Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 9, 1924, p. 6

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11 i births marriages eamd for s th i jnc ltsrrutei xhras joe to pernios aln born mtkckrn at frin m sunday oc ttobfir 6 10s4 to nv and mrt b ii oiixoke daughter ofsc roger i piep kfcdonald atnllrampton on tuea f day october 7 1914 huth n mcdon aid formerly of acton in hi 00th year mitoiii i 1 at the quelph general huanllu nn thursday october i 1024 otoreo h mitchell of eden mills in il 70th year emjlby at mo quotph general ho pltal on sunday evening october c 1924 orval uoyd beloved son of mr anil mra lvl elsley brookvlu in hi slat ycox irtons suddenly at georgetown on tuesday september 30 114 harriet elisabeth wife of jamea iron of toronto and daughter of mr and mm john jjallaptloe 8r ajred 40 yearn in memqriam itrrdhlt- in loving memory of our dear wife and mother mrs gears ritchie who passed away october fl ims this day bring back a memory of a loved one laid to rest and those who thlnu of her to day are those who lored her bept hushanp and familv mocainsii in loving memory of our dear it roth or alf who died october 0 1922 day of sadness mill aome tr iu tear of borrow often flowi memory keep the loved one near u whom god called two year- ago sadjy missed by mother sister brother ffifte atton3jwpafl thursday october 9 itu brief local items erin fair to morrow this la fire prevention week fall eown groin j looking well now the tendency of wheal price higher plan to exercise your franchise on the jjrd oakvllle haa organised a busi ness men a association thanltiuf f vidt hay taajttpoen ap pointed for monday november 10 3uelph winter fair wju beneld thla year from november 10 to ll sunday wa a beautiful day with temperatoree up to 70 in the ahadu g h brown will hold an auction sale of bouaebold effect on october 1 the autumn light faila- aoftly bright upon the forest and the meadow the apple picker are at work very few orchard have an average a world shortage of potatoes la reported that fact should make tho price higher the provincial plowing- match at brampton next wednoedity thursday friday and saturday btreetsvuie fair was postponed on account of the wet weather until saturday october 15 pasturage continues good there has been no dry weather to burn up the grass this summer how win you voter for the pass- ins feneration of juinkara or for the co geasrattoft of bays and girls a farm roller or a resin lavetter would greatly improve the new road way onlaks arena news of local import v w m 8 thank offerlnb the thank offering mooting of the women h mlmlunnry hocloty of knox church will be hold thin afternoon mm itov w m kannnwln ot llamllton vrll address the mooting 40 mors armenian boys arrived last thursday forty additional ar monlan boya arrived at georgetown to join the lft y who have ean on tho farm there the pant year this new detachment wern asaombted at corfu greece ilov a j vtnln mot tho etcamer upon whloh thi y came tho brags and accompanied them to georgetown a hundred year old voter mrs mary corruthers quelph a ceii tenartart who celebrated her lolat birthday on lviday september 38 was one of the aevsral hundred cltuens who appeared personally before the revising officer at tho court ho una guelph oil monday to have her noma placed on the volera hat mrs car rtilher drove from hex homo to th court of revision in on auto and np parent ly took keen internal in tho proceedings two new school trust at the nomination meeting lost frl day to choose successor to mossrsf frank el gamble and n p moore who had retired rron the school board tho following nomination were mode ilov a c stewart m a wcj proposedvby john a mowat and ae condpd by d c russell tl hwana brougb was proposedby aeorg havltl and econdd by it j romshaw there being no other nomination messrs stewart and wahsbrough were de dared elected an enjoyable boolal evening mr andf mr amo mason war hosts on tuesday evening at an ex coptlonally interesting musical gather lng mr w f dewor and misspewar mr and mrs turner mrs partridge and xh- and mrs l king of milton called to spend the evening tho methodist sunday school orchestra were ipvlted oyer aitor playing at the opening meeting of the young people s league to augment this already flno musical assemblage needle to say those who were the guests had a most delightful musical treat and a highly enjoyable social evening neighborhood newfc town and country churchiul ilobeft kerr won two irnln nn 1 thrco second prises at milton lair in his fine hnraos ratty day service was bold in tho sunday school hero on sunday aflor- noon tho programme ws very in teresting tho scholars did tholr re apectlyo parts wait mrs colin mcmillan f lmmoaa visited friends in thla vie illy durlng iho week limshouse urntiliouso womans inauluto will noot at the horns of mrs w l mil cro on thursday october 0 with few hours sxpert use the annual provincial school cotrrsntion will be held oo tob st tt aad 19 la hon evangsucml churchtatchsner the tar barrel ao4 old door which hays decorated t vgia street at mill street for several weeks would really look beltsr in th municipal storage yard the annual convention of hajton and wflntworth inspoctormts will he held in the normal school toronto today and tomorrow thai members of acton publio sc njrr staff win attend the brkmpfon fi fwnmhj- jon has informed tho council that they proposed to drop the rents of the houses from s0 t wjljnonjh and to point the buildings msid and out side the wastepapex reoeptacles are being very well used a few oaralesaj folks still forget and drop newspaper wrappers envelopes candy bags and dgmrette cartons on the street how- ersr i in the list of pruewinners of acton fau pair puouahed last week tho name of mrsw j ball was lnad- tertantly omitted as the winner of tho aral prtso for petunia single in hloom that the six oclock eranlng train is a popular and very convenient one a quite evident since h was restored a wmk mtoi xach evening the train la sren filled with passengers and acton sttpplles a falrquots 7 bapsae aetoni th jubilee folders for lsmlash jharoa rsoelved pur people ore delighted had should dat rth- work la just as usual from your artlstlo and offlcient plant it is really superb thank you i rev a f lsttter bsnover a gop4 pioof work has been jdooo m th construction of a couple of blocks of cement walk at the comer at dr 3lls offlo on mu1 0treet th waa broken up when the waterworks main waalsid and never replaced until ow l t dont be camonaged stampeded or hurried into eonolttdtng that sal of liquor would be ajtaoent to tha com- v mtiolty would liquor sold by a gov- arnment ofoclalltf any leas harmful than if sold in a barroom by a dividual tw afooordtog to a bylaw passed at th tmhung on tuesday of tha new toronto coudcjcit wu hereafter b r fhamlfor three or ipore persons to fmnd together or loiter 1q the strasts a good idea loiterers on the streets oftsu miks tharoaslve more of nuiaanoe than they perhaps realise i o d e presents prix to entrance pupu a very enjoyable tea was held by the duke- of devonshire chapter a d b at the home of mra amoa mason on friday a very good pro gramme was rendered by the follow ing talent vocal solos miss j gal- broith and mrs moore piano duetts mrs f j sault and mrs w a nlcol reading miss m z bennett the presentation to master t cook who obtained the highest mark at the entrance examinations was made by mrs c a conway regent and con eluded the programme man drowned at georgetown while roaming along the bonks of the credit river shout one mile east of georgetown on tfuuday two small boys discovered the body of a man in the stream underneath the c t r bridge ha shout a foot and a half of water th man who so far remains unidentified 1 shout street t inches in height and apparently between 30 and ira of age it is thought the body had been in the water for at toast two weeks coroner mccoq bai ordered an inquest for tuesday even bom of the underclothing bore the initials b h i enjoyable woana insthttto meeting the restular nvmthly meeting of the womens i was held last friday afternoon at the home of mrs j e9g gamble the president mrs wallace lasby presided and the meeting was opened with tha singing tha institute code fouowtng rontine busine the roll call was anwerectdr helpful silggestlons mrs h 8 wilson gave a very interesting and enjoyable paper on that canada of ours following the community ring of carry m back to old vlnrinnyy the meetiqr closed with the singing of tha inetfttrte- carol after which a daintylunch jras served end a social hour spent the beauties of autumn the past few days the autumnal tjnu of the forest trees have made magnificent picture th view at monument hill in falrvlew cemetery from points en main stree south of falrvlew avenue are entrancing a drive down the second une and over the mountain toward milton reveals landscape to cheer the soul of an artist a person might travel over tho country and across the sea to other lands in search of rich autumnal tints hut bo ptaoe could posalblx afford finer scenery than w a nave wlthrarar radius of ten miles of acton the rich variegated tints of th maple the crimsons of the sumacs and the wild vinery are beyond description joot out into the open these days as much possible natures pictures will enirpnoe you tha women umtuw oct a inspiring addrsso by mrs ft c smythsvof toronto monday afternoon opening meetlos of knox guild the opening meeting o knox young peoples guild will be hefd next mok- 4ay svehtng at eight o clock a good touslcel programme has been prspared which will be followed by a social hour net conformlno 4 plr limits bylaw last week members of acton cham- yt bfcr o4fjommro called the attention of reeve barber to the fact that the jmildlng being erected by j aoney ommtll street waa not in canrormlty with the terms o the jjeradt issued wider tha mr limits bya- eunitlea war fewer beeve ordred the oonstruetlon to the erfeefln the homes oease pit the meeting of the council mrfo tempcranoe act haa v on monday tvcolng eoine kind of a aotlceafale many children have been oot fas made in the matte nrush bettor fed beltw clojhod and thu is evidently not satisfactory to- ave leading happlef uvea v our otttaans who vary fape mrs fcntn ajpio i ladies a highly lttteresung meeting of th women of acton was held in the town hall on mondayafternoon in the in terests of the ontario temperanoe act mrs r g smytho president of the womens prohibition committee of qoar who is a most effective leador the women of the pro vince gave an address which had much of inspiration replete with aug geauons sa to methods of work astl full of encouragement respecting the pospcu for success in lbs present campaign for many year the woman of this country struggled for the franchise wow that it has comet to them u is the plain duty of every on of then from november 1 to t is proposed it hornby at mhton fair fred wrlgglesworth wo awarded first pruo on his throe year old carriage horse nrst on hlu alnglo high stepper nnd aral on car ring sweepstakes the hornby women s- institute met lit mrs kred wrlgglesworth s yester day afternoon an interesting demon atratlon of jama und jollies wan a fea luro of utfi urogramme on september 14 a happy event tot u place nt the home of mr and mis j w canteton when their only daughter axlsa daisy was united in marrlago u mr clayton may aidant sonfttmr r b may of trafalgar ujnw fifty guests were present to the strains of ttifrwoddlng march i layed by mish alma may tho bride wn accompunlct p tlio parlor by her father where under a beautifully arranged arch or flowers tho ceremony wa performed ilev j w kltchlng officiating oakville about 100 earns were added to tho voters lists for tho plebiscite oil octqber is on friday at the court of revision held by judge elliot in the council chamber of thesejthe dry eecured the greater number every name submitted wo added p d salter with ronnie s seed buy er ore buying moi of tho clover seed for miles about in trafalgar and other townships one day a buying lost month they bought something o three hundred bogs the fowl supper at wesley church last wednesday evening waa u great success the supper wa a real treat the programme entertaining while tho proceeds ran about one hundred and twenty five dollar during the last week councillor marsh and mayor fomter have writ ten sir henry thornton and other c n r ofocials asking that th train ervloe between oakvllle and tpronto be improved mlinn church anniversary services will b held en sunday october rev mr henderson of burlington plains will preach anniversary nup per and concert on monday evening the now community hall at clark son waa formally opened on sunday last the hall la in connection with the church and will be used as sunday school room it la forty by sixty feet will seat threo hundred and fifty and cast 18 000 the west toronto salvation army bond of forty pieces visited oakvllle on sunday there was service in tho temperance hou at eleven thirty in open sir service in george park at threethirty and an after church rally in the temperance hall at eight thirty this is a very flno band the musicals at thaf residence of sir joseph flavelle attracted quite a largo audience and the programme waa of a high musical order dainty refresh merits were served- and the evening wa- one of real enjoyment and inter est proceed were for knox church the players and supporters of oak vllle winning footfall team enjoyed i sumptuous banquet on tuesday even ing served hy the ladjes auxiliary of the team in the fire hall it was a really successful event kith song speec and story the guests made merry after pertakinr liberally of tho tempting eatables so abundantly sup plied star ropkwoqd and use it for the best in tareet of the home and the children and the oo we iov the woman has a perfect right to vote because she is jthe bead of tho home tnasmuch as she make- it and presides oyer it the home should be prdtooted and every child has the right to be well born healthfully nourished caret oily brought up end to receive as gooq an education as it is possible to obtain whace existing laws make it easy for the husbajtd sod nttuerof the home to obtain intoxicating liquors and be in dulges la them the above are taukxte bible the effect of liquor ypoa the home fa deplorable rjefor the on- tarlo temperance act earn lta force tnany children were jf u and eon equcntly not properly nourished their school attainment were often not up to a high standard sndltfas oppor the on a large audience was in attendance th other evening at the town hall to hear the debate between wellington and bruce counties held under tho auspices of the rookwood u j o club the subject of the debate wsa resolved that governmenwowned railways are a success th anlrma- hve was upheld by bruce county re presentatives mlaa rotbwell and mr harry cajnmldge while the negative was taken by mr percy peavoy and mr d d gray rockwood at jhe close or the debate mr the o a c guelph who acted as judge gave an interesting and in stroctlve jtalk on debating and debet arm which was very much appreciated by all present giving his decision in favor of the negative and paying a tjlendid compliment to mr gray de cortment and defence the women s missionary society of the presbyterian church had very in teresting services last friday after noon and evening ml mitchell uevsuing representative of the society gave two inspiring addresses a num ber of the ladles of acton w m b attended and in the evening the young ladlee of the women auxiliary of acton attended the visitors were hospitably entertained a sectional conference of the guelph presbytery wa held lnrockwood fri day and waa greatly enjdred this was the third of a series of confer enoes the others being held at fergus and preston earlier in the week it consisted of two sessions in th morning mre harcourt dealt with the literature and messenger depart ments which she described a tha business end of th work the pre bytsrial aim i h have the messen ger in every borne mrs harcourt esid i peter 1 87 ha been adapted as a od by business men and sh thought ii splendid for thla work too a paper ou membership prepared by mrs woods brought out soma good points the aim la an interested mem bershlp rev mr stewart brought greetings frpixj tha guelph presbytery and also presented the financial side of the work of the church and the budget week of prayer and self denial miss liftle gave extboea from jub- lleo me in montreal and- al- though the members hav read and heard other reports miss little gave her individual impressions impressive ly in the afternoon mrs frank roe unioavtlle dealt with the money need ed and how to got it and in a splsndld way presented thla lde- the need should be concretely presented to tho people pray and give the two go togsther she gave sevsral examploo r- special giving and a tenth would be ample r th pbugatlons assumed if the membeehlp would attamnt si sya- tematlcauy with n- sense of oods love to man in 4he igtft of jesn christ mrs gamble followed on the earn line mlaa mitchell tho presbytartal travelling secretary wn keenly in terestlng as she told of what she h4 seen in the ml homes she had vtsltei in th yesr the courage the enduar anoe nod thtlpv or our woman in the isolated corners the help th hospital are ttt work of devoted mlsalooarlos were pictured und all felt that this work should and would 4 not log a roll call of the auxiliaries for bright spots in the work brought out several idee that had proved helpful miss m6loilan presided and mrs amble expressed th gratitude of the neeifalg ho f speaker and th wleodvla nckwoofor their hospital lbftlibb 8chool th school report for september ol a h no i krln br a follows idlaa v marjorse held floronoo jotinsjon blvn johnston jr iv maud mocalg llda crlppm loyi la i- ores tell kathleen mckeown viola allan ifeotor mcarthur sr ui joseph korea tell lswrenee ro res tell jr hi william johnston calwn altken tommy cool lulu mccut- cheon thyra ston bessie forestall annie altken gordon leeae mary mccatg jr u lois forestell class i james mccalg evelyn ioaren elsfe nelson eveline lam bert uoyd jstokeown primer prval stone robbie allan jack forestall marjorl mccalg m mcdonald teacher police court news several session of polloe court have been held during th week on mon day john wood pleaded guilty beforo police magistrate moore to being in toxicatod a floe of 10 00 and ooeu was imposed in bl sworn statement on to the source of the liquor which intoxicated him he said that he and a friend had gone to tony scynuka restaurant and bought two bottles of 303 invalid wine for which they pail tony woo they drank the 301 lu- the restaurant end went away under the influence on thursday w ireland jr and w p corey came up for trial ori alml lar charges they were fined 110 00 and costs in their respective stato ment they also asserted that they bought 301 wine at bpynuk restaur ant and it intoxicated them as a result of thee etatemants in a pec tor reevely visited tony s plaot and seised eight case of 101 invalid wine a drink banned by the board of license commissioners of ontario months ago from drug stores and nevef legally sold in restaurants charges have been laid against tony scynuk both for selling and keeping liquor these charges will come u3 for hearing today a charge has also been laid against the 301 chemical company of toronto for selling liquor unlawfully c black esquealng and kirk a wilson brampton wore each fined for driving motor cars without lights chargeshave been laid against two restaurants in milton for keeping open after 11 oclock at ntghf in violation of jk bylaw of that town v 126 names added at the revising offloer court held here last friday at the sitting or the revising offlo era court held in acton hut friday by mr victor cblsholm of miu00 116 names were added to tbe voters lists for the vote at the coming ontario temperanoe act plebiscite on the 23rd inst these additions were made to the list of 1914 finally revised by judge elliot on september 35 the appeal presented to th ravi lng officer were all submitted through municipal clsrk h n farmer the names submitted by mr c c hen derson presldeot of th prohibition committee of acton were all allowed no person appeared for the modera tion league but a list was submitted by mr hiram a swackbsmor which he stated eras for the purpose of hav ing a complete list in view of a pos sible dominion election it waa ex plained to him however that this list would not bo used for a dominion election inasmuch as the federal parliament preparee the liat for elec tions to that body through its own officers the list was however submitted by the clerk it was found that 11 of the m petitioned for by mr swook turner wre already on the list and two were disallowed one for being under age and the other for not having been sufficiently long a resident in canada if the moderation league ha any organisation in acton it must be work ing very quietly as no one has yet claimed any relationship to it in m public way georgetown fair lttat week th usual lame crowds attend this annusl pair held last friday and saturday the fair at oorgetown of the es quealng agricultural society on friday and saturday- had excellent weather until saturday when light showers fair throughout th entire afternoon these showers however dd not deter a bumper crowd from attending this popular fair and one of the largest crowds in the history of the fair was p on saturday afternoon the exhibits in ail classes wsrsvfsir ly well ailed and th fair presented a most interesting and instructive funo tlon for all who attended the mid way had its usual varltqr of attroo dons which were busy ail afternoon jt splendid merry goround was a de light to the kiddles and numbers of grown up too the hall was well oiled with exhibit pf domestic and dairy products one arts fancy work dowers etc and all classes furnished keen competition for the exhibitors the horse rings find cattls exhibit us well a the showing of hogs and sheep were centres of attraction and competition by the vexjoua exhibitors the nor racewre also a centre of interest in jb 1j0 class d h lind says mickey tndjf of acton gron second place th 1 ll stags was very closely contested for second ijjee foot races were alo a feature n front of th grandstand there was an ex oepuonslly flno exhibit of poultry the georgetown oddfejiowa band provided the music for the cu thi band 1 under the direction of mr h a melr la lit vogue 10 duy jbemand 1 growing dally artlan arjl busy gradual are want ml 3foaah you to convert tobnt into rash mhaw s hahtnl 40 liloor west toronto olff itaker chtof dlrc lor address dopl o for free particular bend sample of work for criticism order storm windows s now x el i let our money easing urico list show ing freight paid cost of storm windows glased complete any sis the ifalll day co ltd hamilton ontario join our christmas club christmas presents watches clocks jevcl- ery stationery chins nd large assortment of full stoclc orsctiool gtiss toys supplies new walcpapers and window shades hwhinton watchmaker ani jeweller fiuouitor to lau oo hynd acton toronto if you givfi your eyes needed cabe you wilt bo repaid many tlrpos over you have got lo use them of course but if you havo much near work to do or havo an error of vision be suro to give your eye the help of glssses and when you get glasses get right glasson yes wo can supply you a w smith optometrist 120 upper wyndhgjn st guelph comfortable vision specialist for 10 years masquerade tance in tnb town hall acton on halloween friday october 31 under auspices of hewstson a ball club balloons confetti serpentine jaokvlantorns and fun gslor prises for tho best costumed couple and for the lucky num ber danoe dancing from 8 10 p m to 1 a m mcmillan a stxptece orchestra of galt couple 100 extra ldy 50c 1 notable special offer the hoover cleaner is being sold during october only 4j0 down balance 12 monthly payments of 605 donfbeat your rugs in the back yard this fan cauand we will demonstrate o this special op fer for october only the acton hydro shop i saturday treat something new lowneys gold stripo chocolates pack ed in one pound packages in assorted hard and soft centres all hard centres or all creams shipped fresh from the factory to us with lowneys guarantee behind them a wonderful value for 60c lb box drop in and let us show you the assortment hallo bqbpea0x fudge 25c lb for this saturday we ofter you a rich smooth maple fudge chuck full of fresh tasty vanilla marshmallow squares this is one of our new lines and we arc sure you will like it try a pound regularly 35c and 40c lb saturday treat 25c lb weekend chocolates f there are exactly sixteen different ravorlngq relucting hard and saft and nougat centres which go to mako up our weekend chocolate assortment and when they art strictly fresh each saturday for you you are really gottmg boo or 004 value for only 32c lb- old english biscuits have you tried a pound of westons old english biscuits r once tried they mre a staunch friend we have a large assort ment to choose from let us mix you a pound neilsons ice cream in brick or bulk phone 6 v rumley acton ontario mclean co the store that saves you money the o v sweater coat a coat for every day in the year all pure wool moxford fawn and lovat sizes 34 to 44 special at 300 holeproof hose lisle silk silk and wool in all the new shades at 100 125 l50 and 1 7 rspecial jn floor covring now designs in 4 yard wide linoleum call and see them our prices arc the lowest of any of the- large city stores special prices on congoleum rugs commencing october 20 to november f call and pick out your rug and give us size ot room we will do the rear save money between october 20 and november i mens scotch knit underwear underwear shirts and drawers all sizes in stock at z25 and 20 each ends of table damask these ends come in pure white in lengths of and 24 yards neat patterns with 7 tncj bordc- at 25 per cenr less than regular prices mcleari co mux street acton ovr the peoples store having received a urge shipment of childrens stockings in bjack white and sand colors for fall and winter wear alterations hade to ladies ready to wear mrs a reesor mill street acton protect the children the childs most important food is milk be sure that the milk the children drink is pure tq be sure of this the cows producing the milk must be tested for that trouble so dangerous to children tuberculosis my herd has been tested by a qualified veterinary and certified this together with careful handling of the milk ensures you pure wholesome mjlk for you and your children phone 23 ring 21 for trial bottle we deliver early wm bracken carerite milk and cream musical supplies musical insuiiments and ac- ceessorlerj and sheet music mouth brsaoa 15 cos is oa and 1120 bel bnuid violin mandolin im1 qultsr strtojrs silver plated steel full sat a 100 we also carry a full stock of vtulln pulnc vlohn kraa on msn jess band htsvoc 10o ah mut 16 eaoh au the stt she uubto sb s for tuxl we carry a ull lino of mo uuorade masks jroln otw csummaa cliib ocm la and let ua explain about thla plan w masters mix btfioarr aptqn radio- what outfit shall i buy this hrtlcfo i addressed to those who are thinking of acquiring- a radio oumt for their nt arts lament as thorn are many who wish to lanow what outm uicy should buy to fef synsiqered first fua what fylce tlnt- outflt ts intends siou4 vfh4i range it should oavr and imrtl what urlcq can be expended upon the set in question individual taste usually is u predominant factor tn the choice afor ap adequate reply can bo raudv lu aiiyout the urloo which prqbuhly nlar ihy most linyor tant uarjt bhouaj bo considered tou can get good itadlo oql ou at costa ranging from foo c to uoboo wo tint- havv 1 alngla tub ast good on tub set usually ore just h good for long distance th mill utile robe sets hy that we do not mean in imply that a una tube sol will bring in 1000 mils stutluit ss loudly us a multiple tube set but you will be able to hear it well in your telepjione and that after ull suit many people single tube sets am a aver rtrammoiule 1 for loud talker purpose by cajtsalentlous manufacturers or honest dtrers a alngla tub set generally glv vefy cltar recaiitlon and igwui stflllfp s lis every does not thap 60 00 for th cumpuite fit which rlgurs inor outflt sarlill eijulpment uf dry batterle bolh a srd in und phones 1 kruui tha onetub set up sytints it beonme largely a mat lias i how much the purchaser i willing tu pay the on lubo lur reception ana uki s peap to operate ad wn fof- fb man who i mm p expwifl moro complute fliff f ra inullrsss be jhb hypr lent two set mtfaf of m thern ore three important things set maybe compared to th ford our whereas all the other larger multiple tube sets can be com pared to the higher priced cars the fortt car does the service and takes its owner whefe he wishes to go jufet as well an a f 10 000 car does it all oame down lo the question of price and utility now is the time to choose yoar new pall and winter hat while tho- choice of models agd styles is at its best our prices compare favorably with those obtainable aoy where we invite your inspection of our stock miss j galbra1th fthllinery and fancy goods store pbone 109 mill slrcit coming now to multiple tub lets if should be understood that rvfll srw t ru ft whl brin f bring n lot4tatlnn f y volume they csnnot bq rpllaa uon lo do so under 11 rlrouni stances it hould u understood as hati been already mentioned that the multiple tub set does not heeesssliy bring in any mora distant stations than th single tub set what it does however is to brlns them in much louder it might be said that th more tube sr ued the louder will b the broadcast reception till unless the set i a vary unusual one it i not sotuully mora sen sitlv than a well designed single tube set- th exception to this ure some of the well doslgnsd ued radio frequenay sets and vil hi liaterodyna class rjeo fcata covur groater distances than the slnglty tube variety t vp to and including a four- tube outfit speaking nerally it ts necessary to use alther an uatdoor or a good indoor arlav cooler weather more meat with the cooler weather your body needs more meat anil who can supply your requirements better than w j piittcrson weve been at the business long enough to know how to feeep aid cut mejitg jo that fhey will be the most tmnnmiil and sef ajiper tobet advantage when served on th jablo we do our own killing which gives ybu added aasurano of the bneat of meat always a oornplete slock of lineal pork beef lamb vf and cooked and cured meats on hand from which to choose the cut beat aulted for your table if yon dont be iho plonj you want ask for it cannkdgoods the finest brands ot canned goods are carried in stock for the convenience of dor customers when ordering their meat noeda canned vegetables canned meats pickles etc phone ifcwe deliver promptly eprilinuiid mpu woik a t brown m yfaftb our windows friday and saturday rcpraaenuuv of croaaley waalirathoamv ojaaiioiatiidu strombergrtoon hadlo 0lpsm4 t er30n vl 1 rh i i lia

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