Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 30, 1924, p. 6

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v birth varrurei and death- are mm charatd or f the louearina nieii hlrthi i nc mania fat sect dcatha son weraonu eanlf 50c ia per lias extra jot poena i married camimclli mophbilhon at oir manse llalllnnfa i on thursday oolobnr 10 1b24 by hv n wo 1 1ill ii i mr jctin alexander ainpbell tii mlsa surah jiun mdhorson lotli of galodoit died law at oenoral hoailta duelo on saturday ootohnr sb 1024 francis law aged 94 years btbwartat htonoy crook on frmay october 17 1014 mary hnv4r wife ot pycd htmrt flmp a jffrgg foggh tiiunspay octodein ao 14 brief local itemb ah hallowe on tomorrow ovonlnt got your coaturaoe ready tor tin big parade to morrow evening ootohnr certainly avo flno woalbas for full work a whole month of it 5acton will hold the annual thank glvlub annlatteo bervlce on monday narorpbor 10 i there aro 81 prises to bo given in the masquerade parade in aoton on hallowe en tho noxt mooting of tho county council will bo held on tuesday after noon november 4 burlington town council ta pavlnb 3zo per square yard for cement walk and 1 1 00 per cubic yard for grading now u the time to commenco advertising for tho chrlatmaa holiday trade they all read tub kb p ada avaunt ye bootlegaera promler forguaon la after you and hall got you sure if you try to live up to your nam a tho hallowe en parade will pro vide opportunity for enjoying a aane hallowe en tonftrrow evening there will bo lota of fun the aacratnont of the lord a sup per will be odminlaterod at tho morning aervtce at the methodist church next sunday brampton n population haa in creased 81 during the year and la now 4 s59 the total acreage of the town la now 1 214 acres chealey haa let a contract ror tho erection of a war memorial in that town at tn estimated coat of fit 600 it la to be erected by july 1 1926 the j w hewetaon cj employee ore orranslna for a field meet to no held in tbe park next saturday good hat of eventa haa been planned rev f m matthowa b d fellow atudont or rev j culp paator of the methodist church died hi tor onto on saturday alter a long illness oet your costume ready for the halloween parade tomorrow night therell be many of them unique ar tlatlo and grotesque yours may win a prlae dont throw waste paper on the street the council haa passed j bylaw lttfltattaa rather heavy penal ilea for this offonoe use tqe street receptacle ra new parcel post rate for great britain foe into effect on november 1 after that date tbe rate will be j4o for- the first pound and lbo for each succeeding- pound november cornea on saturday wo all hope it will give us blue afcles as well aa gray onea warm days aa well as chill ones and a good generous quota of indian summer el y barracloufh olenwllllams ha been appointed by the county council to the hbrb school board qoorgetown to nniab tbe term of rev r a cameron deoeoaed mr hu1 loabr who baa been working on tbe provincial hlfbway near owen sound during- tbe summer went to belleville on saturday to take oharge of road machinery there pouca maaiatrata watt ofaoeph haa been appointed under tbe magls- tratea extended jurladlctlon act n- liatfatrate for the county oflweuliur- ton in addition to hi duties at quelph a fine sample of alexandra apple have bean displayed in tna pas paaaa window during the weelg these apples were crown in the orchard of mr crewson mclaughlin main street ktne splendid silver cup donated by messrs grafton h co dunda ut acton fall fair waa won by mr john raff it has been on exhlbltloh in ira faaa pamas window for several days n getting ready tof winter you will find articles about the homo you no longer reaulre why not try and find aale for them by putting an adlot in tm fan paaaa a few cent will pay the cost tbe usual armistice day two minute alienee will be observed tuesday november 11 t 11 a n throughout the british empire this u in addition to tbe observance of arfolstloe day nd thanksgiving day an monday november 10 neighborhood news- town and country oakville 1 out llghtn liuvtt boon orecuid on tho highway 1 1 iilgo auporlod on nlundartla rorr i liillnji in design to thotin ii m j al mitt oollioriio ulrout tmtkliijc drlvlnif condition n tho i rulgo a grout ilunt bottor than thoy have boon churchill mine jamloson or toronto spoko of the congrogational mlaalons in africa at tho service in tho church hero on sunday afternoon many fact of keen in eroot were prokotitad in mlas jomlu- sona vary imply wy thn ladloa of tho congregation iyoro ilddroaaed on monday afternoon re n 60 ting tho women of africa and thn advancement made among thorn since the goo ims 1 mosaagu was takon to thom uonoroua offorlnga for tho mlanlon fund wore contributed ballinafad has mr john drawn of speodsido moved into mr longstroot o houao on lot 6 tho eighth lino mra ooorge ulnnlo who wo takon tu quelph hospital a couple of weokr ago la not improving ua rapidly aa waa ho nod nho would mra henry hitchcock haa returnod to her homo hero after spending a fow wooka with hor monde in toronto nas8agaweya tho inquest on tho death of androw aon of john lllmour of noaaagaweyo who waa killtfti in a motor accident found that the car waa travelling at a moderate apoed the wheel struck i ui the uir akfddod and upset into the ditch tho vordlot was accldontal death with no blamo attaobed to anyone itov sir irvine of ouolph will p roach in tho bbeneaer church next sunday morning at 11 o clock and officiate in the sacramental servlcea following turnip pulling la now the order of the day they are a good crop this year dr and mra l 1l wllaon and family of armada mich are visit uig relatlvee and frlonds in nassa gaweya at present mr j y norrlah had a very good sale of thoroughbred stock last tues day rev manson doyle of toronto will preach anniversary sermons in eben- eser church on sunday november the enterprising town 4 acton haa had receptaole placed in oon- venlenlplace for the depositing of paper peels nut shell and other small waste that so litter our street and make them unsightly a few such in winchester would be a good thing winchester preaa vexed with the rural voter for the way they supported the retention of the o t a a quelph hotel pro prietor put the ban on all farmers and had closed hi door ta tbem when thoy went 16 the city to market on saturday this action 1 similar to that taken forjy years ago in many places when the sooll act came inloj foroa bad sousbup saionuy morning fifteen car of a btoek train were derailed near malton fifteen freight oar of be rogrular freight no uz stratford 16 toronto through acton want off the track about one and a half miles we4fof malton tn saturday morning on the cnr ten of the were loaded with cattle of whloh about m had to be slaughtered by a staff of butcher hurried out to the aoene am a result of the wreck several pasaonxer train which atop at acton ware hl up and did not arrive until several hoars later the morning mall oama by way of burlington and wo qvot two hours late investigation into tbe causa oi the derallmant revealed the fact that a broken truck on one of the cam was the primary 04110 auxiliary trains from stratford and toronto weri promptly on the cono and busy clean ins up the wreckage in order that the track might be cleared fur traffla the auxiliary train from stratford passed through acton about s10 o dock and the train from toront1 with a wrecking crew wis at tha ao aidant at 716 0 clock the train waa a regular way frelfht and was in charge of conductor lamb- ton of stratford and unglneer mann alao of that city the wreck waa cleared track re paired and traffic resumed about rtv oclock saturday ervtnlnf rockwood a quiet but pvetty wedding was aolemnlxed at the presbyterian manue at kockwood on wednesday october 22 when rev mr little united in marrlaie malalo h orleve only daughter of mr and mr john grieve of eramoaa to mr s j armstrong alao of kramosa the bride wore a becoming ault of navy blue with grey trimming and small grey velvet hat after the ceremony thoy returned to the home of tbe bride where a dainty wedding breakfast awaited tbem after which they left on a motor trip they will reside at 112 stuart street quelph the bride and groom received many beautiful presents showing the esteem in whloh they wero held both by their friend in quelph and eramosa the death of mrs john r watson in toronto hospital on the 17th inst caused deep regret in this commun ity she had been ailing for some time but it was a shock to her many friend to hoar of her death mr watson went to her husband a home near eden mill when a bride and was esteemed by her neighbor and by every one who knew her bealdea her sorrowing husband she leaves to mourn her losa her young son and three jlttie daughter who will mls a mothers loving core alao bar father mr wultom burns and her only alater mrs q bayne botii of rockwood the funeral took place from the presby terian church rockwood to everton cemetery nnd waa very largely at tended the husband and family have the sympathy of the community in this tune of sore bereavement not many places con show a better record than rockwood tn the o t a election lost week i7e dry to 77 wet la a record to be proud of rockwood doesn t want booze and i prepared to help tho premier to make things hot for the bootlegger mr w harris dr x e f mo- cullougb and mr q r martin formed a deputation which waited on mr w j plfcrott divisional superintendent of the cnr stratford in quelph one day hist week to appeal for change in train service hcy aakod that trains no 2d and 38 atop at rockwood this service had been discontinued to the great incanven lence of tbl community and tncludlnat number of bupll who am attending school in quelph they made repre sentatlona to mr plggott of the neoea slty of bavin tho train schedule ar delegation that the matter would re celve the earnest consideration of tn proper department actonfe hfjlowcen parade bigger than ever list of prtxa for the fin annual event through the fine co operative aplrlt of the oltlxens of acton and vicinity the hallowe en parade thl year promise to be bbjger and more varied than ever the aoton chi tons band and tho duke of devonshire chapter of the i ode have charge of the details but everyone 1 helping make it a tine aucces in the canvas for prises among the business people of acton and vicinity a fine spirit of co oporu tlon was met with and the result is a prise 41st with prises for every cim and costume conceivable the follow ing la the hat of prise for the eventa to be awarded best costumed married couple first second and third prises beat costumed ludy first second and third prise beat costumed olrl under is years tlrst aeoond and third prise beat cualumed olrl ander 14 years lrat second and third prises beat coe turned girl under years or at aecond and third jvlse beat costumed man arl aecond und third prise best costumed boy under ll years first second and third prise best costumed boy under ib years first aecond and third prise beat costumed boy under i yeara i first sooond and third prise special class halloween ceetuma klrt prise for men first prise for ladle first pris for boy under ii years first prise for girls upder 1 year the prise are now on exhibition m johnstone a gos show window with prise uokets showing what each prise is given tor tha parade will form up at 7 ib in front qf the band hull on mill street marshall b v konyon will be lu charge of the procession und beud the parade the band will follow in their ghost costume and then tho nulaqueradera the route of the parade wlu be an- nounoed by the marshal on that even ing the judging ww tuke plaoe on mill street at the post oftlo block the block between mallow and john- blrael will be roped ofa and truhto diverted during- the judgm if favored with on weitbor this event should prova una pf tha mpst inlereetln of tha year interfiling meeting of pressmen at waterloo and enjoyable inspectlot of noiafale institutions or tha twlrr cities it waa only 11 co inddonco unit thr- minting t wlhujritnn district 1ron t asmiclntlon wufftotd on kriilay lint in a locality whem tlio ilivy t uforo hi wottcut nmjorlty who n nrftod i 1 ointrul otitnrln m nthn fov nil invitation wan acuuptnd tit tho ricot ins at elnrn to hold tho octinxtr ikoot inff atwuterloo tho udvnrao vote on thn f lob loci to did not h wnvor dmp on itf any respool tho lutoroat or success of this gathering ii newspaper mon delightful autumn woapior pro i vailed thoro woro nunnhlny akloa and warm tempo rat urea and rofdlal wnl i comos from tho odllora and pubhshorm i of wntorfoo and kltohoner and tin asnombly wan nm of tio lutgcat ii the hlatory or thla aaaooiatlon tho forenoon wua dovnted to tin- dlscuaaliin of unicttml topics of special intoroat to the nowuj upor mop proanjil including nubarrlptlon ruun a iv r tlnlng raton prlcv11 fur 1 rlntlng and general trade probom tho proaident mr j c tom lh of fergus in an intoruntlng ud iroae roforrod to mat torn o ho discussed and nofod ills plnanuro in tho prenonr 1 at iho meeting of mr lornu a eedy walkorton prcaldont of tho canudlin weekly nowsimpoi- association mr e roy saylos toronto tho munagor and mr j a mc luron ilnrrlo th chairman of thn ontario ktctlon t tho fassoolatlon luoh of tliobo ratnomo 1 1 llciulrfuvo pruotlcnl addroasos und dlacunalon of live inlorout followed tim party numbering about thirty wmh ontortatnrxl nt luncheon thronaljl the hoapltatlty of mraara bean of thn waterloo chronic in and mr a j mots of the kitchener now record in letter a hall a very flnqgpaflt was provided by ij10 mombora of tho waterloo society of victorian nurse which all enjoyed very cordial words of welcome woro spoken in addroasos by mayor henderson an 1 w d eulor kaq m 1 editor of tho kltchunor news record tho afternoon wiuj spent in an auto tour of twatorloo and kitchener visit ing numerous polntu of interest amonir those wero tho splendidly equipped ofllcaa of tho waterloo chrqnlcle in which tha mtunra bean oxecuto most of tho printing for tho numerous insurance compaqlo local od in their town the drive included inspection of tho beautiful parks of waterloo and kitchener both of which have feature of commondiblo utility and pleasure call were made nt tho lutheral seminary the oqlcee of tho mutual life assurance co and tho dominion life insurance company in both of which tho largo staffs of the respective companies have very comfortable well lighted quarter an interesting visit was mndo lo the newly equipped technical coin giate schoql jointly ostabllahed by jltchoner and waterloo this is one of the best school of it typo in on tarlo wt curriculum both in theory and mechanical instruction is compre hensive it staff of loatructorn from the principal mr harry brown throughout ore expert in their re pqctlvo department thoro are 781 atudont enrolled this term the twin cities now have two un usually flno hospitals equipped with modorn scientific hospital appll nnces the kitchener waterloo ho pltal has accommodation for 100 patients and is taxed to capacity bl marys hospital a new roman cath lie institution lust opened lonl week nd coating about 1600 000 stands mt tho westerly terrain u of queen street on a commanding elevation overlook ing the city is a magnificent i lace everything known to- modern sclen o for treatment of ailments or accidents to the human body ha been securod and put info commission thn ar rangement of corridors ward opera t ing rooms dletlo kitchen dlspensar les equipment furnishing etc aho that conyenlenc comfort and perfect sanitation have been carefully atudted by tbe architect and bulldln com mittee thjj grounda when tho land scape gardening 1 completed and thn walk laid will present a moat attract tlve aspect and the perfect isolation of th hospital premises through the securing of generous areas ot sur rounding land render the institution idear from tho standpoints of aanlta tlon and quietness the lady super lor and most of the staff or nurses were transferred from st mary uoa pltal hamilton tha chapel 1 a very beautiful feature of the now hospital it la characterised by a restful sytn pathy of treatment and a quiet dig nlty that are singularly appealing tli walls are of creamy white and tho altars of white and gold tho windows of softly colored glass coat n mellow light over tbe little sanctuary of peace while the afternoon un sifts through three small windows ubovo tha main aliar tho personal interest and patriotic pride of tho people of waterloo and utchener in then splendid public in stitutlons is an admirable jralt of aittsenahip arid engender op espritt notes of the election tho peoul of ontailo decided a ill clrtod eniphntlruljy that inonoy npent fur wot goodn would not buy dry goods uutdln kuvo a ii nn uccount or laolf at tho oloctiin with 140 dryn und majority of k4 tho ronult wnm yory m ttlfu tory hi rulliri votlfirouu ljilm of 111 uiun of tho vflmor ntrnw hut mint urn wutu would hovo i majority of 100 00l nitlior vnnlsliod into thin air about ml lulglit when tho mnjorlty for tho ota hogan to climb locally tho hattlo wis koonly fought hut with tho utmost good nuturo throughout twill bo jul now ror tbo bootlegger upon conviction for flrnt offence that in oum tho promler promlsod it tho trado in native wines which ha teen a cnanaoo over slnoe tho o wo put into forco should t in tha xlcutlng 11 4 bit put in tha wunu clai 1 oth a now w in- now for liard work ull togothor to muku our community what ll ought to i o a j lace wltliout a welcomo from unyune tu iho b tho dry flout want him i novor did tho wot have been declaring him un outlaw for wouku past were quite at one on thin lots work it nut timro urn hundrodtt of fathorm and mother in town lo day who aro prouj to reflot t tliut thi y votud for atifoty f their nonir and daughtorm lnl tiiumluy un htrmikol hut onn run acrouu v ry fow olec ti ni 110w wli 1 volo 1 wot lumt woctc acton wtimod worker woro right on th j h t olght clock dnd kept nt it until tho laat vole wu pollod at ulx o lock a numbor of thom gladly bonnt that thoy woro tho first o voto at their reapcotlve polling placou fc no one will ovor again truthfully- say thut our women do not value tholr frunchljh thtrv wero first to tho ikjii and at noon mafo woman lutd voted in town than mon ontario clioaa tho boy and not the government sold botllo thts tqwn nobly auntalnod hor re pututlon for landing up for tho boat tlijngs fortlio homo tho community and tho country in tho voto laat thursday willing workers woro numerous mote r curs wero abundant and wore dylvon by tholr owner and all these rofloct thankfudy upon the rosult achieved in aoton in tho county and province many flrnt votes were cast by youne men and worn on and it 1 significant that moat of thoao wore polled for tho ontario temporanca act many a mother in town said on thursday lm glad i could poll my vote to keep away temptation from my boy and othor mothers boys much credit is duo to mr a t hrown for hi splondld radio service the night of tho election ills htort wo crowded nil evening and the loud speaker of tho radio set announced hhe returns cloarly und distinctly o th it all could hour thero were mingled fooling of joy and chagrlnni tho no mujorlty vaacllated from the wet to the dry column an expression of appreciation was tandorod mr brown for his goojrou service during the evening aa those who enjoyed ll felt some recognition should bo shown mr brown tutor turned the nntlre collection oyer to tho acton cltixena hand to help the band funds two brampton utilities have mishap int wook i tramp ton had two rather untoward oxperleqva a brosk in the water main under iho ere ok on quaon htrcot docrcahi d ttio riupply in tho reservoir by flvo fool before iho ilutnuged main wan dlnravered u toqulrol iiourly a wookto tnako tho nocoiianry repair nod a ronsldorubta at cu of tho town wan without town water during that time on ihnredny n i real in a trannforrnnr on main htrnot oci urre i an 1 tho current wua iff fur twelve hour order storm windows now qef our money savlna price list ehow ing freight paid cost of storm windows glased complete any also tho halt day co ltd tiamllton ontario village of acton notice of registration of bylaw notice la hepoby given that a bylaw was passed by the municipal council of tho village of aoton on tho twon tloth day of october 1924 a number c64 providing for tho luauo of dohen tures to the amount of 1 032 w for the purrfoso of defraying the coat of the construction comont nl do walk mcontly laid within tha said vlllaffu und that such ity law was registered in tho i ion la try omco f r tho registry dlvllnn of the county of halton 011 thn twenty hocond day of octohor 1024 u number 2tt2 any motion to quash or set nstdo tho mfno or any part thereof mut ho made within three month after tho first publication of this notion undcannot ho made thero after data i thl thlrth th day r octohor a d 1024 ii 3 ii n fahmhlt clerk 9havvs business schools toronto still load in high qrndn couriton and huccessful oraduatc that is why they havo grown from 1 to 11 in nuvnher all located in tor- nu whorrkvocords are yearly proven so i nonrly nil graduates aro employed iroo calondar on request w if shaw iresdotit 4 lllpor west tor onto dopt o morjgage sale fall weight underwear ip drnihabi p frame cottaflc of deoirarle frame cottage and lot oh the south wast bide of main street i in the vlllao of act an under thr powor of aale avintalel in a certain mortgage made by william and may boymuk to tha vendor which will bo produced at tho nalo thoro will bo offored for sale by public auction on the premises by robert j kerr auctioneer on wednesday november 12 1024 at 2 o clock p m that certain parcel or tract of land and promise known a part of lot 113 according to hut cheon s plan of the village of acton registered a no 124 and morn pir tlcularty described in tho said mort bngo tho property haa a frontage of ubmit 70 foot by a depth of 120 foot and thoro 1 oroctod on ttio uamn 1 nub mlantial whlto frame collage withtoii foundation and collar terms op halk ton por oont of iho puroliaao money i to ito ajd to the vendor s solicitor on tho day of nalo nuftlolant to make up one thirl thereof in ton day thereafter unit tho balance may remain on mortgage tha premise at 6 per cent or bo paid in cash at tha purchaser option immodlato possession can be riven to a purchaser complying with theni condition tho property will bo of ferod tar salo subject to a reserve bid further particulars and condition of salo may be obtained from the auctioneer or from h n farmer vendors solicitor 17 s acton ontario the peoples store ih nhowlng n flno assortment of new flannel c4 inches at par yard alio riannelu 32 incho wide nl1 10 per yard thoao flannel uru tho boat that money can purchase mrs a reespr mill street acton mclean co mill street mend merino twopiece shirts and drawers sfics 34 lo 44 special price 1 00 and 125 menfj merino combinations sizes 34 to 44 special at j230 per suit mens natural wool tumbuirs make twopiece shirts and drawers at 200 and z2z mens natural wool combinations turnbull s make sizes 14 to 44 spccinlh nt 150 and 4 00 mens hlack wool socks attspricesthcsc men s sods are all pure scotch wool in black only sizes id 10 and ii good value at 75c pnir special at 50c pair boy wool sweater coats make a good coat for boy going to school colors arc brown and heather good value at i 1 jt and 1 r mens sweater coats sizes 30 to 42 h brown and heather a strong coat for every di special at i25 and450 special in ladies vests wo have fl dozen of these vests fall weight no sleeves sizes 30 and 38 good value at 5c each special at 65c 2 for s125 mclean co mill street acton ont ranged oo to resume their aeryice toi corp tuang lhe t genoro j f r haa reaulted in the aatlsructory conditions preralllng a drive through these- two town rive very pleasing evidence of tho industry and frugality of eltlsen gen erally the beautiful homes well kept lawns tidy streets and ganoratly attractive surroundings lmprea any observant visitor the following warw in attendance j c templln and hugh tern pi tn newe ilacord kargua a w wright becretary treasurer and 8 b black burn con fed era to mount forest lome a body telescope- walkartonl ul itoy boylea manager weekly news papers association toronto jam laren examiner barrio t a oar dlllor itevlew ilarrlulon h h mila and w tiamaon bbcprea klora ii moore und q a dilla fiuc 1rcj ton ills on liafter btitorprlao arthur cameron keater ulgnet el mlra b mconiro a v mklt trick t j d k11u banner orangevllle b j aaiutl advocate drayton geo psaree tiiioratv blmcoe lcyne w appet tavlstoek jou4 o ius in deendent new hamburg qaorgv k hudaon herald haspelert v hfhpff advocat 1alaley j an jobaaon oasette mlldmay geo a ugll nows- record oi in toil cllve itoy and x a chronicle waterloo and w i jfulsr m p w 3 mots t h kay and a h lowe tfcally ilecard kitchens to the electors of halton as ugent of tho o t a in halton county i wish to express my gratitude o tho largo numler of- loyal men und woman who gave themselves ao i stlntlngly in thlm cam pal un our workers woro all volunteers from the officer through tho wholo corpa of worker and it reveal the fact that tho greatjioart of the citizens of halton beats loyally with the worthy merit of retaining prohibition old halton did herself proud and show that this banner prohibition county intend to load the way for a dry ontario i trust that nit may work to uphold the promler and hi government in tho m trie to t onofrcometit of the act j ii tolbnbrt who masqufltaj damc in the town hall acton halloween friday october 31 indoor garden party monday nov 3rd methodist church the programme kitchen orchestra vocal solos duetts trios readings etc refreshment booth foil stock of garden party refreshments served during intermission silver collection auspices of young peoples leaoug good cheer open grate heater see our window display a new slylo quebec heater that resembles an open grate stove has folding doors in front and stove may be burned withdoors cither open or closed has spark guard for use with doors open this is a heater stove that must bo seen to be appreciated wo also carry a full line of quebec heaters and quebec ranges with all attachments w d talbot we deliver radio christmas club join now by making a wcekjy payment now ym may secure youc set tar christmas three hundred hgh powered brofjdca5tirg stations across the continent aro calling to you and your family they arc offering the talent of world famed artists for your entertainment and you can enjoy it all nt christmas time can you think of a better gift for your homo or bottor still secure your outfit now on our monthly installment plan and enjoy this excellent entertainment at once call to day and ask us about these planb halton farmer- killed hi auto accident robert caeva f hornby killed fvhan car ooe v0 cm- t bankenent a fatal automobile accident oocu- jrd at prtintuuln at 4 oclock dunday evenlnr ta which robert cleaves a sarmer of hornby lost hi luv mr cleave wa drlvln a tourlnc oar aocompftnled by hi wife and two ohltdren mia walter thompson and her two children of oeuraetown whllo travelllua north on the haventli una pavement tewurd home mr cleavas turned out to ullow an upproaohlnc car with bflkht headlights to bass when hi cat ouplad und rolled down a 14foot emba h waa in atantly killed a palna car atoppot and aevernl men lifted the wrckl cur uu und ra loosed iho other ocou ttnnt who were practically unlhjured mr leaves who win about 3t years of jaaw was wetl known and hlhly nspeoted in th dlatrlot the bodyi waa taksn to c it turners uiidertakj in uarjor at milton a t brown reprcuenuuve n ciwtdey weafinghouse cleartone and stronuwrkcarlwn r4lp ohu a6tom pwt cadesky sa dr j of toronto eyesight specialist will be at a t browns drug store acton monday november 3 anyone suffering from eye train defective vision or headache should not mlas the opportunity of consultln thl eyoslftht specialist consultation free offioe hour 0 nt till 6 pm economy the watchword of todajr why not save 25 per cent- on your fuel bui wl can positively put money to the pocket of any person who uses coal or wood in a stove or furnace our patent device easily attached to any smoke pipe provide safety economy prevents trouble and costs but little representatives wanted in each locality the automatic fuej ecquonizep cq 195 victoria street toronto one week of reduced prices on all dresa hats readytoweus shapes mounts and flowers miss j gaij1ra1th millinery and fancy goods store phone- 109 mill street anniversary services limohouse prebbytehan church wlfl lib hblid on siwday oveiviber 2nd at 2j0 oclock key jmmeo jf borland of toronto will be the preacher at twb beryls special mustc wilt be given by georgetown pfcgbtenai choir awilled by mm ajeuler of philadelphia teameeting cniiif an old fashioned tc dgrammo has been arrangei admlason 25c come and enjoy younelf on monday ovening an old fashioned tea mooting wll bo held a special programmo has been arranged the best in meats they have quality they are tender ihey aro frtsh but not too fresh they aro properly prepared they are cut and sold hum cleanly manner they arc delicious wholesome and pleasant to serve do you want h roabt that will be juicy and tender whin hot thut will slice up nicely when cold r veal lamb bciti pork the best ot each an experience of some year ip the business of supplying meat is ours und the bcncllt of what wc huvv learned is yours when you order here wc know all ubout the meat we bell and wo wont sell it uiies the best on tho market whln vou deal at pattersons you ge choicest ml at mkved right watch our wiiufowb priday and satuj w j patterson lay corner mux and main streets acton ont

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