Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 30, 1924, p. 4

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y y v tiie nparc or fyp adojrf3tejri00 lidka weekly nwpr awocutlo umbt saftfcud towa wmujm onurlo jbtlxbad rj thurkuynwaui t tbcvrc building mill slrwt jutoa pewrio t mcp4ioo price u m pr r to adveaee potuii charted addltwij to aactt in lb uiited sulci that tute to which ambacripuoa paid u loaticated cm the sddrcm labcl a0vkbtisma itatet ttalet edwtiat- dtcat to cent pw lie mw for fire intwruw md 5 eu per 11a tor each wsbee- idbcrtioat contract dfaplap will be imtarttd ttu lortrfd teutfhohvs edjtorui ud boiimii ooce hcsldsrae erf preside thursday morning october 30 1924 editorial a very crrilume campaign considering- thomomcnriusissuo at stake and the thoroughness with which both parties were pre pared tor the campaign it is to the credit of tho community that the contest was carried on with a minimum of friction llqw legislation ia a matter over which- men differ sharply yet they were able to discuss tho problem and arrive at a conclusion with personal abuse almost entirely eliminated london advertiser j canada has one law for all it is a commendible feature or our national life that canada has one jaw for rich and po6r are peter smith tho trusted treasurer of ontario for three years and aemclius jarvis sr head of tho jarvis arm of millionaire bond dealers were tried for conspiracy to defraud the provincewere found guilty and were given severe sentences in the criminal assize court at torontalast week natur ally there is much pity for the offending financiers at the samo time there is general satisaction that their prominent positions did hot influence the ad ministration of justice towards leniency in any way neighborhood newts- town and country milton a itellbweeh heclet will be held in knox church lhleerenlnc a night of winder myateryvand fun all ooa- umnd if poeelble tn town eae ere noe so centa per doaen and butter 40 cent per pound ctunbtna up the milton oolf club bare purebae- od the old jtallla farm on the aaeoad line trerelfer end will turn it into- a golf couree t 1 au tbe brickmakin worka located near bare are now in fllll operation aaeln entfelpaunaa xreat- domendfor their product next eprlnr when build lnaopereuona beatn in earneet al over the country thoee aretwo real nloe houeoa belea built by air mokensle on woodward avenue and by mr dunn over at the uouaneld survey not very large but uptodate and edrotortable fteforpl carries blunder kjtue canie had been inetruoted to leern a scripture yoreo will the word good in it accordingly her parenta uugljt her l la uwrul to do good bn the webbeth day the little maid repeated bar teat niany tlmea eoftfy to hereelf before the beginning of tllo general exerclee in which all the nnndey ecbool claeecs were to join then when her torn oeme eho eent a ripple over the aud- enbeby reciting in clear but llaplng aooente it le awrul to be good on tlio sab bath day heavier fines for speeding the authorities are determined to discourage speeding as much as possible and to this end are advising magistrates to impose heavior lines tho statute gives the magistrate wide discretionary powers and the maximum penalties provided are high a letter was sent out to magistrates last week in which this instruction was given i havo to ask your worship to impose fines that will keep the motorists down to traffic regulations during that past few days speeding motorists have been fined 16 20 and 50f the casualties to children have been deplorably frequent and it is felt that strong measures must be taken to reduce these accidents v the duly of tbe hour the duty or the hour is to give the ontario temperance act a fair chance under a far more ef fective system of enforcement than has yet been adopted it wul not do to say that the enforcement otjbe lair by previous governments wasooj effoc- s tlie question is what can be done now by tbe jjferjruson government which ordered the plebiscite i promise- to abide by the result the present and tit duty of the government is to enforce the law jnatach a manner as to strike terror into the hearts vijib evildoers athe globe reaction of the western provinces a fdrjcasiof the reaction of tho western pro- is to the result- of the ontario plebiscite has given by w b bayley independent labor member of the manitoba legislature the wsern qttilces now thoroughly disgusted with their ex- flent in governroentsoldsealed alcohol will lie relieved by rheverdlct given iq ontario be crjbe duty of the dry advocates having escaped ifeti by a reduced margin is to continue their rlty with the object of securing fulfilment of the nments promises of better enforcement of the domed legislation the next step is certainly agi- on to secure dominion legislationagainst mapu inipdrtation and exportation of alcoholic igearu- gyijv onurios decisive verdict fjffitte people of ontario have spoken and spoken hrely by a majority of between 40000 and they have eipressed their desire to retain the tiric- temperance act- and reject the proposed pb known as government control but whose oniwero never formulated iq a concrete bill 366vernment of tiie day requested the people pvp expression to their preference this has been it now rests with the government to imple- the pledges made by premier ferguson before arcttftion on the plebiscite these pledges were ly 1 to strengthen the act where weak places roeen found by experience- toexist and 2tp afpr the strict enfdrcement qfthe provisions jit law the mandate of the people was invited jjjjjj the government 1s definitely authorlred to etigtben the law andenforco it the latter will ps be somewhat difhctilt but the power to do ravaiuble and we have every confidence that the sjer and his government will honestly endeavor 1their pledges they will 6e greatly assisted omjlish tbla if the citizens of ontario will co- jtte irrall reasonable ways- by this course law- ejrftwill promptly and effectively be taught that h law must be respected and its- provisions revenoiea from summer tourists the tourist trafflcinto canada is year after year qlningagrowinglyl important factor in ffnancial bts it is a matter of common knowledge lhat 1 number of tourists especially from the united gtttes who make canada a summer holiday resort en steadilyincreasing but few win bttprepared learn that io ono province of thej dominion that fnew brunswick the estimated revenue from aurists amounu to nearly three million dollars iijboeark equal- to the total provincial revenue 60earlmateof1be tourist assoolation is that 70000 roirltajeam0 to now brunswick during the summer these speot on an average of forty dollarsand wrof them would spend more than twice that hotrnt the rota wouurealixe the estimate named jmjiewbruuswick is only one smalt section of the ijion though a vary attractive summer resort hpther maritime provinces are becoming equally ilabroad for their charmingtscenery salubrious dalte and facilities for healthful enjoyment while bee and ontario and the great pacifio province jwfty isrger scale attractions for a travel- 5h now that oiir highways are sufficiently iraljced jo attract tourists acton may reasonably ir quota in yew of this reasonable pre- tlhould be made for the comfort aid con- of those wbp desire to make this an objoc- for tourist campfng our park is adfllr- vadapted for this artd ifthe ctatomsrf oon- ces are available will no doubt attract riuui- rho would otherwise pass us by and iocatbt ytherppint onthe highway ottrpk so fttojfclwwtgafiihjiii 8djcenit jo ho centre- of the worlttlri imitifas tsbu titiourinmotortitsad np tfropir mensat0tlebt dlrsi to entire clemit tidy streets if- citizen generally will cooperate with the council our streets will be kept more tidy and pre sentable at the meeting of the council last week a bylaw was passed entitled a bylaw to prevent the throwing or leaving bf wase paper and refuse on the public tb6roughfares the bylaw inits preamble aays whei council has provided receptacles for then deposit of waste paper and other similar refuse at various places on the streets of the municipality and whereas in the interest of the general appearance qf the town t is desirable to prohibit throwing about of such waste paper and refuse on the streets be it therefore enacted that no person or persons shall throw or leave anywhere other than in the receptacles above mentioned tfntle highways streets- or thoroughfares within the muni- dpalfty of actons any ppft fruit skins bottles glass or other refuse penalties and costs are pro vided for infraction this effort of the council to preserve tidy streets will -be- appreciated by citizens generally all citizens should cooperate to accom plish the results desired erin mr thoa mcqurr ha teumd mr b crobjrji farm on tho leui ldroile mr and mrs roty lntand tnovlna to erin viuake mr wlllura onty hulaburf rtai nd- from lht wtwt mr c j mcmillan hlllaburc ba vnturntrcl noma altar vlaluns with his claushter in the xvat hillaburr sohol raopened laat weak attar the tffa weelu vacation takan for potato plcltlnr th ideal weathat allowed tho potato hanreat tj b almoat comptotad rovival aarvloes arabolng hold at the chrtauan chqreb under the luidr erahlp of rev 13 m morlsjpr smith of weat laorpe tbejr betfan on friday evgnlna october x4 and will continue forwo weeka the following is a lhft of offloani elected for the year jtmltsg by the weill nt op county junior fannertf improyement aaaoclation bon pre- ident a moxxeb qaeipti praal- dont henry whealer hltlabui lat vicepresident clarence petty bock wood 2nd vicepresident jaa bur- hqttf b3ora secretary treasurar walter huxley hlllaburs mr fredoelaiiey left at this office a rernarkablb aatnple at potatoes srown on thn farm which he recently sold to mr- btubblnaton theywere ot the uncolct variety elcbtacfo- fsarketable potatoea welahtna pounda and ajf fcrown la one bin the scoyt and auldsmoihera as- aoclation held their annual- event on thursday october 19 at the new scout haadquajttera at theachool all of ficers weretealected for the comlna year- advocate some diamond xjaadat certainly i a beautiful ensksement rln what plxa la dal dlamon raatua rjat la tie 20year install ment auet- beafitifid bhd ccaiiheotttbar tgopagewnfbotk urnthf yoaqvto burlinqton a 6oldl sample of liberty the moderation league has been preaching liberty but some of their fellows are not willing to let otber people havi their liberty tjiis week fwo newmarket dtiiens who haye been active supporters of the o t a havo received threatening letters signed with a skull aodjcrossbonesl tbey af mir j e harvery of the expresherajldnd revp l graham pastor of the christian church if there had only been ohefetter we would have been inclinsil to take it as a joke but under the- circumstances e are led to believe that there must be one or two very evilminded persons in this community who need watching the penitentiary was built for suchpeople newmarket era down in almonte in lanark county a similar type of liberty was manifested when tbe night of the election afusilado of stones was thrown through twerity windows in the home of mr james lindsay secretary of almonte plebiscite committee a quiet inoffensive citizen the town council have offered a reward for the apprehension of the party guilty of this dastardly action it is this kind ot liberty which will bring total prohibi tion of the manufacture importation and transporta tion of intoxicating manor the sooner into effect r- 7 i ed1toh1al notes prohibttionlsts are already looking toward general federal law to ban the userif iiqnor all over the dominion it may taxe years but they wil never rest content without makinga try at it some time in tbo not distant future guelph mercury local pride ia based upon a patriotic egard r affection for tbetown in which you live and is almost as natural a sentiment as family pride like family pride it maybe useful and patriotic that is one of the reasons why we naturally appreciate the ere- tion of attractive stores and residences and feel an interest in tho tearing down orremovat of ahacks and unsightly structurea generally an observant educatlonistwhohas had practical experience for many years- makes tho encouraging assertion that teachera never taught so well school buildings were never so full adapted to their purposes and tbe public was nover so appreciative as now in nt period in the past has there been so goneral a realization that education is the biggest job in all the world in the judging of exhibits at tbe dairy show at london england last week hold under the auspices of he british farmers association cheese bacon and honey from ontario were well to the lore in the classes open to the overseas dominions in- batter however all prizes went to australlaand all priifs foreggs were takot by soujh africa whjle can adian producers excel in the lines named there is evidently room for efforts to iipprov in the manu facture of buttera mosmmportant dairy product v ht contrasts provetvery effectively the advancement of sclenma inventions and their adaptability to pljtnrrauniunrooaditions an lllusira- uatkiu jjj roving is ahowo ihen whstfnley dlacovored llv- the rotters handed fthja point on lake tjftj be sentfrom -ifl- the town council has a byjaw to appoint a police commission hon and bey ir cody exmjnlater of education la to be the apeakar at the high school commencenient on ftidsr november 7 mr and mrs a p cllbbons returned home from a motor trip to british columbia on saturday last they re port an intareatliuy and enjoyable outlnf the hlh school will hold their ajuuinl maaquerade at the hifh jaaoo- on halloween nbjht there will t prises ottered toe the best costumes the annual poppy aale under j auiplcea bf the a w v a- w1u be held on monday november jo mr svedia booker principal of the fcaat end school tendered his reals nation to the public school board to accept a position in toronto the board held a meeting hut tuesday nlghfand accepted the reabrnauon an oldtime concert entitled a hundred years aso vu1 be siren by knoyc church choir- in ha town hall about- the middle of novamber pur- ttr notice later v toa ctsra bj moore mission circle will hold a maaauerad in the sunday bobool room on thursday evenlna october 10 a rood drognunmo la belnir arrahred and pure will be played deputy beeye nloholeon reported to the council that be had been to tor- onto in connection with the proposal of tbe chamber of commerce to have the hjrdro properly on the west side ofiioouat street uaed aa a tourists camping atoantvand the hydro com- mission iiad steed to the oaxette icious and hea forab ul tsfl want to ctort ea ytmr ttiaf weava watrvtr ltiibn to taeck weald be swmua bmtlmrs eutatmburtr tatuak of thto let la eeat aectkm wlu um aemlta their faxmlne wqi yea tmeal fear aaisi aad adeeaf tsxll as wttleb htad yam vntlmbuu feenea er ptmtmm ctntl uwlrteajea bom jh m taa fee set ta arak weavs eaw il away free mail thjts coupon now qeorqctown the town 4joimcll has encssod clarke huetonc auditors for the corporation for the year at a cost of fs mr willis chapman ezujtneer of toronto har been appointed water works enctiieer at a fee ot 15 per jrear at least four inspacuons per yeer i bf made the ofboara for ieorgetowix cuf una club for tbe season have been elected as follpws honorary presidents major grant win wckay presi dent col o j brown 1st vloe pre sident bd mowhlrter 2nd vloopfe sldentv j b wiuos secretary john kelly treasurer j i thomponj audjtors j b alackensla w flreen- sward a rally of tbetountf peoples so- cletles in town was held in knox church last wedneaday evenlns when aplendld proctamme waa ayanr by tbeyouna people of nerval and ad- dreaaea deunred by rava dooalab nerval and stewart of acton major and mrs h m kennedy were tendered a reoeption by friend and relavlvaa at mr and mrs j w ken- nedya last bvlday a venfnjf mr j bmackeoale returned home laat week irom a trip to the ooast and acoompanted- by mra j b mackensie they are opendinc a holiday at atlantic city n mr lou prenuaa of new york and mr miller prentiss of toronto were ih town during the week visiting heir mother who has been feulte 111 but is slowly improving mr john lasngan our esteemed townsman celebrated his siit birth day a abort time alro ills many friends will be plecsed to learn that h suir snjaya good health n onelu a sqn hve just blao- two fin nsw a gasoline purapa in front of their garage thu firm believe tn fteeplnar uptodat nd eodeavor in every way to aire their many customers the hsjt or aervloev herald notauiltv anvwav magistrate til bay to fine ye dolhujr j jtav- til have to borrow it offn rw jedge- mautrste- snmkesl it i only tw git adouar that z was fining ye crt out t alatt guilty any- yukkly dlsapprwhb thqirthpiaium v jar0otwo cannllan cereal co xtdv 49 front 8t bast toronto out wee mtkm e h i lertef parfen ta ai e qeteij u dfstant poamic qcmdiriilk p08tuh cxbsai dmfnft tnstant postum offers everytliiner you desire in apieal- tdme beverage it is delightful invigorating fragrant with the great advantage of safety for one and all it ia absolutely pure and wholesome free from the poisons caffeine and tannin found in tea and coffee which are the frequent cause of poor sleeping excitable nerves indigestion and similar troubles better health goes hand in hand with instant postum instant postum a pure cereal beverage is particularly delicious and whole some for children when made with hot milk try it this way fora richer smoother flavor economical tcosts halfacent a cop aak for it at your restaurant your club and on die train for those who prefer it there is postum cereal made by boiling for twenty minutes accept carrie -filanch- ards offer send the coupon canadian postum cereal ccv lirntted head office 45 front st east toronto xaetoxy wbdaor ontario theres a reason yon know bow many children do not like tbe taste 61 milk you know bow tbev like to nave tbe earner drink as the grownups yon know too bow fooa it i for them to bse a tor drinkl make instant postum for them using hot milk tnstead of boulae watart tfasvu like tbe usta immedlstelyl and they will get the food element of wheat plsaj thenoiuutnxtest of milk in a hot drink thar is economical and so eaev to makaf w bnajpess directory dr j a mcniven phyelolan and surgeon oflloe and ileeldence corner bower ayenu end zhgln street pi i on b if dr e j nelson j vtuddsimck fttuklet f aeten ontario lkoal ebone jlo tl p o box til harold nash farmer m a barrister bollokor notary public conveyancer bto perrvman vtttck acton ont money rprrr on montaaoea hours m0 ajrn to t pm satardaya 1300 oclock t r ha meir rlster sollelter notary publle oeoraetown out okntal dr j m bell d d s dentlet honor oradoate ot toronto univer sity tbe lateet aneethetlo ued tf dealred 9 offlos at reeldanoa corner hill and rrederlok street dr f g gollop dds ld3 dental r offloe over bank of nova beetle houb0 sj0 o 6m bvenlngs by appointment mi9ccllaneous franos nunan bekinder account books of ell klnda mad to rder periodloala of every description erafuibr bound rullna neatly and promptly dona wyndham street guelph oat over winhuns store phonee offloe j rtm s7w dra l price chtbopeactic klecnmthbbapy 130 upper wyndham street guelph over u teexe experience consultation free how to safeguard the future when yoa think of possible deprivation of income for your family yo perhaps consider only tbe possibility of your death f rojit natoral eaosea but there are three other possible routes to poverty for your loved ones and it is veil to provide against them all theree accident which removes so many in the prime of life theres the loss of earnlngpower ctused by disability of tho breadwinner either through illness or accident j and anally there is the retirement frem lifos activities when overtaken 6y om age often without any savings vj do you know that you can protect yourself and your family against all four of juiess rcontihgencies in onecottipete pojlcy such a policy is now issued by tho north american life assurance company a policy that pays 4 way death 3 total disability accident 4 old age tbla the fullest insurance coveringavailable would pay your benebcary on a 10000 contract at your 10000 if death be accidental 20000 if you become totally disabled through accident or sickness this lo000 contract paya 1 100 to you each month foryour lifetime 2 all future premiums on your policy as they fall due 3 10000 te your estate at death yvbite fofc full partiollarb op this policv that pay four walf noiiliitnitbice r j assurance cpmiaii solid as the cofrrinent- hkao bficijtiwf rc walls dtotrietv s04s bank op hamilton lit do r j kerr auctioneer and real estate acent 17 tears kxperlanoe acton ontario sales entruated to r j kerr re ceive attention from date oflutlna to date of mle 10at your ealee with me realdenoe bower avenue acton phone sc acton call at my expense -j- start on monday at gorfph boatecas college quelph ontario- approved courses indirmuaj inatniction ewry graduau located it i a fact t there are good remuneratlvo poaluons awatukc you when thoroughly qualllled a l bouck principal and proprietor finpravlng torlchmdmosrvijt cueronto ganaoh good glasses u yoa need ttiemgood advice if you doiw our fihwrninatione tu whethor your need la qiasses or a change in glasses a d savage optemetrl te oeiuullan paelde railway ce savaqe buildinq rlaht at tbe poet odloe ouilph ontario the om and beuable grulto and marweworks w ara uaaotaeturaia aaq eureo unportnv of aj kla4a or jcbmimealaj aad baadateoawork a aalldlreot to oar eaa awtinlaaale prioee tbtm aavla our anatoaaara aaisar oent w nave the beet apsuaaeaa and ha nlr naebanua m tbdomuuoii woo oatf operate iiiieiiinalli toola wooerlx ira aaa arra t ffian kuidiwia of oar inntmnaia tnttraam ana other i hav to bare tew jrelita th orantta la s tare r1raarld- noaenta ifuuatauiaea lantaaoilolt roiuy meahanloa- v s fi- vv mm

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