Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 16, 1924, p. 5

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1 t k y fi v sig artflnfflrgg jfrggg tiiuluway octoueit 1j halp pabt eiqht hulf iinnt nights tho meanest tlraol wlicn im njiirtl in my almlr anil 1 uno my breakfast there tfiun ium llttla clocic will oblmpr up icon father ter hi plats jlunyiion or youll bo lata its half punt eight aftrr school though j do things kly ray kilo or jiuy baseball till 1 hour our hannuh call whuti tho supper boll she ring aftor tea they- light tho grata and i read hero while i wait for half pant eight tiqoms to mo i huvont road halloa vagc whni hoar pa put hln pupar down and ma it tlmo for john tr ho to bod i ho- 1 have to ylald to fate if thems any time i hate llu imlf punt wghtt the sunday school lessor rjor sunday october 19 twenty years aqo from the issue of the free press of thursday october 20 1904 munduywan un ideal autumn day air t- hlulham in improving his rvmldtinua utid bakery on church street icieolrlclu garruthars comraoncoil tho morn in tt aloctrlc light service lust monduy mr william mulllns fine hrjok boose on the first uno la being plastered and will soon bo completed wm hamstroet has completed tho sale for adam cook of the double trick cottage on church hlreet to o denton tho price was 11000 mlsh ituby clark entertained a party of nor trlonda lust friday evening- be lug much in- need of now uni forms acton cornet uund baa decided to hold a series of monthly coacort during tho winter she first of which will bo held on friday november 1 thqy hopo to aocuro sufficient fund by theso concerts to bo able to pur chase tho uniforms tn tlmo for next summers outings and as this will require at least s350 tho citizens of acton are asked to give their loyal support tho bund boys are prao using hard and will furnish u good part of tho programmos our cltlscmu havo been dlauppoll od hardly toss keenly than the local omctals of tho a t 11 at the falluro of the company to build the new station hero this summer ds was ex- pooted would he dons at a recent mooting of the board of trade the secretary was instructed to write to tho genoral manager to ga certain if possible the intentions of the company the following reply hail been received mr it p moore secretary acton board of trade my dear bir i have your favor of september relative to the new station building- for acton and replying thereto will state that acton has been on our list for a good station for sqmo time poet and while it is now too late in the season to do anything this year i hope we nuuebe able to meet your wishes in that direction another season i am obliged for the offer of tlm assistance of the board of trade in securing if possible more convenient location for the new station and will be glad to avail ourselves of the offer in this direction when the matter of tho newt station is taken actively in hand yours truly chaa m bata a jim hill story under his gruff and domineering ex- tsctor waymj writer the late junes j hillj president of the great northern bajrwayailtt generous heart be never megaphoned his good d however here is a story that came under my notice it shows the soft sldeof jim hill and will be especially appreciated by our readers- seeing that- the great railway magnate birthdlpco is within six miles of this oflloet some years ago o twelveyearold boy stealing a ride on one of the great northern trains fell under the wheels and had a- leg cut off- boon after an adjuster of the oreat nor- thorn interviewed tho boy he asked the little fellow what he thought tho great northern owed him ob thats all right replied the boy you soe t hadnt any business than sowp and we ore admi to be on the car idrua away from home and x stole tho ride on the railway and 2 just got wtutt was otttn- in to me thats all the adjuster marvelling went away he told the story atr the office and in time it reached jim hui someone who admits that a railway doesnt owe him onythkuft mr hill asked is he human xa- onojest he was told of course- hes tori a boy that may acobunt soe it t think this youngster is worth in- vesugating replied the trajl blaaer sin lttveetlgated him to begin with he bought him the best artificial leg that money would buy and he pur chased bigger legs as the boy grew he put him through preparatory school and college he figured that the boy was worth a substantial start in life and reports are that the young man t turning out as the- veteran expected moreover mr hill hunted up the boys fatter- be was a discouraged strug gler mrhni started him in busl- liwejuiouraged htm and now he s proeperliur ff a a vermifuge an affective pre- r parfttlon is mother graves worm kx- terminator and it can be given to the pmsit delicate child wimsut fear of injury to the constitution 1- f the cutup it ts all very well to have your sense or humor rooognlsed- but do not get it no reputation bfbelng a outup the young people who turn averythlng inu a joke seldom makes suocesssful men or women the humorist who wrote its gucb a very serious ohlng to be a ftinny nan probably knew what he waa talking about the public has little use for the opinion of one who is known as a continued 3oker doubt less because no one is ever jjm v hqtneans what he li saying ofiwhetherie is merely trylnu to be funny it u a good thing to add to the merriment of the world but un- lose you wtsh to he very self-saorldo- ing do not 1i your sense of humor become more prom in out than your common sense obvious dr crabbo had almost nnaejm in dismissing mrs qassoway wmn she stopped tn- tbe doorway exclaiming why doctor you didnt ook pmv tongu waa coaled i know u isnt mom the doctor wearily vou nevorjfd grasaona race track m- e you in fdlnary ills when you bottle of dr thomas jfoi ojoughs colds sore throat pronchlal troybles it is invaluable for scalds burns bruises sprains it t unsurpassed while for outf ores and the like it is an un- questionable healer it needs no tee- umoolnl other than the use and that will satisfy anypne as to ita effective how mav iimphovb the boil of my iihahtt mork is 10 golden text the sower sowoth tho word mark 4r if the text eaplslned verso 1 again he began to teach by the sea side a npoond time jesus teaches the multitude gathered on thn seashore verse 2 he taught them many things in parables- lufco mentions that this parabla was spoken during u journey in the cities nnd villages of qalllee perhaps ho had returned to the aeashore on this occasion tho greek word denotes a pinning besldo or a comparison hero tho purablo is drawn out into a story verse t hearken hear or 11s- teri heboid the spwer went forth tn how the scenery about the bed of galileo may- have- suggested many detail of this puxnblo- white speak ing tho eyes of tho master doubuosa rested on the grajuflfflds the patches of rocky ground or good soli the ground flocks of water fowl or of pigeons flying about verse 4 tho way ido not tho wide public roatf but the footpath crossing tho field slnco the soil on oils prfth was trodden so hard the grain would lie exposed on the surfaco until the birds picket it up verse 6 hooky ground places where the rock was near the surface and tho overlying soil thin stralght- wiy it sprang up because more ex posed to the influence of sunshine and rain verso 7 among the thorns among the seeds of thorns or briars which grew up and being larger and etrong- trr robbed tho grain or its share of moisture and sunlight so that it failed to develop and yield fruit lesson thsmee the good sail of an honest hecop tlve heart jesus observed the farm ers at- work in the fields he felt tifat their problems- were similar to hli own for as the seed they sowed foil different kinds of soil so tho seefl of the gospel which he sowed felllr dlfforent kinds of lives they mart tho hard un receptive lives in which nobler ideals found little nourjsnmen there were the suprflclal llves people of the typo who aro easllvwayed by fine heroic deeds but who lack the qualities of stead fastness sejfcontrot from which deeds of true nobility spring there were the preoccupied lives people with their minds so filled with ambition or thoughts of tho pleasures of the day that there was no room for a oonsldei values the good i open reoeptlve into good seed and gives end wmen it reaches in with joy the golden the faith of the act of the sower scati broadcast is an act of expression of his coi lawsof nature jtnd his st that the harvest shall lining the connaught fctfon of eternal that of no t accepts the to its growth turlty gathers simple his seed it is an ence in tho fast belief fall the i harvest tier thtfsil uppsr left in spite of heavy snow falls and below zero wsether the work ofllnlnp the connsughi tunnel is eon tlnued throughout the winter months the cloud wrapped f heights of mount abbott and ross peak stsnd ss west arn sentinels of the tktfe town upper right qlsoler b- c showing mount mscdonsld 0482 feet through which the five mile cannsught tunnel passes eagle peak 0353 feet is in the centre of the picture end mount sir donald one of the most besutiful peaks in the canadian rockies with an altitude of 10808 feet is on the extreme right lower left the resident engineers bungalow nestles smong orient ever greens an the banks of the llleeillewaet river lower right western portal of the coanaught tunnel showing the fsn house and- the two huge 14 foot fens which ve nil lata the m hole seed leaves his fcajid and falls into the ground where for months it la lost from sight but be has faiths n its llfo and ita power to come forth yroro- its grave except the seed taltsth into the ground ft abldeth alone his act shows the sowers confidence in tho great laws of the natural worlda tho burial of the good seed hi followed by its resurrection hen it smll man in the kreeri field of the gra grain and later laughing outright the golden harvest the parent the good seed in the heart of the apparently it is lost in indlffi and inattention the teacher sows i good seed and it seems to be lost thellstlessxieas of the pupils ho pfeeoijgiveexortfttntr good see the kingdom but he does not see mediately the results of bis lsvl however in due time all these of faith receive their reward thirty some sixty and some an dredfold the iaw of the harvest paul gl the law of the harvest what a man sowoth that shall he also aal7 he gives this law earnest warning declaring- that should not bo deceived for not mocked bod seed will l bad harvest this is true la it is also true in tho world of nature it is the law of the that there shall be more seed high up on tho crcaf of tho lofty selkirk with half a dozen or the finest niotintuln peaks in tho world hunching their snowclad shouldars about its rows or trim brown houses lies tho picturesque town of glacier the main lino of tho canadian pacific hallway through british col- bla three nnd a ho if miles dis tant from this little construction centre which hus virtually been called into being through tho lining of the connaught tunnel hangs the great llleclllownct glacier on the slopes of mount macdonatd and two mtlos near er nestles glacier house the annual mecoa of thousands of summer tour ists few of the surrounding peaks at glacier ore less than 9000 foot m al titude the ruinous choops mount qtr donald hoss eagle and abbot peaks encircle the little- settlement rrrwlnter time a blanket of snow en folds town and mountains alike in spring the brilliant yellow alido lilies follow the everrecedfhg snow uno as tt climbs higher and higher up the mountain sides llfo is onllvoned in tho summer time by the crowds of guests who throng glacier hnuso and transforms tho scene again with gen erous splashes of orange crimson and russet common interest tn tho great engin eering project under way has brought that those who sow to the win reap the whirlwind this the warning- there is how other side to- this law of nat of grace the good seed wf the good harvest and there more gathered than sowi amount of the increase mil vary some thirty some sbttyaome in bun- dredfold but the harvest w i be of the same quality aa the e 1 the minimum pledge is the reall lilon of thlrtyfold noon jhe origins invest ment even if no more than hat the sower should scatter the see with a corifldont rnind and a glad h irl for study and dlsouss n what method did jesus structlng the people wherj present the parable of tbi we lie familiar with tho w k of the neon by by the husbandnuuit what did he the seed who are meant sowers t describe the dtfferen iklodaof soil tn whloh tho seed fell to what kind of soil ao we wish to be com- paredr give concrete exa nples of ways in which we may prooerly pre pare the soil of ournearts dally readings for nex week monday october 30 mark 4 8541 tuesday october 11 marj 4s8 wednesday october ji jdeul 33i ien i thursday october 11 bbrjle 1118 khday october 4 ion ul8 saturday october tft psalm 38 sunday october 36psalm 10t 18- 83 in ln- dld he sower t thinskinned jt lit sign of weakness tobe over sensitive to unfriendly criticism of course everyone would rather be praised than found fault wtbrbul criticism spoils our happiness- and makes us unfit to doour work oof chances are poor honest criticism is interesting tp sensible if cither people think weare wrong we should be ready id look at the mattes from their point of view t lsonty the expression of jpc worth noticing and iple who are headed for those who are nut so u- crttlouun that they lost lr own judgment peoile who escape crltlolam orb loeign noont no he attempts anything w rth while without starting off th fai it anders how many of ouv presldt its got through their term of office wl hout being criticised t not one of oour e and th greatest tmhein all were th ones most aavegellc found fault with one who takes such critic ism sttfatl tojjeoft will not prove equal to lyhigh place or an re sponsible fork- to be thlnaktnnsdt renders on not merely unoorofortable bnt veryi gely usules kpertse relieves sthma at utile kl thoysandi of dollars bave been vainly spent upon remedies for aathma atnl seldom li ever with- any relief or j- d keogga asthma itemedy des pite luaasuranee of benetll casta so little thlt it is wltmln reach of all it is the mtlonal remedy for asthma far reinoveli from the class of doubtfur and eigberlmvnmil prajarittjqns tour about a very definite community spirit atolacler for sjpaost every young stars daddy works in the big tunnel in ono or other of the various branches vt work which the lining demands and overy household la regulated by a schedule of working hours which begin nt n m and end at 11c haf n liuudrod children attend tho llttlu brown school houso and various clubs for tho jrrownupe provide intorosts of a rocreatlonnl and cultural nature knglnoors foremen carpenters ma- chlnlss drillers electricians laborers and truln crows make up the wage earners iunong the 00 residents of oloclec- single men live in a well ordered camp here jia in the tittle homes where- the men with families live ull the conveniences of a modern city are enjoyed including electric lights and running water piped from a nearby mountain streamt tho lining of thui five mile tunnel the longest on the american contin ent with a steel reinforced concrete jaoket represents one of the moot in- teres 4ng engineering projects now under way anywhere in tho world beneath 8000 feet of mountain the con naught tunnel cuts under mount mncdonsld between the stations of connuught and glacier with the opening of this underground short cut in 1918 tho canadian paclfla rail way ovrvcamo the many difficulties which tho old itogers pass route had presenled track- curvature to an amount corresponding to seven com plete alrules wn eumlnated the sum- mit- attained by the railway woe re duced by 62 feat the trackage was shortened by four and a half miles and more than four miles of snow sheds which had been necessary on the slopes of mount macdonold were dispensed with the lining of the big bole was begun in 1820- aad when this work is completed the connaught tunnel will stand as one of the finest and most complete engineering- jobs in the uni verse undertaken in the name of safety the connaught tunnel has al ways been a safety first proposition throughout its construction days dur ing tho eight years it has been m operation and tho four yearn that it has already taken to line it it has boon singularly free from accident nearly 600000 sacks of canadian cement will have gone into the lining of tho cqn naught tunnel when ft is finished practically all the machinery used in thn i including tlii powerful mo nforced at rlt fa canadian madui comiirutisors and tho four typos or collafmdbla forms llu which aro wed in tho various stages of tho lining uroctks came from a woetern canadlun pluijt and the syd ney k junkins company it c lim ited construction ilitrlnourii are in charge of its lining- tho tunnels concn-ti- jtmkot is 6otn- pleted in saotumn 21 fel long aa section taklpg about four or five days to propore wln it 1 nometlmee necessary to do conxlderablo blasting dno day to fill with concrete and three days in which to sot six complete sets of forms are ut work within the funnel which means a completed sec tion for every working day tn tbe week or a total of 182 feet in six dare more than 100 powerful flood lamps illuminate the timno at these six working points owing to the re markable ventilating ay item which in itself is one or the most interesting and important features of the tunnel working conditions are excellent at the western portal two groat steel fans driven hy two do h p four cyl inder samldlesal vnglnoe turn at the rate of 2s5 revolutions a minute driv ing a brisk breeze through the five- mile length of this great underground passage tho vuntllatlon thus created makes it posslblo for trains to pass through tho tunnel with practically no discomfort to pussungorn and for workmen to romaln ut their tasks for eight consooullvt hours without detri ment to health or vigor one come upon many surprising things in the oourso of a walk through the great double- tracked tunnel- orains of wheat fallen from the thous ands of cars or cnnudnn 18z3 bumper crop which have passed through on their way to the port of vancouver have taken root for many yards wrthln each portal and the tiny field mice ever in search of provender scamper across the tracks within ihevory hear of the tunnel at two points in the tunnel wol doors lead through thp solid quartxle rook to tho pioneer bore and here in this miniature tunnel one is two brilliantly illuminated and im macula to white lunches white capped chefs prosldo in those under ground restaurants dispensing steam ing bowls of soup and fragrant coffee talhe email army of workers who are bringing to completion tho lining pf tho connaught tunnel for mother 1 gavo my mother lots of kisses theres really never one she misses wake- up kiwi right in tho morning goodnight kiss when 1 am yawn- fttg sorry kiss when ive boon had happy kiss when i am glad once she was sick i went to stay at auntys house oh miles away then i sent kisses in a letter she said hey truly made hex better theres never one she really misses oh i give rhothor lots of kiasest ridiculous alright its always dangerous to jump ut conclusions said tho careful man youre liable to make yourself rlfllj culous to say the least that rljfbt replied tho other i jumped ut the conclusion of u ferry boat once and missed it spf- fvrljp no need to suffer with corns or to run the risk of paring then remove them surely and painlessly with uo- lowuys corn remover looking backward go back ten yours und thero was no airship fifteen years und there was no wlholcss lohigrnphy twentyfive rs und there was no automobile forty years and there was no tele phone and no nloctrlo light sixty years and thara was no photograph and no sewing machtrro seventyfive years no talograph one hundred years no railway and no steamship one hundred and twenty five yemre no steam engine two hundred years nopost office three hundred years no newspaper five hundred years no printing press one thousand years no compass and ships cutd not go out of sight of land twoahousand years do- writing paper but parchments of skin and tables of wax und cloy go back far enough and thore are no plows no tools no iron no cloth people ate acorns and roots and lived in caves und went naked or clothed themselves in tho skins of wild beasts james il hriowden unexpected company arrives but itvsaaytp provide for them with fairbankfl bakery sp close at hand with tho finest of bread cakes pies and all kinds of fresb postryalways on hand and yoijjxisitors will appreciate them as much or more than homemade baking becauso they are be iter good in gredients and experience in baking mako our products hard to equal have the wagon call j fairbanks bakery phono 11b mid street acton ojmuwjoad aiipply it i cooler nights and i f lower prices on wood tbese cool ndghts when ysru do not need a flr for long- is when wood comes in handy to take the chill off the house and- what will bo more welcome npwa is that the prloe has bean reduced nd the following prices are now n effect wcaa slabs f3j0load hardwood slabs and short wood ftao load best bodjrcordwood 4 foot lengths jiaoo cord and at this season of the year it is most profltbels to do your oopking with woob yotj warm the house ut the same time and your tval does doublo fluty each load is guaranteed a fgll ingle cord phonb d a henderson uuav risti i we oelivcr promptlv an qu r merit lr thomas bclec- trto oil is not u jumble of medicinal subs lances thrown together and push ed by advertising but the result of the careful investigation of the heal ing qualiti at certain oils as applied to the human body hjs a rare com bination and it wununuf kept public favor from tbe first a trial of it will carry conviction tduny who doubt its power to repair and heal one of the conspirators a bhubmt young college professor who canie to this cpuntry as a inv murrant boy without means declarer that ha met wltbjt conspiracy ot holp fulness lq ills endeavors to get an education those who afded him in ms upward climb howwor tell us thai he helped himself washing dishes beating rugs tending furnaces and working in factories there is a pro- verb that says that god helps those who help themselves hut that state ment might as well be motlo universal the helping hand always gges out to those who aro- doing oil thpy can to help thojnselvrri you will novor find that there is a c- imp into y of helpful ness to push you along unless you yourself are one of tho uonsplrators sleep is the great jiojjrishor of in fants and without pmoeful sleep the chthl will not thrive this dannot be got if the infant be troubled with worms millers worm powders will destroy worms nnd drive them from the system and afterwards tho tbrfas rest wqi be undisturbed the powder cannot injuro the most dollonti- baby und there smthlng u otfoctlve ff restoring tnvboulth of u worm worn hifunt t one on the docf6i v j to du think i cuii oure your catarrh v why im surt of it ho you are fulnlllar with the dis easer ri should say sol ive bad it all my stfei 1eap8 tft satisfaction j w kennedy son plumbing heatmgtlnsmrrhtng the success of work in scores of homes and business places in acton is a guarantee that we arc in a position to assure you satis- f actio n- we will appreciate your order and will execute it with promptitude mala street acton lor economical tramportation ed product of general motors the mere fact that chevrolet is a member of the great general motors family means much to chevro let owners the enthre financial resources of gen eral motors stand back of chevrolet there is no danger of chevrolet becom ing an orphan the vast research and engineering laboratories of general motors are constantly developing im provements the immense purchasing power of general motors cuts down production costs enabling us to offer you a quality car at a low price jthe general motors acceptance corporation a subsidiary of general motors offers you a deferred payment plan that makes it easy to pay for a chevrolet fisher king kjfshbsllntallvbs foe this section railway time tables at acton going west no 29 s0bani not si lojbajn mo u 229 pm no as cospjn no so v j h20 pta no is sunday 10 jo sua oolna east no 26 r tobaja no 0 i l lllsalm no 14 135 pm no i coopnj no sb v 831 pril no u sunday 708 pjil canadian national electric railways westbound dally kxcupt sunday 7v am dally 043 ara dally 1143 om dally jzzl n 143 pm daily v 343 pm dally c pm dally 743 pjn dally 043 prn dally 1233 ajn esetbound dauy 743 am dally uxcopt hunduy 043 am dally 1143 am dally 143 pm- dally 343 pm dally c43 pm dally 743 pm dally 043 pm dally 1140 pm prelgbt delivered by spoclal press frehrht freight picked up at any ad dress in toronto call on them at or write and they will call onyou georgetown cbmut five ymmmgmr toorins car m0thert fletchers outorla u a harmless substitute for castor outtparegorlc teething drops and soothing syrups prepared to relieve intants in arms and children all ages of constipation wind collct flatulency to sweeten stomadi diarrhea regulate bowels aids in the assimilation of foodpromoting cheerfulness rest and natural sleep without opiates to moid taluuoiu shnjrs look tot the ilmstnre of cjjt7aa prnvrn hlrwtioni on eich psckiae physidaoi rrjwfare reoaoimeod u whiskey shops worse than open bars i governnleqt whiskey- shops would send liquor right into tho home 25ovcmmcnt whiskey shops would accustom children to drrnking habits 3- government whiskey shops would spread liquor wide ly over the country 4- government whiskey shops wo uluutnu courage young pcopjo to have liquor at ttcir social gatherings 5 government whskoy shops would supply easy liquor for regular sunday and holiday sprees e government whiskoy shops would form a ready sourco pf supply for bootleggers anddisorjerly jiouses as you love your children and country dont vote to reopen he wolakey shops jpuliluhed by tbe acton prohlbluon commlttse join our christmas club christmas presents watches oocka jewcl- ery stationery chinn and glass large assortment of toys full stock of school supplies new waxlpapers and window shades hwhinton watchmaker and jeweller succtsor to lt qeo hyno acton toronto t e gibbons expert shoe repairing 7prompt attention to orders left t e gibbons uxuj bthket actoi tarbeixis teachers guide to the international sunday school lessons improved uniform course for 1825 twentieth atmual volume y martha tftrlmll ili d price 2j30 iuntpatd the ryebson press 299 queen street wssl toronto start on monday at guelph buslneas college quslph ontario approved courses individual instruction felvory graduuto locutod it is a foot there ore good row mi urn five positions awaiting you whon thoroughly quejltlod a l 0ouok prlnolpal and proprietor fine china our all imports op china are beng opener baily syrotl through our gift 9hop depart- ment and see these nice new pieces savage co jeweuera guelph ontario k- fv ifftss iasaii3s v ocv

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