Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 30, 1924, p. 2

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ftv rtijw555wrf rwyffityzttizfflwfr f ggartattjfrgiprgbfl ruunsday octoueui ao lilt your halloween jack-o- lantern firel you need to vet a pumpkin firm unci smooth and yellow hound and shirty big and hard just a handsome fallow- cut a round plao from the top ulft it by the handle bcoop out seed und pulp then ftx the place to hold tha candle muk two big round halw for eye then cut- ut a normoui bmllny irotchy curly mouth turned up at the corners put in little ticks for teeth ulsslntf here and there one make a lone rbteornerd nose isnt he a nuare onet now just after dark youll see when his candles lighted mr jack- come calling round though hes not tnvltedt lena b blunxwood isbttbilbmbmbsl reminders of age be left his overheard house mr alfred compliment from theillps of oldy rgg was calling on hl daughter some men might have been pleased not aa mr hoyt h very well preserved your dear father is i he repeated jn a mincing tone lnttndod to- imitate mrs lee and he added as he slammed the rate what does she take me for a jar of peach walking leuurety alone ha met an acquaintance whom he had not for some time takina things a little easy arent yoa hoytr said mr jones willi thats the way to do as we arrow older there was a frown on mrhojrte brow as he passed on doubtless old ago was honorable but he did net propose to be hurried into it by june or anyone else it almost seemed however aa tf there were a conspiracy aga him that -afternoon- he presently met young man who respectfully lifted hi hal that would have bean a proper act of courtesy toward a lady or older ly gentleman but ur hoyt not counung himself in either haughtily lgnoredthe salute a few xolnutos later aklna stranger tried to help him up the steps of a street cor only to be snubbed for hie pains as he entered the crowded young lady of hta acquaintance rose to give him her seat and his vexation in this case was all the create- because he had to force a smile while de clining the offer so when he left tbe car at a point about halfway down a hilly street he was in no mood tor any more reminders of waiting by a white post was an ath leticlooking young man accompani toy a lady also young a veer one day mr hoyt quoth tbe yqang man nothing- could be more innocent these wqrdsl but unfortunately they were pronounced in a tone above the normal conversational pitch it u a pleasant day said mr hoyt stiffly but perhaps hardly worth shouting about- something has gone wrong wttb use old gentleman said the young man to- his companion in a tone so low that ur hoyt could not possibly have heard it if bis ears bad not been a sharp aa even they were mr hoyt had moved on but stopped at the approach of an auto mobile tinder alarming f a lit way up the atreetra man h left his utile son in the car wta be stepped into store by scene a ddent tbe car had started off and was now oerwnrthut the bin stop u cbartayl cried the you lady to tne atblottc ywnag man 11 caarley taksm hy am puls let t issjiiimlttstrl f j paas ta jar hoyt ha too bad m llttte l and he rams toward night teetusg tssu ha had pretty wen laid that spectre hja wife mat hum in the hall wlry alfred she said bow pals yott ton bw bean overdoing and that jerontdo at your umw of ufa oo and lie down defer dinner it was nonsense of course never- r thelese be went to hta room and seated himself id an easycbalr tlrample may i come jot called a childish voice mr hoyt crowned somebow that word gramnie now he thought of it was unpleasantly suggestive of second childhood why not t fh children to call him grandpapa t v o gramme said elgbferearold evelyn as she came into the room theres a piece- in the vnlng paper and she proudly read the beading senauonal rescue jjy aired c1u ben mr uoyt cast the paper- from him aged dusoot bosh t he said in voloe of wrath out the hxt moment he was leaning back in bis chair and laughing heartily its no use aid tt them have it their own way then to the utile giri all right fcyelyn well see what la it the psper 1 was only laughing at a pretty good joke on gramplr awei drawback when mae and- his oomrades rtred in the australian golddigging after experience in the klondike saya the author of in search at m dorado the sept vu enormously pleased theres aye eometblns tae contend w in furrux countrl be phuosb- ohlsed as xm went lalsuraly about building the fire in- alaska there wla snaw an cbllkeota an mony ither tries bit here theres naetblng much objectionable let alonathe sand an want a water there may be a few insect along- with thvsand mac suggested n com rade insecksl cried ha derisively whs cares fur ihseoks i shld uketo kent what hermu there in wheen lnno- oanr musklttles rur insunoat in- eeckst humph1 ttte absurdity of the remark seemed to tickle him and he chuckled merrily ha broke eucalyptus twigs than suddsaly tbero wf auenoe a sllenoe so stnufc that j matse looked 1 oroimd to see what had happened thokir they beard him nuttier rnep iwunnerrhlt jio tbaucanna ha rur snakes hlnra got feet an this betuhe wait lppued in that dlreotlon tfjvm bohny heeat too i wuouc it v jtbiige i it haan ipftsex csano his voice uwfthu qdiihlxf maun be an ax- t- ibtl rn bnrtgtnnj an evenings fun iwwairsiewsiieieies xt was an impromptu entartaia- ment which we all knew la usually the most successful it was just after the holidays and we had a house party of a donan congenial spirits at the hendersons country home it had been a gar jveek and for this particular evening a long eletghrlde had been putnnedj driving rain all day prevented uita however and imposed the necessity of some indoor amusement why not have an pldfaahloned evening of candy pulling and gameer mggesled some brilliant spirit a pro position we all bailed with aouamh- tlona of delight the coachman dispatched to two or three of the nearest houses brought on accession ot half a doxen to our numbers so a livery party soon crowd ed the laundry kitchen where we had free acopefor our candy this part of our entertainment needs no descrip tion for we all know that one candy pull is much like another hut nine oclock found ua all ad journed to the wide bid hall with its great fireplace and huge back log thiawaa always our favorite reilylnf ground being nearly all old friends we were ripe for a regular romp we must have the broomstick trick orst cried alice henderson and harold is dying to distinguish himseuv in it harold shrugged his shoulders good uturedly alice you are bent on manslaughter with that broomstick business h protested but the others who had never seen it were clamorous and harold consented a broom was brought one having an ltviielly strong handle it was laid across two chairs which faced each other on the back of one was bal anced a pair of gloves this arranged harold armed with a atout cane very oarerauy seated himself crosslegged on the brooaastlck facing the gloves if you think this is an easy matter try jtl you wul end judicious man- once balanced on the narrow reatiax place of the brooms irk the object la to knock the gloves off the chair back with the cantv while retaining ones beiatkm it is e si in deacrlhe but ye gods and little ashes to accomplish itl fioc opus hie labor est harold eootr succe for he had grown expert by oftrepeated trials and the otter therefore were easily pcrsadedto attempt it but the ln- vjoluntary gyrations that the victim makes ed retain his equuibiiuin and the wpdtmshlee aldewls that result trees the orst efforts are convulsively funny we always expect to laugh ersetveeover this and we always do harold made the next svggeetion- comc jutfdux yob and holt have not each as mach candy aa th4 rest of us ao erell put you to foedlng- each other with crackers judith knew what this meant but holt had never seen- the performance and h profuseed his eagerness for an e disappea to she returned with crumbs two saucers and two was- spread on the precaolqn7and the rsro to thecmne rere tnvuad to seat thesmwives turk faahloa upon it cadag- each other this done they were carefully blindfolded and each was gtreq a saucer of crttmie and a sapoa then they began to feed each other the ridiculously earnest ex pression- es each face coupled with the wideopen mooths mm- each en- demvuivd to insert a spoonful of crumbs thereon coavulsed the looksra- on and their gibes and mocking dlrsc- uoos compucated matters fnrthsr a hseahsj spe4itim struck agtalnat jod- lisracbla and most of the eontanu h down the open- neck of her drssev red mr hoirs nose and hie browv liberally powdered tjrfs is on the order of a barma feast- uughed mr holt at last flour ishing an empty saucer miss judith are yoa satisfied with what ytra didnt gett suppose w appoint eunm other victims now it wms some line however before the company considered itself suf- ndaauy amused by this eshihluon nnd moat at us were obliged to take a turn did yoa ever pldrmp potatoes with a i asked miss hjmmec after a hal while we took our breath no i well if youll send for tan big- pots toes alloa well try 1l we can use these spoons though after dinner oof- fees ere more fun tf this sort of thing- continues f alice leaving- the hall we oil about your stopping a runaway est l tter transplant the larger here with a mtlaboy n itl here it is 1 h bring- two small baskets also called miss emmet when the things appeared miss rra- tnej arranged the potatoes which ven of goodly khre tn two hnes of ave t railing and bringing 1c round vie newolpost placed his finger on hp nose ther was a shout of laughter a they aaw it was obvluualy impos sible for ned to rleo without renibv- ing his finger beaten again laughed ned but in return for this young woman 1 propose to hypnotlyo you o you cant stand alone oh no said a race shrinking back 1 cant bear that sort of thing try me said alice goodnaturedly knowing her friend was really very jensltlve about hypnotism- though fancy i shsu be a difficult subject x think nol returned nea with his bead on one side touu do nice ly indeed x never felled yet ii seated her and made mystic passes before her eyes i dont feel a thing she protested at last as one and another inquired with much solicitude how she felt you shouldnt talk on the subject objected ned however with a final grand flourish it is- accompllsh- d au cannot stand alone try it indeed i can returned auco prlrurlng up lightly behold yes behold uughed ned with a low bow but you are not standing alone for all of ua are standing with you- oh you wretch nothing but a mla- emble pun cried everybody while alice remarked that he good nature in releasing qrsce from the situation had met with the usual reward of virtue in this world to you know my rrlenda remark ed one of the outsiders that it tv eleven oclock time honest folks were in bed and rogue a -jogging- yol know there is tomorrows grand smashup in prospect oh thats very early yetr plead altec we must have blind lancers anyway twd you never do itt i great fan mttmma will you play fpr uat choose your partners gentlemen for the lanccrs no we cant have two sets because its- as much fun to look on as it is to dance and in a trice alice had marshalled a set on the floor now out with your handkerchiefs she ordered tea you ere all to be blindfolded and dance that- way and amid much laughter she- bound up their eyes mrs henderson struck up the open ing bars and directly they were all wfddtytlnaxing aimless courtesies bsi- endtqr at imaginary corners and try ing- to turn npposues when they found them l ad these amid the derisive shouts of the lookerson and their urgent entreaties to keep op with the each figure involved then more hopelessly than the loatrs they grew more compucated it was irresistibly ridiculous to see profound courteslee made to another persons back or to empty space or to see partners vague ly feeling for each other the grand chain utterry demoralised them and when they dropped at tut laughinc and breathless into their concluded that past experience to the contrary there was infinite omuse- tm ad behind her out of t donee rej nxald with a big bowl halloween write thp invitations to the hal loween party on yellow paper decor ated with tiny jack -o- lanterns cut from whtto paper or on white paper similarly decorated with yellow on the envelopes in place on the stamp oerfn one corner place a jaclt-o-lan- iern in the corners of the room put urge branches of bruuaot autumn issves smarter n over the grate pictures doors wtndowjlrand under the chande liers u the- carpet is dull or of nautrej tint strew abundantly with orient leave ptahle should be large to sjlow her vaguely directed apoen enooonf for nmpla daoorauonv tha tablecloth w whits with red nod yellow ohryssn- thetnutn blossoms here and ihsr whsraver theywlu not interfere with the serving bittersweet or mountain- ash berries may also be used paper napkins xm permissible at halloween and are displayed in the shops with fruit flower and leal design at each borer may be two or three autumn leaves fastened wuh tinsel cord or baby ribbon thyee souvenirs are not new but they arc in keepings with fto color schstns and are very pretty jror tbo table ceotrepleceut away about a third of a pumpkin polish the outside of the remainder and re move seeds and pulp line with waxed paper fill with red apples and yellow pears and edge with white and red grapes the clusters arranged to fall over thei edge of the pumpkjn tjnder- neathplaoo a btrge dolly embroidered in red or yellow xnother pretty decoration is made by using- small ears of yellow vnd red corn the shuoks turned back sa- pended over doom end windows and in theoprners ot the room the stalks with red and yellow ears peeping out ue grandmothers oid- fashioned serv er in the centre ef the table border it with rows of red and yellow kernels alternating or in groups heap the server with butternuts black walnuts ahagharkg base nuts chestnut srd beechnuts in the burr j orange baskets can be made by out- ting y no 5 half leavins a thin atrip of the peel for the handle scoop out thaptjlp jin neatly with oiled paper arid fill with lemon cin namon and rod peppermint 4flp flhapel small pie pumpkins about th se of a bowl- like the orange paasrta and all with crocked nuts ratsltjs dates and uga make soma wlthourhai41ss4lbold red and yellow crab iintas arotsqu fkbe may he painted on lemons with wgs of wrinkled wool acgotion- twtuhc hod suspended wherever oonventsnt qjgs pig are comical select egtt that are pointed at one nd anovooll moderately twenty minutes when coo enough to hsndle with a darning needle prlak holes for the legs ahgrpen th ends of four match and insert in position paint soms of the eggs black and when dry out th head from btaov pspar and faeten on the body with paste using whits pins foe eyes now cut the ears and place in poartleo on other egg paint black snots and complete a before twlt btaost carpet warp or twine mrr aardv nouble it hndllwul kink for th tails io be fsstoned to the body with smalt plna maks some pigs also with whit sggsand yen win have oin quaint deoorahons-for- hauoyee large red apples rose leaves small ripe scalloped supmier squashes with bittersweet nnd taountalnaah berrlee with ingenuity ftod taste can be utltla- now ned ahe said shall we ran a race with these we each take basket and a oaffee spoon and s which can pick up th potatoes flrt in our respective tines the on who doe can imposes forfeit on the other that sounds observed nd as say as rotting off a log- i have your forfeit iomlnd miss ocac dont be too sure laughed grace cminet they took spoons and baskets anl stood rdy for the word jo but when ned began be found the opera tlon more complicated than he had unagtned the potato wobbled and rolled around unconsciously mystsrs mlfs orace he cried ui last you dont mean to any that you have them in already r as be mopped bis persptong br6wauryeylng his sull empty- basket and hj are potatoes in dirrerent parts of the hail orenebail reduced ittos eelenoe of course one not allowed to pusn the- potato against anything losisady it bat she rolled them side ways and holding her spoon id readlness caught them as the impetus carried them upon th bowl of the spoon tial hsl young lady i see your little gam ned exolaimed going to work again but at that moment grace deposited hsr last potato in her basket and gayly cried out rusw rlns i- and now by way of a forfeit she went on judiciously i oondsmnyoij to allow mo in tha sight of n this tpanyto place your anger on your hose a such way that you cannot leave this ball without removing it do you believe i can do itr rordlnarlly no returned ned n mtmrf dejection- btt after the potato trplsoda im not prepared to b dog- ior iwth say to tti janen- sms irauoesibur oraoe would so- ah4 we watched yotjthlak i cms do tanuif aflirms fcorth and d in mapy wgysr phe menu sbaujd be simple brown fitd whit bred with mus tard ur jelly flllloet dttlufid eggs beet salad pumpkin pie crullers apples and nuts moaharsoan sstiy when their- ehudrenare troeblad with worms aird thvyr lose no time tn applying a ru able remedy- mother orevee worm a 8ixmil sermon th oouhty aunrtay school conven tion hod reached iteporls of the uuperintendenta on after another the superintendents strtod up ta av an account of their work it had evidently been a good yeur for the schools represented ami the reports were hrnrtlly applauded at isst came the flnnl report it was not only ths last on iho list but seemed in point of importance as thn chairman called the name it was n baokwood district wher life rnvmod li be 14k a landlocked stagiuint bay tflk dc mna behind and almost forgotten by the outer world a utt woman in gray responded when th nima of the sellout was called tin afraid friends she said l havent much to report for my school sxcept allor f kvary hunday in the year i have walked the uimo miles from my home to th school ruin or shins suow or mud sometimes i found ten scholar there sometlmu one sometime im sorry tosuy none i often wondered whet lief j had dona sny good or not but ill keep it uji for another year when she sat down the chairman spoke too may not have achieved what yoil hoped in the matt on of num bers he said turning to her but on thing at laaat you have done and that is you hnve preached a sermon six mile lens every sunday lit the year the people who have seen you ttturfge faithfully three miles to your place of duty and three miles back have mark ed your faithfulness andlt will boar fruil that was five ynars ago the little woman kept on and now there is u church in the little vltnge and the other day came new of a spiritual awtckenliig that is eweeplng the com munity it is all because a faithful woman preached a sermon mix mile lonx every bundsy although ahe never stood in a pulpit or saw the congre- gallon to which she preached n heaven hands greek proverb troublc brewinq for a0el the man who run the elevator ut a terminal railway nlatlnn was nccitnt- d in a dull tlmt of day not long gn by a tall countrywoman with an ex pression on her fane compounded ot fright and determination could i ride up high as you gut eh asked irytt hueky tune tiure restrsnt lop flour said ho elevator man and atttir fan it ta trig iter entrance willi a judlaloue eliova he lammed the door and startnd his car at the top floor ha flung open at tempt mi to shslstllls lassnger opt hhe waved oft his liand howuver and shook her head with great da- clslop 1 thought id neod something to eat after it she said brlekly but tlsnt what id been led to expect and now all 1 want i to get downstaire again take ths four oclock trait for pratts corner and tall abl jowders what 1 think of him hes been holding it over ma for th isst six months- over since etock holders day that hed rid in an ete- vatorand i never had hes got one share of etock in the railroad and what with that and his talk about the way his tmtr rose and his suspenders bust with the tremendous speed in- the etevstor and how folks that stay ed at home flad no notion of the rump it took to rid in one theres been no living with him hut you just let me get home i i left him housed with n grinpy co1dy i know hell be there r 8afety rules for electricity 1 remember that th human body la a conductor do not touch wires or anything else which may be charged with electricity x do not have wiring done by any one but an expert electrician 8 never leave an electric- device even for a moment without making aura that the current is turned off autonotca world had jio many franks hut put enough tipftitarlctm a ticiiine iul nnvar hits an nul- oblln ox6it in setfdnfoncn oni hair of tliti world wntidarn wliom the other half guts itrt automulillcn i10 roclclohe driver muii o pro- in unrk sullivan tint whyjaut u so fast t tha time la coming wlion ulmhlt the only thing that will ttrnro a horna will be to nee another horse hub you can always tell a man who has a iar dul my experience lias been that you cant tell him anything what temperance- drinq6 more of good than we can tell hore to buy with more to sell more of comfort leaa of care more to cat and more to wear happier homes wuh faces brighter all our burdens rendered lighter conscience clean and mlnda much stronunr lebtstnuch shorter purses longer hope that drive away nil sorrow and omethlng laid up for tonjorrow the delirious flavor dravrn trotk the lpaves of green tea has won u mlllldns of users solid by all grocers ehir a package toaay free sjmpteot umtut milth nwutt uuk 1moit r good bread good pastry to make both these it takes the very bef of jngredienf and ojpcrlenco we use nothing burfhe finest of msfcrtals in our baking and our experience in baking ivwide test the result any tlmo in tbo finished prodocf hcntie- made baking cant compare with ours bresd wnite brown cakes tarts bun scones pieai lemon raisin apple etc always fresh and always good fairbanks phone 116 bakery mh1 sum aetm get your job printing at the free press umlmfff round thmwvrid tins kind of sbcpplng is a thrld- tng spor an opportunity so ec- qulre extraordunsrttanraaad ettjerlscceabyf3qanb torses in cairo nntrlcaty indfom jwby in bombay oorrfeoos tar- totoe shell combs in ceylon in v the genuine batftl in pesinyrnstrriltssrnsralsiui coats and rare siberian far japan re- gesttaoo jxandmg rovud tuworu on jx bmnreas of fiance tfa voyagers vhu bav tnetrown orcbernrs in tbeoetsway ports tboy wfn hav abore dances ar- ranged for them and cafea- the world rloefc ftp be fasnpns acefsjre of npleecalfor bbarurbalftrloru trlapfssf cabo bcbtcojoinba bbarujbal rjorurkegeta botu rlss of eutatecr wherever gtob travelers get together all these toofvrtuootnewiattatbevovmgere xperisnees stoma for rrvernlgbt stay others for rancbeoas dln- nersand receptions they r a part of the abore esplorhtioos the ctxiise eaordinary round the world leaves new york january 14returtitio new york may 23 vypejvsx jratmd the wort private- vochtw u tbe odr ecbem of tbcrojssvtb aunbs- pber u that of a jolly cruising parry the xoajodion are lasurlous loungy ftb eenrlf into o planning of this crtrise the worlds greatest travel system has put its greatest effort the result is a voyage yhich visits the gate way porta of th wor4 and explores the romance lands of the earth v wsu voyage which combines uk jollity of s private yacht trith the luxury of an empress linen va voyage which includes practically all the great erperi- enceawhfcatmasxworldtravel the prized human adventurei a ship extraordinary xhe ship whlchwiu carry the round the world voyagers is the empress of prance she is famous for her cruiser lines and cruiser speed her public rooms have tn- terlors dooe by noted decora tors they cxrajain many art and furniture tieastires her cabins and suites are appointed for living in best hotel style her service and table are of canadian facicafandard exceptional even among the ijeat- her engines are ourburning which insures cool clnsnlinom lord renfrew the prince of wales chose th empress of prance cvrjco for voyages r thelfaitc the route la eastward from now york it follows 8ptixdrf4meuoundtrle the mediterranean potts are visited at the height of the riviera sear son palestine before the heat and dust egypt at its gayest india in its cool season china in its gmlhtig rnood japan when the cherry blossoms burst barxameticam beautiful may- this is the route of perpetual loveliness he qatewpy ports 27 different gstcvfay ports are visited pirst ma deira then the mcdivraneaji calling a oibnji ca few of the many features extraordinary 1 50 day from new york to new york 5 dsva fee shore btrbiocarlons an unexcelled ittncxacr a holy isndegypt bxniordooorer and haifa tcvjeroxsletn to cairo adclhlassxcttrsicovbuwlcn bombay to tbo ismoas taj msbsl au pauensexs tbdt mount laviniaan4 ksndy a sumatra exnlorarioa overland to psdangpaodjang a pekin explorsrioarnst most his- ctnsrins city in chins a japan erplorsdon kyoco nora tokyo nlkko n4 kxmskprs return yis hawaii victoria b c van- couver b c sen f nmobco panama canal and havana o4w j bo with tar algiers monaco naples haitaf or the holy land port said for egypt then into the indian seas suez bombay colombo padang batavfc singapore up the orients coast manila hongkong shanghai taku kobe yoko hama homeward by way of honoluiuhiiovlctoriaric vancouver b cx san fran cisco balboa coioq havana to new york the excursions inland 7 citi o the world on mee to romantic etvula- nons x4 ibe pesvromen he brew egjrpusn hindu lavanse chln onemeetstb tomanuc peoples ni today one see tb monomenta tbaaris ib co am of african fftmnpesn a siitte 1 l ltboatcisocbcongmtstbal tb cttlseo of the world each of these gateway ports is trulyagateway to some plac some people some experience of romance so at every port the voyagers will debark for sightseeing sometimes for one day as at algiers time enough todo thcarahquarter dndthefrenchtwnto and dine at famous cafes and to shop in the street of the jewelers again for an entire week as at haifa from here the voyagers strike inian4txjcrussierrithenaouthtocairooratr up tho nile to the pyramids etc a port such as hongkong is not only fascinating in itself it also leads to canton city of swarming chinese life for these inland excursions the voyagers will be quartered at leading hotels taken about in motor cars or rickshaws wlthbest native gulde the days at sea v the days on shiphoard will be as pleasurable as the days on land de athletic competitions in the after- noontheth into the tank followed by a 100 per cent dinner for 100 per cent appetites dancing tn the ball room to an irresistible orchestra in between lectures entertainments fautydrcaa- bsils bridge and poahjong pollowlns the hlp over h entire 130 wave wlllb the long mi of the ciinshwn rsdficrthst voai prganlmunn which fclrdles tho gloc with tsamahlp rail way hotel and offices all it fsclltlas essrtcd oil the ttlne to command the hot for usgustt and tn fro them from every care adian uhlspans the world faeclnatino planning utnbatimb you wtu want to do omcthing bo twmewhere nast wina moko it thecruue extraordinary 7 jtcoeni no morarvwsk liwtn parable living st a shore resort or hotsl now u ths rdme to look into the detail tnfl oumplete besutirul and faclnarjnas theraf every phase of the crultji oamptled by j jiut write sctuj me the oatewey rpru m 1 kino trbt at ft 3trr1clu jou wuh to i i ss w- llr j

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