Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 16, 1924, p. 4

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t hfnfl av- i r- i r the iroux or ije artott 3te prjefla uaubar seleci town wcakllca qi otuai the acton kbek press la ptabllahed evarj tlturadmy morni- at tba free weaa uulldlnf mill slttit aclon ovtaiio the aubtcrtplioo price la lcp pr year in advance poatage charccdaamiftanal to office in tba united slier the data to whkb aubscfiptlona ers paid la indicated os tba aadraee label advertising rates trmount advertlse- taenia 10 casta per lino agale measure lor flrat inaemon and 3 cenia par una lor each auk- quant inaartloa contract dliplay eds-tiae- tnenta lor 50 incbaa or mora par ap il cent par inch each laacrtlon adiertieemcata art re- out imcisc direction will be inserted till lorftid and charged accordingly teleahonbs- edltorul and duanaa oflea raaldaoca ol praaldent i thursday morning october 18 1924 editorial coopcntion and the community spirit acton ctianber of commerce is already proving ho value of the cultivation of ther community spirit operation in matters having for their object the welfare of the community will accomplish results ijch could never be achioved by individual effort pp cultivation of an esprit do corps among our sens is bound to mean much in growth and suc- j this spirit of cooperation is sure to achieve sslrable results and if the membership of this new na important organization stand together when ues vital to our towns best interests are under sion or are referred to tho people for action a verful influence will bo exerted on behalf of public idfare it is oncottraging that already over sixty bombershave been enrolled and these are all citizens ggfbo- desire to cooperate in the avowed object of the gasization to promote the economic and civic fare of acton and vicinity tho chamber of jpmmerce has been an acknowledged force in two jitters of interest since its formation in september jgtbe restoring of tho canadian national railway nlng train going east and the embargo on the don of a building on mill street which failed to ly with tho fire byljtw of the corporation in the materials used in its construction and which citizens ht did not conform with the character of the build up desirable in actons business section in the lonftafcen in the latter matter the municipal cotm- twas admittedly assisted in taking strong grounds tost tho construction of such a building acton amber of commerce has a programme of activities are intended for the betterment of the com ity and the members ore quite prepared to put ijrtjl individual and united effort and spend their means to accomplish matters for community ptection and betterment preferential trade with australia the new preferential trade agreement between australia and canada should bo of mutual advantage to both c has now much the best of trado with ijcr sister dominion sending some nineteon million dollars worth of goods to that country against a little over one million dollnrs received the can ndlan automobilo trade with australia is particularly good it is figuredout that under the new arrange ment newsprint exports from this country will bt increased by probably thirty thousand tons per ye i this would greatly reduce the scandinavian export which now shares the australian market with britain doesnt express on opinion in last issue 67 a local paper in a neighboring county jhc advertisements of tho prohibition con- mjttejp and of the moderation league appeared side uy sidft the editor evidently had a twinge of con science hout and apologized to his readers in this manner what you read in those advs are the arguments advanced by either side to support their cause neither is necessarily the opinion of the editor of this riapea please bear this in mind a diligent search ofthe editorial and news columns failed to reveal what tho opinion of the editor really is perhaps hell express it before the election comes off next week prohibition and personal liberty fthe plea of personal liberty is being overworked ddy by the moderation ists in their canvass against ontario temperance act but the truth is this i the weakest and silliest argument that was ever i i against the prohibition of intoxicating liquor one who gives any honest thought to the matter gwfll he aelf evident that there is no such thing as rolufe persopal liberty in any organized condition bfrwojety our liberty of action and even of speech kjmited and restricted in every relationship of iff p pa social order such as ours nd man liveth to itself we ore dependent upon others and con- quentlytesponsible to others in a thousand ways i domain of our liberty extends no further than f rights of others the antiprohibitionist protests jinst the action of the state in depriving him of liberty of buying alcoholic liquor taking it into home and drinking it when he chooses to do so vaysthis is a personal matter with me and no sftn has a right to dictate to me what i shall or shall pt eat or drink at first thought this may seem cjr reasonable and right but it is not so simple a it looks every man is bound up in a whole circle ms relationships with others who have rights as sacred jjhis and who are affected by his actions even by personal habits which- he thinks arc nobodys tineas but his own for example tho man who urns his right to drink intoxicating liquor may ivoa wife and children his wife has a right to jpo love and protection of her husband the comforts m a home to all that was pledged to her on the day r stood at the altar beside the man to whom she ivw her heart and hand in sacred wedlock but ho ill dare to say that this right of a woman is no infringed upon in thousands of cases by drink 10 story of xuined homes of want and sorrow and nan are the commonplaces of the drink record jje children of the man who claims his right to drink have a right to nourishing food and warm clothing ri4to educational advantages all of which are ioter rfed with by drink the grocer and tho baker and tailor and the coal merchant and all those whj upplythe needs of a modem family have a right tftho money in payment of their bills which sc often i into the tilt of the liouor seller or the pocket of rjbootlegger we all have a right to peaceful and rly community life to the privilege of quiet afto security from harm on our streets but can theaejhiagsbe guaranteed where jnen under jqftuenfe of hquot obtrude themselves anddwink drivers speed thojr cars through our streets re- dless of the peril j they are creating to young and jjdv so that there are others who have rights as va the drinker tho fact is that tho man wflo sdeahis personal liberty argument in connection tftlfrtttia- drink traffic is talking absolute nonsense fcb pno should he influence by so shallow a plea going tothe polls on october 23 p res by tori mi personal 33berly in actual ekperience in thinking of personal liberty we all ought to remember that the organization of human society cannot begin even in simplest forms without limit ing the liberty of the individual where necessary for the welfare of others every step in the progress of social relations is marked by further restrictions of this kind all laws impose these limitations we could not have organized society without them the only reason we are unaware of so many of them is that we do so many things right but let any man do things wrong wear his clothes indecently speak unadvisedly with his lips or let his house be come fltthy or if ho commit anyother thing that is a nuisance and he will quickly find that there is a law all ready to interfere with his liberty to do that very thing neighborhood jnfews- town anclx country milton editorial notes the guejph mercury suggests that the 23rd of the month may bo significant for the opponents of the o t a skidoo the way to scotch the bootlegger is to give the government a mandate to continue and strengthen and to actively and vigorously enforce the ontario temperance act when the plebiscite on importation of liquor from other provinces was taken several years ago king ston gave a large majority on the wet aide now one actually hears thatkingston this time may vote dry kingston whig is the day of the fanner returning let us hope so with wheat now up to 102 the highest price since war days it looks as if the tiller of the soil may have another innings if he does everyone will benefit pembroke obseryer saskatchewan now has government control al though only about onethird of the qualified electors voted in favor of it many temperance people neglected to go to the polls it is not opinions but votes hat count be sure to vote tho truth is out at last j a curjie m p p the champion of government control in the provincial legislature now admits that he is president of the highland scotch distilleries linjited of course he wants government control it would hejp to make him rich this plebiscite campaign is a challenge to all prohibitionists ontario being the banner province ot canada must always lead not follow such a thing as adopting government sale which has proven a failure in each province where tried is not to be thought of prime minister macdonald and his government suffered defeat in the british house of commons on a relatively unimportant amendment on wednesday evening parliament was dissolved on thursday and a general election has been proclaimed for wednes day october 29 gteat britain is consequently now embarked on the shortest and what promises to b the most hectic electoral campaign in history opponents- or the 0 t a are continually talking about tho sane system of dealing with the liquor business that our cojnpat riots in tho province of quebec havo adopted the proof of the law is in the results of its working no higher prajso could bo given the ontario temperanco act than the antag onism and abuse of those who prefer quebecs sane law i it is a delusion for any one to suppose that tho movement toward total prohibition of tho liquor traffic can bo turned back it is a pretty safe prophecy that at no very distant day canada will havo dominionwide prohibition but this can only bo attained by constant effort on the part of thoe who believe tho traffic in intoxicating liquors is n curse to the country a full vetnary norvlcon in connoatli with knox ch ii roll milton will 1m held on hundayjiioroth in wlion thi ilnv jdcarfliur of llriuniiton will oa- niy tlio pulpll mikm knthloon qarrio itopruno of toronto will nlng- t both ner v lata jtorjjo kfltinoy of tho toronto hmyira l in trouhlo with tho toronto amiileur linnqball ansoclatlon on count ot pltahlns for cam pi oil villa in l ho tournament thoro on september it without permlsnion and under the name of graham ilia coao waa left over on tuoaday o von ins for tvo wookn for further information ivmt friday jonn axod about ten ynara won of p d shorcy principal of tlm iubtlo bchool had his lower up lmirily bitten by u hound hitch severn ulucheii were- required to close th wound dr c d ponton or vancouvor ii c left forsbome uuit baturdny- even ing to a lop aft en route ot jlocheater to spend a few doya at the muyo ho0pllal qoorge chlaholm of icaquealns wua nl u county fair hare on september he had no mlnned doing ao dur- inc th preceding nlxtyelght years lie la aevontyflve yeara bt age he tender of meaara uoodrom bros hamilton for the installation of jitaom plant in draco church hoe been accepted and the work will begin aa ioon aa noaalbte tho mil ton cjolf and country club hna decided to apply for incorporation it timm bought land for a new courao the fifty acrea of the hough form next the creek and to tflo rear of boweaa church both bylawn for the conatruotlon of aonimry and atorm aewcra were cur ried taat week thp vote atood 171 to 100 champion oakville pfillco mnglntrutn hhlohln lioll court on itrlijuy morning wlion a hiruo num ber of motorlolii wurniltarrnd wltlt apomling on tho duqiluu highway and nnnd wesley louvor nuatftlniwl fractures of tho arm nml leg un well an sovnre cuts and bruise on haturdny mornlna when tho tannery truck on tho back of which he wan riding nwung urounj the corner of dunn htroot past tho mothodlst church and threw hm to the pavement about200 vlsltnrw nud liratbren of the lurit lodgn no 400 ant nt the bahiiuel hold in the newly completed masonla tom pin on tuesday evening it being tho occnahm of tho official dedication ceromonlcn held in ronnec tlon with tho opeblng of tho edifice whllo driving south on the aevonth line on tho new pavement t ilobln son of georgetown did not notice the barrier soon enough and in an effort to avoid hitting it turned hla overland car into the ditch moahlng off hla front right and reur right wheeln luckily no one won hurt kocord georgetown burlington during the winter months the price of milk n nurllngton will be as tov iowa quarts 12c plntav to table cream 18o whipped cream 2cc whllo mrs it malcolmson brant st root was down town on tuesday afternoon sneak th levee entered the houao and stole 133 00 in cash they left no clue mr and mrs wm lcleetham left on thursday on a two months trip to the went and vancouvor ori the journey out thoy will vlwrelotivea at brandon nod iloddlaon k a roeeung of tbe chamber of com merce waa held wednesday night it i decided to hold a banquet in tbe near future and make a drive for membership v muriel niscoov one of the contes tants at the field day sports at tbe high school ground on friday after noon had the misfortune to fall and fracture her c bone during one of the races joseph smith tho wallknown hardware man la making arrange ments to hold n five mile bicycle race saturday afternoon october is which will be open to bicyclist of burlington and district tho vocational clooses met for the or at lassonsof the year at the high school on monday the committee was very pleased to find that there was a marked increase in attendance over tbe first night of inst year when there woa on attendance of si and this year 69 tho awards have been announced in connection with tho potato field com petition conducted under the auspices of tho nelson and burlington agricul tural society a a richmond of perth waa the ludgn the prtxe wln- era ure jabea clark 98 polats jas wllaon 82 points john bnoke sl4 points john lletherlngton 754 polnlh john flealop 1i points ja mckerr tl polnu edward coiling 70 points aaxatte at last mooting of tho council it was movod by ashenhuiat and ib- condotl by long that chief jackson be allowed to purchnsa a new uniform tor himself price nof to exceed ibb the new cement sidewalk on duolph street is nearlng completion and will be a decided improvement to the street ir albert tost jr who recently met with an accident in toronto la ablalo bo around again and is visiting at his homo here th oddfellows hand under tho leadership of mr ii o molr playett a prominent port in making tho fall fair enjoyable by rendering selections during tho programme of evanta mr and mrs jos hulls announce the engagement of their second daugh ter winn if rod to mr frank smth aflhgrove wedding to takn place lat ter part of this month the prohibition masa mooting in tbe town hall on sunday afternoon was lnrgoly attended when a stirring addresa on tho merits of prohibition won delivered by excontroller james simpson of toronto mr and mr ward ituddell cuny caotle georgetown announce the gagement of their daughter jesslo maria to a nollsnn stark son of mr and mm james stark georgetown marriage to take place tho middle october ierald sealed in aluminum acketa salada is always pwre and fresh so delicious 1 try it today mcciarys new line this la mcclurya now lino of knamol ware and ban to be seen to bn appreciated tho lino now comprises nrtoon plocns of the moat used articles in any j kitchen the complete at would make a gift uny hrlda would be proud of or part nt u set tnay iwi ttought and the plecns addd as requlrnd mxiaryg dolmljr bill see our window display v w d talbot we deliver business directory dr j a mcniven physiol n and surgeon offlce and itealdonc corner howor avenue and bhgln street piionb is drve j nelson fjlffidkilicic htltiict aeton ontario legal phone no u p o hoi ul harold wash farmer m a barrlatar solicitor notary public conveyancer eta ferryman block acton ont monbt lent on mortgages hours tjio tm to s pin saturdays 13 00 oclock h a meir barrlatar solicitor notary publle georgetown ount mi- n1 1rrn if nvi and mrs ii frojikum and little daughter of harrlhton aro visiting with mr and mm w hull mr w maof evann of medicine hat aiu visited with hi brother rev j a evans at the parsonage during the week james hurren made a big cleanup in the poultry classes at coiedon winning 17 first prizes in he various breeds mr ii j gibson left kr this week to resume his studios at wycltffo college toronto he will continue hla weekend ministry in all sain to church mrs samuel hurd of auburn n y mrs norman hurd ot jordan n y and mrs frank smith of auburn n y motored and havo been visiting with mrs john maclachlan and other friends mr h c austin has returned home from bcotoguard hank whero ho spent the past few weeks looking aftr hla interests in the crop on bis farm report excellent crops in the scotsguard district and la jubilant over tho auccea of the years return meeting of tlm young men was held in the town hall for tho purpose organising u fire urlgudo the following omcers wore elected w it soott rocretory w k bush chief jas k- austin captain t let ten lieutenant thorp wero 13 members on the roll 20 of whom were present at the first moating advocate more eggs from each hen the use of b is to lay eggs and hen will positively lay more cgn guaranteed if you put adoaeof pms poultry regulator la the feed every day your dealer is authegixad to give back your money if it fail wrlrefornutabook wtatt food oo q canapa ltd tokonto yfour account botok and your bank book i f your account book shows a profit that profit should be recorded in your bank book aa entries of deposits or ebdtfis likely to dwindle away i it is a good plan to use the two books j together estimate your profits in one and then transfer them to the other where they will grow even greater by the systematic addition of interest open a savings account with us at our nearest branch a bank whcrasmall accounts arc welcome bank of montreal established over iso years l d shorev mnor acton branch ibtal assets in excess of i650000000 free press job printing is always neatly done premier ferguson said tho other day his personal view is that bootleggers should be sent to jail without the option of a fine he also said that if tho people of ontario voto to retain tho ontario temperance act it will bo strengthened and energetically en forced this undoubtedly means thaulf the act is sustained bootleggers will be given snort shrift and will go to jail for tho first offonce that takes avay all the force of tho moderation leaguers talk about bootleggers under the ontario temperance act tho retirement of mr r e mills from the poal- tjon of editor and p of trie elora express js a distinct loss to journalism in this district fur twentyone years mr mills has conducted tho express with ability and success and at the same time with lojulty to his constituency few towns in ontario have been betterserved from a newspaper standpoint- mr w d samson of almonte is the now proprietor ho has come into possession of a splendid business and plant arid has oxoeuent foundations upon whicnf i to build a suooetiftu futur- booze must not come back only by voting can ontario citizens defeat the desperate uqaor interests tub bwleu liqvor traffic dies hard but good citizenship is a patient executioner in ontario again and again ontario citizens have registered their aeterminatioh that the moral and econo mic waste caused by booze must cease fl on october 23rd the men and women of thi province must tell the settseeking liquor interests still more emphatically that booze shall not come back a hslmiluan majority for continuance of the ontario temperance act is language that brewer liriiw and bootlegger will understand ota is hated for its good work desperats because the otajba cut down dririldttg by 90 the liquor trade occks the death of the finest temperance mrirtirri ontario has ever had- distiller brewer and boot legger are ttuay the forces of reform the issue itself is sharply drawn but john barleycorn is using a nftw disguiae only lua desperation can explain his reckless effront ery and his astonishingly low estimate of the common sense of the people no good citizen familiar with the miserable cohdltions before the ontario temperance act brought sobriety to the homes and happiness to the women and cbjjdreo would delib erately vote for a return to the barroom yet today ontario facesv as the only alternative to the ota a step that will lead to conditions in some respects even worse thatr the open bar pcoduced rally to its defence tbe same sordid story comes frov every province where socalled government control has been blindly adopted more drinking more dnmkezutess more crime more o more misery more waste and above oil infinitely more of tbe curse of bootlegging this prospect should send every earnest man and wdman in ontario to the polls on october 23rd to vote for the coadnuance strrngthentng and vigorous enlwemcnt ol the ontario temperance ace to legalise tbe sje of boo for beverage purposes though in scaled packages is to recstsubb the liquor shop without the former restrictions of the licensed barroom and bring back tba treating system the hippocket flask and the chinking dub to vote for government sale is to bring back to old ontario the free dispensing of that bottled misery which will blight and destroy the hopcsthe character the life of young and old in every community where liquor shops are permitted to exist- took ballot is your weapon you know that but you must vote- your weapon the balk must be used vote yourself and use your influence to have every qualified elector within your borne and your plan of work dp likewise the only votes counted will be those placed in the ballot box on october 23rd 18k34 apathy andovercoiifidence have lost many a good fight the liquor trinity bootlegger brewer and distiller ore at work night and day routfaeir eltorts by polling an over whelming majority tor the ontario temperance act mark your ballot thus 1ar jrou la favour ol tbm eo- tlnuanc of the ontario teav poraneoaet x arc rou id favour of tba sal 2 as a bovorate of boor and spirituous liquor la maladpaclc gsucwgoff the ontario plebiscite committee 2 toronto street toronto g b- lgcfaofikm chairman dental dr j m bell d d s l d a dsntlat honor qr of toronto univer sity tho utoat anosthetla uood u dealred offleo at roaldanoo corns mij1 and sttodarlok btroot dr fr q gollop dds lds darrtal burg son offloa over bank of nora sooua- hotjrs ijo to bj0 bracings by appointment miscellaneous francis nunan bookblndsr aooouiit books at all kinds mado to rtrdar periodical of overy descrlpuos carefully bound rulln neatly ami promptly dona wyndham street qualpb oos orer wuuama btore phpnas offloa 481 res 37tw dr a l price cbihophactic eictbotherapy 130 upper wyndham street guelph ovor 11 year hxuortance con8uitation free r j kerr auctioneer and real estate agent 17 yotxrs experience acton ontario sales entrusted to it j kerr re ceive attention from dato of listing to date or sale lut your salea with mo realdenoe itower avenue aotoo phono ss acton call at my expense start on monday at guelph business college qulph ontario app courses individual instruction evory smduato located it lu a rcl thro axo good remunorutlvo potlonq awaiting you wlion thoroughly qualified a 1 bouck phnolpal and proprietor jbrxkiajridsrvrfar ttsromto canaill good glasses if you need them good advice u you dont our examination toll whether your need la aiaeao or a chanau in a o savage optometrlt to canadian paoltlo railway co j bavaqe bgiloinq ulaht at the 1ot omcu ouf lph ontario tbe old and reliable granite and marble works wa i or mouuraoturtra- and direct lmikrtra of n ina or usnubinlal and pieodatona wovk wo eell dlrl toour ouatomara at wholeooln etlro thua aayln our outorara o i we oia v the beat appllanoe and twi only mecharjt i o deo j oan oparat pneumaui- tool properli we oan air raferenoi rromhuidrii or our ouatomara in ituoato aj otheft txaoaa where othr hay to hay lay bulla in oraar to oolleot w hay the llraaet and bast took ot oraulte t i dominion or more than any three dealer in- th wait w or usltt- mat dealar and employ n asenta and do not annoy or peat ouatomer by aendtrui out urnorant aaanu aollolt- uuj ordara era employ only meohanloa mad dory oompouuoo hamilton sons auath out f v-u- -aiasto-

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