Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 9, 1924, p. 5

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thf a jffrgg jlr thuhhday octoueit 9 1m4 a tongue twister uhni rt twlntor 14 twisting will twlflt lor i tn cwliiihig dtlil tyllt ho doth illn union untwist 11 11 1 if in of hlu twines of the twist lo untwist jjm twlio that untwlnteth untwlsttli thn twine untwlillnjt thn iwlno 4uit untwlstelh lntweun ha twirl with the twlntor the two in u twlno then twice having twlstod tiio twlmm of tho twlno hewlstnd tho twlno hu had twisted in twain tim twain that in twlnlritr ixjlorn in 1 twine an twine wprii untwlslnd ha now doth untwlno twlxt tho twuln inturtwintlhs a twirt mora between flit twirling his twlnlrr makes a twls of lh twlno twenty vear8 ago frem tho issue of the fra press of thursday october 13 1904 lnllt wcuk a frosts rubbed tho gar dens uf all their bloom tho beotiiiiuls urn dropping und th hoys are laying in stores for winter tho ulobn on tuesday published tho portrnll of j 4 pcncoti ttl liberu1 candlduto fur this county just think how on short month ago wo all did mudh porsplre now down th cfllur tii wo go to light tho furnace tiro married matthews ujtant at pueblo colo on tuesday september 2ft 1904 by roy james klrkbrlde pas tor first methodist church chester uatthewa uh of postmaster mat thews acton to ada oldest daugh ter of charles grant of rockdale colo the sunday school lesson for 8undav october 12 ii k b1 nxrfy how to become aqooo mixer o0 of tho first question jfhich u today asked about a person who is being considered for a position where there la much to do with people is this is ho a good mlxert once being a good mixer was a loqulni phrase but now while it might not bo admitted 40 tho elegancies of the english language we do not need to apologise whn wo us the words a good mixer la one who knows how to get along well with all sorts of conditions of people ho is one who quickly makes himself at homo among rlclt and poor among old and young among thoss who or educated and among those who have never bad the mdvantage of years in school there are people whom it never seems possible to get close and who never seem to have the faculty of get ting close to anyone else like oil poured upon water such persons will not or do not or can not mix with those with whom they have been thrown jj almost goes without saying that a person v is uppish or standamah or snippy cannot be a good mixer if you helve a high and lofty idea- of yourself- if you think you are a blue blood it yon feel that you are a sup eriorsort of a creature you may lake it is granted at once those woro you meet am- either amused or bored or resentful in any case you have put up a wall between yourself and them mors impassable than that of the great chinese wall in the days before artillery furthermore tf you are to be s good mixer you cannot hold yourself aloof and expect people to oomo u you and make a good deal of you here the old adage lg true a person who would have friends must snow hlrnj self friendly no matter if you are naturally timid and shrinking you timid you must forget it you must get over it you must meet people as certain of a oordlal reception as if you were the bearer to them of a present of fifty thousand dollar if people on tbalr aide are a bit frigid and glacial in their movements just say to yourself 1 wip maka them umber up and unbend i will get a mils from their motionless impassive faces and it is astonishing itow soon you will notice a perceptible thawing and tben a real melting back to you from them will come the reflection of your cheery good will the good mixer will strive at once to find common ground with people and this common ground will be some thing in wjilch both ore interested others may net be at all interested in us or anything which concern us but they are vastly interested in them selves n their ideas in their plans in their doings and in their belongings so the mixer forgets all about him self he makes no reference to hts joys or sorrows to his success or to his defeats but at once he strikes up a ooomradeshlp gn thebasesof some in terest he discovers in the other xjke every part of the art of being or good mixer is one ln which the theory is much easier than the sooom- pushmout as the old latin proverb put ari longs tempos brave artjg onf time is short from youth until age one may practice the art of betng friendly or being able to getj nest to people but the art is so wall worth while that even to become in a measurable way a good mixer splen- gudly repays the effort abstinence and longevity a recent issue of the monthly bul lettn published by the deportment of health of new york city contains a paper by mr arthur hunter actuary of the new york l4fe insurance com pany on the relation of drinking to longevity after presenting detailed statistics of several american insur ance companies the author concludes as follows the opinions or the tnedu col director show v life insurance companies look with disfavor 00 ep- plications from persons who drink freely although not to the point of intoxloauon and on those who have taken aloobolld beverage to excess in the past hat who are temperate- now the statistics already submitted and others to which reference has been mad prove conclusively that that attitude of mind la based an foots and that a higher mortality must he ex pctd in the users of alcoholic bever ages oq the othes hand it la con clusively proved that total abstainers are longer- lived than nonabatalners even excluding from the latter those who drank immoderately at the date of application for insurance or prior te that time the experience of seveq american life insurance companies has proved that abstainers have from ten per cent to thirty iter cent lower mor tality than nonabatalners and there is no good reason for believing that if the other companies compiled their statistics ber would be any different result provided the companies exer cised the luune care in accepting ab stainers and nonabatalners the am erican statistics now published corro borate the british data in indicating the unfavorable effect of alcohol on longevity and in showing that total abstinence decidedly increases long evlty t for yeans mother araves worm icxtermlnator has ranked us a rellablo worm preparation and it always main tains its reputation v 4 why blame the p10t wife johnj to morrow is our silver wedding why not kill the plgt john whats the usn of murdering the poocjur furwluu happened twen- tyavw years men t wash cougars raw htmon on ti1k mount ivn1- mutt c 6 16 ooldau text thy- kingdom comi thy will bo done matt t it the text explained verso 6 8 land and pray iitundlni was he cuntomnry jawlsh kowire li pmyor the pious jnw conscientiously nlmervnd all tho specified hours of pruyor wherever ho might happen to be when the hour curio he assumed tho posture of prayer home ins in core persons who sought unscrupulously to make their uftdlra as to be overtaken by tile hour of prayer lit som splcuous public place whore thctr ob servance uf tho form of worship would x soon of men verse 7 us not vtn repetitions not th length of tho prayer but the sincerity and uarnrstness of the peti tion flaternilncs its accap lability ood vorso after this man nor there fore pry ys a ithorter form of tho model prnyer which follows is found in luke 11 34 where it is iftvnn by jomus in riminbe to a request from the dlsolples that he teacl them how to pray our father the analogy of parent and child in ood s relationship to man removes practically all jio dlf flcultlos on the subject of prayer tho wise parent does not grant al requests at his children buvnly such as are for their highest and pest in terests the child moreover who trusts his parent oaks in confidence and without fear and yet no refusal shakes his trust in the fathers logo and power hallowed be thy name the element of adoration is mora evi dent in the jewish and christian faiths than in heaven off aentuerfillgjon in which the element of fear more largely predominates verse 10 thy kingdom come everyone who makes this peittlon can aid in bringing about its fulfillment by himseir doing the will of ood and by manireeung a merciful and forgiv ing spirit- toward his fellow men versa is debtore there are obli gations in life outside the material realm which are quite as binding as any financial debt all that we as christians owe our fellow men in sym pathy and benevolence in encourage ment and cheer is here included verse is bring us not into tempta tion ood does not tempt men to do evil but be does permit the testing of their characters by an environment in which evil exists since in no other environment could positive good and strength of v character develop- the evil one the substantive is left to be supplied in the odglnal the transla tion the- evil without the pronoun la permissible some ancient authori ties though with variations add to this verse the words tor thine la the king dom and the power and thejglory for ever amen verses 1 lctthese verses have been paraphrased by a french writer thus- it la impossible for a man to be gathering flgs from the hand or ood while he is sowing thorns with his neighbor lesson themes the magna charts of the kingdom ood the sermon on the mount has been called the magna charta of the kingdom of ood a carefuj study of this great message reveals a definite theme and method of treat ment the general theme of the sermon is the kingdom of heaven in tb opening eectlen jesus speaks of the subjects or cltlxans of thutf setting forth their character nd rotating out their reapopaiblllty next speaks of the kingdom of fn in its relation to the law and fe pharisaic rules with which that had in his day been hedged about points out that in the kingdom of wren the law of mosea jlnds its highest fulfillment and that the rlgh- teoninesi of the kingdom fax exoeeda the righteousness of the scribes and pharisees in regard to even the cus tomary forms of religious observance such as almsgiving prayer and fasting and in regard also to earthly posses sions and dally cares in the last port the rmop jesus speaks of the characteristics of the kingdom itself with regard to the fathers love for the children of the kingdom the nar row entrance into th kingdom and the danger- of false guides in the effort to reach that entrance closing with parable in which the character of the true subjects of the kingdom as distinguished from the false is set forth the challenge or the lords prayer to pray sincerely the lords prayer is a severe challenge this prayer is so often used in a formal manner- that the trenchant quality of its petitions is no realised in the first two words our father is bound up the social message of the gospel the father hood of qod involves the brotherhood of man to say our father carries fay implication a recognition of kinship with 1 all men whatever may be tbehr charactsrs or conditions they may be our erring or sinful brothers but they are our brothers it is not hard to accept the cultured and refined as our kinsmen but the unworthy the uncultured and uncouth are difficult u receive into our fraternal circle the challenge of reverence is presented in hallowed be thy noma irreverence is widespread in our day it is aggra vated by the blight of war which in au history he destroyed the sanctities of life to sincerely pray thy king dom come commits the worshipper to the promotion of that kingdom which la the christianising of the social order to pray for dally bread reproves our pride and independence and our trusting in our material pos sessions possibly the severest test is the petition for forgiveness which has the condition that we forgive those i who trespass against us- suggestions concerning prayer we should pray always and about everything prayer without ceasing writes the apostle paul that doe not mean that we should spend our uves in ft convent praying evar hour but that we should fit all times con tinue in a prylpg relation with qod talking whh our father about all nutters dwelling it an ktmpsphere of communion with hln bringing to plm all our trial great and small asking him for guidance thanking him for every blessing w should pray earnestly with heart and soul w comernat to an enemy who must be placated not to a stranger who must be awakened to interest but to one who loves us more tenderly than any earthly father- or mother when we pray let us say our father and mean it we should pray in christs name we are followers of and fel lowheirs with christ thrugti him we can come with confidence into the presence of the father we should pray in faith faith u trust in ood when we pray let us believe without a doubt that 3c0a bears and will cay spond to us but faith is also an absolute surrender to oods will therefore let us say as our lord sold fnfhor not my will but jblne be donl per study and discussion what was the general theme of the sermon on the mount 7 olve n out line of it discussion why has thl sermon been called the magna charta of the kingdom of oodt lalt easy to i way the lords p sincerely t show its chlenjte with regard to our reeling of brotherhood reverence the coming kingdom pride and- iqdepend enoo and forgiveness of others ix you find forgive us our trespasses as rlnht the esrl of leitrlm photo graphed aboard the canadian paeirto 8 8 montclare top left doe castle rosapena district county donegal one of the many tourist attractions below rosapena hotel the tori of irtrlm who tuus been pending a vacation on this sldo of the atlantic passed through montreal on hla return htuntt kalllng lust week by the cojuidlun iaclflc steamer mont elate the karl la itrcatly in terested in the doveloproent of ione gal as a tourist resort and haa boon interested to find that part of ireland beam so muah resemblance to maine and new itruntrwlck with wooded hills running up to about two thous and feet high and treama and lakes full of fish irelnnd according to tho bar i is rapidly settling down to nor- we forgive those who trespass against a difficult port to oak jdncarelyt why do you thing jesus included this in the prayer t daily reed in o for next week monday october is mark 4 1ft tuesday october 14 mark 4 lojo wednesday october m oal c 7- j thursday october ib john 4 31 i fjriday october 17 luke 18 11 31 saturday october 18 luke 20 i sunday october 19 psalm 1 irtish earl visits canada- mat conditions and ddnegal has re cently received a considerable influx of tourists there being excellent hotels such as that of rosapena which has jts own golf course its own fishing for trout and salmon and a beautiful bathing beach of golden sand fouri miles long with waters wormed byf of tho gulf stream donegal is a great favorite with artists and writers qo russell bettor known as a ev and john mosefield being among tho- num ber of those who have imlntod or written about its beauties ioople are apt to think that the northwest coast of ireland is inac censlblo but ss a matter of fact tho karl aays he has frequently motored from belfast to rosapena in jive hours the roads are being improved and motor trojilo in ireland is op the in crease particularly now that so many canadians and americans are talcing their own cars with them to the old tiirl of leltrun who has cro nd canada before this is much interested to seo the develop ment of canadian tourists resorts ho was particularly struck by the tremen dous crowds he found at the chateau front ens c in quebec it will be a long tlmo he says before donegal has such a hotel but t he present ones ore very comfortable and surprise visitors from this side by the conveniences itoaipena for instance ith private bath owl nir to tho rieator ease in secur ing lal nr ilia rates are also not so high art on thin aide one can get very fair accommodation with meals in cludes fur five dollars a day and this provides thn opportunity for oxoei- innt salmon fishing in season another erroneous opinion accord ing lu the karl wan that it rained all the time in the west of ireland thn average rainfall in itosapena la only from 40 to 4s inches a year visitors he aays are too apt to think the cli mate of the whole of ireland is the same as that of kularnay which oe admits is wet spite and love there are some nooplo who novir seem to be happy unleaarlhoy urn quar reling themselves or get ting others by the ears like juck uolson n dog they are either going into a fight or coming nul of it they treasure up alights and insults as a miser hoards gold and they will carry a stone in their pockets for seven years if need be ittng the chance to throw it these are the darkminded evil eyed jitrlfr tlrrers who start oonflagrutloiib in famuleji and communities that no lire brigade of men or angels can quenrh hatred stlrreth up strifes hut love eovereth all sins it in on easy thing to start or help on a scandal but who can stop the whispered jnuendo or stay the knowing look that often send ibiu victims to early graves and nometjnha their souls to perdition rut sffvo lpovereth ill sins tradition has a story of the man of naxareth thkt at least rings true to his character he and ills disciples were passing info the city outside the gate of which uy the carcass of a dead dog instinc tively the disciples gathered their skirts tusjred aside and spat tho master pausing looked for a moment upon the dead body said as he passed on pearls are not whiter than his teeth when you are tempted to carry garbage for baton throw down the bucket when you whittle a cud gel for your neighbors back remem ber your own ahoi- coming bolo- man in shoe and leather journal the oh of power it is not claimed for dr thomas eclectric oil that it will remedy every 111 but it uses ore so various that it may be looked upon as a general pain killar it has achiev ed that greatness for itself and its excellence is known to all who have tested its virtues and learned by ex perience the logical reply a fancydress bull fwr children says an exchange a policeman sta tioned at the door was instructed not to admjt my adult excited woman came running ui to the door and demanded admission tm sorry mum replied tho police man but 1 cant let anyone in but children but my child is dressed as a but terfly exclaimed thn woman and has forgotten her wlngat cant help it replied the police man orders is orders you u have to 1st her go as a caterpillar where you must vote or pay 110 fine ah australian cltlxens must vote in federal elections under penalty of 10 fine forfeiture to go to the polls thla- in effect is the private members bill which has juat passed the australian house of representatives and senate that the hill which was not backed by the government enacted compulsory voting should have passed lno law without exciting much interest was largely due to the fact that the ex periment already has been tried out in the state of the queensland for more than nine years the penalty for failure to vote seems small but the existence of such a pen alty has had a tonic effect on the voters of the queensland according lo figures of polling in the recent state elections not mare than 75 per cent of the queensland electors took the trouble to go to the polls up to lo wben the compulsory voting law for the state passed the percentage then jumped to more than 81 per cent this high figure has not been quite main talnod as the percentage or voters in the election of 1120 fell to to this percentage however compares favor ably with the states whom compul wory voting was not enforced according to figures for the most recent elections in other states proportion of electors who voted 54 per cent in new south wales 08 in victoria and south australia e west australia and 68 in tasmania between a fourth and a half of the electors also failed to vote in federal elections compulaory registration which has been enforced throughout tho commonwealth several years was but a prelude lo the compulsory vot ing law now enacted twentypour definitions of advertising telling others things you would like them to know speaking to the multitude instead of a few individuals duplicating your nelllngtalk in tnil- dns of places telling a story in a day that would otherwise take a year giving a national voice to the merit of your product saving time by maltdplylng your sales appeal sleaklng to an audience consisting of the nation selling a desire for your product through printed publicity helping your product to help you make rtkhi letting everybody know what only a fair people know about your product telling the world why you are proud of your goods spreading the news of your products merit going to the public instead of wait ing for them to oomo to you making your business safe for suc- ss sowing the seeds of ideas that grow into- sales atyl goodwill tans of thousands of salesmen in type a wholesale reminding to the public of whet you have to offer telling again and again the- things hthat the public ought to know recreating in the minds of the uhlic the salesideas in your own liuhll mind do not allow worms to p tht vitality of your children if not al tended to worms may work irrepar able harm to the constitution of tht infant thn little sufferers cannot voice their ailment but there are many slgnu by which mothers are made aware that a dose ol millars worm powders is necessary these powders act quickly and will expel worms from tho nystem without any inconvenience to th ohtld wealth in an old stove the honesty of a neighbor to whom she gave un old stove has enabled mrb martin conway of beacon n y to chase the wolf away from the family doorstep mrs conways buaband died several weeks sgo leaving the family in want and mrs conway wag force 1 to sell her possessions one by one to avoid eviotjon unable to find a pur chaser for an old stove shegave it to jay deeb who discovered a bag coins hidden in an oven deeb re turned the bag wlthoufopenlng it and mrs conway counted out 4jw her husband died suddenly without chance to reveal the hiding place of his savings the ease with which corns and warts can be removed by ijollowoys com removerla its strongest recom mendation it seldom fails government sale excludes the bar buflrovw the bottle once the uquor is sold the government control ceases where do the bottles go 1 into the homea how will this stop young people drinking 2 into the factories then watch the industrial accidents mcrcaso 3 into hotel rooms what chance then for quiet hotel life 4 into automobijje the streets are dangerous enough now unmbntm is not the only brll most dangerous 14 the man who has taken an ordinary drink who appears to bo all right but who is ready to tako chances and run risks to bo under the influence of liquor ono need not be drunk 1 creasing the radius of your sue by increasing the radius of your salsaappeal telling the story in writing instead of in person a method of multiplied telling of facts that is the most economical a means of making personal efrort more productive making your voice reach from ocean to ocean tn oil withoat aloohol same oil and many medicines have alcohol as a prominent ingredient a judicious mingling of six essentia oils compose dr thomas kclectrlo oh and there is no alcohol in it so that ita affects are lasting oar smp peart ware wash board is so strong tough and durable that a f ullgrown man or woman can stand on it without dofrtg the robbing surf aceor any part of it the least harm i the enameled sur face wont chip sake or peel off think of the trear there b in such a wash board there is the same wearing qualities in all articles tir sup peart ware try oat the wash board and be convinced jfskforslkp peart ware srtaot mstal fttooucts ti tasal tpoomtq wlffmssn railway time table a complete line of 5 m p products handled by jas symon hardware acton leads to satisfaction j w kennedy son plijbibjng hlttng ttnsmtthing the success of work in scores of homes and business places in actoi v a guarantee that wo arc in a position to assure you satis faction we will appreciate your order and will execute it with promptitude main street acton do the want prohibition repealed r mr l b bheppard u ivesldent of the order of raljroud conductors mr sheppard says the order of railway conductors has long had an article in its consti tution which provides that any person engaging in the uquor traffic shall be expelled from the order organised labor is not in favor or any modifica tion or repeal or tho volstead act note the united states prohibition law la commonly known either as the volstead act or the 11th amend ment mr d b robertson chief of the urotherhood of locomotive firemen says i would be bitterly opposed to any modification or repeal of the vol- tsteud act the central labor council of kver- ett woolaingtoh and labor leaders in many industrial centres are outspok en in their opinion that prohibition has helped the labor movement and that the ousting of the saloons has been an important factor in allowing to develop along legitimate ty the literary dlgesl didnt know how it acted sitting in a oertaln theatre not long ago in m neighboring city watching a play there was a scene in which young man acted the part of the tipsy young man in other words the drunk- hitting directly behind ua wer three youhg persons two young girls and a young man from their overheard conversations it was evident thsr they dltl not understand nor could the man explain what the young man was try ing to do in his performance i never saw such foolishness said one wonder what he is trying to imitate a few yours ago the tipsy young man was well known and his foolish ac tlons familiar to ml the ontario temperance act may not have ac complished everything but it is cer tainly doing something to save th young people from the awful curse of uquor why chevrolet cah give you such extraordinary value large scale production tremendous sales volume thats why chevrolet can give you such extraordinary valuedwhy yoncan buy a fully equipped automobile at ouch a surprisingly low price chevrolets wonderful growth in sales vohnhe proves that chevrolet cars make good la service and represent todays g motoring value per dollar of cost lowest in purchase price these cana dian built cars also cost less to operate than any other cars built- cni see chevrolet first amk ats mboat the qmac dlmd pmymtat plan fisher king r fob this section call on them at and thev will call on you ukurtlotuw m at acton rt doing west no 39 8 ooajn no 31 loisaan no s3 129 pm no 3e oospjn no 30 tt 29 p in no 3b hundoj goino east 10 jo am no tn 7 ogoju no 30 11 ltajn no 34 3 sbpn no 3fl c oft pm no 3h a 2s p m- no 34 hunday 7 08 pan canadian national electric mailwavs westbound dally l i i pt mini luy 7 43 a m ially u 43 nm daily ll 43 a-rn- dally 1 43 pro dally 3 43 p m dally c 43 p m dally i- 1 43 pm dally 0 43 pm dally eastbaund 13 32 om daily 7 43 4m dally kxeept huiidny 0 41 am dolly 1143 sum dally 13 pm daily 3 43 p m dally c u pjn daily 7 43 pjn dolly 0 43 pjn dally 11 40 pro y freight delivered by special freighl freight picked up at any ad dress in toronto take your store into their homes by long zhstance tt wait on thn chance that they may com to you telephone thorn atanco by lang dihtanr sell them or mako an ttpjiouilmcnt for a call wo now handles consider ably ovor oiio i ilium long dtfltnnco mcmsifici a month mostly for merchants who declining to be the victims of ctrxumatances are making sura ly long di itanco that they get tho business into wffdr homes or offices could you tdad your store loday by hong distance 1 ttaafttw tubtttct adds to as sob qf your tcuphcp w woman and asthma women are numbered among the sufferers from asthma by the countless thousands tr eery climate they will be found helpless in ttigilp of thht reloittlean dtsnute unless they have avdllod them- sal vm uf the proper remed dv j 1 kellogg sasthnui ilomedy lias brought new hope and life to many suchjl tmeubpontals sent entirely without solicitation show the enormous bene- ng it has wrought among women t everywhere castoria mother i fletchers gutoria is a harmless substitute for castor oil paregoric teething drops and soothing syrups prepared to relieve infants in arms ahd children all ogea of constipation wind colic flatulency to sweeten stomach rdbrrhca regulate bowels aids in the assimilation of food promoting cheerfulness rest and natural sleep without opiates to avoid imitations always look fur the iiiputare ol 0fvy7 ftoven direction on vnrh nafkagr lliylclatis everywhere recommend 1l start on monday at goejph business college quelph ontario approved courses individual instruction evory gruiluuto located it is a fact there aro tfoiul rvmunomtlvo positions awtiltlm jou when thoroughly uuillflcd a l bouck principal and proprietor t e gibbons expert shoe repairing prompt attention to orders left t e gibbons jiiln htkbet aoion this stores policy to rcprcicnt goods ex actly as to their quality to sell to thoo who know and to those mho dont know at a uniform fair price to fulfill all guarantees and cheer fully correct all mis takes to deserve your confidence by always giving you satisfaction savage co jeweuers guelph ontario

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