Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 30, 1924, p. 1

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1 dtn t sc- fifticth year no 18 thursday morning october 30 1024 acton ontario canada thursday morning october 30 1024 single copies five cents the methodist church acton rev jobephus gulp p tor parsonagevwlllow st 1100 a m iovo iviutt und bacra- mant 880 p m sunday sauool 7 p m tho minister subject safely in storm presbyterian knox church acton mniur nv a c stewart m a manm willow street 1100 it ni -tin- minister subject abiding joy 8 00 i in lillilxlunk studies t mutthw chapter xviii 3 00 p m huniluy school 700 pfti tli minister subject not mun itui god stranger toavlng address with the ushers will bo called upon by the pastor altaite cordially invited special notices i charge 30c per lsmrtton house to rent comfortable wovonroomnd centrally located llitnl row ayply 0 il j jkjjrjl html izstute houscr mnablfl agent for sale clyde nor young ho und worker apply to jj hajuiop it il no 2 acton for asle purn hrd whit leghorns wyohorf and cypher hrd apply to mrs autllull ketjl lat una it it no 4 acton apples for sale quantity of npr thorn spies and greenings apply to fheu medowklu lfl3 mill street strayed on thursday whiter and ian pup anyone holding same after this ad vertisement appear will bo prosecuted il johnbton young street wanted is pure hred oxford down breeding ewei one shear also good young ram uutt be fully registered apply to t- miss hallett il il no j acton lot is 33rd jjno erin aqent wanted to sell direct to the farmer maple leaf cattle minora whlob4s endorsed by all exporlmontal station if you want to get in business for yourself andmke money- write- te c r bollert manufacturing co 163 it il no 3 kitchener ont i- o l no 467 acton the annual church parade will be held at the presbyterian church on sunday november 2 at 700 p ra members and vlaltlnir members are requested to attend lodges moot at the lodge hall at 8 90 p m band in attendance et thatford e dutehburn w m r c par ms for sale 45 farm in the counties of halton and wellington varying from 40 to 200 acres let us end you our ust- a number of home and business places in acton for sale fire and life insuranoe money to loan j a smith real estate agsnl phone 106 acton onl laborers wanted men who will qualify for positions paying from- 0500 to 86000 weekly- no experience necessary we tuch you in a few short weeks as electrical ignition expert auto mechanic driv ing welding und buttery work be n success dont be die apply hemphill tradv schools 163 king street w torvnto bur service what it consists of ittneludes a careful examination with the most modem instruments to determine what glosses it any are needed equal care in seeing that- thd itmscs are properly groand together with their accur ate adjusting fp ho feature aftd inyadylpo that may ho deumd necsasury pleati fo hays you consist us at y 0 a- w- smith optometrist 120 upper wyndham st ouslph comfortable vision specialist for- 85 years wonderland thursday and friday october 30 and 31 one show each night at h 1 m beau bruramel wltb john ilitirymuro doing excellent work us tliu lleuu comply nmu and nock llodgopodge novnliy keel saturday november 1 u havo chanjcedt starring william fttssell comedy the dureduvll fox news tworol western ilrwnu tuesday novembeb 4 opr hoaplullty cinedy druuui with uuittir keoii chilpkr bbc hutl uf the wimidpr tntty plunger tqbnhooiv with duglu ruirbanits idnrqthy vaniou of haldol hall with mary luckforq r u rk0ry son your overcoat among these five hundred yes its time to be getting down seriously to the business of choosing a new overcoat fivehundrcd smart new models ought to give you broad enough scope for ample selection five hundred better overcoats every single vine better than we have ever shown before and ihcre is greater variety a variety for young men and men not so young a variety in the new light colors a variety in the safe con servative ones a variety in the dark blues that are winning sudden favor a variety in models a variety in fabrics variety and value that will do mens hearts good to sec all of them bult to macdonald standards in the matter of style and quality and price it will bo well worth while making the trip to guelph to choose your new fall and winter overcoat when so many advantages awnit you at macdonalds at 25 to 35 otir value leaders mens regular chesterfields in rich navy blue and plain grey with velvet or self collars also young mens smart ulsters loose or semifitted in many different models medium or heavy weight as preferred overcoats at 1950 extra values mens and youngmens models plain boxback slipons half belts allaround belts checkbapks included wonderful english arid scotch coatings35 to 55 a broatl sejection in the- famous society brand models known alt over ftie continent for their superiority in style big burly ulsters with plain- qf belted backs quilted shoul ders plaid back linings many new shades tweed suits with two pairs of trousers 2475 the seasons newest models and cloths represented both light and dark shades splendid examples the new seasons generous valatcs at this big store these tvo- trouser suits at 2475 4 d e macdonatd bros ltd guelpits leading and largest store halloween specials watch for our window display something new end specials 32c lb maple peanuts just fresh in regularly 40c tb week- acton news of xocal import all halloween 1024 r jlallowoons the one time simply purely fun time full of superstition born of old traditional gnome and elf and fairy witch ami ghost make merry on this lout of dear october days l o l church parade the local order of the orange lodge will liojd their annual church parade to knox church next suhday evening the acton cltuons eland will head the pnradu to and from 111 church i iltl sen extra special for halloween quaker kisses just fresh from the factory regularly 40c lb sjttdal 29c lb assorted chocolates dont forget our assorted chocolates with the big assort ment of hard and soft centres regularly 40c lb weekend special 32e lb icecream halloween night would be a good night to try a fresh fruit ora palermo brick they are most delicious 01 h wiles w will 8v vou mony if you vviii lt g new farm factory school and fine footwear just in bargains in odd sizes cute in priet as much aa 150 per hair in some unes to clear qur stock a alu new the proof ofvtj4ebo0t l in the wearins harry harrison the shoe man new lift of travelling bags and bull ga i f nj ontario endorses the ontario temperance act strongly for third time i ft thsnksa ivina arm 1st l servlcs airanguments p being made for thn holding of tlio annuaj thanksgiv ingarmistice service on monday novf mhor 10 th programme and full l htlih as to flnul arrangements will hounnounreil next weok cltlfons kencrally will be glad to know that impresslvn atrvlne for thanks- rlylng jiay ban become an annual af- fjilr and will iliuhtlias ro operate thn fullest extent to mnkn it surceasful hoapltat shows a surplus the 34th report of the colflngwool oenernl hospital showed the total receipt for the year amounted to 130074 47 while thoj expenses were l2t8ill06 leaving a credit balance of 2193 42 tho final payment of 12000 thn mortgage wui ordered to bo paid off while u special vote of thanks wan tended to the lady managers for their snrvlces during tho post year ml mary k molherson of acton is asslstunt superintendent of the hos pital swimon in custody again wuilamhwunhon who was woiiteno- rxl in auolph iollco court some mpntlh si3i l mi for having a still on his promirf ackn our kloru to six months at the on- ario iteformatory is in trouble again ho wuh arrested in kergus by chief of pullc uuvls un a charge of being intoxlcutad it is not known definitely what will bo do no with this persistant robul ugttlnst the taws und statutes of theyrovlnoe ho will bo tried for this inar offonco at 1crgus guelph moi cdiy u f o monthly meeting the regular monthly meeting of the u f o and u f w o was held oi tuesday evening 31st inst at th home of mr il lin hum third lino a splendid address was given by mr charles k parker on the temperance question recitations were given by misses bernlce itrackon and ilsie storey and a mckcown master donald mcougall oajw j couple of solos and instrumental numbers were given by mr thomas a storey the meeting closed with the national an tbem followed by lunch and a social time st alberts rsetor in the hospital for some time itev il q l qaugh m a rector of tit albans church lias been threatorfm with appendicitis hepcrshtted in continuing his work however notwithstanding his suffer ings until last wednesday when an acute attack set in he was then hur ried to the general hospital ouelpti and on thursday underwent an opera tion other complications were dis covered and for several days his ce very critical on saturday he rallied and now appears to be making fair progress toward recovery much sympathy is felt for itev mr baugb in this community om well as for ms devoted wlf whoso anxiety for her suffering husband has been very greal v hunting is illegal on sunday forenoon mr a j mur ray of cloverdale farm had occasion visit bl form on the nrst line where ho discovered a gang of hunters with hounds and u motor car hunting in the sworap there hp peremptorily ordered them off hjs premises and they decamped n ft rather ugly mood they gave hlpl to understand thoy came from quelph and kitchener the lords day act la very strict jn for bidding sunday hunting and shooting and the penalties for infraction are ere the tfot of trespassing n n mans farm is also punishable and rightly so as the stock is usually frunxled with the dogs and theshoot- lag how aoton esoaped the thlevss lost week two of the three thlevs ho effected an entrance to the georgetown creamery on the night of acton fair uod stole 23 boxes of butter werw sentenced to liurwasb reformatory the information baa been given by one of their number ho turned klnus- evidence and was 4ot off on suspended sentanoa bat the trio wlh heir trudk did oorae to acfon abtmt eleven polook that night they won to lie aqtop cream ery unlqoked he doot with tho purpose f loadlhg up from mr oneus stock fortunately ho httd slllpied out hlu stock u day or so before and there wore only nyo boxes of butter in creamery and the wrappers of this bore tho acton creamerys name was left and tho rascals proceeded la goorgetown where they seoured the twontythree boxes over f00 worth the firm of greeks who bought tin butter came up for trul before police magistrate jonosjtt toronto last wed nesday evidence of the sale of only five boxes to this arm wag available and the member of the flrtn who bju1 bought 4t was expelled from the firm raoelved his flnanaiu share and left the country mr uaxe received only 193 of the value of the butter aa n result of the trial 4 i trafalgar roads officii ally opened two pavements on tfie sevortlh and hvcond lu itoadsof trafalgar town ship were opened saturday by jf ajulro deputy minister or highway in tho iibsonce of hon geo h henry who is hi mr bquira flntt declared the heventh lino lload upon a poet vllle whereuimin the entire party con slstlugof trafalgar township ooupoll halton county cmtuoll oakvlllo town and township councils xcouiioll and township omclnts und several others union g thrm tho mmi who have been hi oharge of thsroud construe tliin rere ilrlvon down the road uotmt ofty cars tn oak yj lie and then ulong lie torontouunillton illghwi sooond illio wad wjilfh wag tin oljoiiwl t pthosslult than went noi uu ihu newiy opened road tn piilvruiu tit which point it turned east baok lo postvllle wherei ut o oclock tho indies of tho village served banquet in the township hall to the 170 who hadbeen present ut the open ings community singing led by w it dyer was a feature of the evenings enter talnmeul while addresses were givvn by george hlllnior m p iv judge j w ttlllot heevo w- h mor- den of trafalgar afuyor a h korster of oakvthe und w d oresyry whus mnjo grunt an old resident gav interesting auopunt uf jlfe in u district ball a owtturvco every town and every township in halton gave a dry majority 682 citizens of acton vote against government sale of intoxicating liquor for the sixth time the electors or the irovinct of ontario have sad emphatically by their voes no more legalised solo of intoxicating liquor within our borders tte gov ernment han propaganda was not popular thrf sophistries and camou flage of thn campaign were too thinly rtlsgubicil not to be understood by the humblest voter wsio desired to stand for a sober province nnd thn elimin ation of temptation or the weak oft unwary this was expressed on thursday by a majority of over 40000 in a large total vote of the electors the aggre gate vote on tho one hand and the big majority on tho other leave absolutely no doubt its to the wish of the people f onturlo it is tho popular will that thin unholy und demoralising trafllu must cpanc lioth the provincial and the dominion governments mow have their mundutvm umphatlo and peremp tory when it is seen that nearly all the ountles ofonlurlo have voted dry nd most of them by decisive and verwhamlng majorities te will of pier- is clearly manifested and acknowledged by premier forgu- the resident of ontario havo learned of the evils of this insidious traffic and want no more of it ontario have been largely influential in bringing about the splendid result obtained and why not who have buffered so much ot anxiety of agony of actual want and distress as the mothers and wives of the land when tho sale of intoxicating liquor wajegaltxed 7 thank god mothers wives slaters ojul daughters now have the franchise aad most of them use it lo eliminate the ovll traffli which has cursed and rtilnod homes in ontario for generations the women voted on thursday they did morn they worked they manned polling places they escorted their sisters to tho polhi thoy exhorted electors they prayed for success and they won out the following ore revised figures the plebiscite for ontario temperance act govt hiding ota control maj addlngton 5033 1902 311 algoma 3348 braiil north 4370 ilrant south 6b37 urockvllie 1 4413 bruce north 1806 bruce west 4tm carleton 4674 dufferln dundns durham eat durham west elgin east blgln west essex south frontenao grenvllle grey north grey centre grey south llaldlmand mallon hastings north hastings boat hastings west huron centre 8174 c3s0 3b6i 6077 1472 zs64 6647 se5b 1197 1s4c x36x l249 873 2u 1ib0 iss 3093 3393 1323 4935 1971 b3s9 3303 1c6 1031 5374 ljoo 7681 4o0 6018 3738 4850 7330 3b83 6404 1499 2k36 4661 6611 2620 i8b6 3381 3640 817 3365 2419 huron north 5861 huron south kent euk lamb tun east xarahtpn wat lanark north lanark south leeds len nox c 8403 a ht c4m 4j0s 4760 4831 6048 3147 47j7 lincoln mbnltoultn middlesex west middlesex north 4863 middlesex east 6673 muskuka norfolk south 2879 norfolk east r 0140 norfolk north 5339 northumberland l 4968 northumberland w 3687 oxord north oxford south ontario south ontario north parry sound inc pool perth north h perth houth 4643 petorboro kast 3876 peterboro west 6834 irlnco kdward 8340 hanfrew south 4406 7325 7613 9664 4376 3814 7371 689 1360 4540 3833 lui 1011 3300 1317 1607 847 3664 1163 3187 1434 1147 1ss0 4064 1500 4033 3064 1270 1906 3684 3663 4840 1189 3341 3849 4056 39s4 8573 3468 1411 346j 4790 3146 4039 3796 3389 910 1276 3389 4747 3701 1117 4087 3083 3703 3403 3167 3994 3k i 8680 3488 3619 3j0 1379 2107 3186 3698 1781 3341 4960 c324 3l4d 673 4033 premier forguaon on friday rot lowing a two hour meeting of iho cabinet council hon a ii ferguson issued a state ment to tho public in it he says the pronouncement shows that thn majority of those voting favored the ontario temperance act the gov eminent is determined to pursue a consistent course the basis upon which government rests under our in stltutlons is that the majority must prevail disregard of this- principle breeds dlsoontent which must inevit ably develop into serious disorder the popular will will be recognised nnd accepted und the act will remain upon the statute book the govern ment will use its best efforts to give it efficient onforcetnenl the fact that the majority aa- com pared with the vote of 1919 ha boen much reduced may make it more dif ficult properly to enforce the act as public opinion is an essential fab tor in law enforcement liut as so op portunlty was given to thoao opposed to the legislation to express their view and as a majority pronounced against that view the government expects that the verdict will bo accepted and all eftor la mad a toward the better an foroemoju or uio act will have thi support 0 the people irrespective of their personal views soma disappointed moderation isid ore suggesting a measure of local option for the cities which voted wet itespectlng this the globe says edl torully the province uu a whole will have little sympathy for the demand fur local option on tha liquor issu demand which was started as soon as the swing of the returns began show that onturlo hud voted r6r the continuance of the ontario temper ance act local option played no part 15 the campaign which had so dramatic a close hecuuse a number of cltl have expressed thcir majority desire for govarnmentrsele of liquor that no reason why these cities should bo riven any so called liberties if uqbktr is sold ip- toronto hamilton or ottawa people living in territory that voted dry will be able to secure it almost as readily as those residing in the cities damod in other words with our easy means of torn munlcatlon the sale of liquor in the cities which voted wet would thwart the will of the people of the whole province to practically tho same ex tent as if it were sold in every con stituency from the ottawa luver to tho manitoba boundary out of the 111 ridings in the pro vince u is calculated on the basis of figures thursday that more than seventy voted for the o t a that is approximately the number of mr fergusons supporter in tho legisla ture yet neither he nor any member of his cabinet would think of allowing the minority to dictate government policies mr ferguson would not countenance for a moment the setting up of a special law in one of these opposition ridings contrary to that which hts seventyodd followers be lieved the best for their constituencies and the province the street comment heard the day after the vote bears out exactly wtut was stated during the campaign the liquor interests are never satisfied we ventured the opinion that if oov- ernraerft control of the sale or liquor n sealed packages were approved at the poll it would not be long before an agitation arose to have the sale of beer by tho glass or oven a return to something approaching the oldfashion ed burs that has been the ritault tn other provinces which have gone wot and thorewcre no signs that wot sen timent would be less restrained i on tario the prediction has come abundantly true before the completo returns are received first wo hear the demand for local option in cltlea that voted wet reports are given circulation that tho canservatlvamem- bors who represent these wet consti tuencies are lo have a convention and form an antlo tva party to force the premiers hand of course much if such talk may be purely and simply bluff tho result of ilgti expectations being dashed at tho polls vstthqanwhu foujtbt to keep on tario dry unr lesson is obvious the battle did not end with the closing of thejkilling booths on thursday the o t a must remain on he statute book- and be strengthened and umended as promised by tho premier 3o0 6197 1103 simooo ttast 7633 eimooe west 5438 hlmooe south 5106 slmcoe centre 5060 victoria north 3943 victoria south 5883 wellington isast 6414 wellington south 6714 wellington west 4430 wontworth north- york north g179 london incomplete for government control 1453 1306 5073 1336 3828 41 so 1706 2497 3996 1437 3163 1311 5040 1300 2473 319t 3573 11 5o 5101 67 s 3503 3733 2 60s 3064 3516 zvyj 4383 1604 3331 1566 6707 614 bruce south cochrane essex north fort wjuuun glengarry hamilton east hamilton wes kenor kent west kingston nlugara ktell nlplaslng ottawa east ottuwu west purkdule port arthur iveacott ilainy illvor ileufrow north itlverdule uiumii tit cutherlnes hault htouuile ttlnsmnt sturgeon kttm sudburif temtskamlng toronto n bx toronto n w toronto h w toronto h waterloo north waterloo south welland wetitworth south windsor yoik bast york west 80 1240 1181 195 3940 61620 sfc07 5610 80 4390 6826 3666 sa 7m 86t 3 8v 7128 7343 4019 0466 4 54 8 6784 1803 2655 3006 10731 8736 13234 14898 1664 8161 ws9 1440 4m 40 1918 83j 1417 3111 1783 1697 3gg 3836 7938 ft763 4677 3883 16pm 2603 s469 7bj ski 9234 6 64 9- 1973 8894 461 q416 3778 8331 145t 3415 6120 1369 4331 641 358 l788 7008 9797 4166 16186 30616 2003l 5443 6842 30866 16014 3086 14617 11631 0431 11169 6u18 7313 7806 392 2609 4490 513 74u 4758 17370 17411 16485 13740 4386 19373 31840 8669 the ontario government will accent ftbs will of the people and maintain ma enforce tlm onturlo tsmperunoo act to the best of lu hbluty that was the ffattt of a the vote in acton vtz votes cast 542 for o ta 10 for government conpl the vote on the iloblscite in ac ton was as follow polling subdivision no 1 govl o- t a sula t3 so m to z 160 271 173 majority for o t a 105 polling subdivision no 2 govl o t a sale a to l 141 134 m to z 143 lis majority for p j a i t hw40tlf tw o t j obituary milh fbedbiuck btbwabt tko death of mrs frederick stewart oocirred on the 17th inst at her home in salffloet township she spent the first sunday in july with aoton friends und a fnw days after was taken sick i atcx- being treated luimo for u time without success ho wus taken to the general hospital ut hamilton und an opoiatlnn wus per formed for upboudlcltls compile tlons set in und uftcr bravely strug- ullng for twvwe wuoks she ratiuostod her husband to take her homo whore alio si tun t u few very pvuroful hours- the funeral survlco wan held on sun day to the ctluumvlue church unll wus largely uttendetl her pastor itev mr hampson rouduotod tho servli mis h town ft wus the eldest daughter ofttwlatu isauo snyder und 4 born on lot 6 rnncesslon 3 erlu ywnshlp besides her sotrowltig husband thorn itimstn to mourn her loss four daugh ters one son two brothers james of aoton nnd david of toronto and stater ella who hua boon with her through her sickness the friends from aoton and vicinity who attended the funeral were joel w leslie mrs 1c pearen joel il lett i is ulss amy loe- jje mr and mrs il l johnston mr and mrs ussll johnston msss mollssn johnston mr aid mrs wpi gamble mra smith welles mr and mrs jas qnydejr and miss m4uqput uojrdai sofcial and personal mr uoy ilmwn was home from tor onto on thursday s mr elmer johnston was home from hamilton on sunday mr w mcnabb of toronto vis i tod acton fgjends this wek mr j imi lathy or toronto was homo over the weekond miss uertle smith of toronto was home over the weekend miss margaret jlennett wns home from toronto uvor sunday miss marjraret macdonald was hmo from toronto on thursday iuh r and mrs j ii denny spent he weekend with friends in hamilton mrs wm mclaughlin of guelph ipant u day or so in town this week mr will ilobertson of toronto spent the weekend with relatives here mr anil spent last onto mr e j hassard spent a day or so at his homo at mono mills during the week mrs c a wright of toronto visit ed last wiwk ut tho homo of mr alfred mrs k il wansbrough vrek with friends in tor- it hamilton spent the re homo of mr w miss clunlni- weekond at ii gould mrs howaid of toronto visited her sister mrs 3 w liarberroe during the week mis s campbell doris and isabel lunts visited friends in guelph over the weekend mr ilay loyns of kitchener spent hunday at the home of mrs robert hprowl third line messrs ii attended the waterloo on i moore and g a dills press convention friday miss mary mcpherson of colung wood general hospital spent a few duys at her home here mr and mrs l overland and mr dodson of toronto were guesjs of miss j galbralth on sunday mrs james moore and miss clara e moore spent a few days during tho week with relative in dundaa mrs hurt und con over of er indole visited at the home of her brother tlr uobert dennetl this week miss klla snyder of stonoy creak spent a fw days during the week at t behome of her brother hern mr george agnew left this week for detrplt after spending a couple of weeks with hts parents here irs j p secord of guelph and her ulster mrs mcmartln of win nipeg called on friends here on tues day mr wnllaco a las by who has been confined to the house for the i last few weeks 1 able to be around sgaln mr und mrs arch currle and mar guerite and mr and mrs lants and grace visited friends in rock wood on jnday mr and mrs james e bnyder were st stoneit creek last week attending funeral of mrs fred stewart mr snyders sister mrs a armstrong and miss edith armstrong of ilrampton returned last ik after a pleasant visit with detroit relative r and mrs joel leslie jr and miss leslie were at stoney creek last week uttendlng the funeral of the late mrs fred stewarl mrs t a storey who has been pending- a couple of months st tho lome of hor sister at vulcan alts returned home last friday r vred williams of toronto spent past week with acton friends freds friends in ttus old homo town were glad to see him here again mr and mrs a keatner mr and mr walter kontner and mrs alfrea hdver motored to woodstock on satur day and spent the weekend visiting friends there mr arnold macdonald of oshawa was home over tho weekend ills sister mrs earl il vincent returned with him and spent a few days wltb relatives there v mr jl p mooro was at belleville monday and tuesday attending a meeting of the llourd of management of albert college mr e j moore of toronto who is also a member of the hoard accompanied him mrs il m mcdonald attended the convention of the daughters of the empire at london this week a re- seniutlve of the duke of devonshire chapter and enjoyed a very pleasant visit with her sister in that city tho parkdsle quartette will supply is programme at the thanksgiving concert n knox church plan lo ttond the vote in halton every municipality gave a majority for ths o t a the result of tho voting in various polling places in halton as follows j oovi otva control maj acton 6u 410 163 ilurllngton 432 1114 georgetown 684 380 204 milton ta 571 812 259 oak villa esqueslng i sj no i 3a 63 k no 2a norval 146 49 no 2b 77 ik 60 no 4 r 146 52 94 imehousa 61 34 37 glonwltllum 140 170 36 utuwurttuwu 143 63 ko nassugaweyu no 1 ho no 3 194 61 143 nq 3 jl its 43 130 nelson- no 4 138 45 s3 no 6 u3 14 68 trnfalgar ni i 146 28 131 no 3 bw 33 71 no 3 108 3u 71 no 4 r 10t 36 7j no 5 yr n no 6 j 111 161 53 5b 117 special meeting of the council waterworks additions and extensions discussed heatedly at session of tho council a special meeting of thn council waft hold on monday evening to pons tho bylaw providing for the extension of mgjns into the iloordmoro property ahd discuss the proposod uuxhlury pumping unit all tho councillors wore prosont and iteeve uurlxur in tno chair- mr n ii gurdon roprcauuuulvo of heard more jk co was prusont to dis cuss details of a chlorinallun syiitcm for fire nghtlng purposes at tho out set ho suited that the firm gr upproclatol tho action of tho council in the proposed running of inulns closer to their plant tho proposal beardmoro co was or the town to lay mulnu to their pumps already installed und lnntul a chlorlnatlon system for purifying the water from fairy iuto in nno this supply must bo callod upon for u serious conflagration poliitu hrouglit out by mr gordon included tho fol lowing the esllmutod cost of tho gasoline auxiliary was between 86000 urul 5600 the cost of tho chlorlnatlon systom was between 3500 and 83000 guurun- teed figures by lieordmoro st co would bo given tho following day aa to the completo cost two pumps operated by tho tan neries in caso of are tho olottrlo pump throw 060 gallons pur minute and with it and tho steam pump going l600 to l700 gallons per mlnuto could bo thrown these two pumps wero uod only for fire purposes und tho chlorlnutlun system would be used ooly whun tho town desired in caso of serious con flagration the system would of course have to moot tho approval of tlo hoard of health the system thy bad in mind would do this und tho council was invited to meet tho re presentative aqd aulclals from tho hoard of health with mr itodfnrn the towns engineer to discuss tho proposition and its feasibility tho chlorlnatlon system as proposod would chlorinate 1600 gallons per miavte and was attached to the suction of the pumps another point brought out was that the towns present reservoir wm only capable of supplying water for fhro ogbtlng with the added auxiliary pump or a period of from 3 to 4 hours this new proposal would wive unlimited water supply mr garden sold they simply duslroj the council to look into this plan be fore installing the gas oil no pump tho keeve and mr uelt apporontly did not wunt to consider tho system at all the remainder or the council- seemed to want enlightenment on tho subject and wanted to see reprosertta- uvea of the board of health nnd tholr engineer mr xlodfern to talk it over various reports from these officers were conflicting and confusing and needed personal interviews to straight en tbem out xi times tho discussion becurne very bested but it was finally agreed to arrange a meeting of mr dajlon of the board of health mr radfern and the representative of the arm selling the chlorlnatlon system for yesterday wednesday a bylaw providing for tho extension of additional waterworks mains und hydrants in tho beard mo re co property was given the required num ber of readings and passed by thi council this bylaw was passed on the understanding that it may be rescind ed if the chlorlnatlon system uhoutd prows more advisable the estimated expenditure was 18600 for the installation of those main and the debentures arc for 15 years by resolution the regular session was changed from monday uvonlug until tuesday evening- of next week keep november 10 in mind thanksgiving supper and concert in knok church police court news after a 830 flno had been imposed on htm for rsckles driving w c mack of belfountntn laughed immoderately nd was sharply admonished by mag- istrate watt who curtly lnformod him that it was no laughing mutter und that he was lucky that he hud not killed someone according to tho evi dence adduced ut the trlul uuck had been proceeding out the eramosa hood whore the oil sprayer was ut work und be had not stopped whm john smith who was walking beside the machlnu had warned him to und in passing he had brushed smith who was rorcod to leap nto the oil to avoid bolng hit smiths story wus corroborated by others who wero engaged with him in tho road work mack admit tod toiiu smiths warning hand but stulod tliat he saw no reason for stopping und kept on goliu ho also seomed to think that it had been- grout joke when smith leaped out of the road sylng you bet he jumped llko a iaaklnthebox the road wus nar row ut tho point and it wa dujujoruuu for cars to pass with tho spkuyer at work the men alulmod guolph mor- cury a fine of tlooo wu imposod upon the curling brewing and mailing company of london ontario last week ou the charge of illicit trutnuk- lng in liquor in contravention- of the ontario temperance act a fergus man contributed u 810 flno and 11080 costs in elora last wsok for being drunk in eluru at fergus u ws before the police magistrate to find where he obtained tho liquor ho appears to have had u gay old time all around as ho was later apprehended at lutowul for driving bis car while in an intoxicated condition and 1 spending nsvoii days- in stratford goal to cool his huols elaru express pleading guilty lit toronto 1oliou court on thursday to issuing rnt receipts for tho put nine mouthii without aftlxtng to vach a twouoiit ruonuo to henry harris uu ugod man wuh nnud tho maximum of 950 undusts counsel for tho rovunuo department asked for a stiff lino und tntlnuitod that the dopartniont it go ing aftur ull onendors the slaeman browing company of guelph wero lined in pollen court ut guelph uu tuesday morning bloixr and coats by polios maglstruto watt on a charge of selling throo dutnn bottles of beer to government opuru- twes 89 141 63 133 majority for government control tho ut impute omclal returns will be published in the next issue of thi rum pasnm a senulne indoor garden party in ihe methodls church next monday owning- o t a majority is now 40141 the canadian proas ism uod thu fol lowing standing uu tuusduy for o t a 54k1ju government control b07ust majority for o t a 4o14l good programme excellent uutu ut indoor garden party in the mothodut church next monday evening 3 vh 1

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