Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 30, 1924, p. 5

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fflljp alton ttttvebb tiluilhday october 10 1034 indian summer when summers vonlunt hoauty files and nuiumn riuws with richer dye a ftor rliorm beyond tbm lies ii in the indian slimmer i r wlnier snows ana wlntorrbreaie litirt ivn of buautyi all tha trees tin- linlmy spring renewal see in to itwout indian summer ami iliun dear love if early years hhvci ihuwncd tlio germ of joy in toorn a inter gloom of hops appears liimt llko tha indian lummor and ere the inowi of 040 descend i truat tne tleur one chanjfdleg friend our falling years may brightly end joit llkr the indian summer samuel xovei twenty years ago from tha issue of the free press of thursday novtmbir 3 190 it lo reported thaf clark 11 hotel till be rebuilt and eiilurgfiti nnxtsprlng mril j mushier of actoltmloller ullls is doing thn urgoat business thin all in the history or tho mill for ykrari large quantities of turnips ore be ing shipped from acton a number of coxa of sugar boats liave also been loaded bore mr e w grace buicfeer had the good fortune lust wook to receive cheque fur 1000 a legacy from the estate of a relative in enland mr julf drvltt munjurer mordmnts dank tins found it jjiacassary to re move to tha rooms over the bank ow ing to thf sale 1 of the residence on bower avenue he has occupied the vuai year or so mr william hamstreet has negotl atod the soo of the atone house 01 main street belonging to the ken- nody estato to mr thomas obrien for jfcoo 00 contractor j b mnckonsle has pur chased from mr c c speight the una building lot at thecornet of church andt main streota ho intends build- ing a double tenement of good sub- etan mm design postmaster matthews la considering the re- arrangement and improvement or the post oflloo with a view to pro viding more room for the publla and an additional nurabor of letter boxes tll fust passu is still doing busi ness in the old baptist church and will bo gktd to meet subscribers pier at uny time for a couple of weeks after that wo expect to be in our line new quarters on the site where this paper has held iway for oven twenty- qvo years mr a q clarrldge haa purchased the dairy business or messrs arthurs sfr clarrldges paat experience in the dairy business enable him to serve tha patrons of the spring- creek dairy with equal satisfaction the sunday school j less0m jor sunday november 2 4 t r trained for the part it often happens that tricks of the simplest kind arouse the wonder and curiosity of a public gathering more than the most wonderful and delicate mechanical effects an american pioyiwriter lolls of introducing cat t on the stage and of the way she was trained to play bar part the whole scene says the manager excited interest bul the eat created mora talk n4 wonder than any other actors b9dh use everyone la famllar with the habits of cats and we know how difficult it la- to teaeh one to per form even the simplest trick every nlghf at a certain point this cat came on the stage walked across to the ore place stretched herself and then lay down in front of the biasing hearth for we burned real flrv in a gas log to make the scene more real istic and natural the cat did ber port so easily and naturally that she frequently got a round or applause and t always hap- pened that before we had played three nights in a town the most popular topic of conversation was bow did 1 they ever train that cat to come out on the stage stretch herself and he down in front of the arer night after night the cat took hoc cue and went through her little act to the wonder and delight of all be holders it realty seemed like a re- markable performance on her part but after all her education was a very simple matter a few minutes before it was time for her to go on we used to put her in basket just large enough tohold her comfortably with out giving her a chance to change her position and then leave hbr in a octal place id the cellar at the proper time she was brought up stairs and released at the entrant in time to answer ber cue of course she walked t across the etape to where the fire was burning and when she got there what else- waatbero for hen to do but to mjretoa herself as u measure of-re- lef and then he down urhhe warmth if the biasing nret 7fca fact is it rouldjtavo been very- difficult indeed o train hsr to do anything else under bv elroumstanees imodioals prevention and rbhcielulrti 16 1124 goldentext i will arlno and go to my father luke 16- ib the text explained verso 13 the younger therefore second in position to his brother the portion 6f thy substance that falleth to mo half of what the alder received that is one third idoul 71 17 the demand though unusual was not un known lri the east divided unto them the father given tho elder eon his portion also but he remains at homo verse 12 not many days after hie plans have been made and he quickly executes them gathered all together belling land and turning very thing into moneyhe departs ap parently nottpafffurn wasted his substance whhtrlotous living tjho boy knew nothlngof the labor and self- denial with which the money had ben acquired and ha squandered it as thoughtlessly as ho hud received it vers 14 he began to bo in want his manner of living had not brougnt him friends in need verse 16 joined hfmsolf to one of the cluions of that country in this young jews becoming dependent upon a foreign or oprno fnrvo soon an allusion lo tho jewish notions loss of inde pendence and becoming vlributary to rome to feed swine to tho jews swine were peculiarly unclean honco a most odious task n verse 1 tho husks that the swlno did eat the pods of the carob te still common in palestine no man gave unto him these people cared nothing far a halfstarved foreigners verse if- when he came to himself his revelry had extinguished tho thought of homo now alone and in want he begins to long for it hired servants casual laborers comparable to tramps they were inferior in posi tion to slaves verse 18 i will rise he roused himself from his lotargy nnd despair jiadh failed to do sohe wauldhave perished in hopeless remorse against heaven tho word henven wo com monly used for god the prodigal knew uiacduobodlenco to parents was displeasing to god verse 19 make me as one of thy hired servants in hfs humiliation he asks this as a favor it is better than his present position verse 20 he arose ho immodlato ly acta upon his good resolution while he was yet afar off his father saw him probably the father was looking for him and recognised him even in bis was moved with compassion and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him- the fathers welcome is given before ihe son haa spoken a word toe father does not know in whalsdlrij he has come it la enough thathe haa returned v verse jt bring forth quickly the father speaks no word of reproof the prodigal has aeen his folly the beat robe a lour and stately robe worn ceremonial occasions a ring probably sumet ring indicating some authority id the bouse shoes san- dals worn by free men- slaves went barefooted verse 23 patted calf reserved for some approaching feast lesson themes this teaching of jesus usually call ed the parable of the prodigal son has really a threefold lesson and there are three themes wbtch should engage our attention in if study the qreedaf tb elder older son in this famllyhowed i tantly an attitude of aeuintereet hiu thrift grew into rred and hia recti tude of conduct vas poisoned by sec- rlghtmusnasaknd an ungracious and unbrolherfyj spirit thrift la to be commended but his greed which made him finally axnlaer la to- be aa sharply condemned while hia younger brother confesses his sin without excuse ho boasts of- his uprightness and makes no confession of his selfishness hie attitude toward life was deliberately selfcentred and he was also a prodi gal wasting in his narrowness the high values of his soul the prodigality of the younger bon the prodigality of the younger son is th lesson most frequently enforced in interrupting this parable in his case there la the same deliberate self- centred attitude but expressed in an other wayj that of the spendthrift who plans to go away and stay away from home the bitterness of hia ultimate poverty caused him to consider bhr viclous course apd he was rescued by hia repentance and hia return he changed his attitude toward life his elder brother did not and remained a raiser both were unworthy sons both brought heartbreak to a devoted father a fathers forgiving heart the truth which shines like a jewel in this threefold paramets the forgiving love ftf kha fnhnpbltthkrf dirt 111 itlaa look for record game season 7 aunt imcvs ourqlar receptions of the common kind may be guided by a manual or euquettr bbjt when the question a one of re ceiving s burglar tha oracles axe duxnb and the surprised unwilling sg moat ftet for herself aunt watta whd lives in a lonely puse on the falmouth road near maine originated a method fthsrs might vary well adopt 1 method presupposes presence of courage and truthfulness but hearj exercised the resjipv should be atlsoaetory cs in her case she tells ftory in her brief brisk decided v ruth n tha young ones had ion e to jwaterville to spend the day and left me all soul alons all but this drafted afaeumatia that stayed w right by roe samee most gen does 1 worried mo so t 1 went w bed at dovk a ibrht in- my eyes waked mo up suddyiv mans the middle o the alftht the liusa big feller with a cloth tyfirr hi 1 atsuvln eat inside the door otberl ynat ye want says v t ihe silver r says he iinti th aint none soys l laugfabd bavl silver i jeennsd t kod o discourage hlm yiioved backwards 1 says i agin latch the door leaver nn thstq i shook up turned over n wept to n he ddnl take nothlnv joldbn thought j ur to must alwfyji be progressive a must always than in ta d mare or better lt tijies lr s johnson a dwiy is bound j lis is boupd to make the small olrsfle h which he lives bette- und hapdtler each of us is bound to hml tuutlaut of that snaalt circle the wldes good may flow a p staney tho meet happy socrutif r was won to aaf they are most hapby and tbvgods wtm need nohflnganon j 1 oo net oeepali men nelednpt despair of the future of reilgion humanity s a great phil osopher ajarmed if nof destined par- manently t inhabit rirlnsc r a 0 jbtvttrn more eggs from each hen the nee of hens la to la tgx andt hens will positively liy more eggs guaranteed it you put a dose of pratts poultry regulator lri thafeed every day your dealer is autboctxed to give back your money k it falls whte for ttg book rpattvoop oo of cawan itt toronto oflho fathers ibeart since jesus ha4- so much to aar concerning tho father we may suppose that this was tho truth which he desired most td en force this view is in strict keeping with the savlaurs life and message the father is here represented aa con siderate end tender toward the com plaining pharisaical older son and his fprgtvlnir spirit is shown in his heart- welcome for the humble repentant prodigal boy for the love of qod is broader the measure cf mans mind and the heart of the btermu is most wonderfully kind prevention better than curs the study of this threefold parable enforces sn adage that prevention u better than cure lt was una indeed to re ceive the repentant younger son and give him hu place in the fathers hom and heart it was line indeed to ex tend patient consideration to the selfish elder brother and have him under stand that he had lost nothing fey hut younger brothers restoration but it would have been finer still if the greed of the one and prpdlgalltyof he other could have been prevented we are from danger but ws should hays aqua f n wdt efch- lfg of thsvoung that they will not ng that they will not be brougrjt into bp terrifying stress for study and discussion to whom did jesus address this par able of the prodigal son had lh youngerun mny right to ask foj- his portion of the fathers goods t did this division affect in any way the interests of the elder brother t what was the reut of the younger sons prodigality what caused him ti chango his courser what was tha at tltude of the elder brothorr did the elder brother change in his reetlngst which is worse greed or prodigality t did the fathers heart have a plaoe for bojih sinful sons p dealing with prooreee worthy or a rational lhutjsln is prevention tetter than curet dly readings for next week monday november j john 4 1ir tuesday november 4ex it lllo wednesday november t 1 kings thjrsday november johri s17 friday novembev 7 john b 4181 saturday november 1 john si si- sunday november 0 psalm 107 j requisite on the facffhkvery farm or aad stockraiser should keep j supply ofdr thonuts bejeotrla ol on hand not only as a ready remedy for ills in the family but because lt is a horai and cattle medicine of great potency las a substitute for sweet oil or horsesvand cattle affected by colic it fac surpasses unyihln that can be adminutarsd returning victorious from the chess vis the 8t lawrence river tho moouff apd doerbunting season is now in full swing in thn provlnoe of quebec and the indications are that game la more abundant than it has been for many years this fact to gethcr with ho rainy weather of the summer which caused many sports men to postpone their visit until fie fall may quite possibly lead to a record season the fish and game preservation policy of the provincial government which lias resulted in the phenomenal increase of wild life is of interest to all sportsmen interviewed on jho subject recently mr j a belleteto superintendent of thai branch of the oovrrmnent concerned in ibis policy said for tho post tlfteen years we have cancentrated game preserva tion in this province this has been most effectively accomplished by the eataullihment of small preserve which ara leased to private bah and game dubs wo have now no less than bod of these and are working steadily to establish more as a condition of tho loose we insist that each club provide ut least two fully qualified game war dens whom we license ha such toe result is that we have 100 game wardens more than our own corps of about ik maintained at no expense to the government a for larger number than wo could possibly supply were we compelled lo do- so from public funds were it- not for this policy urge tracts of country into which tha fish and game overflow from these pre serves would be utterly destitute of such life oo account of the great num bers of sportsmen drawn into ttw province over whom wo could exorcise little or no effective control aa it is the whole country teems with trophies awaiting- the sportsman whether he belongs to a club or not as a proof of the increase of gams mr belle isle continued i might say that moose bear and deer have lately been seen even in he suburbs of our cities and towna of recent years a roooao was shot in the very heart of dlunbeo city in tne square between the uanltlca and the elty hall and another near a largo apartment house a stones throw from tho parliament ouhdlngs on another occasion bear was shot in the suburb of sl koch alt over the province this in crease in apparent lako mcgantic the ijlurentlana tho qatlncau volley temlskamlng klpawa st maurice lake kdward manlwakl and other places on the canadian pnclqo lines are packed and to clinch mr llollelsles case the fallowing comes to hand from the tomklp cump on ike temlskam lng moose deer and bear are very plentiful this season especially moos they are oil over tho place i have been but for four dnys with a party from now york city who have never eien anything like the abundance of game wo have here shortcake and discipline tlio slernnenj of tho lloman fnthor resembles that which must be exercis ed somoumos by u trainer of athletics the coach of tho cornell university boat crew la as strict as any such disciplinarian as bo demonstrated on certain occasion when he had an eightoared crew at the pink of per fection tha squad had been moved topoughkeepsle says the new tork telegraph and upon its first trial spin was conceded by the experts to have f tflsa i t ii as good as won toothing re mained but to keep the men in condit ion sadly to say it was the strawberry- shortcake season exactly throe days before the race against the picked crews of the eastern universities five members of the cornell crew encount ered in a poughkeepsle restaurant n strawberryshortcako like those mother used to make possessed of appetites that months of steady exer cise had itullt up thoy devoured the shongcake even to tho lust crumb the news of that breech of disci pline tame speedily to tho- ears of coach courtney the next mornlns ftve shamed r faced young athletes stood before him and by their humi- cjtnftvledged that they hod stray i rrorn the narrow path outxypu got said mr courtney but thvove believed that in numbers lojc thelrsttrength you cant row a boat raeevltb only a crew of three they exclaimed in unison it wouldsi quite the somelf the whole boat-los- of you had done this thing replied fcbjirtney qol that afternoon a new crew repre sented tho red and white in the prac tice spins up and down the hudson newspaper reporters immediately rushed to the telegraph offices apd wired to their chiefs cornell prac tically out of the race five sub stitutes will row in the race day after tomorrow mr courtney said noth- oraybalred alumni who were bei ginning to reach poiig blue pale in order to cheer their college to victory oafled upon the coach and begged to rectnd his der still he silent a formil protest from twtfnder graduate body was placed before him hia eyes merely looked away into space the five deposed men- waited upon him again admitted they had erred but declared that the one short cake had wrought no evil then and only then courtney thun dered obodlonre to discipline la a fundamental rule of this navy dot 01d college men will remember the outcome of that raeo- bow the ave substitutes proved to bo a good if not better than the regulars and how they simply rampi d over tho course in record time winner by weverel lengths shortcake did u was the cornell ejogan that night i really did not expect my boys to win after that shake up exclaimed mr courtney f ter the race but i know that i would never have to oon- tend with shortcake again old bills thanksqivinq treat well he is this kind of a man said the ilverystablo keeper when 1 asked him about his townsman deaooi qpdyke last year tho deacon had some extra work to do on hia farm on tlie upper road and i hired out my old bill to him at the end of the month the horse cim- back in good condition the deacon paid the price and every one oanoerned was satisfied including old bui i guesv alng about thanks givlut time the deacon- dropped in here thrilled by witnessing a tragic reseu- and inquired about the horse seemed yeol pleased when 1 told him bill- was ipryer than evr after bu summers workj asked to see him but the hors waa out on a job qulte a member of society that horse is he sold and went qwy after inquiring how many harass i had in the stable boarders aiul ell thankojelvlag morning there waan t much doing here after the regular chorea were done and wo all sat round the office stove when the deacons hiretrman drove up- and unloaded gummy esok full of something i re member think i n be had borrowed that kind of a satisfied smile or the deuoon s as he asld i would nnd u note inside the bag r did and this was what lt said you wdl jlnd enough carrots to give every horse in the stable a good dessert after fhe regular meal today be sure and have them out one onough ao they wont choke iinti tell the horses that old bui is sundma treat thaf the kind of a man ive found 73econ opdyke lo be sold the livery man with what 1 thought whs con siderable oonvlctton heultq cannot be looked for in tho child that is subject to worm because worms destroy health by creating in ternal disturbances that retard devol- opranf and cause serious weakness- millers worm powders expel worm and are so banenctal in tholr action that ui systems trf the little sufferers are restored to healthfulnash all the dlacqmfuct ovd detuyer of worm in fection are removed and satisfactory growthis ase a recruit for suffrage looltlnraakanc at mr hyne coiob peaslee pursed his lips as if be wore in doubt about speaking tamely lothrell he finally an nounced with the air of dropping a bomb hag come out fiatfooted and shes goln to voter quit your fool in v mr hyne com manded i aint feelln like llstenin ro it my knee echln the way it is with rheums t ism t i aint foohn protested caleb you stretch your knee out there where the sunll hit and lemme tell you boutit so mr hyne stretched his knee into the wrm sunshine and listened i knows wells you do hyne be an caleb defensively that the last pusson in the world that a bodyd think- of settln herself up to vote would be pamely almost shes al ways teen such a quiet hideaway kind of critter but shes had a change ot heart slnoe day b fore yextday she tells me day b fore yestday afternoon caleb continued pamely waa oookln up some sort of a botch of victuals down tn the kitchen shed jest looked into the oven and shot the door and when she ris up there was a tramp big as life and dirty as a pigpen all in the doorway chockfull and leerin at her dreadful dlscomforun he didnt say noibln for a minute so jest kep on grlnnln at her kind of mooching and ugly and than lot that he wanted somethin to eat right off and i guess youd better hunt round he says and see if you cant find a dollar r two that i can borrer a spell when pamely rlx up to her foel caleb want on and faced tlielramp it fetched her back right agin the stair door that leads up mto the back hall way and her band fetched tbe door knob so quick as a flash she opened the door sitd dodged into the stairway and raced upstairs she hadntany moren got up there and ketgb4 her breath bfore it com ier how helpless she was up there holierin wouldnt help her any for tjarletfs folks wo all away and there want any other neighbors near- n a quarter of a mite and while she stood there wonderln what on earth she should do all at onoe it como over her bout her vlo uola in the oven there they was with every damper in the stove wide open probably burnln and that great trampooscr down in ber kitchen dom- inatln round dlcnow why tis mr peaslee conjectured but meddlin with u womans bakln is a good aealllke troumln an old mother bear with cub4 all at once pamely made up her mind she was goln to drive that tramp out of htsr kmaen and she began to hunt for eomgesav she coufd throw at him and the only namable thing she oould lay ber hands to waa a settln of ducks eggs that shed been savin for my wbe so she slid em into ber apron easy and star tod wjen she got to the foot of the stsir and swung tho door open there was the tramp jest bend in over the table hed been into the pantry and got some vlctuahv together and was jest goln to take a bite out or a doughnut when she hove the fust egg not bain used to throwtn she over went bun a pjte and tbe egg fetched up agin tbe clock right over his head with a bang ot to woke up a dead pusson he whirled to sea what 1 was and jest tliea pamtfty let fly an other egg and that fetched on his tore bead rbjht at the root of his hair and filled hi ym full and then pamely charged him whoopln at the top of ber voice cordin to pamely the tramp not being able to see anything with his eyes full or ducks eggs and not know in who nor how many mlghtbe after him made a blunderln drive for the door while pamely pelted him with eggs and screeched her lungs out and lo and behold when they fetched out into he road salemburnaby was dtivln by and he took charge of the tramp and drove bun off to tho lookup apd 1 guess concluded calbthal the whole thing sort of went if pameys head anyway she was ore to our house that night telltn bou it and she let on that if a critter like that tramp was lowed to vote qb was goin to oo bn as shed proved u be able to drive him let lone always support n herself and i alnt ppared to contend con eluded caleb tpal she aint right h safety rules for stoves and furnaces place stoves furnaces and pipes far enough from the walla and wood work to avoid overheating cover the nearest woorwork with sheet asbestos sheet iron or tin p iron or tin la used leave an air space behind it where stove pipes or heating pipes pass through the w enclose the pipes in galvanised iron double- walled ventilation thimbles at least twelve inches wider than the di ameter of the pipes protect the floor beneath the stove with sheet metal and have it extended forward at least twelve inches directly beneath the doorjf jho ashpit 8 surround- thebase of che furaaoe with brtok stone or cement s make sure that all pipes are free from rust and that nil points and tonnectlons are tight and sound 7 fit a guard about the pipe in the attic so that nothing may be stored about it never pour coul oil into r coal or wood stove whether tho fire is out or nol nover jiut ashes in a wooden box or barrel have a strong metal can i 10 study thn draughts and dampers 11 do not let tbe stove or pipes get red hot ii keep atoves furnaces flues and hlmneys clean is inspect the chimney and flues to bo sure thoy are sound 14 do not dry wood in the oven is do not bang wet dbthlng too near thi store 16 keep curtains away from the loves and pipes corns cripple ths feet yond make walking a torture yel sure relief in the shape of hollowaym corn remover is within reach of all a trick to try place three small biscuits on table la a row and cover each of them with a borrowed hat raise each bat tn turn gravely oa tbe biscuit and with appropriate pat- etonda suggestion of alolghfrof hand replace the hat now undertake that the thrse bis cuits shall be under whichever hat the audience may saltot the promise is easily fu filed by placing tha chosen jisi upon your head i ah oii thst i famous though canada waa not the birthplace of dr thomas cciectrla oil ltl the home of that famous compound from here its good name was spread to central and south america the west indies australia and new zealand that is far afield enough to attest its excel lence for in all bese countries lt is on sole and in ijemand a long farewell french politeness stand its poss in good stead on all sorts of occasions a frenchman who was staying at a hotel in edinburgh says answers asked ut the cashiers desk for his bill and was astonished to rind it so large he fell that ho had been plundered but he paid tho bill and linked to see the proprietor the landlord came down in response to the coll beaming lb smiles the kremhinan rushed up to him exclaiming ah let roe embrace you let me ttoes you hut why do you want la embrace me sir 7 i dont understand ah salre but look at this bill your blut yes but what of ut vot of it 7 why it mean sal i sau nqvalre nevaire awe you agalo salre all night with asthma everyone knows how attacks of asthma often keep their victim awoke tbe whole night long morning finds htm wholly unfitted for a day of business and yt business must still be aarrled througa all this night suffering and look of rest can bo avoided by tbe prompt use of dr d j keiloggb asthma remedy which positively does drive away the attagks n nosey people of aft th contemptible creatures that btqlct themselves upon society the longnosed sniffer of moral ob liquity are tbe most unbearable there ore some fcaople who scent evil where no one else ban discern the ghost of suspicion beware of the man is ever suspicious of other people and who is constantly imputing motives par rather be deceived than live b an atmosphere of distrust and gus piolon of everybody the suspicious man ddes himself more injury than uose who- ehoructerur motives he judges or impugns tbe indulgence in the disposition contrasts and narrows a man into moral loth dont be suspicious rather be beaten or sold than go about with n onoor end be classed with those who have not a good word for anybody as a rule the cynic is rio better if h be not worse than those against whoni hi aynlolsm 4s directed solomon in shoe sod leather journal a su4e reminder he was o rapid young man and kept very late hour lie was golnv a long journey and on bidding fare- well to hi beloved said to hen dor h fig when i am far away will you gase at y nosier star- every njjrht and think of mt i win indeed dearest rifle re plied if f needed anything td re mind me of vqu i would choose thst very star v why dear he oskqd n because it la always out so very lato at hlght and looks mo pole to the morning i notable special offer the hoover cleaner is being sold during october only 460 down baunce 12 monthly payments of sbj0s dont beat your rvgs in the back yard tbb foil call and we njjl demonstrate this special ov- per for october only the acton hyfjro shop 4 f r t railway time tables anadian nationalrailways at acton no 20 no tl no si no as no 30 tno 35 sunday 8 00 am loskaun 2j9 pjo s os pjn 0 20 pin 10 10 a m no 30 n6 ao no 14 no 3b no m no if bunday 7 0c anx 1111 an s sb pjn 8 00pm 8 20pm 7 08 pan- cooler nights and lower prices on wood these cool nights when you do not need a flro for long is when wood comes in handy to take the cblll off tha huuno and what wilt be more wolcomo nows is that tho prion has boon reduced and the following prices are now in effect mixed slabs 300 load haxdffrjov slabs and short wood 4jq0 load best body cordwood 4 root vqjru 1000 cord and at this season of tho year it la most profllbaln to do your cooking with wood you warm tho house at tho same time and your fuel does double duty each load is guaranteed a full single cord phone 20 d a henderson we deliver promptly snug comfort for four passengers phe chevrolet fourpassenger j- coupe is a personal closed car cotafortablc and efficient it is easy to drive easy to handle in traffic easy to turn around or park on city streets its convenience is appreciated by experienced drivers and novices alike- yet this car will accom modate four passengers comfortably on long drives tourists will like tho luggage compartment under trie rear deck convenient place to put suitcases club bags and parcels the woman driver will appreciate the beauty and fine appointments of the pourpassenger coupe the man will like its power and endurance its low upkeep expense and its complete equipment like all other chevrolet models the four- passenger coupe may be bought on easy terms ask us about the gamc deferred payment plan fisher king representatives for this section call ohthem at or write and they will call on vou georgetown torla mqther fletchers ciwtoria is a harmless v for castor oil paregoric ttfjiinr drops and soothing syrups prcparcd to relieve infanta in arrns and children all ages of cojuupattqtt wind oolic flatulency to sweeten stomach drarrbea ftregulate bowels aids in the assimilatioa oi fowpnxaotubjc cheedulocm rest and natural sleep without opfattb wr i to old linitatw always tea for e sjtnrror gwrfr7m proven dlrrctjonipii rtcfo pry brkuna eteyfjrhcre coomtsid ll canadian national electric railways westbound dally except sunday 7 43 urn dally 0 48 am dally 11 t om dally hi pm dally 3 43 p m dally 1 c 49 p m dally 7 11pm dally b 43 pjn dally ojn eoatbound dally 7 43 am doily except sunday d42 om dally 11 43 am daily i pjn daily s 43 p m daily v t 13 pm dally dally dolly 7 43 pm 943pm 11 40 p ro freight deuvared try special express freight freight picked up at any ad- dress in toronto join our christmas club christmas presents watches clocks jcwel- ery stationery china and glass large assortment oi full stock of school sties wallpapers and window shades h w hinton watchmaker and jeweller su n to lata om hyntf acton toronto is t e gibbons expert shoe repairing prompt attention to orders left t e gibbons jja1n 8toebt aottjn 33 tahbeixs teachers guide to the intsmauonsi sunday school lessens improved uniform couvse for 192s twentieth annual volume by martha torpell ph d prl6e s2jw postpaid the ryer80n press 2v9 queen street west toronto start on monday at gtielph boolneas coueg oulph ontario approved courses individual irsritruction isvery graduate located it is a faol there are good remunerotivo positions awaiting you when thoroughly qualified a l bouok prlnoipol and proprlster diamonds of quality h like most other things dia monds may be either good bad or indiftorent ty a tine diamond is distin guished by purity of color freedom from flaws and quality of cutting h these characteristics com bine to produce tbe fife and rare brilliancy that is the outstanding quality of every true gem we handle diamonds or fino quality only these wo buy direct in large quanti ties always for spotcash h savage co jeweuera qublph ontario i a 2 v w isq

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