Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 30, 1924, p. 3

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qhn artnn jfrw iiw50 a thursday octol btltio defltlo ntim potato piqk in pttntu pick in tlmo on our olrt fnxrni tickun itn really not a nleaiuro and yet i tic lota of fun hut gee inf awful kind when plckln tlmo la tlonel i play when arat ive started thai evry apod i plolc la worth to me a 16llar and e huiitl qulajc y hut long hefore ive flnutiiml im tired of the trick each time a rowa completed i count tho others oer and flntl a i expected one row leaa fhan before hut every lima i ctynt them thorn meem aa ma f mabel lock hart why the new teacher qave high marks to some at the cloae of the orel day of achnol the new teacher eald low children luten and i will tell you how i havo marked you and give yoo my reasons in the first place i will explain that- 1 do not mark at nil upon how well you get y lesaona you may really know much mora about tho aubjoct than you can teu besides lou are not hero to ret leaaona and imaa examinations you ore here to ktow so- 1 mark you upon how you show that you are making that kind of effort which forma character jimmy pitch i have riven a good i mark because he was the only oge in the roam- who taken what the word ayndlcata meant none of tho teat of you knew why didnt you oahtj ankfnjt juostlons lathe beat way cd learn slurring over things you doht understand la the best way to become an ignoramus ifyou are not curious it la a aura you are stupid letts rogers gets a good mark be cause her anger nails are dean and she la the only child here whose noser ends are not in mourning tou will flnd it quite as important when you grow up to have elean finger nail as to know algebra ban ma montgomery i marked good because whan a button was tarn from her dress playing et yeoess ehe took a noodle and threadtrom bar desk and sawed it on also abe oarefully t up the orange peel ahe had dropped i would rather have you ml learn to clean up your arn litter and look after your- own clothes than to know how to every word in the dictionary c willi water i have given a high mark because when x aaked biin who napoleon bonaparte was he amid i dont know he probably had a vague notion but he did not seek to deceive toe i want you when you cannot tell a thing in plain word not to hem i apd hawbut to say at once 1 dont know to have an honest mind in better than having a stuffed one charles stuart la commanded be cause be stands up straight sits pro perly in his seat and is not otherwise slovenly in his habits when jennie jonas failed in her spelling the word choler abe went 10 the foot of tha class with a smile and for that abe gats a high mark some others of yon pouted and sulked 1 there is nothing yen can do that is so commandlble aa to be good loser anybody can succeed paasaauy it takes a noble nature to fail good- naturedly during the day six promises were made to me by six pupil only one of them henry clark did vwhat he promised to do 80 he has a high rating when you become men and women and get the habit of promising thoughtlessly and not keeping your word you will be a nuisance to all those who have to do with you do what you say you will do that is better then being able to bound on tarlo or tell the espial of kamtobatko now yon may run home children and remember that in this school there are no rules but two do what you think ts right and be cheerful and in case you dont know ask dr prank crane my window three wlndown lri my iiuuso of ufo look out three different way one turns with wistful longing to thn toad of yuatarday and watches how the shadows of tho poplars slim and full point mutely at romom lured tjiy and silence over nll and one looks out with witter eyes upon the street of now and sees the- passers up and down and greet them with n bow the little street in frankly gay with checkered shado and shine and busy too with the bustling joys that wait on me and mine the other window turns away t prom yesterday and now arid not a single backward glanco its visions will allow its gsse leans out to hills afar italear eyes purged from tears up throthe deathless plnoe can trace the path or coming years and sometimes when the sun is down and i am all alone i the little wlndowa beckon me for they are quite my own and seem to love me every dne at each i stand and look anm read their little stories xjke the chapters of a book the first onsfllla and thrills mo thro with happiness and pain thy- nextim drenched with- starlight and than im splashed with rain but the other window draws me and i smile thro rainbowed tears for t read a happy ending down the path of coming years barbara young the good old country votes dry vaain udf hal the justice of the hearth over the dinnertable a husband was telling hi wife of the financial mis dealings of one of their social q- rtusidtanoes a wealthy and popular 1 man he had odntxived the ruin of the street railway company and its subsequent reorg a process which had putjnonay jnjo his pocket and taken money from innocent stock holders the husband touched the facts light ly because he thought that a woman could not be interested in them understand them tn detail this womans understanding throughout husband narrative was occupied with one or two simple questions is he tobe punished r she asked punished how his conscience wont punish him indeed heprobably thinks he baa obeyed the rules of huatneas the law technically la broad enough to cover ht case but it la hard to get evidence you see the district attorney must jbxeuse me for interrupting dea sxnlaln that to me later i think we ahsli not dine there next wednesday i will write a note to mrs berry not dine there t why notr because he is not a fit man to receive in our house or for ua to visit but nonsense hes just as gqod a fellow just as respectable one minute by your own words you prove that be is a wicked man taking what 1 not hi x listened to your story until there could be n doubt that- you yourself condemned him by the facta which i do not un derstand if what you say i true he and x meet no more aa equals and her judgment etood of course her neighbors and friends pursued the usual course of accepting a man in social relations whom their huebands distrusted 4n business but tbe standard orthe hearthstone t shall it not some day be the standard of air society and why not apply hearthstone judgment also the charso- tor of the young man who are allowed to dance with our daughters and en gage in other social functions with themt perishable property a merchants carnival was in pro toss und uli the maidens of the village were representing the jrartous shops 1retty sarah mooatt in laoe gown strung with garland bonbons advertised tbe principal cgndystore at the beginning of the festival sarah fairly glistened with etlraetlvaj confectionery but aa tlmt wore on the girls decorations dwindled by the anal sot not a bonbon glistened among sarahs ruffles where in the world aaked thn stagemanager noting the plainness of sarahs attire arejall your decor uonst have you lost them no returned sarah theyre per fectly safe im wearing them inside the cause of the trouble on day- a master said to his very ignorant s 1 mary j have boughttsrtin of sal mon and want you to oritur it up or upper when sqppertlme eam tiaary ar- rived piuoh flustered to the dining- room and said if you pleeae sir it boiled this are tin for wo hours an the lid aint come off yet well i am proud f halton county again as i always have had reason to be when measures to curb indul gence in strong drink had been an 1 issue before the people for the pott fifty year this good old county ho voted dry every time that a vote baa been taken that i can remember and it has voted dry again in no uncertain way i tell you x am more thankful than i have ever been beforoithink that the province went dry lost thurs day there seemed to be more at stake than ever before someway yoo know i am juat a little afraid that t young folks ore more forward than they used to be they go in droves more and what onedoes the others are inclined to do and if we had government liquor tores where everybody who hod the money would have free access to liquor theredbo more or less imbibing for the funtf the thing thank goodness were not to have free traffic in llauor and so therell be leas anxiety about them than there would have been if the o t a had been defeated 1 have a good idea now why so many- mother were anxious to vote and i am glad so many of them did and voted the right way no one can blame tho mother of boys and girls for wanting to have the country keep dry and for voting that way 1 and then you know 1 have been i very fearful about what would happen if liquor sale was allowed and auto mobile were kept tmnlng i was good deal impressed with what henry ford la reported to have said some time ago that- liquor and gasoline mass very dangerous mixture never much liked the automobiles they are too fast for me anytime and i always feel timid when im out for a drive with any of my friends well 1 made up my znlmrbome weeks ago tf government sale carried that td had my last fide in a motor car x would never again accept an invita tion to go for a drive not even with the preacher not that id suspect that our preacher would commence drinking because he could get booso easily nor- any other of my good friends for that matter but id be cared of my fife that had meet some other chap on the road- drilling who had been imbibing and might be see ing double and the most uaruful driver anywhere would not be able- to keep out of his way well im glad and thankful too thac im not to be deprived of an occasional urlve after njl and im glad for other people too were nol to hgve free access to liquor and well all feel safer im wure even tb people who didnt quite understand the risk of government sale and voted will the moderattonlsts say im glad mr- tterguson the premier is talking good common sense now and declares hell do his best to enforce the uiw better than il has been in some places and 1 believe hell do it i read a piece in fhe papr two or three weeks ago too where lie said to albert moore in a letter which he signed himself that if the people voted to sustain the o t a had that fhe weak spot in the law would be stiffened up i read unit lileco over two or three times und for two reasons klrst because the promise sounded good to mo and second be cuuae mr kerguson letter was sea to dr moore and hes one of our 0w1 boys- 1 knew albert when he wa kneehigh to a grasshopper hay he climbed up weland im proud of him and i think other people ought to be proud that he had so much to do in organising for this big temperance fight and bringing it through to vic tory hes one of our ownboys you know this isnt the first big fight hes been in on moral questions elthur he stands pretty high in his churoli and i understand ills work all the ttse is aloug the line of doing things to help other folks well i didnt got much excited ovnt the right ust thursday i felt euro thst right would prevail and when 1 beard the good news early in ae evening that 647 of the people of acton bad voted dry and that ihe o t a had a majority of hi in this old town of ouray i just hobbled heme to tell mary and neither of ua want out again that night jcarly next morning a neighbor called to tell us that the province hud sustained the act by between 30000 and to000 x telj yoo i felt glad and have been getting gladder ever si rice a i havo kept on medlutlnrabout the tnattsr that day i heard that there were u let of folks in town who didnt- sleep much thursday nlghl pbe dry got excited when the report began to- oofne in- showing wet majorities and 1 betlgve these continued until the wet j had over to 00 of a majority no wonder the supporters of the o jr a folt bad along about thut tlmo but they tell me that at 430 the dcy majorities commenced to bo reported anil they cnmomn then in quick suc- ewuilon until about eleven oclock the trooo majority was willed out und thn majority began to iuoin in tho dry columns thin never uult until about midnight tho dry majority renohid lo liweeh jzoooq and 2c000 and 1 im- lleve it is ntlll climbing and in now over 40000 well any i think thal4 pretty good if my oul minviry servoij rfttnight thats considerably more or a majority than mr fergusons party got when they went litloiiower last jtenr my how my tory friends ra- jotced when thoy read nlnut tho biff majority tho tory party got and of course theyll rejoice now-hecau- this big majority of over 40000 wiu polled for thn o t a when mr fer guson w in power as r figum it out too about the mi mo number of oonstltuonccs voted dry i ant tbursdn an mr ferguson bus nupihirters lit the house well well look now for he prermir to make the amendments to tho o t a he talked about n couple of weeks ago i think everybody will be wllh hlmljf ho fixes he liw so that loo- loggers will be jul ted tor tlmlr drat offence nobody wants the bootleg gers the moderation blackguard ed them rn all their advertisements and the b t a folks never had an use for them anyway and did their level beat to have- them fined heavy or put in goal ever since the act was passed five or six years ago hny do you know my old head snys that if alt the modaratlonlsts and the o t a peoplowtu get toothei and work that the bootleggers to tho vary last one of tho lawless crowd can be rounded no in a month lets try it anyway i cant do much but im not afraid to do what l can thl rnmnslgn and its outcome raw taken me far hack in memory i recall tbe first temperance measure eobmlt- tod the duncan act away back lxfy years ago i remember more distinctly the election on the bcott act in 1b79 fortyfive years ago this old county was the first in canada to submit the nw law and it carried by a bur majority this act was in farce for number of years and worked wlthj la large measure of satisfaction tbe late george black of the fourth line saqueoing was the inspector he performed his duties fearlessly and was a terror to evildoers the late william young of oakvtlle was polle magistrate he was always fair and just but when evidence was presented to substantiated charges the guilty i ml r tie learned that the law meant what it said after five or six years the act wan repealed and the liquor license act again- came into force those of us who era amon tbe old folk r quite distinctly tbe increase in drink ing and dsunkennen and misery and want and how the women and chil dren in many home suffered because the husbands and fathers indubred in drink and spent money for liquor whch should have been used for home necessities and comforts those weru the days when the baixooms held sway and liquor was easy to get knowing what i do of the post i am very thankful for this community that government control got its blsnx eye last thursday for i am quite sura plan of distribution of whiskey would have been worse than the bar room tho old llccnso law ullowlntf liquor to be od in u10 barrooms prohibited theroale of liquor by th bottle it had to uo drank on the prumlso government control unllto other huiifl prulipilt drinking tho llquur un the premise where it is purchased und it must bomuken away nitturully 41 would be takun humu thorn thn husband or father would nuturally drink more thun if standing up ul a bur hay arent we- all glad after all that theo t a wa kept suing doesnt allow liquor to be sold at nll apd mr ferguson is going to jull tint tootleggers so thor- spring and prog ponds what is inside a man is euro to flnd it way out out of the abund ance of the heart he mouth spcaketh ha may be gentlemanly in appearance talk like an oracle und be ub open handed as a prince but when you hear a man brouk out into a vtfo oath or tell a filthy story you can put it down that he 1 living over a cesspool the mouth of the righteous is a well of lire the wise man in tho original said a living aprlng the greater than bolomon said ho that drlnketh of the water that 1 shall give htm shall never thirst for the water that i ahull give him shall be in him a wll or water eternally springing up there are people who water everybody and everything with which they come in contact there are others who leave a trail of miasma and death be hind uiem are you a well of life or itairnant frog pond do you bring refreshing and cleansing wherever you go or do people have to fumtgato the sir after you pass the mouth of the righteous man is a living mpting keep it cleans bolomon in shoo and leather journal more or less true time is not money yet people ore always spending lu if a man return aborrowed um brella its sure sijtt that he has conscience dogs cant talk but you always know what they mean wuh some men it i different in after years a married man won ders why he failed to appreciate a soft snap when he had it occasionally a mans greatness can be traced tn the marriage of the woman of his choice to some other man as the thermometer given a contiuu- ouspcrformance yyar after men swear first at one end of it then at the other the example of good men is visible philosophy -7- anon jwebi rerem ttttd eyes i mhrtcniiimfaia gj at ytar service 1n the fall a persons fancy swiftly turns to thoughts of clothes- fall and winter apparel of ever description inrtioalng all the- newest style fsnei and at prices that invite comparison anywhere are now being- shown at our spacious store we are now equipped better than ever to cope with the everincreasing business coming to our store and respectfully solicit the continuance of your valued patronage and also extend an invitation to new friends to come and judge this store for themselves we are always at your service with courteous and honest treatment d brill co phone 167 georgetown 1 hodja8 threat a rrfon who knew both turks and irishmen very well glrwhllam wht tali atithor of turklah storlea and tumbles luta dlocornnd an unexpected and diverting similarity between tho notions that form the basis of un iktputar humor in anstolla and in co n nn ugh 1 why the quickwitted irish and tho slow and sedate turks should havn the name sense of the humorous is a profound mystery thit hlr willlomnidmltn ha cannot under- tnd the turkish kind is coarser snd more grotesque than thelrlsh he says but they certainly aro of the same typa thus an irishman picks up ti sovereign one dy which turns out to be a light one worth only 17 cdawl he refuses to pick up another the next day because rorsooth ho lost 2a sd by picking up its sister tha dsy be for under the same confusion of ideas nnsreddln llodja because through his donkeys straying ho lost hi lellsse which he had thrown on tho packoaddio punishes the animal by taking off tho packsaddle from it back and carrying ity home on his own back threatens nbver to replace it on the ass until the pelisse is found in the same way too having quarrel led with the- villagers whose cowherd he had become he threaten them with terrible vengeance upon which one of them asks him what will you do o tlodfjat will you let our cow stray osd become the food of wolves t worse than that replied tho hodjs will you set fire to our vtlluot asks tha villager again much worse than that he replies well what wll you dot tell us says the villager ill tell you replies the hodja til yrork for you for a whole year and when the time oomea for you to pay me my wages til throw tho money into your faces and go away i si k for c0u6hs colds 5 g and bronchitis in power economy and debendnbiliti the m- laulilin buiclt valveiiihead engine stands in a class by popularity year tgter year proves it r fisher king bepnesentatives tor thisr district georgetown oat mclaughlin buick fosters guelphs foremost fashion shop announce their great which commences thursday oct 30 and continues for ten days only victory boiidlntenest when your interest coupons become due or yjietrpu receive cheques forlntetest on regbtat bonds deposit them in a sav- ings account tn the bank of montreal the money you receive on your investment in bonds will then earn interest for you u b shore manager actod branch ifbankof montreal established over loo yesri the gfeeatest event scheduled on the stores calender this year is our november sale wlien our entire 60000 high grade stoek of womens and misses new winter coats suits dresses fur coats skirts sweaters blouses gloves hosiery underr wearj etc will be offered at substantial pricesavings what could be more timely fl it arrives now just at the beginning of a blustering eoll winter the opportunity to purchase your entire winter clptliing needs at extraordinary pricesavings the exceptional offerings presented are a result of many weeks of curefulplanning numerous buying trips and last but not least unlimited cooperation of a num ber of canadas foremost apparel manufacturers we cordially invite the ladies of acton and vicinity to jjittehd thisthq greatest moneysaving event of the year fosters 128132 wyndham st guelpk ont f tf- j- f 1 wi

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