hie vlrturt yu ntn put it down ttml there is uinn rottinntna hamv- wliere umleriiuutli tho eurfatie cot another man prilled thro and tiol tlili own llpe tho reaeoii mimn men nro ei anxtou to rclulm tholr guod qunlltles la thiit tliny know llmt they were rated nt their trun worlh they would ba hung to ihe vonreet lamptoat wfirth while people like gold or precious n ton on have to be dug up we read that when moses came down from the mount hie count eneno waa en reaplandnnt with hie oontuot with the invisible that he had to be veiled when hef eypke to the people ijut wu read aleu that moeoe wist not thai tho akin of hie faco ahone the beet evidence of good ness la lie abeoluto unaaneclouanesa when you twain to fee hkn tellfng people haw good you lirtve been take a look at yuureolf in the mirror and you will ace tho faco pf tli man in the gospel who trusted in nlmeelf that ho wna rlghteoue and despleod other solomon in hhoe end loath or juurnnt onef reason why drlbfleta nature loyar in i man who can work until 4am and rejnlcos when the blrdlea wnko hlrfl- at n- ra- the first gravn m in tit ho some great men make is when i hoy have tholr pholoroph mrulo tho pueitlng thing is how many tnosqulloea are retjulreil j to makn n summer reeort to some womo the grvninurloelty of life js juet tiuw nhor pnople can afford oara j the huabs nils only chunco is to urge hr to hob it and count on her mullahneaa green tea 1 used man than any other brand la btcaui the daltoloua flavor ntrvr varies try it niee turns f tieoi ruanu nmtt iuuatmoato cooler night and lower prices on wood these cool night when you do not tieod a are for long iswhon wood corau in handy to tako the- chill off the bouse and whiit will be more welcome news is that the prrco ho been reduced and ihe following prlaee nro now in effect mixed slabs t 1300load hardwood slabs and short wood 400 lotd best body cordwoocl 4 foot lenglbs 1000 cord and at this season of the year it is mot proflthale to do your cooking with wood you warm tho house at tho same time and yuur fuul does double duty cach load is guaranteed a pull 8inqle coro d a hendersqn phone 25 we deliver promptlv usiness directory medical dr j a mcnlvbn phyalolsn arid surgeon onioe and itosldnnceicorner avenue and ichrin street pijonio 81 olfy j nelson itiucofiiuck errnsmjw acton ontario you buy fine equipment pt us phqne no it v o box tss harold nash farmer m a barrlefar sej loiter notary pusua cenveyanoer eta perryman block acton ont monef lbnt onanitclaaeal ifoura 9 ao ajjj to s pja saturdays 12 00 oclock h a meir banlets selieieor notary aeergetewfv onv dental dr j m bell d d s lv d t demfef honor araduatei of taronf utatvev- elty the utest aneethetle uawtt iff desired office at residence contar btta sawj fredatiok screet burlington where ontarios newspapexb stand if one wishes to see the solid opinion of the nativeborn population of ontario in regard to the proposal to replace the ontario temperance act by a system of government sale it can be found in the weekly newspapers of the province these journals represent the real feeling of the people in the towns vfllags and rural sections of the province the editors of these papers know where they stand and they- have not been long in declaring their positions they remember the old dsysof the barrooms and they have seen the improvement that has taken place under the ontario temperance act thev realize observers declare the condittonsof drunkenness and as tbewere in tho days of the barrooms people have not forgotten the results that attended the un restricted and promiscuous sale of liquor before the ontario temperance act came into force brant- ford expositor editorial notes over iso appeal ware received voters to be added to the voters uai or the coming plebiscite wallace hopkins left laat week for toronto to attend victoria university mr wm p currleand wife have returned home to cleveland after spending- five week with mr and mra w e cardweu mra edward coebmore of portland oregon formerly mlaa alice murlaon of burlington la visiting mra john foster ontarlq street mrs b j corwln wife of tax col lector corwln met with an unfortun ate accident at her home on pearl street oh saturday evening hut sirs corwln with her daughter had return ed borne from shopping down town and aa ahe was walking acroaa the dining room floor she slipped and fell on the hardwood floor fracturing her leg just above the knee on monday evening the young people or the methodist church met in the aehool room and elected their officers tor the onnmng season hev george klnaveraa in charge of the meeting gnd after tha devotional ejterclaea conduct ed the election which resulted a fol lowa hon president rev george a king president guy munaon pevo- uonat vicepresident mlaa ruth jbieaslnger missionary v toepresident likewise that in all probability as- many contestant jar walker social vicepresident mlaa muriel freeman uterary vice- president mlaa kdlth fisher cluaen- ahlp vicepresident allan davidson secretary george harris treasurer mlaa breckon qasette f geoflgetown mra garje adam of cincinnati ohio bj vuitin with her slater mrs l e fleck mr clarence bennett of the t eaton co winnipeg spent friday with friends in town mr legrow haa returned home from tiudph hospital and 1 able to get around on crutches he la making good progress toward recovery from his recent severe accident two ford collided at the corner of main and mill streets on sunday morning both cars were damaged considerably but fortunately the occu pants escaped injury a silent police man might have prevented the aocl- deni mrs h c nellaen of ldlngton mich has returned home after spend- tier a month at the home or her son n netlsen h messrs j b waluce bl y barra- cloogh a kirk end h r mlmma bald a visit to zetland podge a- f a m toronto last friday evening georgetown creamery was- entered sometime between 1m and 500 a ra on thursday morning but and over tdn of butter stolen the thieves unlocked the outer doors and also the door to the large refrigerator room loaded the boxes or butter on a truck and departed the robbers left no clue aa to then- identity on tuesday evening of last week a- larg number of friend and members or oeorgotown baptist church met at the home of mr and mrs whltmee o bid farewell to rev and mrs moore previous to their departure to another fleld the evenlne was marked with splendid good fellowship and enjoy ment though all regretted the removal of their pastor of four una half years the following from this district won prises with their horses at brampton fair fred wriggle worth 1st on car riage horse 1st on wagon horse j w besaeyjlst for genuemans turn- ml 1st for brood knars snd for car riage team xnd for single high step- pbell lod for gi out snd for roadster te harness w w brown ridge percheron mare herald mclaoghlin boick master six touring 2545 voret do not permit any sophistry to blind you of the stern fact government control permits sale of liquor for drinking purposes tho ontario temperance act prohibits the sale of liquor for drinking purposes declaring that children will be safer better cared for and have larger savings if tho ontario -temper- ance act is continued tho principals of torontos public schools recently went on record aa heartily endorsing the continuance of the act over sixty principals attended the meeting acton chamber of commerce has already demon strated that the organizatiqn is of value by their prompt action when the 18 p m train was cut off and ho satisfactory result of seeing it restored a day after an interview of a delegation appointed to meet and confer with the railway officials at toronto in the matter government control is nothing more or less than government sale but it sounds more digni fied to vote for government control opens ihe door for much less restricted sale of liquor than we have today x government sale excludes the bar hut provides the bottle where will the bottles go into the home the hotelbrack room and the passing auto is that the kind of control you want newmarket era editor w h davies of the renfrew mercury has been appointed president of the south renfrew plebiscite organization his ability as an organiser was fully tested thja summer when ho conducted the canadian editors party of one hundred and seventy through europe for eight weeks without a mishap of any description under his direction south ren frew may be counted on as safe for the ontario temperance act cuelphjs success in the matter of cemetery im provements aa the result of the formation of a com- m a ion some years ago is evidently becoming widely known tfiyouhout ontario judging- from the in quiries for information which reach the secretary avtxhfiwipisicetatwy here express -them- m0wjiouipb methods la another instance where a- jl q havc a conservative estimate the fouowlng story is told by bishop welldon in his recent published llw- oollectlons and reflecthmi governess onoe tried to alve her pupil some idee of the relative aiao of certain distant countries by say ing cambodia u about as urge aa blam but whan one os v the tittle girls attempted to repeat the informs hon in a written exercise she put it a my governess says thatt cam bodia is about as largs as she tat plasty crossexamination a chap was arrested for assault and battery and brought before the judas judge to prisoner what is your rat your occupation and what are yqu charged with r prisoner my name ts sparks i am an electrician and i am charged with battery judge- put this guy in a dry oau adjustable son visor j antomatia f windshield wiper cowl lights scuff plates trunk rack rigid tire carrier en tho aide and bumpers front and rear thla mcinghllnbujck master hc tour ing car has all of these of coarse it also has a walnut instrument board inlaid walnut panels and sidq aockets on all fout doors moreover it- has four- wheel brakes and irfrpresasre tlrea yet while an of these are important to your comfort convenience and safety they are only incidental the real worth of melaugblinbnick is embodied in its powerful longlife valvelnhead motor the rugged chasali in the body beautiful in line and finish and the precision with which tha whole la built and assembled dr p a gollop dds uda dental surges otsee over bank of wova sura hotsrsdso to sj0 arvenlng by apvaiatmmmt m i scsxlan eovs v francis nltnan beokbtode account books of an kinds n rder periodicals of every carefully bound rutin ussftj promptly done wyndbam street over wmisms store fisher king flepresentatives for this district eteudkvk georgetown ont every government sale province is a bootleggers paradise rlquor once sold cannot be cootroued the evil lie in the liquor not in the method of fts sale nor in the form of the package this is proven fat every canadian pro vince where government sale in varying forms has been tried jpwttti easier access to tntoaacatmg liquor drinking has increased enormously more drunkenness and crime associated with drunkenness have naturally followed bootlegging instead of being cured by socalled government control is flourishing to a degree that makes ontarios illicit sale seem small and uistgnulcant by comparison tja ghastly failure serving only to multiply the very evils it was heralded to cure that is the story of government sale of liquor in british columbia in manitoba in quebec british colombia and the bootleggers t the vancouver world a newspaper itsendly to the government has declared in mn editorial british columbia is the bootlegger paradise the attorneyvgeneral of that province who is the official adminiatrator of the government liquor control act oajd m a recent speech the greatest bootleggers of all are the brewers and export liquor dealers dr a e coolte of vancouver in the canadian congregationakiv assertsi tbe government controls neither the manu facture importation rronsportation nor ejrportarjon of liquor a the distillers and brewers control all these and tbe govern ment simply acts as one of their sales agents controlling about 50 per cent of the retail end of the trade the whiskey ring and the bootleggers control the rest- mmlttba sick of coatroj in less than tear eleven months after manitoba adopted hs government control system an open- minded investigator of condition in that province sums up the situation in these words i leave manitoba unpressed whh the evidence that both wets and dry are dis satisfied with the government control sys tem tha wets because there is no legal sale of beer by the glass and because there is some delay and trouble in getting- hard stuff and the drys because boot legging and drunkenness have greatly increased the same neutral authority declares there is no dispute in winnipeg about bootlegging everybody dry wet moderabonists police government officials business men profeasjonal men and round- era tell the same story the unanimous verdict during tbe week of august 24th when 1 was in winni peg was that bootleg ging was bcifcfc carried on on a tremendous scale that the city was wide open that the botetmen had no re gard for tbe will of the people as ex in tbe disapproval of sajdjof liquor by the glass and that something bad to be done quebec uitder covernfnent salcf eclipses open bar evil quebec with its longer experience en government sale has drifted still further back toward the evil days of the open bar- in fact the only difference between the quebec tavern and the old barroom is that- customers sit down at tables to drink rather than stand up at a bar and while quebec goes on spending more money for booxje than for educa tion j2bjd00j000 annually for liquor and 26fioqfloo for educational- purposes crime is rampant the montreal gaxette was recently constrained to declare mont real is a perfect- mecca for evfldoervwith vicious immoral resorts and gambling joints the hidingplaces of the alien and other criminals from all cocnerr of the i i am yea am faar w u ueeaaa w tea oaewet t eaveaeaaair sa rae aa fea ef m aw 2aa a eee ef aee aahl mrlsawiueaaa- sai continent ontario has higher hopes ontario citizens do not want this province to become a boaleggcr- para dise they do not want their government co go into partnership with the dutriuers and brewers splitting the booze business flftyufty viihbootbwgcrs which is the best any government has been able to do under government sale the responsible electors of ontario do want the happier homes women and children mode possible by the ontario temperance act they do wont to defeat the uquor traffic insidious effort to turn back the dock they do want ontario to be spared the coedy experience of such bootlcggen paradises as british co manitoba and quebec in this belief and with the government pledged to give active and vigorous enforce ment of the ontario temperance act tha ontario plebiscite cornmittee asks with every coruuenca that ontario citlaena giy the government an iinmwtskrablpmindate on october 23rd tfs hamaar old osttarto saurktctixbauttectjhttsi x tbe plebiscite coi 2 toronto street toronto g bi abe phones office il re tttw dr a t price chmopeacnc electrotherapy 130 upperwyndhim street gaelph over ii yeaiv exputnc consultation free r j kerr auctioneer and real estate agent r year sxperiemo acton ontario sojea entrusted to jl j kerr re celve attention from date of hating to date of sale ust your sales with me itesluenoe uower avenue acton phone 16 acton call at my start on monday cuelph business college quelph ontario approted courses individual instruction evory graduato located it a a fact there ore good rutauaerative poaltlone uwaltlng you when thoroughly quaiiued a l oouck phnoipal and proprietor q3rlao0srm 1jqronto ciwaoi good glasses if you need thenvgood advice if you dont our examinations tell whether yuur need is qlusaos or a change lit o lasses a d savage optometrist to canadlen paoifjo rsllvway co bavaoe building tight at the tot offloe quelph ontario the old and rdfatbto granltn and msrtle works we are manufaotorera and dlreet importers of all klads of mp and headstone worlr we au dlraes to oar ouatamsra at wboleesja prlosa tbua saving onr ouatptnera 40 par oant ws have tfta est appluneeo gad tha only txmobanio in tha tmfiliri wba oan operate pneumauo tools property wa oan gtve rarerenoes from hvndt4a of our eoatoman in toronto and otaer places vrbara otbara have to oava saw rolta bt oroartoreoueet w bavxta larfaet and bast atook of chaaat sa the rtnra or snore than any tfens dejsantbwast wa ar aaart matfdaalers aad eaapav no antfdo pot aaney or past n ojnvieniorant aasntsa sssrifesons ka

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