st t ff amm ffr egiprma ttjt itsdn uctoutr u 1bz4 ontario hold the unct on octol cr 13 n i tienn but isolation m iho ilootlaggts- upram hlnce the law wwl passed at iteiuii but yesterday you imvf nothlnr worth protecting or vast blessings you would see ucurccly drrameil of tltt wo gat th ota muit our wtes exhume the bottle tht our children know itrfcurw ere wo hats it as we hate all other crime irlnk will surely wreck a country though it swell the publlo puree and our cnblnot turn bartender for 1 the time fiuoxo turn out thr srlf name pipduot by whatever method sold and the only lime we have- it in oou trpl la when people not stampeded tly whuperlng campaign ttnck the lew the province asked cor at the noil for we need more prohibition and not less r r ha1u1 do nail bamk from oeotthepld boy kdltor fium puma inasmuch a i llved in nfter my majority havli there nntl in quebec nin nearly two docade it ma hi bio tor roe to addr a few worda to friends old acquaintance and others on un laauo of supreme lmportanoe for the information juat given it is obvious that 1 kmew ontario under the open bar system when rd ufia were aa common aa dandelion in 0 meadow and ohalrwarmera aa num erous rut bullfrog in a millpond 1 httyo also aeen quebec under difteren drink regime the open bar reatrte hon and now government control- i tun well awsre that the proposed oovernment control of ontario la be of a different type from that now in operation in quebec the drink is to be eold in aealed parcel not drank on the premises eto lnddently turn log the home into a barroom qovern ment control la the nffll old demon in no matter what jacket he may ap pear now what are the actual condition o i have seen them in prohibition and qovevntnem control utjrlng the summer of 1im i spent ten days in the great city of now york and in all that time saw but man intoxicated daring the autumn of the same year i made a non atop auto trip through the little town f waterloo quebec and w three man both drunk and disorderly the dif ference wa due to the fact that new york wo under prohibitory law while waterloo ha sevfo permit in the summer of li r hrmvehed through almost u the town of eastern on tarlo remaining a we in btpckvlllt and two week in kingston bat did not on intoxicated person period of four weeks this travelled over five hundred mha through the new bogtand states and did not see one person drunk nor sign of intoxication on the other hand in quebec in a single afternoon and while traveling a distance of three miles i saw two men dead drunk by the road in a hotel yard and a little further on alx young men standing about an auto in which were two women drinking beer out nc bottle and insulting paerby again on sunday evening september l when all place of sale are supposed to be closed while travailing- a short dl tance of two and a half mile x saw a man taggering drunk but thl raise another question what about illicit sal under oovern ment control 11 senator pope of the county of compton qo speak it ihouwbfl remembered that mr pope is not prohibitionist t never listened to more extravagant language and misrepresentation of tact than i have heard this afternoon with regard to the situation in quabeo w have nuvar had any bootlegging- in quebeo nor any caiue or any until w had the present law it is useless to say it ha done away with boousggtng it has created it a to the eltmlna- tlon of intoxication there i no u telling hat to me we have more il licit still tn the province of quebec than you gentlemen hod hair on your head- before you began to- bad any a to the statement that the oovern ment or quebec ha mad a uoob out of the ljqnor act x regret ex ceedingly to say if t riot correct again the condition in the courts reveal the same unsatisfactory state of affair the vontreal oasette by no means radically prohloluohlst in its issue of september ii of the present year on page ave ha the fbuowtng statement of facts investigation at the court bouse showed that there arej mp case of aqeged tafracuoa of the liquor act before the court and some of them date back mora than two years a system of adjournment 1 largely responsible and to thl is add ed the fact that judge are only now i and then able to alt on liquor case ih the meantlm- the police of the quebec uquor commission are con tlnually adding- to the roll by arresting re arresting seller of liquor who are either awaiting- trial or judgment in cases heard the street of thl state of affalrajon the administration of the ktw has been demoralising for the some group ocwblakey vendor oper at with the sens ot practical aecur ity in the case of club which have no license to sed alephollo is the case with a afjontreal arid the number has been heavily on the in the situation has got to the point aoeordtn to what 1 learned in court bqo olrotea that liquor is sold with impunity of course the acoderatlonhit will ay that all will be carried tm differ ently in ontario walt and ae my word to the people of my old province lai take no chances retain the ontario temperance act tour slneerery hanky wick- suostead qbe october 1114 i u i d v m vu erife a jjt mi8 fewrim fk coimm f zfimt r 5bs school day memories whn recollections wander and ment oties unfold and tendercst rohoarnuls at evan time are told th sweetest meditation that is spoken or is mnr is ot tin old hcliool master who i our when days worn youna we think we see lat mtandlng- and his voice eeem here about we see the old school h6use again and hear the children shout and we wonder how he fairing in the laughter ondthe toaru that come to stumbtln- pilgrim throughout the fading year wed llko to seo the old playmates and would go back again and hear his voice foretelling the why and where and when wed tike to see an old time face and greet an old time auille and hang around tho old school place for just little while weve wandered out along the way to njl eachjlttlo space and some have trod a highway their steps 6an ne er retrace and oh that we have ready when the bell of heavon toll a quick responsive present when the master calls the roll the rival lovers op long aqo when i wo sitting the other even ing conning- over the early days thl rather interesting episode came to me and i thought the young folks of to day would naturally bernterested so i concluded to tall lt- jack hodson and tom culhane wero lively young fellows both deeply in- 4ereted in a certalafvoun lady daisy green who- smiled impartially upon both one very cold night in mid winter jack had started out on foot to cover the two frosty miles that lay between hi own home and the home of this glrl a be plodded on he heard the musli of alalgh bells coming up the road love may be blind but tho blinder are not always on the mind and jack felt certain that he recognised the bell slipping back of a tree he saw that they indeed were on tom e sleigh undoubtedly the tatter wo on his way to ae daisy fortunately tom was not driving rapidly waiting until he had p the tree jack aprlntod quietly up tho road after the sleigh caught on tho rear and drew himself up all unseen by the drivgr the rival planned hi campaign even i he crawled into the rear of the sleigh he t elf certain that on ac count of the extremo coldness of the night tom would turn tn at the shed leaving- the horse there for warmth while be covered the little remaining distance on foot sure enough be did a he was ex peeted- a be turned from the road the boy in the rear slipped out and again unseen walked swiftly to daisy residence where the coldness of th evening was eoon forgotten in- tho warmth of hi welcome the time passed swiftly but no other visitor appeared afterward jack learned that tom had heard his voice aa he went up the walk and remembering the saying that three la a crowd had turned away- disappointed and started up the road to spend the evening with another girt the evening hour had wings but jack was using his feet as he started homeward halfway be stopped and exclaimed sound like tom s sleigh bells slipping- back of a tree again he saw his friend drive post headed for borne then be duplicated hi esrjje- evenlng performance catching and gattlnar into the alalgh unobserved only to drop off opposite his own door still unnoticed what a joke on ton thl hajipen i many year ago but his comrade of aixty years ago tul tall the story and laugh about it daisy dldn t marry elthor of them a year later she married bluy brown and they moved up ta the queen m bush and i then lost sight of them and never heard what became of them well doc the hardest kind of luck you ever heard tell of you know how absent minded i nm d c and haw patriotic them oro two of rhy ntronit uolnta well doc 1 wf rtrlvln into town real early this morning with that money an even 130 in my pocket in a blfe roll when the hoys called me aver to mike hpnlght 8 nh i to help m oelahrate uy nhootin ot tho anvils there just at daybrok well i went an on the lonth round i was a loadln her an we ran out o wd din anjjwliat do you think t done qpc in my excitement i yanked out that- roll omrtlli and tainraejj em into that anvil an touched her oft before i thought an there worrty t0 worth 0 clear hard earned canh all blownd to flinders doc xm sorrier than you he but 1 11 have it for you by th flrat of july sure 1 don t think i need add that thu doctor wo still walking for tom in calkwith the twenty dollars when lir moved nway but to butl ttontanir 1 dh t believe tom ever paid the debt and now both ho and the doctor have gone to then- reward showing opf showing oft 1 not confined u small children most of u r eon sclous or a feeling of irritation or of amusement a w listen to om eo- i qualntsnce of our talking for effect sftvln impression w are sure are anything but correct some pne whom we are certain ha the greatest dim cutty in making end meet mentions casually that he hss just been looking at a packard oar the impreeslan con veyed is that h 1 thinking of buying it while we are sure hi looking wji i done through a plate glass window and that he oould not purchase f eeoond hand igord on th wvkkly laf- 1 vtallment plan so continually th people ot our acquaintance are sug gesting by their remark that they are richer more popular or i wiser than v wwttoow them to be wi jp not admire thl showing off whn we see it jo othetsvand fur that reason it might be wall to aelve whether or not w ar guilty of the soma folly are w alncor and atreightfarward tn ll w aay or do we talk for effect aod make a deuhsrak effort to gm ml- leading- uprt6al if wei watch ouraajve closely the rhanoe ar that th majority of ua ahall diaoovsr that w ar opt altogether superior to thl ywuly ws tom and his excuses we had a man living fh acton fifty of sixty years ago who wo famous for his excuses for not paying hi ldebta tom i don t like to give you his other name for he has soma old friends here ymu though he left town over forty years ago was the most ingenious ohop for making ex cuses about money matter when tho time came for the fulfilment of a promise to pay that x ever met hie business when ho condescended to bav any was always that of sell ing agent for artlalerllghtnlng rod fruit tree sewing machine head stones corn cures eto and if he hod ever put half the skill udd energy irito hi work that he did in his mamfno ture of excuses for non payment he would have prospered tom novar objected to being dun ned in foot he often went to his i creditors and dunned himself uf the soy in is but he was always armed with an excuse or dsxsllng in genu ity usually he hod the money indeed had started for the house of the nun he- owed with itbut had lot it in aome way frequently he wns robbed if a bank cfosad its doors anywhere within fifty mile tom hat money in that bank if a nun ab aconded that man owed tom if there was a fire it destroyed toms posses tons if there was u rumor of a tdsuropean war it depreciated toms holding and reduced hi working capital tom had long owid doctor kfooat via a blu of twenty dollar the doe- tor hatl about given up hope of ever getting it however and had settled down o a philosophical enjoyment of the mans excuses he had solemnly promised however to pay it on ksm mth having a large cum mmjj him on the twnry third for aoon igfipient of appleeeal and the doc tor hope om revived vhtn both enqlish and frencm lanquaqes desirable 1 do not think many oversea visit or came back to this country with out realising something of the advsn tag in travel in knowing more thnr one s own language money talks you can exchange your money almost anywhere hut you cannot talk with the same facility sir john wullson the well known toronto tftibhctst after a round the world tour came back this summer to canada fend advised our peoplo to study the french languago in the british empire there- are three do minions having two ofllbal languages- canada south africa and the iruh pre state canada has about three british speaking to two pronch speak tng citixen the english language has gained materially in international inter course of late years owing to the in j flu ftneo of the united states it is now ranked with french in dlplqmatla use but it 1 hang generations yet from a world language when we consider that trench ranks equal or more than equal with english in international intercourse that spanish is the lah guage of all the american ajsitlnenl south of the u s border and that oermany russia china india and europe to cite the main populations all have their million and tens of million unacquainted with any lan guage save their own even if thoy know that attempts have been made to form elate a world language in volapuk and esperanto bat without much success so far there mut be increasing pre sure in that direction however with the growth of international trade and intercourse radio fan in britain we are told are taking to learning thj continental language in order not toj be ahut out of the continental radl programme one of our press party living near afontreak declared to ua that ho would give bs right arm if he were able to speak french in belgium we found two languages spoken vlstrench and flemish the german tried in thewar to play up for the flemish and divide them from ihelr fellow belgian who spoke french those belgians speak ing french had the advantage official and educationally but the flemish language has had more consideration slnoe the war the chambarmald on our floor tn our brussol hotel was trylnc to learn english bat her enguh accent wu modelled and properly o after that of engl lah travellers and we canadians had omo difficulty in making her out she did i better however than a german maid who came to the rcsaue of a friend of mine and hi fellow merchant some year oo they were over in oermany buying goods their bedroom was cold and they wanted ate blankets warm ing pan or something to warm them after a good many sign anil gyrations my friend told me a smile overspread th countenance of the mold she pod ded her head emphatically exclaimed tab yah shot out the door and presently returned with a jug of beer they went down to the hotel office after that f w o the vote flvo years ago rulton osve a majority ofcoo end j ths province between 4ck000 and 400000 tho v te lir- this county on october 0 1b1b insulted hi n maj rily of 8 00 a for tho ontario temperance act tiiim act was orljrlnnlly passed i y the hearst government ns a war measure there was a tacit undcrstnndlmr thnt nfter the war a vote would he taken tu permit tho poop i v or ontario to lndl outo whether the ota should be continued or repealed in that voto the electors spoke da clslvely and said with a majority ot between 300 000 and 400 000 thnt thoy preferred prahlhitlpn of tho sale of liquor rather than government lice mo to nell liquor in acton a majority of i07 for tho ontaro temperance ac was given in every town end township in the county there was a large majority for the act tn one polling subdivision alone brant hospital was there a wet majority there- is not likely to be polling place tqffra on the 23rd a the hospital ha been cjoseu the figure by municipalities in hnltan in the vote in october 1019 was as follows dry dry wot majority acton 612 act 307 burlington 776 340 87 georgetown aog z4 449 illlun oslcvtir 7fi j4s s37 858 4u 447 esqueslng 1301 34 r 053 nassagaweya 82 iso 703 nelson v 1160 z07 9g3 trafalgar isr 301 1384 brunt hasp 44 83 30 s3 2017 6008 wet majority gems of thought take my word for it it la not prudent to trust yourself to any man who does not believe in god or in a future after death sir robert peel nothing gives such a blow to friend ship as detsntlng another in an un truth it strlkon nj the root of our confide no ever after haxlltt the nfan who speaks his positive oanvictlona is worth a regiment of meri who are always proclaiming their doubts and suspicions a judicious reticence is hard to learn but it is one of the groaiest lessons df lre chesterfield jn private life i rjever knew anyone to interfere with other peoples dts putes but that he heartily repented of itcarlyle he that does evil that good ma come pays a toll to the devil to let him into heaven hare never know- a man to come to greatness who lay abed late in thtu morning swift a demoralizing system ono may un well ho soepttoal as t the kepi with wlilth oftlouls will seok to hln lur fltivh nlrtise tho commission is i ut to sell ii iu r ijnvtmr embarked jii tliu h isthchm of making mohey out t f injurlriu i hi i ntltits it will be nn ok pljon m ntr umiar cellars if it donn uot rnrtl j muov tn nry as it can tiim nn lcmmn wh wuul 1 seek to lea- sen the nnlra of his depot would hardly most wltlt onihoflntlc approval mnnltnbif nt the inntitt of the mod eration jloftfeiio has glvca itseltovvv to the dntnlnallnn of liquor tho cost f tho syatem in salaries and other items of administration has already startled tho cltlsens of tho i rovlncc whon they begin to realise that far from promoting temparanco it min isters in intemperance far from in culcntlnff respect for law it afford inducements and facilities for iu violation far from enrich in the pro vlnou it is causing poverty and wretch odness among its peoplo tlluy will be gin to wonder why thoy exchanged prohlt ulon which at least almo i at a clnan provlnco and approximated to ward it for n scheme which aim nt prpvldlng tlie province with unlimited liquor end which is succeeding in that enterprise beyond it expectations clever wipe 3tau a young man and woman who had recently beep married woro asked by a friend whether they had any plan by which they would agree to settle agreements thut might arise between them oh yos ropllod the bride we huvo ngrood that jack is to doclde in all major mattrrn i in all minor mat- tars but that j am to decide whether thoy uro major or minor matters a good substitute jimmy hn 1 his weak point a an example of the results of modern ed u wit ion at methods but hi brain was or axcallcnt quality whon the teuohar looked at bin and inquired coldly what la at synonym j tmest he was randy with hj v it s v word that you can use whan you it n t know how to spelj the ono you thought ot first he replied cheer fully fintijorrmik golden thoughts bv great men lotus have faith that right makes might and in that faith let us dare to do our duty as we understand 1u- uncoln learn the luxilry of doing good goldsmith 1 one thing some of us can imu if thi thank almighty god for during our pilgrimage through life it is the faith ful life and devotion of our dog and home friend 1l a w bishop so long aa we live we serve so long i we are iovedbyo there i would al most say that we are indispensable and no man 1 useless while he has a friend raskin there is in every animal s eye dim image and gleam of humanity flash of strange lire through which their ufo looks at and up to our com mand over them and claims the fellowship of the creature if not the soul rusk lb cruel is the world then be thou kind even to the creeping thln that crawl and agonizes in its place a thou in mine hubert buchanan how can i teach your children gentle nes and mercy to the weak and fverence for life which tn its weakness or ex oesa is still n gleam of gods omnipotence t lrfngf allow dear bhdcardintverybor 2go pagetfmfbook jree bnitt tpnowro notable special offer the hoover cleaner is being sold during october only 4jxl dovn balance 12 monthly payments 605 dont beat tout rugs in the back yard this fall call and ne will demonstrate this special of per for october only y the acton hydro shop l good answer now children said tho school teticher as slio glanced with a dot pairing manner nrnund the yon riff hoitefuls in her charge 1 wnnt you to think very cnrofully b uro ypu answfcih my next question the younfomdnful sluitnol 1 inohln eafch other and wsltrd her lueotltn open eyed and full of interest which would you rnthrr have- three bag with two npplos in rttoh i two lags with thren apt len in snrh ha- asked the teacher tht children thought and ut last i t o bright boy put up hlfl hand yes tommy what s tho answerf three bags miss with two applas tti them cos there d t o ono tnnrtt bujr to bust i safety rules for open fires 1 don t build bonfires for fun 3 if you must taulld outdoor fires be sura that thoy are cold before you leave them 2 don t set dead trees afire some times they will burnnfor days 4 before lighting ari open lire be sure that it is completely enctosxl in a stout wire screen g xep chlldreri from playing too pear ths fire screen or no screen 6 don t throw large loose places of paper upon an open ire 7 make absolutely certain that tho are i out before gqjrtg to bed at night 8 don t soy i guess it al right 9 thaw frozen pi pew- with hot water not with flame at your service in tm fa i i iliihonh fanov bwiiti y turns to thought ok cloth iss fall and winter apparel v of every description including all the newest stylo fancies and at prices that invito comparison anywhere are now being shown at 6ur spacious store we are now equipped better than ever t copd with tho ever increasing business coming to our torrjfjf rejplfully soli eft the continuance of your vjuecb- pylrorige hdajao tsxtend an invitation to new friends to coin rfnd judge this store for themselves we are always at your service with courteous and honest treatment hi brill co phone 167 georgetown- 4 fold protection r how to safeguard the future when you think of possible deprivation of income for your family you perhaps consider only the possibility of your death from natural but there are three other possible it is well to provide against them all theres accident which removes so many in the prune of life theres the loss of earning power ciuscd bj disability of the bread winner either through illness or accidenc and finally there is the retirement from life s activities when overtaken by old ffe often without any savings do you know that you can protect yourself and your family against all four of i these contingencies in one complete policy such a policy is now issued by the north american life assurance company routes to poverty for your loved ones and a policy that pays 4 ways death accident totat disability old age this the fullest insurance covering available would pay your beneficiary on a 10 000 contract at your death 10 000 v if death be accidental 20 000 if you become totally disabled through accident or sickness this 10 000 contract 100 to you each month for your jifetlroe all future premiums on your policy as tiicy fall duo 10000 to your estate at death write for full particulars of thi8 policy that pays four ways north american life assurance company boljd as the continent- meao officei toronto canada f c walls district manager 604 5 bank of hamilton bldo hamilton ontario winn mftkwawr blffr an tn th i 4ur ua annua taan mom bright and early after breakfast on th morning of the twenty- fourth tom rang the doctor ball furiously oh opening- th door thvtjoqtor fount hi visitor faoe the picture ot wo jtoo i promised to pay von today began the caller f aid torn wu im sprry doe but i can t 0 it blow th lucal what th matter thl untt newspapers for the ota dear readers who are interested in tie welfare of the boys and girls es peclally and of canudlan homes it general coma and let us reason o gether la it not a rather significant fact that of all tho newspaper pub llshed in ontario fully tler cent etrures themselves dltorllly a heinit in favor of a continuance of the on tarlo temoerunee act of the re m tu ing b pef cent neatly au take no tart and probably not more than on per ontqppcnly support government control tbta is a rather importad toimneiit on the situation it 1 quit ohvlous thut when such an overwhelm ing proportion of men who are aoou tomad to study and comment publicly upon ourrent events lino up a being strongly tn favor of a piece of leglala hon there must be great good in- it the ontario tomperanae act has re suited in improved condition all round premier ferguson ha promts to actively and vigorously enforce it if it latsustained let give lm u mandate to da so jqwmnvit p 7 jl blue amok dlmef the frosty alr ttvm th leaf ftrfs women be true to your sex the women and children were the chief surferetb when the bars and whiskey shops flourished in ontario the women and children will be the chief sufferers again if the whiskey shops are reopened oovernment control 8imtlv means open sale liquor- will be brought into the home and with it will come discord cruelty poverty and suffering every woman yes and every man with rod blood in his volna should voto to kpep out the whiskey shops and in favor of the ota the best temperance law ontario ever had give the government a fresh mandate to perfect that law and to enforce that iv jho government stan pled to do this if the people say so sew statmtr of ot ontrie wmrtt tmrnkjuout ttaa i mark your i vii5irlfts v iaaaabasai aw in l i ml n t kr a n votino dxy an x in the top space thats all dont make any other mart it wiu spoil yoor ballot publthd by th acton prohibition committee his cars faultless per formance frequently lures a mclaughlin- buick owner to distant and remote places but wherever he goes mclaughlinbuick authorized service atjiand is near fisher king tbppreseptatives for this district george tpwn ont mclaughlin buick s i-lvr-