Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 16, 1924, p. 1

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the methodist church acton rev josephu8 gulp pastor parsonage willow 8l a i 00 a m tho minister 2 30 p m sunday hrbool 7 00 p m tho minister presbyterian knox church acton miniater rev a c suwart m a manse willow street 1100 m llnv 1 1 m atkinson of nurth mornliigtnii 3 04 p m mlhln class soop m kunttuy school 7o0 p m hov g v m atkinson strangers leaving address with tha ushers will be call ml upon by tha pastor all are cordially wtvyted special notices found 4 two lad ion purse cfu sash two olovea apply tit free pkebs office for sale stove heater arl souvnnlr with ivan good buker apply to uhh wha1xje willow street for sale 3 coal oil heaters cheap apply e p kennedy wellington s trout- for sale silver kin hung 1 good condl- tlon a bargain apply to mrs a 11 molean dower avenue for sale sow and nine pica weeks old ap ply to d h young phono 102w main street ft for sale drcuer almost new bed with prings nnd mattress wool rug ap ply to box 55 fiiee press office apples for sale quantity of northern spies and greening apply to fiucfj modowkll ks mill streel for sale a quantity of preserving pears and rood cooking apple also talman sweets d ii young phone 10sw mntn street n do you wish to leave the farmr george myers r r- no 2 acton will exchange substantial borne in toronto fpr stock or stock with farm phone 2sr44 is 3 reporter wanted to sand news of new construction work now bualoeaaea bualnesa remov als and area part tlma otrty sta tionery and postage supplied write maelaan building report lw i 14s adelaide sl west toronto auctiok sale 0f the household effects or g 11 jlrown aul street will be bold on saturday october 18 an will com- menoo at 130 p m sharp tbts fur niture is all tp good copdulpn ib- roy uindlkyfauctioneer sale of shorthorns imported and canadian bred 36 erane 6 bulla jo 30 leicester lumps 6 yorknhlr va and 6 homes v october 21 2 mile north of moffat j y nourish campbellviue in agent wanted to sail direct lu he farmer maple leaf cattle mineral which is endorsed tjy all experiment stations if you want to set in business for yourself and make money write to c r bollert manufacturing co 151 r jt no 3 kitchener out farms for sale 46 farms in the counties of haltctr and weulnaton varylna from 40 to 100 acres let us send you our list a number of homes and b places in acton for sale flro and ufa insurance money to j a smith real estate agant acton onl what ar the junior daughters pf the empire doinf they are doing work for you they want you to take advantage of this work eomotium in the near future watch thle column for announce ment of he duln of opportunity wonderland thursday and friday october is and 17 youth starring lugmum denny comedy creation hi first cxr hdgpodgt oi chcslra one aliuw each night ut k p ni saturday october 18 kentucky ttnys srurrlug lull furnum comely tropual k fox new tuesday october 21 hh and run stnrrtntf hmil lbuu cum edy dulivei tho hoods chap ter of ttuth of thalhafigp 60min9 tumjo old neff yuri wuh marlon davis u cbgory a son there just wont be any winter in these snug coats at 25 and 35 swagger english ulster lines in smart whitney cloths and heathcrmixed roughfinished twceuhkth hondsomo plaid backs topped by copious collars of fullfurted raccoon 3500 is a very moderate price for their splendid qualities the twentyhvo dollar wraps in a different type but none the less distinctive in their own becoming ways velours in various tones of inn brown and grey with generous trim mings of soft fur all sizes for women and miss from 16 years to 44 bust flannel fcpcks at 495 y6ud hardly believe it fashionable shortsleeved flannel dresses in sand grey copen blue and brown shades sizes 10 years to 38 bust measure braid and buttons used for trimmings this week a notable sale of mats and rugs reversible wool rags in oriental designs with colors absolutely fast in a broad choice of sizes from 26x50 inches at 5js0 up to 0x0 feet at 3500 qedroom mats tn wool with fast colorings revers ible pretty combinations of blue fawn old rose etc size 27x63 inches is only 3js0 special value indeed english axminster ruga in qualities and colorings of un usual beauty at such low prices as have not been pos sible since prewar days for instance size 47x72 inches at 100 size 34x69 inches at 900 size 36x72 inches at 1l50 size 26x57 inches at 55 only an unwual advantage in parehaslrur could make these low prices possible and thats just what happened in this case yours the opportunity to profit by it too this week d macdonald bros ltd guklpffs leading and largest store llf light lunches i weekend specials we are carrying a full line of fancy bjscuits corc in and see our display quaker kisses the old reliable molasses candy liked by young and old regularly 40c tb weekend special 32c lb assorted chocolates these are the same high quality assorted hard and soft centres regularly 40c and 50c tb weekend special 32c lb come in and try a pup of otar delicious coffcc made with sweetcream we havo a full assortment of ice cream bricks m hu wiles i w will v von mny if you will lot u school days means new shoes for the kiddies need stwdy shoes v s3p you will find our- prices right quality comfort anil ccar considered mens work shoes made by tfcc best maker at price a very low considering the quality tan and buck plain too- and toe cap pink shoes fnr men women mud children- all the beat leather portent colt kid and calf i r our stock is all new the proor of the root 10 in thewear1n0 harry harrison the shoe man new lln et travelling bags and quit ossea news of local import u f o monthly meeting tim if p o and v f w o will hold their regular monthly meetlna et the home uf mr it unkiun on tues day october xi halloween masquerade dane a uasquerada dance will be held in the town hall on halloween under ho of the hewetaon hall club irlaea will be riven for the beat costumed couple and lucky num ber dance uculluna el x- piece or chestra of oalt will furnish the music a halloween parade the halloween parade of masquer- adfrs that was such a succeaa lost year under the nuplcea of acton clllerv nri la belnc aitanbwd again for thin year imaes fur best costumes etc are being looked after and with a niic evening the affair should be larger 1 1 win laat ymr full details as to the parade and prize will l announced later ladles baseball danes the aetna ladles ilaseball club have issued invitations for their dance tomorrow evening friday october 17 it has been intimated that some or the patrons of the ball games have been lnadventsntly missed any such who have been missed residing in acton are cordially invited to attend the dance uaaon orchestra will provide the music removing after seventeen years mr and mm lew la gtarkman and family removed this week to toronto kor seventeen years they have been esteemed residents of acton by in dustry and frugality they have pros pered and mr starlunan owns a num ber at the best store buildings in town and several residences and tenements several members of the home have good positions in toronto and in order that the family may be together the homo will be reestablished in the city tha peoples vote will decide a motion that will set tongues wag ing was introduced by councillors latimer and klneey it paved the way for introduction at next moating of council or a bylaw to en the council to take a plebiscite oa the question of pool rooms in town at the next municipal election the motion carried without any discussion further than a few casual remarks one of which was that the cost of such an expression of the ratepayers would not be greater than the price of the bal- lots alllston herald w m s- thankofferno the annual thank offering meeting if the womens missionary society of knax church was held last thursday afternoon in the school room of the church and waa largely attended lira a uctavlsh the president oc cupied the chair the speaker cor the afternoon waa lira kannawln wife of itev w m kannawln d d of hamilton she delighted the audi ence with a review of mission work from its inception and the work that is being accomplished tw a duett by- mrm a c stewart and mrs- yrank holmes waa vwy much enjoyed at the close uf the meetlnci lunch waa served and a sootal hour spent 7th una pavement completed the concrete pavement from iosi- vllle right down to the oakvllle station entrance has been completed the last ooncreto was laid on tuesday morning and the plant waa at onoe loaded on cars and shipped to the ottawa district where lr king bos a large contract the pavement la now pen for traffic trqjn postvtlle to the upper middle rood and a gang is at work grading the shoulders between the upper and lower middle roads the hole pavement will bo ready for truffle in a couple of weeks when there will be general rejoicing among users of this muchtravelled highway reeve murtlen and his council should ar range for some forma opening cere monies oak villa htar open i no meeting of knox guild the nrst meeting of the season of knox young ieoplee guild was held on monday evening and was fairly well attended miss mae wilson thr president occupied the chalrc vocal solos were given by mrs h ingrey mrs w o lleasey mr f cole master charles bcrymgeour mr r spelt yogel miss jessie uajbralth and mr v itumley gave a vocal duett and a piano duett was rendered hy misses mary uwogstono and hutb qit the methodut sunday bohool orchestra and a string trio of its members also attended and gave a number of very enjoyable selections the programme was good throughout and was thor oughly enjoyed by everyone a social hour was spent t following the pro gramme no moderatlonlsts in fergus a few weeks ago some moderation league o tic lai paid kergus a visit akd endeavored to get local man to represent them here to the towns credit be it sold they could secure no lersou the liquor business and its con nections jiot being considered respect able any more one bright young man with business ability was inter viewed and offered a good salary sis promptly refused and asked who had seit them to blm the guessing was not difficult a recent speech and ac tlaos to match giving tha clue toll lu go to h and do his owh dirty work was the apt reply cvr tulnly thing arent wlmt thoy used lu be many long years ago oa the songs says young men the cotumui ity is proud o you owaltocorg helton xe convantjlon the convention uf the teacher of hulton and wentwnrth inspectorate hah ip toronto lusf thursday wnd friday was one of especial interest the topics discussed w prattlcttl and the various expressions of opinion were suggesllva and helpful the plan curried out of vlsltlpg a number of the city school to otturve methods and 1 a qtm t t ha t raauers t here wws ft feature very greatly enjoyed and ap- pr4ciatei hy the- vlsltlnc taacher the teuotiera wore divided into groups and went out from the nortaal school to lubllo huhools in various ports of the city 1 was a pleasure which all en joyed tu have mr j h deacon of toronto late inspector uf this county visit the convention numlxir of the teauiiere were personal friends and all were glad to meet this venerable edu cationist mr j m denyea the present insfieotor was a host in dir ecting the proceedings nd maintain ing a sua tain ed interest the conven tion la regarded oa one of the bast in the long list of annual meetings uf the inspectoral tha attendance uf loaohsrs waa largo roney put it over the council good and hard i violates the provisions of bylaw under which permit for building is taken out and then steps out with 033050 of public funds voted dy council the mu unlclpnl counrlt rn ttoney shuck on its hands i has the r votlntf z330 0 to him because he fulled to comply with the provisions of the klre uyuw unovr whl it hn took out a permit for the erection of a shoe about a month njo mr i ltonoy ime to acton leased l ho lot on mill street txitwcnn tlm wonderland ilo- ture ttieulrn and mls murrays den the slti for ihlm- urm from tho oirixnitliv u permit for tho rm llim of tha morfl lermlt wan gruitttid under liy- law no 73 apd was slgnwl by w j iteld inspector nnri provldcml that tha building for whlcn it was urn n lei should comply with tho following regu lations 2 within tho as id nro limits every dwellinghouse store manu factory or other bulldlm hereufter erected hall be built of mtone ilrlck cement or cuncmte and roofed with hint mnlut tin ii re proof romixhililon or shins leu luld in mnrtur ut least onoliulfljjoh thick laid on roofing boards close ly jointed provided that within the said limits mluhlns nnd outbuild ings may le oroctd of wood plua- tered or roughcast on tho oumljn and rooled as hnrelntforn provid ed 4 that within th sulci limits all plunn lhth for uaw buildings and rniulrri to buildings shall nrst be suhmltud to tho council befora protuodfntf with tho erection or rvpalrm in the nrst place the plunu of tho propoeod building worn not uubmltted to the council before proceeding with the erection in tho second place it was observed at the outset that the provisions of the bylaw a recorded on the permit were not txilnff com piled with members of acton chamber of com merce called the attention of the ileevo to this fac and the work of con struction was ordered to be discon tinued at the meeting of council on october the following minute are recorded in the clerks minute itook mr honey of georgetown who had begun to erect a tin shack on mill street for bis shoemakers trude aim who had been prevented from com pletlnx it then addressed tho council was decided to allow him to complete the building on condition that he would agreo to remove it on expiration of his lease and not to let it to anyone elae and if ho hould move away before tho expira tion of the lease the bulliumr vould be removed this lease is for nvu ymrn this action evidently did not null tho people of acton and exprvto ta to this effect were vory current the construction was not resumed the executive of acton chamber of commerce held a meeting and decldod circulate a petition protesting against the completion of the building the ground that its construction was a violation of the pro via ion of the hire bylaw under which the penult was granted and because it inslgbuy and would not conform with the class of buildings which cltl- have been constructing on the business streets during late years members of the chamber of com merce circulated petitions unit in a day or two secured the names of over iso ratepayers of the town this petition a presented to the council ut u spec- meetlng lost friday evening by ji moore president of the chamber of commerce and n ii our don secre tary and the members of the kiocutlvo acconiiminted them heeva uarber thanked tha delega tion for their interval in tha maltur and said it waa evident the puopla of acton did not wish tho bulmiiiat to be proceeded with without complylnh with the bylaw and he thought it would not go on inference followed betwcmin the council and messrs luuoy llrothors no decision was arrived at the following minutes up pour lu tlm munlcliial clerks record book of tills meeting the iteeva aald that he council at the laat meeting hud proposed the concession in favor of mr- ltonoy on mr koneya representation thau ho cob id not get any other building ami from evidence which wus submitted it appeared that be mr ltonoy could have got the ohlp bow occupied by gibbon by waiting ten days is afraid that it would be 1m- poealble now in view of recent develop ments for the council to allow the building to remain no further action waa taken but another meeting to arranged between mr ltonoy and the members of the council for monday evening october 13 for further dis cussion and oonf1e ration of the mat ter or this meeting the minute record mr honey br was present us wall as tho owner of the building ha re fused to consider taking aver mr h m lasbys shop ho offered to with draw the building if the council would recompense him and his eon ror their loss mr honey jr sutld that he out about ftoooo lie orrorad to tak 40000 the council thought this ti be too high u tlgurn mr holmes ar rived ut ims mi ltonny thm uttered to withdraw if tlm coujuill would take thq building uff hi hiuidm ulu mr gregory lease and refund tu him the 17 bo which w hud lhw mr uregory as rent in advunrtt this would figure out izisoo for thu building- ulus moved w w thelfxn ijt aeoumled by jr 1ui wtid rvjmiwsd thut the urfor uf mr ltonoy lo vvithdruw it uio coui ell takes over hi building assumevmils lease with mr- gi otfory and ruys him the h7c0 lmld ty him t mr oregory as rent lu udvuiiro ita uo- cepted on coudltlup that thu council is able to make autlsfactury urruiige- ments with mr gregory for the can cellation of the tease the above rosolbtlon wo carried by thejvoles or the heave ami coun cillors thotrord uiil 1u11 loiin iiioim llobnea and numii nut vullng the peopto of at tin will llnd ll vi ry dtrqcult tu determine upon li it ground mr roney wus vottil j3t t0 of tlj towns lilonny mr honey u whom this tuwu wm under no obligation whatever cuinu to acton to build u shop in which to do u competitive business ho totk out u ermlt he fulhxl to comply with the terms or the byluw undor which tli pormll wus isaurnl lie luld hlnisolf open to proseautloii for vhilul j he bylaw the council r uthorlty froa the cuuucll urderod obituary angus mclban oiih of icrln townships highly simclod rltlsens imoscd to hls reward on thursday tho 3nd inst in tho person of angus mclean after a long and trying illness from a terrible malady the lata mr mclean was a son of tha late mr and mrs archie mnuun und was born on the farm whnrn be spent his ilfetlmn and died he was of a quiet ami retiring nature hut enjoyed iho goot will and fellow ship of a large circle or friends and neighbors the deceased was a mem bcr of hums presbyterian church and wus for nulto a number of years an klder and active on the hoard of management of the church ho leaves lo mourn his loss his widow three brother john alexander and archi bald and one sister mrs jo ii thompson alt f erin township thi funnrnl took place from hi lute resi dence lot 6 ninth line erin on monday tho 6th innt when his pus tor tho itev john ijlndauy conducted the service at tha home and gravosldt tho interment tmlng mails at erin cemetery tho pallbaarers were messrs a hold i hlnnle a hi no lair john klrkwood wm klrkwood and john mclean a large concourse as sembled at the home and graveside to pay their last respects to the departed advocate mr dniry at rockwood the former premier and mr denyea address a large gathering premier irury wns the chief speaker at a rally held at hock wood last friday night by tho rramosu township temperance association the town hall was crowded to hear mr druryfu score or fnoro standing throughout hev j utile organlxer ror south wellington was chairman and others on tho platform wore hov j j h htuwurt prldent of the association itov mr dlltx of hockwood methodist church and rev mr pnrkhouse of tho disciple church rverton mrs denyetf of milton und wm peal of guelph auto spoke in his addreas hon mr drury re viewed the old days of the liquor traffic and hamtd the o t a as a great success the finest legislation of its kind in the world he said the tem perance movement had gone forward for three generations because of the prohibitive loss in money and man hood entailed by the liquor traffic it was not based on fanaticism because it persisted tho bootlegger he said would exist qmrr any system but the glory of proraltlon wns to be seen in the larger kuen dance today at secondary schools throughout ontario the school aro full because tho father are not full said mr drury mrs denyea of milton speaking for the w c t u- advocated the teaching or prohibition in all schools and uni versities this she said would jnako ting unnecessary stole 52808 worth of butter at georgetown john mckinnon and harry daley sentenced to the ontario reformatory the three pleaded guilty before police magistrate moore at milton on hoptemler 24 john mcklnrion harry dulny and thus cook of tor onto left tho city to come to acton fair in a truck belonging tu mckio- nons employer thoy had tiro trouble nl georgetown and by tho thnn tin tires svere repaired and tholr truck in shupe for driving night hud come on thoy went to u chlnnao restaurant in georgetown hud lunch and about midnight start ml for home when they- got lo tho georgetown creamery next to tho gnrngo whnrn the truck was thoy broke in stole 33 boxes of pustuurlxod butter mid pro ceeded to tho city with tholr loot s the case was put into tho hands of provincial constable atkins and last week he discovered tho men implicated in toronto lie took witnesses from tha garage ut georgetown who identified them and thon urrentod them und brought them to milton jail tholr trial took placo on tunaday ternoon they each dec tod to be tried summarily and than pleaded guilty to tho charge in an examina tion the facts came out that tho butter they had stolen wal i18fl pounds and was sold to n produim dealer on queen rtreel east neur backvllle htrt for 200 of this cook got 14000 and mcklnnon und daley divid ed the 160 remaining between them mr baxo of the georgetown crea tri or y who attended tha trial stated the price of the butter on hoptember 2t was 41i iwr pound uml tho total value of the butter was 6i80h john mcklnnon uml hurry daley wem each sentenced hy thu magistral no ypnr in tha guelph reformatory nnd an indeterminate uanlnncu of twelve months ouch additional tho cook who appeared to have less to do with tha matter than the other two and who gave information of value in the mattr was allowed to go on sus pended sentence during good be haviour the produce dealer 4yho was the receiver of the butter ut about half its value wan arrested yesterday by provincial officer x halton bacon hog show msny fine exhibit in the breeding and market classes the halton county hacon hog show held in milton last wednesday was regarded as a huge success the weather was flno and a large number if spectators were prpsent to view the fine exhibits in the breeding and market classes the total number or entries in breed ing classes was 112 and in market ilosses 34 the market hogs were marketed f o b and a good prioe was obtained 11025 for the thick ooth and 10 per cent extra for select 86 hogs wore marketed 42 grading select the following are thu entries in the different classes nnd the names of tho prises winners breeding class class 1 club hoar and two hatfi 1st tjndley club flamboro 2nd tanbley club halton 3rd kilbride club halton 4th mountsberg club flamboro no of entries 6 class 1 hoar over 13 month ljt c jarvls 2nd a stark no of en- tries 3 cluas 3 boer under 13 months jet m t- watson 2nd and 3rd w frances 4th j fjtitobortson 6th c jurvl sth j v robertson no of entries 7 class 4 champion hoar h mc- artliur halton no of entries 18 class 5 sow two years or over ii ituldwln hal tun no or entries 8 class sow over 13 months and under 3 years 1st krwln gunby 2nd w a irving 3rd chos irving 4th w g mnrrltt sth g e uaatlo sth m clements no of on tries v cluox 7 sow over 6 months and undtir 1 year 1st c jarvls 2nd w g murritt 3rd q k gastto 4ui j v robertson sth w g marritt th ft w dredge no of entries t class 8 sow under months 1st j r robertsoit 3nd w q marcltt 3rd c jarvis 4th b gunby 6th w a irving eth il j held no of entries 11 class 8 champion how icrwln gunby halton no of entries 3c class 10 pigs 4 months and under 1st r held 2nd w a irving 3rd k gunby 4tb geo griiles nth c jarvis th m i cloiumtt no uf enti les 9 market classes class 11 champion liuoon 1 log- it jarvis halton no or entries 8 class u hinflla uuioit hog 1st h a jurvls cnd m t wauon 3rd wrlggwsworth 4th w a irvlnju flth homer dixon 8th i hartley no of enlrios cluss i eii r o uaouti hoga 1st h a jftrvta pd m t watson 3rd f wrlkaleowopih th h w- dredge sth m iixqn th acojrvlng- no of yntriva ft class 14 swifts heclal 1st wat son hros spd 1l a jarvis no of entries b tho show terminate with u banquet held ut the mlltnii iuu und suitable ad- dr esses wrro ven hy r w wade livo htock commissioner toronto a ll muidonuld chief uog q ruder do- nvlitlon live stock llrauch i h mar tin uv btook uranch toronto if ittu lhi stone utreetsvllle 1l it fem lug agrlculturul representative hal ton subjects for debate the young people will study a wide range of subject tho younc icoploa debating ilougua of tha milton district which caused such intarcat and a splendid rivalry durlng tho past winter will re- open for the winter months next month commencing the week of november 2 the following young peoples societies compose thu longue appleby ashgrovv hot hoi urontr hurling ton carlisle kant plains hornby kubrldo lovrville mlltoit oakvlllo palermo waterdown west plains and zim merman the following is the list of subjects to be debated the evils of twajporty govern ment are greater than the benefit hooks have a greater influence in forming character than companion ships 3 all international- war la incon sistent with christianity lny terence is a greater hin drance to moral reform than opposi tion the influence of tho telephone civilisation has been more potent than that of tho automobile heredity exerts a greater in fluence on character than environ ment the platform has had a greater influence lb the udvuncemunt of the world than tha ureas intoxicating drink has wrought a harm than war travel has greater educational value than reading works of art maku a stronger appeu to mankind than nature capital punlsbmnnt should be abolished the unite htalo should cancel war debts of her allies fn tha world war david exerts a greater influence in ulble history than does isaiah john tho apostle is a more at tractive type in the new testament titan peter the hiblo should be aught in the public schools le the ulble exerts a greater indu- nce in the life of toduy than ever before conditions lu rural communities fifty years ago were more conducive to happiness than today tha canadian senate should be abolished the builders td cease their construc tion uf the building- to any normal mliul it would stiem that uftar this mu oi two thing only should have follow i the tuinovtil of tho building wlili h hud t unluwdilly construct- 1 or tlm ruiountrih thin of u building complying with the terms of the by- luw where- u acton under utiy obligation what ever o this gooigatowit man why should tho town assume i his lease and purchttim the materia nuj pay for the lubor in the erection of a building plainly built in violation f the terms of a bylaw fuinvd to ro- ilura the haxxurd rruiu rtrt the lux jul yet uro asking why somebody mist auaww interhigh school field bay aoton oeorgetown- milton and 0k- vllle students at buhlngtofi high school the first interhigh kohool fiold day in this county was hold at llur- illigton hist friday und provnd a most enjuyhbe utld unique event the students of tha acton hurllng- toti george town milton and oukvlllet high schools participated luci school was well represenlod aoton hud betweon thirty und forty students preaenl these wro nejiveyod tu hur ling ton bj- klndluurted citizens who placed their motor carsnut their dls lutsal undjulrpv lhnovwr the fleul day mrb wore enturol into with keoii sast by the various hools ouch uf whom hud studeittu who axoallod in their favorite lines in the liggroguie of mnt won tha vrl6us ouiputltluiis dui ing thu arternoon oakvlllo high school stu donts won nrst pluce llurllngtoti kn- iqmi und anion third milton utu ucbnrotown w at tho lullmid molvln droit won first pines in lun nlng high jump uinoug tht juniors auuund in 100 yard tuah uiid third in run nlng hroud jump charles hull got third tu tho bo n i or running high jump john dunn won third in tha 200 yard dush senior uhd third in the 400 yard dush murnuiot llludall ivt ft ural 111 junior running high jump mr hrflim mow principal and mlanixt hood nnd tpidulo touchers uc citmiuiulml itixli mtuilupts tfi hurlliig- lin wnd wi r krutlrud willi thotr meusui if 6f muccoss social and personal mis ouvo mowat of toronto v home on hunday mrs peter ha yen vlnltcd irlimidn toronto last week mis frances mull in uf gait was home for the weekfond mr w a nicol uf boston vihiio 1 hare over the weekend mrs allen mcpharsop la vinlllng with friends at kilbride v mr wm ii miller spout hundiy with friends at waterloo miss hertler smith waa homo from toronto for the wookond mlas ruth nelson visited frhudx in hrantford during iljo week miss mfnnlo glbbona la spending tha week with friends in toronto mr k j moore of toronto hpont the weekend at moorocroft mr george il agnaw of dnrrot u holidaying at his homo hern j hev and mrs j culp visited rulu- tlvos at ueamsvllle this wnok mr c ii harrison in on u busliiosii trip to kingston and montreal mr joseph uarr of toronto spont u day or so with acton friends miss emma robinson visited friends in woodbrldgo over the weekend mr harold i wanabrough of tor onto was home over the weokond mr john ireoious left on tmsday to visit relatives at chicago and joliet mr h f caldwell of tichmond hill called on friends in town last thurs day mr and mrs il j kerr vlultid friends in garafroxa tha first of thn week r vera llurat of toronto normal school was homo for a fow days last week mr and mrs robert mcphemon or toronto vlatted acton frlendm this week mrs alex webb morley and grace of gait visited acton friends tlijs week mr and mr u p mckurrlhan of toronto visited acton frlanda on sunday mr victor coleman of montreal made acton rrlends a brief visit yesterday mr roy rown ut the university of toronto staff was homo over the woekend mr w et c nickel uf waterloo spent a raw days with friends hero lost week mr robert uennett spent u day or two this week with friends in guelph and fergus miss kdlth armstrong of brum n ton spent a few days during divwaok with acton friends mr and mrs alex dobble of hamil ton visited on sunday with mr und mrs w j hall miss marion mcintosh- has been visiting friends in fergus und london during the week mrs k w masters and miss viola humley spent the weekend with rota tive in toronto mrs f reynolds of lansing mich visited her brother postmaster mat thews this week a new lullitg front ottuwu makes ll obllgiitno on i he mtt nf postmaster tmt to uiwipl american puper tnonuy in i x lmnht for mumps niciney onlort ate tho public is rwijuuntod to govern themselves accordingly hym aiid ny u t onto were guests of mr and mrs il s halmason sunday mlas nellie k hall uf toronto normal school spent several duys at tho parontal home here mr and mrs clayton longs t root und family of erln spent sunday ul the home of mr w j hall mrs rov mcleod uf toronto is visiting at tha home of hur parents mr and mrs r x kerr mr and mrs c il mcintosh and grant of osrwa spent thr woakuud ut the parental home here mrs william johnstone visited lu london over tha weekend with hur son mr il f johnstone mrs huffman and family motored to richmond hill sunday and spent the day with friends there mrs george hawthorne and ken neth of kitchener spent u few days last woek visiting friends in acton mr and mrs martin hawso of hlllsburg visited at the homo of mr w t hurt lake avenue on sunduy mr and mrs a t drown wont to toronto on sunday afternoon to vuu hey dr williamson who is seriously 111 mr andura nell a mclcaehurii of preston epewt- few days at tho hono of mr and mrs william mullln wel lington street mra w h uuochlen of arthur ulted with her slater at the uoutnry in order tu attend the deanery w a convention laat weak mr and mrs jam malnnoti of conlngaby visited at the bumu of her brother mr jv t hurt lako avenue on sunday mr and mrs kannawln wont tu orahgevllle on tuesday aftarnimiii to attend tha funeral of tholr lousiu mrs john kannawln dr und mrs hacking- and little miss uuisabetb of taxu worn guuats of kev uttd mrs culp at the metho dist ioieonage this week mr and mrs c it hnrrlaou und children and mr slid mrs g 7 uiiu und frances motored down and spent a day in toronto lost week mr and mrs t w worthlngton and mr and mrs y a logic uf pulaley have been visiting during the woek with mr and mrs g il swltxrr mr and mrs charles a u mat- own and muster hilly uf toronto were here ror a brief visit while un route to dreaden they loft early yesterday mocnlng mr w v jlggias who spent saveral months in t land bus returned to his homo here ho hud a very plaus- uut visit saw numerous old friends vis uml mauy scenes of his boyhood duys and enjoyed ouveral days ut thu uritiah empire exhibition ut wuinblny mrs itev j c wilson uiss margaret and flnluy and calvin hava wrrtved in toronto from wuyburn and will make their noma thcro they are all quite w1l tlus illduutoii ikj- purment has grunted miss muihurut u hocoml class touchers cert intuitu ua her utundlng in saskatchuwiiu and permits bur tu write ult thu ontario normal bohool wt

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